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March 25, 2015


Jeff Dobbs

I think I'll be taking the rest of the day off. I earned it.

Old Lurker

...and for your first HAMA thread, you encourage TK & DoT to resume kick boxing? Seriously Hit?

Old Lurker

HARA. there's that damn M again...


Yup OL, Hit went full click bait for comments.

Miss Marple

Fortunately, I am going to be gone most of the day.


they really are 'reality based'



This is great news. I fully support him in his passion for recognizing the law (ACA)


a more fruitful inquiry:



OT,this is a sweet story,but...last year a nine year old girl from Maine wrote Obama a letter asking his advice on how to make friends.The girl is shy and has faced medical obstacles in her young life,including four surgeries. Imagine her delight when Obama responded and suggested she join local clubs to make new friends. She has done so,and made new friends and has regained confidence. She has been invited to the Easter Egg Roll and a White House tour. This is a tearjerker of a story. Do you think that Obama actually read her letter and responded? How sad that the girl had to write to POTUS.


not surprising since Dadgum gets nothing right,



and in this corner of category error:


Captain Hate on the iPad

Asking someone who's written two books about himself how to make friends doesn't seem like the pathway to success.


This is amusing, Shrillary! hit with racketeering lawsuit over emails. Larry Klayman so who knows, but a nice headline tossed in from IL.

Rick Ballard


Thanks for the Williamson link. It would be nice if a few political observers would note that New York, California, Illinois and Texas are null factors in the '16 election (there are another 34 states which might be added as well). I'm very interested in public opinion in Wisconsin, Ohio and Virginia, interested in public opinion in Colorado, Iowa and Nevada and absolutely uninterested in "national" polling skewed by the meaningless Deep Blue Cesspools.

Thomas Collins

This is really an open thread. There is no article on Cruz's NBC or non-NBC status in the thread opener. This is the same as TM starting an open thread with a reference to the latest Yankees game.


well they would have to 'chew their cud' and where in that, Rick. Dewing is the Kramerica intern at the Federalist,


Marlene - re your story: I'm not generally given to conspiracy theories, but note that a couple weeks back my 9 year old and her classmates were instructed by their teacher to write letters to Obama - and told that if they wrote 'something nice' she would send them to him.
My daughter says she wanted to ask him why he lied so much but didn't as it was clear she would 'get into trouble' if she did.


denebian slime devils, Deutsch, and fools, Mika have to remove all doubt:


Old Lurker

Hey TC. It has been 48 hours. Do you have my tax returns done yet?


not to hijack the thread too soon:



From narciso's link:

Of course, this is just a preview of how every Republican candidate for 2016 will be treated by the liberal media—with the possible exception of Jeb Bush, who will be described as the only reasonable and likable Republican in the field right up until he gets the nomination.
Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Imagine her delight when Obama responded and suggested she join local clubs to make new friends. She has done so,and made new friends and has regained confidence.--

So what kewl clubs did she join?
The Choom Gang and the New Party and Trinity United Church of Christ and that informal one led by just some guy who lives in her neighborhood that get's together now and then to build bombs and write autobiographies?


re the Palestinian state, don't they already have one, it's in a smaller form, but you know baby steps, we know that given half the chance, Hamas will overrun Fatah, as they did in Gaza.

Rick Ballard


In the "Dear Fuhrer" line wrt school propaganda, my grandkids report posters of BOzo in the halls with messages urging the need to learn to program rather than just use peck and drool devices. No examples of Satchel and Malaria's computer programming skilz provided though.

I must admit, the Lunch Nazi does provide a real offset lesson regarding the future in progressive hell.

Dave (in MA)

This is in Instapundit's sidebar twitter feed...


Walker reponds to the Menard hit piece.

He also hired a Romney staffer, Matt Hall. Whoever that is.

Jeff Dobbs

a couple weeks back my 9 year old and her classmates were instructed by their teacher to write letters to Obama - and told that if they wrote 'something nice' she would send them to him.

Flashback . . . a few years ago from a hit and run jr classroom assignment...


What a crock.

Fournier: 5 Ways to End Hillary Clinton's War on the Media


My first reaction to the story made me feel like a bad person,because she does seem to be a sweet kid. I guess the commenters at the Bangor Daily had the same reaction. One comment says:"too bad he doesn't have time to meet with the head of NATO."

Danube on iPad

I will remain OT on this thread.


I know you've probable seen this but it's too good not to see again. From Insty:

I’D RATHER SEE THE MEDIA END ITS SUBSERVIENCE: Ron Fournier: 5 Ways To End Hillary Clinton’s War On The Media. Of course, as someone noted on Twitter, when Hillary said she wanted an “open relationship” what she really meant was that they would both screw other people. . . .

henry@12:07-- refers to a RICO lawsuit against HildaBeast. I can imagine that COA surviving a motion to dismiss... but if it does and ets to discovery. Oh baby.


NK, I plan to enjoy the headline for now and drink mass quantities of beer if it gets to discovery.


Henry-- discovery will be moot. If the motion to dismiss is denied, HildaBeast and Billy will flee to country to a place without extradition to USA... Jane's Island?


Um, not Jane's Island-- TK would have strict immigration controls in place. Underage Poontang Island that Bill's friend has is more likely.


Ooops, computer memory is not my friend today. Walker's response.


Exdemocrat, sounds like your 9 yr old is smarter than a lot of people in this nation allready.

I wanted to thank you for the EB-5 post. I want to write a little on the subject but first I think there is another poster on JOM that has talked about using the program.
If there is such a poster on JOM, I would be happy to read your thoughts. If I remember correctly the poster was pleased with the program in some way.


So Ted Cruz spends years rallying against Obamacare,he warns everyone that it is a program that will kill jobs and destroy the very fabric of America. He shuts down the US government hurting tens of thousands of people,impacting their livelihoods all because he wants to repeal the evil government program called Obamacare and save the United states of America and THEN.........he signs up for Obamacare.

One of you has to have integrity? I'm being serious now,my trolling hat is off......there has to be one Republican out there with an ounce of integrity.

No?I didn't think so.

btw,now Hit has his finger on the management button couldn't he,if he so chose delete my membership?You'd never hear from me again(I don't do sock puppetry,it's beneath me).

Maybe Hit's like TM and lacks the courage to take a decisive action. I'm determined to find a strong Republican equal to the hardcore Democrats you find at Democraticunderground and TPM.


"Who knew abiding by the law wa such a novel accomplishment?"

Or that principle might transcend a law, or that hypocrisy was a quality needed for a candidate..


The left is pretty mad about Cruz signing up for Obamacare. (2nd day now.) What are they afraid of?


we need to move up the rankings:



Hardcore Dems is a synonym for progressives I think. They are the equal of ethnocentric conservatives nibbling at the edges of change without global context.

Beasts of England

China National Chemical has bought a 26% stake in Pirelli. So what sound does a P-Zero make when it goes flat?

Wop chink wop chink wop chink...


Apparently the President of Yemen fled Aden by boat.


well their 'two minute hate' is running long, he is 'not of the body'


well taking a helicopter would be too obvious, plus Stinger missiles,


was "not of the body" original Star Trek?


We all know why the Left is pissed at Cruz for joining ObummerCare. Every medical specialist in DC area that rejects his ObummerCare, evry IRS tax glitch will be dutifully reported by Cruz. He will mock ObummerCare as a consumer.


one question though, can he still sign up, I thought the enrollment period was over?


Pissed? Au contraire NK. It's an absolute delight. Now why aren't more conservatives angry? Wait..wait....the nimbus is losing lumens.



So, Ted Cruz and family should go without insurance and break the law to prove a point? That's insane. The more the media yaks on about it, the more all those self-employed sorts who faced the same choice (and took coverage) are going to get annoyed.

In Ted's case, maybe to prove his turncoat bonafides, should sign up as the spouse on his wife's group medical, like a good liberal. Because the secret to being a good leftist is to strive to have someone else pay for you.


'Rupert Pupkin' viewers are very binary, to see out side of the Cave, would burn their retinas,


In Ted's case, maybe to prove his turncoat bonafides, should sign up as the spouse on his wife's group medical

The reason he's signing up is that his wife is taking a leave from her job for the campaign, and COBRA will only cover them until October, 2016. (They're currently covered under her plan.)


So the Pirelli calendars will feature nice Chinese girls now?


One more Maine story. I told you I was still catching up on the news. :) This is from the Bangor Daily News. A woman from Newfoundland was visiting a friend in New Brunswick earlier this month and they decided to take a trip into Maine to go shopping.They crossed at a border patrol station in northern Maine and the border patrol agent happened to notice the woman's purse,which happens to be sealskin. The border patrol agent confiscated the purse and told the woman she was in violation of the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act. The purse is in the custody of the National Marine Fisheries Service. She has the option of getting the purse back (it was a gift from her mother) after jumping thru the bureaucratic hoops and paying a $250 fine. The woman said the agents were polite,but followed procedure.
We can rest easy knowing that customs is not only looking for terrorists,but prohibited seal products.


As an American citizen, he has limited options.


that and kinder eggs, they are as lethal as the 'Canadian Menace'


this was after her near brush with Ebola,


Hardcore Dems is a synonym for progressives I think. They are the equal of ethnocentric conservatives nibbling at the edges of change without global context.

Progressives are the synonym for Hardcore Dems I think. They are the conservatives equal of change nibbling at the ethnocentric global context without the edges.

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are, champ.


Hers was a Cadillac. Let's see how they like a KIA...cramped but economical. Slumming is not something the elite can do every day.


how often does this happen:



And does this mean the Senate no longer provides an elite concierge plan with OPM?


is that your final answer:


Beasts of England

Kevin Bacon to Yemen:

Remain calm!! All is well!!



The blog turns 10 Apr. 1. The committee is taking suggestions. From the comments:

I suggest a give-away! The People™ always like to get free stuff.

I suggest we start by making everybody give-away their rights to free speech, arms, due process and privacy.

We should give-away citizenship to anybody who wants it.

We should give-away all federal lands to undocumented workers and the decendents of slaves. (I'm a decendent of slaves - the Romans enslaved my ancestors - but this isn't about me).

We should give-away sovereignty to the United Nations.

We should give-away until it hurts and then give-away a little more.

For The Children™.

surburban gal

Follow-up on Michelle Obama's intiatives and trip to Cambodia: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/hun-sen-takes-aim-michelle-obama


You HAVE to click on that link and scroll!!

Stephanie De Nile is a river in Progtopia

Under house rules, Cruz option once his wife lost the family's coverage, his only choice was the exchange or break the law and do without and pay a fine for breaking the law. As someone railing against the lawlessness of Obama's EO spree, Cruz was not gonna break the law. He's a constitutionalist. Libs are stupid to make this a thing.

If you want to repeal a law, are libs now advocating you should break that law? That's anarchy if all of us do just that.

If I advocate for less taxes should I then send in just what I think I should have to pay? I'll gladly do so if that is what libs want :) I don't think the IRS will be happy though.


The Left doesn't get it. Of course the Cruz family could pay the $30K/year to keep the GS Cadillac plan under COBRA until October 2016. They are not doing that. That would be hypocritical for a candidate to do. Instead, Cruz will use his ObummerCare plan. And it will suck for his family, and Cruz will tell us all about it.


Cruz is in the Senate, and nothing in the Grassley Amendment bars COBRA participation to my knowledge.


Shocker! Young Mariel Hemingway had to rebuff Woody Allen's advances...

Stephanie De Nile is a river in Progtopia

ISTM that what libs are demanding Cruz to do is exactly what McConnell is suggesting states do with the new EPA rules...Just ignore the law. They are screaming about McConnell doing that and Cruz for not doing that. Who are the hypocrites now?


how does a flight recorder get so heavily damaged, I realized it crashed in the mountains but still,


daddy-- what do you make of the A321 windscreen failure chatter?


Lyle, the term progressive these days can be readily substituted for "marxist-statist" or Stalinist or true believer.

It entails telling other people what they can and cannot do and complete freedom to do whatever you please; sexually assault women, fly your G-5 across the Pond for lunch or any old thang.


you have to understand Obamacare as a totem, one isn't really suppose to care how it works, just that it exists,

Stephanie De Nile is a river in Progtopia

Cobra coverage still runs out in October which would give his family two deductibles and copays to meet to have coverage for a full year when he changes policies in October. Doing so now, he only has one set of deductibles and copays to meet.


heck of a job, maverick:



A totem? which marks the spot where $100/year in edicaid goes to SEIU heaalthcare workers and immigrant doctors. That's all Obummer knows about ObummerCare.. it pays big bucks to his friends.


From our Chitown friend, Putin institutes draft, calls up 150,000 draftees. May be for a parade, through Kiev.


COBRA would get the family to October 2016, that would be the best way to go for the family. This is a political move by Cruz. And yes, they will have very pricey co-pays and out of network charges. Cruz will report all of that. If he can't enroll now, he will do COBRA until January '16, assuming he is still running by then.



That Walker link is about Clinton.


Jane, hence the oops at 12:31.


No one's suggesting that Senator Cruz break the law and refuse to sign up for Obamacare(straw man anyone?).

Quite the opposite,we Libs welcome Senator Cruz with open arms to Obamacare.We want him and his good wife to get the best experience that they can from Obamacare.In fact i'll officially welcome the Senator to Obamacare.......**cough***Senator Cruz,on behalf of the President of the United States,Barrack hussein Obama we'd like to Welcome you and your good wife to Government run healthcare.

See,I can be diplomatic.

And no one's scared that the Senator will get a first hand insight into OBAMACARE's flaws and run to the Senate floor with a damning report(wishful thinking considering the customer satisfaction scores).If the good Senator finds faults with his healthcare we welcome the opportunity to fix them.

It's just funny,that's all. It's funny.


Agree, matt. I was just taking the fey troll's word salad and giving it a toss.


Fix the ObummerCare flaws. Oh, they wil be fixed, indeed they will be fixed... one way or the other.


You can toss my salad anytime Lyle...tissue chafes.


The Gubmint should keep their hands off my SS and Pentagon budgets. What a demonocracy !


i'm taking a leave today, but before i do i want to register a couple of thoughts about the Cruz eligibility issue.
First, i want to say that TK's concerns about this issue should be respected, imo, for at least two reasons: 1. legally speaking, the constitutionality of someone obtaining citizenship in the way Cruz did being eligible as a "natural born citizen" has not been established by the Supreme Court, and is therefore undetermined. Reasonable legal minds can and do differ on the correct constitutional interpretation and to suggest there is a "consensus" on the issue is simply false; thus, it's hardly surprising that those who are told to 'shut up' about it, because consensus see this as yet another assault on constitutional fidelity (say, the broken windows theory); and 2. because it may be a disaster (maybe) for Cruz to win the nomination only then to be found ineligible this is something that should be resolved now (among friends) rather than later.

So rather than treating these valid concerns with disrespect, it would imo be better to address them more specifically - starting with the latter. The answer to that is how - i.e. through what process - could Cruz be found ineligible? Is this something Congress could legally do or would the Supreme Court be the only valid arbiter? If the latter, who would have standing to bring the matter before the Court?

As to the former, how would the Court rule if the issue ever came before it? The answer to that question is not a simple one because it does not matter how long it has been since Wong Kim Ark etc, nor what legislation has been passed since 1790, as the Court is not necessarily bound by its own precedent, even if binding precedent existed (which it doesn't).

To echo Miss Marple, it does the conservative cause no favors to sweep important issues under the rug, nor to disparage other sincere conservatives who genuinely care about those issues. That is not how a robust unity is created, imo. The other side fears and is allergic to the truth; for us, it is the great liberator.

Having said all this, i sincerely hope that Cruz is neither ineligible nor found to be, and that if he gets the nomination he wins.


(wishful thinking considering the customer satisfaction scores)

Damn right, comrade! The scores are meeting and exceeding the five year harvest plan. With so many clamoring to get some of that sweet govmint bling what's going on here?:

A group of Democratic senators is urging the Obama administration to delay a key portion of Obamacare because the results could be “harmful and disruptive.”

In a letter exclusively obtained by The Daily Caller, Senate Democrats pleaded with Health and Human Services secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell to delay an Obamacare rule change that puts companies with 51 to 100 employees in the costlier “small group” market instead of the “large group” market. The rule change, which will result in higher premiums for many companies, goes into effect in 2016.

The letter was signed by Democratic Sens. Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, Chris Coons, Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly and Jon Tester and independent Sen. Angus King, who caucuses with the Democrats.



it's as if they were 'on the other side'



I knew you'd go there, child. As predictable as democrat hypocrisy and mendacity.

Stephanie De Nile is a river in Progtopia

Nk, you miss my point. Taking cobra til October then changing to ocare means meeting deductible and copays twice once on cobra and once on ocare not that the outrageous amounts the deductible and copay will be under the ocare change.

Dave (in MA)



Heh. Cruze and acolytes (for today that is) will fix it by taking the Cadillac to the graveyard and reverse-engineering the jalopy they love. Even a KIA is better than what they'll devise for the corporate owners.


well it's not such a crazy notion:



A new web site devoted to John Doe matters. Lots of court filings & warrants available here.



President Obama said at a White House ceremony today marking the fifth anniversary of Obamacare that the healthcare law is “working better than many of us, including me, anticipated.”

“I mean, we have been promised a lot of things these past five years that didn’t turn out to be the case: death panels, doom,” he said, sparking laughter from the healthcare “leaders,” in the words of a White House official, comprising the audience. “A serious alternative from Republicans in Congress,” Obama quipped, arousing more laughter.

“The budget they introduced last week would literally double the number of the uninsured in America. And in their defense, there are two reasons why coming up with their own alternative has proven to be difficult,” he said. “First, it’s because the Affordable Care Act pretty much was their plan before I adopted it based on conservative, market-based principles developed by the Heritage Foundation and supported by Republicans in Congress, and deployed by a guy named Mitt Romney in Massachusetts to great effect. If they want to take credit for this law, they can. I’m happy to share it.”

“And second, it’s because health reform is really hard and the people here who are in the trenches know that. Good people from both parties have tried and failed to get it done for 100 years, because every public policy has some trade-offs, especially when it affects one-sixth of the American economy and applies to the very personal needs of every individual American.”

Only three congressional Democrats were at the event; the rest were in a joint session of Congress listening to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

Obama said that “for folks who are basing their entire political agenda on repealing the law, you’ve got to explain how kicking millions of families off their insurance is somehow going to make us more free.”

“Or why forcing millions of families to pay thousands of dollars more will somehow make us more secure. Or why we should go back to the days when women paid more for coverage than men. Or a preexisting condition locked so many of us out of insurance,” he added.

All class and damn near all lies.


as are his promises to Ghani, there are some he keeps and others he doesn't feel obliged to,

Dave (in MA)

Have the names of the pilot and co-pilot of Flight 9525 been released yet?


BREAKING: Bergdahl's lawyer says he's being charged w/ desertion and misbehaviour before the enemy. Says 'premature' to say how he'll plead.

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