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April 04, 2013


Rob Crawford

If someone drives up to your place, and you're not home, you probably shouldn't start shooting.

Because you're not at home.


Neither Barack or Michelle are very bright.

Drudge links to a CBS news clip of Michelle stumbling through some response to a question and calls herself a "single mom." She quickly corrects herself, but she is sitting there - First Lady - on a nationally televised evening news program and her damned bangs are lopsided, nearly covering up one eye on one side, and just grazing her brow on the other side.

She looks and sounds like she just came from the corner bar to do the interview. Sheesh.


Well, you don't get it the 'cunning, cunning' nature of the exercise, Rob;



neither/nor! Speaking of not very bright.


Trust? He didn't build that.

He's just not that smart and he's a liar.


If somebody just drives up into your driveway and you're not home

Really? If your not home all that is at risk is your property. If you need to "deter" random people in your driveway while away from home you need land mines (which are illegal everywhere, ask the UN), you and your gun are safely out of range.


And it's not you, either, i'm sure he had a long talk with the Teleprompter, who promptly apologized.


He's a salesman, for the finest Skydragon netting;

And so part of what we’re going to have to do is to marry a genuine, passionate concern about middle-class families and everybody who is trying to get into the middle class to show them that we’re working just as hard for them as we are for our environmental agenda, and that we can bridge these things in a way that advances the causes of both. And that’s going to take some work.


There's empathy, and then there is obliviousness, yes pandering also qualifies;



Watch out for those automatic weapons!!!

James D.

Does the English language even have words to properly describe how completely dishonest, and contemptuous of everyone who isn't him, "our" president is?


Would someone of note please just simply say that he lied about the Newtown shooting? He did, after all.

These people have been ridiculed for their supposedly clueless statements about guns, as if the technology is so complicated that they just can't grasp it. It isn't, and these aren't mistakes. They're lies. Straight out, lies.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

OT; sat down for a little lunch and had on NatGeo with an interesting show on the Hidden Yosemite or some such title.
About halfway through the narrator tells us that after the break we will learn that outside forces can also have an influence on Yosemite, specifically how climate change threatens to disrupt the stability of the joint.

They're doing a show on a park that exists only because time and time again the climate changed quite naturally and drastically by sending sheets of ice thousands of feet thick down the valleys to scour every square millimeter of its previous "stability" and send it down the Merced and Tuloumne river channels into the delta and sea and now they're fretting over some slight chance it might have warmed up a little?
I turned the channel.


Clearly, this POTUS is an ass. I've noticed assiness runs in Obama family.

I can't believe I have to endure the lies of this marxist couple for the next 3 1/2 years.


I saw that special in a Dentist's office, it was more painful then the cleaning.


Just when I thought he couldn't sound more ignorant. I knew some people like this back in grad school. Because they were either a little smarter or more educated than the people they went to high school with they had decided that they were "gifted" or something.

Despite making continuing errors of fact, logic, word usage, even basic awareness they remained convinced of their "natural intellectual superiority" when what they were actually good at was parroting. POTUS is exactly like that.

Jim Eagle

Dr. K speaks truth to the inside the beltway "we are part of the act" crowd and they shutter. "Obama loses the gun control (i.e confiscation) debate and now "only wants the money". Gasps rocket through Old Ebbitts Grill.

Nice to know we have Dr. K, Alan West, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others still painting the picture of a guy who is 1) not smart and 2) a nasty little man (c. MarkO)/


Circular link JiB, can you try again for Dr. K?

Danube of Thought

Pew poll:

39. From what you’ve heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of the health care law that was enacted in 2010? IF APPROVE: Do you strongly approve or somewhat approve? IF DISAPPROVE: Do you somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove?

Approve: 41 percent
Disapprove: 46 percent

Strongly approve: 21 percent
Strongly disapprove: 35 percent

40. From what you’ve heard or read, do you think the 2010 health care law will mostly help you personally, will mostly hurt you personally, or don’t you think it will have much of an effect on you personally?

Help: 15 percent
Hurt: 37 percent
No effect: 41 percent

Danube of Thought

Dr. K. re gun control.

Danube of Thought

Pew poll:

39. From what you’ve heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of the health care law that was enacted in 2010? IF APPROVE: Do you strongly approve or somewhat approve? IF DISAPPROVE: Do you somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove?

Approve: 41 percent
Disapprove: 46 percent

Strongly approve: 21 percent
Strongly disapprove: 35 percent

40. From what you’ve heard or read, do you think the 2010 health care law will mostly help you personally, will mostly hurt you personally, or don’t you think it will have much of an effect on you personally?

Help: 15 percent
Hurt: 37 percent
No effect: 41 percent


Spring is here in Ahia:

 photo dbbda27f-0a43-4be8-ab0b-4409a8380257_zpsa91b9db6.jpg
I was mad as heck at a squirrel for destroying the tops of columns in an arbor, until she brought me presents! Four babies! We watched them try to get down this morning and it was terrifying. My dire wolf (Daisy) wanted them badly. Had to keep her from watching. :)

Happy Spring, JOM

Danube of Thought on iPad

Ann. I recommend a .223 Bushmaster.

Jim Eagle


Here is the Dr. K link. I even inadvertently posted it on the other thread:)

Dr.K speaks truth to the inside the beltway "how dare you say that stuff" crowd.


Thanks for the link Danube... Dr K definitely caught them with their hands in the cookie jar.

Jim Eagle


Are you in Cincinnati? I used to live in Mt. Adams during my days at UC. Also Observatory Road in Hyde Park. One of my favorite cities in the whole world. As a result, I am a life long Reds fan.



(I know you don't mean it.) :)

Rob Crawford
As a result, I am a life long Reds fan.

I am SO sorry...



I grew up in Cincinnati. I live in Columbus now. My daughter will be a Cinti. Bearcat this fall. :)

She was at the game last night with her father.
We are fans of the REDS, too. They had seats behind the Angels dugout (long story) . I will try and find her picture.


I dunno, DoT, the bushmaster might further damage the columns...

Jim Eagle


I was there during the glory years of Klu, Nux, Post, and Temple/McMillian. You're too young to even have sat in the Moon Seats at Crosley. Hell we could buy Hudy 14K for 25 cents, all night long. This is when we had 3.2 beer. Tell me that you remember that:)


Ann, my hunting partner tells me they make good stew (he even collected a couple when I bought my home here)... but that is one critter I haven't tried yet. At least I don't think I've tried it, I never know what he puts in the snack bag on the duck boat!



Worse, we are BENGAL fans, too!

Rob Crawford

Well... I've heard about those days...

I remember the Big Red Machine.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

--Ann. I recommend a .223 Bushmaster.--

Geez, get a clue dude.

It's a "semi..er, no, I mean fully automatic .223 Bushmaster.


Trust? Got to be kidding!


Captain Hate

Worse, we are BENGAL fans, too!

Cleveland fans would never admit it but they'd kill to have achieved what the Reds and Bengals have done in the last 40 years.

Multidimensional chess happening with POI tonight; with all the commercials I'm amazed they could pack so much content into the paltry remaining time.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

I've had squirrel as a lad. Let's just say I didn't shoot any more after the first one.
Some people swear by squirrel brains including the Robertsons on Duck Dynasty.

Captain Hate

This is when we had 3.2 beer. Tell me that you remember that

**waves hand**



I normally loathe the ratlike things because they steal all the bird seed I put out.

However, there are two occasions that I treasure them, and that is cute babies and when they get drunk on all the pumpkins in the compost after Halloween.

I should sign off as a cruel conservative now. HA!


"Does the English language even have words to properly describe how completely dishonest, and contemptuous of everyone who isn't him, "our" president is?"

Certainly. They begin with the letters M & F and C and S and so forth.

To a one-time cowboy, those words are not vulgar or even swearing. They are necessary descriptors.

Captain Hate

Speaking of squirrel, the daughter of one of Mrs H's co-workers was invited to her boyfriend's parent's place in Muskingum and was served those critters as a main course. Since it was for guests, I'll assume it wasn't road kill.


Okay...Here's a squirrel recipe that will take care of 3 of the little scoundrels -
(from an old recipe brochure I found at my parent's house - Wild Game Care & Cooking by the TX Ag. Extension Service)

Brunswick Stew
3 squirrels, cut in serving pieces
3 quarts water
1/4 cup diced bacon
1/4 tsp. cayenne
2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 cup chopped onion
4 cups or 2 No. 303 cans tomatoes
2 cups diced potatoes
2 cups lima beans
2 cups corn

Place squirrel pieces in a large kettle. Add water. Bring slowly to boil; reduce heat and simmer 1 1/2 to 2 hrs, or until squirrel is tender, skimming surface occasionally. Remove meat from bones and return to liquid. Add bacon, cayenne, salt, pepper, onion, tomatoes, potatoes and lima beans. Cook 1 hr. Add corn and continue to cook 10 minutes. Serves 6 to 8.


Yeah, even I had trouble keeping up, and that's saying something, so Rylatech was being probed by the former MI-6 guy's firm to disable the Machine?

daddy, knows a similar instance with a venture capitalist out of Seattle, who is opposing the Pebble Mine, in Alaska. Just like some major league interests like RFK jr, and John Adams
are behind the attack on facking.


Spanish much more conducive to proper invective.

Captain Hate

Put the JEF and Choo Choo Joey in a closed room with a loaded firearm and at least one and possibly both of our national nightmares would finally be over.

Captain Hate

Yes, I think that's it, narc. Btw is it just me or does anybody else have a hard time figuring out what the female Euro badass says?


If someone drives up to your place, and you're not home, you probably shouldn't start shooting.

Because you're not at home.

Well, Rob, I'll tell ya, people say to me, "Joe, what if you're not at home?" And I tell'em the same thing I tell Hair Doctor Professor Mrs Biden: You face towards home, aim high, and pull the trigger. See Rob, we have this thing called "gravity". And what it does, it pulls everything down. Literally everything. Bullets come back down. Unemployment's coming back down. That's gravity. It's physics.

Now I know, you're thinking "but Joe, if I take a gun and fire it into the air, is that legal?" I'm tellin ya, and I taught law for many years: It's as legal as if you were in your own home firing through the doors. And don't worry that you're going to hit one of our drones, which they're not, no disclosure of that infor-lots of the Tea Partiers want to stir up trouble, "They're watching us with drones! They're gonna take our guns! We're not gonna be able to keep our health insurance!" And - and. But what if I said what you got instead was better? You'd like that, right? I can't get into the details of it now, because it's complicated, but know this: we got elected again, didn't we? So what does that tell you? It tells me that we're going to hang around another four, five, six years, and fix all the terrible problems in this country. Because it's been hard these last few years. Hard for me too. I don't go to all the parties, with, ah, Snoopity Doo Dog and everybody. And many of you don't either. So we're all in the same boat together. But we have a great captain of the boat in Barack Obama, like the Skipper from Gilligan's Island or Captain Ahab from A Thousand Miles Under the Ocean. So we'll get through this.

Now does that answer your question?


I was gonna say, Captain, first thing Biden would do, is fire blindly through the door.

Captain Hate

Outstanding bgates; it's like Molly Bloom's Soliloquy following a massive head injury.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

As soon as I see "Joe.." I settle in for a good laugh.


And she said, if I was living out in a farm in Iowa, I'd probably want a gun, too.

We are so lucky that the Obamas have selflessly offered their keen intellects in service of the nation.

Anyone care to compare urban and rural crime rates? Anyone?

Jim Eagle

bgates, you cheated. I saw the same dialogue on wh.gov just the other day:)


WWonderful, bgates!

I think what feminist Michelle meant by no one home was no MAN at home to protect her from evil.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

She ought to be used to it by now after all these years.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

Speaking of gays, what explanation do all these heroic Senators give for suddenly supporting gay marriage?

They were for unequal protection under the law until five minutes ago?
They suddenly found out they all have sons who frequent the same bathhouse?
They watched Hello Dolly last night?

It's like watching a line of empty-headed sheep who when the first one gets a little jittery and jumps over a non existent object the whole herd of dumbbells following him does the same in the same spot.


The most recent is Bill 'space cadet' Nelson, I would check for pods, but I think it's redundant in his case,

Captain Hate

It's like something out of Kafka, Iggy, where they want everybody to admire their lack of ability to adhere to a position when confronted with slightly shifting polls.


They behave much like the famed 'Kamikazi Scotman', programmed to immolate themselves.


TM's last link about that Oklahoma mom shooting an intruder is sobering. She killed him with one shot from a 12 gauge shotgun, or, as President Obama would say, she killed him with an automatic weapon.

Melinda Romanoff

Has Maya been to the range lately? And does she have a FOID?

On that snark, I'll fade.

G'night all!


Dear Scientist in Chief. I have 2 brothers in Denver. And a brother in law. Brother 1 is a Sheriffs Deputy, and was on SWAT at Columbine in Littleton. My other brother is a FED AGENT and is currently serving in Tunisia because of Rodhams fuxup in Benghazi. Bro-in-law is retired Milwaukee County Sheriffs dept.
Obama spoke in Denver about gun control.
All three laughed at him.


I just hope that if we ever have a hearing again on Fast and Furious, one of our guys leads off his questioning with Obama's quote today, then asks if Holder or whomever would care to comment:

And, by the way, if you’re selling a gun, wouldn’t you want to know who you’re selling it to? Wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want in your conscience to know that the person you’re selling to isn’t going to commit a crime?

I suppose if Obama had asked me that question today my answer would have been, "Since you guys in the Government obviously didn't care during Fast and Furious, why the hell should I care?"


However, there are two occasions that I treasure them, and that is cute babies and when they get drunk on all the pumpkins in the compost after Halloween.

Hi Beloved Ann!

Your evil twin has been hanging out lately and slinging compost, not making fun asides about it.

BTW, who's your Fav Baseball team if you have one?


Daddy, Obama and Holder didn't sell A GUN.
There were over 2000 high powered. Fully automatic (new definition as of today apparently).
It's okay for Obama to do it, and for Holder to do it. NO ONE IS ACCOUNTABLE.


Having finally caught up I see now that Beloved Ann is a Reds fan.

Oh Compost!@#$%


Well, how do those baby squirrels get down from there?


I think what feminist Michelle meant by no one home was no MAN at home to protect her from evil.

If she'd said "there's no one home," I'd buy that. But she said "you're not home." Makes no sense at all.

But the broader picture is that she knew she was speaking with bitter clingers, and she needed to get down to their low level. I'm surprised she didn't do like her ridiculous husband and start talking about "folks" this and "folks" that, and drop all the g's at the end of words.


I know I have some pronoun trouble admittedly, but that statement still makes no sense.


Amazing ain't it that in this day and age the First Lady, with 20 bodyguards, hundreds of servants, thousands of Press sycophants, millions of dollars to waste, and Air Force 2 ready to take her anywhere on the planet she wants to go at a moments notice, considers all that the rough equivalent of being a single mom.

And our Press will let her get away with it.


Daddy, the Press, thinks that the OBAMA's are some sort of CAMELOT. It's the MEDIA'S WET DREAM cum true.


She also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country

You be the Judge:

Female State Attorney Generals:

1) Janet Trafton Mills Maine

2) Pam Bondi Florida

3) Kamala Harris California

4) Lisa Madigan Illinois

5) Martha Coakley Mass

6) Lori Swanson Minn

7) Catherine Cortez Masto Nevada

8) Ellen Rosenblum Oregon

9) Kathleen Kane Pennsylvania


Daddy. In general. (Pun intended), the HAIR STYLE is a TELL.


Now I ask you, why would President Obama go and say something like that when he could come home to this:


What is TONED ARMS for $1OOO Daddy.


Hope I didn't bruise your eyes with that last one, GUS:)


daddy, it's even worse when you hear Michelle Obamination speak.
Have you read her Princeton Thesis??? My 7th grade writings at a Catholic School were better. We are living the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of LIBTARD APOLOGISTS having the RIGHT to VOTE.
Michelle Obama is an idiot. Unfortunately, her husband is even dumber.


Here it is!!!
This is the BULLSHIT that the LEFT devours.


Bgates,you are facing genius!


I mean you are one; damn and blast this kindle spellchecker ....


I want to see his IQ scores.
And his eyes re Kamala clearly did not stray from her impressive chest. lol



Michelle is too smart for me. I bailed out at:

Separationism/Pluralism and

Too many ism's.

It strikes me that it should be set to the music of that old Louis Jordan World War 2 song, Is you is or is you ain't my Ism."

It's actually a pretty cool tune, and it sticks with me because I remember years back reading an essay by Jacob Brownoski mentioning the song, and how it effected his life at an unlikely moment. Very shortly after the War he was chosen to lead the English team sent to Nagasaki and Hiroshima to study the effects of the atomic bomb. His essay in "Science and Human Values" continues this way:

On a fine November day in 1945, late in the afternoon, I was landed on an airstrip in Southern Japan. From there a jeep was to take me over the mountains to join a ship which lay in Nagasaki Harbour. I knew nothing of the country or the distance before us. We drove off; dusk fell; the road rose and fell away, the pine woods came down to the road, straggled on and opened again. I did not know that we had left the open country until unexpectedly I heard the ship's loudspeakers broadcasting dance music.

Then suddenly I was aware that we were already at the centre of damage in Nagasaki. The shadows behind me were the skeletons of the Mitsubishi factory buildings, pushed backwards and sideways as if by a giant hand. What I had thought to be broken rocks was a concrete power house with its roof punched in. I could now make out the outline of two crumpled gasometers; there was a cold furnace festooned with service pipes; otherwise nothing but cockeyed telegraph poles and loops of wire in a bare waste of ashes. I had blundered into this desolate landscape as instantly as one might wake among the craters of the moon.

The moment of recognition when I realised that I was already in Nagasaki is present to me as I write, as vividly as when I lived it. I see the warm night and the meaningless shapes; I can even remember the tune that was coming from the ship. It was a dance tune which had been popular in 1945, and it was called Is You Is Or Is You Ain't Ma Baby?

Brownowski continues and uses that song's title as a way to ask questions about the nuclear age.


Beautiful , daddy. What writing!


Daddy, about twenty five years ago or so, I went through a major Louis Jordan phase where I listened to him at least twice a day. I have to dig out those LPs from somewhere and play them. I went to see a so-so musical revue on Broadway called "Five Guys Named Moe" which finally ended it for me, since it was so mediocre.

And I interpret Moochelle's verbal gaffe about being a single mom as quite revealing--she is married to a zero, thus she is single. What a hag.


Maybe Lanza's rifle was converted, illegally, to full auto and the Prez let a fact slip out that does not help the case against semi-autos.

From this point forward I will be spreading this new information to all my Commie friends.

"Did you know that the Sandy Hook killer was using an illegal weapon? It's true. The President said so himself."


Remember this?





As the JEF heads out to gather more money by pretending gun control is lacking, Insty posts a link
about the real reason behind the mass killings---severely ill
young men who don't get hospitalized/institutionalized for the help they need:



Does the English language even have words to properly describe how completely dishonest, and contemptuous of everyone who isn't him, "our" president is?
Yes, the words are "George W. Bush." You know, the Shrub.


Great link at 7:24 TK. I'd forgotten about her full-auto comment. Brazen liars, and who can blame them? Look where it's gotten them.


Bill Ayers admits he's friends with Obama -

"There was a big hullabaloo during the 2008 presidential election over your relationship to Obama. What is or was your relationship to him?

I brief him every Monday in the White House, and he never listens! No. The truth is exactly what he said and what the campaign said in 2008. David Axelrod said we were friendly, that was true; we served on a couple of boards together, that was true; he held a fundraiser in our living room, that was true; Michelle [Obama] and Bernardine were at the law firm together, that was true. Hyde Park in Chicago is a tiny neighborhood, so when he said I was “a guy around the neighborhood,” that was true. Today, I wish I knew him better and he was listening to me. Obama’s not a radical. I wish he were, but he’s not."

here was Axelrod in 2008 on Ayers/Obama -

"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

F'n liars & a rotting news media...what a combination. :(

hit and run

It's after 8:30, it's sunny, and I'm awake.



Daddy, you can buy Jacob Bronowski's Magic, Science, and Civilization lecture at MIT used for a penny and new for $61.

I prize my copy for debunking magic -- the idea that if you do some secret dance, nature will do your bidding -- in favor of learning to understand nature so you can use it.


daddy, peter, Louis Jordan, best Dracula ever.




Rob Crawford

So... that picture of MO... is she auditioning for the Star Trek "salt vampire"?


That reminds me, daddy, what happened with that Paris mayor's race. I'm a little down on Bondi, for obvious reasons, but I'm not going into denial.


Ayers was not very good at bombing, defined as blowing up your girlfriend and most of your Weatherman cell, unfortunately he did fins something he was good at.


I don't Ayers was so much a friend, but a mentor,
certainly someone he looked up to.

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