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April 26, 2013



Money can just be printed ad infinitum. Alzheimer's research, and AIDS relief and preschool education will just be paid for with more Wiemardollars.



Rob Crawford

“I have worked almost pro bono for this cause.”

Note the "almost".

(Rest removed for excessive bitterness and anger.)


Monsieur Guillotine to the courtesy phone...


What are the chances a Times reporter will ask Obama about Pigford at the next presser?


Couldn't the NYT find some way to make this Bush's fault? They are losing their edge.

hit and run

I'm starting a new advocacy group.

People on the Dole for Smaller Government! (PDSG)

Tagline: "Stop wasting my welfare check on all that other shit, I want more other people's money so I can get my own shit!"

Still working on getting that tagline down to bumper-sticker length.

Rob Crawford

I can't agree with you, henry. The Guillotine is too kind.

Rob Crawford

Still working on getting that tagline down to bumper-sticker length.

How about "GIMME, DAMMIT!"


"Stop wasting my own shit?"


Then SCAM needs to increase pike production Rob.

hit and run

Couldn't the NYT find some way to make this Bush's fault? They are losing their edge.

Since we're going to go full bore into comprehensive immigration reform, Bush will be transformed for now into "reasonable Republican who reached across the aisle, unlike those extremist ideologues in the House today."

Danube of Thought

What the hell. They'll just piss it away on beer.

James D.

To recap: against the "vehement" advice of attorneys and experts in the field, the President authorized over a billion dollars be given out in an entirely fraudulent program with no provision whatsoever to verify anything about the recipients.

Can someone explain to me how this does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense? Because stealing a billion dollars from the treasury and handing it out in racist fashion to favored groups under utterly false pretenses sure seems like one to me.

Cecil Turner

Wow. Not like they're late to the story or anything, is it? Does this mean the rest of the MSM can report on it, too?


--On the heels of the Supreme Court’s ruling, interviews and records show, the Obama administration’s political appointees at the Justice and Agriculture Departments engineered a stunning turnabout: they committed $1.33 billion to compensate not just the 91 plaintiffs but thousands of Hispanic and female farmers who had never claimed bias in court. --

I wish I had kept that Department of Ag brochure I was sent for oppressed Hispanics and women. Not sure why it was sent to me unless I'm on some Forest Service (a division of Ag) list.
It was a veritable handbook on soliciting fraud and a primer on how to nuzzle on up to the Pigford trough.
No different than ads trying to hook people on food stamps I guess. The 21st century plantation owner sure is benevolent....unless you're a taxpayer of course.


Beer and watermelon?




MarkO wins "Threadkiller for a Day"


O/T George Jones is Gone!

One of the greatest voices , IMO!




Brian and Anne can post.
I can't post anything but links to my non-posts.

Thomas Collins

I wonder whether this is the NY Times not being as willing to be in Obama's pocket as before, career DOJ attorneys deciding enough is enough, or both. Breibart seemed to have enough info to report accurately well before this. Perhaps Pinch is worried that if Obama gets any more tax increases, Pinch will feel the pinch.

In any event, cheer up, everyone. With all the waste actively pushed by the Obama Administration (windmill projects, Solyndra, Fisker, Obamaphones, stimulus dollars to support various political allies), this scam is barely a small slice of bacon off the pig farm.


TK, what will I do with you for an entire day? Can we Google?

Captain Hate

The Children of the Cornhole are *not* happy:


Rob Crawford

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our candidate for 2016. As you can see, he's a seasoned campaigner.


CaptH-- that FAA story is a small hint at the future-- sequester is a 2.3% reduction of the INCREASED spending. This time next year the discussion will be how to cut 20% of ACTUAL SPENDING. It will be blood on the decks-- and the Repubs can make good use of the FAA debacle and the intelligence-DHS Marathon Debacle and the Pigford debacle and Solyndra-Fisker to CUT THE OBUMMER GRIFTER REDISTRIBUTION FIRST -- cut 100% of that shite, before we cut Soc Sec and Medicaid.

Captain Hate

I'd vote for him before Mark Sanford. I'd also butcher Mark Sanford before him.


You sit around and wait for Danube, MarkO.

Nothing more, nothing less.


From the Daily Mail - $40K of Gifts from Sarkozy to Obama in just ONE year:

Former French President and pop singer wife Carla Bruni gave America's first couple more than $40,000 worth of gifts in a single year, it emerged today.

Presents included a designer Hermes golf bag and Baccarat crystal statuettes of players, according to newly released records.

The incredible generosity will not only further the Sarkozy's Bling-Bling reputation, but confirm that he presided over one of the most spendthrift presidencies in French history.

Spenthrift! LOL - I betcha we will find out that Barry and Shelley surpass them (except it will be on themselves, not gifts to others).

Rick Ballard

I wonder if free BOzophones were used to spread the word on Pigfraud money?

Actually, I don't wonder at all.

Not much news on the Peasant Import Bill today. Nothing much on the adventures of D-Dawg and Speedbump either. Perhaps there's a pause for an evaluation of the effectiveness of Butch's use of security forces to cow Bostonians.


About the "Pigfraud" money - last year on my talk radio news channel there was an advertisement played frequently, urging folks to apply for the money. It was aimed heavily at Native Americans (lotsa tribes in these parts with Casinos).


Gives new meaning to "Free Apps", RB.


Here's another free app:



Here's another free app:


Rick Ballard


Steve King of Iowa should be recognized for his work on banging the drum about Pigfraud. He has a definite McClintock streak. That's why the Fnorks targeted him early to keep him from an Iowa Senate seat. He might disrupt McCain/Graham harmony at the hog trough.

Captain Hate

Mark Levin's a big Steve King fan and has gone ballistic on Rove for targeting him.


Great links,Ann!

Danube of Thought

We are getting ready for our closeup, bearing in mind that there's a broken heart for every light on Broadway.



And the 78 Republicans that did it in :


Rick Ballard



LOL, pagar. First, it won't let you post unless you change your name and email, then it posts twice. :(

Let's try this one, cause it is good news:



Dot, your link does not work for me.

hit and run

DoT's link fixed

So is Doug for or again' the movie?


When is Karl Rove going to open his library and shut he fat yap?


Pigford is as close as anything ever will be that even looks vaguely like "reparations."

DoT on iPad

She's for it, hit, as is everyone in town except maybe the school principal.


Duh Gus Gus, your ignorance is stunning.
You don't know [squat] about Karl Rove.

He was a protégé of brilliant strategist,
Lee Atwater, and like his mentor, Atwater,
Karl Rove has been a brilliant strategist
and Tactician, too, winning GW's elections.

You're becoming retarded like the rest of them here.
I warned you that their stupidity was contagious. :)


Didn't we see this movie, already it was called 'Savages'

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