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June 13, 2014



Not even Double Douchee is dumb enough to believe this one:

The IRS says it has lost over two years’ worth of emails sent by former agency official Lois Lerner, the one of the chief subjects of the committee’s investigation.



For any soccer fans:



You guys are cracking me up on a depressing Friday the 13th. Thanks.


The parallel with Nixon and the famous 18 minute gap in the tape is impossible to miss. Like I said before lots of parallels but Nixon has the grace to resign when it became obvious he could no longer govern the country. Zero not so much.


Had to do this one again, smaller pic.

"Let's crawl under it, dude. That's how they fix cars in the movies and stuff." pic.twitter.com/e9FY01QgHY

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 13, 2014


Not even Double Douchee is dumb enough to believe this one:

I wouldn't bet on it.



Some Guy

Like I said before lots of parallels but Nixon has the grace to resign when it became obvious he could no longer govern the country. Zero not so much.

Nixon resigned when fellow republicans stepped up and told him it was time.

Name one democrat who would put the country before party.

Anyone? Bueller?


David Burge @iowahawkblog
Breaking: I am going to lose my next 2 years of W-2s.

Thomas Collins

The 18 gigabyte gap.

Miss Marple

See? I KNEW that news would break out when I was gone all day.

So, they've lost all of Lois Lerner's emails?

Indict them all, right down to the IT guys. Someone will crack.


It's not the official IRS emails that I want to see, anyway. It's private emails that are probably the most damning.

Lying bint.


Please, MM. Indict them? This DOJ indict them??


TC, that is great - it should go viral. Sadly most Americans won't get the reference. Hell, most journalists won't get the reference.

Seriously, this makes the missing Rose Law Firm files - which were also a big deal - look like the biggest joke in history. If they can get away with this they can get away with ANYTHING.

Thomas Collins

Quite a coincidence. The internal emails to and from IRS critters are there, but the ones to other government divisions, such as the White House, are missing during the time period that the WH would most likely have been helping to coordinate IRS activities re Tea Party groups. Amazing coincidence.

Thomas Collins

Quite a coincidence. The internal emails to and from IRS critters are there, but the ones to other government divisions, such as the White House, are missing during the time period that the WH would most likely have been helping to coordinate IRS activities re Tea Party groups. Amazing coincidence.

Miss Marple

News from the LIV's at the food pantry:

1. Woman came in and is a cancer patient on Medicaid. She was upset that they have messed up her Medicaid and want her to cough up $1000 al at once in order to get lower co-pays. (This is what she told me. I know nothing about how Medicaid works.) Then she asked me how much the government is paying to care for all of "these mexicans" that are coming in. She heardabout that and she was mad!

2. Black woman came in OUTRAGED that she had money deducted from her Social Security check for Medicare. She said they TOLD her it would be free! I said, "I am so sorry. Whoever told you that liedto you." (She was originally from Chicago so Lord knows what they are told up there, but making her think the government lies to you was my major goal. Ta-da!) She said "Did they lie to you, too?" I said,"Yes, they lie to everybody." I gave her a hug and told her I would pray for her. Mission accomplished.

3. The nice guy retiree from the IRS was there and I told him that I was RIGHT about what whas going on in the government. Earlierthis year he thought I was paranoid, and that everything was just a screw-up by incompetent people.

All in all, a satisfying day.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Yes, TC...or the ones to outside advocacy organizations.


MissM-- if your parish or diocese gets any IRS flak based on your rightwing insurgency at the pantry, ThomasC and I will provide expert regulatory/tax legal assistance, pro bono. Right ThomasC... Thomas?... Tom????

Thomas Collins

Perhaps the emails are not lost. Perhaps they are just Taking the Fifth.


What better time for the White House to reveal this info:

IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lerner Emails

I thought Roesemary Woodsretired back in the Nixon days.

Old Lurker

Here is the total story from Fox.

Somebody should be in jail.

"Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement regarding the Internal Revenue Service informing the Committee that they have lost Lois Lerner emails from a period of January 2009 – April 2011. Due to a supposed computer crash, the agency only has Lerner emails to and from other IRS employees during this time frame. The IRS claims it cannot produce emails written only to or from Lerner and outside agencies or groups, such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to Congressional inquiries. There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the Inspector General."

Miss Marple

NK, I do not discuss politics. I listen and I don't consider saying "they lie to everybody" to be political. I never mention Obama or elections or anything like that.

I am free to discuss politics with volunteers when no clients are around.


NK et al,

Momma has the dogs for the morning walk today and she is doing the Powerline open trail at Flattop. She just texted me this:

3 bears 2 at the bridge and 1 standing at top of power line

I asked her to send pix but so far no response.

FWIW, I am too afraid to take a subway in Manhattan.


Tricky. It is time like this I am grateful the US is led by the smartest guy in the world.


I think it's time we started a campaign for Obama's 2nd Nobel Peace Prize.


Somebody should be in jail.

Eric Holder: LOL!


Corb32 ‏@corb32 1h
#HowToFixHillarysCampaignBus Ask Barack to draw a red line and threaten the bus not to cross it.


Momma text's back to me:

Too busy Watching My Back!!!



Trade five jihadis for it, it goes free.

Old Lurker

Eric Holder...right.

When the sheriff is part of the Rico scheme you know you are in trouble. That used to be when you called in the Feds.

Oh. Wait.


Go here for an updated Elvis classic:



Isn't there a local sheriff who will protect us from the corrupt Feds.... oops.


A quick google search for IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lois Lerner Emails. shows not a single hit for ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC.

Current hits link to stories by FOX, Town Hall, NewsBusters, Washington Times, NRO, Ways And Means Committee , PJ Media, and Free Beacon.

Teams of Editors...




Like any large organization, government emails are stored on backed-up central servers, not on individual hard drives. These are so-called "enterprise" systems, such as Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes, not POP servers like we used in the 90's. This is complete b.s.

They say that only her emails to/from outside of irs.gov were lost? And only hers, and only from a certain time period, because of a hard-drive failure? B.s.



I just want to get this off my chest: I don't hate soccer because it's un-American, I hate it because it's boring. That is all.

Now back to the regularly scheduled JOM.


Lyle-- 6 goals this afternoon in Spain-Holland.


They're checking the wrong server.

Remember this?



IRS servers-- I do remember talking with my friend around 2010 and he describing the ancient IRS IT for senior management. But I can't imagine back up servers for emails weren't in place by 2011. To me, this is a confession that the investigation demands are getting uncomfortably close. The server email records will appear magically New Years' Eve after elections.


The other government agency servers will have copies of the emails.

How I long for Jimmy Carter.


Six goals?!

Is that like one every three hours or was it longer?


How I long for Hanlon.


Dutch treat.


I don't understand why we're hustling to clean all the confidential data off our computers in our Baghdad Embassy. All we have to do is make the computers crash and all that data will be irretrievably lost forever, just like Lerner's E-mails.


Only missing her emails sent out of the IRS?

Was someone busy with the delete key while taking the 5th?

That is the simplest explanation, and likely the only feasible explanation.


Eric on The Five just reported that for the years 2011, 2012, and 2013, Chelsea Clinton made $600,000 per year working for NBC.


Today we learn that Chelsea Clinton earned $600,000 dollars a year for the years 2011, 2012, and 2013 from NBC News. And obviously to put that in perspective the average news person makes $39,400. The New York Times Executive Editor made $475,000. President Obama made $400,000. Cjelsea getting $600,000, thumbs up to you Chelsea, good job for locking that down, but that makes NBC news this weeks "Fool Of The Week.

Hopefully that'll make Hillary rest a bit easier about where her next meal is coming from.


404 codes intermittently clobbering my attempts to refresh JOM.

Your comment could not be posted. Error type: ALWAYS_ONLINE_NO_COPY_BOX

Beasts of England

Watch out Captain and Steph - an employee shot and killed a customer at a Waffle House today!




Momma made it safely home. Said it was scary as heck and she said to me "if you wanna' take pictures of bears go take 'em yourself".

Said another hiker came up and they banded together and walked back in tandem with the dogs making a ton of noise.


narciso-this popped out from some research I was doing today. http://www.policylink.org/find-resources/library/an-equity-profile-of-southeast-florida

Equity is becoming such a hateful word.



Ya gotta do something about this Typepad fiasco. As you know, we will follow you to the end of the world.


What has been going on with Typepad tonight? It is midnight here - just now able to sign in.



There’s another reason Obama has hesitated to take this obvious action. This will be hard to believe for some, but the facts are becoming more apparent everyday: Obama fosters chaos.

We don’t think about government being empowered by chaos – at home and abroad. But it is. It’s simply the Cloward-Piven strategy on steroids. Choosing the right option, the obvious action, at home or abroad, is never going to be easy for Obama. Because the right option will reduce the chaos. Obama’s ideology embraces chaos because it eventually leads to bigger and more powerful government.


I understand there is an easier explanation.


Does typepad host LOIS LERNER and the IRS (not a rock band).


Got knocked off about 6ish and got on once at 8ish and then nada til about midnight.

Now I forgot what I was going to post...


Stephanie, at this point what difference does it make!!?


Maybe just ridicule is the proper course of action;



I watched Ed Henry on O'Reilly tonight. After Bill listed everything Obama has made worse Ed suggested Bill was being a little to hard on Obama.

It was disgusting.

Henry went so far as to make the case the Pentagon has contingent plans for the invasion in Iraq and the prez promised to have a solution in a couple days so we should give him a chance.

Ed Henry should be kicked right out of the press room. Jessie Waters would do a better job.

Danube on iPad

Obama's narcissism is such that he yearns to be remembered as the president who led us into chaos.

He is by no means incompetent.


of course, John Cassidy. breaks his arm, patting themselves on the back,

Dave (in MA)


Oh crap, it worked.


TK, Ed Henry is Rip Van Douchebag. He is somewhat awake, but is still in one hell of a fog. Obama isn't the nasty motherfu@#ing bastard that you, I and Danube recognize, he is trying REALLY REALLY HARD to do the right thing. And he has a PLAN B!!! Total nonsense horseshit and the mumblings of a lib who cannot believe the man he adored is banging his wife.
As for Danube's comment about Obama not being incompetent. A PYROMANIAC with GASOLINE and MATCHES is not incompetent, if his fire burns it's intent. Obama is a fuck up. With matches and gasoline.


Danube my friend, I believe Obama is becoming my long predicted FULL COMMIE. He see's the end of his attempt to restructure America in his Narcissistic Marxist vision. The whole, "I have a pen and a phone" meme is about, doing all the destruction he can, with the time he has left. Gitmo, EPA, the Military, etc etc etc. Reminds me of Hitler's scorched Berlin Policy. Destroy any infrastructure, so as to punish the German citizens who LET HITLER DOWN.


Dave, I saw something similar about halfway through the How Its Made episode on tires.


Henry is clownish, as is Wendall Goler. The best guess as to why Fox has them in the press room is to avoid ticking off these Stalinsts to the point where they deny all future interviews.

Rosen seems the logical replacement, or Doug McKelway.

Danube on iPad




Goodnight Danube.


Maybe Chelsea's practicing to be the next Lizard King:


Daddy!!!! For the love of Gawd. Jim Morrison, Eric Carmen, (I'm sure Eric Carmen once owned LEYYYTHERRRR PANTALONES)Phil Lynott, John Waite, even Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler could pull off the leather pant deal. Chelsea Clinton is about as attractive as her Mother is accomplished.
As the story goes, my Bro, heard Dick Cheney tell the joke. Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly????? ANSWER: Because Janet Reno is her FATHER.


A 5 minute video of IRS obfuscation regarding Lois Lerner's E-mails:

Jason Chaffetz:
IRS Commissioner testified in March Lois Lerner emails were archived.

I have sadly come to the conclusion that until bullets start flying it is a fools errand to expect to get anything from this Administration.



Chelsea is the 2nd cow to have worn that skin.

All's I can figure is that the Clinton fashion designer must be Helen Keller


Daddy, that is exactly what I have thought. I've seen violence on the horizon. I've also heard Peeps like Dennis Miller scoff at that. The FRINGE will do what the FRINGE does. The bombings including here in Wisconsin as protests against Viet Nam HAPPENED. What Obama is doing is VILE, it is LAWLESS. What was FAST and FURIOUS about?? After Obama newly elected went to Mexico and SHIT ON HIS OWN COUTNRY, blaming the U.S. for Mexico being a shithole, it became clear to me that like STALIN, Obama had/has NO MORAL COMPASS. He is the MOST IDEOLOGICALLY radical type of disgusting pig imaginable. Except THE U.S. voted for him. We as a nation gave him the keys. And as his disgustingly failed Presidency comes to it's inevitible end, he is going out with a BANG.


Daddy, please keep in mind that ALL of Obama's appointees are themselves RADICALS and are not in any way afraid of consequences. Napolitano and SPECIFICALLY HOLDER come to mind first. Rodham was a USESFUL IDIOT for Obama, as is Kerry-Heinz. They have literally ZERO SKILLS, but believe that they are special. Arne Duncan, Gina (not Va-Gina} McCarthy, Chuck Hagel, on and on and on and on. Steven Chu, etc etc etc etc. I blame them, but the GOP, especially Weeping Johnny Boehner, and most of the GOP in the SENATE ,can go to hell. The SENATE pussy losers, gave CONSENT to the criminals we are dealing with.


Iraq's implosion will of course drive Gas prices higher.

That is a bad thing, but then I remembered Steven Chu, Obama's former Energy Secretary, telling us it would be wonderful if the US could figure out how to raise gas prices enough to equal Europe's prices at the pump (which at the time were $10 per gallon.)

Steven Chu's Europe gas quote haunts President Obama

I don't think it haunts Obama. I think its his goal.


A quick google search for IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lois Lerner Emails.

Perhaps they could check with the NSA to see if that agency has a "Lois Lerner" file tucked away in - what was it - Idaho or a salt mine in Kansas. If they're not certain, I'm sure that Edward Snowden would be delighted to help them look.

Congratulations to my dear niece, all the fans, and the L.A. Kings for winning the Stanley Cup. :)

'Nite all!



Here it is 8 hours later and when I enter the same phrase into google search IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lois Lerner Emails, I get no hits at all for the New York Times, but I do get this headline from the WaPo, which conveniently has left out the name of Lois Lerner:

IRS lost emails by official in tea party probe

Teams of Editors...


Here's an article from 2010 that implies that most, if not all, of the federal government was on Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange back then, and starting to think about cloud-based email.

None of these depend on someone's hard drive.



Yells for 'Daddy' by school yield surprising find

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) -- Police say a Connecticut woman became concerned when she heard someone calling "Daddy" repeatedly near a school. But when she began looking for a child, she instead found a large green parrot up in a tree.

Fairfield police Lt. James Perez says the fire department used a long pole to remove the bird from the tree at Holland Hill School on Thursday. The parrot then flew onto a bamboo stand. Firefighters chased it out and an animal control officer caught it in a net and brought it to a shelter.

Perez says the bird was talking nonstop saying, "Daddy," "hello," "what!" and other words.

The bird was found about one mile from its home. It was later reunited with its owner, who had reported it missing.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

The scoundrels didn't have trouble doing this -
"“This revelation that the IRS sent 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return data — including confidential taxpayer information — to the FBI confirms suspicions that the IRS worked with the Justice Department to facilitate the potential investigation of nonprofit groups engaged in lawful political speech.”"

No hold-ups because of worries about redacting private info.


Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

In daddy's 2:12 Chaffitz video the IRS guy is all concerned about how long it will take to retrieve the emails & how they have to be examined & properly redacted....
...but no such care is given for American citizens. Same at the EPA.
Funneling private citizen info to the administration & it's crony advocacy organizations is business as usual.
That info just FLOWS out of the fed. agencies.


Just think .. now with ObamaCare, you can now have all of your medical records digitized ... and lost by the IRS


Many people within the IRS know that the lost email story is a complete lie. That they'd all go along with it seems like prima facie evidence of a conspiracy.

Isn't there a RICO statute that allows charges to be brought by entities outside the Justice Dept?


Gus @02:38
"Daddy, please keep in mind that ALL of Obama's appointees are themselves RADICALS and are not in any way afraid of consequences."
Don't forget this one. IMO, he is one of the really scary ones. Might check out his advice to Romney too.



Extortion, bank robbery fuel ISIS bloody drive to establish Sharia caliphate

Long before it looted the Iraqi central bank in Mosul of $429 million, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Syria (ISIS) was well-funded in its quest to establish a Shariah caliphate, thanks to a raging criminal enterprise of extortion, bank robbery and petty theft, as well as donations from well-heeled sponsors throughout the Arab world, according to experts.

The latest payday — gained when the jihadist group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi overran Iraq's second largest city and emptied the vaults of cash and gold bullion — swelled already healthy coffers and made ISIS, by some estimations, the world's richest terrorist organization. The group also seized U.S.-made tanks, Blackhawk helicopters, cargo planes and an unknown quantity of guns, all part of a $14 billion arsenal the U.S. sold or donated to the beleaguered Iraqi security forces.

The money and weapons are already helping ISIS in its ferocious bid to carve out a nation governed by strict and merciless Shariah law in northern Iraq and northwestern Syria. The group already sees itself as an independent state with large swaths of the two battle-scarred nations, areas it now controls and is bent on expanding. The "Levant" incorporated into the group's name historically refers to an eastern Mediterranean area that also includes parts of Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Cypus, though it's unclear exactly what territory the organization has designs on.

Is that the dumbest statement ever written?


I think the lost email story is a last gasp type defense, and good news. Must be some very incriminating exchanges between Lerner and the likes of Durbin, Shumer, WH Counsel etc. out there.

Janet - the districts lie fallow, while the Capitol gorges itself

Good Lord, Extraneus...that is unbelievable.


Hundreds to march over Brooklyn Bridge to call for tougher gun control laws

Hundreds of demonstrators are planning to march across the Brooklyn Bridge to call for tougher gun control laws.

Saturday's demonstration comes after a wave of mass shootings across the U.S.

It is being underwritten by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the nation's most visible gun control advocates.

The marchers will include relatives of some of those slain in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

They will gather in downtown Brooklyn and then march across the bridge to City Hall.

The group will then hold a demonstration outside the building's gates to call for tougher federal firearms regulations.

How utterly lame.


Chuck Noll has died. He was 82.

"Before you can win a game, you have to not lose it."


Even the reporting of it before the fact is lame. Everyone associated with such a futile and ridiculous gesture should be embarrassed.


From this video, I'd bet money that Romney is running again.



"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." -- Gerald Ford, Swearing-in Ceremony speech

Why is it that I expect to hear those words in 2017 ?

Captain Hate

Chuck Noll was a prick to Terry Bradshaw who ended his career prematurely because he damaged his shoulder playing in a game he had no business being in. Noll caught lightning in a bottle by stockpiling HOFers by being consistently pathetic until he had so much talent even he couldn't lose with it. Once his core HOFers left it was back to mediocrity.

Either Kimberley Strassel's headline people are being deliberately obtuse or she was. Her WSJ article yesterday "What Dave Brat Taught Conservatives" is a reasonably good boilerplate description of conservative principles which I believe every non troll here understands and how Brat adhered to it. But she then goes on to describe some nitwit group of Repukes operating under the "reform conservative" bit of bait and switch moniker not unlike Rove's "compassionate conservatism" crock. Kim rightly puts the boots to these clowns, for whom imbeciles like Ezra Klein shill with their "targeted tax breaks", and points out how Cantor agreed with them. That is all well and good but those clowns are emblematic of the gimmicky political crap that the party of Rockefeller comes up with to undermine the core principles of what Reagan's landslides showed is what the country wants.

Old Lurker

You know if you tried to tell the IRS that had happened to documents from your 1040 and they really really wanted to find them, they could. Emails are stored in too many places as we all know.

Henry could find them in ten minutes.

Captain Hate

Has any high profile Republican responded to this by calling the IRS and the administration liars? I don't think there's any downside for doing so. In fact I think they've already squandered opportunities to geld the IRS beast.


OL, selective delete & purge can defeat that. Especially if a rolling backup of mail servers is deployed (we keep an annual full system backup, but roll daily in between). It sounds like Lerner did a full delete of her emails, both inbox history and sent mail. Any emails to / from others inside IRS could be found easily by an admin search of the full email db, external would be gone. Any law firm would tell you to have backups in a safe place to avoid this problem -- not just SARBOX, but any lawsuit will have a discovery disaster if you produce a giant hole in the e-mail history.

Of course Lerner's private (illegal) email account ovule cause the same problem. The sys admin would only have access to email sent / received from within the IRS system. Whether this vendor (we don't know which one) keeps backups is another question to chase.

The simple answer is e-mails are missing due to intentional human actions however you look at it. A crashed drive on a local PC is not a tenable excuse.


Ovule??? would

Captain Hate

Helluva fat finger, henry. Of course you're correct on everything.



" Many are under contract with our own Department of Defense. Inside sources are saying there may be as many as 20,000 or more."


I want the republicans to pledge to get to the bottom of every one of these scandals even if it takes until Obama is out of the WH. I want them to make it clear we and will find every deleted document and we will prosecute everyone involved including the ex AG and ex president. We will do it long after Obama has any ability to pardon anyone and we will put people in jail, including him.

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