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April 27, 2015





going back in the wayback machine,


the two minute hate, was on, to make this circumstance inevitable, there was similar heat on Schmitz, anyone allowed the administration to succeed was considered shibboleth,


I'm glad someone asked the question:


Waxman made the circumstance why Geisel was selected, his successor, Cummings, prevents any inquiry of note,


it would if the authorities paid attention:


thanks clarice, for bringing it to Lifson's attention,

the Dems m.o, is to take advantage of the latest two minute rage, ie; the p.o. deal, re Exon/Florio, then totally ignore any obstruction to their initiatives,

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

WTF ? ! !

Slow-Joe Biden, at the Lynch swearing-in ceremony, just said that Eric Holder is "one of the greatest Attorney Generals in our country's history."

Notwithstanding the incorrect grammar, does he *really* think that as AG, Holder properly investigated the IRS, EPA and VA scandals, just for starters?

Greatness, to the Leftists, means that you do *everything* that the Left wants, regardless of one's oath of office, or quaint notions of fidelity to the Constitution.


the Constitution is an obstacle to them, as Obama stated in those NPR talks, about 'negative liberty'

James D.

How ABC news can trot Stephanolouous (however you spell it) out to cover the Clintons on any story with a straight face is beyond me.

How anyone with a functioning brain finds it acceptable and not a complete and compromising conflict of interest is equally beyond me.

Man Tran

H&R, man there must have been some bad juju in that post for you to be thwarted. :)


that's a big assumption about ABC News, which spent 12 minutes on the Avengers film, hail out cyborg overlords, and nothing on Uranium gate, last friday,

Dave (in MA)

That's OK, James. They had on Donna Brazile to provide balance.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The fact is any person in a comparable, private position to the Clinton's in this uranium deal would face charges of conflict of interest and probably self dealing.

If they had a sense of humor or at least irony they would have made sure it was all done through uranium futures.


Recall the fate of Gerald Walpin, when he inquired into Mr. Michele Rhee, (Kevin Johnson) re Americorps,


sbw (who I am not forgiving for that knitting comment)

'Tis a far, far better thing I do now than I have ever done!

Amy is getting mail and it goes thru the same server, so does that matter?

She has a different email account.

I'd help specifically, but I know Mac, not Windows. [In Mac I'd go to Mail:Preferences:Accounts:Advanced: and check the box "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message"]


Jane, This works for me.
The Windows Live Hotmail Plus yearly subscription of $19.95 plus tax includes 10 Gigabytes of total Windows Live Hotmail account space, the ability to send larger attachments, and exemption from the account expiration policy. No third party advertising. Just feature tips and product info from Microsoft. You will receive a renewal letter 30 days prior to the renewal date.


Is that 11:39 defending Obama from Lefties or is it another example of damned if he does or doesn't? I'd say the latter, but it does show how little conservatives understand left politics.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

My free version of Outlook has essentially unlimited storage and if you hook it up to SkyDrive or whatever it's called you can send massive attachments and with adblocker I don't see any ads.

So if I pay MS for email I'll get less?
No wonder BillyG is the richest guy in the world.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Is that 11:39 defending Obama from Lefties or is it another example of damned if he does or doesn't? I'd say the latter, but it does show how little conservatives understand left politics.--

The fact you can't understand a perfectly simple statement leads you to conclude conservatives are the ones with the lack of understanding.

So when does this redemptive self awareness kick in for you?

Man Tran

H&R, finally realized the post was up thread on the last page. Duh!


Oh and you understand narciso so there must be harmonics in those simple declarative sentences. Make sure you will your coconut to science so they can study it cold.


I see nothing but more racial strive and mayhem to mark the new Attorney General's tenure. Anger, resentment and determination to punish those who disagree, are the requirements for leadership in this administration.

Our only election hope, given the millions of illegal voters Obama's 'religious' organizations are lining up for '16, is that a large percentage of Democrats wake up to the truth and leave the party for good.


it's very clear, 'when you clean out the ambient noise' their premise, is 'we don't need no stinking badgers' so they neuter the IG, set up a private router, obstruct all inquiries, with the
enabling of a complicit press,


Hillary aided and abetted Obama when she dropped the birther movement she started.

Sec of State now appears to be less of a consolation prize and more of the goal.

Everyone gets more flexible after elections, it seems.


In case anyone was wondering, the leading cause of homicide is the lack of a trolley. Or at least paying for a trolley with your own funding.

Note: the annual decrease in the police department budget and staffing, raiding the school taxes in a redirect to the trolley fund, etc. for enough cash to start building enough of the trolley to embarrass others into paying to finish the trolley does not cause crime (especially not homicide). Voter ID or Right to Work or defunding Planned Parenthood statewide or something to do with mind rays from Walker cause homicide. But definitely not putting a trolley into a badly run city.

new lurker

Question for all: Will Hillary get the nomination?


I think not in the end, she did challenge Zaphod, and that is not forgiven, or forgotten,


Narc linked this last thread:


What in the world does this punk have anything to be angry about? That he lacks black "authenticity?" He and his outgoing jerk AG have set back race relations about 50 years. Shouldn't that elate him?



Fucking whore.


Sorry, that link is apparently parody. I won't retract my malediction.


well one lionized a nazi, Herr AlMasi another ridiculed De Tocqueville, keep feeding the croc:


Jack is Back!

If Hillary gets the nomination then you will know that they have found the 9 million illegals to naturalize and hacked the source code to the voting machines. Slam dunk.


In certain circles word is that if Hillary leaves the playing field Jawn Kerry, the fop who served for a couple of weeks in VN will enter the ring. Your thoughts?



Where is "tools" on outlook?


well that would be peter principle squared,



John Fund at NRO:

Hillary Clinton has dismissed the reporting as “distractions and attacks.” But she did find time last week to suddenly call for a truce in what she sees as an increasingly hostile political climate. “I am tired of the mean-spiritedness in politics,” she told voters in Claremont, N.H. “Enough with the attacks and the anger, let’s find answers together and figure out what we’re going to do.”

Irony is dying. The only thing that would ensure its demise is if Precious were quoted say something similar.



new lurker

Well, that's interesting, Clarice. I really had not thought of him.


yes, but what would be his niche, lockjawed wasp manque isn't even really a thing, in that party,


well some good news:



I'm sure that Jawn Kerry thinks that we owe him the Presidency, just as much, if not more that Shrillary does.

I suspect he would be easier to beat, simply because he is a complacent fool without an ounce of street-fighting blood.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Racketeers influencing corrupt organizations are always tired of the attacks and anger of their victims and the general public.

Beasts of England

The ride up I-59 is made quite entertaining by the fact that the littlest Beastette has outfitted her Land Rover with a thumping new 12" subwoofer. Woot!!

Beasts was smart enough to stop at Rouses Market to reload our YETI™ with lemons, limes, Worcestershire, celery, and pickled okra. No idea what I'm going to do with those victuals, but I'll think of suntin'...

And Fonzie is upset that her passengers are imbibing without her, but we've agreed to let her pick the tunes after 'Til the Medicine Takes' finishes.

Climb to Safety, y'all!!

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

I think there's a link between Pres. oBOzo's desire to fundamentally transform America, and his angry, snide and just plain nasty temperament, as shown at the WHC dinner.

He wants to transform America to show that it is not a better country, with better ideals and a better government than other countries. In other words, it is no better than any Second or Third World country.

By his actions and behavior, as demonstrated by his many attacks on Repubs, the Tea Party movement, the 'bitter clingers', etc. he is showing that an American president can act in ways that are as nasty and lowlife as one would find in some Second or Third World tin pot ruler.

Both actions reduce the esteem and honor in which America and its president are held, and make us more equal among the world community, imho.

Beasts of England

A great driving song, by the way...



it is the Brawndo presidency, actually that's insulting Mike Judge's creation, ignorance and malice, in one package,



He also "joked" about the IRS auditing his enemies, as Insty tirelessly reminds everyone.

new lurker

Michael, That's exactly Obama's plan.


You don't seek to 'fundamentally transform' something unless you first hold the opinion that thing is 'fundamentally' broken.
And your definition of what is 'fundamentally broken' may be inferred from the things you do.
To whit:
Refuse to control the borders and accelerate the volume and status of illegal immigrants
Promote islamification and diminish the judeo/christian influence
Weaken the military and muscular foreign policy
Amplify the role and influence of self-declared 'victim' groups (racial, orientation etc)
Promote watermelon environmental issues and groups at the expense of economic growth.
Etc, etc.


Bombshell Interview: Obama’s Brother Says Barack Is ‘Cold And Ruthless…Dishonest And A Schemer’


But there is one thing he didn't lie about.

Jack is Back!

All JOM Guitar and Bass Players:

Frederick plays tenor sax but also wants to learn to play guitar especially electric bass. Is that good way to go about it? Starting electric bass? Or should he start with lessons on acoustic 6 string guitar and then move over to electric and bass?

Beasts of England

Two more great tunes from 'Til the Medicine Takes'. 'Surprise Valley' is the quintessential Widespread jam tune and 'Bear's Gone Fishing' is a song about the Cold War, and invokes a lot of the jargon from that era, including the name of a formerly code word black recon program. I about shit when I first heard them sing it, but I guess it's public domain now...




They're not "battered wives." They are, with a few exceptions, actively abetting Precious while kicking conservatives in the face.


JiB, you gotta learn the chords at some point so starting with an acoustic guitar won't hurt anything (especially the ears of Frederick's parents). The bottom 4 strings are the same, and good technique helps. Unstructured play with the radio / iPod should be part of it -- makes the lessons add to what he enjoys instead of the chore of scales and arpeggios all day. That said, I would trust an answer from Gus over my thoughts.


To assure Clarice's 01:29PM
Back door offer of Pollard after election for Hil/Bil Tapes NOW. The Mossad will even take the under/over



I taught guitar and some bass for years when I was in college. If he wants to play bass, have him learn bass. Start him on electric bass since the neck is easier to work with even though the frets are spaced farther apart than the guitar. Upright acoustice basses are to unwieldy to start on.


interesting but I knew that reference from Falcon and the Snowman, if not earlier,

Jeff Dobbs

Via Althouse...

[LANNY] DAVIS: I don't use the word "coincidence". Of course, it's a coincidence but it's a false inference. It sounds like if two incidents occur side by side, like the rooster crows and then the sun rises, it's a coincidence that the sun rises after the rooster crows. The rooster doesn't cause the sun to rise.

Oh no you don't, Lanny. You don't get to use the rooster crowing/sun rising metaphor. That's mine. And the thing is - Obama does think his crowing makes the sun rise.


Beasts of England

Last favorite from that album and the one that's getting us crazy looks from passers by, as we all sing along to 'One Arm Steve'. We're having way too much fun! :)



you have to read the lyric in order to get it, it's not like '99 Luftballoons'


Arpeggios are just chords played one note at a time. Some advanced bass players use some double stops but not very many do--mostly in solos. So chord formations are not as important a skill for bassists.


Where is "tools" on outlook?

Up there by "File Edit Go Tools Actions Help."
Assuming you have MS Outlook of some similar vintage as mine, and the standard toolbars.




the coda to that Carlos Slim's piece:

“If PEN as a free speech organization can’t defend and celebrate people who have been murdered for drawing pictures, then frankly the organization is not worth the name,” Mr. Rushdie said. “What I would say to both Peter and Michael and the others is, I hope nobody ever comes after them.”


Great link, hit.


no wonder Axelrod supported him:


Old Lurker

Bloomberg (Eli Lake): "The top ranking Republican in Congress privately acknowledged this weekend that his party doesn't have enough votes to overcome a veto of any resolution disapproving the nuclear-weapons deal President Barack Obama hopes to reach with Iran.

Speaking at an off-the-record event Saturday at the Republican Jewish Coalition's meeting in Las Vegas, House Speaker John Boehner told the audience that he didn't expect that more than two-thirds of Congress would vote to overturn a veto from Obama if Congress voted against a nuclear deal, according to four people who were inside the room for the private talk.

The resolution of disapproval is provided for in legislation before the Senate this week, known as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act..."


that blanc mange pudding, he's still being too charitable, but they voted for Loretta, facepalm
(well you know the rest)


so the next installment of the strain looks interesting, hail our strigoi overlords,


If he wants to play bass, have him learn bass.

I agree with Lyle. In fact, if he can even hear the bass parts to songs, it might be in his blood.

Plus, it's easier than guitar. He might decide to move "up" later.

Jack is Back!

Thanks lyle, henry and Ex. Will wait to see what GUS says tonight.

At least its not drums.


welp it will be worse:





On what Lyle and Ext recommend-- definitely go electric (much easier fingerboard than an acoustic bass guitar).


really neither the currant, nor the peoplescube are that unbelievable,

Jeff Dobbs

The lurker from you know where passes this along...


Isn't that true, narc.



Visit musical instrument stores and see if you can find a bass instructor.

My experience is that local shops instead of chains(Guitar Center, Sam Ash)are usually better. Be careful though, a lot of lowlifes attracted to this scene.

Fender Precision bass is an excellent beginner axe.

Beasts of England

I learned on acoustic guitar and only took up bass because the band I wanted to join needed a bass player. Thankfully, my brother had a Precision Bass and I was on my way.

@JiB: I'd suggest a Fender Jazz Bass (or its less expensive little brother, the Squire Jazz Bass) to start. The fingerboard width at the nut makes playing easier for a young person's hands. A helpful .pdf from Fender:





a better account, of course anything short of total approval is 'bashing'



Don't skimp on the wall of Marshall amps for him, JiB. ;)

Beasts of England

And a fog machine, natch.


And don't be shooing off the groupies, either.



This is brilliant:

The Democrat Party’s investment in Hillary Clinton is too substantial for any such reckoning. Liberals have embraced the Cold-War cliché — “of course, he is a SOB, but he’s our SOB.” Translated to Hillary that means she is a tough political brawler, she’s on their side, and she’s all they got — and therefore anything such an asset does is more or less tolerable in an imperfect world. Democrats expect her to weather this mess. Each time she does so, the next and more egregious scandal becomes more “old news.” The family’s Nietzschean creed is that any scandal that does not kill off their careers makes a Clinton stronger. Despite the dozen or so ethical scandals that will inevitably arise over the next two years, Hillary Clinton will be nominated by the Democrats and has at least a 50/50 chance of being elected president. The Democratic elite will call her survival “fully vetted” and “time tested.”

Up there by "File Edit Go Tools Actions Help."
Assuming you have MS Outlook of some similar vintage as mine, and the standard toolbars.

I just got off the phone with my tech guy, who has the same version as I do and he couldn't help me locate it. So I'm doing something wrong. I don't have "tools".

He says it's my provider so I sent him an email.

Hopefully that will allow me to get email again and then my tech guy can come and show me what an idiot I am. But thanks for the attempt!


And, JiB, don’t diss the drums, now that a practice set can be all digital with earphones. :-)


she is a tough political brawler, she’s on their side, and she’s all they got

I presume people have seen this--obvious but funny nonetheless:



If the RNC was smart (not much chance of that), they would be hunting for footage of every time Shrillary has bad-mouthed a given subset of the Dem party.

With her mouth and temperament, she surely has said something disparaging about Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, elites, etc. Need the footage for the ads.

Better be planning to divide and conquer. Also better be prepared to get down and dirty. She will. And if Repubs are afraid to do that, they will lose.


I still am more less worried about Hillary than about Warren because of the ease with which she can Bagdhad Bob and weave with a straight face.


The moment an R gets "down and dirty" with Cankles he or she will be harshly condemned by...the GOPe. With My Friends front and center.



We have met the enemy and he is "us".

Dave (in MA)

Over at Patterico they're wondering about NK's absence and wondering if he's OK.


Nice Pogo ref, Buckeye.

Old Lurker

Jane "tech guy can come and show me what an idiot I am"

He has to come see you to do that?



Marlene on Kindle

My head might explode.Shep is calling the thugs on the streets of Baltimore children.

Jane,I have zero tech skills.I spent half the morning trying to delete old emails from my phone.Frustrating!


Jane, anything you can do with the "Tools/Mailbox Cleanup" you can do manually. You should have folder called "Deleted Items", which you can right-click on and select "Empty Deleted Items Folder," for example. You can also archive, which moves emails onto your computer and off the server.


It's time to get down and dirty with McCain, too.


Agreed, Ex.


McCain is looking mighty feeble these days.

I wouldn't be surprised if his health takes a nosedive.


He'll hang on long enough to to campaign for Cankles, Buckeye.



My BIL is a trauma physician. He did a 3 month rotation when in his residency at University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center. About three blocks north of the Camden Yards, and definitely in the "hood".

Those "children" do a heck of a job of putting bullets in each other on a daily basis.

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