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May 30, 2013



Of course, the disputed tactics, terrorist surveilance and enhanced interrogation, were crucial in finding Bin Laden, so as with Crouch, Soufan, Wilkerson, et al, they were on the wrong side of the argument yet again,

Also the date of 'Gonzalez's Gulch' is rarely remarked upon, March 10, the day before the trains exploded in Madrid.


Tom Maguire: Good morning. There are serious problems with your blog comments - half the regular posters cannot comment or can only comment sporadically. You must notice your comment volume is way down. HELP! Please.

Jeff Dobbs

Obama and Comey share a common theory of managment.

Supervising through reading about what those who report to you have done in the newspapers absolves you of any responsibility for the actions those who work for you are actually doing.


Mueller has turned out to be a terrible disappointment. An apparatchik of the worst kind.


Typical of Obama. Pretending to be bi-partisan. The LIV's will eat it up. Because like goats, they will eat anything up.


Yes, Matt I've pointed out how the likes of Soufan, Coleman, Cloonan, his underlings set about to undermine the EIT program, their narrative appears in the Threat Matrix, Enemies,
Eichenwald's latest, anything by Mayer, and he certainly did nothing to restrain them.

Jeff Dobbs

Three comments eaten trying to congratulate TM on reaching 20M sitemeter visits.

(h/t Threadkiller)

Jeff Dobbs

holy carp, it works.

Danube at IMac

This should be good:

WASHINGTON – In an effort to uncover the truth about why the Obama administration was not honest and forthcoming with the American people about the attacks in Benghazi, the Republican National Committee sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request letter asking for copies of all emails and documents between Department of State employees and staff on President Obama’s reelection campaign between September 11 and November 7, 2012, that include the words “Libya” and/or “Benghazi.” These dates include the day of the attack, the events surrounding Ambassador Rice’sSunday Show appearances, and all of the presidential debates.
Danube at IMac

This should be good:

WASHINGTON – In an effort to uncover the truth about why the Obama administration was not honest and forthcoming with the American people about the attacks in Benghazi, the Republican National Committee sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request letter asking for copies of all emails and documents between Department of State employees and staff on President Obama’s reelection campaign between September 11 and November 7, 2012, that include the words “Libya” and/or “Benghazi.” These dates include the day of the attack, the events surrounding Ambassador Rice’sSunday Show appearances, and all of the presidential debates.


Obama's Militant Muslim Brother Selling Hand-Written Letters From Obama For $30,000

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)


They don't make enough carbon black for this regime to use in redacting most of all those emails on national security grounds. Plus its racist to even ask.

Rob Crawford

Since LaHood is leaving, Obama needs another token "Republican".

Rob Crawford

Since LaHood is leaving, they need another token Republican.

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)

Someone is sending letters with ricin to Bloomie and Obama. Called in the joint terrorism taskforce. That should take all the news about Benghazi, IRS, AP and Holder off the wires and show how vulnerable the JEF is to those nasty right-wing tea party types.

Melinda Romanoff hearin'


Those letters came from that former GOP selectman, just tied up in the high-quality postal system.

Or so I've been told.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

Breaking radio silence only to note the passing of the great Jack Vance; my favorite science fiction author and the only modern guy I put in the same league as Wodehouse, though they were utterly different wordsmiths.

Had a nice email exchange with his son last year. He lived only a couple of hours away but I was never able to fulfill the invite to go and see him.

Melinda Romanoff jealousin'

Write him a note just like that, IG.

He'll treasure it.


My fishwrap put this is the front page;


they apparently are not amused that Obama's words and actions don't match this time,

Meanwhile the put the Krudhos revelations re Zimmerman, at the end of the local section,

Dave (in MA)

JiB, did Nanny-B's ricingram come with a large Coke?

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)

That True the Vote story from Sharyl Attkinson on CBS via Hot Air is more chilling and gives new meaning to the ex-FBI agent's reason for retiring early - "Criminal Enterprise he was working in". If this is true, all the harassment by various agencies not just the IRS, then this really does run more vertical than horizontal.

No low level employees involved here.

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)

I am convinced that the Dirty Tricks unit of AxelplouffeValJar, Inc. have completed their planning and design stage and are ready to go into commercial operations. You watch, within the next few days there will be something that will occur and take all the heat, attention and ink off Obama, Holder and the whole regime.


MCClatchy also goes into the two minute disdain for Bachmann, and wonders why Syrian policy is at a standstill, maybe because that's how the Nusra Front wants it.


"WASHINGTON – In an effort to uncover the truth about why the Obama administration was not honest and forthcoming with the American people about the attacks in Benghazi, the Republican National Committee sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request"

They will never ever comply and there will be no consequences.

The press has destroyed this country.

James D.

I haven't read the linked articles, and know nothing about Comey, so my question is:

Is he actually, by his own declaration, a Republican? Serving a Republican administration does not automatically make one a Republican (obviously that's where they're going to draw their appointees from, but it's not a guarantee).

It doesn't mater either way, except that the Dems/MSM like to use that to beat us over the head (as with the "Bush appointee" IRS director, etc).


He's a Republican like Lincoln Chaffee was three years ago, like Colin Powell is this week, check magic eightball for later.


EXACTLY. I am not at my own computer. Could someone PLEASE post this on facebook for me? Thanks,

Rob Crawford
You watch, within the next few days there will be something that will occur and take all the heat, attention and ink off Obama, Holder and the whole regime.

You mean like castor-oil soaked letters to Bloomberg and Obama?

Rob Crawford
You watch, within the next few days there will be something that will occur and take all the heat, attention and ink off Obama, Holder and the whole regime.

You mean like castor-oil soaked letters that "test positive for ricin" showing up at Bloomberg and Obama's offices?


lol - Chaco and I both posted it at the same time, Clarice. I suppose you can delete one of them (mine would be fine).

James D.

rse, you've probably seen this (and a million other articles like it)...

The GOP and the Common Core

by Chester E. Finn Jr. (Senior Fellow and Chair, K–12 Education Task Force)

Why are conservatives stoutly resisting this promising education initiative?


My answer, besides all the appalling things that rse has dug up, and my own common sense, is, maybe it has something to do with this:

Many respected conservatives back the Common Core, including such scarred veterans of the education-reform wars as Jeb Bush, Bill Bennett, John Engler, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Sonny Perdue, Bobby Jindal, Rod Paige, and Mitch Daniels.

Oh, yes, conservatives like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush. Yes, sir, that eases all my fears.


Just FYI,

Megyn Kelly says Shulman's visits to the White House as IRS head have been upgraded from 118 visits to 159 visits.


Shulman was likely visiting ValJar.


Is he actually, by his own declaration, a Republican?

My question also. Juan Williams keeps calling Shulman a Republican even though Shulman co-founded Teach For America and shows no visible evidence of Republican-ness beyond being a Bush appointee.

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)


The 118 were for 2010 and 2011. Now add the first 4 months of 2012:)

Just another coincidence. Nothing to see here.


So these are like frequent flier miles, lol,

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)

Rob C.,

Those letters will not be enough. I am thinking more earth shattering to divert the attention away - like a real dog waging tale exercise.


"They will never ever comply and there will be no consequences.
The press has destroyed this country."
Posted by: Jane | May 30, 2013 at 01:22 PM

Right on Jane! They have dug their own grave and are too ignorant to see it. They are aiding and abetting in their own destruction. Why can they not be honest with themselves even if they do not want to be honest with the public? It is to their own detriment and I do not understand it - there is not even any sense of self preservation that I can see. And the end result is that all Americans pay the price for their stupidity with the loss of one of our most basic freedoms, not just them.

Rob Crawford
Those letters will not be enough. I am thinking more earth shattering to divert the attention away - like a real dog waging tale exercise.

Well, McCain's kidnapping friends in Syria seem to need help. And with the "elder statesman" backing the move...

Rob Crawford
Those letters will not be enough. I am thinking more earth shattering to divert the attention away - like a real dog waging tale exercise.

Well, McCain has provided "elder statesman" cover for jumping into Syria...


I think that ship has sailed, the first rule of fight club (modified) is don't get a good look at the rebels, like Cannibal Hamad, and Abu Hamman.


Does anyone else think it very strange that the FBI is now the place where cases go to die?

Think about it; Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the Boston Marathon case, and now the kid who got shot in Florida.

Everything these days takes "months" to review and eventually the cases just sink out of sight. This is incredibly disturbing. The FBI used to be known as one of the most incorruptible of our institutions.


They also provided the leaks against the NYPD'counter terror unit, not too mention
were part of the Salafi scrub, on sources and methods, but the bureaucracy is totally honeycombed that way, the reference I made last night to the Okrana, which on balance was a harm to the Russian state, isn't far off.

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)

Just makes my blood boil: The State Dept. has been selected for a Global Projects Award by Engineering News Record. The project - a new $135 million dollar embassy in war-torn Liberia. And the Dems on Oversight want to continue to blame the Repubs for short-changing State on security in Benghazi? But we have $135 million to spend on a new embassy in Liberia.

By the way, frought with delays because of lack of skilled labor, importing material and skilled labor from around the world. Very expensive to do it that way, of course.

A ship with 1,000 tons of rebar sank before arriving at the Port of Monrovia and they had to source a new supply. Grrrr!

But we have 4 Americans (or more according to some rumors) dead and no one except a very few patriots gives a rat's ass.


Matt, the FBI was selective under J Edgar Hoover as well.



Great resource for fighting the anti-GMO crowd:


Comprehensive and up-to-date. Interesting piece from yesterday on the Organic Consumer Association and their astroturfing activities:

And here's their Twitter feed:

Frank N. Foode is their mascot - "your friendly neighborhood genetically modified organism."

And their slogan: "A farm near you. biofortified.org"

Love it! Reminds me of a Breitbart approach to the green freaks. If he'd lived I bet he would have launched Big Green.


"The FBI used"



Yes, that's true, Henry, Hoover unlike Anslinger for instance was probably too tolerant of organized crime, of course he is evil personified as well, now,

Jim Miller

John Fund said (on John Carlson's show) that Shulman was a compromise appointment between Bush and the Democratic leadership.

The date of Shulman's appointment -- March 2008, if I recall correctly -- makes that claim plausible. At that time, Bush was so weak, politically, that he would have to compromise to get a nominee approved.

Some speculation: I'm guessing that Shulman was what he appeared to be in 2008, a Democrat, but not one who have been heavily involved in politics. After Obama was elected, Shulman saw an opportunity to get involved, for reasons of political ambition, or even a perverted kind of idealism.


Jim Miller,

Agree. It would have suited Shulman to be or at least appear "apolitical" in order to find employment during a two-term GOP administration. When the most leftist President in US history was elected, though, all that could have gone right out the window.

Good to see you btw.

Rob Crawford
Matt, the FBI was selective under J Edgar Hoover as well.

Yeah, Hoover preferred to pursue criminals and traitors.


There does seem to be this middle level of administrators, take Frasca and Bowman, pre 9/11 who roundfiled Ken Williams Phoenix memo, and other details that would have made the August PDB much more definitive, the same pattern happened with Ammerman re Awlaki, whoever flagged Hasan,down to the ones who interviewed the the T-Dawgs,

James D.

Ann Romney said Thursday that there had been a “breach of trust” between the American public and the government, citing three controversies that have placed the White House on the defensive.

"I think it's hard, what the country's going through right now," Romney, the wife of 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said on CBS’s “This Morning.” "I think there's this breach of trust that we as all Americans feel right now with our government."

With all due respect to Ann Romney, who like her husband is decent human being, maybe if her husband had talked about things like that during, you know, his Presidential campaign (instead of talking about how Obama is a nice, well-meaning guy who's just sadly a little over his head), the election might have gone differently...


IN OTHER NEWS IT SEEMS OUT FBI IN PEACE AND WAR IS AT IT AGAIN-The Chechen they shot while interviewing him about the earlier 9/11 slaughter of 3 young men in Boston was not armed when shot.

James D.

Sorry...here's the link...



Test: TM, Your Typepad posting system is creating major problems for posters. Please take a moment to talk to your many loyal commenters about the problem.


When Sarah Palin recommends Aerial Predator Control it's "brutal unethical and savage."

"The more voters learn about Sarah Palin, the less there is to like. As Alaska governor, Sarah Palin actively promotes the brutal and unethical aerial hunting of wolves and other wildlife," the narrator says.

"Using a low-flying plane, they kill in winter, when there is no way to escape. Riddled with gunshots, biting at their backs in agony, they die a brutal death. And Palin even encouraged the cruelty by proposing a $150 bounty for the severed foreleg of each killed wolf. And then introduced a bill to make the killing easier," the narrator says. "Do we really want a vice president who champions such savagery?"

The ad shows grisly video footage: low-flying aircraft with gunners leaning out the door shooting wolves and bears from the air."

When anyone else does it, it's sensible game management: 89 bears killed to boost moose hunting in Western Alaska




Death Of A Naked Liberal

Let's see if this now posts after a "test".

Jack of the Loony Fringe!

The guest host on Rush talking about how the NTEU is really the ones running the IRS. Also, level of contrbutions to anti-Tea Party candidates, etc. This why I want that cutie-pie Holly Paz in Issa's hot seat.


Speaking of vermin;


He's like full spectrum scammer, from Global Crossing to Green Tech



By posting a "Test" with no link, it seemed to pick the Typepad lock and allow me to post a link.

That is Janet's excellent recommended Sultan Knish from 2 threads back that she could not post.


"The press has destroyed this country."

With the lone exception of the honest and thorough investigation of Obama's birth circumstance, I would have to agree.


It would have suited Shulman to be or at least appear "apolitical" in order to find employment during a two-term GOP administration.

In commenting about Lerner in the earlier thread I meant to wonder what she did during the unendurable (to her) 8-year Bush administration. Presumably she kept a low profile so as not to get sent packing, or to get promoted to deputy mail sorter. Then she could let loose beginning in 2009.


the passing of the great Jack Vance; my favorite science fiction author


Please give me a recommend for your favorite story of his. I don't know of the guy at all. Thx.


Someone is sending letters with ricin to Bloomie

What's the caloric content of Ricin?

The guy might get in real trouble with Nanny Bloomberg if it's got more calories than arsenic.

Rob Crawford
Do we really want a vice president who champions such savagery?

As opposed to a president who believes in leaving infants to die of exposure.


I Luned it subsequently, I was Rethe pattern in my fishwrap it's probably the same with the Daily News up there, front page, was this Rehman
chap getting 'Norwegian blued' because it displayed their verklempt status about believing Obama's words last Wednesday, Inset pafe is the disdain for Bachmann, not really fullstop hate,
Inconvenient fact like the redacted photos from Trayvon's phone, page %b.

*Bill in AZ*

"You watch, within the next few days there will be something that will occur and take all the heat, attention and ink off Obama, Holder and the whole regime."

yeah, and in a couple months folks will complain whenever TK posts a link to IRSReleaseYourRecords.blogspot.com after MFM successfully turns all of this into "conspiracy".

Jack of the Loony Fringe!


I'll let Iggy respond on the Vance reading list but the Dying Earth series is on of the most dark, depressing representation of life in the future I rember crying at times. Be prepared.


Interesting what comes up when check the next person down after PAz;



MSNBC reports ...
Zimmerman’s team put an outside lawyer on the stand, Wesley White, who testified that photos from Martin’s cellphone were never shared with them. White, who resigned as a state prosecutor in December and is now in private practice, represents the state attorney’s office’s information-technology director, Ben Kruidbos, who will be called to testify June 6 about the allegedly withheld images.

White told NBC News that Kruidbos was placed on administrative leave Tuesday and considers himself a “whistleblower” under Florida law. Kruidbos was grilled by staff in the state attorney’s office twice, either to learn what he planned to testify about or possibly to “bully him,” White told NBC.

... something seems lost in translation ...

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A court employee who retrieved photos and deleted text messages from Trayvon Martin’s cellphone has been placed on administrative leave after an attorney testified that prosecutors didn’t properly turn over the evidence to the defense, an attorney said Wednesday.

Former prosecutor Wesley White said he was ethically obligated to reveal that Fourth Judicial Circuit Information Technology Director Ben Kruidbos retrieved the data that weren’t turned over.

Kruidbos was placed on leave shortly after White testified during a hearing in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder case on Tuesday. White said Kruidbos was interviewed by state attorney investigators twice before the action was taken.

... time to end this farce


"A farm near you."

At Gateway Pundit we have "Michelle Obama telling a bunch of elites that the Republicans are trying to take away their food stamps.

At the blog Heritage Org we have a report on who really gets farm Bill money.

Looks like they could both be talking about the same people.

"$9 Million goes to residents of Manhattan"

Can't get links to post.


Well lets try this;


Video from the Healing in the Heartland Concert and ways to help the OK City Victims:



Jack, I need a happy SF suggestion, not a depressing one. Any other suggestions from Vance?

The press has destroyed this country."


One of my siblings, Columbia School of Journalism, former Reporter, formerly married to a Newspaper Editor, simply says, "I can't help myself, I love Obama", and from that statement all semblance of objectivity completely disappears.

When we previously argued that all the IRS targeting of Conservatives was intentional, the sibling refused to believe it. (Vast right wing nut-cases).

Then when it hit the fan, it immediately switched to "Obama could not possibly have known about the IRS targeting Conservatives, etc---it all had to be low level employees. He would never engage in something like that or allow it."

Now it is simply sticking fingers in the ears and saying I can't hear you "La, la, la,la,la", and won't watch anything but CNN or Charlie Rose, and NPR on the radio.

Sibling knows that objectivity has completely disappeared but does not care.

Sibling is now heavily involved in trying to institute ObamaCare.

Hugely depressing to me. It is impossible to have an honest conversation anymore about anything with a sibling that I once greatly respected.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

"Please give me a recommend for your favorite story of his. I don't know of the guy at all. Thx.

Posted by: daddy | May 30, 2013 at 02:41 PM "

Assuming this goes through,
daddy he wrote a bunch of fantasy stuff which I could never get into but his SF stuff was almost all good.
The Dying Earth, as JiB mentions, was great but my favorite book length ones are the Demon Princes books. Unforgettable adventures and features his two strongest suits; the creation of utterly foreign worlds and cultures and his incomparable fluid prose.
But my two favorite stories are The Moon Moth, kind of an extended short story or novella and perhaps my favorite short story I've ever read by anyone, called Noise. It's hard to find, but is in an anthology called Deep Space edited by Robert Silverberg in the 70s that you can find at Alibris, ebay or other used book places.
Romantic, lyrical story about a guy stranded on an alien world which at first seems uninhabited until he's been there awhile. Always makes me think of Mrs Iggy when I read it.


"Sibling knows that objectivity has completely disappeared but does not care."

There is simply no other way to support Obama. It's a religion. A virulent sect.


Thanks Iggy. Prepping for my next Library run.

Completely in the tank.

Wasn't this Schumer stooge also from the SDNY?


There is simply no other way to support Obama. It's a religion. A virulent sect.

I would disagree only in that I have observed more reasonable Dems state their support by admitting that "the guy does kind of suck in some ways but he's way better than those horrible Republicans."

Sort of a variation of "they all do it" and equally infuriating. They most certainly do not "all do it."


"With the lone exception of the honest and thorough investigation of Obama's birth circumstance..."

It has been quite thoroughly investigated. The loons just don't like the conclusions, so they ignore them and call for more "investigation."

When you've lost Hannity and Glenn Beck...


You watch, within the next few days there will be something that will occur and take all the heat, attention and ink off Obama, Holder and the whole regime.

Too true. The MSM is doing all it can to cover anything but the Obama scandals. With its coverage of the various tornadoes 24/7, CNN is rapidly turning into The Weather Channel-2.


Hasn't it been established that Shulman was a Dem contributor?


I hope I wasn't being too cryptic back there, Taliban #2, was droned yesterday, and that deserves front page coverage in my paper, but
the reason is not why he dseserved it, but why he didn't (supposedly a revenge strike for FOB


“There is only one way to kill capitalism – by taxes, taxes, and more taxes.” Karl Marx.



Yes he gave two hundred to Portman, on whose taskforce he was, and five hundred to the DNC,

James D.

I would disagree only in that I have observed more reasonable Dems state their support by admitting that "the guy does kind of suck in some ways but he's way better than those horrible Republicans."

Porch, I see your point, but I think that's a different thing than the worship (I think that's the best word) for Obama. I know people like daddy's sibling - it's not just supporting whoever's got a D next to their name because they hate Republicans. It goes far beyond that.

They really are devoted to Obama himself, in a cultish sort of way.

Jack is Back (Ready to Sue TypePad if Only I could Find a Lawyer Here)


Campaign Season in Kentucky.


FYI everyone,because the lefty sites are running with this. On a conference call re: immigration reform,hosted by the Eagle Forum,two Tea Party activists joked that the best way to get Senator Collins to listen was to shoot her. The Bangor Daily picked up the report from Think Progress. A caller who said he was "Bob from Maine" asked how do we get Collins to listen to our concerns? A second,unidentified caller responded "shoot her."
Sorry,no links.I don't want to get caught in Typepad hell. I imagine other lefty sites have this.Were you all just talking about the MSM changing the subject from the scandals? :(


Yes Think Regress has it, also knaves and nazguls
(Crooks and Liars) probably a plant.

Jim Miller

If you are looking for some cheerful Jack Vance stores, you might try the Magnus Ridolph collection. It's been a while since I read any of them, but I recall enjoying them, without thinking they were great works of art.

(Right now, I am finishing the fourth of Charles Sheffield's series. I had read the others, including the fifth and last some time ago, so I had to pick up the fourth when I saw it at Half Price Books on Monday.(


Thanks James D.

The best way to explain CCSSI and conservatives is they do not understand, or do not want to, what drives school and classroom implementation. CCSSI is not self-executing. Think of the socialite whose divorce agreement entitles her to 10 years of lucrative monthly alimony but her lawyer did not get a contractual right to attorneys fees in case of breach, if she then won.

She has got a 10 year legal right to alimony but no good way to enforce the breach. And she is unlikely to get what she is legally due.

There are lots of poorly understood drivers in education. Like most public policy and like health care for another example. One side knows the drivers that legally impede the desired implementation. The other does not and now refuses to listen to any evidence that such drivers exist.

One side has extensive academic scholarship on how to get implementation with fidelity this time instead of local or classroom adaptation as happened in the past. The other side holds itself out as experts on education while working for so-called conservative think tanks but has no awareness of any of that scholarship.

To still be wearing blinders at this point is appalling. I don't care what you call yourself. If your first reaction to facts is an ad hominem attack on the presenter you are not conservative.

henry-the use of the fissionable material appears to be quite nefarious from every angle. But it's been interesting to learn about it. The AI people needed to quit bragging about all the data being captured. That's what gave me the idea that then led to a litany of true, if unwise, confessions.


As usual, centralcal exaggerates. The only ones encountering difficulties are the usual whiners, crybabies and chronic complainers. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile (if its free). Next, they'll be asking you to blow their noses for them and to wipe their asses for them, too,

Jim Miller

Sheffield's _Heritage Universe_ series is what I meant to say.

(I haven't been blocked from posting comments here for a couple of weeks, but I had so many problems with "Preview" the last few times I used it, that I stopped using it.)


I never really read Vance, I was a fan of Harry Harrison's the Stainless Steel Rat series, he passed away last year. Sort of a conman sort in the 25th Century or the 40th, they shifted in the second book.

Rob Crawford
yeah, and in a couple months folks will complain whenever TK posts a link to IRSReleaseYourRecords.blogspot.com after MFM successfully turns all of this into "conspiracy".


Melinda Romanoff curtseyin'

benhowe on tumblr has done something magnificent. A photo worth a thousand words.

Jane -


I wonder what they see that we don't. I think it's "coolness" which means we need to point out all the uncool things about the wretched man.

I was giving out Rotary scholarships this morning, and it pained me to see how many people plan to study liberal things in college. Then there was the woman who got a 4 year full scholarship to the AirForce academy. That was my favorite.


Latest list of who is and who isn't attending Holder conference. News Corp owned Wall Street Journal is.


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