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April 11, 2014



Here is the story OL linked:


This line caught my attention:

The aggressive effort to collect old debts started three years ago — the result of a single sentence tucked into the farm bill lifting the 10-year statute of limitations on old debts to Uncle Sam.

They link to this Farm Bill:


That includes this language:

Section 14219 -Eliminates the statute of limitations within which a government agency can initiate the collection of an outstanding claim by administrative offset.

The WaPo uses tricky language with their "it started 3 years ago" comment. While it may be true that ot started 3 years ago, the bill was rammed through in 2008.

A Democratic Congress overrode a Bush Presidential veto to stick this upon us.



I meant to post that on the last thread.

Here is the link to the Bill's progress.



Well she was in charge of the government shutdown, so there's that in Burwell's favor,


By Cthluthu, they are a nasty piece of work.


Atkinson, tries to explain to O'Reilly, how every avenue she investigated, from Benghazi to Obamacare was blocked by CBS senior management,


What's the family connection between CBS News and the WH?

Account Deleted

She's another Clinton shrew who looks as if she could use a 55 gallon barrel of stewed prunes to improve her disposition. I haven't heard her voice but I don't see her as a type who would appeal to the Lackwitz Sisters or the Gullibles. There's too much Miss Grundy in her appearance for that.

Can Reid be pushed to go nuclear on her? Will he set a precedent which can be used to good effect in '17?

Clarice Feldman

Rick, look at the Heritage charts I posted at the end of the previous thread..It should be a blueprint for Republicans,


David Rhodes, brother of Ben Rhodes, their Machiavelli, meaning crack security strategist.

Stephanie spring sprung baseballs back umm ummm umm

Atkinson, tries to explain to O'Reilly, how every avenue she investigated, from Benghazi to Obamacare was blocked by CBS senior management

It occurs to me that if someone really wanted to make a statement, stringing up a few media 'senior management' and personalities , who are less protected than government officials, might just get said official's attention. Want to be a government mouthpiece, thems the benefits.


If I were General Breedlove, I would get spikes for when he is 'thrown under the bus'
like McCrystal, re the Ukraine


DOOM, via Faber on CNBC: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101573688

(Caution: Annoying auto-video thingy)

"This year, for sure—maybe from a higher diving board—the S&P will drop 20 percent," Faber said, adding: "I think, rather, 30 percent. Who knows. But all I'm saying is that it's not a very good time, right now, to buy stocks."


henry-per our discussion on the previous thread, you and my eldest would get along famously. His reaction to Everyday Math in 3rd was they need to teach base 10 properly so we can move on.

Much like what we see daily from governments at all levels, this will not end where desired but the breakage will be quite real. From foreign policy emboldening tyrants to ed creating belief govt must intervene to healthcare that ceases to be what it was for most of us.

Danube on iPad

Guy buys a chocolate Danish; sees Rory McIlroy's face in the Danish; bets 10,000 pounds on McIlroy to win Msters.

Captain Hate

Atkinson, tries to explain to O'Reilly, how every avenue she investigated, from Benghazi to Obamacare was blocked by CBS senior management

Did BOR think it was important for "the folks" to know about when they weren't being bombarded with shilling for Factor gear?


So much humor this morning! I love it. Twitter on fire over Sebelius missing a page of her farewell speech.

Incompetence at every level, it seems.


Actually it's probably a great time to buy stocks because they are tumbling.

Danube on iPad

I think this guy Pistorius is going down.

Thomas Collins
"missing a page of her farewell speech"

Perhaps that page also contains the code that apparently is necessary to make healthcare.gov a decent website.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Yeah, TC. I guess she didn't "read over" her prepared speech before she gave it. Hah!


As long as she placed her resignation in her shopping cart, we'll count her as officially resigned even if her speech was incomplete.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Here's a link with video. Sorry it's from TPM.


Love the sirens in the background too! Maybe they're comin' to get her....


Faber made a similar call last year which didn't pan out. In re: 87, the market crashed 22.6% (single day) and recovered 2 years later.


I think this guy Pistorius is going down.



>>>Ezra Klein / Vox:
Kathleen Sebelius is resigning because Obamacare has won<<<

glad we have someone to libsplain it to us.

Dave (in MA)

I thought she was resigning to spend more time with her dalmatians.


The science is settled.

The debate over Obamacare is over. Its the law of the land.

Sure, seems like libs cant really argue in support of any of their insanity and would much prefer folks just shut up and go to the "showers" quietly.


hasn't got a leg to stand on


Too funny, Dave (in MA). I am posting that on Twitter (and crediting you).


On second thought, I just remembered YOU are on Twitter - so I encourage you to post that!


The beauty of it is that Cruella is so discredited by the disaster that is Obamacare that she will never again hold public office in Kansas. Small victories are still victories.


Posted by: Porchlight | April 11, 2014 at 11:39 AM -

lol ... glad she wasn't put in a virtual waiting room.


He's being crutch-crucified.


more re: 87. the market is about 729% from the crash.

Captain Hate

Check out these black conservatives teeing off on Resist We Much and Stedman:


Dave@11:47-- HEH!



So vast...

Account Deleted


The Heritage numbers do provide a road map but they need to be simplified. Reducing the impact to an estimated annual per capita increased cost to Lackwitz Sisters, Gullibles and Geezers for expansion of Medicaid would have, IMO, the most lasting impact. The Fascists are trying to set up a Gullible v Geezer cage match and it's important to clarify the fact the Geezers are being clipped just as badly as the Gullibles.

Dave (in MA)

cc, feel free. I hardly ever go on Twitter.


the wit of young Ezra ...

>>>More than 7 million people look to have signed up for health insurance through the exchanges. Millions more have signed up through Medicaid. And millions beyond that have signed up for insurance through their employers.

Healthcare.gov isn't perfect, but it works. We don't yet know how many young people signed up in March, but it's clear that there are enough of them to keep premiums stable in 2015. It's clear that insurers are going to stick with the program in 2015, and compete hard to sign up next year's wave of young, healthy applicants.<<<

...channeling Baghdad Bob.

Captain Hate

Top Men are meeting now on how to squander this:



My advice to the Republicans is to not show up to the conformation hearing.

Go on a Gavel walk across The Mall instead.

Danube on iPad

I remember the cover of Time magazine the week after the '87 crash: "Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again."

dublindave forever

"Atkinson, tries to explain to O'Reilly, how every avenue she investigated, from Benghazi to Obamacare was blocked by CBS senior management"

The same senior management that ok'd a fake Benghazi report resulting in a loss of confidence in the news division...yeah, they're really trying to bottle Benghazi up over there.

Atkinson was known for running around the hallways at CBS news screaming 'Benghazi,Benghazi' but she had absolutely nothing to go on. She had no credible leads,no sources,nothing. And people questioned her state of mind because she was given to fits of crying in her office.

That's a fact.

Fox news looked at her findings and passed on a contract. That's another fact. Anyone here know someone at Fox you should ask them because Ailes decided that she was good for one interview,just one interview trashing liberal media and playing the victim of a conspiracy, but beyond that she had nothing else.

She's a fucking loon.


Yet another example of why Senator Jeff Sessions is my favorite and adopted Senator.

He questions Ms. Burwell and shows her to be just another Obama hack.

But, but, McCain is all for this gal to replace Sebelius.


bgates channeling dublindave ...

Captain Hate

I think dumbassdave is McCain


After the "Mickey Spillane" brow beating of TBT I came to a different conclusion on the identity of DD.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Excellent video link, cc. Thanks.

Captain Hate

Sooooo Sebelius ends her speech with a 404 error. I didn't see that coming.

Listening to AoS podcast with Dana Perino; she's just as irritating on a podcast as on tv. Only less cute.


Posted by: Danube on iPad | April 11, 2014 at 12:21 PM -

ha ... wonder how much cheerleading Time did during the NASDAQ 5K run up?

This time is different.


who do you think it is?


And Obamacare is a stunning success!


That all ya got?


Do not say Beetlejuice outloud three times, I am begging you...


From HotAir:

Obvious: Waited till now to boot/go since new data makes ‘failure’ meme so difficult to sustain. — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 10, 2014

Kathleen Sebelius is resigning because Obamacare has won http://t.co/GYi8z0ItLj
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) April 10, 2014

“I have asked General George McClellan to be replaced as the US Union Army Commander, because he has done so well.”
-Abraham Lincoln, November 5, 1862

portlandon on April 11, 2014 at 11:34 AM


oddly the administration still doesn't want anyone to know where Obama was during the critical hours and there has been no explanation for the bizarre, and late, Eid al-Fitr Clinton threw at the state department *the next day*.


I attempted to make my clue not too cryptic, rich.

Guess away!


Danube on iPad

Howie Kurtz says he has an extensive interview with Atkisson airing Sunday, in which she gives details of her battles with CBS management andthe pushback she got from the administration.



Danube himself? yikes! hope i'm not walking into another food fight.


Based on that definition of success, I would think General Custer kicked major @ss at Little Big Horn too...


Attkisson might be covered under a non compete clause in her contract which will prevent her from working as a reporter for some length of time. That seems standard for media.


comment deleted. Kudos to Porch on Sibelius comment. Happy Birthday {belated to little porch} I think Sibelius left because she is tired of lying for Obama.

During the 2008 presidential election season, many Americans were captivated by then-candidate Barack Obama’s promises of hope and change. And some would argue that much of the media were taken in by the promises too. Nearly three years into the Obama presidency, is it fair to say the media were duped?On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” host Howard Kurtz asked New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman just that question.




Not Danube, rich.


Make no mistake-many were duped and the re-election was stolen with the help of Lerner and voter fraud.

dublindave forever

"Attkisson might be covered under a non compete clause in her contract which will prevent her from working as a reporter for some length of time. That seems standard for media"

Yeah,that's it,the non compete clause. That's it,yeah,that makes sense,the non compete clause,yeah.

dublindave forever

I'm sure Pelican Brief can pass her findings onto someone who isn't bound by an imaginary clause or impeded by men in black suits.

Maybe 'Sunny meadow mental institution' will fund her investigation hahahahahah


Thank you kindly, maryrose! Little Porch enjoyed his 4th birthday. Didn't seem to notice that we didn't have a party with his friends (just a family dinner, ha). Squirt gun and Slinky biggest hits - who needs modern toys?


It seems that very little of Obama is know, maryrose.

Speaking of knowing Obama:



is dublindave JIB?

and yes non compete clauses are standard in media contracts and yes she negotiated with CBS regarding her resignation and her future book.

iirc the Maria Bartiromo had to wait about 6 months before her launch at FBN and she fulfilled all her obligations at CNBC.


oops Bartiromo's was 60 days.


Not only do they fire the woman, they put up a guy to take her place! Oh, wait...


This computer won't let me link Ace but right now (or at least a few minutes ago) his first post is hilarious. Superspy Nancy Pelosi keeps referring to the mysterious Republicans that privately keep her informed of the Rs dirty plans to hate everyone.

I'm actually pretty sure her mole is... McCain.

Dave (in MA)

Percy Julian got a doodle. Borlaug never got a doodle.


From Insty:


Nothing that most JOMer's don't already know, but the blue hells are going to get more hellish sometime soon.


Live Streaming The Masters:



the ace thread ... http://minx.cc/?post=348495

(A) nuther Bub

As long as she placed her resignation in her shopping cart, ...

Hilarious, Porch!


Thanks, rich.



Not me but I was first to advance bgates as the mind and soul of DuDa. I am more a parody type while bgates is a true satirist.


thanks JiB and comment withdrawn.

I should probably do something productive.

Happy, happy, joy, joy Ignatz

--We don't yet know how many young people signed up in March, but it's clear that there are enough of them to keep premiums stable in 2015.--

It takes some doing for one of Ezra's sentences to stand out from the rest for illogic and stupidity but this one makes the grade.


Damn. The horde fingered Boehner instead. He was right in front of my eyes hiding in plain sight!


Lyle -- Thanks for that link. Bridgewater Capital ought to know, they are in Westport Ct, and are probably where Druken Dan Malloy winds up if he's blasted out as Ct Gov. Ct is a lock to default on pension obligations, so retired state workers will learn what 'guaranteed benefit' pensions really means. Bridgewater also worked a crony deal with Malloy both when he was Mayor of Stamford and Gov to subsidize Bridgewater grabbing a piece of waterfront in Stamford to move there from Westport through Kelo type condemnation. I believe that plan has been derailed through a boatyard owner lawsuit.


Which one of these two scenarios is the most likely:

1) Sibelius is resigning because to bask in the glorious success and popularity of Obamacare during the coming months would be too much for one human being to bear. Or . . .

2) The shit is really going to hit the fan, and Obama is going to need someone to blame when the 7 million enrollment lie is exposed, and the Obamacare exchange rates soar through the stratosphere, while millions not yet forced onto the exchanges have their insurance cancelled--and the website still doesn't work half the time.


the dow is off over a hundred points, so there is that.


>>>Damn. The horde fingered Boehner instead. He was right in front of my eyes hiding in plain sight!

Posted by: lyle | April 11, 2014 at 01:24 PM <<<

his red, weepy eyes give him away. he was crying in a taco bell ... probably thinking of all that Love he won't be getting.


derwill wins this thread's "Occam's Razor Prize'. That's exactly right. I would add the Billions in bailout money owed to the BigGovInsurers to the shitstorm.

Captain Hate

Anybody think the "opposition party" will use this?



I'll take 2), derwill. The website's backend is still non-functional and a hacker's dream.


How about Pelosi is lying and no one is telling her anything?



Americans remain more negative than positive toward the Affordable Care Act on various measures, including 43% approval and 54% disapproval of the law itself. A clear majority (64%) say the law has not directly affected them.

That 64% number is going to change, and change big.


It's a fair point, she' taken her cue from Searchlight Harry, no I don't think they will revisit that detail, heck they won't seriously revisit Benghazi why would they want to go back 20 some years.

Of course Maerose (I forget who first called her that) is crossing the streams with the NDN report that says no there is no great wave of deportations,

Account Deleted


It's a tough choice put I'll take 2). I would also note that Monkeyboy Klein's "are enough of them to keep premiums stable in 2015.--" is a heads up as to the intended object of the prog two eternity hate for May and June.


I am more a parody type while bgates is a true satirist.

I'd only add the modifier "extraordinaire" to bgates satirist skilz. A latter day Swift. Too bad all this bickering lately has run him off. (I kid.)


Well BigGovInsurers may 'hold the line' on 2015 individual ExchangeCare premiums-- IF they: 1. jump rates for employer group plans, and 2. get about $5B in bailout money for 2015. Wait....


Per the Interpreter, today is the last day for Gary Oldman's crew from Air Force One. to surrender, those Ukrainian separatists, not to be confused with a similar gang he represented in Lost in Space, as Dr. Smith.


"The ministers work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Margaret Sanger

Talk about keeping the black man down. I pointed out that in 1964 the Republicans overwhelmingly voted for the Voting Rights Act while many Democrats opposed it. Boy did the people on FB get pissed.

Captain Hate

Shocking that dumbassdave doesn't understand non-compete clauses since those are experienced by professionals who work for a living.

Danube on iPad

"Attkisson might be covered under a non compete clause in her contract which will prevent her from working as a reporter for some length of time."

Such a clause would be void and unenforceable except for a very short time period.


How about Pelosi is lying and no one is telling her anything?

You're obviously not cut out for this undercover, deep humint stuff, Sue.

(I wish Typhuspad allowed for sarcasm font.)

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