Michelle Obama takes to the Times to battle science and politics. Her topic is her "Let's Move" campaign and she includes this teeth-grinder:
WHEN we began our Let’s Move! initiative four years ago, we set one simple but ambitious goal: to end the epidemic of childhood obesity in a generation so that kids born today will grow up healthy.
Opposing healthy kids would be like opposing hot dogs and apple pie motherhood and the flag baseball. However:
To achieve this goal, we have adhered to one clear standard: what works. The initiatives we undertake are evidence-based, and we rely on the most current science. Research indicated that kids needed less sugar, salt and fat in their diets, so we revamped school lunch menus accordingly.
Ahhh! Fine, salt may be problem, but for my money this is like saying that kids face a health crisis from measles, polio and poison ivy. High salt consumption is probably a marker for high consumption of fast food and processed food, which tend to be high in sugar and other carbs; take out the salt and you still have unsalted crap.
And fat? Please give me a scientific break - the 2010 USDA guidlines were questioned by Dr. Willet, our Harvard savant, when they came out and have since been undermined by yet another huge meta-study.
Sugar and refined carbs are the problem; BS will not be the solution.
Speaking of BS, Michelle tackles Big Stats head on with this dubious claim:
Today, we are seeing glimmers of progress. Tens of millions of kids are getting better nutrition in school; families are thinking more carefully about food they eat, cook and buy; companies are rushing to create healthier products to meet the growing demand; and the obesity rate is finally beginning to fall from its peak among our youngest children.
Whether that reported drop merited the breathless headlines it generated or was merely a statistical blip remains a Frequently Unasked Question.
Michelle wanders into the field of politics with this claim:
But unfortunately, we’re now seeing attempts in Congress to undo so much of what we’ve accomplished on behalf of our children. Take, for example, what’s going on now with the Women, Infants and Children program, known as WIC. This is a federal program designed to provide supplemental nutrition to low-income women and their babies and toddlers. The idea is to fill in the gaps in their diets — to help them buy items like fresh produce that they can’t afford on their own — and give them the nutrition they’re missing.
Right now, the House of Representatives is considering a bill to override science by mandating that white potatoes be included on the list of foods that women can purchase using WIC dollars. Now, there is nothing wrong with potatoes. The problem is that many women and children already consume enough potatoes and not enough of the nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables they need. That’s why the Institute of Medicine — the nonpartisan, scientific body that advises on the standards for WIC — has said that potatoes should not be part of the WIC program.
The Evil House, probably backed by the Evil Koch Brothers. Left unmentioned - the still Democratic controlled Senate recently fell in line and put pototoes on the approved list:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The ubiquitous white potato has scored another victory on Capitol Hill.
House and Senate panels this week endorsed the inclusion of fresh white potatoes in the federal Women, Infants and Children nutrition program. The Agriculture Department doesn't allow them in the program because they say people already eat enough of them. Other fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed.
The potato industry has aggressively lobbied for inclusion in WIC, saying it's not as much about sales as perception that potatoes are less nutritious than other vegetables.
The Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday adopted an amendment by Maine Sen. Susan Collins to an agriculture spending bill that would include white potatoes in WIC. That followed House subcommittee approval of its version of the bill earlier this week, also allowing potatoes into the program.
Susan Collins is a moderate Republican and servant of Big Potato, but Dems still control that committee.
I wonder how Michelle overlooked that.
Takes me back to the popular vote on "Let's Move":
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 29, 2014 at 10:21 AM
Sorry, but when she signed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act into law, the law said "no taters".
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | May 29, 2014 at 10:26 AM
Hmm, was this "Let's Move" the bill that CNN bimbo Carol Costello reported as signed into law by Michelle Obama?
Posted by: jimmyk | May 29, 2014 at 10:27 AM
First? Ha,TM,big potato! Collins is an advocate for Maine potatoes,she grew up in northern Maine. My husband grew up picking potatoes at his uncle's farm. In fact,high schools in northern Maine still dismiss high school kids during the harvest.
One of my aunties is a school lunch lady in NH. She said the kids won't touch fruit, apples,oranges,etc.One day she cut fruit into quarters and the kids thought that was the best thing since,well,sliced fruit!
Posted by: Marlene | May 29, 2014 at 10:27 AM
When I am playing high school chauffeur the subject of the food in the cafeteria no one will now eat and the departure of the salt that helped make it edible comes up a lot. My response is that it is michelle's actions and initiative. Usually the diva or her friends will say "so you don;t like her?"
Well, I don't for real reasons, but the point is that this really is her initiative. This generation is being primed to think factual statements must be a personal attack or a racist attack. Fascinating and scary.
On a totally unrelated note, I just followed a publication that ran a troubling quote all the way back to the Board. Chairman was a White House Fellow in the office of the VP in 84-85. That would be Bush Senior. In 2009 he headed up part of bo's transition team. I don't think his politics changed really. Hard not to remember that as jeb itches to run and just loves that bipartisan label.
Posted by: rse | May 29, 2014 at 10:32 AM
You guys are fast! The daughter was amazed at the potatoes in Idaho being grown in the desert,thanks to irrigation. She drove thru Idaho two summers ago and she saw the contrast between irrigation and Mother Nature. The Maine crop is often inconsistent,depending on the growing season. This year,cold and wet.
Posted by: Marlene | May 29, 2014 at 10:34 AM
Lest we forget her blocking an ethical vaccine trial in Chicago.
Posted by: The moral of the story is | May 29, 2014 at 10:37 AM
Diane Rehm Show, right now, on JEF's speech yesterday--left, right, center--Katrina Van Whatever Her Name is--total fail.
He's lost everybody.
Posted by: anonamom | May 29, 2014 at 10:40 AM
Michelle would be out of whack with sodium. It's role is being somewhat de-emphasized; the young have little problem with it. It's the sick kidneys and hearts which have a problem.
Posted by: Practically the whole point of the kidney is to rescue Na+ from the filtrate; the eons old mechanism backfires with failure of the heart. | May 29, 2014 at 10:42 AM
Oh kim of the long insightful appellations, welcome back.
Posted by: rse | May 29, 2014 at 10:45 AM
Wastes? What wastes, anonamom? Oh yeah, that came later.
Posted by: Land critters live in a salt poor environment; their intracellular metabolism evolved in a salt rich one. | May 29, 2014 at 10:46 AM
Ha. The kids in Belgium ride their bikes home for lunch: hot veggie soup, croquettes, a little salad, maybe some wurst and cauliflower. No bland hot dogs, chicken nuggets and PB&J for these healthy kids.
I wonder if riding the bike back and forth twice to school has anything to do with it or the diet?
Posted by: Jack is Back! | May 29, 2014 at 10:47 AM
Nothing beats walking a mile back and forth to school in a foot of snow, uphill both ways.
Posted by: Possible, when you consider the sledding hill as an after school diversion. | May 29, 2014 at 10:49 AM
The only school lunch items I would buy at high school were the ice cream sandwich and the milk. So my lunch was typically milk, ice cream sandwich and a peanut butter sandwich I brought from home. I have always liked salad and veggies, but I was suspicious of all prepared food in the high school kitchen.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | May 29, 2014 at 10:51 AM
Hiya, Big Bird, tha.
Posted by: Ain't we got fun? | May 29, 2014 at 10:52 AM
We always gave our nieces and nephews Mr.Potato Head as a birthday/Christmas gift. They would know that gift came from their aunt and uncle in northern Maine. We gave a few Mrs.Potato Heads also. OK,enough with the potatoes. :)
Posted by: Marlene | May 29, 2014 at 10:52 AM
Katrina Van The Commie probably wanted him to spit on the newly minted officers though...
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 10:53 AM
The size of government will never be rolled back. We are DOOMED.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 29, 2014 at 10:55 AM
BTW, just to demonstrate the genius of Segei Brin: All my side bar ads are in Flemish:)
Posted by: Jack is Back! | May 29, 2014 at 10:57 AM
"Who’s got time to go to the fruit stand?"
--stuff Michelle said
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | May 29, 2014 at 10:59 AM
Next up, adding Hookers and Blow to the numbers? What could it hurt:
The French government faces a 14bn-euro black hole in its public finances after overestimating tax income for the last financial year.
French President Francois Hollande has raised income tax, VAT and corporation tax since he was elected two years ago.
The Court of Auditors said receipts from all three taxes amounted to an extra 16bn euros in 2013.
That was a little more than half the government’s forecast of 30bn euros of extra tax income.
The Court of Auditors, which oversees the government’s accounts, said the Elysee Palace’s forecasts of tax revenue in 2013 were so wildly inaccurate that they cast doubt on its forecasts for this year.
It added the forecasts were overly optimistic and based on inaccurate projections.
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:00 AM
America is the fattest most disgusting country in the world and it's also the laughing stock of the world.When fat disgusting American kids go on school trips to Europe people stare at them like they're a freak show....I don't know how this hasn't been reported on here.
European kids throw things at them and shout "Hey,Elephants,don't eat all our food". In restaurants in Europe a fat American kid will order three pizzas,two hamburgers,4 portions of fries and 2 gallons of soda and the waitress's,who are always slim and beautiful just stare at them and think "Disgusting fast Americans"
You guys are an embarrassment when you leave the country...with your big ugly nasty 400lbs bellys being dragged around........and someone wants to help you............god forbid the first lady should try and help ugly fat pigs learn a little self control.
Posted by: Dublindave 2016 | May 29, 2014 at 11:01 AM
Not doomed yet. There is still hope as more and more people see Obama as the incompetent boob that he is. Krauthammer said it best yesterday.Obama is living in an alternative universe of his own making."Captain Queeg comes to mind. Kraut said "If you have to proclaim that you are not weak ,then you are weak." Romney echoed his sentiments on Meghan's show.
Posted by: maryrose | May 29, 2014 at 11:03 AM
Heck of a job Juggy!
NEGATIVE<.b> one percent growth
We are contracting. Incompetence parading around on display.
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:03 AM
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:04 AM
If you like your GDP growth you can keep it! Period.
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:06 AM
On CNBC this morning Becky Quick asked Steve Liesman how we will ever get to at least 3% GDP if we are at -1.o for the first quarter?
Posted by: maryrose | May 29, 2014 at 11:06 AM
Posted by: Extraneus | May 29, 2014 at 11:07 AM
My impression was that the food cards (w/o photo ID) were traded for drugs on the street, used for liquor and cigarettes, or at out of state casinos. How can a potato compete with that?
Posted by: henry | May 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM
Doesn't matter, maryrose. Obama had nothing to do with creating the WIC program, or expanding it to include potatoes, or greasing politicians to do so.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 29, 2014 at 11:09 AM
Early bird is more flattering than Big Bird. Plus yellow is not my color.
Posted by: rse | May 29, 2014 at 11:09 AM
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 29, 2014 at 11:09 AM
I can see that the Mooch has passed some of her moron cells to Dublin Dave. Has DD aka "Double Doofus" actually been to Europe? I doubt it.
But I digress. When the Mooch uses the imperial "We" I am reminded why this mindless bitter bimbo doesn't belong in the White House. Has nothing to do with her color--but a lot to do with her personality.
Posted by: Comanche Voter | May 29, 2014 at 11:09 AM
I thought my 11:09 post was more recent. It was a intro to this:
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 29, 2014 at 11:21 AM
She was prescient, her critics were very stupid;
as you can see with idiots who don't know how a republic is supposed to work
Posted by: narciso | May 29, 2014 at 11:24 AM
DD's flight of fancy to fat kids is more good news. The marching orders to loser trolls like DD from Prog-Central is to dump on everything an everyone, b/c the Progs can't talk about anything, ObummerCare, jobs, the economy, gas prices... anything... that the voters care about. So it's all about the gayz, and 'equal pay', and and climate change, and 'everything sucks... INCLUDING OBUMMER... so don't blame the Dems. That's all you'll hear from Progs from now until November. I do expect in November USA voters to ream out the Progs like they did in France and UK this past Sunday... plus there will be a recession on in November (-1.0% 1Q GDP-- absolute disaster.) Book it-- that will be another nail in the Dems November coffin. http://www.foxbusiness.com/economy-policy/2014/05/29/chilly-1q-us-economy-contracts-for-first-time-since-11/
Posted by: NK(withnewsoftware) | May 29, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Michelle is photographed every single day. So, too, is Kate Middleton. And, yet, in all the shots that are planned, it's the odd one, when something happens (like the princess' skirt flying up in the air ... and she's not wearing underwear ... that captures interest.
Michelle is so uninteresting! And, like her husband, everything she tries, doesn't work out well. This is a feature. Not a bug.
Posted by: Carol Herman | May 29, 2014 at 11:35 AM
Posted by: Threadkiller | May 29, 2014 at 11:37 AM
The kids in Belgium ride their bikes home for lunch
Today, parents have been so thoroughly scared by the nationalizing of bad news (a child molester on every corner!) that they would never DREAM of letting their kids ride a bike to school, let alone allowing their precious flowers to escape from the asylum to come home to eat!
Posted by: nextcube | May 29, 2014 at 11:38 AM
Its just a flesh wound! And the weather was in our eyes, and the dog he didn't eat ate our homework, blah blah blah
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:38 AM
Steve Fleasman is perhaps one of the absolute dimmest bulbs that CNBC lets on their market show. I have noticed that his role has been significantly reduced, at one time he seemed to be the back up host of choice but now its occasionally to say something inane about the GDP or the money supply, otherwise he is a non entity. Probably just running out his contract.
Posted by: GMax | May 29, 2014 at 11:43 AM
Diane Rehm Show, right now, on JEF's speech yesterday--left, right, center--Katrina Van Whatever Her Name is--total fail.
He's lost everybody.
I think yesterday marked the unofficial end of the JEF's presidency. Nobody is defending that dumbass on Farcebook; his former shills are embarrassed by him even if they'd never come right out and say it. He's been revealed as an idiot and nobody wants to be associated with him.
The Repubs should concentrate on just stopping everything he tries to do because there will be no risk in doing so and only token opposition from the deepest blue hells.
Posted by: Captain Hate | May 29, 2014 at 11:55 AM
if my research is right Big Potato is a 4 billion dollar industry with the big 9 as follows:
North Dakota
Posted by: rich@gmu | May 29, 2014 at 11:57 AM
Idaho has to be first in something. Our standard issue license plates here even mention "Famous Potatoes".
"He's lost everybody." - Heh, I remember when the lefties groused about Reagan being the "teflon president". Let's hope the JEF turns into (or continues to turn into) Preezy McVelcro in the runup to November.
Posted by: Eric in Boise | May 29, 2014 at 12:10 PM
Was this posted?
Valerie Plame doesn't deny that blowing the cover of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan is a serious matter. It's just that, discussing the issue at a Wednesday evening forum sponsored by The Atlantic, Plame seemed to view the outing of the CIA's top spy on the front lines in the Afghan war as more of an embarrassment than an outrage.
Simply unbelievable
Posted by: Jane | May 29, 2014 at 12:14 PM
$4 gas, $6 burger meat, no jobs, a recession coming, VA incompetence, Bengazi/IRS lies, ObummerCare insurance rate shocks/cancellations coming for employees-- the Dems in competitive races must LOVE what obummer has done to them.
Posted by: NK(withnewsoftware) | May 29, 2014 at 12:14 PM
Who's Valerie Plame?
Posted by: NK(withnewsoftware) | May 29, 2014 at 12:15 PM
Posted by: cathyf | May 29, 2014 at 12:21 PM
The number one failure of the FLOTUS as nutrition guru is the inability to notice that a 50-lb kindergartner and a 275-lb varsity football player have different caloric needs.
Posted by: cathyf | May 29, 2014 at 12:24 PM
"The number one failure of the FLOTUS as nutrition guru is the inability to notice that a 50-lb kindergartner and a 275-lb varsity football player have different caloric needs."
But, that's not fair. Everyone should get the same amount of malnutrition.
Posted by: Bori | May 29, 2014 at 12:31 PM
An excellent 6 minute video that shows highlights of the many undercover investigations into Planned Parenthood's "clinics" -
I don't think most abortion supporters realize what is going on in that industry...how could they?...our "news" media doesn't report any of this. All abortion supporters should read pro-life sites at least sometimes to find out what it is that they are supporting. I think many of them would be appalled.
Posted by: Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself | May 29, 2014 at 12:36 PM
Kill the baby, but don't eat a potato.
Posted by: Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself | May 29, 2014 at 12:37 PM
You can only have 300 calories for lunch, but here have all the condoms you want.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | May 29, 2014 at 12:40 PM
I am doing my part to make sure grandkids (and their friends) understand that the horrible lunches they are now served are directly attributable to the democrat party.
Grandson and his friends will vote in the 2016 election.
Posted by: Miss Marple | May 29, 2014 at 12:43 PM
10 yr TSY at 2.42%--the lowest this year and the lowest yoy. WSJ lede para:
Climate change is killing our GDP!!!
Posted by: lyle | May 29, 2014 at 01:13 PM
Lyle-- in August, when the initial 2Q GDP numbers come out, THE DROUGHT will be blamed for the 'unexpectedly' weak 2Q#s. More Climate Change problems for the economy as far as the Legacy Media are concerned. We won't hear anything about the 2014 Recession in the Legacy Media until December, when the Legacy Media start their terrible Christmas stories and demand to know what the Repub Congress will DO about it in january!!
Posted by: NK(withnewsoftware) | May 29, 2014 at 01:23 PM
You live in a beautiful state too. Drove through it a few times.
Posted by: rich@gmu | May 29, 2014 at 01:24 PM
Nailed it, NK.
Posted by: lyle | May 29, 2014 at 01:29 PM
Corrine Brown, imbecile. Also, Representative of the State of Florida in the US House:
Posted by: lyle | May 29, 2014 at 01:35 PM
Economists are predicting stronger GDP numbers for the upcoming quarters.
Posted by: Dublindave 2016 | May 29, 2014 at 01:50 PM
that whole Carlos Slim column, is an embarassment,
more appropriate to Louis XV1 or Catherine the Great, and even they were not that arrogant.
Yesterday's speech was a blanc mange effort,only the hardiest of Dolci and Gabbani's tailors, like
Cassidy at the New Yorker, and that second string
Voxer, Max Fisher, even tried, Ignatius insists it's just a flesh wound
Posted by: narciso | May 29, 2014 at 01:52 PM
Sure, Davey. Sure they are. Because economists are never wrong. Sure, economists have predicted stronger GDP for, oh, I don't know, five effing years and they were wildly, unerringly wrong--unexpectedly!
Posted by: lyle | May 29, 2014 at 01:54 PM
Question because I get confused by economic numbers:
How do they figure the GDP, and what role does inflation play?
Posted by: Miss Marple | May 29, 2014 at 01:54 PM
MM, the Fed uses a "price deflator" method to allow for inflation in GDP numbers.
Rick B or Kim could probably elaborate.
Posted by: lyle | May 29, 2014 at 01:59 PM
I would describe it as 'accounting for' inflation, so the GDP numbers are 'real' (heh) excluding the effect of inflation.
Posted by: NK(withnewsoftware) | May 29, 2014 at 02:15 PM
I remember eating potatoes when I was a kid that were NOT irrigated and they were stunningly wonderful tasting. Nutty flavor.
Realize that's not possible now but still…
Posted by: glasater | May 29, 2014 at 02:20 PM
Whoever posted as Dublin Dave early in the thread did a marvelous job of making the post over the top. I'm pretty sure not even the original DD was this stupid.
Posted by: Buford Gooch | May 29, 2014 at 05:28 PM
The size of government will never be rolled back. We are DOOMED.
Posted by: Extraneus | May 29, 2014 at 10:55 AM
Just watch what happens as the OPM runs out - not when, as it looks like the game's afoot now with the 1Q GDP contraction this year. WeeDavey's optisarcasmatism can help him no more than the defiance of the damned in Dante's Hell can improve their condition; damned they are and damned they shall remain, for eternity. This winter's cold is the meteorological equivalent of George W. Bush, himself a real-life Emmanuel Goldstein to the modern left.
Either a majority of the American electorate believe that the effects of a cold winter in North America somehow managed to selectively contract US GDP while simultaneously growing Canadian GDP, or it won't. If it will, a good argument could be made that there's no America - at least as we used to know it - left to be saved, and we'll just have to let the natural effects of demand for OPM outstripping supply run their natural course. If it won't, we stand a chance of turning things around without an obligatory catastrophic economic failure.
I'm not at all certain which of these two outcomes is more likely.
Posted by: Trevor Saccucci | May 29, 2014 at 09:34 PM
Trevor-if you get back here...
Here's a fellow whose writings I read from time to time just to try to get an idea of what some of the CME guys are thinking on. I know Rick Santelli follows him.
Posted by: glasater | May 30, 2014 at 01:21 AM
who voted for obama's wife to become america's food czar ???
Posted by: el polacko | May 30, 2014 at 03:55 AM
Trevor-if you get back here...
I just did! Thanks, glasater.
Posted by: Trevor Saccucci | May 30, 2014 at 05:59 AM