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September 30, 2014



First again






As I sit in MSP airport dealing with the chaos of the TSA once again not anticipating a vulnerability in the system. Even if u are not transiting in or through Chicago u are seeing delays which i understand will continue into next week

but if the Secret Service were in charge it would not be any better apparently given what we learned this AM


Omar is guilty because he is a white Hispanic and because he is a white Hispanic he is guilty.


Giving Omar G amnesty and rights to stay in the WH and have his kids go to prep school in DC has been making the rounds online for a week now.


Team Mitch keeps rattling the tin cup for me to contribute to the next Majority Leader. If he states what he plans to do with the power, I might give. Until then....

Miss Marple

By the way, the only reason the guy got tackled was that an OFF-DUTY agent happened to be wandering through after having put the family on the chopper.


The question now is, how far would this guy have gotten if the off-duty agent happened to have been there?

Miss Marple

HADN'T happened to have been there.


Persuadeable donors...


Why do off duty agents roam the hallway?

Captain Hate

Maybe Rick Perry should ask 404 if he thinks this border problem is a laughing matter.

Miss Marple

TK, I believe he was cutting through after having finished his assignment, putting the Obama girls on the chopper.

Agents are allowed to cut through the building when it is not occupied.


TK@2:25-- exactly.


One more Wretchard link; one that begins somewhat nebulously and philosophically but then concludes by demonstrating why philosophy and faith ultimately matter more to our practical, concrete world than missiles, tanks, EBT cards and voting machines.


well Heinlein called it 'the Crazy Years' but he figured they would be in an earlier phase.

Captain Hate

Sanity makes a comeback?



The question now is, how far would this guy have gotten if the off-duty agent happened to have been there?

Maybe he is having and affair with Mooch.

Soylent Red

Why do off duty agents roam the hallway?

To protect all of the other people not on the job in the White House?

Seriously, this Administration and all of its functionaries should be required to live and work in caravan wagons and a big striped tent.

Soylent Red

Maybe he is having and affair with Mooch.

I never read that Gonzales was a ghey man.


Reposting from last thread:

From that OK ruling:

Of course, a proper legal decision is not a matter of the court “helping” one side or the other. A lawsuit challenging a federal regulation is a commonplace occurrence in this country, not an affront to judicial dignity.

Leftie "jurisprudence" hardest hit. Bold mine.

Captain Hate

For narc and anybody else interested: This is the group who first got me interested in European improv but recorded earlier when they had more of an edge. Plus it's the late 70s so you can laugh at the hair styles:



Just a bit more:

"The text is what it is, no matter which side benefits." Such a case (even if affirmed on the inevitable appeal) does not "gut" or "destroy" anything. On the contrary, the court is upholding the Act as written.

Good Lord! A truly impartial judge. What's the over/under to the number of hours it takes for the oh-so-tolerant left to publish this guy's home address on the net? Trick question, I'll bet it has already happened.


Posted in the wrong thread:

I think all this talk about the Secret Service debacle is to take pressure off of the Isis debacle.

I thought congress was not in session - but they came back for this hearing? Weird.


Team Mitch keeps rattling the tin cup for me to contribute to the next Majority Leader. If he states what he plans to do with the power, I might give. Until then....

I actually think this is a smart GOP tactic. Because the Dems were successfully able to nationalize Senate races in 2010 and 2012 (famously, Angle, O'Donnell, Akin and Mourdock) I think the GOP is laying low. Individual candidates are running fairly vigorous races on the issues, but the national GOP is staying mum, lest the MSM be able to seize on something.

It means fundraising is lacking (and things like the MS primary aren't helping) but I think it's still a smart way to go.

Some Guy


I think it's good pre-midterm politics for Republicans to pretend to care about WH security.


I think all this talk about the Secret Service debacle is to take pressure off of the Isis debacle.

I agree, Jane. Convenient squirrel. Not really working though (at least from an election standpoint) as it just makes them look ever more idiotic.


Judge Ronald White-- I have a new judicial hero.


Porch-- I am not disagreeing about GOP Senate candidates running as anti-Dems, as opposed to what they are for, I know RickB thinks that is good tactics, but until I see what Senate repubs do with the power, no checkie from me.

James D.

I'm with NK (although given current bank balances, etc there wouldn't be a checkie from me regardless).

I have no problem with them running as generic anti-Dems. My fear/expectation is that, once in power, the R's are going to morph to being Dem-lite and try to "reach across the aisle," etc.

Danube on iPad


"On May 15, 2003, White was nominated by President George W. Bush to a seat on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma vacated by Frank Howell Seay. White was confirmed by the United States Senate on September 30, 2003, and received his commission on October 2, 2003."


Gope: "Here, Dem senators, you can have your filibuster back and everything. Now let's talk amnesty...on your terms. Please like us now."


Getting back to the whole ACA judicial battles, notice the shrill tone of the judges "defending" the IRS rewrite. And notice no one--nobody--is suggesting the best route is to send the whole thing back to Congress to simply re-write the statute. Why not? They know that just pulling on just a few more stray threads and the whole thing unravels.

Interesting. If I were a prog/socialist sizing up the GOPe, I'd still like my chances at the re-write to extend the subsidies to everyone. At this point all they'd just be haggling over price, right?

Pagar a bacon, ham and sausage supporter

Lyle @ 3:33
With all the supposed to be lawyers in the House and Senate why does it seen every law passed ends up in court time and time again?
IMO, this would all end if the lawyer politicians were disbarred if the law they wrote were found not to be legal.


Very astute, Pagar. I agree.

OT: These, from Krugman, are fightin' words (psst, not really):

there are, I believe, people who can really appreciate a $350 bottle of wine, but most of the people buying such things wouldn’t notice if you substituted a $20 bottle, or maybe even a Trader Joe’s special.”

Oh, they'd notice alright, Paulie, they'd notice. I'm not saying I drink a lot of $350 bottles--the esteemed economist fails to explicate, inter alia, the size format of wine bottles and whether it's bought retail or at a dinner out--but, like most of his opinion, it seems to have been pulled outta his ass. I daresay some of his UWS neighbors might even agree with me, a rube from the sticks.

Dave (in MA)

We need to have CH pick the Super Bowl halftime talent.


IMO, this would all end if the lawyer politicians were disbarred if the law they wrote were found not to be legal.

Sadly, writing laws these days seems to be the equivalent of seeing what they can get away with and hope the courts bail them out. cf. ACA.


Speaking of border security Ebola case in Dallas. Less to block it than an off duty agent.


NPR reporting first diagnosed case of Ebola in Texas



They would just have the non-lawyers write the BS.


Hope you NFL fans are sitting down:


How long before cheerleaders are banned along with hot dogs and beer in the stadia? Five years, max.



You mean there are risks attached to our come on in approach?

miss Marple

Now, why in the HELL have we allowed flights to continue to arrive here from Liberia?

I don't believe for a minute that the guy showed no symptoms. And Liberia has zero incentive to not allow a suspected case to board a plane to the US, since an outbreak here would cause more resources to be devoted to a cure.

But hey, whatever. Put the risk of death for thousands of Americans on the list of things the lazy president didn't do. I suppose he thinks he is a better doctor than the medical experts, too.


Pretty logical; otherwise they'd have to ban the sign of the cross some players make. (Which might be a good idea because as soon as one more Muzzie does it, they won't get away with banning either.)


You mean "his" medical experts, MM?

Rick B


The GOPe turtle is more strategy than tactics. It's been fairly efficacious, putting some Blue Hell statehouses in play which would otherwise leave single party hellholes without hope of escaping from ruin. It may also give Republicans control of all three branches in Iowa and Kentucky as well as possibly shifting Washington state a bit back towards the center.

It is quite possible the greatest effect of the GOPe turtle will appear at the state legislative and local level, aside from control of the Senate, of course.

miss Marple

CDC press conference will be covered on Fox shortly.

I am sure we will all derive a great deal of confidence from that.

Pagar a bacon, ham and sausage supporter

As England enters the dark ages again.


Old Lurker

"I am sure we will all derive a great deal of confidence from that."

Quick! Tell me five things the Feds do well?

Old Lurker

WaPo "BREAKING NEWS Armed contractor with criminal record was on elevator with Obama"

Apparently at the CDC show in Atlanta.

Nolen had recently converted to Islam but Cleveland County Prosecutor Greg Mashburn said it appeared Nolen’s assault was tied more to his suspension. Mashburn said Vaughan’s human resources department suspended Nolen earlier Thursday after another co-worker, Traci Johnson, had complained that she had had an altercation with Nolen “about him not liking white people.”…

Mashburn said the attack seemed to be tied more to the complaints against him. “It had more to do with race rather than trying to convert people,” Mashburn said. He said there was a “back and forth with Ms. Johnson and that led her to make a complaint to the HR department.”

“There was some sort of infatuation with beheadings. It seemed to be related to his interest in killing someone that way,” Cleveland County Prosecutor Greg Mashburn said. “Other than that, it seemed to be related to his being suspended earlier in the day.”…

“It is my understanding he was using some Arabic terms during the attacks and that is one of the many reasons the FBI is involved at this point in time,” Mashburn said.


1. Party

2. Spend our money

3. cronyism

4 Get great pensions

5 piss the rest of us off.

Old Lurker

OK, Jane. You got me.

miss Marple

Why should I have confidence in this group.

Woman who begins has a bad haircut and dye job which clashes with her coat.

Now we have a guy talking to us like we are 5-year olds.


I am stocking up on food and holing up.

Jim Eagle


90% of people buing $350 bottles of wine are collectors and investors. That is Krugman's biggest booboo not to understand the fine wine community. They'll open a Petrus, Cheval Blanc or Le Pin for birthdays and anniversaries but basically they are appreciating the 10 to 25% annual return


Rick B


Example of the turtle in action:

Tisei Up Over Moulton

It's a Deep Blue Hell seat which will be expensive to protect, should Tisei win, but it's a very good example of not scaring the horses (asses).

An estimated 40,000 inmates in the federal prison system convert to Islam each year, and there are as many as 400,000 Muslims in federal prisons. That does not include state prison inmates, as Nolen was.


Jeff Dobbs

I was born in the hospital where the ebola case is being treated.

Some Guy

Quick! Tell me five things the Feds do well?

1. Restrict Commerce

2. Create Perverse Incentives

3. Promote Junk Science

4. Create Market Bubbles

5. Devalue the Dollar

new lurker

I'm with MM and bar flights from Liberia. Can we not do that?

Captain Hate

We need to have CH pick the Super Bowl halftime talent.

It would be unforgettable.


So Texas Presbyterian says the Ebola patient is in strict isolation. What does that mean? No one takes his vital signs? Food is brought in by a robot?

Jim Eagle

An estimated 40,000 inmates in the federal prison system convert to Islam each year,

It's only a matter of time.

BOOM® then DOOM™

Thomas Collins

Time to scrub any references to frequent travel to West Africa in any profile for a dating or meeting new friends site.



My daughter works at Baylor. In the ER. How long before someone presents to her ER? Why are they allowing people in the US from those countries? They quarantine animals. Why not people from where it is rampant?


According to TC's link, the person traveled to Liberia. Not an illegal alien, presumably.



Tisei is openly gay - which will help him in liberal MA. And personally I think it will be great to have him in a republican congress.

Thomas Collins

Whoops! Sorry for not reading prior posts more carefully. It looks as if several of you are already all over the Ebola story.

Jeff Dobbs

From the Tatler: Report: Just Four Hospitals in the US are Ready to Handle Ebola

Missoula, Bethesda, Atlanta and Omaha


Bingo, JiB. Still bet Paulie doesn't have the stones to criticize the rapper/hiphop moguls downing Crystal Brut Rose.


How about if you travel to Liberia, you don't get to come back.


Yeah, most people would never know the difference between a '98 Soldera Riserva Brunello and Two Buck Chuck.

Dave (in MA)

Jane, it didn't help him in 2012. The good news is that his opponent is a Marine who took out the crook in the primary.


How about if you travel to Liberia, you don't get to come back.



He isn't a citizen. According to CDC spokesman he is visiting relatives.

Danube on iPad

Interesting question, Lyle. I think I posted when the first subsidy lawsuit was filed that all the Dems had to do was weite an amendment and the GOP wouldn't dare fight it. I guess I was wrong, and if so I"m very pleasantly surprided.


The Doc speaking now on the TV just said this verbatim about Ebola:

I think it is important that we understand a lot about Ebola. Ebola is a virus. A virus that is easy to kill by washing your hands. It's easy to stop by using gloves and barrier precautions. The issue is not that Ebola is infectious, the issue with Ebola is that the stakes are so high, and that's why at the Hospital in Texas they are taking all of the precautions they need to take to protect Health Care workers who are caring for this individual.

As a skeptic, I choose at this time to not believe the Doc.

Hopefully I will be proven wrong.


What would be the problem of monitoring the messages prison chaplains give to inmates, or even in their own mosques? Would it be prohibiting the "free exercise thereof"?


I seem to remember numerous cases in which courts told a legislature to go back and rewrite a statute that was faulty.

Wasn't that the standard response?



You are right about the marine. I agree. I was shocked about 2012. A proven crook gets re-elected.


I wonder which hospital he went to that sent him home?


Mumia Abu-Jamal picked as commencement speaker at his alma mater, Goddard College in Vermont.

miss Marple


We have a whole bunch of dead health professionals in Africa. Are we to believe that even with medical degrees from western universities, they didn't know to wash their hands?

I don't believe the CDC either.

Plus the CDC today published guidelines for Ebola and FUNERAL HOMES.


Kind of a Muslim sounding name.


Good news for Hit:http://preview.msn.com/en-us/video/healthandfitness/beer-may-make-your-smarter/vi-BB6CBMZ


I'm not an epidemiologist, but I read the Hot Zone and the Emerging Plagues, (which I don't
recommend to do in tandem) and I find ridiculous that they would maintain the same protocols from three months ago,


Listen, the CDC lied about HIV. Don't buy what they are pitching on this. Too many health care workers are contracting this for it to not be highly contagious.

I was a anesthesia resident when this "gay man's cancer" was first being described in our journals. Since more than half of the blood that is transfused this country is given in o operating rooms., I had a very vested interest in knowing how it was being transmitted, and what was being done to keep it from spreading.
I read everything that was being printed at the time that I could access.
The CDC published a weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report, which I subscribed to and read religiously.
Their first big whopping how-stupid-do-you-think-I-am lie was they said a person would have to have contact with the equivalent of one milliliter of serum--not blood, but serum, the clear part of blood--to contract AIDS. Yeah, right--tell me one other transimittable disease that has that kind of volume requirement.
And , like--where did that come from?
(They just didn't want us all to refuse to take care of these sick ,
infectious people)

And the other lie was a lie of omission. They should have treated this like every other sexually transmitted disease, and demanded sexual contacts, who would have then be contacted.
We would have saved thousands of lives, and millions of dollars, had HIV been contained as it should have been.

So, if watching these CDC docs pitching their stuff makes you think they are obfuscating----they truly are agents of the state, and should be regarded as such.


Let see if he was talking about beheadings, which are in Sura 47, before he beheaded someone, lets ponder that..

Danube on iPad

"seem to remember numerous cases in which courts told a legislature to go back and rewrite a statute that was faulty.
I recall cases wher (I think) a court said something along the lines of "if the legislature wants XYZ, it can rewrite the statute." I don't believe they can make it mandatory.

Stephanie accidentally OnT?

Maybe the Ebola outbreak is what all those internment camps being built was all about? How prescient of them...

/removes tin foil hat.

Rick B


Hear, hear.

The CDC has the credibility of President Isuzu with me and I'm just not interested in trying to figure out the scope of their lies.

BTW - they still lie about AIDS, particularly wrt incidence and how wide it has spread within the susceptible community. Gays are better off playing Russian roulette. The odds of survival are much higher.


I remember reading a newspaper in California during the early days of AIDS, and it was all about how Reagan hated gays and would try to use it to close bath houses, roll back their employment rights, etc. Experts swore up and down that it was just as likely to transmit during hetero as gay sex. All politics, just like everything else.

Danube on iPad

Should Mr. Maduro ask, I would be happy to tell him how this application of the Socialist Formula will work out:

"CARACAS – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said that his government was applying the 'socialist formula, an abandoned company taken over by the working class,' in reference to last week’s occupation of plants belonging to the U.S. cleaning products maker Clorox.

“It’s the socialist formula. Any company that is abandoned will be taken over by the working class with the support of the revolutionary government. Let it be known,” Maduro said during a cabinet meeting aired Monday on state television channel VTV.

"The Venezuelan government Saturday announced the 'temporary' occupation of the Clorox plants as well as the resumption of production once 'operational restrictions' are done away with."

"The Clorox Company reported Monday from its U.S. headquarters that it had left Venezuela due to measures imposed by Maduro’s government, economic uncertainty and supply interruptions."

Stephanie accidentally OnT?

And the other lie was a lie of omission. They should have treated this like every other sexually transmitted disease, and demanded sexual contacts, who would have then be contacted.

Living in the ATL and knowing the CDC and some of its personnel, they are typical progs who worship at the altar of PC and most have a Jamie Gorlick sized fantasy wall with which they compartmentalize stuff into 'work product' and 'PCism' and never the two shall meet.

It is inconceivable that their PC fantasies could ever be found to be a hindrance to their solving a problem. PC is like an inalienable right or something and thus couldn't possibly be subject to the 'bad thing' they are attempting to solve. Gaia and their belief system would never allow that conflict to be introduced into their worldview; therefore, stupid PCisms are not to be considered a potential problem. Ever.


Just for illustrative purposes:

Why did the criminal rob the bank?
Because thats where the money is.

Why did the recent Muslim convert shout Allah Akbar and behead the innocent person?
Because of Workplace Violence.

How can our Media know the first is true yet still be so stupid and corrupt to pretend to us that the second is also true?


It was a San Francisco paper, now that I think of it.

But Ebola has no gay angle. Why would they lie about it? Third-worldism?

Stephanie accidentally OnT?

Restricting air travel from Liberia would do little to stop the spread of the virus. In this age of interconnecting flights, the dude probably infected thousands of people. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon...

To be effective, a quarantine would have to be imposed on all folks coming in from Liberia at the first stop for 21 days then they could continue to catch their next connecting flight. Allowing them to travel past the first touchdown and to change planes breaks any meaningful quarantine.


the Strain really starts to look like a documentary, in that series, a vampire plague, which kills everyone on one plane, is interpreted by the HHS secretary, as an oxygen circulation problem, in the entire airlines,


They just said he went to the same hospital on the 26th.


Bummer Ananomom, but many thanks.

I was hoping you were going to say that my skepticism was misplaced:(

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