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June 06, 2013



That panel is just as sciency as the UN climate panel.

Melinda Romanoff Justified

Hasn't this conclusion been written already?


Two words: Pro Forma

Latin for "as a matter of form" or "for the sake of form"


The science is settled.


The Forms Of Kanly Must Be Properly Observed

Kanly (kanli) is a Turkish word meaning sworn enemy. The act of kanly was originally created as a way of allowing bitter disputes to be resolved without any harm being brought upon innocent bystanders.

Rob Crawford

How guns improve "public health": criminals get shot.


In a 19-14 party line vote,the Maine Senate rejected a bill to allow trained public school employees to carry concealed firearms.The bill was offered by a legislator who is a retired Maine State Police detective.He had been thinking about school safety pre-Sandy Hook shooting,because the response time in his rural Washington County district is longer than an hour.The MEA (teachers union) opposed the bill.
OT...the 84 year old woman who won the record powerball in FL is a former resident of Maine.


I don't know about anyone else but every day I become more and more enthusiastic about the prospect of refreshing the tree of liberty.

Cecil Turner

I wonder how they'll determine who is going to receive the federal largesse in research grants? No doubt it'll be well spent--and politically neutral--I'm sure.

James D.

Neo @ 9:59 AM - kanly?

Does that mean Obama - Beast Rabban? I can totally see that.


When I left the gun store with my stripped down AR-15 lower receiver I was amazed to find that the law required me to purchase and install a lock before leaving the store to prevent firing of the "weapon" which has no trigger, no barrel, no magazine and no upper assembly. I guess the lock prevents someone in my house from purchasing all the other parts and completing the rifle.

How do they know I kept this piece of metal locked?


Interesting that Dr. Leshner is an addiction specialist, and a Huff Po contributor.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Many states require a firearm to be sold with a lock.
For the purposes of regulation and legal definition the AR lower receiver by itself is classified as a firearm, hence the lock.

Stupid? Yes.
Follows a certain byzantine bureaucratic logic? Even more so.


Posted on new thread - NJ Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa is interim senator. He is a registered republican.


He is a registered republican.

Yawn. So is the gov, no?


Hope they all wear this pic on their t-shirts at the anti-gun Conference:

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