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January 06, 2015



Ah! I can breath again. Foist!

Captain Hate on the iPhone

You've overlooked a lot more than this in the last few days.


'moving on, to the east side of Ankara'


Old Lurker

Bad news and worse news:

Santorum summons aides to discuss plans for 2016.

Jeb forms PAC.

Miss Marple


Santorum and Huckabee (and probably Pence) will cancel each other out in Iowa.

What I dislike is that I don't want them even debating, as it drags our eventual ticket down with their stupid statements.


an interesting look at Team Volodya,



well that is a little odd, because Team Huck was team Bachmann and later Santorum,

NKvirusedand back

TomM loves the minutiae... it's part of his charm.


Well, tiny steps. We need the courts to cut back on the government seizure of private property for the slightest bureaucratic excuse (especially police seizures without any rights to get property returned).

James D.

What I dislike is that I don't want them even debating, as it drags our eventual ticket down with their stupid statements.

I agree completely.

Especially because they will be presented by the MSM as the face of all Republicans. Whereas mainstream Dems can say the most outrageous, loathsome or idiotic things and have them completely ignored by the MSM.


We all love the minutiae.



category error,


Captain Hate on the iPhone

I'm with Miss Maple; those two get locked in a burning building.


I'm not so concerned about who is talking about running, as I am about the relative quiet from Walker. While I hate the fact that the 2016 maneuvering is already beginning, with all the meaningless polling, I would like to be reassured that Walker is at least considering running.


Doubt Santorum et al could say anything as stupid as this apparent Maryland Repub [he doesn't like libs] did; telling some reporterette to "stop using my name without authorization".
Really. He said that.
He even threatened to sue her if she did.
Really. He said that too.
Still waiting to see if it's a hoax, but afraid my wait will be in vain.

Comanche Voter

Let's talk about that house. The lady now owes (I'm assuming that the county didn't fiddle with the figures) $20,000 in back taxes. She's living in a house she can't afford (widow, out of work, medical bills with her daughter etc.)

At some dollar figure (but sure as heck not $6.34) the county will sell her house for back taxes. Or she can sell the house and downsize into something she can handle.

Call me Grinch--but the world is hard.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Who in their right mind would give money to Santorum?


just another day ending in y


maybe Corker will put more grits on the oven now,

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Walker's acting like an adult by concentrating on the job he was elected to do. I find that refreshing.

Danube on iPad

Dershowitz...Dershowitz...more, more, more!


this is the story,


I'm confuzzled,

NKvirusedand back

I love babalublog.. he has the guts to regularly call out the Castro thugs as apartheid plantation operators, which is exactly what they are.


I read today that Dersh is seeking Israeli citizenship.

Thomas Collins

Re DOT's 11:12 AM post: I submit the following song as the appropriate theme song for l'affaire Epstein:


Old Lurker

Oil < 48

Dow off 140

10 Yr Treasuries under 2%


so why isn't he being sued, rhetorical question:


Jim Eagle

A pictorial reminder that nothing in life is free:

jimmyk on iPhone

"I find that refreshing."

I do too. But there's an unfortunate reality now about what it takes to run in terms of organization and fundraising that seems to require an early start. Hope I'm wrong.


zaphod still has the midas touch:


Miss Marple

You know, Walker hasn't done any of the stuff like one would expect. He doesn't seem to have done much speaking outside of Wisconsin.

Maybe he doesn't really want to do it.

jimmyk on iPhone

"I read today that Dersh is seeking Israeli citizenship."

Where did you hear that? There is a lot of whacko stuff on the Internet about Dersh put out by antisemitic crazies.


Miss M, Walker has been in Iowa quite a bit.


Jane Doe #3 has been identified.

It is Larry Sinclair.

NKvirusedand back

henry-- has Walker formed an 'exploratory committee'?

Miss Marple

Thanks, henry!

Those of us not close to Iowa or Wisconsin don't know stuff because it isn't covered nationally (or in my loser of a local paper.)

So maybe he IS interested but is being low-key.


I believe it would be a serious mistake to oust Boehner at this stage of the R comeback in Congress in taking back the Senate.


narciso @11:10
I believe anyone who read the link TK put up in the last thread:


Could understand why the US always seems to lose by 100% any time the Obama regime negotiates with any Anti-American country or group.

I urge every pro America American to read the Shoebat article linked above that TK had posted earlier. It explains why we are in this mess.


NK- no. Yesterday was swearing in day, today they start on the budget. In the mix:


In the mix from the legislature

1. School accountability (tbd on common core)
2. reduction of government (eliminating / combining departments)
3. GAB / campaign finance law redo
4. right to work

Plus Walker has to rule on the Kenosha Casino (which just announced the labor agreement no longer includes card check).

This should be done by end of April.


Somebody nominated Pelosi for Speaker.

Miss Marple

Gowdy is supporting Boehner.

I agree with glasater, I think. Of the ones running, only Gohmert has the institutional memory to provide credible leadership.

Being Speaker isn't about TALKING.

Danube on iPad

Actually, Jane Doe no. 3 has been identified as one Virginia Roberts, now 30 years old. The court rules require that, because she was a minor at the time of the events, she continue to be unidentified in court filings. But the press observes no such constraint.


Pelosi is racking up the votes.

One congressman hollered out "Rand Paul" and another "Colin Powell."

Neither were nominated.


100 votes in Pelosi trails by one.

NKvirusedand back

OT-- for what it's worth, below is part of my money guy's answer to a question I had this morning. Short take is 'choose wisely':

"Crummy first week of the year aside, I do not think we’re in an environment where one should sell and hide. Dividend yields on stocks are still much more attractive than bonds and cash. The US is still much more attractive than other markets in the world. I expect the US economy to struggle in 2015 but to stay positive. I believe lower oil is good for the US consumer but could cause problems for weak oil countries like Venezuela. There are a number of small E&P companies carrying leverage that will be wiped out if oil stays at this level but bigger, financially sound production companies will benefit longer term. Looking out over the next 5 years I think equities are more attractive than bonds so the conclusion is to stay invested, and focus on the results of the businesses held in the portfolios."


A vote goes to Gowdy.


Boehner up by 6


A vote goes to McCarthy.



I believe it would be a serious mistake to oust Boehner at this stage of the R comeback in Congress

But it would not be a serious mistake to scare the hell out of Boehner to get him to stop GOPe-ing up the works.

Fiscal conservatism is, and ought to be, a bipartisan issue, with Obama’s antics pushing the debt over $18 trillion dollars, a level that will constrain how the country addresses critical needs in the coming years.

The CRomnibus bill approved funding for much longer than needed to get the machinery of Congress working again. It supported programs that need to be defunded before they do more damage.

CRomnibus increased the funding limits for congressional meddling in local elections. When the GOP elite advocates big government and cozies up to large banks and crony business groups like the National Chamber of Commerce, there is little to tell it apart from its Democrat equivalent.

Message to Boehner: Change or get out of the speakership, because if you don’t change, many who supported you will pay the consequence.


Gowdy was a no-show for the vote. They are going in alphabetical order.

Maybe he will vote when it is safe.


I guess the Pelosi vote is not a surprise. Here are the last two roll calls.




"I believe it would be a serious mistake"

I can not see how we gain anything by keeping Boehner as Speaker. As far as I can see he has already surrendered any advantage the Nov elections bought us.

NKvirusedand back

My guess...Boehner will be mostly a nonentity. All of the Bills that the House passed 2011-2014 will be passed again; Ryan and a few others will run the House Budget; Gowdy will do his investigation thing. The real action will be in the Senate which will pass a budget to set up 'reconciliation'. It's only at that point where Boehner may become relevant in order to pull together the House votes needed to pass what the Senate dictated... make no mistake the Senate Repubs will dictate the reconciliation, the Senate side always does.



IMO, failure to oust Boehner may make this one of the saddest days in history for America.


According to the WND article I posted yesterday, 28 votes for "anyone but Boehner" by the Republican congressmen will result in a second round of votes.

I think they are at around 17-19. Cspan is not showing a complete breakdown. Some of the "other" category belongs to Pelosi defectors.


beester-thanks for the kind words on today's post. Everything you are talking about is planned but this story has been moving too fast. Plus as someone who had a secretary too long, I literally do not know how to do a powerpoint. Plus I hunt and peck.

I have the name of the right person to help me with indexing now and there may be some videos forthcoming. Hubby and the Diva are only ones at home and both are too busy to help me.

Bringing it down and creating graphics are all great ideas, but I also had to get people to recognize that there actually is not a dispute about something most people do not want to believe.

As am aside, you would not believe the number of teachers and parents who reached out to me before Christmas to wish me and my family a Merry Christmas and tell me they wanted me to know how much the work meant to them. It was very humbling.


Daniel webster Fla, is in the running for Speaker now.


http://www.frameworksinstitute.org/assets/files/Immigration/immigration_mtg.pdf is anew document describing how to get the public to 'reframe' how it sees immigration debate. Interesting to anyone who wants to read the progs laying out their plans for belief manipulation using the compliant media and foundation money.


in last night's thread, I found some earlier
mention of the queen,



I think someone needs four more votes.


Many tautologies, in that strategy document, plus much redirection, seeing as they are skewing less skilled rather than high, but it's right in the Medici's wheelhouse,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Re-electing Boehner is the dumbest fucking thing I can imagine.


CH, no, re-electing Pelosi would be.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Ok, sbw, I'm in agreement with you on everything you've written on this thread.

Captain Hate on the iPad

404 promises to veto Keystone. Send it to him anyway and smoke out who stands with him and Schmuckie Schooooomer.


Boehner it is: 216 votes. No surprise except that Colin Powell got a vote.

Beasts of England

Is it too early into 2015 to start lusting after heirloom tomatoes?



all the way, down here:


Captain Hate on the iPad

The GOPe is hopeless. Nice kick in the teeth for people who voted to change course.

Beester..starve the beast

RSE, truly my honor. The graphic in the "Team Volodya" link from Narciso is a good example. Easily digestible information.

Those alert parents and teachers could be a Crowd Funding source for expanded outreach. If you're feeling sassy--a grant from the Gates Foundation. You are investigating transformative educational programs after all. :)

Because of your work, my ears perk up at key words and phrases. Just today, in reviewing a corporate job description, the terms sustainability and GRI popped up. I dug a little deeper and sure enough, the Global Reporting Initiative is funded by the United Nations Environmental Programme (Euro spelling) and, of course the many foundations you've cited. The GRI is based in The Netherlands.

The looters and parasites seem unusually hungry.


Right you are! I want it on the record that Obama is a jobs killer.All his saved jobs BS. Everyone knows this dragged out recovery can be laid at his and the Dems door. Let them vote and expose his Dem counterparts to the light of day.


Because Threadkiller is busy on other things, let me post McLintock's wisdom on the house speaker race. (This is from NR's Corner)

McClintock’s ideological allies have been urging him since the lame-duck session to vote against Boehner for speaker, but McClintock maintains that these fights need to take place during the November leadership elections that take place after the midterms.

“It should have been picked in November and it wasn’t,” McClintock told National Review Online. By taking the fight to the House floor, McClintock says, the conservative opponents of Boehner risk letting House Democrats have a voice in who runs the House. Boehner’s critics think that the Republican conference could keep voting until they pick a leader who could get 218 Republican votes.

McClintock disagrees. “The far more likely scenario is that 218 people cannot agree on a speaker,” he said. Having shattered the precedent that the House Republicans are bound by the decision of the House conference on this issue, that then gives license to 29 of the most morally flexible members of the conference to go to Nancy Pelosi and say, ‘hey, let’s work a deal for a truly bipartisan, post-partisan House.’”

The California lawmaker said that his state’s assembly went through just such a fight in 1994. “The strategy that they are pursung is much more likely to result in a more liberal speaker not a more conservative speaker,” he said.

Boehner's opponents may have the support of Talk Radio, but, as tacticians, they remind me of all those Civil War Generals Lincoln tried between McClellan and Grant that were always talking attack, attack, attack, and always seemed to have their heads handed to them by Lee. McClintock seems to understand the problem with current GOP-Heritage tactics, and the problems those same strategies caused Boehner in the fights he has had since 2011.


Boehner will be ok in the end. I agree the senate will be where it all happens. Obama aint seen nothing yet...


Because Threadkiller is busy on other things, let me post McLintock's wisdom on the house race. (This is from NR's Corner)

McClintock’s ideological allies have been urging him since the lame-duck session to vote against Boehner for speaker, but McClintock maintains that these fights need to take place during the November leadership elections that take place after the midterms.

“It should have been picked in November and it wasn’t,” McClintock told National Review Online. By taking the fight to the House floor, McClintock says, the conservative opponents of Boehner risk letting House Democrats have a voice in who runs the House. Boehner’s critics think that the Republican conference could keep voting until they pick a leader who could get 218 Republican votes.

McClintock disagrees. “The far more likely scenario is that 218 people cannot agree on a speaker,” he said. Having shattered the precedent that the House Republicans are bound by the decision of the House conference on this issue, that then gives license to 29 of the most morally flexible members of the conference to go to Nancy Pelosi and say, ‘hey, let’s work a deal for a truly bipartisan, post-partisan House.’”

The California lawmaker said that his state’s assembly went through just such a fight in 1994. “The strategy that they are pursung is much more likely to result in a more liberal speaker not a more conservative speaker,” he said.

Boehner's opponents may have the support of Talk Radio, but, as tacticians, they remind me of all those Civil War Generals Lincoln tried between McClellan and Grant that were always talking attack, attack, attack, and always seemed to have their heads handed to them by Lee. McClintock seems to understand the problem with current GOP-Heritage tactics, and the problems those same strategies caused Boehner in the fights he has had since 2011.


You're welcome Beester, and we know fmr Senator's Breaux and Lott, are on that team,


Because Threadkiller is busy on other things, let me post McLintock's wisdom on the house race. (This is from NR's Corner)

McClintock’s ideological allies have been urging him since the lame-duck session to vote against Boehner for speaker, but McClintock maintains that these fights need to take place during the November leadership elections that take place after the midterms.

“It should have been picked in November and it wasn’t,” McClintock told National Review Online. By taking the fight to the House floor, McClintock says, the conservative opponents of Boehner risk letting House Democrats have a voice in who runs the House. Boehner’s critics think that the Republican conference could keep voting until they pick a leader who could get 218 Republican votes.

McClintock disagrees. “The far more likely scenario is that 218 people cannot agree on a speaker,” he said. Having shattered the precedent that the House Republicans are bound by the decision of the House conference on this issue, that then gives license to 29 of the most morally flexible members of the conference to go to Nancy Pelosi and say, ‘hey, let’s work a deal for a truly bipartisan, post-partisan House.’”

The California lawmaker said that his state’s assembly went through just such a fight in 1994. “The strategy that they are pursung is much more likely to result in a more liberal speaker not a more conservative speaker,” he said.

Boehner's opponents may have the support of Talk Radio, but, as tacticians, they remind me of all those Civil War Generals Lincoln tried between McClellan and Grant that were always talking attack, attack, attack, and always seemed to have their heads handed to them by Lee. McClintock seems to understand the problem with current GOP-Heritage tactics, and the problems those same strategies caused Boehner in the fights he has had since 2011.


Look folks. Me and Typepad have a problem. Sorry to overdo my wisdom.


well that's all well and good, but then there's always an excuse to not have the argument then, to insist on the Cromnibus,
that puts the malware into the rest of the year, and we end up in the situation of Delattre, (I think he was the commander at Dien Ben Phu) at the end of February, with the DHS funding bill


What was that that Appalled said?


the problem seems to be the reverse, if Boehner followed a plan, in keeping with the mandate from November, he'd do better,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Did the November leadership elections include the new members?

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

I always wondered about the stories I read that described Nancy Pelosi as a very nice woman when she was dealing with other representatives. Watching her just now, I can see that there is actually *some* shred of decency about her.

Still think she is one of the worst partisan hacks to ever serve as SotH, however.

In some good news, meanwhile, is word that the NYPD has captured the suspects wanted for the shooting of the two officers in the Bronx. Score another one for the good guys.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

I always wondered about the stories I read that described Nancy Pelosi as a very nice woman when she was dealing with other representatives. Watching her just now, I can see that there is actually *some* shred of decency about her.

Still think she is one of the worst partisan hacks to ever serve as SotH, however.

In some good news, meanwhile, is word that the NYPD has captured the suspects wanted for the shooting of the two officers in the Bronx. Score another one for the good guys.


We will fight the Homeland Security money crisis in March and the Immigration memorandum will take a financial hit. there is always the debt ceiling issue as well. There is plenty to go toe to toe with Obama about and I am sure the repubs will win some of those battles.


One example of a pyrrhic victory is dumping Trent Lott for Frist. HOw well did the R Senate do after that fiasco? And GW wasn't showing his good side in that one.
Now I've got to get to work.

NKvirusedand back

The deceased Mr. Gilbert seems to have done a poor job with instilling work ethic and moral fiber in Gilbert Jr. Just horrible: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/son-charged-with-murder-in-hedge-fund-founder-shooting/ar-BBhxnCq?ocid=iehp

Danube on iPad

Seems highly implausible to me that 29 of Boehner's opponents would cut a deal with Pelosi for a more "non-partisan" Speaker. They would be the last people on earth to go for any non-partisan bullshit.

Old Lurker

I think the Civil War analogy better than the attack attack attack guys would be Gen. McClellan who never thought the time was right to fight about anything.


they couldn't they weren't seated then.


CH; No new members were not present.
Who cares who the leader is? We have bigger fish to fry. I agree with Greg Gutfield. If the dems like it or encourage it don't do it.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Defending Trent Lott? Has it really come to that?

Jim Eagle

I agree with McClintock: Wrong venue and wrong timing to decide the Speakership. They don't have the media on their side and all this does is make for joyous reporting and editorializing by the MFM featuring even more joyous Democrats laughing out loud at the division within a party elected to lead.

This should have been done at the leadership conference that would have included only the incoming Congress of GOP. Makes it an internal matter and keeps the Dems from attracting any more attention to the Speaker vote than usual.

Now the story is about "deep divisions", "right wing wacko birds", "the trials of moderation within the GOP", etc.

There was never a strong chance Boehner would lose. My Congressman, Ron DeSantis, as strong a conservative tea-party kind there is, said that if there was a stronger candidate than Gohmert he could be persuaded to abandon Boehner. I think he got that right as did others inclined more to the right but went with Boehner.


TransCanada is not going to wait, for the football to be withdrawn yet again, that's over, like much of Goodell Night Football,
the issue is with Embridge and other such players,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Then what the hell was that NR numb nuts Appalled was quoting talking about?

Anybody who finagled the CRapnibus will never go all in for spending restraint and anyone suggesting otherwise is sadly mistaken,

Danube on iPad

"Their opposition is a fresh reminder of Boehner's struggles to control his rank-and-file as he and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell try to prove that Republicans can govern heading into 2016. (CNN)"

This is the MSM theme song, and you can expect to hear it ad nauseum: it is up to the congress to show that it can govern. Why didn't we hear that when Reagan faced Dem majorities? If congress approves Keystone and Obama vetoes it, will the congress have failed to govern? I'm sick of this shit already.

No congress can govern without a cooperative president. It can bargain, it can exert leverage, it can control appointments, but it can't govern. The goal posts have already been moved out of reach.

Jim Eagle

A very touching story:

A small boy named Hameed lived in a village in Morocco. None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity, especially his teacher, who was always yelling at him, "You are driving me crazy, Hameed! You will never amount to anything in life!"

One day, Hameed's mother came into school to check on how her son was doing. The teacher told his mother that, honestly, Hameed was simply a disaster, getting very low marks. She went on to say that she had never seen such a dumb boy in her entire teaching career. The mother was shocked at the feedback and immediately withdrew her son from the school. Embarrassed, she even moved to another town, where she was sure Hameed would take advantage of new educational opportunities.

As it turned out, 25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with a a rare and near-incurable cardio disease. All the doctors strongly advised her to have an open heart operation, which only one surgeon could perform. Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was successful...

When she opened her eyes after the surgery, she saw a handsome doctor smiling down at her! She wanted to thank him, but could not talk. Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something, but instead gasped several times, and...died right there on the table!

The doctor, who had never lost a patient while performing this particular operation, was in shock as he tried to figure out out what went wrong. When he turned around, he saw our friend Hameed, working as a janitor in the clinic, who had unwittingly unplugged the oxygen equipment to connect his Hoover!

Wait a minute…don't tell me you thought that Hameed had become a fucking cardiologist!??

Old Lurker

...and why should a group which includes losers (if any) and none of the winners have any say in the next Congress?

Captain Hate on the iPad

The MFM will ridicule anything the GOP does so trying to avoid that is impossible plus you let them set the agenda.


What did Trent Lott do that was so objectionable, Captain?

Captain Hate on the iPad

Welcome to the meme for the next two years, DoT.

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