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December 31, 2012


Danube of Thought

First? And hell, I'm on the left coast.


In today's Deathles Dialogue, we try to find some comedy right before we plunge off the cliff. So we feature the stand up stilings of retiring congressman Dennis Kucinich and the never retiring Sheila Jackson-Lee:


Now, I am off for the egg nog. Well fortified egg nog...

Melinda Romanoff

I could see an opportunity for all sorts of "investments" that would happen under this scheme. Let alone, the opportunity for Congressional indulgences.


Do we expect a report about Hillary's health situation? A blood clot is serious.The Bush family gave updates during the elder President Bush's illness.They were considerate of the public's concern about his health status.


No, marlene. We have to guess....but if we guess or ask questions we are evil. Clinton aide Philippe Reines will let us know what we need to know.
BTW, where's Huma?


Ah, Sheila gave it away, the Anansazi are the key to the alien takeover, didn't she watch the X files,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

But this real estate venture amounts to writing a check and getting a green card while an American entrepeneur builds something for which financing would otherwise be unavailable a monument to himself.


He quite nearly captured the bizarreness of this year;


Btw, the Luhrmann adaptation looks even worse then the one that Robert Evans I think did with Redford,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I think people who doubt Hillary's blood clot story are shameful.
It is inconceivable to me that the most powerful woman in the country who hides critical evidence from special prosecutors and magically turns $100 in to $100,000 would get a doctor's note to avoid testifying.
In fact, considering how often "she can't recall" when previously testifying it seems safe to assume she's been suffering from a cerebral blood clot for perhaps decades.
Edmund Hillary weeps.



Health problems, even if imaginary, probably make her 2016 Presidential run much more problematic. I'll take her spokesman's word for it, for now.


From the folks who gave Roger Goodell, what could possibly go wrong?



We have an illegal alien as Commander in Chief who got in for free and look at what he has done for job creation...

As for the §144 bias or prejudice, I believes that Honorable John D Bates has a personal bias or prejudice either against me and/or in favor of the Respondent. The reasons for the belief that such bias or prejudice exists is found in his Memorandum Order of December 19, 2012. In particular, in that opinion, the Honorable John D Bates:
a. Mis-applies the pejorative term “birther” to me demonstrating his complete lack of understanding of the issues I raise and his utilization of ad hominem reasoning in adjudicating my claim. Indeed, he continues by mis-characterizing my argument as based upon the claim that Obama was “supposedly was not born in the United States.” In fact, I make no such claim but instead raise the incontestable issue that Obama’s father was not a U.S. Citizen and the documents that support Obama’s claim to be born in Hawaii appear to be forgeries.

b. Refuses to allow oral argument to enlighten him on points of fact and law that he clearly misunderstood.

c. Patently violated LCvR 65.1(d). On November 14, 2012, I filed my “Verified Motions for Preliminary Hearing and Expedited Discovery and Demand for Hearing”. In that motion, I specifically requested a hearing pursuant to LCvR 65.1(d)3 which obligates Judge Bates to rule upon the Motion for Preliminary injunction within twenty-one (21) days. Yet, thirty-five (35) days later, Judge Bates had failed to discharge his obligation imposed by LCvR 65.1(d). [...]

Here, the Honorable John D Bates is knowingly assisting Defendant Obama by refusing me access to the Grand Jury to present evidence of his criminal behavior in order to hinder or prevent Defendant Obama’s trial or punishment. As such, the Honorable John D Bates is arguably an “accessory after the fact” and thus his “impartiality might reasonably be questioned” in making rulings in this matter. [...]


Misquoted and called names? Unheard of.

Old Lurker

Why would anyone capable of creating a bunch of jobs waste their time and capital doing it in the US?

Why would such a person want to become a US citizen just so their personal global income from all sources can be taxed in the US at corporate rates higher than anywhere else in the world?

Just wondering.


Preliminary tests have shown

anomalies under Clinton's dome

It appears Huma was bleeding

While Hilary was pleasing

The clot may not be her own

Captain Hate

Has there been one syllable of concern for Muffer by Slick?

Rob Crawford

Seems like a great program to let drug cartels launder their money and get loyal henchmen into the US.

Although they probably won't use it -- illegals have more liberty inside the US than legal immigrants.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Gerald Nadler to call for banning automobiles.
Oh wait a minute; his fat ass actually needs a car to get around.

Smoking related deaths=450,000+/-
Alcohol related deaths=75,000+/-
Automobile related deaths=35,000+/-
Gun related deaths=30,000+/-

And illicit drug use kills 17,000+/-, approximately equaling all homicides.
Isn't it time we banned illicit drugs?


I suspect the blood clot is legit. Risk factors for blood clots include being overweight and spending long hours on airplanes. I still have my doubts about the "concussion."

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I do not make a case either for or against the existence of a blood clot in Hillary's brain.

I do ridicule those who dismiss the idea that this miserable half of a pair of the most misbegotten liars on planet earth would fake such a thing at the drop of a hat if it suited her purposes.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Has there been one syllable of concern for Muffer by Slick?

Posted by: Captain Hate | December 31, 2012 at 10:06 AM--

I'm sure he's at her side, after all there are a helluva lot of lonely nurses in a hospital.


Speaking of the absurd and the mendacious;



He's the chaplain of their Naval Academy, no mere scribbler;


Danube of Thought

"As such, the Honorable John D Bates is arguably an 'accessory after the fact....'"

A conspiracy so vast....


When even Greenwald has more principles then you, as noted here;


Captain Hate

I'm sure Clenis has played doctor and nurse quite a few times away from Rodhamville

Captain Hate

What a nice religion, narc.


Has there been one syllable of concern for Muffer by Slick?

Excellent point, Captain!

Jim Eagle

This has been tried before. Ask the Irish.

Lots of Arabs with Irish passports.


I think their focus was too narrow, it a rather systemic failure, across the board,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--What a nice religion, narc.--

I was reading the comments at narc's link and after reading the usual lame-brained "towel head" comments I noticed one knowledgeable and sagacious commenter noted this guy isn't just some crank; he's the chaplain of the Saudi naval academy.

Then I noticed the wise and sagacious one was our very own narciso. :)


I have a certain respect for those who would smite us, and noting that he isn't an outlier, he is part of the the Wahhabi machinery of state, is an important consideration,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Lots of Arabs with Irish passports.--

Yeah, there's quite a difference between an Indian or Chinese engineer plunking down some dough for a green card and some spoiled, twelfth-rank, prince-by-marriage Abu Dhabian dropping 500 large so he can [best case] build his own Playboy mansion in Dearborn with burkha clad bunnies or [worst case] spend his spare time in a flight simulator.

Jim Eagle

And he is a young guy compared to the Ayatollahs and senile Imans. IOW's he is only getting started.


We're getting updates on the health of Hugo Chavez,but not Hillary.
If we are cynics about the Clintons,what a sad commentary about the way they've conducted their public and private lives. I disliked her from the moment she said she could have stayed home and baked cookies. I remember thinking,who is this woman?


Have we heard anything from Hillary's doctors? It's all "Philippe Reines says" as far as I can see...& some speculation by other Drs. about blood clots in general.


Jay Peak's finances may be in the toilet and in need of ME/Chinese escapee investment, but at least the weather is cooperating. 30+ inches of snow December 21-30. I was in Stowe, just beautiful all week.

Melinda Romanoff

Hillary! has a history of DVT, or deep vein thrombosis. Those suspecting it's in relation to a "concussion" (aka Hangover) is a willful suspension of disbelief by the press.


Christopher-Earl: Strunk© in esse private U.S. Citizen secured beneficiary with injury in re the criminal usurpation of the office of POTUS by Barack Obama’s ineligibility under U.S. Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 and related law in Petitioner’s Original Proceeding for writ of mandamus FRAP Rule 21 Order of:
A. Stay New York State Justices in the matter of their denial of Petitioner due process and equal treatment due under the 14th Amt. of the U.S. Constitution and NYS Constitution and related law as to denial of trial of the facts as compelling public interest as to forgery crime aided and abetted by Electors- a Quo Warranto matter;

B. The Governor of New York for a NEW U.S. Senate Election in New York to comply
with the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

C. The Clerk and Speaker of the U.S. House with Majority / Minority Leaders and
President of the U.S. Senate respond to the incompatibility of any Person serving as an electoral college member while holding an office of trust or profit under the 14th Amdt United States and Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 (A2S1C2);

D. Congress to show cause why under the 12th, 20th, 25th amendments and U.S.
Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 (A2S1C5) Barack Hussein Obama II should be eligible to take the oath of office of POTUS January 20, 2013;

E. Congress barring the New York Electoral College vote for Barack Obama.

F. Congress to show cause why it should not hold the $43 Trillion Dollar theft by Barack Obama et al. since 2003 null and void under the 14th Amendment Section 4; [...]



DVT?-- MelR-- is that hereditary? from booze? from....uh.. consorting in certain ways?


On Topic...this investment immigration is a great way for some 3rd world crony to get US citizenship. He's got a pocket full of US AID dollars & "anywhere" is better than where he lives now.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Thinking about the high capacity magazine ban;
Even ignoring for the moment how simple popping out one ten rounder to put in another is, I wonder how many people are killed in a typical year by the 11th-30th rounds in a magazine.
<10? <5?
Even if high capacity mags magically disappeared from the face of the earth, how many of that small number would not be killed by the first round in the second ten round magazine? Any?

Melinda Romanoff




A comment on Hillary's blood clot from an Althouse thread:

rehajm said...

We already know her condition. It is serious enough she will never have to testify about Benghazi, but not serious enough that it will harm her future in politics. Though it is serious enough to support the idea she is a strong leader because she 'overcame' her condition.

12/31/12 6:30 AM


As one who brought up considering such a high capacity ban for discussion here last Spring, I have considered all the opposition here (including TomM's HIMSELF!), and the arguments of proponents of a ban on the Left like Mayor Mike, and DianneF and BarryO, and I can say without fear of contradiction that limitng .223 magazines and 9mm clips to 10 rounds, would have no material effect on the carnage a madman could commit. In theory -- could limiting capacity limit the bodycount to 20 rather than 24? 40 instead of 50-- in theory sure, but the reality is that the body count from a madman will be driven by vagaries such as the firearms equipment the madman buys, the proper loading and handling of the weapon and ammunition by the madman, whether there is an armed civilian at the scene who could stop the madman-- so many vagaries, altering one variable (magazine capacity) doesn't create any material likelihood of altering the calculus of carnage. Which is exactly why the craven politicians in DC will pass such a ban. They'll hail it as 'the system working' for 'common sense compromise' and to 'just do something'. That's what craven politicians do.


This sounds like a good old flim flam if ever I've heard one. Welcome to America, sucker.


Daddy quoting rehajm-- heh. truer words were never spoken. That's exactly the meme Hill/Bill/BarryO and the Legacy Media have started pushing-- that plus the evil Repubs are trying to pin the blame for low security caused by Repub BUDGET CUTS on this courageous woman!

Jim Eagle

PIers Morgan has a green card. Enough said.

Danube of Thought

NK, it's all purely symbolic--not one scintilla more.


JiB-- how's Southampton? are you coming into Manhattan?

Danube of Thought

Why I love our little town.


DoT-- the adult discussion here at JOM has established that beyond cavil (there's a good old fashioned legal word). Congress will pass the 30 round ban-- say 3 cheers for us and go to the next fundraiser-- meanwhile every 5 weeks or so there's another cumulative Sandy Hook Elementary in ChiTown, and as Bruce Springsteen sang almost 40 years ago, "and the poets down here don't say nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be". same's true today, they'll pass a ban, and the 30+/week young people will be slaughtered in ChiTown like clockwork.


30+ per MONTH-- pardon ChiTown.


An apparent landlord-tenant dispute resulted in the murder of two teens in southern Maine over the week-end. The shootings took place minutes after the police left after having been called to calm the situation.The shooter is 74 years old and was a Korean War orphan who made his way to the U.S. and had a stone masonry business in VT before moving to Maine.The death of the teens has people horrified and the anti-gun people have another tragic incident.
There was also a fatal stabbing in Bangor over the week-end.It happened at a run-down apartment building with a big Obama-Biden sign in the window.When will we ban knives?


DoT-- what a fab place Coronado is. Can you secede and become a Principality like Monaco?

Jim Eagle


Coming in on the 2nd via the Hamptons Subway (i.e. Luxury Liner). Staying at the Warwick. Mrs. JiB has appointment with the Belgian General Consul and Frederick and I are going to the Guggenheim, the Lego Store (natch) and some other venues he wants to explore. Come back to Southampton on the 4th. With him in tow hard to arrange a meet up for a drink but we may want to give it a try with JimmyK and whoever else is around.

BTW, New York is getting back to the 60's radical chic. Did you see where this pregnant society babe and her radical Harvard educated husband had bomb making material in their Village town house? He is big time OWS guy.

Oh course it is via the Daily Mail, sigh!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Congress will pass the 30 round ban--

I highly doubt that will pass the house.


I'm fairly sure, that violates the terms of the lease, probably,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Why I love our little town.--

What the heck was the camera mounted on, an RC helicopter?


JiB-- I am free the evening of Wed 2 Jan, so if you have a few minutes and care to meet, please let me know. JimmyK has my email.

PS: that Gleidman bomb story is like a stereotype of 21st Century 'Radical Chic'; the UK Mail story apparently is based on a NY Post report. Absurd Lefties, they are beyond parody.

PPS: my undergraduate daughter is now a BuzzFeed contributor, and is writing a BlogPost on "What OWS should have learned from Les Mis."


Ig-- IMO the craven Repubs in the House will do just that-- it makes no sense, but it serves their interests.

Jim Eagle


We are having dinner at Benoit (its around the block behind the Warwick) on the evening of the 2nd at 6:30pm with a classmate of Mrs. JiB. He is an endocrinologist in the City. If you are free before catching your train at around 5 or 6 we can catch a cocktail at the Warwick bar.


Danube of Thought

"Can you secede and become a Principality like Monaco?"

Working on it, with a proviso that I get to be Prince.

That was my first question, Iggy, and I don't know the answer. If it was a helo, some of the shots suggest that the camera must have been on a cable well below the aircraft itself. Odd that there were no shots of our pride and joy, the long white crescent beach.

Melinda Romanoff


If you get the Principality, I'd recommend Steve Wynn as consultant to get the business end up and running. And get a classical architect versed in the tremor codes.


JiB- I am working late wednesday-- but I can head out at 600ish for a drink, then head back to the office.


Coronado would be one of the best defended principalities should secession succeed. It's own air force; amphibious force, and the best land force in the world. Oh, and a couple of aircraft carriers too.

JiB, you may want to try the Neue Galerie as well if you have the time. A small collection, but several Klimts to die for.

Jim Eagle


Hit my LUN and use the email me on the website. I'll give you my cell phone and we can make sure we are available around 6 on Wednesday.


I think people who doubt Hillary's blood clot story are shameful.

I suspect it's residual complications from bullet wounds received in Bosnia:

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." -- Hillary Clinton

Maybe the Incoming Sec State should give the outgoing Sec State one of his Purple Hearts.


"Dr. Roshini Raj, a physician at New York University Medical Center and a contributor to the TODAY show, says it’s not at all clear where Clinton’s blood clot is – which is important for understanding how serious her medical condition is.

“It’s a little murky,” Raj told TODAY."

There's an understatement...it's a little murky! Hah!


Daddy-- everything about Hillary!! is a fraud and a sham-- even her name. In 1992 she claimed to have been made a namesake of Sir Edmund Hillary-- who at the time of Hillary Rodham's birth in 1947 suburban ChiTown was an obscure New Zealand beekeeper and part time mountaineer. Nothing about her is the truth or authentic.. nothing.


Hillary's 'hot LZ' in Bosnia? While she and Chelsea were dodging sniper rounds in Bosnia, Bill was schtupping Eleanor Mondale (RIP). A few weeks later Ron "Paper bag" Brown bought the farm near Bosnia when his USAF jetliner augered in along the Dalmatian Coast. TK should look into that crash investigation -- that one definitelty didn't add up.


the same folks who had misunderstandings about basic biology, 4 1/2 years'



Ozymandias by any other name...

But this real estate venture amounts to writing a check and getting a green card while an American entrepeneur builds something for which financing would otherwise be unavailable a monument to himself.

Got a kick recently in a cab ride thru Dubai. This building,
The tallest in the world, is supposedly called the Burj Dubai. (Dubai Tower).

But it's actual name, explained with great amusement by our Indian Cab driver, is "The Burj Khalifa."

Khalifa happens to be the President of Abu Dhabi, the next Emirate over from Dubai. According to the Cab driver, (and the story I'll link), the Sheik of Dubai ran low on cash just prior to completing the monument to himself, so he took a loan from the next Sheik over, with the stipulation that now he had to name his massive monument after the Sheik that gave him the loan. Voila---Burj Khalifa!

That had the cab driver giggling mightily, and here is the Christian Science Monitor to verify: World's tallest building opens in Dubai with a new name

Look on my works ye mighty and despair that they're named after the sunuvabitch in the next Emirate what gave me the damn loan^&#!

Jim Eagle


One of my business associates and friend was on that plane with Ron Brown.

Did you email me at the link at the LUN website?


What day is it again;



JiB Done


Prince Talal, is working on a followup, simply called the Kingdom Tower, in his home town of Jiddah, gotta love the irony, but funding has sort of dried up,


I'm not making this up;



Speaking of Hillary!! while the Legacy Media have a lockdown on any Cankles-Clot stories, BuzzFeed tracks down Hillary's!! 20. NY Presbyterian Hosp-- http://www.buzzfeed.com/rubycramer/hillary-clinton-treated-in-hospitals-locked-down

Danube of Thought

"Again, our judiciary is disappointing."

--The Estimable Mark Appuzzo

Translation: Yet another judge gets it wrong. (When you keep submitting lunacies to the courts, you are certain to be disappointed on a regular basis.)


PIers Morgan has a green card. Enough said.

Plus he has a US TV Show soapbox, broadcast worldwide, to say whatever derogatory stuff he wants to say about ourselves and our Constitution. Worth taking a moment to compare and contrast that with Britain's tolerant attitude toward Radio Talk Show Host Michael savage, whether you like him or not:

Barred! Shock jock Michael Savage has ban from entering the U.K. reaffirmed



I can't find your daughter's piece at BuzzFeed. Help please.


daddy-- sorry I was unclear, she's writing, it hasn't made the the BlogRoll yet. I will follow her Liberterian/Pox on all politician musings with great interest. She's far more cynical than any 19y0 should ever be. And if you cross her-- she's meaner than badger caught in a snare -- or whatever bad things you do to a badger. She'll dump on OWS not because they're Lefties -- she's ambivalent about that-- she'll dump on them becasue they are preening useless Lefties.


If you are free before catching your train at around 5 or 6 we can catch a cocktail at the Warwick bar.


Been away from the thread, busy afternoon. I think I can do this. I'm leaving town early Thursday morning, but hopefully will get everything done that I need to on Wednesday before that. I have your e-mails.


Look forward to the Jimmy/JiB meet if it'd convenient.


it'S convenient for everyone...


Possible bar date open in New York City on the 26th of Jan and the 1st and 2nd of Feb. I am flexible as long as I don't have to wear a tie or fancy clothes.


Ok, daddy, keep us posted. I'll be around, and you know the dress code at George Keeley's.


It would be a privilege to meet The Daddy in NYC.


Imagine David Gregory and the ILLEGAL POWDER he will wave on TV this weekend.


Speaking of Immigrants and Real Estate Developers:

Builders demolish 18th century French château ‘by mistake’

The Russian owner of the Château Bellevue in Yvrac in southwestern France says the 18th century treasure was destroyed “in error” by a team of Polish builders after a misunderstanding.

the firm of builders he had hired simply razed the whole chateau to the ground, to the amazement of everyone,

Mme Mattiazzo says Stroskin told her that the Polish company “had completely misunderstood” and that he had asked them simply to destroy the small guest house adjacent to the chateau.

Merde' happens!

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