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August 13, 2013



A cluster by any other name, is still a cluster...


We have to suspend Health Care implementation in order to know what's in it.


Seen this? Over at Legal Insurrection the DC Circuit has weighed in on the controversy of the administration just ignoring laws it does not like. No can do, unless Congress provides no funds or the President determines the law is Unconstitutional, and only then until litigated in a court. lawless President and AG get a slap upside the head, will it help? Doubt it.

In an opinion released today involving the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage facility, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Executive Branch has no authority to disregard congressional mandates merely on policy grounds.


Avik Roy comes close to glimpsing the horror, it' it's like staring into an Old One's soul.

Janet  --- -... .- -- .- ... ..- -.-. -.- ...

Speaking of lawless -


This part kills me - "Controversy erupted, for example, over former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson’s use of a government account under the name Richard Windsor..."

Controversy erupted????...but nothing happened to her. Why shouldn't the Dems use federal government agencies as their personal thugs & information gatherers ...nothing happens to them. Lois & Lisa know they can do whatever they want.


A caller on Rush, is explaining this will make premiums rise, fatten insurance company profits, all the way making doctors, and pharmacy operations almost impossible.


narciso's reference to Avik Roy reminded me I'd just read an older article written by him earlier today. It is one every prog should be forced to memorize:



Double posing because, dammit, I want to!

Today is officially a Good Day.

Doctor just called and I'm officially cancer-free. Nothing in the margins, ducts, or lymph nodes.

Thank you again for all your support!

Danube on iPad

None dare call it a fiasco.


Great news, sbw!!!


No more of a fustercluck;



great news, sbw.

Thomas Collins

Great to hear that news, sbw.


Fantastic News sbw!


Best news of the day, sbw!


a huge opportunity for ripping off the consumer that will be exploited by all parties concerned.

Rule number one. Do not. Do Not. Do Not become ill next year or the year after. You will be torn to pieces by the hyenas.


I shall double congratulate you, sbw!


Oh sbw, I am so very happy for you. We will pray for your remission for many, many years.


Nothing in the margins, ducts or lymph nodes means very excellent chance at a complete cure not just remission.
Congrats again SB.

(A) nuther Bub

And speaking of Lois Lerner, I just now received a response from the American Cancer Society to my complaint about their hiring Lerner's former assistant, Sharon Light.

Dear Ms. (AB),

Thank you for sharing your comments regarding the Society's recent hire of Sharon Light. Ms. Light was part of the Society's staff for more than four years before working for the IRS. We know she's a hard worker, dedicated to our mission -- and there are no allegations against her to suggest otherwise.

We are aware of your concern and sincerely thank you for taking the time regarding this matter. I have forwarded your message to our review committee for consideration.

Thank you for contacting your American Cancer Society.

Online Cancer Information Specialist

Yes, and I'd bet that Sharon Light was also hard working and dedicated to Lerner's mission of tormenting 501c3s with conservative credentials. Thanks daddy and Jane, for trying to get more coverage for this. Oh well. I just hope JOMers keep in mind Sharon Light's salary at ACS when asked for next year's donation.


It is sad that my comments have become so nasty, petty and rude. The joy I feel hearing that sbw is doing well makes me reflect of things in life that are much more important.

Clarice and JIB do deserve my apologies and friends I have made here deserve better from me.

Again, sbw, great news!

Jane -May2014 Be there or Be Square

I too will doublepost my Congrats SBW! Celebrate!!!


Very delighted for you, sbw!


They replaced her with Cindy Thomas from the Cincinatti office, 'lord love a duck'




Obama gangsterism-- Alinsky Rules and Chicago politics come to Washington, DC. This AllahPundit posting proves the depressing corrosive effect of Obummer's anti-American political gangsterism and Alinsky Politics-- combined with "Chicago Rules" have done. Rubio hustles for the Gang of 8 legislation, because if the House rejects, Emperor Hussein I will grant amnesty through executive order? Huh? Blackmail the House using Hussein's gansterism? That's where Obummer has led us; he is the real tyrant that the Left fatuously alleged about GWB.


good news SBW!


Congrats, times 2.


Right, but does the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals have an army?

Internecine bloodletting coupled with docility and supination. That's the ticket.


Semi-lurker congrats, sbw. Very happy for you.

(A) nuther Bub

Didn't someone here say a few days ago that reading the news makes her feel that without realizing it, she's lost her mind? Well, this could make all of us turn that corner. The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled:

"AP - The ruling issued Monday tells judges and lawyers that they must make reasonable efforts to protect the rights of non-English speaking citizens to serve on juries."

Splendid! Let us hope that no more than 11 out of 12 are so burdened.

Congratulations and all best wishes sbw.


SBW, congratulations. Stay well.

Captain Hate on an iPhone

Congrats, sbw; great news indeed. I wish all results could be that positive.

Welcome back, TK; if I were to list all my ill advised posts on the Internet, it would probably wreck this wretched software.


New Mexico Court Rules Non-English Speaking Citizens Can Serve On Juries

Michael Samora’s appeal argued that his convictions should be reversed because a Bernalillo County judge excused a Spanish-speaking prospective juror who had trouble understanding English.

The Supreme Court says it agrees with that argument but also says Samora’s defense needed to object during the trial but didn’t.

The ruling issued Monday tells judges and lawyers that they must make reasonable efforts to protect the rights of non-English speaking citizens to serve on juries.

The defendant had standing to sue for the excused juror's right to sit on the jury?


Ooops. Did see you in time AB.

Rob Crawford
"AP - The ruling issued Monday tells judges and lawyers that they must make reasonable efforts to protect the rights of non-English speaking citizens to serve on juries."

What "right"?

Rob Crawford
The defendant had standing to sue for the excused juror's right to sit on the jury?

I think it's a desperation plea -- any attempt to find fault with the process. If the juror had been left on, the appeal would have said his limited English impaired the functioning of the jury.

Jim Rhoads f/k/a vnjagvet

Cross posted on the dying thread. Great news sbw. That has to be a great relief for you and your family.

TK I hope you're ok.


There is a reason they call him Weaselly Clark. The old fool has filed for divorce from his wife of 45 years ( have any idea how many moves this woman put up with during his career ?) to take up with his 30 year old girlfriend. Hope he does not run out of spendable cash, or he may end up broke and all alone...


What did Rush call him, AShley Wilkes, like the character from Gone with the Wind, he was another
Massengale type, who was the answer to the phrase 'why do people take a instant dislike'


CH, growing up I pretty much let one rule control my actions. When somebody would say "what are you looking at" or " you got a problem" or any variation of that theme, without hesitation I would finish the fight they were intending to start.

You don't talk tough unless you are ready for action.

Sadly I have carried over my subconscious desire to see my wrist in a cast again, while nursing a boxer's fracture.

I need to chill.

Captain Hate on an iPhone

No fool like an old fool. Best wishes to his ex, who should do much better without him.


But he's always been a jackass, hence he was promoted to Army Chief of Staff.


I mean wasn't

Captain Hate on an iPhone

TK, you've earned enough good will from me to more than overlook a momentary atypical post or four.


Hope he does not run out of spendable cash, or he may end up broke and all alone...

No worries about the dough running out--he'll just show up in the next boner pill advert.


Or better yet he starts a new food venture: Creepy Ass Crackas (TM): MM MM Good! Now with extra creepiness!


'Is that your final answer;


Some Guy

sbw -- congrats and best wishes

Danube on iPad

Just fabulous, sbw. Two question: Were the seminal vesicles clear; what was the Gleason score in the pathology report?




I get the full report tomorrow.

Dave (in MA)

huzzah, sbw.

Old Lurker

YAY SBW. A victory for old men everywhere!


If its any consolation, Threadkiller,
you're still in our ambivalence column.
from taking yourself more seriously than we do

Danube on iPad

The NM defendant had appealed his conviction on the grounds that a prospective juror was improperly kept off the jury because he had difficulty with English. The State Supremes said it agreed that was improper, but upheld the conviction because the objection was not raised at the trial.

Hell. If I were convicted by a jury one of whose members couldn't understand English, I'd appeal for failure of due process and violation of my Sixth Amendment right. And I think I'd win, except in New Mexico.


Rob Crawford

Congrats, sbw!

Account Deleted

I wonder if the Swiss shop owner is going to release the CCT tape starring D'Oprah as Tawana. The shop owner appears to have a real backbone and just might do it.


It would only be consoling if I cared about what you write.

Meanwhile, AoS is in ruin.



Oh, Rick! That would be rich if there was a CCT tape.




Not necessary, TK, No hard feelings on my part at all.


The DC Ct is the most important US Ct but for SCOTUS. The decision is a very important one.

A caller on Rush, is explaining this will make premiums rise, fatten insurance company profits, all the way making doctors, and pharmacy operations almost impossible.
I certainly agree on the premium rise, am skeptical on the insurance company profits, but the pharmacy operations aren't that hard. They already had to figure out how to do this with the flexible spending accounts, and the solution is that the pharmacy collects the co-pay from the patient up front, and then if there is money in the flex account, or if the patient is above the maximum for the year, the insurance company computer cuts a check to the patient and reimburses the co-pay.

So this particular one thing should be a minor programing change to an already existing piece of software. Now if only the REST of it were that simple...


Thanks Clarice.

I do have to ask, why did you blast me and not Kim?



Will this humble victory over that nefarious disease inspire an editorial or two about men over 50 having physicals and blood tests every damn year like they should if only for their loved ones?

I know guys here that are so damn macho they haven't had a physical since their days in corporate life (forced on them) or when in service (again forced on them), I have always felt it is the biggest man health issue out there - the failure to recognize you are not immortal.

That said, congratulations and now I pray you stay healthy, wealthy (owning a newspaper at the same time) and wise:) Frederick had a big smile when I told him, BTW. He starts school tomorrow and like The Jefferson's - he's moving up[stairs]town:)



Coulter's remarks are a red herring. She is a big time Christie acolyte, if memory serves me correctly. You guys in the trenches of looneyism can speculate and chew on your toes all you want but Cruz is an American citizen and has demonstrated more loyalty and allegiance to this country than 52% of the Natural Born Citizenry has in the last two elections. Get over it. Its only making you much older and less wise than you were 5 years ago.

p.s. I like you and your comments and sense of humor and community except when you go sidetracked on this silly theory.

Frau Steingehirn

sbw - how wonderful to have JOM so brightened with your good news.




I suppose this would be more distressing if anyone had ever heard of FAMU.

Some Guy

JIB, If memory serves, Coulter is now a former Christie supporter who awhile back stated that "Christie is dead to me".


Don't know, TK. Maybe because I used to bitch at her /him monopolizing all the threads to talk about climate change even when she had good points to make because it stopped discussions of anything else.



A&M missed a huge opportunity by not making him an honorary member of the band. Google it if not familiar.

Frau Steingehirn

TK - it's good to see you here today. A thought: did Kim call Clarice an a-hole? I know your German is very good:

Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus


Frau gets the German version of "TK behind, hickory stick" award.

Jane -May2014 Be there or Be Square


Which decision are you talking about?


Google Translate:

What goes into the forest, comes around


Such great news. I know you are relieved and so are we.

Clarice-do you know what it was Lipson wanted West to change?

You can bet this entire brouhaha has me triple checking every footnote. I feel like a bunny hopping up and down going to the bookshelves if something seems to not be precise.


Clowns ordered to 'sensitivity training'



Must have been Yucca Mountain. O stepping over his boundary as the Executive when its a Congressional issue to deal with as far as legislation goes.

A couple of years of my life tangential to that topography and project. Glad to see its back in the news only to remind everyone that every nuke next door to them has no place to put there spent fuel. This forces utilities to build more capacity for spent fuel storage at like $1 billion or more. That goes directly to your utility bill.

You could petition them to reduce nuclear energy and replace it with solar, wind or ocean thermal.


At first glance, I read "band" as "board." Anyhoo, give me a hint, JIB.


From Bing (just to complete with Extraneus):

The title is a german saying, it's equal to "as the question, so the answer".

But for the understanding it's better to translate it like this:
"as you shout into the woods, so it echoes back".


I did not mean why don't you blast Kim generally. I meant it specific to how you leveled me for saying less than Kim did regarding the "dustup".

It was just prior to the name calling that Frau brings up. Not after, as Frau's comment may imply.

Old Lurker

Jane, she was talking about the decision at the top of this thread. GMax 2:21


By age 60, 70% of men have prostate cancer.



The A&M band has been suspended from playing for like 2 years because of the hazing death of their Drum Major on the band bus. He was evidently thought to be gay - not proven. They have had to replace not only the band director but I believe two presidents of the university.

BTW, the drum major died as a result. BOB violence but with fists, boots and hate. Its a local story in Florida and in the college band circle.



I don't seem to remember the Bush assassination movie maker ordered into sensitivity training.

Or the creators of Game of Thrones.

Or Jonathan Chait.

Or the entire MSNBC crew.


Shirley I must have missed the headlines for some reason.

I know guys here that are so damn macho they haven't had a physical since their days in corporate life (forced on them) or when in service (again forced on them), I have always felt it is the biggest man health issue out there - the failure to recognize you are not immortal.
DrF hasn't been to a doctor for 30 years -- apparently he believes that avoiding doctors will make him immortal. If anyone has any ideas of how to beat sense into him, my mother-in-law and I would be happy to hear them!

O, answered for me, Jane. Top of the page.
TK, I've no idea. Lipson's very fair so it must have been something substantially offensive.She seems to pick fights with anyone who disagrees with her and eggs on her considerable claque to pile on.



Yeah, send him Ex's link at 5:47 for starters and my own comment. That comment was based on 3 guys here aged 50 to 65 who are now undergoing cancer treatment - prostate, skin and brain.

That doesn't count the two guys in the last 6 months who just collapsed at lunch into their soup from unknown brain anuryesms.

Old Lurker

Cathy, my BFF girl pal (OK with Mrs. L) was having that problem with her husband. I suggested she quietly have his life insurance policy out on the side table of her bed with her reading glasses on top of it. Leave it for several days.

Led to a good discussion and the desired outcome.



Thanks, JIB. There are essentially two reasons I would not have known:

Its a local story in Florida and in the college band circle.

Out in my neck of the woods, the local story is the FBI taking out some trash in the wilderness area. Kidnapping was involved.



Forgot to add - no known physicals in the memory of their wives.

Jane -May2014 Be there or Be Square

Must have been Yucca Mountain. O stepping over his boundary as the Executive when its a Congressional issue to deal with as far as legislation goes

What I want to know is how one implements this decision, since about 90% of what Obama does is the same thing. Is the only option to defund?


I head to my wellness visit physical in two weeks. Thanks to the wonders of O-care, the digital check of my prostate is no longer considered important. No that I miss it, but my doc is upset about it. (No, not in THAT way!) He sees the digital check as important as the PSA in catching early diagnosis of the cancer.


Robert Pear is legendarily bad at discerning domestic policy, like Shane on antiterrorism, Alvarez about South Florida law enforcement, well you get the picture.


Cathyf, I made it to 30 years without visiting a disease factory, until an unfortunate reaction to a yellow jacket sting. It's something I know I need to do, & family is not subtle about. My brother heads an academic cancer center, my grandfather and father both had prostate cancer, heart disease runs on both sides of my family. All I know is nagging doesn't work. Logic doesn't work. I simply don't like going to the doctor, wasting half a day after fasting, dealing with insurance forms, getting poked and prodded for no apparent reason, getting lectured by an idiot with a diploma, then waiting a week for the test results. My beater car gets better treatment. Abduction is all that's left.

Frau Steingehirn

Uncle Soros is gonna be buy the mayor of NYC!


My goodness, lyle, I would insist on that digital check.


He sees the digital check as important as the PSA in catching early diagnosis of the cancer.

It is important, since the PSA test is pretty lousy. There are many prostate cancers that it does not catch -- my father had one.

FWIW the technology I'm working on has good application to finding other markers for this disease. I didn't set out to do so, but that is the way the technology is working.

Janet  --- -... .- -- .- ... ..- -.-. -.- ...

What goes into the forest, comes around

I have a pillow with that embroidered on it!

Great news, sbw!

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