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May 09, 2014



Where's Boko Haram when you need them?


They have plenty of crimson decor.


so says the Old Blue from New Haven.... :)


To complete the occasion, the participants will then take a spin around the campus in an auto da fe.


Well I will never forget the discussion with JMax the Harvard soccer coach had. Upshot was that it was a lot harder to get admitted to Harvard than it was to graduate from Harvard. He basically said the grading system was the Special Olympics. Everyone is a winner, here.


Everyone is a winner, here.

Unfortunately I think that's almost everywhere these days.

Bear in mind that nationally, the A/A- combination has been the most common grade awarded nationwide at colleges since 1997.

“So Harvard was only about three years ahead of its time,” Dr. Rojstaczer wrote.



'Boko Haram' heh.

We've been to the circus already. Seen the puppet-show, strings and all.


The hits just keep on coming. Cmon, you know this one puts a big old smile on your face. Voters do not reelect officeholders who are "not so good" to "God awful". 58% negative!!!! Bye Bye Mary, bet you can get a soft chair at one of those Steyer funded NGOs:

Sen. Mary Landrieu’s approval ratings have taken a major hit, but she still enjoys a 36-35 percent lead over Rep. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, according to a poll Thursday by Southern Media & Opinion Research.

The poll says that 58 percent of the 600 likely voters surveyed rated the three-term Democrat’s performance as either poor or “not so good,” while 39 percent rated her performance excellent or good. The polling firm said negatives for Landrieu, who has been attacked recently in a series of ads by Americans for Prosperity and two other conservative advocacy groups, increased from 28 percent to 58 percent in a little over 18 months.


And Hagan the Horrible is in big trouble too:

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely North Carolina Voters finds that State House Speaker Thom Tillis, the winner of Tuesday’s Republican primary, earns 45% support to incumbent Democratic Senator Kay Hagan’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided

Those other 12% are not Hagan supporters, they either vote Tillis or stay home. This one becomes a laugher, its looks like to me.


CaptH-- Boomer Esiason in NYC today said he believes Cleveland Browns fans should be exceited about yesterday. What are you seeing?


OT,I just watched a livestream of NBC Bay Area News and the reporters need fainting couches because Obama is going to Walmart. Dr.J, Frau,Iggy,is this the local news you watch? Or not? UGH. The visit is to discuss renewable energy,big retail is going solar. But there will be protests,including one employee who lives in her car. The woman news reader actually said,oh that poor woman lives in her car and works for one of the wealthiest companies in the world! Maybe one of Obama's buddies from Hollywood could help her,as so well stated by Janet.



Bay Area news is not local to Frau, Iggy or me. It would be for Elliott, East Bay Jay, Enlightened, JimMtnViewCA and a few others.

I avoid Bay Area news.


I urge everyone to click on this right now:


Close ups of Trey Gowdy and some other dude.


Some really, really ugly dude.


DrJ. Are you closer to Sacramento? I lived with my Granny in Sacramento for a few months 40 years ago and babysat for an aunt who lived in Danville.Danville was a little country town at that time. :)


Oh Lyle! :)


Marlene, yes, both Iggy and I are east of Sacramento, which is the largest near-by town. And you are right that Contra Costa County has changed a lot over the years.

FWIW, Frau is in Pitzer-ville.

Captain Hate

Boomer Esiason in NYC today said he believes Cleveland Browns fans should be exceited about yesterday. What are you seeing?

I've maintained radio silence on it so far because sports talk is so loaded with idiots that it's like reading DU or Kos. Terry Pluto, who's the only one of the Daily Monolith's writers whom I respect (plus he unfailingly responds to my sporadic emails) says the AFC North probably isn't a good fit for him but that Kyle Shanahan is a good person to design an offense tailored to his abilities.

Does anybody even pretend to believe this dolt: http://www.jammiewf.com/2014/obama-every-day-when-i-wake-up-and-i-think-about-young-girls-in-nigeria/

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Oh Captain...that JWF link is great. He lists other times Obama has used the line - "every day when I wake up....".
Too funny!

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

On FB -


How many 'Likes' did that Moochelle image get on FB?


I thought he was focusing like a laser on the economy and jobs, and now I am finding out he is actually fantasizing about young girls. Man that hurts...


That's great, Janet. But you can tell she isn't sincere: no head tilt.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

They did it!!!
Update - Gosnell Movie
A historic crowdfunding campaign for a movie about America's biggest serial killer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the media cover-up.

raised of $2,100,000 goal
4 days left



Tk put this excellent link up in the last thread.


IMO, it reads better when combined with the following link.


" If a homeowner is caught with a one gallon puddle on his lawn on the wrong day, he can be severely fined. But the government thinks nothing of flushing 23 billion gallons of desperately needed water this past month for the comfort and convenience of the fish."


Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

How many 'Likes' did that Moochelle image get on FB?

that's the pic where she's holding the Nigerian girls hashtag thing.
Lots of photoshops of it on FB. One has "Impeach Obama" on the sign. hah!


Jaws thinks Manzel is a legitimate first round pick. I would say Jaworski has played the position and might know a thing or two about the skills necessary there.

Captain Hate

Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 21m
Browns president Alec Scheiner told @darrenrovell that, in 12 hours after Johnny Manziel was selected, team sold more than 1,500 season tix.


Great news, Janet.


The Journal had a stupid piece, about who is claiming credit for the Journal, it's balanced by Hirsi Ali's piece, but just
barely, Carlos Slim' much worse as usual,
McClatchy is even denser


BTW-- 2 weeks ago, a frat & sorority at Dartmouth College cancelled a FUNDRAISER for a local cardiac clinic, using a Cinco de Mayo theme party, because one undergrad, ONE DUMBASS, was offended by a mexican party theme. Is there ONE christian at harvard personally offended by satanic rituals in Cambridge?... wait!


The Walton family invested a lot of money in First Solar, one of the major solar module manufacturing companies, to get it off the ground. I don't know what their holdings are today.

One of the goals was to install solar power at every WalMart store where it was practical. With the feed in tariffs and other subsidies the numbers were very good indeed. It's good to be the king.

And why is Obama still focused like a laser beam on jobs after 5 years? Cyclically, we are overdue for a correction at this point.

Jeff Dobbs

One person using being offended to get an entire fundraiser cancelled?

That sounds privileged.


No, but suspect the Prince of Darkness will be annoyed to be treated lightly by these idiots and it would make a great Friday the 13th type movie as vengeance is wreaked, except none of the girls will be cute.

Cecil Turner

Is there ONE christian at harvard personally offended by satanic rituals in Cambridge?

Irrelevant: they're not members of a protected class.

Danube on iPad

"Is there ONE christian at harvard personally offended by satanic rituals in Cambridge?"

Just so long as they don't call it a fiesta.

Danube on iPad

I'm not wild about either of those sets of numbers, Gmax. Looks like both races are toss-ups.


You're slipping. Nary a mention of Benghazi.

My monied attempts to get Petraeus into the WH by gaming the available data resulted in his infamous firing. What a betrayal.


DoT-- that's right. That was the most disguting part of that little chica affirmative action brat-- 'Fiesta'. In her ignorant little rant, she made no mention whatever to the fact that 'fiesta' literally and culturally is a feast to mark the end of fast in tribute to a christian saint. Fiesta by literal and cultural definition is a christian religious observance; so was our little hanover chica 'offended' as an observant christian?... please.

Rick B

"Cyclically, we are overdue for a correction at this point."

That only applies in reality. Did you note how rosy the TBTFs Q2 projections became after Holder held the threat of prosecution by an utterly corrupt DoJ to their head?


We really are in the very best of hands:

Characterizing al-Qaeda-allied terrorist group Boko Haram as a “group of bandits,” Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield defended the timing of the U.S. response to the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls more than three weeks ago.

Poverty leads to banditry.


RickB-- well the GS Squid opining a 3.9% 2Q GDP growth rate, nets to 3.3% for the combined rate for 2014 1-2Qs, using their project revised -0.6 1Q. That 6 month growth rate is of course, just below the 60 year AVERAGE GDP growth rate. Everything is rosy, we are JUST below average growth for Recovery Summer V.

Old Lurker

Just as I am reaching the breaking point with my Stand-For-Nuthin (Good) Episcopal Church, the Pope says this? Really? Were his early critics correct that he is a raging Marxist?

" On Friday, Francis called for the United Nations to promote a "worldwide ethical mobilization" of solidarity with the poor in a new spirit of generosity. He said a more equal form of economic progress can be had through "the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society."

Won't be checking his church out any time soon. Nope.

jimmyk on iPhone

I'm surprised they could get away with calling it a "Black" Mass. In fact when I first saw the post I thought they were reenacting a AA church experience.


well it's just mischief, like the Kavkaz Vilayet, on the other hand:



Were his early critics correct that he is a raging Marxist?

Looks that way.

The left loves him. They know their own.


Pretty good summary why the Warmista con artists have lost the DO SOMETHING debate. Now that they've lost the political debate with voters, the Obamaniacs will act unilaterally... this is where the impeachment fight will be in 2015.


I just watched O's speech at Walmart on MSNBC. Barf. He did his blah,blah about energy,got in a dig at Walmart..."they are good at counting pennies". Now he's flying back to DC from Moffet and will probably golf all week-end.


Janet, the Mooch picture above reminds me of this decree:



MSNBC was the only channel showing his speech. Ha.


Francis is an Argentine Jesuit. This is what he believes, as do the rest of his Order. I am not a 'critic' it just is. Leftist?, please. That's projecting a political label that is inapt in the case of a man like Francis. The Left loves his demands to help the poor ( doesn't affect them, they won't have to do anything), but hates his fanatical belief in God. They just cherry pick what is useful to them.


Here's the link to WaPo on the politics of warming: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/05/08/the-insiders-five-reasons-voters-dont-believe-the-white-house-about-global-warming/


This is what he believes, as do the rest of his Order.

And this is what leftists believe, also. Redistribution by government (force). So why can't I connect the dots just because the Pope is supposed to be apolitical?


Pagar, this quote made me laugh and cry at the same time:

Four months ago, Folsom Lake on the American River was almost empty.  Yet on April 21st, the Bureau of Reclamation more than tripled water releases from Folsom and Nimbus dams from 500 cubic feet per second to more than 1,500 cubic feet per second for three days – about 7,000 acre feet of water.   

On April 14th, a 16-day pulse flow drained nearly 63,000 acre feet of water from New Melones and Goodwin Dams on the Stanislaus. 

The irony is that if we hadn’t built these dams, these rivers would be nearly dry in this drought and there wouldn’t be any fish.

Why can't the best candidates that can win explain shit like this to the make believe group of LIVs instead of Jindal expressing his breast milk into the immigrants mouth?

He will never compete with the Democratit that feeds them now.

"Give these people water!" might get better results than apologizing to wetbacks.


Good Morning.

Does anyone know what Speaker Boehner is getting in return for ignoring the Hastert Rule and pushing thru Legislation that the Dem's want but the majority of the Republicans oppose?


TK, do a hashtag. Apparently, that solves all problems. Even, one guesses, citizenship.

Captain Hate

daddy, he's getting support from the national Chamber of Commerce on that. I guess now that he won his primary, he doesn't have to pretend to care what the base thinks.

jimmyk on iPhone

Daniel Greenfield adds more on Spielberg's Holocaust award to the JEF:

@Sultanknish: Obama Forces Israel to Release Muslim Murderer of Holocaust Survivor, Gets Holocaust Award



Ass #ing

jimmyk on iPhone

Incidentally, I didn't think "Munich" was overtly anti-Israel, but it was full of moral equivalence and angst over the Israelis taking out the terrorists that it was hard to stomach.

Dave (in MA)

The Select Committee on Benghazi should be evenly split between the parties, says the party that held the majority in the Select Committee on Watergate.


apolitical Popes? almost 2000 years of history shows that to be an oxymoron. To put it simply, the heart of Leftism, is rejection of God, and putting the State (and its cronies) superior to the individual person and their belief in God. Communism and Nazism doctrine abolish christianity entirely. To call Francis a Leftist is therefore an oxymoron as well. What does he want? he wants to convince the the State by shame and moralsuasion to be Christian by civil law as well as religious observance, so we can all go to heaven by charitably impoverishing ourselves to give to the poor ( he wants the same for abortion and protection of persecuted christians in the ME and Africa BTW). The Church indeed did this through coercion for centuries using ex-communication as a club, that overt political coercion led to corruption, and some people like Martin Luther took exception.

Rick B


ISTM BAC's grovel was even more profound than the Squid's. According to BAC, BOzo has abolished the business cycle - it's rainbows and unicorns forever. They based it on "increased consumer spending" in the face of Gallup's "April was flat" report as well.

I foresee an increase in the sale of manually powered excavating implements (so as not to call a spade a spade) by capitalists in the face of widespread Piketty Popery. The return on Au returned from whence it came isn't very high but at least you know where it is.


Yes the BAC 'no recession for 16 years' was pitiful groveling while they worked out their penalty issues with Fed regulators.


Thanks, Captain.

Captain Hate

Pantsuit in the crosshairs:


Danube on iPad

"Why can't the best candidates that can win explain shit like this...."

I think it would be preferable to have the best candidate who can't win explain it.


CaptH-- the Tammy Bruce piece was great stuff. Fantastic in fact. One thing though, when was HildaBeast photoed in South Africa 'dirty dancing' with another woman? That I don't remember. (I do remember her getting shitfaced in Columbia with the Sec Serv Detail.) HildaBeast trying to destroy Monica? I guess HildaBeast hates hetero women in general.


Boy the talking points on the Benghazi committee are raging. I find the democrats ability to hit back amazing, while their ability to get anything done is non-existent.

What do people know about the committee members? I think they are a combination of prosecutors and ex-military. I'm glad Jim Jordan was named.

The lawmakers are Reps. Susan Brooks of Indiana, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, Martha Roby of Alabama, Peter Roskam of Illinois and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia.


Resolving water supply issues should never be discussed by the perfered candidate.


IMO, this sentence should be affixed to every article which has to do with Democrats.

"If that doesn’t sober people up as to the depths of absolute depravity within the Democrat party, starting all the way at the top with our celebrity President, I don’t know what will."



What does he want? he wants to convince the the State by shame and moralsuasion to be Christian by civil law as well as religious observance, so we can all go to heaven by charitably impoverishing ourselves to give to the poor

We are already fully capable of charitably impoverishing ourselves and always have been. Sorry, but what he wants is the state to impoverish its own citizens by coercion. An overtly leftist goal.

Captain Hate

NK, I know she's talked about that photo before; it might have been the one where Tina Brown talked about her looking tired and fat. I think she's currently talking about the harridans in the media currently doing Rodham's bidding against Monica, since the Pantsuit was previously complicit with her fellow lush, Sid Blumenthal, in trying to destroy her.

The Horde delivers again:

Obama could stomp live puppies to death in the Oval Office on prime-time TV and the progressives would credit him with reducing the burden of dog over-population.
MSNBC would call FOX extremists for reporting on it, and Salon would call it a "phony scandal".
Harry Reid would blame the Koch Brothers, Nancy Pelosi would say we had to stomp the puppies to see what was in them and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz would complain that Republicans were using using this issue to raise campaign cash on the backs of dead puppies.

Posted by: proudvastrightwingconspirator at May 09, 2014 01:11 PM (s+Cb9)


The current meme I'm seeing propagated on the tube by the MSM/Dem's is that the relatives of the dead don't want a new Benghazi investigation. I don't believe it.

I am interested in if any reporter will demand specifics on which family members supposedly told Nancy Pelosi they don't want this new commission to look into the failures of Benghazi that led to the deaths of their loved ones, and then question those family members to find out if Pelosi is lying or telling the truth.

I am also interested if any reporters will announce if their are any family members of the dead that are very interested in having this new Commission go forward so they can finally get an answer as to why their loved ones were abandoned and lied about.


'Good news everybody' you know where this is going, query did Landon, Wilkie and Dewey have a preternal habit of popping up, like a Groundhog, carrying the administrationo's talking points.


Good article by Tammy Bruce - thanks Cap'n.

Captain Hate

Even if the relatives of the Benghazi victims were opposed to an investigation into finding out what happened, which is almost impossible to contemplate, the state regularly conducts crime investigations whether or not the relatives want them. The donks and MFM must be very nervous.


Now as partial recompense, there's a very bunk worthy Stacy Keibler pic in People



He's had a long week mingling with the glitterati, Marlene. He needs his rest.

And if there's anywhere I would expect a black mass to take place, it's Harvard. Christianity is under assault and more and more people are waking up to the fact.

Satanists in Oklahoma, atheists everywhere. What the hell is going on these days? People have lost their senses.

As to Pope Francis, he's sort of doing his job.

Luke 18:22

"When Jesus heard this, He said to him, "One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."


Matt-- are you calling Jesus a Leftist? ;)


I get that, but is the Aleister Crowley appreciation society that large, the distinction is Jesus meant voluntary action,
what is categorized as good works,


As a satanist, I am offended by the Harvard rite. It simply disses us, and because if any are offended all should be deprived, just..Stop. It.


Matt has it right. What he said really isn't very startling. Most governments have some form of "legitimate" redistribution. I would urge you to read Pope Francis' words directly and not the AP summary. Here's a link:



Jesus may have meant one thing, but the Church through her Popes did quite another in their heyday.


CH-I know you comment at Ace. He has done a story on the splc report that I put up yesterday in my comments.

You or someone else may want to add that splc has a curriculum it wants used in classrooms under the banner of the CC and those new open ended assessments that can look at values and attitudes and call a change "achievement" or "Growth."


Also working with the nea and the accreditors of teacher ed on Teaching Diverse Students. So it loves CC's ability to pull a bait and switch in the classroom.

Captain Hate

Done, Robin.


As to Pope Francis, he's sort of doing his job.

Jesus exhorted us as individuals to give to the poor. Francis is talking about government redistribution, which is coercion. Charity cannot be coerced, by definition.

If he wasn't talking about government, obviously I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Anyway, we here are always saying that if leftists want redistribution they should start with their own money. No one is holding them back if they want to give it away. Francis can start with the treasures of the Vatican and then maybe move into selling off some real estate.


the relatives of the dead don't want a new Benghazi investigation

I believe the parents of Stevens are/were big Obama supporters. If they're like the rest of their depraved party, politics trumps even the death of their own son. I hope I'm wrong.


But I believe Doherty's mother has been vocal in demanding a full account. I want sworn statements from everyone who was there at the Consulate and CIA safe house that night, what they saw and heard.


It's like the Politico piece about those Wall Street money men, pining for Hillary, they could only find one named fellow, the rest were in the witness protection program,


Harvard's explanation, for why they would do this, makes one 'arch brow'


That TB piece was awesome, CH. Thanks for the link. TB for prez!

Captain Hate

I need more than George C Looney's former beard to compensate for Romney imitating Jeb Bush.

Old Lurker

For those who protest the reporting and who encourage reading of the Pope's words themselves, those words were "...Jesus does not ask Zacchaeus to change jobs nor does he condemn his financial activity; he simply inspires him to put everything, freely yet immediately and indisputably, at the service of others. Consequently, I do not hesitate to state, as did my predecessors, that equitable economic and social progress can only be attained by joining scientific and technical abilities with an unfailing commitment to solidarity accompanied by a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level. A contribution to this equitable development will also be made both by international activity aimed at the integral human development of all the world’s peoples and by the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the State, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.

Consequently, while encouraging you (...the UN...) in your continuing efforts to coordinate the activity of the international agencies, which represents a service to all humanity, I urge you to work together in promoting a true, worldwide ethical mobilization which, beyond all differences of religious or political convictions, will spread and put into practice a shared ideal of fraternity and solidarity, especially with regard to the poorest and those most excluded."

I'm with Porch. That goes beyond encouraging a voluntary generous spirit with sensitivity to the suffering of others and reads as state sponsored, and international if the state is insufficiently motivated, confiscation and coercion to me.


was it the bombing of the UN compound, that made the difference;



The U.N. paper states that these fantastic and potentially catastrophic events, in which a woman unleashes an endless torrent of tears over her deceased husband or the sting of unrequited love, may raise global sea levels by as much as 30 centimeters by the year 2050, which according to projections could lead to widespread coastal erosion and leave many of the world’s largest cities—including New York, Mumbai, and Jakarta—at least partially underwater.



Cardinal Fang's confy chair was the only one available;



Can't beat theonion for satire but I think we have a great risk of drowning in prog tears if Hildebeast loses in '16.

Beasts of England

Was henry waiting at his computer all day just hoping for this topic to be posted by TM? ;)

That goes beyond encouraging a voluntary generous spirit with sensitivity to the suffering of others and reads as state sponsored, and international if the state is insufficiently motivated, confiscation and coercion to me.
And, I would add, all throughout human history that confiscation and coercion has ended up with the "poor hardest hit" quite literally. When the Rule Of Law is destroyed, the people with lots of money do much better than the people with little.

Forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture. The Great Leap Forward. The Cultural Revolution. The Killing Fields of Kampuchea. The endless cycles of "land reform" which made a naturally rich country like Mexico STILL a place where the peasants cross the border illegally into the US. I'm sure everyone here can add and add and add to the list...

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