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November 07, 2014



Maybe the GOP can reach a compromise.


It's not "Kennedyesque" until there is a coup and Shia Monks start immolating themselves....



As long as Kerry gets a new hat...

Frau Justiz

How many will be sent to Ferguson?


what happened to the troops we sent to Central Europe, or the ones we sent to aid the Nigerian govt against Boko,


SURGE ! doods and dudettes!!!

If only we could go back to 2007...the good old days.


If only Petraeus could betray us ad infinitum with no expiration date.

That's the ticket.

Buford Gooch

Wait, was there a troll change and no one told me?



"Once I'm President, I Promise You, I will End the Wars, You can take that to the Bank"


Stephanie accidentally OnT?



More desperation and it's funny as hell.

Never ask a question you don't know the answer to...


Heh. One of the trolls didn't see #Anonymous feather signal in the clouds and get his butt to Ferguson. Any more down twinkles and the troll loses choom privileges for a week.

Beasts of England

No boots on the ground!! Levitation?

Stephanie accidentally OnT?

Golf shoes, beasts... to paraphrase Admiral Ackbar:


Danube on iPad

"I assume that the war in Afghanistan is over."

--Nancy Pelosi, June 22, 2005

Miss Marple

I think we should nominate him for another Nobel Peace Prize.


Miss Marple,

Wouldn't just adding a Hellfire Cluster be more appropriate?

Beasts of England

Loretta Lynch is the AG nominee.


I didn't know Ignatius had taken up standup comedy:

The big problems? The fight against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is a nightmare, and Obama’s policy is still too vague and cautious. But the jihadists’ explosive expansion seems to have been halted, and a slow rollback will have to continue well beyond Obama’s departure from the White House. Russia’s Vladimir Putin is a dangerous wild card, but he’s playing a fundamentally weak hand, and Russian diplomats are signaling that they want a gradual resumption of normal dialogue with the United States.

Danube on iPad

Hope everybody saw the shots of a sullen, morose Dingy Harry sitting next to the president, sulking and saying nothing at all. Add to the Schadenfreude collection.

Stephanie accidentally OnT?

Hope our cruisers have fun. If'n y'all want to take a return trip through ATL, we're meeting up on Sunday the 16th.

Emails to go out later tonight...I'm heading out to dinner.

Danube on iPad

BTW, I'm quite sure I heard McConnell say a few months ago that if the GOP regained the Senate they would reinstate the filibuster rule. Correct?

Danube on iPad

May 22:

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he will not lower the 60-vote threshold for passing legislation in the Senate next year if the GOP wins the majority in November.

“'I do not favor turning the Senate into a majoritarian institution, even though we would probably have some short-term advantage for doing it,' McConnell said Thursday at a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute..


Obama's ongoing foreign policy meltdown is a B.F.D.

The idea of "politics stops at the water's edge" was a humongous shield for Johnson, Carter, and Clinton.

The left do not honor that idea.

The difference here for conservatives genetically programmed to support that idea is that Obama's (and Kerry's and HRC's before Kerry) abject failures threaten the country's well being overseas, at the borders, and domestically. The election killed any idea of Obama's relevance to domestic policy. Without the country's faith and implied support in Obama's ability to conduct foreign policy, he has nothing.

Put baby in the corner.

Miss Marple


Good comment. The country is in peril because of those idiots. I am not supporting anything unless I feel it is in the country's interest.


must be missing someone in Ferguson!

"The man fatally shot Thursday inside a McDonald’s in Palmdale has been identified as gangsta rapper Big Paybacc."

15 people inside the McDonalds
and the race of the the shooter apparently cannot be determined. Must have been a big mask.



Just saw a Tweet screenshot of CNN (6:55 eastern) " Grand Jury will not Indict Officer Wilson." It is tense in St Louis tonight.


"It is tense in St Louis tonight."

And cold and windy I hope. And with temps falling.


Official Trailer - The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies


James D.

The difference here for conservatives genetically programmed to support that idea is that Obama's (and Kerry's and HRC's before Kerry) abject failures threaten the country's well being overseas, at the borders, and domestically

Every victim of the entero-virus is the fault of Obama and his border policies, his lies, his shipping unaccompanied alien children all over the country with no notice or anything else. He is directly responsible for every death.

He has personally caused the death of innocent American children to serve his partisan politics ends. And there will be dozens or hundreds or thousands more before the outbreak is over.


I find myself praying for the intended victims and with those charged with their defense while also praying for remorseless and swift justice for the agitators. May the agitators reap every bit of what they sow.


sid's spawn making friends everywhere

new lurker

James D., I agree with you completely. And, as a grandmother of 9, I constantly worry about the virus brought over here from the illegals crossing the border. BUT, what to do??? It has already happened, and I feel there is nothing we can do to protect the young children here who might catch the virus. So very sad. I feel impotent.

James D.

Stephanie @ 6:37

That is the best thing I've read all day.

Imagine if the parties were switched in that story. It would be the lead story on every newscast in the country...


1,500 of ours are holding 30,000 of theirs at bay. LOL


I thought this was the whole point of the exercise:


Jack is Back!

December 17th cannot come soon enough in this household:)

Going to be cold as a well-diggers ass tomorrow and Freferick has an early morning soccer game and I have our annual Wounded Warrior golf tournament. May need to break out the mittens.

Does Barry really think he's a match for McConnell's 30+ years in the Senate? This is going to be fun watching the embarrasments flow like an endless current.


Meanwhile the Minneapolis mayor is flashing gang signs with a gangster thug convicted of selling dope and illegal possession of a gat.

Claims she was just pointing at him. Oh, brother.


So is there a Status of Forces Agreement? Because I was sure Barry had said that he couldn't possibly have troops in Iraq without one, and that was why he pulled out.

Jane on Ipad

I hate to tell you guys, but it's 79 degrees in Ft Lauderdale.

Miss Marple


I am watching with interest because people do not give McConnell credit for his smarts.

He is way smarter than Obama and has already demonstrated it. Reports of Obama being testy in the meeting today sort of prove that

HA! I still am hoping for a complete Obama melt-down on live national TV.


29 here. Gloat for us all Jane!!!


79 here yesterday too, Jane.


Well you made it there, Jane. Good.

daddy, big careful:http://m.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/strongest-storm-in-the-world-to-approach-alaska/36942007

Let's hope McConnell was lying in May.

In Iraq, the Shiites are joining with the Sunnis in Anbar to beat back ISIS. What's next, the Dept of State praying at the Western Wall?


--In Iraq, the Shiites are joining with the Sunnis in Anbar to beat back ISIS.--

Anbar is awakening, more troops to Iraq, the Kurds mobilized;
It's almost like somebody forgot the past and we're now condemned to repeat it.

Danube on iPad

"So is there a Status of Forces Agreement?"

There sure as hell better be.


this is a wild off topic but my flatmate is brewing some beer ... probably a better comment for the horde, but there you go ...


Almost like,Iggy.


have a save and great trip to all the JOMers going on the cruise ... bet that is going to be one for the ages.


Posted by: jimmyk | November 07, 2014 at 08:11 PM-

think it would be under the finding of this current mission and previous agreements. not sure if anything has been worked out recently.


save -> safe ...


What flavor brew rich?


So Anonymous the domestic equivalent of the Assuange faction, leaked a document that the Grand Jury decision is to be Monday afternoon,


the Islamic State, are much like some malevolent djinn, which reminds me of another
suggestion for long distance readings, Tim Power's Declare, a mix of LeCarre and Lovecraft,


let me check henry, think it mentioned an Aussie bitter ... I've been helping moving barrels around. Looking for about 20 gallons. Not sure.


safe trip, all,

Eric in Boise

my flatmate is brewing some beer ... probably a better comment for the horde, but there you go …

Can you pass some to me through the USB port?

Danube on iPad

The Question of the Year 2015 from Hot Air:

"The silver lining here for ObamaCare supporters, of course, is that this [the Supreme Court review of the subsidy case] could end up being a giant sh*t sandwich for the new GOP Congress and, more importantly, America’s new Republican governors and state legislatures. If Roberts sides with conservatives and finds that the law, as written, says federal consumers aren’t eligible for subsidies then the pressure on Congress to re-write that part of that law so that they are eligible will be intense. Boehner and McConnell will dry-heave over the electoral implications of it in 2016, but they’ll resist because they know their base would revolt if they rescued O-Care by rewriting that law. So the pressure will shift to the states to quickly build their own exchanges, whose consumers are eligible for subsidies. If you’re a Republican legislator or governor facing voters angry that they lost their subsidies because of the Supreme Court, what do you do then?"


->think he ... yikes ... looks like bar time!


Hmmm. Narciso there is a MO NG base at Lambert (swim practice at their pool on days Ferguson was closed). Also MO ANG. Just down the road from Ferguson. I suspect that will be an active area this weekend.


Rich, have him check out beerborg.com. It is an excellent resource for home brewers.


Can you pass some to me through the USB port?

Posted by: Eric in Boise | November 07, 2014 at 09:01 PM<<<

funnel attached. pouring through the usb port ...

Miss Marple


What you do is give them the subsidies outside Obamacare.

As in a tax credit.

I swear to God, the doom people are not understanding how to negotiate things.

Be not afraid.



ha ... i walked in during the middle of it and it was a giant chemistry experiment. He had pots on the stove, something going on the convection heater, a notepad opened up ... just trying to stay out of the way and helpful in any way I can.


wow that was a long question ... too long in fact for me to read all the way through.


[be] helpful in any way I can.

Quality control of beer is a very important function. I suggest two or three pints to make sure your opinion is right.

In other news, a ski resort up the hill has opened. Thanksgiving usually is hit or miss, so opening on 7 Nov is yet another indication that global warming is here.

Old Lurker

Hung over is not the way to do an interview young man.


--What you do is give them the subsidies outside Obamacare.

As in a tax credit.-

Heh. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the only significant result of Barrycare was to effectively sever health insurance from employment?

Miss Marple


Yes it would.

I am watching with interest.


Rich, just don't perv the yeast while it turns the wort into beer. Patience for a week or three, then enjoy.


re the filibuster - thought I'd read somewhere in the past couple of days that Mitch has said 'that bell cannot be unrung'.

And as far as the ACA subsidies are concerned a man was on CNBC earlier saying this would create huge complications to those subcribers who had received them and would face a mess so horrendous no one would know how to wade through it in dealing with the IRS.

Did no catch the first part of his comment where he was describing if SCOTUS went with the DC circuit ruling or the other court.

Old Lurker

Severing insurance from employment would be great, Iggy, and severing the subsidy out of the premium is good too.


And the outdoor skating rink opened in Sacramento today.

Miss Marple

Good night, everyone!


Posted by: FTL | November 07, 2014 at 07:04 PM -

you had a comment on the previous thread (Posted by: FTL | November 07, 2014 at 06:44 PM ) that intrigued me and wanted to discuss it further offline if you are unopposed. i am interested in public choice and the relationship to social media and this has been a topic I'd like to turn into a paper to submit for the Buchanan Award at my school for next semester. my email is on the list or if you don't have that richatuf1 (at) yahoo [dot] com.



my flatmate said four weeks while we are enjoying some ipas.


If TK's around I have a question;
Have an intermittent short in my combo auto-headlight, overdrive switch, alarm circuit.
It's not the alarm and I should have it narrowed down to my auto-headlight switch this weekend, I think. I don't think it's the overdrive.
Is there a common fault in the switch or is it likely to be anywhere along that circuit?
It's an F 150.


Is your roommate going to keg or bottle? I bottle and find an additional 3-4 weeks lets the year cleanup nicely while the brew carbonates. (I find the beer is really good a 8 weeks carb / condition, but haven't had any left to test longer periods). Keg is good to go right away.


Via Wounded American Warrior: Sgt US Marine Veteran Manny E. Vega patriot and warrior at The White House this morning



Year=yeast. Autospell plus IPA thing.


think it is going into a keg but not sure ...


The Mohamatans have taught us that extortion works.

Of course, we knew that; it's why it is illegal.

Danube on iPad

Glasater, technically the D.C. Circuit case (Burrell), is not ripe for appeal to the SCt since there is an en banc hearing pending. The case for which they granted certiorari is the other Circuit Court case (4th?), which went the administration's way. In any event the SCt's ruling will be dispositive of both cases.


The "combi-switch" is a POS, Ig. I can't remember if the steering wheel needs to come off to change it or not.

If the wheel does need to come out make sure you don't f up the clockspring for the airbag.


Isn't the overdrive on the PRNDL lever?


What year is the truck?


lol ... is there a bugs bunny of an airbag randomly going off ...

i wouldn't be much help but was thinking it might be a broken wire in the steering column ...


Posted by: DrJ | November 07, 2014 at 09:10 PM -

working on it DrJ. just don't want to get in the way.


If it is in the dash, there is a nifty trick to remove the assembly by going Mr. Gadget on the knob.

IIRC the knob gets removed, put back in upside down, and with a slight twist all hell busts loose.


>>>If the wheel does need to come out make sure you don't f up the clockspring for the airbag.<<<

this needs to be some featured dialogue in a movie or tv show...


2001 F 150. Lower left dash. That take-the-knob-off-and-turn-it-upside-down has never worked worth beans on the ones I've done. Still end up prying the damn thing out. I've got it out now to take the dash off and I'm about ready to order a new switch and see if it fixes it rather than spend hours trying to track it down the line only to have it in the switch to begin with. It works for a few cycles and then blows the fuse. Last winter it worked for a few months while it was cold and humid without blowing. Weather warmed up, zap, burnt again.
Overdrive switch is on the gear shift lever.

Heater core wasn't too bad. Back in and dash back on. Just some trim to put back on and the three electrical connectors on the firewall. Tedious but not exactly brain draining.


maybe I can be helpful ... is this thread relevant



probably not ...

Eric in Boise

Hung over is not the way to do an interview young man.

Back in the 70s, my (then) wife's Aunt got a new boyfriend who was a major pothead. Burner from the word go.

I was chatting with him one day and mentioned that I had a job interview lined up. He gave me this sage advice:

"Myself, I always smoke a joint before a job interview. That way, the people get used to seeing me in my normal state."

Um…yeah. Thanks, bro.

Danube on iPad

Iggy: recommend you take a close look at the Thalman bushing, and verify that the Kanuten valve is in proper wotking order. All of your problems are likely to disappear.



that won't be my problem.

>>>Hung over is not the way to do an interview young man.

Posted by: Old Lurker | November 07, 2014 at 09:13 PM<<<

lol ... i would think people would think more highly of me.

Eric in Boise

New thread.


Which fuse is blowing?


Porsche ... better check fuse 29 to see if it is a wire shorting for a F 150.


see ...


... useful. Fuse 29. Not sure where that is in an F 150::

>>>fuse 29 supply power trough cable 640 which is Red/yellow, red with yellow strip. It serves the TCS Transmission control Module C251, the Auto Lamp C216, the Central Security Module, and the Belt Reminder c238 and C235. So every time this fuse is blow out these four circuits must be check. First, discard all this modules, once at the time by unplugging them, if you do not have sufficient fuses (5Amps) do not do the test. Most of this circuits works fine when in park, since they are not active. They will be as soon as you shift the gear from park or neutral to one of another position. This explain why the fuse is blowout when you shift the lever, with the engine running.<<<

boom ... user friendly.

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