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October 10, 2013



I think it is capitulation. O will never cut any of his programs--he needs people dependent on him and the government.


DeMSM reporting it as Boehner capitulating, so that is the narrative. Party of fail. Prove otherwise, Boehner

Jane-Rebel Alliance1

I don't think he is capitulating. I may be guilty of wishful thinking.

I got a lovely phone call this afternoon from a JOM comment reader who told me how much she enjoys the comments. I tried very hard to get her to reveal herself, so we will see.


Agree with Peter. Boehner needs to prove otherwise.

Dave (in MA)


"Because Hank Johnson thinks Cuba could capsize."

"Not just a fatwah, but a fatwah."


GOP said they were ready to negotiate. So, they're negotiating. Obama said he will not negotiate, but now Obama is coming to the table and he will make concessions. This was the goal.

We will not get everything we want.

If anyone thought we were going to get every single thing we wanted out of this, they were not paying attention.


Capitulation is a "clean" (read; dirty) CR and a long term debt ceiling increase with nothing in return.

This is maneuvering. If it leads to nothing then it's capitulation.
Boehner has already proven himself in this fiasco far more staunch and wily than almost anyone here gave him credit for, including me.
He's earned a bit of a benefit of the doubt, IMO. Time will tell if the Tea Party influence amounts to a leopard changing its spots.


He stole the last election, he calls us terrorists, he uses monuments and cancer stricken kids as bargaining chips, there is no neogotiationa poissbile,


Yes, Iggy, time will tell, and I do hope Boehner proves to be stronger than I thought.


Boehner has already proven himself in this fiasco far more staunch and wily than almost anyone here gave him credit for, including me.

True and needed to be said.

Lot of folks here calling the Cruz strategy idiotic just a couple of weeks ago, too.

We are all intimately familiar with The Annals of The Party of Cave. But I think most have been pleasantly surprised so far.


Since it is a new thread I will repost an OT from the last thread:

As for the guy we've been reading about since yesterday, the living guy that the Ohio Judge has determined is technically legally dead, what are the upsides and downsides to being in that legal limbo?

Seems like he would be exempt from taxation and wouldn't get any Social Security payments, but he wouldn't have SSN deducted from his paycheck and he wouldn't have to sign up for ObamaCare. He would always receive medical care since the Hospitals have to take him, but he'd never have to pay his medical bills. And obviously he could still vote, but he wouldn't have to pull Jury Duty.

How do we sign up for that racket?


Yes, Porch, I have been pleasantly surprised, and that is the reason I am worried re Boehner and his raising the debt limit. I think he "had O over a barrel" and that Boehner could have gotten the debt limit not increased.


So Scarborough divorced his wife, last Setember, interesing when you look at the Daily Mail piece,


You go to war with the army that you have not the army you wish you had, and you go to negotiation with the negotiating partner you have, not the one you wished was not a damn liar. Alternative is just to leave it all shut down for a very long time, and not even I would go quite that far YET.


According to the FOX ticker, furloughed Federal workers are now going to get Jobless Benefits plus their Back Pay. Double dipping never looked better!

Seems to me that in future Fed workers are going to be voting for any Party willing to shutdown the Government.

Jack is Back!

Boehner has always said he would raise the ceiling.

I hear Obama and Reid have turned down the deal.

It's Barry and Harry who don't want to negotiate.

Want a reason why the MSM Is not reporting in fair and balanced manner? Go read that Leonard Downie report on the chill projected by this regime on journalism. They are scared to death.


How sick is it that our country would be far better off if we kept them all furloughed until they were 65 and let them double dip until then just to get them off our backs?

Jane-Rebel Alliance1

Furloughed govt employees can collect unemployment insurance AND their back pay.


'economic treason' yes we can trust them.


And in other Washington news, Mehmet the Well Tanned, the Grand Vizier has challenged the the Golden Porte-o-Potty to a game of checkers. Loser gets his head handed to him. Literally.


Dems like Van Hollen in the House don't like this offer because it is only for 6 weeks. The fact that the dems don't like it just proves it is ingenious and+Obama is the obstructionist.
Lew got great questions from Grassley, Portman{who was the best in my opinion,he is my Senator afte rall who I worked to help him win election in OHio} and Roberts,who seemed incredulous that Lew could not answer or guarantee that he would pay interest payments and bond holders first Toomey also expressed disappointment and astonishment. All said precedent has been set for negotiating during discussions about raising the debt limit. So in essence Obama and Lew have been LYING about that fact.


-- So in essence Obama and Lew have been LYING about that fact.--

To quote the Cap'n, "the deuce you say".


Government acting responsibly, $100,000,000 surplus will be used to reduce property taxes. This after an income tax cut and property tax cap in this year's budget. Lower taxes led to higher revenues which the opposition wanted to spend. Walker (surprised?) had a better idea.

Note: his opponent for 2014 voted for maximum property tax rates at every chance while on the Madison school board.


Here's how the AP is reporting it:

Urgent efforts to prevent an economy-tanking national default rose and then retreated with astonishing swiftness on Thursday, as House Republicans softened their long-standing demands and the White House appeared agreeable to a compromise, only for Senate Democrats to declare it unacceptable.

"Not going to happen," declared Majority Leader Harry Reid, standing outside the White House after he and fellow Democrats met with President Barack Obama. Reid referred to a Republican plan to leave the 10-day partial government shutdown in place while raising the nation's $16.7 trillion debt limit and triggering negotiations between the GOP and Obama over spending cuts and other issues.

Looks like Obama wants the good cop role.


On the Local scene we learn that the Govt Shutdown may do harm to a Discovery Channel reality show: Shutdown may hit Alaska "Deadliest Catch" fishery

In the story we learn how the Federal Govt has it's fingers in absolutely everything:

1) National Fisheries Managers who assign individual quotas for King Crab catches are among Federal Workers who have been furloughed.

2) Since they can't send out a Quota, The Alaska Red King Crab fishery can't go out and catch crab.

3) Catch limits are set by State Fishery Managers, but the National Agency sets the quotas. The crab fishery needs both to function.

4) A National Marine Fisheries Service enforcement official said crabbers harvesting without their required quota permits would violate the law..."It's a violation to fish without a permit, so we would have to take enforcement action."

5) As for how a late start or no start would affect production of the Discovery Channel reality show, Discovery spokesman Phil Zimmerman said, "I don't think we can comment on this at this time."

The only positive I can see, is that some of the Crab Fisheries are out of Seattle. Since Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell called in the EPA to shut down the Alaskan Pebble Mine Project, in order to save Seattle Fisherman's jobs in the Bering Sea, I am pleased that this new Federal Govt idiocy is harming her constituents in Seattle and not only Alaskans.

Trevor Saccucci

Boehner said he'd try to negotiate; he's negotiating. While my natural worries about Boehner and associates are present in pretty much any political deal they're involved in, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt this time. If he's at all compos mentes he probably sees making a hard deal on and for small government principles is probably the only way for him and the rest of the Republicans to have even a chance of being relevant to American politics. If he dosen't make conservative hay while the Obamafail sun shines it's Whig City for him and the Republican party, and somehow I think he knows this.

Of course, I thought Obama wouldn't give ground on the debt ceiling either - although we have yet to see whether they end up being negotiations or negotiation-like oxygen thefts.

I'm heartened that Boehner's negotiations regard the debt ceiling alone; if mission creep works its way into them, though, I'm back to my distrust and disgust with him and the Republican Party in general.


From "The Hill:"

Senate Republicans are unhappy with a House GOP plan to raise the debt ceiling for six weeks without funding the federal government. They are coalescing around their own proposal to pair a short-term debt-ceiling increase with a year-long stopgap to fund the government.

Under their plan, the government would be funded for a year at the $967 billion level set by the 2011 Budget Control Act.

The package would also include a repeal of ObamaCare's medical-device tax and language to require income verification of people who apply for healthcare subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, said GOP sources familiar with the talks.

The Dems always only have ONE plsn and stick to it no matter what. But, not us, let's have multiple plans, warring plans, one-upmanship, etc.


Interesting that Beckel, like Wolf Blitzer, just said that the ObamaCare computer system is way dicked up, and that it should all be delayed just like all the Republicans have been saying for months. Then he immediately damns the Republicans for their falling approval ratings, only 3 seconds after having completely changed his thinking and come over to the Republican position. Makes your head spin.

And he finishes by saying that Sibelius or whoever is responsible should be fired.

So we have Wolf Blitzer and now Bob Beckel becoming right wing extremists who are holding a gun to the President's head.

Is anyone compiling a list of all the lefty Media mouthpieces that are now adopting the Republican position on delaying the implementation of Obamacare?


The Dems always only have ONE plsn and stick to it no matter what.

Exactly. Single-payer health care, grow government, and spend as much money as possible to buy as many votes as possible.

So simple, they don't even have to say it out loud. Even a caveman could do it.


So what do we have left for leverage - hoping O-Care enrollment works well enough for applicants to discover with shock their new 'affordable' premiums, and that once their personal social, financial and #SS information has been entered into the system there is no way to ever delete it?


Reid saying no extension is pitifully obviously designed to allow Obummer to step in and mediate between house and senate -- not negotiating with the house mind you-- just mediating and voila 6 weeks clean it is.


The ADN story above about the Fed's having their fingers into everything, including the Alaska Crab Fishery, reminded me of this comment I posted from July:

[Dennis Prager on his radio show just said that 50 years ago 1 American worker in 50 had to be Licensed by the Government to do his or her job, and that the ratio today is 1 in 3 Americans have to be Licensed to do their jobs. Then he followed that intro with another excellent segment on his thesis: The Bigger the Government the Smaller the Citizen.]

For 220 years in this country you would have had to work hard to come up with a list of things that you couldn't do in this country without Government Permission. Now it's almost impossible to come up with a list of things that you can do in this country without some sort of Government Permission.


Going back to prior thread discussion-- what was ted cruz's publicly statd purpose for his CR filibuster. Feel free to google.


I think "single-payer" is a euphemism intended to replace what used to be called "nationalized" (which was itself a euphemism) in order to confuse people, so I'm swearing that off. Democrats, who are all "progressives" now, want socialized health care, pure and simple.


Don't need to google, NK. "Make DC listen."


Dem healthcare = to each according to their needs.*

* except for Dem bigshots and cronies who pay for special priviliges.



Postal Service to Destroy Michelle O. 'Just Move' Stamp Series Over Safety Concerns

According to Linn’s Stamp News, the US Postal Service has now been forced to destroy the entire run of stamps based on Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative.

That’s because three of the stamps showed children doing unsafe activities: one showed a child jumping cannonball-style into water; a second showed a child skateboarding without kneepads; a third showed a child doing a headstand without a helmet.

The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition had not approved the stamps, but were only made aware of the problem after Nagisa Manabe, USPS marketing chief, asked Michelle Obama to take part in the ceremony inaugurating the initiative.


You are absolutely right that 2 sites are needed for information and then enrollment. Or betteryet, why not just make appointments and talk to someone in person like you do at the Social security office? It will take 100 times longer but hey ,you get to talk to a real person. i should have known that Hapless Harry would put the kabosh on the deal. Here comes default and if Lew and Obama stay true to form ,SS benefits and vets will suffer the most. They have proven they like to hurt people. I am sure the wonderful Fisher Foundation would be happy to get their money before the Shutdown is over so with a 2/3rds vote in the House prezzy imput on the bill is nil. He should veto {bad optic again} and then the House can overturn it. How long without signing does a pocket veto take effect?


'make dc listen'

Fiddlesticks! It purportedly was to force vulnerable Dems to capitulate into voting to defund. FAIL. The all voted against defund and for clean CR.

Since the filibuster the facts have broken well for us-- the slimdown is a push, and ObummerCare rollout is a disaster for vulnerable Dems and taxes are supposed to be grabbed by the IRS starting 1/1/14. Obummer may have to agree to a delay not because of the filibuster but because of his own incompetence.


New stamps will be issued showing kids with proper apparel.


--a third showed a child doing a headstand without a helmet--

Let me get this straight, the nannies have decreed a kid should wear a helmet when he's walking on his hands and his head is a foot from the ground?
Shouldn't all kids, then, have to wear them when they're walking on their feet and their heads are four or five times as far from the dangerous, dangerous ground?
What a world.


Byron York reports Cherokee Warren's floor speech has gone viral. Which begs the question, who would want to catch what she's spreading..



Chad Pergram ‏@ChadPergram 8m

Boehner has left the WH and did not speak as he left.
Retweeted by Brit Hume


Is this a setup, OL? Is the YouTube of Byron York or Warren?


Another waste of taxpayer money to help Moochelle feel good about herself. The Post Office can't afford to take a hit like this. They are already nearly bankrupt.
Cruz is a patriot in this by focusing like a laser on an ill conceived law that is bad for the American people. Also we had Dems from vulnerable states repeatedly voting in favor of Bammycare. We will reap this reward in the 2014 election.
we sometimes have to settle for delayed gratification. I am a patient person, I can wait.
The losers in all this as I see it
Rangers: stopping people from viewing and appreciating our wonderful country'
DEMs: appearing intransient and stubborn with a stick up their butts
Harry Reid: He hates to help kids with cancer and is a petty tyrant
Obama- nasty and smug ,stuck on stupid for the duration
Lew: bad optics today and repeating the talking points ad nauseum in front of a Senate committee proves he has no gonads.
LIV's everywhere:
the folly of re-electing this shuck and jive preezy is finally sinking in.

Old Lurker test

Twernt me, TK. It was Old Timer.

Gotta keep your old people straight.


Amazing that in a State that has a High School whose nickname is "The Half-Breeds", our paper now runs a story about how terrible it is that the DC Football Team is named "The Redskins:"

Redskins' name change remains activist's unfinished business


That has to be one of the most supremely stupid things I've seen since yesterday, winning the future,


All you Blue Avatars look the same to me.



Obama rejected it, noe 'back on your hands'


But, but, I thought Jay Carney said preezy would probably sign it.....


Obama hasn't experienced enough pain or consequence yet from his no deal pose. He will eat his own words in the end and probably get less of a deal as a result of his petty stubborness.My way or the highway is a loser stategy.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

I educated a lib today: Mrs H responded to a news report today by saying "why do they have to finance the government in such a gimcrack way?" To which I responded "because the Senate hasn't produced a budget in over five years". I could tell it sunk in because of the shocked look on her face and she didn't try to argue the point.

Little steps whenever possible.


I hear you. Some friends and a b-i-l and s-i-l are still fervent believers in the one.
However their better-halves vote Republican so I am halfway there.
I have to admit I am disappointed that the Pirates are out. I do not like the California teams. I wanted Detroit because so much bad news is hitting their city right now. 28 years for Kwame is sweet justice.


Don't know what to make of the Cantor news conference, but once again I guess I don't know what negotiations look like, cuz damn that sure sounds like negotiations with more to follow...


WH denying they rejected offer out of hand. HMMMM

Negotiations between admin staff and cong staff?


Obama is negotiating. He rejected the debt limit increase, but, in a move that indicated a willingness to talk, asked that the GOP also give him a blank check.

Boehner believes that is compromise.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Kwame can die in jail afaic; I think the residents there hate him for the dead "exotic dancer" of which he made the investigation go away.

I think Mrs H has been disenchanted with the special needs president for quite a while. Having Richie Rich Romney as a choice didn't do much for her, though.


U.S. Adds Two Times More Debt than Economic Output in Last 2 Years

Debt increase: $2.4 trillion

GDP increase: $1.2 trillion

This can't go on much longer.


The prosecutor should offer Kwame a deal if he squeals on what he knows, including his criminal mother. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick I believe and she taught her son everything he knows.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

The Iranian Rat has to be advising President Training Pants on these "negotiations" because nothing else explains the stench of incompetence.


Remember last month when 7 EPA Agents did a heavily armed raid on Gold miners in Chicken, Alaska for possible violations of the Clean Water Act?

Well today our Republican Governor appointed a Special Prosecutor, with $50,000 of funding, to investigate that Raid.

There was also a Congressional Hearing on the same Raid today in DC, but nobody from the EPA showed up, claiming they didn't have to since they are Federal Workers on furlough.

Both state, feds probe August EPA task force raids near Chicken:

(The EPA) has told the Alaska Dispatch that it would not be answering any more press inquiries about the actions of its task force.

Dammitall. If only they were Seal Team 6 we'd know all about it, and it'd be on the front page of the NYTimes.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Carolyn was tossed out two years ago; apparently the voters have had it with the family.


I want her tossed under.


Holy Cow. DrK is recommending that the Republican's hold strong on their latest offer.

Jeff Dobbs

Saw my first barrycade today.

Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. I don't go that way from work very often and hadn't even thought about it as part of the federal parks system.

But sure enough, one of those signs announcing "due to the government shutdown, the park is CLOSED" was on the gate at the entrance of the park.

There were 25 cars parked in the parking lot (it's a small lot that holds no more than twice that). All those scofflaws.


I don't know if this has been commented on, but it's almost amazing.

White House says bill to pay military death benefits 'not necessary,' senator blasts Obama

"You went out of your way to make this as ugly as possible, to inflict as much pain as possible on this department," said Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., who introduced the first bill days before the shutdown in an attempt to exempt the military.

Hale responded that the law was poorly written and there never should have been a shutdown in the first place.

"I resent your remarks," the budget chief said. "I acted on the advice of attorneys and our best reading of a loosely worded law."

He said it was "not a political judgment -- we were trying to do what the law said."

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Some of the stuff Kwame is doing time for is just mind bogglingly stoopid; stuff that no fiction would touch because of a shitstorm of stereotyping claims. I seem to remember one where he was haggling over illegal kickbacks from a prison phone. The Freep doesn't even try to protect him.

Jeff Dobbs




And here I thought the big question in recent years, was "What Color is Your Parachute?"

Via Insty: White vaginas banned for Ivy League production of Vagina Monologues

The producers unanimously chose to ban white people and their vaginas from participating in the episodic play because they believe white women have been over-represented in past performances

I wonder if next they'll be demanding more abortions done to White uteruses since Black uteruses have been over represented in past abortions.

Jane-Rebel Alliance1

Gawd we are living in a stupid world daddy.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

LOL hit!

Caro you'd better give up on any thoughts of Carolyn prosecutions as long as Double Naught Stedman is heading up the DoJ. If Kwame wasn't such a complete dumbass he'd be out by now.

Account Deleted


If you think the stench of incompetence is bad today, what do you think it will smell like in six weeks when BOzo asks for help in "fixing" 404Care? The commies are already moving stories declaring February 15th to be actual the cut off for having applications completed.

The Big Dump hasn't even started AFAICT but its coming and the sweeteners companies will offer aren't going to offset the pain of shopping 404Care.fail.

Account Deleted


If you think the stench of incompetence is bad today, what do you think it will smell like in six weeks when BOzo asks for help in "fixing" 404Care? The commies are already moving stories declaring February 15th to be actual the cut off for having applications completed.

The Big Dump hasn't even started AFAICT but its coming and the sweeteners companies will offer aren't going to offset the pain of shopping 404Care.fail.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Sorry Caro sb Gmax

These four letter posters all look the same.


The stupid it burns;


Captain Hate on the iPhone

Rick, I don't know what sort of reverse synergy happens with the Iranian/Kendonesian mind meld but I think they've convinced themselves that this spells victory next November.

I can't wait.


Caro is the good looking one of us, with the amazing artistic talent. That how you can tell us apart.

Miss Marple

Captain Hate, I always thought that Mitt at least wouldn't be trying to work deals out under the table, since he was a straight arrow and had more than enough dough, unlike Mr. Pay Me Now and Pay Me Later from Chicago.


btw, Ashton Carter, Hages brain is stepping down, now that the Padawan kniws all.

Jesus died in the time of Tiberius, just facepalmsl

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Don't get me wrong, Miss Marple; Willard Mitt Romney is a fine man and a very good executive who knows how to get things done. He also lacks a certain quality which never made me honestly think he'd win last November.

Miss Marple

Captain Hate, I think you are right.

He was almost too perfect. They should have made him quit combing his hair so much and put him in more casual clothes.

What you need to make a good impression in corporate board rooms isn't the same thing needed to get a bunch of Americans to think you're a guy they want to follow.

Personally, every time I see Michelle Obama I think how much better it would have been to have Anne Romney as First Lady.

Oh, well. This is probably our Babylonian captivity, wherein our nation is taught to straighten up. Hopefully there will be a remnant to rebuild the walls.


CNN said they were through
And NBC chimed "us too!"
Now thanks to a ban
On cracks with no tan
Hillary has no venue


It was even more supremely stupid then U though;;



Anyone think the Senate would approve a debt ceiling increase if Romney were president?

Captain Hate on the iPhone

I was hoping Anne would be able to be the margin of difference especially after the dumbass comments by Hilary Rosen which would have sunk a campaign which was receiving honest coverage.


Classic Rush Limbaugh:
Democrats have driven us to the brink of Bankruptcy and Instability:



Is Cher the mascot of the Halfbreeds, daddy?

And so the Post Office has printed millions of those stamps which will now be burned or shredded for the sin of portraying a cannonball?

That was about the most fun one could have at the age of 10 or 12 splashing all and sundry. The schools are banning cartwheels and ball games and Halloween. All in the name of the new fascism in order to mold good little conformists to the proper way of thinking.

They fence the schools and then make the kids wear helmets when they ride bikes and wonder why we have a nation of pussies on our hands. That's the way the feminists want it. They want our cojones in a jar in their purse and anyone who thinks differently under physical restraint.

We need more of the CSM Basil Plumly's and others like him as far as I am concerned. Old Testament figures holding us accountable. Turn the kids loose in the wilderness with a pen knife, a safety pin, and a length of string for 4 or 5 days and let them learn some independence.

It is the combination of Marxism, stupidity and the worst sort of smothering momism that I object so to.


RIP, Scott Carpenter

Astronaut/Aquanaut, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and American Hero.

Miss Marple

Well, I have to say that Bill O'Reilly had an excellent rant about Hagel, Carney, and the rest of them over the military death benefits scandal.

I mean he was YELLING! "Get out! Get out! You aren't serving the people! Get a job in the private sector! Where is Hagel? I want him out now! He's lost all credibility with the military! Out! Out!"

It was just swell!


MM, Agree, agree! Just swell.

Miss Marple

Now O'Reilly is going after Carville over the same thing!

This is great!

Miss Marple

O'Reilly wants to know when Obama found out about this. Says he could have issued an executive order.

Carville tries to dodge. O'Reilly isn't having it.


"smothering momism"



The Ophidian Carville. Someone else I can't watch.


Read this, instead:


Jane-Rebel Alliance1

Anyone think the Senate would approve a debt ceiling increase if Romney were president?

I bet he wouldn't have asked.


Does this sound familiar:

"Radical conservatives in this country have an interesting time of it, for when they are not being suppressed or mutilated by the Liberals, they are being ignored or humiliated by a great many of those of the well-fed Right, whose ignorance and amorality have never been exaggerated for the same reason that one cannot exaggerate infinity."


And he was writing in the time of Eisenhower, not a radical by any means.

Eric in Boise

Daddy, that leaves a loophole big enough to drive a truck through; there are no white ones. They're all pink.

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