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May 06, 2013


Jane -

I wonder who Obama will ultimately blame this on after he has been caught. My guess is Valerie Jarrett, or maybe Brennen. I mean, how can he be expected to know everything, they told him they would take care of it.


Sharyl is the only alphabet media journalist to really cover this from the get go. No liberal media awards for her reporting, I bet.


Hope you're you've been inoculating yourself with smear antibodies, Sharyl. You're going to need them. Soon.


I can tell you this. Rodham isn't going down alone.
Ooooooh, the idea of Rodham "going down" oooooooooooooooooooooooooh ick.


Stupid iPhone... user.


Typepad has become really weird. On the Fifty Shades thread, narcisolator is no longer working and avatars show up by every comment (also on my work computer).

On THIS thread it is working just dandy and no avatars.

Jim Rhoads f/k/a vnjagvet

I commented on another thread that Schieffer's reaction to the Hicks transcript was the first indication to me that there may be a crack in the MSM blackout. I suspect that Sheryl's reporting is helping on this score.

I am also heartened that Gowdy seems to be taking charge of the hearing procedures. From what I have seen of him in past appearances, he is a seasoned litigator who asks precise questions and follows up when answers are misleading or unresponsive.


Jim, sorry I missed it earlier - how did Schieffer react?

I want to believe the dam is cracking, but I've been wrong too many times.

Captain Hate


RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Durant is 4-for-4 attempting go-ahead FG's in final 24 secs of 4th Q last 2 playoffs; rest of NBA is 2-for-23

Jim Eagle

Back from the Local US Open Qualifier. Steve Wheatcroft - tour regular - shot 70 as did Chad Poling. Two other's go through and Frank Lickliter is in a playoff but I didn't stay -we had plenty of officials there.

But back on topic: The only problem with these 3 witnesses is known of them were there. Where the hell are the 30 or so SO, State and other personnel that were there and rescued? How come we don't hear from them?

Sure these three have gravitas but if we only had a few of the guys that were in the special compound to offer their views then we have a gasoline fire. Still keeping my powder dry but its looking more like CBS is going to the mattresses on this.

Jim Eagle

known = none of them. Geeeez.


We need a sex angle. Otherwise, Benghazi will never arouse the level of interest the American public requires in a scandal.

Preferably a gay sex angle.

Jim Rhoads f/k/a vnjagvet

Watch this.

Old Lurker

Well, Ext, we still do not know where Obama or his body man were after 5PM. Does that work for you? Or I suppose Hilary, having missed the 3AM call, might qualify as well.

So many choices...


Obama's haste at his press conference to change the subject from Benghazi is very telling. He knows someone will have to take the fall for this and he is going to make damn sure it isn't him.


OL-- uh-- remember Nantucket is NOT in the Atlantic time zone, so your 4:27 was pre 5:00pm, just a wee bit early for cocktail hour-- unless you're having a Bermuda theme party and it was indeed 5:27.


It'll be HildaBeast, plus some State functionary. HildaBeast can't slam Obummer when he scapegoats her, she needs his black/youth votes--badly-- in 2016.

Old Lurker

NK I was trying to find Ext a sex angle for after 5pm on 9/11/12. I thought I found two.

Besides cocktail time is, shall we say, flexible.


Thanks Jim R. Hard to believe I just watched Schieffer say the words "cover-up" and "administration" in the same sentence.


OL- yes I followed along with the 500pm angle-- I was just taken aback that a distinguished gent such as yourself went right to the Reggie Love/Huma slant. Usually, those sort of coarse comments are left to scallywags such as myself :).

Jim Eagle

When you have my memory of the media in Nixon's time, you can actually believe that even this media is looking for some "red meat" like Watergate was. Its been 5 long years since they have something to grab and choke into submission. Even those misfits can't starve that long for world wide attention.


OT for anyone living in Virginia. Here is a link to our State legislature. The link will send a message to both your State Delegate & your State Senator. Even if you don't know...just fill in your address & the correct Senator & Delegate will receive the message.

I just wrote...saying I wanted to make sure that Virginia abortion clinics are being regularly inspected & are following our State laws. I mentioned the Gosnell trial & that the woman that died, Karnamaya Mongar, was from Virginia.
Anyway...both my State reps are Dems...but maybe they will be more mindful & not let Big abortion walk all over them.


If Schieffer is saying that,at last we are making progress. I think he is mad that he was blatantly lied to by the WH.
IS MessNBC covering this? Everytime I cruise pass Mornig Java they are talking about gunz...


How long before Schiefer is denounced by his fellow MSM as too old?


maryrose, I'm still watching Schieffer and Issa and I still can't believe it. An act of real journalism is being committed, as Rush would say. I haven't seen it in years.

Watch it: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3460_162-57582929/official-we-knew-benghazi-was-a-terrorist-attack-from-the-get-go//


Video: Another Must See TV: MSNBC Airs Seven Minute "Report" On Article II Natural Born Citizen


Did he say the definition "evolved" from what The Founders believed it to be?

We know better than that.


Ambassador Stevens was gay. Just like Jason Collins...only the Basketball player is the hero.

There is your gay sex angle.

Old Lurker

NK :-)


It WILL NOT BE RODHAM. Rodham is way way way hooked up. Bill Clinton is not going to allow Rodham to take the fall for Obama. This is going to get much better.
Btw. Schieffer says that the STATE DEPT did the cover up. BULLSHIT. Susan Rice works directly for the President. Not the State Dept. And Obama was lying to the ENTIRE WORLD at the U.N. on Sept 25th. 2 full weeks later.
Obama is in deep DuDu!!!


Stevens gay? probably, but at the time, this was the onlt 'factual' report on the matter: http://hillbuzz.org/breaking-news-two-sources-in-chicago-diplomatic-circles-identify-ambassador-chris-stevens-as-gay-meaning-state-department-sent-gay-man-to-be-ambassador-to-libya-64291


Gus-- you think BillyC has more juice in the Dem Party than Obummer? I don't see that.

Jim Eagle

I'll put my billion up against your billion.

Who's kidding who?


Chris Hughes bankrolling Obummer's OFA? natch-- he's a big part of the GAY portion of Obummer's Gays, Gunz and anything other than jobs agenda.

Jim Miller

Jane wonders "who Obama will ultimately blame this on after he has been caught."

George W. Bush? Or maybe congressional Republicans?

(I saw an example of the latter on one of the Sunday talk shows: The Democrat implied that House Republicans were responsible because they had not voted for increased embassy security. Whether that would have covered the Benghazi facility which was not an embassy, not even a consulate, is unclear to me.)


Rodham and Obama knews that Stevens was gay. Obama loves gay people, he's have gay himself!!!! Hahaahhaahahaha. But seriously, Obama called Jason Collins, but let his "friend" Christopher Stevens dies in the street. Do you remember what the Libyans did to Gahdfaffi??? With a stick??
As for JUICE. Bill Clinton has more juice that Obama. Clinton will NOT allow Rodham to be the fall gay, errrr fall guy.



Fox has learned that Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) shot a hole-in-one during round of golf with Obama at Joint Base Andrews today.


Chambliss and Corker golfed with Barry today, which really pissed me off!

Now, hopefully, Barry is pissed cuz Chambliss got a frikken hole in one.

Jim Eagle


The Mark Sanford everyone should know

I like No. 3. How'ze about you'all?


Corker and Chambliss golfing with Obama. How nice. A pair of GOP lightweights. I'll never ever call myself Republican. We have a sick twisted Marxist, selling us down the river, and these to fuxing bozo's "play" with him. I suppose some shit head is going to tell me that being nice to the Scorpion will get something done. Then I'll puke.


If I recall, Bill said Hillary would not go down.

DoT on iPad

"Did he say the definition 'evolved' from what The Founders believed it to be?"

No. He said "our understanding evolved." (I note that the host remarked correctly that President Obama was born in the United States, which fact went unremarked upon by TK)

Not sure I totally agree with the professor that no court will ever rule. My guess is that some judge, somewhere, will declare a candidate ineligible on tyhe basis of one of the cuckoo Birther theories. At that point appellate court might have something to say about the meaning of the term, as the Indiana Court of Appeal in Ankeny v. Daniels. No wuestion, though, that it's much more fun stringing the Birther yokels along and watching them perform.


That's not what Huma says.


We have Congressman Issa on CBS's Face The Nation concerning the Benghazi Coverup...



We need a sex angle, preferably a gay one,
for which I volunteer to blow Jay Carney.

DoT on iPad

One has to bear two things in mind. First, before the very first tidbit of news broke about the burglary at the Watergate, the American press had a seething, visceral hatred of Richard Nixon that defied all rationality (and the feeling was mutual). Second, there was so very much more to discover about the burglars and their previous activities, and a federal judge handing out sentences wildly disproportionate to the charge got some of them singing. And they sang about criminal acts.

Not much of a parallel here. I think the most we can hope for is that ValJar resigns in disgrace and writes some very nasty memoirs. But this won't derail Hillary's 2016 express.

Rick Ballard


The other side of the Hughes' nickel has Singer's face on it. Queer coinage is very bi-partisan. It ain't just two bent billionaires either. There's a whole bathhouse full of 'em.


Ex@530/RickB@535/MarkO@5:22-- what is going on here today? Is everyone at OL's having cocktails and I wasn't invited?


NK, I so agree with you that the worst thing about the entire
BenGhazi cover up was them meeting the coffins and lying to the grieving families.
Utterly disgusting. Absolutely unforgivable.


Pretty sure Corker is on the list of Rs that are supposedly wobbling on Manchin-Toomey.

Jim Eagle


True what you write. I am not talking about the reality of hunger pangs but the fact that in the last 5 years known have existed and you just can't keep the stomach of the beast that quite. I believe this is the perfect opportunity for even a left wing media to question this guy's commitment to his own administration. I think this is a game changer especially if CBS is skeptical.



The 5:30 one is obviously the sad, small psychopath amongst us, not Extraneous.


uh oh!

The lieutenant colonel in charge of the Air Force’s sexual assault prevention and response branch was arrested Sunday in Arlington, Va., on suspicion of sexual battery.


Ah-- OK, so Extraneous is not at the cocktail party, but what explains RickB and markO's walk on the coarse side where I hang out. Riddle me that!

Jim Eagle

People. Please go to typepad and choose a unique avatar. One the jerk cannot duplicate. Please. Need to keep this shithead shut down.


Why was Mrs. Clinton unwilling to protect a gay American ambassador? Why, in fact, did Mrs. Clinton personally assign a gay American ambassador to a violent country in a region that specifically calls for the death penalty for gays? How many other proud gay Americans has the State Department, under Secretary Hillary Clinton, knowingly and purposefully put in harm's way? Why hasn't the State Department, even at this late stage, recalled all gay diplomatic personnel from this dangerous homophobic region?

Why hasn't the Administration revealed whether the terrorists were motivated by anti-gay prejudice when they carried out the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans?

Jim Eagle

For a guy who is supposedly educated and a professor of political science you are incredibly ignorant and stupid. But then we all know that without my input.

Pitzer College

Dana Gilbert Ward apparently volunteers to blow Jay Carney.


I thought Gutfeld made a great analogy on The Five tonight when he compared Tsarnaev's college buddies hiding evidence for the marathon bombing and the media doing the same thing for Obama on Benghazi.

DoT on iPad

Loved Hume's point: compare media treatment of Benghazi to date with the uncontrolled hysteria about Bush's 16 words. Now imagine if these Benghazi deceits had occurred with GWB in charge.

Yet they're truly shocked at allegations of bias.


Americans died, Obama flied. (to Vegas)


(I saw an example of the latter on one of the Sunday talk shows: The Democrat implied that House Republicans were responsible because they had not voted for increased embassy security. Whether that would have covered the Benghazi facility which was not an embassy, not even a consulate, is unclear to me.)

Posted by: Jim Miller | May 06, 2013 at 05:08 PM

A couple of months ago, a Republican Congressman told Fox's Greta van Susteren (and her viewers) that in excess of $200,000,000 had been appropriated by Congress to finance improved security for embassies, but that Hillary Clinton had personally misappropriated those funds, the entire amount, to pay for one of President Obama's pet projects, the launching of the Chevy Volta in Vienna, Austria. If that issue isn't raised in the hearings, we will know that those hearings are a sick joke. The responsibility for the tragedy at Benghazi rests squarely on Hillary Clinton's shoulders. She is and she always has been a chronic screw-up, unfit to hold any office ... imho.

Jim Eagle

Too damn close to the election to do anything with risk attached to it. Got by once with Usama but what if that was a one off and now this damn thing doesn't work. Give me an alternative. Hit google. What? There is a video out there? On what? On Islam and Mohammed? And critical? Can it be used?

Call Susan.


Nothing to see here.


Yeah Nick. There were electric car docking stations in Vienna & I think one in Norway too. I wish I had a list of all the State Dept. nonsense projects.
Mired in nonsense while our Ambassador is slaughtered on 9-11.


--Nothing to see here....--

.....or hear or speak.


And, as usual, I have nothing worthwhile to contribute here.


I don't care if the GOP all funding to all embassies in every country on this planet.

Obama/Susan Rice/Rodham/Carney/Biden et al lied. And they covered up the truth.

Dana Gilber Ward

I'm coming out of the closet soon. Go to Pitzer's website for details. Dylan, Jesse and Maya are disappointed, but I'm a gay man and that's that.
Julia understood.

Jim Eagle

Closonostomy's in California tend to change ones orientation.

Jim Eagle

Only Shep could lead with a hen party that dies in a limo on a bridge in California. My prayers and sympathy but where is our economy,Benghazi, Syria, even unemployment. Do you think he is gay? Hey, that's the subject. Lets talk about Gay Guys!


--And, as usual, I have nothing worthwhile to contribute here.

Posted by: Ignatz | May 06, 2013 at 06:49 PM --

Seems to me pointing out sad, lonely psychopaths has a good deal of inherent value to everyone except, well you know who.


See? I told him off, that wascally twoll. Don't mess with me.

DoT on iPad

I'm sure he feels much better about himself now that he's made his coming-out announcement. He'll be a hero on campus, where I believe he has been demoted to "emeritus" status. Not sure if that spells the end of the halcyon days of feather-passing.


The Truth!



ewww, Jack! Just let them do they gayness in private.

I think Benghazi does have the horsepower to cost some very high officials their careers. AT will be running "Why Benghazi Matters" tomorrow.

From the outset the president lied. The Secretary of State lied. The UN Ambassador lied. Then came the coverup. Now the cracks in the edifice are widening.

It's like the drip of water into a poorly mixed concrete seam. I hope that the edifice is nice and hollowed out now and that the whole thing comes down around their heads.

These people stopped at nothing. They used the full power of the state to propagate their lie. And they stood in front of the world, knowing that the world knew of their lie and kept on stroking the American public.

It is documented. It is detailed. There are multiple sources. The evidence is incontrovertible. But does anyone care?

Are we ready to impeach the President of the United States for outright lying? For conspiracy? For misuse of government property (just thought I'd throw that in there)? And most of all, for a complete and utter dereliction of duty?


Do you guys think Anne is Dana? I don't. Dana had things to say, dumb as they were. Anne is just disturbed. She doesn't try to disagree with anyone, or propose a different point of view. Probably couldn't if she wanted to.

DoT on iPad

Huckabee is dreaming, but it's nevertheless a very pleasant dream:

"Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said on his radio show Monday that President Obama 'will not fill out his full term' because he was complicit in a 'cover-up' surrounding the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya. 'I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,' Huckabee said. 'I know that puts me on a limb, but this is not minor.' 'When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,' he added."

Jane -

Whether that would have covered the Benghazi facility which was not an embassy, not even a consulate, is unclear to me.)

It would not have covered Benghazi security.

Spoke with 2 professionals this evening. Neither were aware of the upcoming Benghazi hearings and only 1 had heard the name Gosnell.

Jane -

Are we ready to impeach the President of the United States for outright lying? For conspiracy? For misuse of government property (just thought I'd throw that in there)? And most of all, for a complete and utter dereliction of duty?

I'm sure we are not. Hopefully he will ride out his term as the impotent ball-less untrustworthy ass that he is, and drag his entire party down with him.

The president who let Americans who were serving him die because saving them might have hurt his re-election chances.


Man humps dog.

Officer who led Air Force's sex assault response branch accused of groping in Va.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Do you guys think Anne is Dana?--

No. Dana is quite left wing and prone to getting a little irritated but generally has his left wing say with a snarky bit of drollery.
Evil Anne, when momentarily lucid, is somewhat conservative and then runs off the rails into the fever swamp of quite whacky personality disorder within a post or two.
Their styles are so dissimilar it would take talents neither one would seem to possess to maintain them and keep them separate.


Well put, Jane. (And btw, that last link of mine has nothing to do with Obama.)

Carol Herman

Why does the GOP want to make such a big deal out of this? What if lots of Americans just shrug?


You know it really to more then a simple lie, it was more like serving as 'getaaway driver' for AQ. Similarly, if the Tsarnaev's had not encountered Off. Sean Collins, likely they might have gotten away, and/or reappeared in NYC or D.C, Some of this same ostrich ducking in seen in DiBlasio and Quinn's attack on the NYPD terrorist surveilance unit,

DoT on iPad

"But does anyone care?"

Read Jane's 7:24. That's what we're up against.


My word, Jane. Whom do you "hang out with?" The two professionals you speak of sound really stupid and clueless.


Hi all,
Ex...didn't someone here awhile back share a link to some ad the State Dept. put out about joining the military within the ME, particularly Libya, where they claimed to welcome gays?
I'd swear to God someone did, and when I read it, I thought...my God, how can they possibly place up ads in a region where insurgents hate infidels, which include gays and think this is acceptable? What were they thinking???

My take on this is that Stevens was selected to assist the insurgents receiving weaponry we'd help supply for the regime change in Libya and Egypt. Trouble is, that backfired, and despite the progress Stevens made with such groups, al Qeada embed and turned on Stevens, not because he was gay, but because they're so erratic and hate the US-turned on us.

It's blowing up in Barry's face as we speak. I cannot, for the life of me, picture anyone voting for Hillary Clinton as president at this juncture. If they do, then, I suppose, they're certifiably crazy, because what she was willing to do and say, and what Barry was willing to do and say is essential in revealing just what their crazy priorities had been...to win and election...they never cared about the people they placed in jeopardy. They didn't give a hoot. They allowed it to happen.


Bels1--perfect post!

Jane -


I would appreciate it if you would try and refrain from talking to me. As long as you have been here, I've not once gotten a message from you that was not a veiled insult. It takes everything I've got not to tell you what I think of you.


Well I still think from the review of the LOC report, that Stevens was at odds, with the Islamists represented by Bel Hadj and his underlings, Bin Qumu and Al Hasady, the last actually fell out with this group, hence the assasination attempt. Interesting there was a piece in my fishwrap among other sources, where
a local version of the DeBaathification law, was passed due to pressure by many of the militias like Feb 17th.


I had occasion to read Carlos Slim's dancing chimps on dead tree, and if that source as well as the Globe was the primary source for most of
the middle information voter, it's little surprise how uninformed they would be.


Rousing response I got to my question.
Argh! I really, really hate those guys!

Why do people keep asking me if anyone
has told me that I'm very, very strange?

Help! My nose is stuck in Jane's ass!


I was reminded of 'Rules of Engagement' that very timely film set in Yemen in 1999, where a mob attacks the Embassy there, and a Marine detachment responds, and they headed by Samuel Jackson, are hung out to dry, by an oily national security advisor.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Someone was talking about the clown Redford awhile back.
He is a jerk of the first water, but to his credit in the last week or so I have seen two excellent and anti-communist German movies about the fall of the Berlin Wall on his Sundance Channel.


I think this may run deeper now. If Schieffer had Issa on and the news that has been trickling out has any depth at all, I don't know how we can look at ourselves in our mirrors with any sense of self-respect as Americans.

The government let an Ambassador die a violent bloody death in full sight of the world. What kind of message does that send out to any official in a dangerous far away place? Or how does any intelligence operative live with this?

It's a dirty nasty world, but if the President and SoS are willing to sell our people out so disgracefully, support is going to crumble quickly.

Obama may become radioactive. Let's hope it carries over to Hillary as well.


You said it better than I did. Thank you!

I truly despise this administration. I keep telling myself, what goes around, comes around...and, oftentimes it will.

The only problem with that one is that innocent people get killed, or the many in harm's way serving that lying POS.

How can he sleep at night? Is he that shallow?

Jim Rhoads f/k/a vnjagvet

Yes. Yes he is. As he has shown time after time, It is all about him.

mad jack

Jane's observation illustrates the problem for the GOP. The seemingly pathological desire of much of our educated and professional class to live in political ignorance and avoid uncomfortable truths allows the shallow, "can't we all just get along" message of the D's to dominate. It's hard to enlighten someone who doesn't want to listen. DOT is right as usual.


I've said this many time before and to some derision, our side has to have some network outlets and more impact in national papers.

As proof of this, one may see the response of the LA Times progressives to the fear of new and less progressive ownership.




From the other thread;

Another source briefed on the investigation had previously told CNN that Belmoktar had received a call in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack from someone in or close to the city. Whoever made the call was excited.

Now Belmokhtar the former cigarette smuggler, was in large part why the military assistance program to SubSaharan Africa was instituted under Operation Flintlock, and he followed that up with the attack on In Amenas.

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