BTW, the Japanese 17 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey was very smooth and very tasty. We made quick work of it last night at the Jet Lag:
This is little "Inop" (short for Inoperative) in his usual perch on his mat on the top of the Bar. It was cold last night so when I took him out for walks we put him in a leather Flight Jacket designed specially for him.
The Taipei plane crash had just happened, and the TV in the corner kept showing that video of it coming in sidewise and hitting the bridge, so the guys who had flown a similar plane were already doing the analysis of what went wrong.
On a (slightly) sad note, we have an enormous polydactyl brown tabby who is very sweet. He picked up some open sores a couple of days ago, in addition to limping on his driver's front paw. We took him to the vet today to make sure nothing major was wrong.
It turns out that driver's front paw no longer is polydactyl. Ouch! He's on antibiotics and pain meds, and is under house arrest.
WaPo: The Navy's sex-for-secrets corruption scandal may be about to get worse: Investigators' prize catch has started to squawk.
Leonard Glenn Francis, the Malaysian defense contractor who made a fortune by supplying Navy ships throughout Asia, has begun cooperating with federal investigators and pointing the finger at new suspects, court records indicate.
According to an affidavit filed this week by federal investigators, a confidential witness who matches Francis's description detailed how a former senior U.S. contracting official accepted several hundred thousand dollars in bribes in exchange for driving Navy business to Francis's company.
Stars and Stripes: SAN DIEGO — A former senior Defense Department employee was arrested Tuesday on allegations he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for helping a Malaysian defense contractor, in one of the Navy's worst corruption cases.
Paul Simpkins was arrested Tuesday in Haymarket, Va., and later arraigned on a charge of conspiracy to commit bribery in connection with a scheme to steer lucrative Navy contracts to Singapore-based Glenn Defense Marine Asia or GDMA and stave off its competitors.
I have had on CNN now for about an hour. So far they have done a very long story on somebody being caught in a lie, but not Brian Williams.
Anderson Cooper (CNN) is telling everyone about Lance Armstrong lying about being in some car that hit something and having his girlfriend take the rap, but not a word about Brian Williams. Now it's some story about Whitney Houston's daughter or something overdosing on drugs in some bathtub.
Now it's Don Lemon as CNN host, listing the stories to be covered this next hour, and no mention of Brian Williams. I hate CNN.
I sat casually across the barroom table from him. An unusual character, he kept asking me about the bounty, and how his boss, a man known only as "Jabba" was through with me. He threatened to take my Range Rover, and I said over my dead body. He fired first. I shot him in total self defense.
-- Brian Williams NBC News
As I stood aghast on the precipice of the building looking down in abject, mouth drying horror, I saw the visage of the giant Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man. He looked at me with those dead doll eyes, like shark's eyes, and opened his mouth. A noise I hadn't heard since the last B-52 arclight I survived emanated from within, at a volume that shattered my eardrums and made me piss uncontrollably down my finely creased trouser legs.
-- Brian Williams, NBC News.
There was this one time in the Apollo lander, part of the capsule blew out, and I was launched into the airless void. I built a new lander out of my underwear and helmet, completed my mission and landed on the moon unscathed.
We'll, daddy, Shep is actually in Amman, Jordan, doing actual reporting without hysteria.
Howard Kurtz was on Megyn Kelly and said that he couldn't see how you could make a mistake like that, since getting shot down would sort of be a life-changing event you wouldn't forget or get mixed up. Unsaid that the same would go for Hillary.
Haven't seen anything on Whitney Houston's daughter since a short blurb this afternoon.
He used to command the Jordanian Special Forces (as Major General), and Jordan being a limited constitutional monarchy, he is the Commander-In-Chief of the Jordanian Armed Forces and has expansive powers (he probably signed the death warrants for all the terrorists he is going to execute). His military training-both his British and Jordanian experience-was Armor, and by everything I have read, is regarded as a capable commander and leader.
He doesn't appear to have any flight training. Lead in this context is planning to take the fight to the enemy using western tactics and arms and striking them hard in their own territory.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 09:47 PM
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! The crowd is standing on its feet here, the normally reserved Augusta crowd - going wild - for this young Cinderella, he's come outta no where, he's got about 350 yards left, he's gonna hit about a five-iron, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing - that's - Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, uh - tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last shot, he's got about 195 yards left, he's got about a - its looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the Cinderella story, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! The crowd is standing on its feet here, the normally reserved Augusta crowd - going wild - for this young Cinderella, he's come outta no where, he's got about 350 yards left, he's gonna hit about a five-iron, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing - that's - Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, uh - tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last shot, he's got about 195 yards left, he's got about a - its looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the Cinderella story, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!
Fareed Zacharia doing Islam apology on CNN. He says all these ISIS guys really don't understand the Koran at all, nor do they know anything about Islam. He says its just "disaffected young men with a deep sense of alienation and this gives them something to do."
So according to Farreed, Islam is not the problem. Islam is wonderful. This is just bored kids looking for something to do, so the reason for their boredom and discontent is obviously the usual suspects---poverty, Western Imperialism, the Jews, George Bush, etc.
...Anyway, Charlie's talking to the former director of the DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency. He's Lieutenant General Mike Flynn. Charlie Rose says (summarized), "Did we get a treasure trove of stuff from bin Laden when they killed him? A lot of things in terms of what he thought, what he was trying to do? Did we really clean up by doing that?"
FLYNN: We really do have to come to grips with defining it -- we just have to -- and it doesn't mean that we're any less respectful of the Islamic religion. Why do we...? For example, when we detain somebody at Gitmo. Why do we give them a Koran, you know, a prayer rug, and make sure that they have all the time in their world to practice their religion?
ROSE: (somber whispering) Because we have a value that --
FLYNN: What...? Yeah.
ROSE -- says you respect freedom of religion.
FLYNN: So why don't we recognize the fact that these guys are, in fact, Islamic extremists? Why did we bury bin Laden wrapped in a white sheet in a somewhat respectful way? What I'm saying is that we already recognize that this is an Islamic problem.
ROSE: Ahhhhhhh! By the fact that we show respect for them!
FLYNN: Exactly.
ROSE: And give them a Koran!
FLYNN: So why not just call them that?
ROSE: We recognize that there's a connection between them!
FLYNN: That's right. We connect 'em.
RUSH: Good grief, what did I just hear? (laughing) Charlie Rose just...? He just had an epiphany moment! He said, "A-ha! Okay, I got it now." Do you...? I have to parse this. I'm sorry. So this guy, Mike Flynn, is obviously frustrated that we're handcuffing ourselves, that we're tying out of with your arms behind our backs. We don't even properly identify these people. And then he says, "If they're not Islamists, why do we give them a Koran at Gitmo? Why do we give 'em a prayer rug and make sure they have all the time in the world to practice their religion?"
Charlie, like a good, liberal says, "Because we have a value that says we respect freedom of religion!" Well, yeah, for citizens, Charlie. For citizens, yeah. Isn't it convenient how the Constitution is infallible on certain things, like freedom of religion for our enemies? But you talk about the Second Amendment or other things for American citizens, and, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! We've gotta change it." Freedom of religion. "Yeah, we have values, American values, Mike!
"That's why! That's why we give 'em a Koran and that's why we give 'em Korans and prayer rugs!" So this guy, seeing Charlie still doesn't get it, says, "Okay, so why don't we recognize the fact that these guys are, in fact, Islamist extremists? Why do we bury bin Laden wrapped in a white sheet, in a respectful way? What I'm saying, Charlie, is we already recognize it is an Islamic problem."
Charlie says, "Ahhhhhhhhhh! By the fact that we show respect to them and give 'em a Koran, we're recognizing there's a connection between them!" Flynn goes (summarized), "That's right. We connect them, Charlie. You see, we buried bin Laden with full Islamic regalia, and we give them Korans and prayer rugs at Gitmo, and then we're told that they're not Islamists," and Charlie finally had it explained to him in a way he could understand it. For him, I guarantee you, this is one happiest nights in his life!
A light went off. He couldn't figure this out on his own, or didn't. Maybe it's not that he couldn't; it's just that he didn't. So... (interruption) Well, will he remember it? Yeah, that's not a question of will he remember it. Will he now utilize what he knows in whatever interviews he conducts, or will he revert back to, "Well, why do we know their Islamists? What gives us that education? Are we really correct in assuming that?" ...
>>>The young prince was a man of action on the athletic field and the training ground. In 1980, he enrolled in the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (UK) and was commissioned as second lieutenant in 1981. He served in the British Army in the 13/18th Royal Hussars Regiment, with duties as a reconnaissance troop leader in the United Kingdom and Germany.
In 1985, then-Prince Abdullah returned to Jordan to serve in the armed forces (Armoured Corps, 3rd Division). Rising through the ranks to lieutenant-colonel, he attended advanced military courses in both Jordan and the UK. Among other duties, he served on attachment to the Special Forces and qualified as a Cobra attack helicopter pilot. After service as commander of the 2nd Armoured Battalion, 40th Armoured Brigade, he was named deputy commander, Jordanian Special Forces, in January 1993.
In November 1993, Prince Abdullah became commander of Jordan's Special Forces. In 1996, he was given the task of reorganising the Special Forces and other elite units into the new Special Operations Command (SOCOM). In 1998, as SOCOM commander, he was promoted to the rank of major general.<<<
Jesus. This feckless, limp-wristed, defeatist administration is going to get a hell of a lot of people killed. No one will follow this loser because he won't lead.
He is far too important to get behind the stick of an aircraft or hop in a tank (and isn't that a bit 'going hollywood'-personally bombing terrorist forces).
Who's gonna tell King Abby he can't fly one of his Royal Air Force jets? He could lead sorties from the second seat in a trainer if he didn't feel up to driving a single seater.
This is Arab strong horse stuff. He's either head of government,leading into battle, or he loses head of body.
And as usual, Fareed's reasoning allows Islam to get completely off the hook blame-wise, and instead allows all the blaming and fingerpointing to be aimed squarely at everybody except for Islam.
And that's where these academic and media A##holes go to town: (i.e.) What did the West do or fail to do, to make these nice Islamic kids so darn angry?
That he would be smart enough of a commander to know his own strengths and weaknesses. Granted to strong horse stuff ... we'll see. Jordan might just occupy large parts of Syria and Iraq until they finish burning out the dump fire. It isn't like they don't have large populations of Syrians and Iraqis to draw from.
"But years later, Williams told a far more dramatic version of the story to David Letterman. “Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire, including the one that I was in,” Williams said. “RPG and AK-47.” Letterman asks Williams “what happens the minute everyone realizes you’ve been hit,” and Williams–whose grasp of detail despite a decade having passed includes the elevation and airspeed of the Chinook–describes a nervy emergency landing in the desert. “We landed very quickly, and hard…We got hit, we set down, everyone was okay. Our captain took a Purple Heart injury to his ear in the cockpit."
"Williams has told a story about flying into Iraq in a helicopter, on the eve of the Iraq war, that was hit and forced down by an RPG. I don’t know how many times he has told the story. People are digging through video archives and last I saw, the count was up to 13."
For 12 years he told this lie. It is no "mistake" if you are telling it for 12 years.
EiB's link @10:31 to DWS's attempt to stumble into the truth is quite remarkable--first, that she says some sensible things; and second, that she mixed it with some incoherent babble such as:
Unfortunately what happens particularly with the global war on terror and the Islamic fundamentalists that are combating and leading it, we (Jews) are the crux of the reason that they are engaged in that fight.
"Combating" is the wrong word, unless she means they are both fighting against it and leading it. And I really don't think Jews are the "crux of the reason," just a handy scapegoat.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 11:03 PM -
that one was funny ...
(and Hillary is still talked about as a credible candidate for president. Sorry Brian some get really good hair, others get an amazing capacity to lie ...)
MITCHELL: That's clear. So, what's not clear is that I didn't know about her role at the CIA until Bob Novak wrote it. And I obviously got it muddled.
IMUS: Well, what this suggests to me is that, you knew she worked at the CIA but you didn't know what she did there.
MITCHELL: Yes, but that's not . . .
IMUS: Is that fair? Did you know that?
MITCHELL: I didn't.
IMUS: Well, then - why did you say you did, Andrea?
MITCHELL: Because, I messed up.
MITCHELL: I think that I was confused about the timeline. We weren't all as focused on the timeline then as we really are now. And I think I just was confused.
IMUS: Did you ever have a discussion with Russert about it?
MITCHELL: Sure, after the fact.
MITCHELL: Well, I think Russert, conversations with Russert, obviously after Joe Wilson came out on "Meet the Press" - and we all talked about those 16 words. That's what we were focused on. We were focused on Niger, uranium, were there WMD? That's what the whole focus was. Not on his wife.
Then Joe Wilson's wife was mentioned by Bob Novak and it became a major issue when the CIA referred it to the Justice Department for investigation. . . . . [SNIP]
IMUS: I think the reason that there's a question about you, and I'm not patronizing you, but it's because the respect you have as a journalist and as a reporter.
MITCHELL: I appreciate that but I've got to tell you . . .
IMUS: I mean, [reporters are] very careful about what they say and when they say it.
MITCHELL: I have gone back over this, I can't tell you how many times. I was quite surprised to hear about it because it's inconsistent with anything in my memory. I can't find any notes that reflect this - this alleged knowledge. And so I was muddled on the timeline - that's all I can imagine.
--“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”--
That is a seriously disturbing statement; much worse than the original lie.
I'll put up a post on this tomorrow, but here's a preview:
Brian Williams does not work by himself. He has a staff that travel with him when he goes on assignment. Many of them would probably have worked with him for years. Some of them must have been on that helicopter with him, and known that the story he was tellingg, over and over, was false.
This leaves two possibilities I can think of, offhand: Either one or more of those staffers told him that they didn't remember being hit by an RPG. Or -- and this is an even more interesting possiblity -- none of them did, for whatever reason.
My link at 12:06 has a list about the shifting story at the bottom. a bit -
"Jan. 30, 2015 | NBC Nightly News report
“The story actually started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of Iraq, when the helicopter we were travelling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG. Our travelling NBC news team was rescued and kept alive by an Armored Mechanized Platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry.” "
Stephanie - I understand that. It's the second part that interests me.
I can understand why his own staff wouldn't go public. But I would really like to know whether any of them tried to correct him in private. I've seen subordinates bail out superiors that way many times. (Those who have read "Scoop" -- as everyone should -- will recall "Up to a point, Lord Copper", the tactful way his workers tried to correct the press lord.)
I have also seen a few situations in which subordinates did not bail out superiors, in which case there is almost always something very wrong with one or both of the people, or the relationship.
"How come it took 12 years for the lie to be exposed?"
Because he kept getting away with it. Then the big deal was made of it at the Rangers' hockey game, and guys who were actually involved in the incident saw that on TV, knew that it was bullshit, and wrote in to correct the record.
The fact that he has given the false account repeatedly in the intervening years, and only came clean when he got caught, means he can't survive. He is toast as NBC anchor.
Brian, Brian, Brian. Well, for 16 years Barack Obama the author was marketed as 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'. From 1991 until 2007 his literary agent had that in his bio.
"It is evidence--not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times." -…/born-kenya-obamas-literary-a…/story…
Yeah...Brian Williams is a brave reporter dodging RPGs & AK-47s, Barack Obama is an exotic foreign born writer, Senator Elizabeth Warren is a proud Cherokee, Hillary Clinton was also a brave politician dodging sniper fire....only none of these things are true. It is a bunch of hooey....
There we were, Hillary and I, dodging sniper fire from gop right wing terrorists as we made our landing in Bosnia. Who knew that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy would have decamped so far from our shores.
That time me and Terraaza dined with that chic yet moderate Assad couple? I was terrified I might get photographed in bad light. Try living with THAT the rest of your life!!
whoa ... first here. thanks for the new thread Tom.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 09:20 PM
second maybe?
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 09:20 PM
BTW, the Japanese 17 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey was very smooth and very tasty. We made quick work of it last night at the Jet Lag:
This is little "Inop" (short for Inoperative) in his usual perch on his mat on the top of the Bar. It was cold last night so when I took him out for walks we put him in a leather Flight Jacket designed specially for him.
The Taipei plane crash had just happened, and the TV in the corner kept showing that video of it coming in sidewise and hitting the bridge, so the guys who had flown a similar plane were already doing the analysis of what went wrong.
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 09:38 PM
I am trying to find more news on King Abdullah going after ISIS personally.
Will report what I find.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 09:43 PM
On a (slightly) sad note, we have an enormous polydactyl brown tabby who is very sweet. He picked up some open sores a couple of days ago, in addition to limping on his driver's front paw. We took him to the vet today to make sure nothing major was wrong.
It turns out that driver's front paw no longer is polydactyl. Ouch! He's on antibiotics and pain meds, and is under house arrest.
Posted by: DrJ | February 04, 2015 at 09:53 PM
In other news...Brian Williams is now an admitted liar and fabulist. ~ GMax
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 09:54 PM
The Navy's sex-for-secrets corruption scandal may be about to get worse: Investigators' prize catch has started to squawk.
Leonard Glenn Francis, the Malaysian defense contractor who made a fortune by supplying Navy ships throughout Asia, has begun cooperating with federal investigators and pointing the finger at new suspects, court records indicate.
According to an affidavit filed this week by federal investigators, a confidential witness who matches Francis's description detailed how a former senior U.S. contracting official accepted several hundred thousand dollars in bribes in exchange for driving Navy business to Francis's company.
Stars and Stripes:
SAN DIEGO — A former senior Defense Department employee was arrested Tuesday on allegations he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for helping a Malaysian defense contractor, in one of the Navy's worst corruption cases.
Paul Simpkins was arrested Tuesday in Haymarket, Va., and later arraigned on a charge of conspiracy to commit bribery in connection with a scheme to steer lucrative Navy contracts to Singapore-based Glenn Defense Marine Asia or GDMA and stave off its competitors.
Posted by: Neo | February 04, 2015 at 09:54 PM
For those thinking only the devout are ISIS.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 09:56 PM
Brian Williams just goes to show that you should complete college instead of interning with the Democrat administration.
Posted by: Neo | February 04, 2015 at 09:57 PM
hello, everyone
Posted by: peter | February 04, 2015 at 09:59 PM
Sorry to read that about your cat DrJ. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Hope the great grand daughter is doing well too.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:02 PM
Not Surprising.
I have had on CNN now for about an hour. So far they have done a very long story on somebody being caught in a lie, but not Brian Williams.
Anderson Cooper (CNN) is telling everyone about Lance Armstrong lying about being in some car that hit something and having his girlfriend take the rap, but not a word about Brian Williams. Now it's some story about Whitney Houston's daughter or something overdosing on drugs in some bathtub.
Now it's Don Lemon as CNN host, listing the stories to be covered this next hour, and no mention of Brian Williams. I hate CNN.
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 10:02 PM
Clarice just posted on Facebook that King Abdullah says he may lead the air strikes. I am embarrassed at the comparison of leaders.
Posted by: Jane on Ipad | February 04, 2015 at 10:06 PM
I sat casually across the barroom table from him. An unusual character, he kept asking me about the bounty, and how his boss, a man known only as "Jabba" was through with me. He threatened to take my Range Rover, and I said over my dead body. He fired first. I shot him in total self defense.
-- Brian Williams NBC News
As I stood aghast on the precipice of the building looking down in abject, mouth drying horror, I saw the visage of the giant Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man. He looked at me with those dead doll eyes, like shark's eyes, and opened his mouth. A noise I hadn't heard since the last B-52 arclight I survived emanated from within, at a volume that shattered my eardrums and made me piss uncontrollably down my finely creased trouser legs.
-- Brian Williams, NBC News.
There was this one time in the Apollo lander, part of the capsule blew out, and I was launched into the airless void. I built a new lander out of my underwear and helmet, completed my mission and landed on the moon unscathed.
Oh wait, that was probably Brian Williams again.
Some people are having too much fun on facebook!
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 10:06 PM
Daily caller MM
Posted by: Jane on Ipad | February 04, 2015 at 10:06 PM
its a local story daddy.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:10 PM
We'll, daddy, Shep is actually in Amman, Jordan, doing actual reporting without hysteria.
Howard Kurtz was on Megyn Kelly and said that he couldn't see how you could make a mistake like that, since getting shot down would sort of be a life-changing event you wouldn't forget or get mixed up. Unsaid that the same would go for Hillary.
Haven't seen anything on Whitney Houston's daughter since a short blurb this afternoon.
Sorry you have CNN.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:11 PM
MM here is m comment from the previous thread ...
He used to command the Jordanian Special Forces (as Major General), and Jordan being a limited constitutional monarchy, he is the Commander-In-Chief of the Jordanian Armed Forces and has expansive powers (he probably signed the death warrants for all the terrorists he is going to execute). His military training-both his British and Jordanian experience-was Armor, and by everything I have read, is regarded as a capable commander and leader.
He doesn't appear to have any flight training. Lead in this context is planning to take the fight to the enemy using western tactics and arms and striking them hard in their own territory.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 09:47 PM
fox news commentary
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:13 PM
Brian Williams:
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! The crowd is standing on its feet here, the normally reserved Augusta crowd - going wild - for this young Cinderella, he's come outta no where, he's got about 350 yards left, he's gonna hit about a five-iron, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing - that's - Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, uh - tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last shot, he's got about 195 yards left, he's got about a - its looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the Cinderella story, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!
Posted by: MarkO | February 04, 2015 at 10:14 PM
From Brian Williams:
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! The crowd is standing on its feet here, the normally reserved Augusta crowd - going wild - for this young Cinderella, he's come outta no where, he's got about 350 yards left, he's gonna hit about a five-iron, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing - that's - Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, uh - tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last shot, he's got about 195 yards left, he's got about a - its looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the Cinderella story, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!
Posted by: MarkO | February 04, 2015 at 10:15 PM
Sorry about the duplicate post. Typepad is owned by Brian Williams.
Posted by: MarkO | February 04, 2015 at 10:16 PM
Fareed Zacharia doing Islam apology on CNN. He says all these ISIS guys really don't understand the Koran at all, nor do they know anything about Islam. He says its just "disaffected young men with a deep sense of alienation and this gives them something to do."
So according to Farreed, Islam is not the problem. Islam is wonderful. This is just bored kids looking for something to do, so the reason for their boredom and discontent is obviously the usual suspects---poverty, Western Imperialism, the Jews, George Bush, etc.
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 10:16 PM
Daily Caller article says he has trained as a pilot. Also shows a small picture which looks to be him in a flight suit.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:19 PM
He told it twice?
Posted by: Jane on Ipad | February 04, 2015 at 10:21 PM
Rush had a bit for Appalled today:
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 04, 2015 at 10:21 PM
Even the bored kids in Chicago don't crucify people.
Far reed needs a better excuse. Of course', he can't think of one.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:23 PM
>>>The young prince was a man of action on the athletic field and the training ground. In 1980, he enrolled in the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (UK) and was commissioned as second lieutenant in 1981. He served in the British Army in the 13/18th Royal Hussars Regiment, with duties as a reconnaissance troop leader in the United Kingdom and Germany.
In 1985, then-Prince Abdullah returned to Jordan to serve in the armed forces (Armoured Corps, 3rd Division). Rising through the ranks to lieutenant-colonel, he attended advanced military courses in both Jordan and the UK. Among other duties, he served on attachment to the Special Forces and qualified as a Cobra attack helicopter pilot. After service as commander of the 2nd Armoured Battalion, 40th Armoured Brigade, he was named deputy commander, Jordanian Special Forces, in January 1993.
In November 1993, Prince Abdullah became commander of Jordan's Special Forces. In 1996, he was given the task of reorganising the Special Forces and other elite units into the new Special Operations Command (SOCOM). In 1998, as SOCOM commander, he was promoted to the rank of major general.<<<
Rotary wing pilot-helicopters.
from his official bio
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:23 PM
Jesus. This feckless, limp-wristed, defeatist administration is going to get a hell of a lot of people killed. No one will follow this loser because he won't lead.
Horribly depressing and discouraging.
Posted by: Danube on iPad | February 04, 2015 at 10:24 PM
daddy - So, according to Zakaria, all they need is midnight basketball. (Oh, all right, midnight soccer.)
And, of course, a little counseling from some kindly social workers.
Posted by: Jim Miller | February 04, 2015 at 10:28 PM
Rich, whatever. I am simply reporting what The Daily Caller said. Take it up with them.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:29 PM
Reports are he already flew one sortie against ISIS. Picture of him in flight suit.
Scott Walker's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington story continues with his showing in NH.
Let's all write Jeb and suggest he run for the DEMOCRATIC nomination.
Posted by: clarice | February 04, 2015 at 10:29 PM
He is far too important to get behind the stick of an aircraft or hop in a tank (and isn't that a bit 'going hollywood'-personally bombing terrorist forces).
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:31 PM
Even more noteworthy, IMHO, than Brian baby lying is the Hellman's tressed one opening her cake hole and spouting some common sense:
This is the first I can remember this occurring in, well, ever.
Posted by: Eric in Boise | February 04, 2015 at 10:31 PM
The country is not where it was when Jeb was governor.
I listened to part of his speech and it was pretty boring, like a lecture on insurance or something. No excitement in his voice at all.
I didn't coach the Q&A but reports are he was more animated off the cuff.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:34 PM
I'll take that with a grain of salt. ISIS had enough ADA to take down an F 16. F 16 pilots aren't made in a few weeks or months.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:35 PM
When will Americans stand up and demand this feckless president step down.
Posted by: Jane on Ipad | February 04, 2015 at 10:35 PM
Who's gonna tell King Abby he can't fly one of his Royal Air Force jets? He could lead sorties from the second seat in a trainer if he didn't feel up to driving a single seater.
This is Arab strong horse stuff. He's either head of government,leading into battle, or he loses head of body.
Posted by: RickB | February 04, 2015 at 10:36 PM
is this the article that is circulating ...
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:37 PM
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 04, 2015 at 10:39 PM
Yep, Jim Miller,
And as usual, Fareed's reasoning allows Islam to get completely off the hook blame-wise, and instead allows all the blaming and fingerpointing to be aimed squarely at everybody except for Islam.
And that's where these academic and media A##holes go to town: (i.e.) What did the West do or fail to do, to make these nice Islamic kids so darn angry?
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 10:39 PM
"So then I washed up on this island and was stuck there for 4 years, my only companion a volleyball that I named 'Voit'".
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | February 04, 2015 at 10:40 PM
I understand what you are saying. I am simply telling you whatI READ. Go read it yourself.
I seem to remember Putin flying on some sort of mission near Chechnya, years ago. Some leaders actually do this, despite how risky it I.
I am just going to wait and see. I am sure it will get reported if The Daily Caller is correct.
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:41 PM
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 04, 2015 at 10:42 PM
Hashtag alert...
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 10:46 PM
Posted by: Miss Marple | February 04, 2015 at 10:48 PM
Posted by: RickB | February 04, 2015 at 10:36 PM-
That he would be smart enough of a commander to know his own strengths and weaknesses. Granted to strong horse stuff ... we'll see. Jordan might just occupy large parts of Syria and Iraq until they finish burning out the dump fire. It isn't like they don't have large populations of Syrians and Iraqis to draw from.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 10:58 PM
Brian Williams
Sociopaths that have serious problems with telling the truth.
Posted by: Buckeye | February 04, 2015 at 10:59 PM
and this - The White House Won’t Reveal Who Attended Obama’s Secret Meeting With Muslim Leaders
Why does he meet with Islamic leaders if ISIS has nothing to do with ISlam??
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 11:03 PM
dave weigel:
I was born a poor black child.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 11:03 PM
"But years later, Williams told a far more dramatic version of the story to David Letterman. “Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire, including the one that I was in,” Williams said. “RPG and AK-47.” Letterman asks Williams “what happens the minute everyone realizes you’ve been hit,” and Williams–whose grasp of detail despite a decade having passed includes the elevation and airspeed of the Chinook–describes a nervy emergency landing in the desert. “We landed very quickly, and hard…We got hit, we set down, everyone was okay. Our captain took a Purple Heart injury to his ear in the cockpit."
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 11:05 PM
Brian Williams
Sociopaths that have serious problems with telling the truth.
Yes, Buckeye. and Elizabeth 'phony Cherokee' Warren too.
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 11:07 PM
King Abdullah has been a helicopter pilot for decades. My brother has flown with him.
Posted by: GUS | February 04, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Gutfield calls the Jordanian King...
the real Air Jordan.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 11:10 PM
.Brian Williams is now an admitted liar and fabulist.
Kinda wish Jon Lovitz were on SNL doing his pathological liar shtick.
“Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire ... including the one that I was in! Yeah, that was it....”
Posted by: jimmyk | February 04, 2015 at 11:19 PM
We are out of our minds:
Oregon bakery will have to pay lesbian couple up to $150,000 for refusing to make wedding cake
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 11:21 PM
Twitchy is hammering 18 credits.
Posted by: Captain Hate | February 04, 2015 at 11:22 PM
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 11:21 PM -
and all those supports said that sort of abuse would never happen.
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 11:25 PM
Interesting Powerline post about liberal guilt -
"Williams has told a story about flying into Iraq in a helicopter, on the eve of the Iraq war, that was hit and forced down by an RPG. I don’t know how many times he has told the story. People are digging through video archives and last I saw, the count was up to 13."
For 12 years he told this lie. It is no "mistake" if you are telling it for 12 years.
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 11:26 PM
Air Jordan and Lyin' Williams.
Posted by: GUS | February 04, 2015 at 11:27 PM
EiB's link @10:31 to DWS's attempt to stumble into the truth is quite remarkable--first, that she says some sensible things; and second, that she mixed it with some incoherent babble such as:
"Combating" is the wrong word, unless she means they are both fighting against it and leading it. And I really don't think Jews are the "crux of the reason," just a handy scapegoat.
Posted by: jimmyk | February 04, 2015 at 11:31 PM
How come it took 12 years for the lie to be exposed?
Posted by: Sue | February 04, 2015 at 11:32 PM
The Reid Brothers
Posted by: Janet | February 04, 2015 at 11:33 PM
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 11:03 PM -
that one was funny ...
(and Hillary is still talked about as a credible candidate for president. Sorry Brian some get really good hair, others get an amazing capacity to lie ...)
Posted by: rich@gmu | February 04, 2015 at 11:36 PM
Well I am sure that Brian Williams number one Reporter, Andrea Mitchell, will vouch for the tricks that time plays on one's memory:
MITCHELL: That's clear. So, what's not clear is that I didn't know about her role at the CIA until Bob Novak wrote it. And I obviously got it muddled.
IMUS: Well, what this suggests to me is that, you knew she worked at the CIA but you didn't know what she did there.
MITCHELL: Yes, but that's not . . .
IMUS: Is that fair? Did you know that?
MITCHELL: I didn't.
IMUS: Well, then - why did you say you did, Andrea?
MITCHELL: Because, I messed up.
MITCHELL: I think that I was confused about the timeline. We weren't all as focused on the timeline then as we really are now. And I think I just was confused.
IMUS: Did you ever have a discussion with Russert about it?
MITCHELL: Sure, after the fact.
MITCHELL: Well, I think Russert, conversations with Russert, obviously after Joe Wilson came out on "Meet the Press" - and we all talked about those 16 words. That's what we were focused on. We were focused on Niger, uranium, were there WMD? That's what the whole focus was. Not on his wife.
Then Joe Wilson's wife was mentioned by Bob Novak and it became a major issue when the CIA referred it to the Justice Department for investigation. . . . . [SNIP]
IMUS: I think the reason that there's a question about you, and I'm not patronizing you, but it's because the respect you have as a journalist and as a reporter.
MITCHELL: I appreciate that but I've got to tell you . . .
IMUS: I mean, [reporters are] very careful about what they say and when they say it.
MITCHELL: I have gone back over this, I can't tell you how many times. I was quite surprised to hear about it because it's inconsistent with anything in my memory. I can't find any notes that reflect this - this alleged knowledge. And so I was muddled on the timeline - that's all I can imagine.
Posted by: daddy | February 04, 2015 at 11:38 PM
--“I would not have chosen to make this mistake,” Williams said. “I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.”--
That is a seriously disturbing statement; much worse than the original lie.
Posted by: Ignatz | February 04, 2015 at 11:42 PM
WTH? Maybe Sarah Palin screwed up his mind.
Posted by: Sue | February 04, 2015 at 11:44 PM
Another hash tag that has popped up:
#ThereIWasWithBrianWilliams when the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor
Posted by: Stephanie | February 04, 2015 at 11:49 PM
Sue, see a conspiracy so vast ...
Posted by: Hillary Clinton | February 04, 2015 at 11:49 PM
Yes Lyin' Brian, you DID NOT CHOOSE to make a mistake. It wasn't a mistake, it was a LIE.
Posted by: GUS | February 04, 2015 at 11:50 PM
I can totally see getting confused about whether I was in a helicopter that got shot down or wasn't.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | February 04, 2015 at 11:52 PM
I was in the car with JFK.....
Posted by: GUS | February 04, 2015 at 11:54 PM
I'll put up a post on this tomorrow, but here's a preview:
Brian Williams does not work by himself. He has a staff that travel with him when he goes on assignment. Many of them would probably have worked with him for years. Some of them must have been on that helicopter with him, and known that the story he was tellingg, over and over, was false.
This leaves two possibilities I can think of, offhand: Either one or more of those staffers told him that they didn't remember being hit by an RPG. Or -- and this is an even more interesting possiblity -- none of them did, for whatever reason.
Posted by: Jim Miller | February 04, 2015 at 11:54 PM
Jim Miller....OBAMA has dozens and dozens of aides who KNOW he is lying 24/7. It's how the gameis played.
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:01 AM
I can totally see getting confused about whether I was in a helicopter that got shot down or wasn't.
Hahahaaa!! Too funny, Dave!
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:02 AM
Jim it was the crew of that chopper that outed Williams. He and any news crew never corrected the record.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 05, 2015 at 12:06 AM
Ignatz's 11:42 quote IS odd & this one too - 'I spent much of the weekend thinking I'd gone crazy. I feel terrible about making this mistake'
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:06 AM
My link at 12:06 has a list about the shifting story at the bottom. a bit -
"Jan. 30, 2015 | NBC Nightly News report
“The story actually started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of Iraq, when the helicopter we were travelling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG. Our travelling NBC news team was rescued and kept alive by an Armored Mechanized Platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry.” "
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:11 AM
How come it took 12 years for the lie to be exposed?
Normally it takes over 16 years.
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 05, 2015 at 12:15 AM
Janet when Lyin' Williams made up that story and all THE DETAILS, he just made a MISTAKE. It's all good.
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:18 AM
Stephanie - I understand that. It's the second part that interests me.
I can understand why his own staff wouldn't go public. But I would really like to know whether any of them tried to correct him in private. I've seen subordinates bail out superiors that way many times. (Those who have read "Scoop" -- as everyone should -- will recall "Up to a point, Lord Copper", the tactful way his workers tried to correct the press lord.)
I have also seen a few situations in which subordinates did not bail out superiors, in which case there is almost always something very wrong with one or both of the people, or the relationship.
Posted by: Jim Miller | February 05, 2015 at 12:21 AM
Normally it takes over 16 years.
Yes, I noted that on a FB post. :)
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:23 AM
Face it, Brian Williams would make an awesome fisherman.
My contribution on twitter for the hashtag follies:
#ThereIWasWithBrianWilliams at band camp when he stuck a flute in his pussy.
Posted by: Stephanie | February 05, 2015 at 12:26 AM
"How come it took 12 years for the lie to be exposed?"
Because he kept getting away with it. Then the big deal was made of it at the Rangers' hockey game, and guys who were actually involved in the incident saw that on TV, knew that it was bullshit, and wrote in to correct the record.
The fact that he has given the false account repeatedly in the intervening years, and only came clean when he got caught, means he can't survive. He is toast as NBC anchor.
Posted by: Danube on iPad | February 05, 2015 at 12:26 AM
NBC SHOCK: Brian Williams Forced to Recant Iraq War Lie Repeated for 12 Years
Brian, Brian, Brian. Well, for 16 years Barack Obama the author was marketed as 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'. From 1991 until 2007 his literary agent had that in his bio.
"It is evidence--not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times." -…/born-kenya-obamas-literary-a…/story…
Yeah...Brian Williams is a brave reporter dodging RPGs & AK-47s, Barack Obama is an exotic foreign born writer, Senator Elizabeth Warren is a proud Cherokee, Hillary Clinton was also a brave politician dodging sniper fire....only none of these things are true. It is a bunch of hooey....
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:28 AM
There we were, Hillary and I, dodging sniper fire from gop right wing terrorists as we made our landing in Bosnia. Who knew that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy would have decamped so far from our shores.
Posted by: Brian Williams | February 05, 2015 at 12:28 AM
Posted by: Threadkiller | February 05, 2015 at 12:30 AM
Posted by: Dan Rather | February 05, 2015 at 12:34 AM
Danube, no biggie, Obama will give Lyin Williams food stamps, he'll be OK.
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:34 AM
O/T on a scale of 1-10 how RETARDED is Howard Kurtz. SERIOUSLY, who the fock is this clown and why is he on FOX?
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:36 AM
Maybe Brian could hop in a Chinook helicopter & head over to Nevada to see what the hell is going on in the Reid family.
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:42 AM
Hey, I shamelessly lie for democrats every damn day! Where's the love?
Posted by: Shepard | February 05, 2015 at 12:43 AM
It just keeps going...
Posted by: Sue | February 05, 2015 at 12:45 AM
"I spent much of the weekend thinking I'd gone crazy." ~ Brian Williams, NBC News
Posted by: Janet | February 05, 2015 at 12:46 AM
My tits have protected me from gunfire more than once. I highly recommend silicone!
Posted by: Nancy P. | February 05, 2015 at 12:46 AM
Chinook? Isn't that racist of something.
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:47 AM
That time me and Terraaza dined with that chic yet moderate Assad couple? I was terrified I might get photographed in bad light. Try living with THAT the rest of your life!!
Posted by: John K. | February 05, 2015 at 12:53 AM
Cool. Brian Williams has gone THE FULL DAN RATHER!! Now he can SUE NBC!!!! GOOD TIMES!!!
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:57 AM
NANCY P!!! BRUCIE JENNER might be looking for someone NEW!!
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 12:59 AM
The Mavericks scored 114 points against Golden State. Unfortunately Golden State has scored 128. That damn Curry scored 51 points. Grrr...
Posted by: Sue | February 05, 2015 at 01:04 AM
So they flew SHEPTARD to AMMAN!!!
What happens when it's found out that SHEMP is Gay??
It's become comical.
Posted by: GUS | February 05, 2015 at 01:07 AM