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January 12, 2015



f i r s t

Captain Hate

When does Sullivan, the female Brodhead, resign for her ignorant rush to judgement which was entirely mistaken and ran roughshod over the assumption of the innocence of the accused? Get her out, Hoos!


It would greatly aid the grieving process if daddy or someone with more technical prowess than me would honor the memory of the late Anita Ekberg by posting some pictures of her


RIP, Anita. she left some more provocative ones I'll leave to others to post;

NKvirusedand back

Never had a thing for Anita Ekberg. I did get a kick out of the billboard reference to her in From Russia With Love; Broccoli plugging his dog of a movie "Call me Bwana"

Janet - healthy and jolly as a joker!

I want the "activists" that vandalized the fraternity house prosecuted. Immediately, if not sooner.


CENTCOM Twitter account apparently hacked by ISIS.

James D.

I'd love to see that, too, Janet, but I don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell.

jimmyk on iPhone

I didn't watch the Golden Globes, but apparently Poehler and made some rape jokes that had anyone on the right made, would have resulted in world outrage. And I guess Beyoncé said something.

@AsheSchow: So rape jokes are okay so long as they come from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

And anything Beyonce does is feminism.


Man Tran


Saw your link a couple of threads back and have forwarded to Mrs MT. She is treasurer of our property rights group and will make sure the gang gets it.

BTW I haven't said much about it lately, but they are waiting for yet another court ruling with our hot shot Perkins Coie guy doing the heavy lifting. Pacific Legal Foundation and Freedom Foundation are pitching in because of the national implications. Similar to the Utah gopher fight.


plus they had cop killing fan, Common, speakout in favor of unarmed black youth and slain NYPD officers,

Captain Hate on the iPad

I've never found Fey and Pohler as funny as the reaction the clapping seals SNL packs the audience with would indicate.


then of course, there's rocket surgeon, Lena Dunham, regaling us with her high falluting political theory,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Another reason not to have cable. I'm sure the Emmy dumbbells who ignore POI fawn all over her and the rest of the HBO mafia.


I happen to catch the opening monologue for the Golden Globes, the rape jokes bombed badly, except to Ms. Dunham and her table who thought they were extremely funny.

Dave (in MA)

What do you think of the most recent POI? I just watched it yesterday, what a strange episode. I read Shaw is being written out of the show for at least a year because the actress is having twins.

Captain Hate on the iPad

I thought the last POI was extremely well done as far as how the Machine operates. About Shaw, having a pregger terminator is a step too far even for me.


Josh Ernest just opened the White House Press Briefing with a very nasty, long criticism of the Republicans. What an odious creep.

Now he is telling us that is is fair to say that we should have sent someone higher that Holder to Paris, but we stand with France and you saw us telephoning the French and pledging assistance during the attacks.

Reporter: So high much higher a Govt Official should have been there than Holder?

Ernest: Well I can tell you if circumstances were different the President would have liked to have ben there, but with only 36 hours notice Presidential security considerations blah, blah, blah...

Reporter: Did you consider sending someone higher than Holder back on Friday?

Ernest: I'm not going to go into that now, and it's worth noting that the french people.

Another reporter: Did you consider having the president g?

Ernest: I'm not going to get into that now, blah, blah, blah, we think someone with a higher profile should have gone.

Rep[orter: Did the french ask the president to come?

Ernest: I'm not going to get into that...

Reporter: Is this criticism fair?

Ernest: I won't quibble with people's opinions...


I actually liked Clooney and thought Michael Keaton was very sincere. It seems that he has not strayed far from his roots. We only tuned in because there was literally nothing else to watch.

Unless you know that Lord Frothingtop and Susie the downstairs underwear maid had a thing, Downton just seems too daunting.

I'm glad that Grand Budapest won. It was a very strange, typically Wes Anderson flick. Still have to see Boyhood. What a fascinating concept.


Ernest: I don't know how much of the march the President watched on TV. But it was a wonderful display of unity, and people could have demonstrated that support by a tweet, or an e-mail or even a speech at the Golden Globes last night.

NKvirusedand back

Bori-- my condolences to you for watching Golden Globes. The Dunham reaction? Just consider yourself lucky she didn't decide to flash her saggy boobs and flabby belly.


I can't link on this computer, but hie thee over to Ace's place for some great twit pics.

James D.

daddy, what did the odious creep attack the R's about?

Captain Hate on the iPad

There are a lot of women at Oberlin who look like Dunham, often kissing each other.


Reporter: You say all forms of violent extremism. What are examples of all forms of violent extremism?
Why is the summit on combatting violent extremism. Isn't it violent Islamic extremism?

Ernest...blah, blah, blah...

Reporter: Why'd don't you send somewhere higher than Holder?

Ernest: It came together so quick in only 36 hours. We didn't want the security concerns to impact the ability of those who attended the march?

Reporter How do you expelling that Neyanyahu made it there? He is a huge target?

Ernest: You should talk to them about that. You have been to enough such things

Reporter: How did he make it to Mendela's funeral then? That needed tons of security.

Ernest: Discussion of the plans to attend Mendela's funeral had been going on for years beforehand. Not the case in France which we had no idea was going to happen beforehand.

Reporter: You have said a lot of time, "Most transparent Administration in history. Why won't you tell us what the president was doing yesterday?

Ernest: I'm not prepared to answer that here...I'm prepared to answer a lot of questions but...

Rep[orter: Why didn't Holder march?

Ernest: I'm not prepared...for all this talk, there should be no question to the American people that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies to fight terrorism...

James D.

I went back and watched the opening of the odious creep's briefing.

I despise him. I kept expecting God to cause the ground beneath him to open up and swallow him, dragging him down to his richly-earned place in Hell.


daddy, what did the odious creep attack the R's about?

A long nasty criticism against the Republicans for not helping the president deal with immigration of illegals, and considering doing Legislation that will undo the great work that the president is doing on helping undocumented workers who have ben in America for years and rally contributed to America and blah, blah, blah.


daddy, what did the odious creep attack the R's about?

Does it really even matter? Isn't it all just pro forma by now?


"So the Administration wanted Nelson Mandela dead then, Mr. Earnest? Is that what you are saying?"

Question that should have been asked.

Dave (in MA)

Keep in mind-


-Trandrea thinks Sarah Palin is stupid.

Captain Hate

I can't link on this computer, but hie thee over to Ace's place for some great twit pics.

HOF photoshop work there plus an open letter to Romney.


Now watching CNN.

Wolf Blitzer plays the clip of Ernest saying it was a mistake to not send someone higher.

Jake Tapper in France: Most people feel that the President should have been there and Josh Ernest was doing something very smart in that Press Confererence in saying that someone of higher profile should have been there. It was a wise thing to do.

Wolf: A wise thing. Yes, you admit it and move on. Why didn't he go into detail of why they screwed up? Did you hear any details?

Tapper: No. He said he would not discuss it. He left to for others to unpack that statement later. Nobody is saying specifically that the president should have ben there even tho' in aggregate all the rest of the Presidents and the PM's of the world were there so could there have ben any higher security than what was already there.

Wolf: Jay Carney. your impressions were you surprised to hear him say he made a mistake?

Carney: No it was smart. it takes the sting out of the criticism, and I thought it was smart not to go into the details leaving it for others to unpack the statement. I think it was unusual, but I think it was very wise.

Wolf: Not we will hear how the process will go on to deal with this? Who's is going to get the blame for this blunder?

Carney: (Chuckles) they will not get into details able to blame this on individuals. They will say "Kery was doing important stuff in India, and perhaps Holder or the Ambasadot were not high level enough.

Wolf: The bucks stops with the president. he makes the decision to go or not go, right?

Carney: I think that's right. I honestly think this is not going to cause a lot of damage to the White House and there are more substantive issues that effect the country and the White Hluse than this.

Wolf: Jake, you move on, right?

Tapper: This President has said in the past that he does't have the same predilection for optics , as he refers to them, images as previous presidents.He has said that that is not his strength. I think there is something more than simply optics...This is being referred to as France's 9/11...Truly I have to say that it was beyond just optics. You also have to look at the fact of who was the first world leader who came to New York after 9/11? it was the President of France. I don't think that our relation with France is shaken with the President not being there or Biden not being there, or Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, or any other American leader, but it reaffirms, it would have reaffirmed, not just in the minds of the French people but in the minds of the American people. I think that's important for people too convey.

Wolf: OK Thanks Jake Tapper.


“The challenge is a big one. You have to think big, you have to think forward, and you have to think new. You have to think new and fresh,”

You'll NEVER guess what this bint and her party are proposing. Never, ever!


Shirley you can't be serious:


Le Ewok's twitter feed, le contradicteur, has been very good as well,

Carney: I think that's right. I honestly think this is not going to cause a lot of damage to the White House and there are more substantive issues that effect the country and the White Hluse than this.

And why not? Nary a soul from the MFM will bring this up again. Move on, you wingnutz!


well there's this:


Captain Hate

Yes Le Ewok has been in rare form lately. Maybe he finally figured out his Duke and Duke contacts will never deliver on the crop report.


All the faux "outrage" from the MFM towards the admin will be gone by tonight's news. They can't stay "mad" at him! He's their precious boy.


Jonathan Chait, NY Mag: Why History Will Be Very Kind to Obama

Obama will get credit for the hope and change needed to bring about a post-partisan, post-racial country with health care costing $2500 less than before.

The problem is ... nobody's sure what country that might be.

Captain Hate

Libs on Zuckerberg having massive cranial explosions from Ted Cruz having oversight of NASA.



And this:


Even the usually idiotic Yahoo commenters aren't buying what Erdogan is selling.


Now that it's over I have to say that I'm amazed at Tapper saying that This President doesn't care about optics.

And I thought it worth noting that Wolf, Tapper, and Carney all said it was really wise and smart for Ernest to admit the mistake, refuse to answer any details about the decision making or what anyone was doing, and then simply leave it to be "unpacked" later by whomever. Obviously none of those 3 give a damn about this White House not providing answers. Their collective stronger concern, as voiced, is indicative of individuals who have a higher concern about how the White House can do a good job of damage control and move foreward from this.

Anyone think Wolf or Carney or Tapper would have taken such a "Great job, Josh Ernest!" attitude, if it was a Republican Administration telling folks "I'm not prepared to discuss the details about what you guys are asking?"

Good Morning!

James D.

This President has said in the past that he does't have the same predilection for optics , as he refers to them, images as previous presidents.He has said that that is not his strength.

I guess the Constitutional Law professor missed the part about the President being not only head of Government, but also Head of State.

Captain Hate

I guess the Constitutional Law professor missed the part about the President being not only head of Government, but also Head of State.

And being a responsible adult.


Why History Will Be Very Kind to Obama

History will only be kind to Obama if the left succeeds in its mission to destroy free markets and American exceptionalism. (History being written by the victors and all that.) Electing a strong conservative in 2016 will help discredit Obama, much as Carter's legacy was justifiably discredited by Reagan's successes.


Of, but exactly what I was trying to say to the sceptics here a while back:http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/01/12/the-presidents-duty-of-good-faith-performance/

Moreover, the 'lack of good faith' goes to 11 where the President goes from neglecting to enforce to instititionalizing that 'neglect' by PROMISING NOT TO enforce.



Dave (in MA)
CENTCOM Twitter account apparently hacked by ISIS.
Probably something like 99% of the people who are currently aware that CENTCOM has a Twitter account found out about it today.


Sorry I gave the impression that I was watching the Golden Gloves, my wife watches the opening monologue, only. She hates the rest of the show.

I caught the end of it.



Not even in sync with San Francisco anymore.


Not even in sync with San Francisco anymore.

I do find the strange bedfellows from the France attack interesting: Sally Kohn and Bill Donohue; Bill Maher and, say, Mark Levin. Obviously if you dig down deeper they disagree: Kohn is a total hypocrite, as he/she'd never say a damn thing about anti-Christian or -Jewish "art." And Maher is a**hole who is trying to be Hitchens without the brainpower.


Anonymous threatened to hack all jihadi sites, but self-hacking drives the beast with 5 eyes. CENTCOM twitter hack? DOOM !


One down...


Old Lurker

"The Experts" at WSJ published the LUN today positing that the government should force everybody to save for their retirement. I read it twice but could not find a single reference to Social Security or that their argument is pretty much right from FDR in 1938.

Rick is so right about the quality of financial writing today. Shame on WSJ.

James D.

Wow, OL. So much garbage in such a short article.


It's always been recommended that workers have private pension plans in addition to SS. It was never intended to be the only source.

Survivor benefits and a small pension for those with just enough income to survive their work years keeps a net for children and widows. Of course it shouldn't be forced even if some income equality precedes.

NKvirusedand back

expect more of these coming to a Bankruptcy Court near you: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2015-01-12/suntech-america-files-for-bankruptcy-owing-at-least-100-million.html

Old Lurker

James we joke in the real estate industry that the only reason we survive is that all the bankers who lent to us "the last time" got fired when it crashed but with each cycle we have a new team of lenders.

From that WSJ thing, it would appear politics is pretty much the same. Did not a single writer or editor wonder what happens to the 15% of their own paychecks today (which they and their bosses withhold for FICA now) as they trumpet another country's plan to force a 10% set aside?

Boggles the mind.


So pissed off I'm double posting.

The tap dancing has begun.
Obama didn't go - despite wanting to, because he is more important than everyone else in the world.

Jane and Miss M,

I live blogged Tapper (next thread) on CNN saying this just after the Josh Ernest tap dance:

Tapper: This is being referred to as France's 9/11...Truly I have to say that it was beyond just optics. You also have to look at the fact of who was the first world leader who came to New York after 9/11? it was the President of France. I don't think that our relation with France is shaken with the President not being there or Biden not being there, or Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, or any other American leader, but it reaffirms, it would have reaffirmed, not just in the minds of the French people but in the minds of the American people. I think that's important for people too convey.

That bit about McConnell or Boehner sure struck me as odd. Why the hell should those 2 of their own accord have jumped right up 36 hours before the event and gone? The presumption of every thinking individual in the world is that this is the Administrations responsibility and the Administration, meaning the President, takes the Lead. Not Boehner, not McConnell, but President Obama. He's the sunuvabitch with Air Force 1 and Air Force 2. He's the sunuvabith who should have taken action, and if it had been Bush, Bush would have gone and he would invited the opposition leaders of the House and Senate tand the members of the Press to come on along with him. That's how it works, not the other way round you jackass.

Now I click on Tapper's column posted at Insty: Jake Tapper: I'm ashamed by U.S. leaders' absence in Paris, wherein he says this:

And this is not just a matter of the current occupant of the White House.

I find it hard to believe that Speaker of the House John Boehner and new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had more worthy pursuits on Sunday than standing side-by-side with our French brothers and sisters as they came together in an inspirational way...

Chris Christie, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan attended the Green Bay-Dallas football game Sunday and at least one of them sent his potential rivals mischievous tweets as if they were contemplating running for president of Beta Theta Pi.

And Jeb? Mitt? Crickets...

Kiss my ass you piece of shit, Tapper. So Scott Walker, who your network won't give the time of day to, should have decided to go to France to show Unity? If you're going to be so GD'd idiotic. then why the hell didn't Wolf Blitzer go; or your damn boss Zucker? Why the hell should those morons get a free pass?

This is the responsibility of the White House. Quit trying to collectively smear Republican's in your damn damage control efforts at protecting this White House. The fault lies with Obama---and with Holder sitting on his ass in Paris and not even participating.

And then to top it all off, as soon as Ernest's Press Conference is over, you congratulate Ernest on being wise for not answering any specific questions about who screwed up and for allowing those question to be "unpacked" in future by underlings, when little damage will accrue to the President.

Eff you Tapper and the network you rode in on.


Tapper is a weasel.


And Maher is a**hole who is trying to be Hitchens without the brainpower.


I would have loved to have read Christopher Hitchen's take on this latest horse-shit.


It's not just green energy going under the knife.



This President has said in the past that he does't have the same predilection for optics

Other than cigarettes, other men and golf I can think of nothing he has a bigger predilection for than optics.

Paris police say there are 6 (exact #) more cell members on the loose in Paris.


At school, raining to beat the band and Frederick's soccer game is still on.

Now lightning! What are they waiting for? Other team drove down from north of Jacksonville.

James D.

Wow. Tapper mildly criticizes Obama, and I guess he felt he had to walk it back immediately.

I'm with you, daddy. F**k him.


Jane, Obama is nothing but optics.

He's like the person who says, "I never lie."

NKvirusedand back

JiB-- if lightning seen from a soccer venue, USSF tells referees to clear the field, and wait 15 minutes CONSECUTIVE w/o lightning before commencing or resuming the match. If lightning seen again, the 15 clock restarts.


Wasn't Tapper the Golden Boy for y'all a while back?

Switching allegiances like underwear.


Just imagine if each person was able to use the 15% that is presently gobbled up by SS to invest in a defined contribution plan for their working lives instead of the preposterous mess of SS.


Allegiances to the media should be left to experts.


Daniel Greenfield goes off on Mayor Bane:


I would have said "Relearn," but otherwise right on target.


“Je Suis Charlie” Morphed into ‘Je Suis Obama’ Before the Entire World

He’s now the one Western leader who came out of the weeds to prove to the world that he doesn’t give a rodent’s rear about the horrific carnage of Islamic terrorism at a time when millions are taking to the streets to take a most public stand against it.


As you know, Iggy, FDR managed to create an almost unfixable system by making current retirees entirely dependent on that 15% taken from current workers. I'm sure the lesson is not lost on the creators of 404Care and other government programs: No matter how bad it is, design it so that any attempt to fix it will result in civil war.


He's like the person who says, "I never lie."

Oooooh I like that!

Jib, it's pouring rain here too - but the rain is about 435 degrees below zero. You wonder how that can happen?

Global warming.


"Just imagine if each person was able to use the 15% that is presently gobbled up by SS to invest in a defined contribution plan"

I think payroll taxes comprise about 12%, but you are assuming that will be saved for retirement. It's ez to procrastinate.

Most don't realize that if a 401k is available to them, they many times have more spendable income with a max contribution.


Since Jane has seemingly spent most of the last few weeks well below absolute zero, something I would have previously thought impossible, I'm thinking her island had better be tropical in nature.


--I think payroll taxes comprise about 12%, but you are assuming that will be saved for retirement.--

12+. The rest of course goes to that other "entitlement" going broke even faster than SS.

I personally believe people should be able to do what they want with their money, but if one is so inclined as to compel savings, a 401K style defined contribution system, with true ownership of the funds, in place of the current mess would be immeasurably better than what now exists.


Just a question.

Here's the headline from the UK Daily Mail:

Illegal immigrants will get to apply for concealed gun permits and unemployment benefits, states claim in bid to overturn Obama amnesty

In the body there is this:

Separately, Wisconsin is claiming that Obama's executive order will allow otherwise qualified illegal immigrants to apply for concealed carry permits for handguns...

"Very importantly in Wisconsin, where we have permits for concealed carry of firearms, they are going to be able to lawfully carry firearms when they are not even lawfully in the country.'

A spokeswoman for the AG's office confirmed to MailOnline at the time that illegal immigrants who meet the requirements for concealed carry will be able to apply for permits.

So here's my question. With the Left and the Administration in this country so ferociously anti-gun, so continually preaching about the dangers to the public of US Citizens having their own firearms, and constantly using every Legal and cultural maneuver available to try to limit the 2nd Amendment Gun Rights of Law abiding Citizens, why in the world would they be assisting in allowing Illegal Aliens, illegally living in this country, the right to carry concealed weapons on their persons?


its 12.4% social security + 2.9% medicare*



When it starts raining liquid Nitrogen then it's really cold💦


"I personally believe people should be able to do what they want with their money"

Let's say the breadwinner opts out then dies with 2 kids, a mortgage and a spouse. Do you think his failure to have life insurance for such an event will be solved by a food bank?

Society still has to deal with the financial irresponsibility of the freedom marchers seeking autonomy from government intrusion.


Jane, the following is one of the best, or the best, post I've ever read here--and there have been some spectacularly clever posts:

This President has said in the past that he does't have the same predilection for optics

Other than cigarettes, other men and golf I can think of nothing he has a bigger predilection for than optics.

Paris police say there are 6 (exact #) more cell members on the loose in Paris.

Posted by: Jane | January 12, 2015 at 03:39 PM

NKvirusedand back

rich-- of course for the FSA troops it is 0%.


A counter to Chait (linked upthread):


Key quote:

n 2013, JPMorgan Chase, Obama’s most important early contributor, paid the Justice Department about $20 billion in fines (involving no high-level prosecutions), all of it redeployable by the administration. Federal stimulus funds incentivized states to approve Bill Gates’s Common Core curriculum. Michael Bloomberg’s Young Men’s Initiative, a private endeavor, has been adopted with modifications by the White House.

The mafia never had a shakedown racket this effective.


We need illegals carrying so that when they confront La Migra they can defend themselves.

So far the bread crumbs on the wacky state of Modern Leftism/Christophobia have led me as far back as William of Ockham's nominalism, which arguess the nonexistence of universal truths. It is as such the opposite of Platonic realism.

We then get to good old Emmanuel Kant and Rousseau. No wonder they're all screwed up. Between the anti-clericalism rampant in some countries and the metaphysical gobbledegook they can't help but believe in complete and utter bullshit.

When communism fell apart at the seams there was not a word on its evils but rather that it was misapplied.


Stuart Varney, sitting in as host of Neil cavuto's Show, has a new talking head on his panel that I have not noticed before:

Lisa Boothe, GOP Strategist.

Hello Lisa! Welcome aboard:)


Ryan just announced he is not running for president - which in my mind, means Walker is.


"When communism fell apart at the seams there was not a word on its evils but rather that it was misapplied."

I wonder what conservatives have to say about the long-run of capitalism under a democratic republic, misapplied?


Wow Joan, thanks. I rarely fall into that category so thank you.

When it starts raining liquid Nitrogen then it's really cold💦

That is scheduled to 11:14 this evening.


Posted by: NKvirusedand back | January 12, 2015 at 04:25 PM-

but of course ...

Dave (in MA)

Jane's exaggerating how cold it's been here. The guy across the hall at work hasn't even switched to long pants yet. Granted, he's from Mongolia, but still...


The guy across the hall is a fruitcake. Are you sure he even owns long pants?


from twitter:

AWESOME! Pissed-off Secret Svc tells CNN's .@JimAcosta that they were never even ASKED abt #ParisMarch = FU for throwing us under bus again!

Miss Marple


Thanks for the transcript of Jake's idiotic comments.

I am not giving up on this. We need to know WHY there was such a screw-up, and letting underlings "unpack it" (what an odious term) is just dodging.

My guess is that Obama whined and said he didn't want to go, so Valerie said it was ok for him to stay in the White House watching football.

I would like to know who visited the White House yesterday.

Miss Marple


1. Agree about your thinking on Walker vs Ryan.

2. HAHAHAHA on Secret Service refusing to be thrown under the bus!

You know, pretty soon I bet we hear dirt from the White House housekeeping staff.


Just catching up from 2 threads back.

Boehner and McConnell ought to be at a microphone together this morning, with the entire R contingent of both houses standing behind them, saying that, calling Obama out.

But they won't, because - I don't know why.

I agree with that, posted by James D and I agree with this:

Actually Boehner and McConnell should be at the mike saying We (the right) stands with France, even if Obama doesn't. posted by Jane.

But as stated above, I don't believe that the Repub's are the guys who should be getting smeared for inaction for what was entirely an Administration function.

The Leader of the Free World is the President, not the Speaker of the House, nor the Senate Majority Leader, nor any other swinging dick Tapper includes in his list of Republican no-shows.

This is in Obama's lap, the buck stops there, and that to me is why Tapper is trying to smear the Repubs with unwarrented broad brush criticism, while out of the other side of his mouth he's congratulating Josh Ernest on limiting damage to the President.


Types of commonwealth

There are three (monarchy, aristocracy and democracy):

The difference of Commonwealths consisted in the difference of the sovereign, or the person representative of all and every one of the multitude. And because the sovereignty is either in one man, or in an assembly of more than one; and into that assembly either every man hath right to enter, or not every one, but certain men distinguished from the rest; it is manifest there can be but three kinds of Commonwealth. For the representative must needs be one man, or more; and if more, then it is the assembly of all, or but of a part. When the representative is one man, then is the Commonwealth a monarchy; when an assembly of all that will come together, then it is a democracy, or popular Commonwealth; when an assembly of a part only, then it is called an aristocracy.

And only three:

Other kind of Commonwealth there can be none: for either one, or more, or all, must have the sovereign power (which I have shown to be indivisible) entire. There be other names of government in the histories and books of policy; as tyranny and oligarchy; but they are not the names of other forms of government, but of the same forms misliked. For they that are discontented under monarchy call it tyranny; and they that are displeased with aristocracy call it oligarchy: so also, they which find themselves grieved under a democracy call it anarchy, which signifies want of government; and yet I think no man believes that want of government is any new kind of government: nor by the same reason ought they to believe that the government is of one kind when they like it, and another when they mislike it or are oppressed by the governors.

And monarchy is the best, on practical grounds:

The difference between these three kinds of Commonwealth consisteth not in the difference of power, but in the difference of convenience or aptitude to produce the peace and security of the people; for which end they were instituted. And to compare monarchy with the other two, we may observe: first, that whosoever beareth the person of the people, or is one of that assembly that bears it, beareth also his own natural person. And though he be careful in his politic person to procure the common interest, yet he is more, or no less, careful to procure the private good of himself, his family, kindred and friends; and for the most part, if the public interest chance to cross the private, he prefers the private: for the passions of men are commonly more potent than their reason. From whence it follows that where the public and private interest are most closely united, there is the public most advanced. Now in monarchy the private interest is the same with the public. The riches, power, and honour of a monarch arise only from the riches, strength, and reputation of his subjects. For no king can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure, whose subjects are either poor, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissension, to maintain a war against their enemies; whereas in a democracy, or aristocracy, the public prosperity confers not so much to the private fortune of one that is corrupt, or ambitious, as doth many times a perfidious advice, a treacherous action, or a civil war.


Hegel's pendulum swings.


Ryan just announced he is not running for president - which in my mind, means Walker is.

That is very good news, and I hope your interpretation is right. I do recall that one of them had said that he would not run if the other is running.

Beasts of England

From my perspective, this is a perfect function for our Secretary of State. I'm not entirely sure that our President - regardless of affiliation - should have been there. No excuse for Kerry's absence.


Beckel says the march in Paris was a foolish waste of time. A symbolic gesture. Obama had the guts to take on ISIS and these other leaders didn't.

So there you go. Obama sitting on his ass in the White House watching the Golden Globes was the courageous guy in this entire scenario.

Thank you Mister Beckel for such moral clarity.

I am sure you would be as equally smug and satisfied if on the ruins of 9/11 in Manhattan we simply opened up a Hooters.

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