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April 10, 2013




Annoying Old Guy

Will anyone dare to ask how this would have had any effect at all on the Sandy Hook attack?


a commission on mass violence

even dumber than the background check part. We already know what causes mass violence: leftists (see Stalin, Mao, Pot, etc) and mental instability (yes, I repeat myself).

hit and run

Will anyone dare to ask how this would have had any effect at all on the Sandy Hook attack?

Hillary provided the template to answer just such a question.

James D.

At the end of the day, the merits (or, almost certainly, the lack thereof) of any specific proposal don't matter.

Neither the motives nor the competence of our Representatives and Senators can be trusted. Therefore, any bill that's proposed, especially a "bipartisan" or "compromise" bill, needs to be viewed with the utmost suspicion, and should be assumed to be harmful, malicious and counterproductive.


from WZ -Could not agree more with the NRA’s statement on this.

Via NRA:

Expanding background checks at gun shows will not prevent the next shooting, will not solve violent crime and will not keep our kids safe in schools. While the overwhelming rejection of President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg’s “universal” background check agenda is a positive development, we have a broken mental health system that is not going to be fixed with more background checks at gun shows. The sad truth is that no background check would have prevented the tragedies in Newtown, Aurora or Tucson. We need a serious and meaningful solution that addresses crime in cities like Chicago, addresses mental health deficiencies, while at the same time protecting the rights of those of us who are not a danger to anyone. President Obama should be as committed to dealing with the gang problem that is tormenting honest people in his hometown as he is to blaming law-abiding gun owners for the acts of psychopathic murderers."


The NRA Statement-- I read that as a green light to Repubs to vote as their own elections dictate. Smart politics by the NRA-- as usual. They manuevered the debate to the least threatening element (bacground checks)-- focused the debate on that, called the legislation useless and stupid, and they move on to bigger issues. These are winning tactics. Now, let's talk about the budget and debt and no jobs.


BTW-- can we just sell the Repub/Tea parties to the Koch Bros and the NRA-- those organizations really know how to manage winning and losing hands.

Rick Ballard



Are you sure? The President is dragging kindergartner's bodies around as stage props, Grillzntats' parents sold his body (transmuted to a relic of St. Trayvon) for $1 million while we await the verdict on the success of "I was only following the President's orders" defense in the trial of the Philly Baby Butcher.

The definition of idiots and idiocy appears to be going through some rapid changes.


Enviro's and the EPA win another round. Just breaking...

Following in the footsteps of Shell Oil: CONOCOPHILLIPS DELAYS 2014 ARCTIC MARINE DRILLING

the company announced that it will put its Chukchi (chuk-CHEE') Sea drilling plans on hold "because of uncertainties of evolving federal regulatory requirements and operational permitting standards."...It says it would not be prudent at this time to devote the financial resources needed to preserve the option to drill

Like clockwork: "An environmental group (Oceana) opposed to drilling hailed the decision."




Looks like the whole "The Republicans shouldn't filibuster the debate" strategy has backfired. That part about Democrats having to take tough votes that will cost them the Senate? Seems Pat Toomey has given them plenty of cover and we may end up getting a ridiculous background check too. Wow, what a huge win for Republicans. Anyone who made the patently stupid argument that not filibustering the bill would be a huge plus for Republicans now looks positively foolish.


just flat out wrong. Not worth discussing.


It was 'cunning, cunning, plan' like the Piranha Bros's first schemes.


Unsafe, Illegal, and sadly not Rare:



Carlos Slim's dancing monkeys have gone ultra plaid;


Frau Strafkolonie

daddy, I am reminded of Kafka's story:

"In the Penal Colony" describes the last use of an elaborate torture and execution device that carves the sentence of the condemned prisoner on his skin in a script before letting him die, all in the course of twelve hours.

Even this is too kind for the butcher from Philly.


And you give him a finger, he takes your arm;


Mind you, I don't see much problem with most of the targets but still, it exceeded their own parameters

Frau Strafkolonie

"Unsafe, Illegal, and sadly not Rare"

You forgot, totally ignored

Jim Eagle

Just goes to show you how certain Senators like Machin and Twoomey can be bullied by Obama. He is a creep and the way you handle creeps and bullies is you get in their face and tell them to back down or they'll be sorry. In his case, no deals, no way and try to beat me at home.

West Virginia and Pennsylvania are gun country. Outside Michigan, I believe more deer are bagged in PA than any other state. What is it that these two are fearing?

There is just too much kid glove approaches to Obama and his policies. Take them off and take him on. Of course, the main reason there are kid gloves is to protect them from the racism charge.

Jim Eagle

OT: I want to buy Frederick a BB or combo BB/pellet gun. He has taken Cub Scout level gun safety and shot the classic Daisy at paper targets but I want to get him something a little more sophisticated. This will be his end-of-school-year present so I have some time to consider various products and their performance.

Any ideas?

Don't want to go the small .22 just yet. He's only 9 and we don't hunt down here in Florida anymore.

Melinda Romanoff


I know of a very, very nice hunt club in Florida.


"a commission on mass violence
even dumber than the background check part"

Henry -- spome good can come of that-- the Commission should check into mass violence in ChiTown, Wilding in Detroit and Milwaukee, Mexican drug gangs on the Ariz border. When the House mandates those inquiries in its version, the Commission quietly disappears in Conference Cmte. In fact, the House version will put so many anti-crime provisions in-- aremed guards in schools, mental health inquiries, liability exemptions for manufacturers etc (RACIST!), the whole thing probably dies in Conference Cmte.

Melinda Romanoff

I also like how the Toomey-Schumie Team has put the veto over ownership of guns into your MD's hands.

This should withstand much court scrutiny.

Jim Eagle


So do I but that's not the problem. I belong to one but my wheels barely get me around a golf course in a cart. Maybe once I am back with healthy knees i can take that up again.

Schumer negotiated several changes to the initial Manchin-Toomey proposal, including striking language from the agreement allowing concealed permit holders to carry their weapons in other states, and limiting Internet sales to five guns per year. He also worked to make sure there is a 72-hour window for performing background checks except for gun-show sales, which will be cleared in 48 hours initially.
[my emphasis]

How is it good that this bill transforms instant background checks into background checks that will take 48-72 hours? That sure sounds like an artificially imposed "waiting period" to me.

And what the heck is that 5-gun limit thing doing in there? I though all internet sales required the firearm be shipped to an FFL and the buyer must go there in person, show ID, pass a background check, and pay a service fee to the FFL before actually taking possession of the firearm. Seems silly to impose a cap on a buyer based on the original sales source without regard to the middle part of the transaction.


NK, its just one more place for academic leftists to suck up tax dollars while proclaiming racism. Laws and and mandates mean nothing to those people.

Melinda Romanoff

As far as inventory suggestions, I defer to Ig. I hope the knee gets some heal time. Is it a meniscus issue?


Like the Childress's or how about that Riverside prof, that said conservatives are more likely to committ suicide,


And, excuse me, this is perfect illustration of one of my peeves with online news. Why don't they link to the bill? They talk around it, they quote people talking around it -- why not link to the d**n source document?

I know the snarky obvious answers, thanks. I really want to know what these "journalists" and "editors" say to themselves to justify obscuring fact by presenting only subjective descriptions or opinion.


I am technically incompetent so i can't post just the image-- but please check out this ZH link to Obummer's 'Budget'-- $3.8 in spending (25% of GDP) tax 20% of GDP (about $800B new DEBT). But the image shows so=pending categories. By my off the top of my head figuring, if the USA paid Interest on the debt, DoD, PLUS ALL entitlements PLUS Vets- it would be about $3.0 trillion-- that would exceed revenue by $200B-- Balance by cutting ALL other Fed Spending. Works for me. Of course the sheeple will want an FBI and air traffic control, and meat inspection,OK, we can cut some Medicaid and float a few Billion Dollars of debt for that. Seriously, there's about $700B of federal spending that is utterly 'nonessential'. Utterly. The link: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-10/obama-budget-sees-lower-growth-housing-autos-resurgent

Jim Eagle


Yes. Meniscus. Torn. Inside left knee. Go to my pre-op routine tomorrow at Mayo Jax. Then on the 17th they do the scope.


Heal up fast JiB!


Obama's budget is a joke. Obama is a joke.

Jim Eagle

Another reason Rob Crawford should have just put a bullet through his TV showing MSNBC.

They don't even know the difference between the House and the Senate.



thats just a press release with no link to the actual legislation ...

so No, they didn't present anything ...


From the WAPO on this story "Under the terms of the Manchin-Toomey deal, all background checks would be conducted by federally licensed gun dealers, who would need to verify the validity of a purchaser’s gun license and record that a check was performed. "

See, that right there is something I'd like to see the actual language. A fair number of states (like mine) don't issue gun licenses.

Jim Eagle

Paul Ryan visited National Review today and here is a part of an intereview with Geraghty (and he is distressed):

Toward the end of the meeting, I asked him about the contrast in his life in the past year — last autumn, where he spent every day in the white-hot spotlight running for vice president, and now, when he’s back chairing the House Budget Committee. I asked whether a part of him felt happy to be back in his budget-policy element.

“No, I actually wished I was doing something different,” Ryan said with a laugh. “I had a different vision than this.”

“I guess one of the most distressing things is that… I worked with Mike Leavitt, after my debate was done I got jump into the transition planning more. Mitt had two more debates to go. So I worked with Mike Leavitt and Chris Liddell on his team on the transition plan. And knowing what we were going to do in the first 200 days, how we were going to tackle the entitlement problems, the debt crisis, tax reform, energy exploration. All the things we said were going to do, we were going to do. And we were really getting down to the specifics. Losing the election and now seeing where the country is headed in this kind of level of detail… (holding up a summary of President Obama’s budget proposal, unveiled today)… Very few people have such a clear view of the whole alteration of trajectory that has occurred. And that’s obviously… I won’t say it’s despairing, it’s distressing, I’m distressed. I gave up despair for Lent this year,” he joked.


JiB: I love my Crosman 2240 pellet gun, though I replaced the trigger/sear/spring. It uses C02 cartridge (good for about 50 rounds per cartridge, plus or minus depending on temperature). Also got a pellet trap.

It's single shot, which is mostly fine but sometimes annoying. I occasionally wonder about whether for my purposes (backyard convenience, target practice, comfort and familiarity with shooting) an airsoft might be a better choice. They make replicas of lots of "real" firearms, so that's a nice bonus.


JiB@2:38-- nothing surprising in the Ryan statements-- it's over, the last chance to work out of the Debt Bomb before it goes off has ended-- Obummer winning in 2012 assured that. So the federal Gov't financial calamity will happen, and all of these craven politicians will have to explain to voters why checks can't go out for Medicare and Soc Sec etc etc. It will be a shock to the sheeple- will you be surprised when that happens? it will distress me to see so much pain because the lies of politicians have hit home-- but I'll take care of my family. Politicians of the Blue variety? they'll be a lot more than distressed.

Strawman Cometh

Gamo Big Cat


James D.

NK, if/when that happens, we're all screwed, and the people who have saved and prepared will probably suffer the most as everything they've worked for is stolen from them to keep the checks going out until the very last minute.


Strawman - that looks great! But I'd be concerned about the 30 lb cocking for myself, and maybe also for a 9yo boy. I know I have the strength but not the right leverage (height and arm length) to use my friend's pump air rifles. That's why I went with C02, anyway.


We're all screwed -- very true. who suffers the most? I don't think those who worked prepared and saved will suffer most-- it will be those who haven't and rely on the government teat. that will be over, irrevocably. The rest of us will suffer because it was OUR credit that the politicians eff'd up entirely and we will have losses. But we'll have our health, minds and initiative, and we'll carry on-- with a new government.


BTW-- it is when-- not if at this point. I haven't spoken with any financial professional who sees an 'easy' way out at this point.

NK, if/when that happens, we're all screwed, and the people who have saved and prepared will probably suffer the most as everything they've worked for is stolen from them to keep the checks going out until the very last minute.
I think of the Kulaks, who buried their seed to keep it away from the commissars -- when the commissars killed them, nobody knew where to look for the stocks and so they all starved anyway. But they only starved a few months sooner -- if they had eaten the seed stocks that would have only delayed their deaths by a little.

That's the point about economic activity: it continuously creates things of value, faster than we can consume them. The moment our productive/creative powers drop below our consumption/destructive rate, we are DOOMED.


NK....it's all about METHODOLOGY. If your conclusion is arrived at in an unapproved way, it is now called a 'NON-CONCLUSION'.

Soylent Green is People!!!!!



I tore ACL, MCL, and cartilage last March while skiing. The connective parts healed mostly by September, but was still painful to walk. The knee had dislocated some ten times since my first ski accident in '79 and the meniscus looked like the surface of the moon before the doc went to town. We finally did the scope around October and life is great.

I've dropped some 30 pounds and can play ball with the kids again. It's like a new world.

Best luck with yours!

Jim Rhoads f/k/a vnjagvet

Happy Birthday, Stephanie. Hope you are on the links or at the Masters this gorgeous Spring day. Best wishes PD in Detroit. It is great to hear that healing really does happen.

What is it with Middle Atlantic Republicans that insist on helping the JEF to quit digging?


Jack and Walter. Since my ACL and meniscus tears/surgeries, I've come to realize that SERIOUS rehab is your best friend. Do what you are told. Take your rehab as serious as a .......CRUTCH.

Jim Eagle

Thanks Walter. Always happy to hear healing to health experiences like yours. Can't to get back on the bike and tennis courts again. I walk like Walter Brennen now:)

Strawman Cometh

30 lb cocking.

Could be a concern. But it has a fairly long lever (the barrel) with which to generate the force. I didn't want to have to purchase more consumables. It is amazingly accurate.

Melinda Romanoff

BitCoin has "Tulipped".


Hey, Stephanie! Happy birthday!


AGW Update:

Breaking News:

Deadline to remove studded tires pushed back

Up here, if you don't have snow tires off your public road vehicle by the state mandated date you are subject to fines and penalties.

Department of Public Safety Commissioner Joe Masters has moved back the deadline to remove the tires to May 1. It had been April 15 for roads south of 60 degrees latitude.

Recent snow and ice in the state led to the deadline being pushed back.

Why it's almost (as Hit says) that there's been unexpectedly more snow than normal.

Annoying Old Guy


I'll second AliceH's recommendation to look at airsoft. Lots and lots of fun stuff, both CO2 powered and spring powered.


all of these craven politicians will have to explain to voters why checks can't go out for Medicare and Soc Sec etc etc.

"What difference, at this point, does it make?" - as H&R explained to me.

Or, more likely, "The GOP stole it to invade Iraq".

James D.

NK, what I'm imagining is something like what happens in "Dr. Zhivago" - your fully-paid-for house and your savings accouints are going to be taken from you in the name of "the poor", and you'll be sitting there watching a crowd of LIVs and 47%ers smashing up your possessions while mocking you as a "hoarder", etc.

If you're lucky.


Yeah, I figure my best defense is that no one wants houses in my town anyway -- there are enough empty houses that it will be easier to take those rather than the occupied ones.

As for taking your savings, why bother with the pesky logistics of confiscation when they can just take it all via inflation -- the inflation that we are already committed to with the money that Ben has already printed.

Melinda Romanoff


Subtract the destroyed wealth as well. There are positive and negative numbers involved, not just the positive column. As well as the deleveraging, which is both voluntary and involuntary wealth destruction.


Right -- the distinction between wealth destroyed and wealth never created is not that hard and fast.


CathyF correctly points to the more subtle methods that today's wealth grabbers will use rather than Lenin's Red street thugs. The Fed can't forgive the debt it holds on its balance sheet, that would be epic deflation and crush the money center banks-- so INflation it will be. Double digit, savings crushing inflation it will be. No street thugs, no tossing us out of our homes, just BenB hitting the 'Enter' key.


I know the public finance meltdown has started, I 'know' there will be inflation-- I have this morbid curiosity about what comes out the other side.


THERE ARE ALREADY BACKGROUND CHECKS AT GUN SHOWS. What are these guys referring to? ALso any internet sales have to be delivered to an FFL who runs the check. Do Manchin and Toomey NOT KNOW how it works NOW!!!!


Happy Birthday.I hope you have a nice spring day to celebrate.
James D: I fear you are correct in your analysis. I too feel distressed because I know Romney/Ryan could have gotten us out of this mess. As it is, Obama's crazy budget tells you all you need to know about his lack of purpose and understanding of the problems we face.


jib-my son and his friends used to have epic AirSoft battles before graduating to the real stuff. It would be perfect for Frederick.

I think I told you that the Lego building helps too. It really develops those fine motor skills that lead to precision as an adult.

cathy-excellent description. At the moment the welfare state is collapsing all over the world we have global; ed reform premised on its expansion. I just knocked another book today less than a year old detailing that new really democratic participatory economy,

And you know what? It is premised on expanding immigration in all these countries and then taking care of the newcomers as if they were family.


Soon, we'll all be felons.


Hi James D,

Too busy to keep up with JOM today but just wanted to drop in to say I am halfway through Dream Student and really enjoying it. In fact, was up last night unable to sleep and couldn't put it down. Thanks for a great read!


PDinDetroit: I am so happy for you,your fiancee and your daughter.This good news is just what we all need in these challenging times.


MarkO; You really crack me up!


"Soon, we'll all be felons."

What, at this point, does it matter anyway?

Think I'll just go mime on La Rambla.

James D.

Thanks, Porchlight! That means a lot!

Rob Crawford
Do Manchin and Toomey NOT KNOW how it works NOW!!!!


Next question?

Rob Crawford
"Soon, we'll all be felons."

After the first one, the others are "free".

Rob Crawford

Had a "training" class today, so got to leave early.

However, on the way out I saw the monitors tuned to MSNBC, saw the caption on the screen, and a question occurred to me:

Does MSNBC run anything but race-baiting, white-hating wanna-be fascists?


You are welcome. It is really fun - especially since I was a sophomore in college when the action takes place. So it brings back some fun memories. :)


JiB--I have refrained from sharng this three or four times til now, but your entry about the PA compels me to tell you that you need to make sure the person you think is doing your surgery IS doing it, not just supervising a resident--unless you are OK with that.


Has everyone seen or heard about this info gathering device?



"Does MSNBC run anything but race-baiting, white-hating wanna-be fascists?"


Next question?


James D.

Porch, I was a junior in college at that time myself - that's exactly why I set it then (that, and so I didn't have to worry about cell phones and Google messing up my plot!).

When you're finished, if you leave a review on Amazon I'd really appreciate it, and I'd be happy to send you a free copy of book #2 as well if you want.


-- I am halfway through Dream Student and really enjoying it.--

JamesD: I was up until 2am reading it myself. Then I immediately downloaded Dream Doctor and read it the next day. And downloaded Dream Child and read it and downloaded Dream Family and read it... ;)

I did enjoy them all, but especially the middle two. Silly, but I also got a kick out of seeing a minor character named Alice H.

The plots are compelling and very well paced - and very different from what I normally read. My favorite characters reflect my age, I think - I like Sara's parents a LOT, and Joseph, her anatomy partner, is intriguing.

I've never left an Amazon review before, however I'm working up to it.


Further evidence that Democrats are crazy and immoral:
They are resurrecting Lynn Stewart and Anthony Weiner.

James D.

Alice, thank you! That's so great to hear - I'm really glad you enjoyed them. And I'll let you know when the next one's finished - I'm 3 chapters into it so far.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

Another comment eaten.
Can we please have a mass shooting at the Typepad HQ?

One more time;
The FBI already has up to 72 hours to complete a NICS check. The vast majority are completed in a few minutes so they seem instant but don't have to be.

The five gun per year limit seems pretty clearly unconstitutional. If accurate these mods make the thing DOA in the Senate I'd imagine. It's obviously pretty ripe carrion already in the house.

Melinda Romanoff


I'm blocked on this thread.


Well, I'm not having Typepad issues, but looking at the weather satellite pics and a monster red/yellow splotch heading my way, I expect I'll be having power outages shortly (had a few brief failures today already). Off to charge up all the chargeable things.

Tom Maguire

My casual understanding is that all *licensed dealers* who choose to sell at gun shows must do a check.

In addition some (but by no means all) states require dealers to perform a check if an unlicensed dealer (e.g., a small collector, hobbyist) wants to complete a sale.

So the new law would expand the procedures already employed in some states into the rest of the nation.

As to internet sales, I agree - I thought it was always completed by way of a licensed dealer.

Rob Crawford
So the new law would expand the procedures already employed in some states into the rest of the nation.

Unless the sale is between friends. I've read that California has a similar provision, and that as a result, California gun owners have become quite adept at becoming friends.

As to internet sales, I agree - I thought it was always completed by way of a licensed dealer.

They are. Some of the speculation is that this bill would expand the definition of "internet sale".

Rob Crawford

And I think an email quoted by Insty has the meat of it: the push for gun control is a part of the culture war. The push hasn't been targeted at the people who commit most of the country's murders; it hasn't been targeted at the lunatics who commit the mass murders.

The targets are weapons bought largely by middle-class whites, and at activities middle-class whites take part in. Thus Schumer's restrictions on even LOANING a gun to a friend or relative; thus the targeting of Internet sales and gun shows. No increased enforcement of existing laws; no increased penalties for felons in possession of firearms; no push to actually punish violent career criminals (who commit most of the murders in the US).

And I've heard a few lefties with their guard down admit as much, that this is a "get whitey" movement.

Frau Strafkolonie

Well, I guess I'm off for the evening to finish Dream Student. Before I go, however, there's this on Benghazi:

And as long as we have a culture where only a few families serve, whose heroes are movie starts and singers and moan the death of movie critics louder than those who died fighting, the media just might just manage to keep this hidden.
Yesterday, my McClatchey rag had Mouseketeer Annette Funicello on the *front* page and Margaret Thatcher on the back page. And I pay for this paper!

Happy Birthday, Stephanie!

Jim Eagle

HB, Stephanie. Forgot to do that earlier. Off to bed. Up early for my drive up A1A to Jax Beach and on over to Mayo. Will be missing the Masters but my iPad has a way of watching I hope.

Jim Eagle

Forgot to thank all for the recommendations. I think I will go Airsoft and look at the various offerings.

Night all.



Good luck again! Actually, I was unclear earlier; my knee now has less pain under stress and freer motion than it had since I was a teenager. My only complaint is that the surgeon didn't do that for the rest of my body.


Purchased book one and dropped a review. Congrats on being a published author.

James D.

Thanks, Walter! And Frau! This is really good for my ego!


Carp it's even worse then I thought



Well, Walter, when you find a doctor who will do that, pls let me know.


Porch, I was a junior in college at that time myself - that's exactly why I set it then (that, and so I didn't have to worry about cell phones and Google messing up my plot!).

James, guess what, I counted wrong. I was a junior in college then, too! :)

I will be happy to leave a review on Amazon when I finish.




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