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December 10, 2014



TM, are you already on Christmas break? I can't keep up! Where do you find the time?


Dillion Taylor.

Tom Maguire
Where do you find the time?

Lately, in the bottom of a coffee cup, but no, I have no real explanation for my current mania.


So two grand jury witnesses in the Ferguson case are dead and a poor immigrant was pulled out of his car and hammered to death and we hear....crickets....

So goes the conversation on race.....


I nominate Hit!

What for, I'm not sure.


I nominate TC, on the treadmill, in a three piece suit.

I win.


Matt@11:25- spot on. BTW 'race'? the AAs I know professionally and personally have no connection to the Pathos in Ferguson or the rantings of race hustlers. But we are trapped in the toxic situation where it's forbidden for AAs to criticize THUG CULTURE. Obummer makes the most pititful reference to AAs having to be law abiding and nonviolent, and schmucks like Tavis Smiley bark back 'don't lecture me bro'. The THUG CULTURE taboo in the USA is like the pathos on the West bank with 'Palestian rights'. The truth cannot be spoken.


Senator Tim Scott.

Captain Hate

Am I the only JOMer who likes Taylor Swift? Granted the only time I see her is on the Victoria Secrets holiday special where she seems to fit in well with the overall hawtness but her music strikes me as reasonably good.

Old Lurker

NK, not being willing to criticize the Thug Culture in their midst will become the black community's equivalent of "Peaceful Muslims" being painted with the same brush that covers their head chopping brethren. You'd think they would worry about that more, and endeavor to acknowledge their population is cleanly divided between the two camps.

Thomas Collins

I graciously accept the award, MarkO. Where's my $100,000,000 check, TM?

But seriously, I'm going to nominate three JOMers for consideration. By TM's standards, the award is for people getting a lot less national attention than deserved. Under this standard, the publications, whether blog posts or columns or books or whatever, of our own rse, clarice and James D., show that these three merit serious consideration for the award. I realize that this is not a JOMer of the Year award, but an award given by JOM to an individual who may or may not have ever posted on JOM. Still, the three I have mentioned would be worthy candidates.


Two Ferguson grand jury witnesses are dead? Good Heavens and where have I been to miss that horrific news?

Someone help me out here, por favor.


I don't even know who Taylor Swift is, but wasn't she a finalist for Times Man of the Year?


James D.

I'd like to thank the academy...

Tom Maguire

The "two Ferguson grand jury witnesses dead" rumor is Snopes FALSE.

Am I the only JOMer who likes Taylor Swift?

NO! Exhorted by a daughter who is sometimes mistaken for Ms. Swift, I have been obliged to listen to lots of her music, and I like most of it. As to themes, her Upbeat/Whiny ratio was better earlier, IMHO.

James D.

Seriously, re: TC's 11:52, I would say that 1,000% I would nominate and vote for rse for any recognition that is available.

Clarice, too, but what rse is uncovering is so important - her book and her blog ought to be required reading for everyone who is concerned for the future of this country.


I am torn between Loretta Fuddy and Tom McClintock.

Thomas Collins

Are you going to have Sacheen Littlefeather represent you at the awards ceremony, James D?


But seriously, I get your point about rse. So in the hope that neither you nor clarice will feel slighted, I'm picking rse under the understanding that I'd applaud any of you receiving an award for your writing efforts!


Thank you, TM.


I take the liberty of nominating on behalf of Jonah Goldberg: Chef Dominique Ansel.*

* the inventor of the cronut(tm). Yeah, you know about -it-, but did you know -his name-?


Around here "Taylor Swifting" is hoping your good looks and natural talent make up for your incredibly poor posture.

When I catch my kids slouching or leaning forward with a question mark curvature of the spine I suggest that they take their music lessons a little more seriously.


I nominate any white, middle-aged, heterosexual male with a minimum net worth of $500 grand and no college degree. There ain't a grievance group out there that don't hate those guys.


TomM- thank you for correcting the erroneous rumor. Those two young men were viciously murdered, and no it wasn't revenge for GJ testimony. But doesn't that make the larger THUG CULTURE point some of us are making? Two more young black men murdered in the hood, it's just another day ending in 'y'? We are so casual about young men murdering each other, because they are black guys in the hood, and we can't criticize the culture that spawns this violence? That's the exact toxic environment I personally reject.


I saw Taylor Swift open for George Strait a couple of years ago. A friend in the group I was with leaned toward me between one of her songs and said, "For a country music up and comer, this music sounds a hell of a lot more like rock to me." Couldn't disagree.


"NO! Exhorted by a daughter who is sometimes mistaken for Ms. Swift,"

Mistaken for Ms. Swift... TomM get that daughter a hamburger.


I like Taylor Swift but not for her music (which just sounds like run-on sentences to me) as much as she has done nothing to offend me.

Alice, as a result of Jonah's misfeasance I was forced to come home and try a cronut. Big big mistake. First of all they are expensive as hell. Secondly, I don't even like donuts but might get a second job for a cronut. I absolutely blame Jonah.

Tom Maguire
TomM get that daughter a hamburger.

it's a family thing - she, her brother and I pass through doors sideways without bothering to open them. GREAT on Halloween.


I hate democrats. I'm listening to the Benghazi hearings and the questions being asked by the republicans are amazing. You can tell they have read the report, done their homework and are truly trying to get to the bottom of things. Adam Schiff (d) turn comes and says:

"everyone thinks that what happened in Benghazi is rare, can you take the next 5 minutes and tell us about all the other attacks"



"she, her brother and I pass through doors sideways without bothering to open them."

Have a cronut.


"she, her brother and I pass through doors sideways without bothering to open them."

Now I have reason to hate Maguire.

Captain Hate

Adam Schiff (d) turn comes and says:

"everyone thinks that what happened in Benghazi is rare, can you take the next 5 minutes and tell us about all the other attacks"

What an idiot.

Captain Hate

Here we go:

Wonderful. Let’s have a big round of applause for the GOP Establishment, ladies and gentlemen! They managed to throw away the most remarkable electoral victory in a generation in only one month, maneuvering themselves into a position where the losers who got crushed will be making demands to win their support for a bill that effectively ratifies their will through half of their sojourn in electoral exile.

There was no reason to give the defeated Democrats anything except a stop-gap bill to fund the government through January, at which point the incoming Republican majorities should have exercised control over everything. If the Democrats don’t like that deal, let them shut down the government in a fit of pique, and tell voters how they party they just threw out of power should be allowed to control their lives for an extra year. Not only would that be smart politics – giving the Republicans more fiscal leverage to stand up for America against Obama’s amnesty, instead of just funding for the Department of Homeland Security – but it would represent more sensible and responsible government. All of this multi-trillion-dollar monstrosity is linked together; all of it should be on the table; the flab should be liposuctioned out of every agency at once in a comprehensive plan for fiscal sanity and increased American liberty.


jimmyk on iPhone

Isn't the government funded through February already?

It especially makes sense to have this battle now rather than a year from now when it will already effectively be election year. Party of Stupid strikes again.

The text of the 1,603-page, $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill was released yesterday after House and Senate leaders wrote it behind closed doors.

Instead of fighting for a provision that defunds the president’s unlawful amnesty, Republican leaders fought for other riders.

For example, they airdropped a political earmark into the bill that increases the amount the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) can collect from individual donors from $32,400 per year to $324,000 – a tenfold increase.

Since the NRSC takes sides in primaries, the new donation limit will help the DC establishment do more to support liberal incumbents.

It’s an earmark for RINOs!

The provision will help Senator Mitch McConnell do more to “punch” conservatives “in the nose” and to “crush” conservatives everywhere.

Remember how the NRSC worked closely with Senator Thad Cochran’s race-baiting campaign in Mississippi this year, which attacked conservatives and recruited Democrats to hijack the primary .




jimmy jimmy jimmy--
"That's not the way this budget thing works... that's not how any of this works"


put me in as a Taylor Swift fan as well, the Feinstein report is completely gruber, possibly even macgruber.

James D.

CH @ 12:36

You said it.

This omnibus CR is preemptive surrender by the R's, barely a month after a massive national electoral win.

And I think it's just a sneak preview of the additional garbage we can expect from them come January.


ok dammit where do I get the adblocker thing for the vsuite crap that is larding up the blog?

Old Lurker

I sure wish Reps had elected a new leader. Raise your hand if you trust Boehner to do the right thing on budget and immigration matters.


for chromecast btw

Old Lurker

Steph, Google "adblock" and it will pop right up. Go to the free download and follow the clicks. Easy Peezy.


CAtherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote



Captain Hate

Raise your hand if you trust Boehner to do the right thing on budget and immigration matters.

I've evolved from being noncommittal on him to actively wishing him trapped in a burning building.


McConnell knows that attracting federal spending is to Kentucky's economy now what it once was to West Virginia during the Byrd heyday. The pols actually believe that they drive the economy and they plan to join the Dems in destroying it.


--Now I have reason to hate Maguire.--

So does his wife.
Well, unless...never mind.

Captain Hate

Tammy Bruce is giving kudos to the frackers and Saudis for keeping oil prices low and screwing Iran, Russia, Venezuela and Nigeria. Hard to find four countries more deserving of a high colonic either intentionally or otherwise. And all done despite the intentions of 404.


She has had a bit more than 15 minutes of coverage, but still: proportionally to what she does, she is ignored.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali


I don't think she gets nearly enough attention,


"That's not the way this budget thing works... that's not how any of this works"

Note the lack of any actual refutation beyond assertion. Not helpful or persuasive.

I was following up on CH's post. I confess I haven't followed the specifics, but if Rs are passing a CR now that binds the next Congress in any way, it is criminally foolish.

Charlie (Colorado)

Gee, Tom, you put thyme in your coffee?

Charlie (Colorado)

Re Taylor, catch an interview with her. Smart cookie.

Danube on iPad

Van Lingle Mungo.

Jeff Dobbs

It's not like there needs to be a vote.

Jane Won.

Everybody knows that.


Jimmy, the current CR expires 12/11/14, so what happens 12/12/14 with no money appropriated and very little Treasury cash on hand. Obummer shuts down whichever parts of the Fed Gov't he pleases.. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah. facts mean very much to me, I know economists are professionally trained to assume facts, and postulate away, I just can't think that way. No budget resolution binds the next Congress. Congress can amend budgets and appropriations at will, that doesn't even need 60 Senate votes... subject to POTUS veto. My guess is we will see many budget amendments to FY '15 and the FY '16 budget vetoed, and a gov shutdown when the debt Limit is hit 3/15/15 (the ides of march '15). That would be all good. ASSUMING the repubs use their budget power, that's TBD.


The members of the House need to walk around DC with a pile of those giant Ed McMahon "you've just won" checks. One for each department.

Stand in front of the Nation Park Service, Social Security Administration, Department of Defense, etc.

"Here is you eleventy billion dollar check!! All you have to do to cash it is get a signature."

Omnibus is for pussies.


Budget CR- any response to the facts about CR budget deadlines and the simple arithmatic of 45 repub Senators through the end of this Congress?

Jack is Back!

Mr. Chairman. The Great State of Florida, where the sun shines even when its cloudy, the waters are warm and the Cuba Libre's flow freely, is proud as hell to nominate Janet Shagram was the JOM Person of the Year for her indefatiguable pursuit of killig the Arlington Street Car.

We request unanimous consent!

Dave (in MA)

This thread has been Instalanched.

From the comment section:

"Zemir Begic Can't Breathe."


No need to get snotty about it, NK. The point is our skepticism that a CR funding the government through September 2015 will be seriously slashed come January. Is that your prediction? It's not fact-based, much as you would like to claim. We will make a note of this and see if you are correct.

Captain Hate

Good point, JiB; Janet gets my vote for living the Tea Party credo that citizens should have a say in how de gubmint at any level spends the money which has been extracted from said citizens.


I also thought the objection was the Rs seemingly conceding without even voicing objection to the length of the CR deal being through September, vs January or February.


Can't we take a page from the Dem playbook and just deem Janet as JOM person of the year?


Chaco-Taylor benefits from having a dad who is a lawyer. He has made sure she never signed away her intellectual property.


Snotty, moi? I have no idea what congresscritters will do in the future (they probably don't either) all I can do is observe what they actually do. Boehner is passing a CR consistent with the 2011 Budget deal #s (which aren't terrible as they rolled back some of the '09 Stimulus damage) and McConnell got some Senate goodies out of the Senate Dems seeking to curry favor with him as new Leader. The CR maintains the status quo of the Dem Senate, because there is still a Dem Senate. What happens in January with the Repub Senate? We all know what the Repubs should do, what will they actually do? I have no certainty of what they will do, we'll all have to wait and see.

Captain Hate

Adding to what AliceH said, there is also the objection of Boehner violating his own 72 hour rule in which to examine legislation before voting on it.

Captain Hate

To add to the plus column for Taylor Swift: Writing songs after a breakup with a Kennedy. And living to tell about it.


--Am I the only JOMer who likes Taylor Swift?--

Don't like her music and especially don't like her fingerprints on the murder weapon used to kill any vestige of authentic country music that still managed to survive after the gawdawful depredations of Shania Twain, Faith Hill and the Dixie Chicks, among others.


To add to the minus column: dating a Kennedy to begin with. :)


I think the only way to avoid mud wrestling and knife fights is to confine the nominees to non-JOMers.(Besides Jane will cheat, we all know that.)

Borlaug is a good choice.
So would be the US frackers.
Also, The unnamed GMO scientists who will save the world from hunger and many diseases.
The ISraeli scientists who almost daily are inventing new things to improve treatment and prevent disease.

No social scientists need be considered.

Dave (in MA)

The only think I know about Taylor Swift is that it is a blonde person who has some sort of connection to either pop or country music, two of the many types of music I don't pay attention to, and in a lineup of blondes I'd be unlikely to be able to pick her out. She's not the one who does the Sunday Night Football song, is she?


I liked Shania Twain! one of my law partners met her about 15 years ago when his then teeanage concert pianist son played the violin as back up when she made a daytime TV show appearance in the NYC area. This partner is a very sober and proper gentleman, so it was a surprise when he whispered about the meeting: "shania is VERY good looking"

Old Lurker

NK, I am willing to wait and see if your theory pans out - I realize you have felt this way for a long time now.

What worries me though is this $1T CR "appears" to give Reid & Pelosi all that they wanted and "appears" to approve funding for things like Obamacare and in reality Amnesty through the balance of FY2015. My question is what would have been lost by approving the same bill for say 4 months so that at least it would "appear" to the voters that handed Reps the huge win that the new Congress might actually do what the voters elected them to do i.e. stop Obama in his tracks.

Assuming we don't really care what Dems think, why did Boehner go out of his way to appear to support the Dems and dis all of us?

I would have extended the CR from 12/11 to the Debt Ceiling date and give the new Congress two months to put fixes to both on the table that might have looked like what the voters thought would happen.

In conclusion, if they do as you say, maybe they can fix some of the damage done to our side, but why in the world did they self inflict that in the first place?

Captain Hate

any vestige of authentic country music that still managed to survive after the gawdawful depredations of Shania Twain, Faith Hill and the Dixie Chicks

Who would dare stand and try to stop that rapidly moving train?


Harrumph! I DO NOT cheat!



OL@2:36-- there would have been no CR for 2 months or 4 months to 3/15, or anything other than the FY because DirtyHarry would not have brought that to a vote, and Obummer would start selectively shutting down the Fed gov't on Friday and the House Repubs would back down, and on and on. That would have been no way to start the new repub Congress Amnesty and Budget fights. What will the new repub Congress do, it's obvious what they should do, we'll all have to watch what they actually do.

Captain Hate

I'm tired of arguing with GOPe apologists.

Feinstein has bought into 404's ignorant appellation of ISIL; doesn't she know that Clutch Cargo has "evolved" to calling them Daesh?


So, NK, we can disregard this:

My guess is we will see many budget amendments to FY '15 and the FY '16 budget vetoed, and a gov shutdown when the debt Limit is hit 3/15/15

and basically you have nothing to refute our annoyance at the GOPe's CR carrying through September? It seems to me without anyone's hand being forced (by no CR being in place), inertia will take over, whereas if they'd only done stopgap funding through January, real decisions would have to be made.

Captain Hate

Dear God, I was just listening to Christiane Amanpour where she doesn't even know how to conjugate verbs: "Malala and a friend is...."

Just STFU and lose the snotty affectations.


So, The Rs have to give in without so much as offering an alternative in order to avoid having to cave after offering an alternative.

How does that not apply to the next two years? Bills blocked by Reid just become bills blocked by Obama?

It's an academic question, really. I have no expectation their majority spine will be any stronger than their minority spine. That's not how spines work.


Disregard? why that remains my guess. Forcing Obummer vetoes on Amensty defunding, ObummerCare defunding, and debt Ceiling conditions, are all very good things to bury the Dems even more for '16. As far as actually, starting to save the Republic from national bankruptcy? the 3/15 Debt Ceiling provides the best opportunity.


PS: there would not have been a January or March 15 CR, DirtyHarry woud have not brought that for a Senate vote, and Obummer would have started to selectively shutdown on Friday, then the House repubs would cave, and it would have been a thoroughly useless way to start the new Repub Congress.


Any of these doctors:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_MSQ2qs9dU

Captain Hate

It's an academic question, really. I have no expectation their majority spine will be any stronger than their minority spine. That's not how spines work.

They have no problem backtracking on their "I will repeal ObamaCare" campaign promises but the pledge to not have a shutdown must be adhered to.

Cecil Turner (on mini pad)

Harrumph! I DO NOT cheat!


MUD FIGHT! I knew I was gonna like this thread.

Danube on iPad

There were a number of individual candidates who campaigned on a pledge to repeal Obamacare, but not nearly enough to get it done. In any event, any repeal legislation would be filibustered in the Senate and vetoed if it got past the filibuster. For the time being my hopes are riding on King v. Burwell.


Does the "not nearly enough" position hold true with amnesty?

Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats have publicly expressed concerns about President Obama's executive amnesty. Support for the President's lawlessness decreases by the day, and House Republicans should provide Senate Democrats the opportunity to show voters whether or not they have heard the message the voters sent in the 2014 elections."

Additionally, below is a partial list of statements made by Senate Democrats expressing various levels of concerns about President Obama's unilateral amnesty...


We will never know with cowards like Boehner.


GOP standing has never been higher--the Dems will not support the Boehner proposal it seems and the game is set for February.


Meaning what Clarice? The CR doesn't pass by this week?


Where's the mud? I think Clarice stole it!


Looks like Pelosi and her pals oppose the CR,NK. It can't pass with Dem votes.


clarice-- the thing is Boehner will lose some Repub votes, Nancy is bitching and moaning, but she'll allow a 'conscience' vote by Dems as well(or is it 'conscious?'), and a lot of faux centrists Dems will vote for this, and probably the Black Causus to keep the free stuff rolling. My guess is that it passes the House with dem votes.


Sorry-can't pass withOUT Dem votes.

Captain Hate

So clarice, you're telling me that Boehner is too inept to successfully stab his own party in the back?


Perhaps he's setting up this so it looks like the Dems are the partisan party poopers..who nows.. We are actually living in Rome these days.

Captain Hate

I'm sorry but 404Care has consistently polled very poorly and I refuse to believe that there's no legislative way to eradicate it. Even Schumer and Harkin have been mumbling about it and I don't see it getting better for them the longer it drags out, particularly when everybody gets it right between the eyes.

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