Obama finally lets the world in on the secret he has kept for years - not only has he fired a gun but "up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time".
Uh huh. No one can find a Presidential photo or a mention in a pool report, or any mention at all, but that doesn't mean he's just blowing smoke. Joe Biden recently claimed to be a skeet shooter, so who knows? I'll say this - I believe there is a skeet shooting range at Camp David.
Until we see more evidence this is one more for the "Who Does He Think He Is Kidding?" file.
GEEZ, I WAS OFF BY MORE THAN FOUR YEARS: Back in the 2008 campaign Obama said, apparently with a straight face, that he once considered enlisting. Yes, in the military!
To which I snarked:
Oh, well - I can't wait for October when Obama will put on a Republican-looking woodlands camo outfit and go duck hunting.
He looks more like a Shooting Clays kind of guy to me.
Posted by: Melinda Romanoff | January 27, 2013 at 06:19 PM
"Sporting Clays".
Posted by: Melinda Romanoff | January 27, 2013 at 06:20 PM
Perhaps "skeet" is a new slang term for heroin?
Posted by: Rob Crawford | January 27, 2013 at 06:25 PM
No way Mel, he's a sooper soaker guy.
Posted by: henry | January 27, 2013 at 06:35 PM
I had an impulse to add "skeet" to the urban dictionary as a synonym for heroin, but what I found there is both funnier and more terrifying than anything I could have come up with.
It would explain why Menendez is getting so much cover from them; his perversions are relatively tame.
Posted by: Rob Crawford | January 27, 2013 at 06:50 PM
Killed da wabbit . Killed da wabbit.
Shhhhhhhhhhh . I'm hunting wabbits .
hehehehehehe .
President Elmer Fudd . And you thought Carter redux was bad .
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 06:56 PM
For those who don't know, "Pull" is the command by the skeet shooter when he is ready and wants the guy controlling the device that slings out the clay disks to launch the clay disks. When I worked at the Skeet range as a kid, I would load the clay disks atop each other into the 2 mechanical slinging devices, located in the little wooden buildingat each end of the half circular skeet range. Then I'd have my electric controller in my hand and when he'd holler "Pull", I'd punch various buttons which would launch out the disks. This story, IMHO, is more "Pull my Finger" than "Pull."
FWIW, today I did the MET, and they had an excellent touring exhibition of armor and weapons. Most of it was medieval armor and pikes etc, but they had some very fine 17th, 18th and 19th "assault weapons" on display.I enjoyed that.
Posted by: daddy | January 27, 2013 at 07:06 PM
You 'forgot the spear and magic helmet' Stephanie, how have you been.
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 07:13 PM
Boy Joe Biden must be one pissed off VP tonite. Anyone doubt that this 60 minutes thing (which I refuse to watch) is Hillary's anointment? And all they had to do was have Bill win him the election and Hill get him off the hook on Benghazi. Easy Peasy.
Posted by: Jane - Mock the Media! | January 27, 2013 at 07:15 PM
Back in the 2008 campaign Obama said, apparently with a straight face, that he once considered enlisting. Yes, in the military!
Gosh, what bad luck. First Hillary said she wanted to be a Marine, and now we find out that Barack wanted to sign up also.
Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines.
She was 27 then, she said, and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. 'Not Very Encouraging'
"You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Mrs. Clinton said she was told, adding that the recruiter dismissed her by suggesting she try the Army. "Maybe the dogs would take you," she recalled the recruiter saying.
What an enormous waste of talent and dedication our Military services missed out on from not signing up those two:(
Why any moment now I expect Bill Clinton will tell us that he didn't despise the SeaBees, only everybody else in uniform who was "reminiscent of Jengis Khan."
Posted by: daddy | January 27, 2013 at 07:17 PM
Here's an interesting comment at this Telegraph link - I go shooting all the time.
Chica Jones
2 minutes ago
Back in 1993 the Government murdered 21 children some they shot and the rest they burned alive to disarm some God fearing people who never bothered anyone in Waco Tex.
My question is how many children will the Government murder trying to disarm the whole country and how many murdered children will CNN,NBC,CBS AND FOX be willing to cover up as they did with the Waco massacre?
List of 21 Children Murdered by the ATF and FBI at Waco Tex. 1993
Lisa Martin 13 Sheila Martin, Jr. 15
Rachel Sylvia 12 Hollywood Sylvia 1
Joseph Martinez 8 Abigail Martinez 11
Crystal Martinez 3 Isaiah Martinez 4
Audrey Martinez 13 Melissa Morrison 6
Chanel Andrade 1 Cyrus Koresh 8
Star Koresh 6 Bobbie Lane Koresh 2
Dayland Gent 3 Page Gent 1
Mayanah Schneider 2 Startle Summers 1
Serenity Jones 4 Chica Jones 2
Little One Jones 2
Posted by: Janet | January 27, 2013 at 07:18 PM
Been fine . mostly reading here and avoiding politics to keep my blood pressure in check . Shutting off most of the other sites and news channels helps but am keeping up with y'all socially and keeping up with the news here .
usually after everyone has gone to bed . Australian open hours for me lately cause the
weather sux . I've been doing closets to stay busy otherwise .
How are you?
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 07:24 PM
TK also had the same, ummm, idea. And out of curiousity I went to the urban dictionary. I regret that I did.
Posted by: richatuf nee gmu | January 27, 2013 at 07:27 PM
Oh, it's a real 'den of scum and villainy' over there.
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 07:32 PM
I already knew this - Obama: Tough call on letting a son play football...
His son woulda been Trayvon right? So his son woulda been into tea, skittles, & street fighting.
Posted by: Janet | January 27, 2013 at 07:34 PM
Just catching up but this is in agreement with Janet's comment 2 threads back:
Should all the newspapers & TV news shows have to print/read corrections for blaming Benghazi on the YouTube video? They are now acting like they agree with the POTUS & SoS that everyone KNEW it was a planned terrorist attack. Where in the world did ABC News even GET the idea it was caused by an obscure video?
""Innocence of Muslims" has been blamed for violent protests across the Middle East, including in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans died,..."
Has been blamed by WHO?
It strikes me that President Bush did an enormous amount of preparation, investigation, intelligence gathering, and argument in winning Congress's vote, due to Saddam probably having Weapon's of Mass Destruction and all the rest. They all voted for it, yet ever since all we've heard is "Bush lied, people died."
With Benghazi, on the other hand, we had the entire Administration lying to us daily and telling us it was the Video, with scant to zero evidence for that and mountains of real time available evidence that in fact it had nothing to do with the Video. Yet now, 3 months later, we are supposed to completely accept the new party line of zero culpability, zero responsibility, zero apology for lying to us all that time, and "Oh, By the way, greatest Secretary of State and best Foreign Policy team ever." It's maddening.
Any objective observer would look at the 2 incidents side by side, and the blame game hypocrisy would make his head explode.
Posted by: daddy | January 27, 2013 at 07:38 PM
Hillary was either dating or married to one of the leading draft dodgers of the time and she expects us to fall for that shit?
The Army must have been too femme for her.
As to that photo of Obama with an over/under in his hands, it's almost certainly doctored. The pose is unnatural. When shooting, like in golf, you follow through. He just sort of stopped.
And I doubt his SS guys would have allowed him to use the 99 cent earplugs. There are probably headphones there with the presidential seal.
But remember, he's from the South Side (snort). Him and the El Rukns are down.
A liberal blue state community organizer going shooting regularly is like me attending a My Little Pony convention. And the media put up with this bullshit without a question.
Posted by: matt | January 27, 2013 at 07:39 PM
'...we do skeet shooting...'
Much like the clip / magazine semantics issue, folks who blast clay pidgeons say 'we shoot skeet'.
Or, 'I wreck cars...'
Posted by: Beasts of England | January 27, 2013 at 07:49 PM
Yes, Matt, his signature essay in the 'Sundial', was 'Breaking the War Nentality' at Columbia, where he didn't think the nuclear freeze went far enough.
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 07:49 PM
The once and future Goracle looking

for his Remington...
Posted by: Frau Schiessgewehr | January 27, 2013 at 07:52 PM
daddy - Any thoughts on yesterday's James Stewart column in the NYT?
(So as not to be too obscure: Stewart says that Boeing has an implicit deal with Japan, Inc., and that might explain why Boeing picked GS Yuasa to make those burning Dreamliner batteries. You can find a link to the column at my site.)
Posted by: Jim Miller | January 27, 2013 at 07:53 PM
lol beasts . aren't u in Bama? left a question on the other thread ...
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 07:54 PM
Which country's?
Posted by: Rob Crawford | January 27, 2013 at 07:56 PM
Which country's?
Posted by: Janet | January 27, 2013 at 07:59 PM
I don't Jim, after Stewart totally misread the Libby case, after years of review, he lost me,
'Heck of a job; Hill, no I mean that;
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 08:01 PM
Speaking truth to power, not happening,
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 08:08 PM
Stephanie@7:24 - Indeed I am. Will look back through the other thread...
Posted by: Beasts of England | January 27, 2013 at 08:11 PM
--the 2 mechanical slinging devices--
Traps. So called because closely related trap shooting originated with live birds being released from a trap.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | January 27, 2013 at 08:21 PM
from the military story link - "The aspiration was not mentioned in either of his two volumes of memoirs."
Almost as though he made it up....
Tom links to Ace & Ace links to this 2008 Telegraph story. This bit at the end is interesting too -
Did one...ONE reporter ever look into what Barack Hussein Obama accomplished in Chicago? In charge of millions of dollars...worked there for years. What was made better? What got fixed?
Posted by: Janet | January 27, 2013 at 08:27 PM
I learned how to shoot trap at the Greenbrier. Lovely Remington 1100s. Unfortunately I'm left handed and they only had right eject guns. I persevered. Best trip with my parents ever except for one to Acapulco where I slid down the water slide and landed on top of Franco Harris a few weeks after the super bowl (74/5/6??). Like hitting a rock. Almost drowned when I realized who it was.
I'd take another trip to the Greenbrier over Acapulco now, though. In addition to the drug wars, the NFL is much more gangsta and much less into partying with the fans. Who wants to get shot by another Ray Lewis wannabe?
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 08:33 PM
What got fixed?
Did he have a pet (like a dog or cat)? Or an Alderman?
And yes, I rebel against the shorthand that an animal is "fixed" by neutering. It most likely would improve the Alderman, though.
Posted by: DrJ | January 27, 2013 at 08:35 PM
Well here's one story, that almost went down the memory hole;
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 08:35 PM
24 / 25? How many years did it take for him to complete a 4 year degree?
Posted by: Sue | January 27, 2013 at 08:35 PM
What got fixed? You mean besides a few elections?
Posted by: Rob Crawford | January 27, 2013 at 08:37 PM
This segment in a Boston Globe piece, back in 2008, from a Malkin post;
…or all its impact on Obama, Altgeld Gardens today seems far from the kind of success story politicians like to tout. Dozens of buildings are boarded up, with fences surrounding much of the property. The roads are a potholed mess. Blinking lights illuminate a series of towers where police have mounted cameras.
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 08:38 PM
Judging by the picture he uses to illustrate the skeet shooting claim, Drudge is skeptical, too.
Posted by: Jim Miller | January 27, 2013 at 08:38 PM
Thank you for the link to the High Line article, jimmyk. I came upon it by accident in my wanderings last spring and it was a real treat. Kind of a walk through people's backyards. Very creative use of old infrastructure.
Posted by: Caro's iPad | January 27, 2013 at 08:39 PM
This was before the Journolist, was officially operating,
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 08:41 PM
"Yes there are flags at the pro bowl."
Ed Hochule, really?
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 08:46 PM
"What was made better?"
Not this!
"Chicago authorities say seven people were killed and six wounded in gun violence in one day.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/27/at-least-5-die-in-shootings-on-bloody-chicago-day/#ixzz2JERNvo4L
They are dying so fast the headlines can't keep up.
Posted by: pagar | January 27, 2013 at 09:07 PM
What does Captain says this requires ipecac;
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 09:10 PM
I took my wife skeet shooting at the Greenbriar on our honeymoon Steph. Only after the hangover wore off from the wedding.
Continuing the small world, my Dad also had the whole fam to Acapulco around the time you were there. I'm thinking 75 for us. Maybe 76.
Posted by: Old Lurker | January 27, 2013 at 09:19 PM
Acapulco Princess. The company had such a good time we went back two years later. Either 74/76 or 75/77. Was at the Greenbrier in 79 or 80.
My dad took the whole family to Acapulco on one of the conventions... including grandmas, aunts and their friends (all southern baptists "tea totalers" (cough, cough :eyeroll:) in their late 60s early 70s first time out of country for all and several batty as hell). He was so frazzled by the end of the trip, he accidentally tipped the skycap $100 to take the luggage about 50 feet from curb to check in on the way home. He was lamenting such a poor tip and then realized he had tipped in pesos not pesatas or whatever they were as he thought. Poor dad.
Posted by: Stephanie | January 27, 2013 at 09:26 PM
Glanced at a Hearst laugher on what campaign promises Obama had fulfilled. Not even worth fisking. Total BS.
Posted by: sbwaters | January 27, 2013 at 09:42 PM
Beyond parody, sbw, like the examples they chose to focus on here;
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 09:48 PM
Watching Downton Abbey on PBS...I just wondered why PBS doesn't list the American taxpayers in their "This program made possible by..." list?
There is always a list of people & organizations & 'viewers like you'...but they don't list the American taxpayers.
Posted by: Janet | January 27, 2013 at 09:59 PM
--I took my wife skeet shooting at the Greenbriar on our honeymoon Steph.--
Isn't she the one who can't be in the same house with a gun?
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | January 27, 2013 at 10:07 PM
His son woulda been Trayvon right? So his son woulda been into tea, skittles, & street fighting.
I'm thinking gay marriage would be more likely.
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 27, 2013 at 10:10 PM
What does Captain says this requires ipecac
More like this could be used in a Clockwork Orange remake.
Posted by: Captain Hate | January 27, 2013 at 10:13 PM
There is always a list of people & organizations & 'viewers like you'...but they don't list the American taxpayers.
Ha, good catch, Janet. They should be honest and say "... viewers like you, plus the 98 percent of American taxpayers who aren't viewers but are forced to support us anyway. Suckers!"
Posted by: jimmyk | January 27, 2013 at 10:15 PM
Everything is a scam and a grift with these people
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 10:28 PM
I told her I had outed her on her gun phobia the day I posted that Iggy and she swore it was still true. Then ten minutes later she said "but you know it was fun with those shot guns on our honeymoon". Of course by now I know more about female logic than I knew then.
Posted by: Old Lurker | January 27, 2013 at 10:45 PM
Tonight is the night in DC that various people open their homes to host dinners prepared by top chefs who provide their labor free, with food and wine donated by top purveyors , served by volunteers to people who donate to charities that serve food year round to the poor.
here is the menu at the dinner I attended
Cured salmon bite
First Course
Butternut squash and chestnut cappuccino with parmesan grissini
wine:2011 Berringer Knights Valley Banc
Second Course
Duo of Foies Gras
One sauteed over a tart of apples and caramelized onions
The other Grilled and rolled in a black sesame tulle
Wine 2006 Beringer Nightengale
Third Course'Lobster pot pie with california sturgeon roe
Wine 2011 Beringer private reserve Chardonnay
Fourth Course
Saddle of lamb in a potato crust with eggplant confit and diced braised lamb shoulder
Wine 2009 Beringer Private reserve Cabernet Sauvignon
Chocolate Mirror Tart with Dolcezza Creme Fresh Ge;ato
Petits Fours
Wine:2006 Beringer Nightengale
Yummy--after 2 1/2 wks of dieting I could only eat a forkful or so of the sweets and pastry doughs and small sips of the wine..but it was all good.
Posted by: Clarice | January 27, 2013 at 10:59 PM
That seems like a delicious repast, clarice.
Posted by: narciso | January 27, 2013 at 11:19 PM
narciso, it certainly was.
Posted by: Clarice | January 27, 2013 at 11:20 PM
24 / 25? How many years did it take for him to complete a 4 year degree?
He graduated in 1983 at almost 22 y.o., then worked "behind enemy lines" at a business newsletter in NYC for 2? years. Why Chicago for a hot house Hawaiian? Maybe he thought it was south of NYC.
Posted by: Ralph L | January 27, 2013 at 11:45 PM
Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas,” said Obama.
He really doesn't know how to make his subject and verb agree. Surprised The Nude Republic didn't clean that up for him.
Posted by: Ralph L | January 27, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Maybe he thought it was south of NYC.
Heh, but I think he must have figured out that the real race-baiting extortion action was in there. NYC has no shortage of extortion, but it's more union-based, Al Sharpton notwithstanding (and he was just getting going around then, while Jesse Jackson had already hit his stride in Chicago, I suspect.
Posted by: jimmyk | January 28, 2013 at 12:12 AM
Ok, I mangled that, but you get the idea.
Posted by: jimmyk | January 28, 2013 at 12:15 AM
One assumes it was Ayers connections, who he probably met at Bank Street College, around the time he was at Columbia, or the various socialist conferences like those at Cooper Union, which was James Cone's headquarters.
Posted by: narciso | January 28, 2013 at 12:29 AM
What the heck! Nobody told me there was a "skeet" thread!
Posted by: Threadkiller | January 28, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Yes, there's a reason I don't go there, OT, she should get that better fitted or something:
Posted by: narciso | January 28, 2013 at 12:33 AM
It's a bit like Blair's Law, narc, the idiocies all blend together, hard to know the source.
Posted by: jimmyk | January 28, 2013 at 12:35 AM
That last was about Jennifer Lawrence,
Posted by: narciso | January 28, 2013 at 12:40 AM
Ms. Lawrence seems that she would be a lot more calm getting the 3:00am call that the current occupant of the White House.
Posted by: matt | January 28, 2013 at 12:47 AM
Since I am on a roll...
Evidence Of Fraud: Private Investigator Neil Sankey & Obama's Social Security Numbers
Posted by: Threadkiller | January 28, 2013 at 12:48 AM
And my 12:35 was in reference to narc's 12:29.
Posted by: jimmyk | January 28, 2013 at 12:49 AM
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | January 28, 2013 at 01:07 AM
I guess I'll move this onto the skeet thread:
My grandmother used to hunt with my grandfather before his first heart attack in 1940, when they told him to stop walking so much. Once, she forgot she was carrying his 12 gauge instead of her 410 and ended up on her back.
I can believe Obama fired a shotgun, but I'd like video proof he shot a skeet.
Posted by: Ralph L | January 28, 2013 at 02:34 AM
He really ran a drone?
Posted by: Trains | January 28, 2013 at 08:58 AM
I wonder if he "does skeet shooting" before or after he "does golf playing." Who talks that way? Certainly nobody who has ever shot skeet or sporting clays.
This is right up there with John Kerry crawling through the bushes on his belly with a high-powered rifle hunting deer.
Posted by: 35tww | January 28, 2013 at 11:45 AM
Me ha encantado vuestro post y me ha sabido a poco pero ya sabeis lo que dice el dicho "si lo bueno es breve es dos veces bueno". Me gustara volver a leeros de nuevo.
Posted by: fisioterapeuta de barcelona | January 28, 2013 at 02:45 PM
The lies. They roll so easily off his lips. Or hers: Hillary's.
Posted by: lyle | January 28, 2013 at 02:54 PM
Drones are in the bill. So, secret CIA agreements. Special visa f fir US bought drone countries
Posted by: Cadian noise voices | January 29, 2013 at 02:03 AM
Posted by: noi | January 29, 2013 at 02:14 AM
Hee, TK, it was the leftist MSM and the Dems that exposed and pushed Watergate to the conclusion of Nixon resigning after threat of impeachment.
So many of us already know Obama's false bc, SSN and all the other scandals like F&F, Benghazi, and his allegiance to non-US interests. Except for Arpaio, the courts and Congress are not acting appropriately to remove him.
What will it take? Outside intervention?Spacejams? Earthlings, we have taken over your television? :)
Posted by: BR | January 29, 2013 at 05:56 AM
I wonder if he "does skeet shooting" before or after he "does golf playing."
Posted by: Porchlight | January 29, 2013 at 07:45 AM
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