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February 10, 2014


Jim Eagle

Saw that at Ace's and almost shot hot coffee out my nose when I read it.

Same thing happened at a Pitzer PolySci class once but it was a theory that blew up and contaminated the whole classroom.


touché JIB


Do the kids get any of the 72 black eyed virgins, even though they didn't harm any infidels?

Captain Hate

Gold Medal for Iraq in the Islamic Games.


Thread winner @2:00.

Dave (in MA)

JiB@1:41, were the larval anarchists allergic to feathers?


Some ISIS is ain't


And these deaths, while tragic, probably saved lives.

Tragic? You gotta be kiddin' me!

Dave (in MA)

Yeah, I'm having a hard time finding the tragic aspect.

Eric in Boise

I'd turn it around - it doesn't matter how much it costs. If it took a single jihadi's life, then it was worth it.

Beasts of England

It's tragic that the course didn't have a larger enrollment...

Jim Eagle

Discussing medals and games:

Graham Bell Ski's Sochi Downhill with Handheld Camera

Even my quads are burning up just watching it.


It's my choice for the Feel Good Story of the Day.


We have an early leader for the Darwin Awards!

Jane-curling is on!

Speaking of the Olympics.... Curling is on!


Speaking of Allah, Tim Blair has a comi-tragic story up today on a possible nominee as Australia's Father of the Year :

Not his problem

“My (12 year old) daughter was not going to change her mind, I couldn’t talk her out of it,’’ he said.

“Him being 26 was not a big concern to me because I was not marrying him. I was not happy with it but it was not my decision.”

So your 12 year old wants to marry a 26 year old from lebanon that you personally do not like, but it's not your decison, and what the hell, you're not the poor bastard that's gonna' have to live with the guy, so OK.

My question. Where the hell is Mom?

Beasts of England

Thanks for that link, JiB! The slope out of the gate is staggering. An impressive effort by Bell!

Jeff Dobbs

"These deaths, while tragic, probably saved lives" is a riff off of a line from A Few Good Men, of course.


It's my choice for the Feel Good Story of the Day.

vs. Soros getting punched? tough choice

Jeff Dobbs

Speaking of the Olympics.... Curling is on!

But is it truly a sport????


Hit-- ahhhh... I see what TomM did there. Thanks.

James D.

JiB, that video is terrifying. I cannot imagine ever putting on skis.

Beasts of England

Curling is certainly a sport, hit and run, because you can smoke and drink while you play. Just like golf!


... and suicide belt relays.

Jeff Dobbs

The broom handles are filled with whiskey.....

Danube on iPad

Own goal.


My FOX girl for Monday, 10 Feb 2014, is Joe Ling Kent.

Wonderful smile, bubbly and cute as can be, and just appeared on FOX Business channel babbling with Melissa Francis about something financial, but I don't remember what.

Cheers Joe Ling!


--Graham Bell Ski's Sochi Downhill with Handheld Camera--

Unimpressed; he phoned it in.

Jeff Dobbs

Chelsea Clinton to be a keynote speaker at this year's SXSW?



The tragedy was 17 we merely wounded and 8 were unharmed enough to attempt to run away (they got caught).

Otherwise its the jihadi version of common core.

Jane-curling is on!


You try running on ice for 3 hours and then tell me.

It's hot in Sochi - no one on the ice is wearing a jacket. I bet it's slow as molasses which means the sweepers are going to be busy.


Have to concur with Jane on the greatness of this question posed by Neo:

"If this journey into "freedom" and FUNemployment is so desirable, why was there so much noise back in October when we had a (partial) government "shutdown" ?"



Jeff Dobbs

I believe you Jane. Don't get your knickers in a curl. I was simply asking that JiB and Miss Marple weigh in.


Just to prove my bipartisan bona fides I think both Sen. Maria Cantwell (Dumbass-Wash) and Rep. Tom Cole (Retard-Okla) should be scalped and then staked out on an anthill for trying to pressure the NFL to force the Redskins to change their name.


Commodity Prices (in Dollar terms) They are climbing, as investors assume that JanetY will trash the Dollar and go back to Bond Buying. $100/Barrell WTI: http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/commodities/futures/


Seems awfully stupid to have picked such a warm place as Sochi for winter Olympics.


That made me laugh, peter.

Cecil Turner

The bombmaker is dead, and that is a tragedy. But he is dead because the had no skill. He is dead because he had no competence, and God was watching.

In a way, it is a bit of a shame; how much damage could a whole class of poorly-trained bombmakers do? [No, no, no, don't tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to.]

Sandy Mondaze


Piano Boom is a good laugh, but when talking arabs, the definitive is Warner Brother's 1940 Porky Pig (pig !!) in

"Ali Baba Bound"

It is surprising compared to today's "sensitivities" and perhaps the first depiction of an Arab Suicide (homicide) Bomber.

I recall another WB's classic of the same era with a depiction of what is nothing other than the use of a hidden IED. Cannot find it now.

I remember my dad (WWII vet, experience in North Africa) relating in the early 60s, how during WWII the -od -amned arabs would put bombs inside of tin cans or children's toys... Such improvised explosive devices they were on alert for, even then.


My bet is they would do less damage than poorly-trained drug dogs.

Jane-curling is on!

Don't get your knickers in a curl.I was simply asking that JiB and Miss Marple weigh in.

I knew that. I just took the opportunity to strut my stuff.


OT warning,

Don't read the review of HRC in the WSJ today if you want to keep your lunch down. But just to test your gag reflex, here's an excerpt:

Long-time aide Huma Abedin, referred to throughout the book merely as "Huma," is described as a "South Asian beauty with political smarts and an uncommonly subtle grace.

Bilious vomit.


LOL, Sandy!


I think that was Jessup's line re pfc Santiago in A Few Good Mwn


absolutely, I can hear jack Nicholson saying it now.





It's tragic that the course didn't have a larger enrollment...


Stephanie VIP shhhhh its fight club

Jane, Ott is really off on her game today, but the US is not doing much better.


White House delays health insurance mandate for medium-sized employers until 2016


Danube of Thought

Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives.

Jane-curling is on!


I am off to a meeting so I peeked at the result.


and windandsea for the win. what about equal protection for small and large employers too? they'd be hurt by the fines...

or maybe the administration isn't the Lincolnesque abolitionists they claim to be...they want those workers in chains.

jimmyk on iPhone

Iowahawk is going to town on this.

@iowahawkblog: #IncompetentSuicideBombTeacherMovies Mister Holland's Explosion

Stand and Disintegrate

Boom 222

@iowahawkblog: "Lectures were disorganized and exams were murder. 0 stars." - http://t.co/xfqd6COgEs http://t.co/hybilsBNdz


HRH Emperor Barry I, mid-sized employers mandated to get insurance or pay fine? NAH, don’t bother until 2016. Fat chance it is imposed then in a POTUS election year. Barry I is repealing Obummercare himself.

The Repubs have to use the effin’ debt extension this month to highlight this clusterfuck of a ‘law’.
The equal protection violations of this TAX law are monumental.

Old Lurker

"The equal protection violations of this TAX law are monumental."

Thanks, John Roberts.


I do feel sorry for the poor kid that was only auditing the class.

MarkO on the laptop in a deposition


Cecil Turner

Registrar: "I'm not sure how we should handle the grades. 'Incomplete' just doesn't seem fair."

Frau Unsichtbar

Ahmed doesn't live here anymore.

Frau Unsichtbar

That's what you get when the instructors have tenure.


From the link at 4:48,

Beasts of England

Charles C. W. Cooke nails the newest O-Care delay:

'When you think about it, Obama is just liberating the executive branch from the tyranny of Constitution-lock.'

Beasts of England

lol, Frau!!

Eric in Boise

To Allah With Love

Goodbye Mr. Bits

Cecil Turner

Oh man, I think I bombed the final.


Honey I Blew Up the Kids

Beasts of England

A Million Little Pieces

Danube on iPad

The people with standing to sue over this lawless act are the insurers, and they're not gonna do it. They must be going crazy.


To Sir with Blood

Miss Marple

hit and run, I am not taking the bait.

I have a revised definition. Can I do it? No. Therefore it is a sport.


Beasts of England

Good point, DoT. And while I think that the insurers entered into this arrangement at the point of a bayonet, I'm having a little bit of a hard time garnering much sympathy for them. For the agents, processors, and actuaries: I feel their pain.


Long-time aide Huma Abedin, referred to throughout the book merely as "Huma," is described as a "South Asian beauty


Well yesterday the press told us that this beauty:

was the spitting image of this beauty:

so I guess them thinking that Huma Abedin

is a "South Asian beauty" is no big surprise.

After all, Michelle Obama

is one of The 100 Prettiest Women In The World


Backstroking with the CBO.http://www.nationaljournal.com/budget/cbo-responds-to-obamacare-controversy-20140210


One of those things is not like the others Daddy.


the Daily Mail occasionally has a blind spot the size of a Gundark,

Beasts of England

Based on those photos, I'd say that dental exposure is inversely related to beauty.


Common Corpse.

Beasts of England

TK wins the internet!


Photos-- the top and bottom photos have mouths that look like they should have hooks in them (H/T-- Caddyshack); the penultimate photo looks like the grill of a '55 Buick. The second photo... excuse me... I need some private time.



If you're here today, I see from THE FIVE that some new book says that General Petraeus says that Hillary would be "A Tremendous President".

I know that you know Petraeus and some of the men and women he led, so I'm just interested in your opinion.

Do you think this book has it wrong, (ie) is mischaracterizing what he said, or do you think he actually believes this? Or that they have so much stuff on him that he is effectively now completely neutered and nothing but a pawn?

I know I do not know, but it certainly is discouraging to see him turn into another Colin Powell.


OL@5:01-- well back in June '12, I commented that Roberts' ruling that the mandate is constitutional based on the Tax Power of the Congress may have profound importance down the line in challenges to ObummerCare as applied. I'm a good Christian and I believe in redemptions, perhaps even for Chief Justice Roberts.


Based on those photos, I'd say that dental exposure is inversely related to beauty.

That's why I loved Leno's joke on his last show about how explosives in toothpaste was not gonna' be a problem for the Brit Olympic team.

In this bizarre case tho' reality has been flipped 180 degrees.


Well 'If Needs must' I will endeavor to find out about, but I will need combat pay,


to venture through all that treacle, Vogon poetry would be preferable

Danube on iPad

Who are the ladies in the two top pictures?

Dave (in MA)

Dead Splodeys Society


Dave, the folks at the Hub with some notable exceptions are insane.


Dave@607-- made me LOL. Don't know why, but I did.

DoT-- Top Monica the Humidor, and Second Liz Hurley.


Once Upon a Timer in Baghdad

Dave (in MA)


The URL is just as funny as the picture.


C4 of Love


Don't Stand be Me



Jim Eagle


Petraeus would like his wife Holly to be as forgiving and apologetic of his extra-marital sexual behavior as HRC was of Bills. That and the bumper sticker they are printing up by now:

Clinton-Petraeus 2016.

You all heard it here first:)


Dazed and Short-fused.


Monica Lewinsky and Elizabeth Hurley.

Frau Unsichtbar

Sunnis from Heaven -

Don't you know each cloud contains
Sunnis from heaven

So when you hear it thunder
DO run under a tree
There'll be Sunnis from heaven for you and me


Don't Stand By Me will be hard to top.

Beasts of England

I fear you're correct, JiB.

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