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March 08, 2014


Jeff Dobbs

Rspect has to be earned before it is given, and the way the crowd is laughing at him at the moment of the gaffe, it's quite clear they are giving Obama all the rspect he has earned.


they try to be charirable, yes a new Cold war in an inexact parallel'



yes, it's working out well;


for some reason, that otherwise odious opening to the Phantom Menace comes to mind.

Miss Marple

Good morning. Apparently they have located 2 oil slicks in the water (missing plane).

Who will be investigating this?


How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

But that’s not why I’m writing this post. I’m writing this post to explain how working in Washington taught me we’re all a little bit like the good folks who work at RT America — struggling against editorial censors, doing our best to follow our conscience despite sometimes suffocating pressures from our publishers and sponsors.

When I started working at ThinkProgress at the Center for American Progress Action Fund in 2009, I did so because it was an awesome platform to do good journalism. I knew that I disagreed with CAP on a number of issues, and that I wouldn’t be allowed to write things too harshly critical of President Obama — which half of senior CAP staff had worked for or wanted to work for — or the Democratic Party, or CAP’s corporate sponsors in the “Business Alliance.”



the brainslug, is deeply planted inside, Donahue snorfle, he could have addred the Jesse Ventura hour, Kirchik's piece in the Basilisk
was better on the island of misfit toys.


So this is what this really about;


what Apuzzo and Ross, had damaged long time agreeement to break


That link is very funny. I don't think I ever appreciated Rodney Dangerfield before.

Wow Neo.


If you read Neo's link and then think about it you will get a little sick in the tummy.

The lefty makes the valid point that left wing news and journalism outlets pressure their writers to toe the party line. If you don't you'll get canned or ostracized.

Now consider right wing news and journalism outlets. Who gets canned or shunned there? Righties who don't toe the left wing party line.
Think of Derbyshire or Steyn.
Now if you spend a career attacking conservatives or conservatives and libs equally you'll get a shiny ribbon.
But say anything sufficiently provocative to make the pinkos squeal and stick some long knives in you and you'd better watch out for your "friends".


sometimes speaking truth to power is expensive;



why do people stick by Rob Ford, because he's still the sanest person around


it may be nothing, but one wonders;


Miss Marple

narciso, Thanks for that link. One does, indeed, wonder.

Much is being made of the fact that non one has claimed credit. I do not find that unusual, particularly if those people who also sent the knife-wielders to the Chinese train station were involved.

Captain Hate

The JEF is quite the RTARD


It was really TOTUS's fault. Unless obama couldn't even read it properly.

Do you think the lsm will preface every introduction of obama with "the president who couldn't spell" like they do with Quayle who is still discussed as "the VP who couldn't spell?"

No, I don't think so either.

Captain Hate

From Neo's link:

Which brings me to why we’re all a little like RT America. The people who work at ThinkProgress today continue to do awesome, independent reporting. But they have a lot of constraints on them, and I’m sure they wish they didn’t. But it’s an unfortunate reality in many of the journalistic environments we exist today. We can’t criticize certain people, or dig into certain stories, or follow our noses on the trail of corruption if it means upsetting our publishers, sponsors, and donors.

RT has more stones and commitment to principle than any of these Stink Progress idiots, none of whom have resigned in protest. Or the military brass who have let Hagel and the JEF decimate what they're supposed to be responsible for maintaining.



If the passengers on the manifest did not get on the plane, then who did?


The cast of Final Destination XII?

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Not only will they not label him "the president who couldn't spell"...they will hide his gaffes - http://thehill.com/video/in-the-news/200190-wh-transcript-scrubs-obamas-botched-respect-misspelling

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Jorge Ramos asks better questions than most - http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2014/02/28/anchor-dares-ask-planned-parenthood-boss-when-life-begins-she-avoids-ans?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Marketing&utm_term=facebook&utm_content=socialflow&utm_campaign=pp-question

He also asked some harder questions to Rahm awhile ago.

& maybe not even hard questions...just basic questions that the regular MFMers never bother to.

Jeff Dobbs

I had no idea. Apparently half of our county is without power after the storm. We've been fine - most of the damage appears to have occurred down closer to town.

too funny these guys

No respect for military spending results in a, get this......ONE PERCENT LESS for the budget. It's a poutrage, I tell you.


"Yet a careful look at budget figures for the US military—a bureaucratic juggernaut accounting for 57 percent of the federal discretionary budget and nearly 40 percent of all military spending on this planet—shows that such claims have been largely fictional. Despite cries of doom since the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration surfaced in Washington in 2011, the Pentagon has seen few actual reductions, and there is no indication that will change any time soon."



I thought this bit posted at Drudge was interesting:

Stolen European passports on missing plane

Foreign ministry officials in Rome and Vienna confirm that names of two nationals listed on the manifest of the missing Malaysian airlines flight match passports reported stolen in Thailand...

Italy's Foreign Ministry said Saturday that an Italian man whose name was listed as being aboard is traveling in Thailand and was not aboard the plane...

a name listed on the manifest matches an Austrian passport reported stolen two years ago in Thailand.

Don't know what to make of this. Don't know if it happens frequently or not.

Off the top of my head (3 Grey Goose martinis) I have difficulty imagining for what purpose people would be traveling to Beijing with stolen European passports. It would not be my choice of destination if I was traveling on a stolen passport.

Just FYI, I travel to the country plenty, always professionally and in uniform, but regardless Chinese Custom's always grills the heck out of us Passport-wise coming and going. Even just landing in Beijing for a quick turn where we don't even get off the plane, their officials come on board, take our passports, run them off to wherever they take them, then bring them back an hour or so later so we can continue on our next leg.


Here in Liberty County we lost power about 6 in the am - temp was 27 - with wind chill it was 14, wind out of the north 10-12 mph. We have lots of 60-70 foot pine trees, pin oak, sweet gum, and magnolia on our property - trees started popping and snapping. Tree tops coming down on power lines already covered in ice just made the problem worse. Quite a few tree limbs and tree tops hitting close to the house - kind of scary. Now we have a big mess to clean up. The upside of all of this is big, big, burn pile to roast hot dogs and marshmellows.

Anyone got any liberals or progs that need to be roasted? We still have room for more trash.

too funny these guys

"We still have room for more trash."

That's Texas for you. Always open for bizness.

Jeff Dobbs

Hang on TIH, I threw the chainsaw in the back. Shld be there by sundown.

Sent from my Windows Phone



Are you home? You certainly travel a lot of miles while we sleep.

I can't believe they aren't covering the missing plane non-stop. It's very weird.

Captain Hate

I can't believe they aren't covering the missing plane non-stop. It's very weird.

I agree; that's usually headline stuff for the MFM although making excuses for the JEF seems to be the only thing they devote resources to these days. Maybe sbw has some insight.

I'd also like some comments on this: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2014/03/05/philadelphia-judge-issues-ruling-that-could-give-anonymous-online-commenters-second-thoughts/

I have mixed feelings on this, particularly after the Searchlight Pederast lies about private citizens from the Senate floor with no consequences.


there's a reason why Univision is eating NBC's lunch in front of them, they have their biases


Of possible interest, our company controller via my Satcom query advised us that we were doing the same jet airway route that the missing 777 was doing, and he reported to us that the last radar contact was near a point that we flew over today a hundred miles or so south of southern Vietnam. It jibed with what I saw on TV earlier in the day when I mentioned that I saw film of the concerned Malaysian ATC boys pointing to a spot in the ocean on some spread out maps they were looking at that looked to me to be ocean north of the Malaysian Coast, They were probably looking at the track and the last reported Radar position or automated data-downlink transmission (if Malaysian air has that capability) from the airplane.

We spotted nothing down below which is not unexpected due to our cruising altitude, and we also did not pick up any beacons on the Emergency transmitting freqs.


The Progressives hatred of the Military while understandable on some ideological reasons, goes against all other Big Government ideas.

No other government program or institution has been more effective in helping more people and lifting them out of poverty. With the GI Bill, the College Trust Fund and Trade training for those that do not make it a career.

Not to mention the millions of Americans who are directly or indirectly employed in areas that would otherwise have no other prospects.

That is not taking into account those that work for the dreaded "Big Military Complex" and the advances that we take for granted today in Medicine, transportation, communications, etc.


It does make one wonder, it was referenced on the Horde,



I'm in Taipei at the moment, a country where they cannot make a good martini, but your and Dot's and Hit's posts recently gave me a yearning for good a Grey Goose martini.

Local Asia news is now covering the lost aircraft very intensely on tube, and it is the topic of conversation at the airports and of the Taxi drivers and the Hotel lobby guys. Seems like everyone over here had a number of countrymen on the plane, and much discussion of the oil slicks supposedly reported in the ocean south of Vietnam. Aussie news is also following it quite closely as there were a number of Aussies and Kiwi's on the plane.


Adel Dazeem.

too funny these guys

" goes against all other Big Government ideas..."



Because the military is an authorized function,
not a 'penumbra of an emanation'



Miss Marple


If you were a terrorist who wanted to retaliate against China like those knife-wielding Ugyars or whatever they call them, you would steal passports and get a plane headed TO China, so passports wouldn't be reviewed.

Then detonate over the ocean, probably with components carried in on various pieces of hand luggage or hidden in body cavities.


Except that the Pot is actually working, while the kettle only leaks.


Miss M,

The 2 stolen passports certainly make me have to start considering terrorism as a possibility, regardless of anyone claiming responsibility or not.

There may be a reasonable explanation for 2 guys trying to slip into Beijing using stolen European Passports, but if there is at the moment it escapes me.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Yes, narc, I think the judge clearly got it wrong. I'm not for any private citizen being falsely called a pedophile but if the union boss had been quoted in the paper as part of his job he's a public entity. George Zimmerman didn't ask to be made a target of inter web trolls' homoerotic fantasies but that's the price of free speech IMO.


We spotted nothing down below which is not unexpected due to our cruising altitude, and we also did not pick up any beacons on the Emergency transmitting freqs.

I bet that was creepy.


I agree Miss M. Perhaps we shouldn't speculate, but it has all the makings of a terrorist act. And of course the official religion of Malaysia is that one that cannot be named in association with terrorism. In fact if it was terrorism, it was probably a disgruntled 9/11 family member, and most likely a nice Muslim tried to stop him before he blew up the plane.


Well I get that, why wasn't there a match, Alex Cumming's Typhoon, that I've referred to earlier, shows how China practices the same tactics against the Uighurs as they do in the Ukraine.


Daddy-- any thoughts at all of why a million+ lbs of 777 would make a hole in he ocean without any distress call? The only analogs I can think of were the TWA747 and the EgyptAir 767(?).

Danube on iPad

"I can't believe they aren't covering the missing plane non-stop."

It could be because there is absolutely nothing new to report.


Not sure I disagree with the judge. Even public figures can be defamed and defamation isn't protected speech.

OTOH, pretty sure in another few years being a pedophile will no longer be considered defamation.
If our lefty friends have their way they'll be just another protected class of LBGTPQF.....

Captain Hate on the iPad

Yes if this has anything to do with the religion of pieces the MFM will go into the full sensory shutdown mode.


--It could be because there is absolutely nothing new to report.--

Has that ever stopped them before?
Pretty sure I saw the dramatic OJ car chase about 700 times.


Probably Dot, altho I'd expect plane strapped with cameras providing non-stop surveillance in the area to the point of complete boredom.


Speaking of Rspect; anyone here think Aretha improved OR's tune?
I don't.


So Carlos Slim's asks us to believe that the invasion of Crimea, came up out of the blue,
not like Admiral Painter's advice about Russians,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Aren't the Uighurs characterized as nonviolent?

Dear God, most of what the MFM does is yammer about nothing.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Iggy, I like both versions.


Daddy-- I see the. Passport stuff. Other than bombing/sabotage, what could have caused this?


well it could mechanical error,



Drudge seems to find a lot to report about the missing plane.


mechanical error

If it were in the Himalayas, maybe. Hard to believe mechanical error in the middle of the ocean. They would have time to report a problem.


More like a rapid catastrophic failure. Those are real rare.


I can't believe they aren't covering the missing plane non-stop. It's very weird.

Maybe sbw has some insight.

Sure, CH. Glad to help. You are looking for reason where often there is none. ;-)


Well engine failure, explosive decompression, all fall into the latter category, most netwoeks even Fox, follow the AP slug, and thar's the be all and end all,

Miss Marple

Considering that we watched 2 solid days of nothing but WATER when they were trying to find JFK Jr's plane, I am wondering if word went up to shut up about it.

Your choice is a bomb or the plane simply falling apart catastrophically. Neither are good options, but I think bomb more likely.

It could not be terrorists and instead be another suicidal banker, I suppose.


--Iggy, I like both versions.--

Me too CH, but I just think she kind of commercialized and conventionalized it a little too much.
Same reason Sittin on the Dock of the Bay and Midnight Hour aren't my favorite OR and WP tunes.


It would have to be something that prevented communication. Daddy would know more about that--some kind of complete electrical failure that would instantly stop radio contact. But I also have the impression that the loss on radar was pretty sudden too. So it would almost have to be an explosion, either a bomb or a TWA800 scenario. The plane would keep flying for a while if it were engine failure or even catastrophic structural failure like a wing falling off.


OT some more, but there was a very nice little German movie called Mostly Martha on TCM last night from 2001.
Subtitles and nothing hugely novel except for the fact you keep waiting for the usual post modern cynicism and pessimism or conventional melodrama but none of it ever comes and despite that there is no sappy Spielbergesque saccharine sentimentality either.


CH, we have a four-column story above the fold on the crash in today's newspaper.


being given a Delta House is tough, specially when Bluto sandbags you;



Also interesting is that those passports were stolen in Thailand also may suggest terrorism, as there has been plenty of terror in the south (near Malaysia) of Thailand, possibly associated with Muslims and Al Qaida.


any thoughts at all of why a million+ lbs of 777 would make a hole in he ocean without any distress call?


The old slogan is that in extremis, you "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" in that order.

It makes sense. If something immediately causes the plane to veer out of control, (or for that matter your car to veer out of control on the highway) your first instinct is to grab the controls and try to stabilize the situation---the last thing on your mind at such a time is trying to talk on the radio or pull out your cellphone to tell somebody out in the ether about your problem.

As an example, about a decade ago a good friend in the company on approach to Subic in the Phillipines had the starboard flap basically break and hang down, killing massive lift and almost killing the crew. They had to immediately go full power to get her climbing and the control surfaces were so heavy that the left seat guy had to use all his strength fighting with the pitch and wings and rudder, that the right seater co-pilot had to take over the throttles and work them independently trying to create asymmetric thrust that would keep them flying. They were able to wrestle it uphill into a shallow left bank, just clearing the hills, and turn it into a huge circle toward Manilla and a straight in landing at Runway 06 in Manila.

My friend the Captain said it was so exhausting fighting the controls that twice he thought they had lost it and would crash, and his partner had to spell him with the yoke at full deflection so my friend could recover a smattering of strength and retake the plane's controls. They were able to get out the words "Emergency", but only just, and slammed it into the runway at Manila. They were quizzed on multiple debriefs why they didn't communicate and he said it was simply impossible because they did not have that luxury in the heat of battle of trying to stay alive. Eventually they both got Air medal Awards for saving themselves and the plane.

If a relatively simple scenario like that can limit communication, when all you have to do is click a switch with your thumb to start transmitting, you can then imagine what might happen at 35,000 feet, where you are dealing with possible immediate rapid decompression in minus 50 degree temps, (guaranteed to knock out everyone not on emergency oxygen from useful consciousness within 30 seconds), possibly going inverted or experiencing unsustainable G forces, and plus at that high altitude you aren't wearing headsets like my friend was on approach---instead you'd have to use a free hand to pick up a microphone and hold it to your mouth to transmit. Intentional communication at such a time simply goes way down on the list of priorities.

FWIW, my good friend never had any idea what the control problem was until they wrestled it onto the deck and did the walk-around and saw the damage of the broken flap and severed hydraulic lines, so therefore even if he did want to say something intelligent in extremis, he couldn't have communicated it effectively except to scream "Emergency." That's why my impression at the moment is to think it was something that happened immediately and was probably catastrophic in nature, either incapacitating the crew instantly or demanding such intense concentration on their part that they were unable to do an intentional, understandable broadcast prior to crashing.

Beasts of England

Speaking of Delta House, the younger Beastette just reported that SAE (founded at the University of Alabama in 1856) is eliminating pledging. This is pretty big news, as the SAEs at Alabama are routinely viscous in their hazing, as most of the Beastette's male relatives can attest. According to her, the guys will get bids and then be initiated a few days later.

Traffic cone, broom handle, Jack Daniels and cocaine share prices plummet...


daddy, thank you for that amazing post at 12:37. Very illuminating and probably spot on


Considering that we watched 2 solid days of nothing but WATER when they were trying to find JFK Jr's plane, I am wondering if word went up to shut up about it.

I remember that. Jon Jon was the one Kennedy I liked. I suspect if he had lived and gone into politics I would have changed my mind.


Other than bombing/sabotage, what could have caused this?

A standard old killer from a number of incidents, is the failure of pitot tubes, due to icing or failure of warming systems, thus allowing them to freeze over and to give erroneous air-speed signals to air data computers and the auto-throttle systems. The classic recent example is the Airbus from a few years back over the Atlantic, where apparently iced sensors gave bogus airspeed info, and the crew, either overwhemed or inexperienced or simply having a bad day, apparently thought they were in high speed buffet because of the faulty air speed readings, instead of recognizing that the buffet they were feeling was actually low speed stall buffet. They mis-diagnosed the problem, exacerbated the problem by pulling off power to prevent the non-existant high speed buffet, and fell out of the sky in a hugh stall evolution which ripped the airplane apart on the way down from excessive G forces.

Something like that is certainly a plausible scenario and will be closely looked at when the black boxes are found, and I am positive that the maintenance records of that particular jet are currently undergoing intense scrutiny at this very moment for historical anomalies in the maintenance records related to any previous airspeed problems related to sensors or Air Data Computers etc.

Also worth recalling the Payne Stewart problem, where the apparent insidious slow leak of pressure at altitude simply knocked everyone out at altitude and the plane flew on autopilot until it ran out of gas, without any transmission of trouble from the unconscious crew. I doubt something like that happened here, but it's a possibility for how something else can happen at altitude to cause a crash without allowing the crew the ability to communicate the problem.

(A) nuther Bub

I haven't turned on a television yet today, but your news that there's little coverage of the plane crash gladdens my heart, actually. When there's nothing to report except the conjecture of experts (and JOM has daddy, fortunately), then the merciless press usually focuses on the weeping, grieving family members and that's horrible to observe.

Of course the stolen passports report is intriguing and very frightening. I don't understand why those weren't picked up at departure. Aren't all passport numbers checked against a list of those reported stolen?

On another less terrible topic: (but slightly gruesome too) did anyone else notice Kellyanne Conway's face when she appeared on someone's show last night? I would not have recognized her without her name on the screen. What is it about cosmetic surgery that masculinizes a woman's face?


Thanks daddy for the insight. Stuff happens I guess.


That makes sense, daddy, though that plane that went down in '63 (struck by lightning) that Mrs K's father was copilot on, that we talked about in December, they did communicate "Mayday" or something of that sort. And they were at much lower altitude.


Live Streaming News Coverage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370:


too funny these guys

Pilots have the macho burrito of bravado. I remember the audio recording during one 'water landing' ( CRASH !!! ) the pilot calmly said 'we're going down' in spite of his vitals reaching Mach I, no doubt.

There's no crying in the sky.



Every time a plane goes down it must tear Mrs. K to bits.


I recall that too JimmyK. That was a fascinating talk.

I suppose another example is the United crash in Sioux City, or the Japanese 747 from about 20 years ago, where both planes were in a partially controlled slow motion descent and thus had plenty of time to communicate and try to analyze their problems. I recall that in Sioux City the DC-10 control problem was such a bear that a jump-seating Captain came up from the passenger section and took over running the throttles asymmetrically while the 2 guys driving were completely absorbed wrestling with the yoke and the rudders. (Full disclosure---When they gave me that scenario in the simulator, I crashed---almost everybody does).

Also just for info, since we did their route today, I am fairly certain that they did all their communicating via VHF radios, and did not have to go thru the cumbersome process of using HF radios. Our's was completely VHF today. Radio comm in that part of the world is better than in India or Bangladesh, but it is still fairly poor. We had to ask Ho Che Minh center to repeat their calls to us a number of times today in order to verify what they were saying since they were weak and difficult to read, and some of their controllers English is not the best.

So not to knock them, but just to say that at times communication in leaving Malaysian Airspace and transitioning to Vietnamese Airspace is not crystal clear at all like in the States, so it wouldn't surprise me that if the Malaysian Airliner did bark out a quick MayDay call to Ho Chi Minh, it might easily have not been picked up on by Ho Chi Minh center on that first try.

The radar reports are a different thing and I know that Ho Chi Minh picked us up on radar right off the bat as they said they had us immediately upon crossing into their airspace.

Off to bed. Bye.



BTW, This shot, from a UK Mail story just up, is supposedly the photo of the oil slicks on the ocean.

Was it a terror attack? Two people aboard Boeing 777 that disappeared over Vietnam were traveling on STOLEN PASSPORTS.


Some perspective, re the template being put forth re the Ukraine;



We have a local muckraker, down here, who doesn't suffer fools gladly, and lord there are so many, re the Two Minute Hate I mentioned earlier;


Here is part of the section in question;

While the Miami Herald is all too happy to splash a story about the Governor’s efforts to shield his travel plans by using his private jet on the front page of their paper, the Miami Herald has all but refused to dig into and report on the trips that Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado has taken to South America and Europe, or even more importantly on the $23,000 junket that Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and his wife took to China, paid for by the Chinese government.


Someone else, who's been practicing the art of 'not being seen' for a while, then removes all doubt;http://babalublog.com/2014/03/08/argentine-president-lashes-out-against-european-colonialism-ignores-cuban-colonialism/

too funny these guys

Van Ness Feldman keeps them around for context.


The revolving-door of inbred atavists needs a visit from Vamos Pest.


ok, the first was a fluke, but two years and it doesn't flag the system;



So Volodya seems to be 'revising the deal' but rest assured, the Times tells us, this just happened by chance.



I think the pilots names suggest they were Muslim--I think two or three of the passports of passengers were stolen--2 from Italy I think and I from austria. They better not pawn this off without a thorough investigation..and yes, the initial suggestion is that it was aimed at China. All supposition, of course, for the moment.


Well one can't help forget, that two of the hijackers journeys, the San Diego twins, began in Malaysia, that Moussaui was arrested with a letter from another resident, Khalid Sufaat,


the discrepancy with the passports, the track record of this particular aircraft seem to be areas of inquiry,


Someone just told me that 20 people were knifed to death at a train station in China this week. Anyone hear that? Apparently the Uighurs are waging war.



James D.

Considering that we watched 2 solid days of nothing but WATER when they were trying to find JFK Jr's plane, I am wondering if word went up to shut up about it.

That was my first thought as well...


Yes, Jane, it appears to be part of that same East Turkestan movement, but this is the first
time they appear this far South, in Yunnan province,


Jane, a bunch of people with knives killed some people and injured a hundred more... early last week (memory is fuzzy), later blamed on Uighurs. This Uighurs have caused problems for decades.


You see why no self respecting Russian oligarch would touch them, don't you;


now she was originally at the Financial Times, so turtles.



Here's the story you are referring to:


29 dead, 130 injured, 70 of those critically injured.


The NYT on the ball, carrying the water has to get tiring, but not them.

"Deciding when a president should cancel or cut short a vacation is always a politically fraught exercise. This time, the White House’s calculation was even more complicated because Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. left Friday for three days in the Virgin Islands.

Further thinning the administration’s national security ranks, John Kerry, the secretary of state, and the national security adviser, Susan E. Rice, were traveling separately in the Middle East."

But as the story concludes he still has his phone (communication) and could cut vacation short. Ugh.


So maybe the knife attack and plane crash are connected.

Pat Caddell is on a panel at CPAC. He really needs to convert.

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