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April 15, 2015


Captain Hate

The local coffee quiz this morning asked how many times tax day had changed. I got it wrong. Btw, yesterday's was the reason given for the first federal income tax which was to pay for the Civil War.


I was oblique about the justified ending, i know the ground rules.

Beasts of England

Happy tax my hump day!! Or is it hump my tax day? This is confusing...

Jeff Dobbs

And it's not just tax day...

daddy: hit, hit, hit, hit, hit… What day is it hit? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! hit, guess what today is?

hit and run: It’s Fry's birthday.

daddy: Whoot Whoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Marple

Well, gang, it looks like I am going to get stuck with the taxes or go to jail.

I have moved beyond depression to sort of a euphoric state of hilarity, since the entire mess is ridiculous.


{{{{Miss Marple}}}


Welcome to the 1% club MissM


MM,last month when we were on vacation,hubby talked to our CPA,who informed him we owed taxes this year. If I hadn't been sitting by the pool drinking wine,I would have had a meltdown!



Free market people shouldn't embrace the free market.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Yay! Marlene is no longer a deadbeat freeloader.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hillary is that kid in school who always aspired to the cool kidz clique and always embarrassed herself in doing so.


Has Al Sharpton paid his past due tax bill yet?


AP: "The White House says the president on Wednesday is visiting the ImaginOn educational library and theatre arts center in Charlotte. He's holding a town hall meeting with the groups BlogHer and SheKnows about working family issues."

At least BOzo and his costly, meaningless, narcissistic, taxpayer-funded photo-ops come with an expiration date.


Ha,Ig. We pay quarterly taxes,and I write the checks to the feds and state. If I had a magic wand,everyone would have to pay quarterly and maybe people would get a clue. :)


has rangel, rhetorical question?


the two minute hate, is nearly eternal.


is this your card:



I should have said we owed MORE taxes.


btw, what's the deal with Space X,


It’s silly selling autographed copies of the Constitution.

Sell autographed copies of the Declaration of Independence. No extra signatures required.


'e pleb nista'


Has there ever been a president whose personal history is so murky, so questionable, and so baffling? All one must do is recall the allegations, still open for debate and research, that checker Obama’s background. Laid out below are some of these allegations, not to be proved or disproved, but to remind the reader that Obama’s personal history is replete with question marks.

• A 1991 promotional literary pamphlet featured a short biographical sketch of Obama, andclaimed he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

• What is his actual name? The only publicly available school record for Obama lists him as an Indonesian citizen named Barry Soetoro.

• Moreover, on an immigration document from 1965, Obama’s mother included the name “Soebarkah” under Barack Hussein Obama. This is likely a name given to him by the Islamic cult of Subud, to which his mother proudly and openly belonged.

• For a reason yet to be explained, Obama’s Social Security number begins with the prefix 042, which corresponds to Connecticut, a state in which Obama has never lived.


I stand with Jie Miller.


Muslim Brotherhood to Negotiate with Obama for Release of Islamic Jihadists Who Were Sentenced to Death



... Joe Miller. ..


Rubio on Fox now. I shit you not he just said he wants America to be a place for opportunity for everyone "no matter how your last name is pronounced."

How very Obama of him.



I like Rubio and almost all the other potential R POTUS candidates. Our bench is deep for once.

Centralcal on iPad

Ditto what Deb said.


a slightly less alarming but concerning post:


candidates are fine, they are still going to shove Stay Puft and the Medici in our faces, though,


they should have made it NC-17:



One of Rubio's finer moments:


It's hard to top a public smackdown of Tom Harkin on the Senate floor imo.



Skinny kid with a funny name makes good




lets recall, that F chuck started his career working for Traitor Harkin, a phony air ace,
and future Sandinista apologist,

Dave (in MA)

From the MA tax form:

22 TAX ON 5.2% INCOME (from tax table). If line 21 is more than $24,000, multiply by .052.
Note: If choosing the optional 5.85% tax rate, multiply line 21 and the amount in Schedule D,
line 21 by .0585. See instructions; fill in oval. 3
Thanks for your additional contribution, Dems. We know you all fill this one in, right? I mean, you're not hypocrites.


i'm sure the Senate will write a strongly worded letter or something:


Dave (in MA)

I've heard Christie Kreme's announcement yesterday variously described as "cuts" to Social Security and as "means-testing" to receive benefits.


Another apt example of why Iowahawk calls the msm "throne kissers".

Beasts of England

And while Team Red continues to trash every single one of their candidates, Team Granny starts cohesively down the path to raising two billion dollars.

Why does it seem that their singular bench will be a boon to the libs, but one of the best benches in forever for the cons will be a nightmare? That ain't the way it's supposed to work, is it?

Beasts of England

It's just mind boggling. Hillary! will completely avoid any primary challengers and the subsequent debates. No questions lobbed her way, no chances for debating gaffes, no nothing. Unchallenged. I think it's unprecedented for a non-incumbent, correct?


the system assumed a bare modicum of compliance with the law, ethical ground rules, these brigands don't adhere to any of that,

today was the beginning of a small betrayal that a relative of mine, was a part of, 54 years ago, the Kurds, the Contras, the Albanians were all a part of similar operations, but this was in our front yard,


yes the 17th was the denoument, however the expedition began today, so many years ago,


Al Gore faced a short-lived, quasi-challenge in Bill Bradley, which didn't amount to much iirc.


There will be some Kucinich type that will get after her, Beasts.

After about 6 months the Dems will have decided which RINO gets to hold the flaming bag of dog poop for 2016, and that clown will win.

Nothing will change though.


Cornel West was on Team Bradley at the time, so it goes to show you, you can never ho too deep into the well of crazee.


forgot the lesson of 'not being seen'



The Hill: "Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a potential 2016 presidential contender, slammed the national media’s coverage of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, saying the press and public "don't know" where she stands on important issues. ...“You don’t know and I don’t know and the American people don’t know.” ... Sanders mocked the media's fascination with Clinton's early campaign van, which she has nicknamed the "Scooby Doo van." “I’m sure there is great national interest about the Scooby van, I can’t think of an interest of more significance to the American people,” Sanders said."


it's a Potemkin village, with apologies to the great Russian nobel, for they became major port cities on the Crimea,


I agree with Deb in N Calso
Great to see you centra am

Today Obama goes where they rejected him in the last election
It's all about changing the subject away from Iran. His majesty got schooled on that fiasco
Kerry was told to talk to the hand by Corker and Cardin

Thomas Collins

Hernandez found guilty of first degree murder.


what difference does it make:


Captain Hate

So we're depending on Ben Cadin and the RINO from Tennessee not named Lamar Alexander to make sure 404 doesn't produce a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv?

I'm not very confident.

Thomas Collins


Captain Hate



Yes Hil will have a challenger once she goes belly up in the Benghazi hearings
Also. No way in hell Hil wins the Iowa vote. They detest her out there
Remember John Edwards beat her there and Bill had to bribe the Des Moines Register to endorse her

Rick Ballard

I'm with Powerline on the Corker-Menendez Tale Told By An Idiot. A Wiki-review of the Treaty Clause covers the Congressional delegation of certification of compliance to the President under the original sanction bill.

It's not just BOzo who must engage in fraudulent certification, all P5+1 members have to sign off, after the IAEA is cajoled into doing so. Putin has already destroyed the Joint Plan of Action with the missile sale so this is all now bordering on moot.


there's a reason I've recommended the drop ship treatment for Iowa, they gave us Carter then Obama,


CH. Sad but true but Obama has been knocked off his self serving pedestal
We have to be grateful for that
He did veto the GOP NLRB bill however but we made him take back his recess spots
They are small. Victories I know but it won't be long before his sorry rear end is gone
Meanwhile his so called legacy alludes him


speaking of,the third rate jester who would rightfully be inpaled in Westeros:

I’d say Scott Walker will be the nominee for the Republicans. Jeb Bush is building momentum, but he’s attached at the hip to Common Core, which the Tea Party despises. True, he’s not the doofus his brother was, but in today’s Republican Party, that’s actually a huge minus. Then there’s Chris Christie. His numbers with Republican primary voters are horrible, close to Sarah Palin level, though if you like small government, he’s the guy for you, because soon half his administration will be in jail. But Walker? He’s a folk hero with the people from the Tea lagoon and with the establishment wing. His father was an evangelical preacher—a huge plus with the snake handlers and flat-Earthers who make up the base. And he won three times, including a recall, in a blue state, and he faced down public unions. The one problem is he didn’t graduate from college—oh wait, that’s a plus too, because book learnin’ is, you know, suspicious.

no link, because the slime clogs the interwebs,
the children who died because their parents listened to this nazgul were unavailable to comment,


Eludes. 's is the proper word there


Our candidate should list who his qualified cabinet would include That way people will know they are voting for a powerful administration as opposed to the crony do nothing's of Obamas


Russia used the false statement of a deal to start their plan to deliver weapons
That's on Obama


Fast track trade authority has a chance
I am for it because the unions hate it and are protesting against it

Beasts of England

That was a particularly odious rant, narciso. Even for Maher.


Bernie Sanders will probably run. He will have the favorite son status in neighboring NH,at least with the moonbats.


they were going to do it anyways, Dehgan, was the top Pasdaran operator in Beirut, the Russians have been involved with the Bushehr reactors, since the Clinton administration,


he's the Defense Minister who negotiated the S-200 sales,

Dave (in MA)

narciso, the natural reaction would be to want to punch him in the face, but no matter how many shots you took, his nose already looks that way.

James D.

So I did the Jeopardy! online test yesterday, and I don't think I've got a chance of getting picked for the next phase (which would be a local audition). I only got 39 of the 50 questions right. Here's what I didn't know:

What current TV show features a President Fitzgerald Grant?

Which European river is the longest one that empties into the Black Sea?

Which silent film star was known as "the Great Stone Face"?

Which 20th century French artist had a 2014 exhibition of his cut-paper art?

Which singer had a 2014 hit with "Take Me to Church"?

The capital of Estonia?

What state is bordered to the west by Idaho and to the north by Canada?

What parts of speech "between" and "inside" are?

Here's what I knew but blanked on until it was too late:

The logo of this operating system is a green robot?

Whose magazine titled "(Blank) Living" has a circulation of 2 million?

What Alanis Morisette song contains the lyric "I'm here to remind you of the mess you made when you went away"?


If I were in the MB and facing a death sentence, the last person I would want interceding on my behalf would be someone with the negotiating record of Obama. Has he ever gotten anything out of a negotiation? Seems like the other side always gets everything they want, IMO.


that's why I suggested the other punishment, George R.R, Martin is a nasty piece of work


Wow, kudos, James D. The parts of speech question was the only one I knew. And imagine having to answer those instantly? Yikes!

Beasts of England

What ever happened to boricuafudd? Haven't seen a comment from him in a long time...


he's negotiating with Asisi's men, so magic eightball would say try again,

now the Auteur of 'Amazon Women on the Moon' and 'Pizza Man' does in his own twisted way, understand some things, but he still stumbles in telling things out of the cave,

Beasts of England

'You Oughtta Know' FTW, James D.

Captain Hate

I'm not sure how I knew Buster Keaton was the answer but I did. What answer did you give other than Montana?

Miss Marple

I find that negotiating interesting.

Someone over there has dirt on Obama, including probably communications.

To review, I remind you that when Morsi was thrown out, the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters were ssacked. The anti-MB people distributed the furniture to the poor. However, others were seen moving boxes and boxes of files and loading them into a truck. This was reported by an AP reporter who happened to be close by and saw it.

In addition, Mrs. Morsi gave an interview in which she hinted that Obama had been working with them.

My question is who ended up with the documents and how are they leveraging them. I have assumed that the Egyptian security people had them and that was why Obama decided to let Egypt have the aircraft after all, when he was originally going to stiff Sisi.

So I am wondering why in the world the MB would want Obama negotiating, unless the negotiation is really just paying money to get those people out of jail, which I don't think Sisi will do.

These little details fascinate me.

Dave (in MA)

Last night GUS wrote "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww".



Dave (in MA)
Which European river is the longest one that empties into the Black Sea?
Perhaps if you'd given it a little bit of thought...
Eric in Boise

So it rhymes with "thought", Dave? Hmmm...still not getting it... :)

Beasts of England

Dnieper of Thought, I'm sure! ;)

James D.

I could hear "You Oughta Know" but I couldn't come up with the title until after the test was over. Same thing with the operating system (Android). And I put Rachael ray for the magazine and cursed myself the moment I hit "submit" because I realized it was really Martha Stewart.

For the state, I had no clue, so I put Wyoming. And for the river, I put the ural (which I don't even know if it does go into the Black Sea or not). Geography is not my strong suit!

Thomas Collins

Scandal for the first question.

Rick Ballard


Russia, China and India are all marching away from the UN/IMF/World Bank economic stranglers at a steady pace. Modi's renunciation of the SkyDragon idiocy was as clear a shot as Putin's single finger salute to the Joint Plan of Action and Xi's AIIB tops the other two in terms of ringing the death knell.

It's now a question of how fast and how far the corpse robbing will go. Repudiation of favored nation status for the Chicoms coupled with tariff barriers is going to look pretty appealing within five years.

Man Tran


Hah, you must be a young un' About 8th grade, we had to freehand draw the (only) 48 and name the states and capitals.

Captain Hate


Even in the Republican Party, far too many elected officials have been reluctant to engage the public in a meaningful constitutional discourse. President George W. Bush, for example, signed the McCain-Feingold Act even though he knew major parts of it violated Americans’ right to free speech. He explained that “certain provisions present serious constitutional concerns,” but in a shocking abrogation of his duty to defend the Constitution, he washed his hands of responsibility by saying, “I expect that the courts will resolve these legitimate legal questions.” When the Supreme Court did exactly that in Citizens United, liberals went wild, heaping on the Court the criticism Bush had deflected and that continues to this day.

McRINO is just as bad as 404 when it comes to lack of understanding of the Constitution.

Dave (in MA)
Which European river is the longest one that empties into the Black Sea?

What state is bordered to the west by Idaho and to the north by Canada?

What parts of speech "between" and "inside" are?

The logo of this operating system is a green robot?

Whose magazine titled "(Blank) Living" has a circulation of 2 million?

The ones I know. I'd beat Turd Ferguson, though.

Miss Marple

My Western Civilization class in college required that ou be able to draw free-hand a map of Europe and put in all countries and capitals, plus all major rivers, mountain ranges, seas, islands PLUS the outline of the Roman Empire at furthest extent, the Holy Roman Empire, locations of major battles or events.

Every single exam that was 25% of the grade. You would start out drawing the outline, then see what questions were asked and where to place the answers.

Old school lady history prof, now gone on to glory. She used to lecture wiithout any notes and it was like storytime, hearing about Charlemagne and such. Wonderful teacher.

And I can still draw the map!


sherpas like this twit haven't helped things along:


neither has working with Prince Talal's initiatives,


they had one job, affirming the Congress's prorogative in foreign policy, what did they end up doing,


and why is that exactly:



What day is it? VI day dudes and dudettes. God bless Bob Graham.


But it’s worth reminding that, in addition to being right about the Iraq War, Graham was right about torture. Indeed, in his last months as ranking member on Senate Intelligence Committee, he made initial moves to learn more about CIA’s detention program, only to have Pat Roberts agree to stop the effort in early 2003. And, interestingly, Graham (and Nancy Pelosi, Graham’s counterpart on the Gang of Four) linked the two, tying the erroneous claims about Iraq to the non-briefings on torture they were getting in September 2002.

Now that they are explicitly stating that CIA lied in its September briefings on torture, Nancy Pelosi and Bob Graham are also both linking those lies with the lies they were telling–at precisely the same time–in the Iraq NIE. Here’s Pelosi:

"Of all the briefings that I have received at this same time, earlier, they were misinforming the American people there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it was an imminent threat to the United States. I, to the limit of what I could say to my caucus, told them, the intelligence does not support the imminent threat that this Administration is contending. Whether it’s on the subject of what’s happening in Iraq, whether it’s on the subject of techniques used by the intelligence community on those they are interrogating, every step of the way, the Administration was misleading the Congress."

And that is the issue. And that is why we need a truth commission.
And here’s Graham:

"Yes, they’re obligated to tell the full Intelligence Committee, not just the leadership. This was the same time within the same week, in fact, that the CIA was submitting its National Intelligence Estimate on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which proves so erroneous that we went to war, have had thousands of persons killed and injured as a result of misinformation."

Now, it’s quite possible Graham and Pelosi are tying these two lies together just to remind reporters how unreliable the CIA is. Perhaps they’re doing it to remind reporters of how they got burned leading into the Iraq War, trusting the spin of the Administration.

But perhaps they’re trying to say there’s a direct connection, an explicit one, between the NIE and torture. We know Ibn Sheikh al-Libi’s claims appeared in there. Did anything that came out of Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation? Or Ramzi bin al-Shibh?


I know this sounds really tinfoilish, but look at the security camera photo from the Chipotle again. That is not Hillary. This woman has spiky, very blond hair and plentiful dark roots. It does look like Huma next to her, but isn't Huma taller than Hillary? This Hillary appears to be the same height or taller than Huma.

Hard to believe they would actually send in a ringer or ringers - unless it was so Hill could fly from PA to IA and skip the drive. And then the campaign could say she was "spotted" in OH, when actually she was never there.


well I wouldn't be surprised at all, Porch, Nassiri, the Moroccan who was trained at the camp Al Libi, ran, said it didn't surprise him, what
the latter said,


Maybe the security camera had a Roddy Piper's "The Live" filter, Porch.



That's Hillary imo. Any of the media "throne-sniffers" ask the owners if they cater gay weddings?


"They Live"

Beasts of England

Now, now, Porch...

Just heard a very interesting bluegrass cover of 'Landslide', with banjo, double bass, and Dobro. Didn't hear the artist, but I fear it could have been the Dixie Twits.

Free Beasts Bucks for anyone who can name the brothers who are the namesake of Dobro. Gus is ineligible for this contest, of course.


who knows, more importantly who cares, there isn't anything that comes from the Razorback Consort that she says that means a hill of beans


"Snooby Doo on Zombie Island" is on Cartoon Network today. Zombies iirc are incapable of independent thought, which describes HC's core supporters.


Killary and the rest can go fish. If you supported the invasion you should be proscribed from running for office of any kind. That takes care of just about everybody.

Captain Hate

A polygraph should be a necessary accoutrement of any interview with the Clintons.

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