[Guest post by hit and run*]
And now for your listening pleasure, we present Clarice Feldman with her weekly column "Clarice's Pieces" summing up all things Clinton for the week that was by invoking . . . musicals.
Grab a cup of coffee and settle in.
ABOUT THE LISTENING PLEASURE PART: Here is a version of the number "Little Tin Box" from the musical Fiorello performed as part of The BBC Proms.
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 09:06 AM
Posted by: Peter | April 26, 2015 at 09:07 AM
Dos. Hillary is the stalking horse for the real candidate. Clydesdale?
Posted by: sbw | April 26, 2015 at 09:11 AM
A tired old nag ready for the glue factory. Of course that's true of Red Squaw and most of the potential Dem field (Biden, Sanders, etc.).
Posted by: jimmyk | April 26, 2015 at 09:15 AM
Suppose the Clinton Foundation is determined to be an illegal extortion scheme. How would courts disperse the assets of the foundation?
I think part should go to a number of $50,000 prizes for the winning essays written on the subject of corruption in government.
Posted by: sbw | April 26, 2015 at 09:17 AM
Of course. If you can name a prize for journalism after the father of "Yellow" journalism, why not name an essay contest on corruption after the Clintons?
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 09:21 AM
From the last thread:
think the things that will most effect the public is (a)the small percentage that actually goes to charity.(b) the fact that the three of them charged the foundation $8 million for travel and (c) the uranium deal.
As for me, I want to know who paid the Blumenthal intel service, how much and under what phony line item?
Posted by: clarice | April 26, 2015 at 09:21 AM
Do you personally know Lanny Davis? I almost feel sorry for him this morning.
Posted by: Jane | April 26, 2015 at 09:28 AM
Lanny Davis should take a long stroll in Fort Marcy park.
Remember all those FBI files that Rodham and her minions had for long periods of time. Does anybody doubt that their contents were spilled to that drunk wife beater, Sid Vicious (we really need DoT back for this)?
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 09:31 AM
Shouldn't the Clinton Crime Family Foundation be heading off to Nepal for some "humanitarian aid"? Or is that too close to the ChiComs which might deal more harshly with grifter scammers?
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 09:38 AM
Posted by: clarice | April 26, 2015 at 09:42 AM
Russkie oligarchs make for global CU's. What's good for the goose...
I don't hear Althouse lamenting her imminent walking papers with no severance pay. Things go better with Koch.
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 09:48 AM
If Hil implodes, Martin O'Malley's being awol from the Freddie Gray fracas in the city he headed didn't help his chances of replacing her. His tepid and belated "it's a tragic situation" twitter comment didn't go unnoticed by the voters he'd need to win.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 09:51 AM
Does anybody take O'Malley seriously? He reminds me of that boob, Ed Fitzgerald, who was a placeholder on the ballot against Kasich and only 33% of the voters chose.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 09:56 AM
An absolutely must-read Piece today, Clarice. It made me wonder how the Clintons live with themselves, then I remembered Hillbilly leaving office with stolen WH furniture/artifacts they were forced to return:
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 10:01 AM
Reporting on Rove News Sunday will be difficult because apparently the Cheney/Rove earthquake machine employed in Nepal, has caused reception problems for my over the air antenna. I'll probably watch it online later.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:08 AM
Thanks. Sometimes I think there's so much coming out on an important topic that busy people just need someone to put it together in one place for them, and that's pretty much what I did this week.
Posted by: clarice | April 26, 2015 at 10:12 AM
More signs that the Left has decided to dump her: Common Cause wants and independent audit:
Posted by: Miss Marple | April 26, 2015 at 10:12 AM
Great pieces today. One thing I noticed reading the Slimes dead tree edition. Not one mention of Hillary's scandals in the week in review.
Posted by: peter | April 26, 2015 at 10:13 AM
Welp Rove must have adjusted the machine settings. Peter Schweizer is on blasting the Clintoon Crime Family although Chris Wallace is claiming Slick and Muffer don't control their own foundation.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:13 AM
LOL @ Tony Soprano Rodham being a "mining expert". The lizard-line Pederesta slithered out to blast Schweizer which he laughed at.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Thanks, Clarice, for this excellent, excellent Pieces.
Posted by: Tonto | April 26, 2015 at 10:16 AM
Schweizer has blasted some of OrangeDrank's shady practices and is looking at prince Jebby. I like this guy.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:16 AM
Lanny Davis drew the short straw to defend these crooks. Snakehead Carville must be buying a new trowel for his wife's makeup applications.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:19 AM
Lanny: Slick is the greatest speaker in the history of mankind and of course people want to pay a gazillion dollars to hear this latter day Caligula.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:22 AM
Even Dick Lugar was "concerned" about Slick's speaking fees in front of shady countries.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:23 AM
Schweizer's book was the first I'm aware of where the author gave his research info to competing outlets (FOX News, NYT, and WaPo), rather than a few chosen "friendlies". This strategy would seem to force more converage/exposure than the msm would normally allow, which is brilliant.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 10:25 AM
Lanny isn't a good liar. He needs Dr Yeeaarrgh's prescription pad.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:27 AM
No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people who vote Democrat.
Posted by: clarice | April 26, 2015 at 10:27 AM
Lanny was gripping hard during that complete interview; he would've burned up a polygraph.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:34 AM
Eminence front. It's an eminence front. It's a put on! A very wet put on!
But it was worth it. A little brunch at Commander's Palace is on the agenda before wrapping up our musical indulgences with Lady Gaga + Tony Bennett and something from the all-you-can-eat Jimmy Buffett.
Hopefully the rain is gone, but the forecast calls for a very dry 90 degrees. Did I say dry heat? In the Delta? Oh, my. :)
Posted by: Beasts of England | April 26, 2015 at 10:35 AM
The Clintons aren't the only ones having a bad week. DA Chisolm feels the heat, wants to charge Walker with criminal defamation. In Iowa, for pointing out the John Doe law is a problem as shown by Chisolm's activities. The DA's co conspirator Schmidt wants to dump the raided material to the press (selectively of course) to slime Walker again. ( they tried this with the John Doe I files, and all they got was "Molotov").
Posted by: henry | April 26, 2015 at 10:40 AM
Panel time: Britt: Schweizer doesn't need a smoking gun with the train of evidence he's produced. Julie Pace: is actually defending 404's people as having their "trust" in Rodham betrayed. She obviously got the memo to trash Rodham. Rove: this goes way beyond anything I advised the Bush family to do. Fournier: this whole thing is stupid and seedy. He got the memo too.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:42 AM
Clarice - Thank you for the latest "Pieces."
What a masterful job of laying out the various elements of the Clintons' fraudulent enterprise. Bravo !
Since oBOzo's DOJ will *never* even conduct a preliminary inquiry into their "foundation's" activities, we have to hope that a Republican president in 2017 will have the backbone to authorize the criminal investigation that is so greatly overdue.
Posted by: Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom) | April 26, 2015 at 10:44 AM
"Sliming Walker again.."
Heh. Predator vs Ghostbusters..comedy relief.
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Panel on drone strikes on US hostages. Pace: no dramatic changes in drone policy after this despite how "anguished" (LOL) 404 is. Rove (in response to viewers trashing the intel currently being gathered): defends the terrible intel and is defending 404. Not sending people to Gitmo for interrogation isn't working. Fournier: is accusing 404 of breaking his promise of being transparent and leading his own administration. Ron is confusing everybody with his questions. Brit: war is Hell and trying to change that is a fool's errand. Fournier is really being an idiot. Rove refuses to pull the trigger on how many intel operatives 404 has burned.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Quinnipac poll has 59 percent opposing his 2016 run. 41 percent approval rating in Wis probably dumps to 21 on the national front. Overwhelming popularity is a beatch.
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 10:54 AM
They just played a clip from last night's embarrassment. What an unfunny waste of time.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 10:55 AM
Clinton Foudation: "... but we are acting quickly to remedy them ..."
Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions
Soon after the 10th anniversary of the foundation bearing his name, Bill Clinton met with a small group of aides and two lawyers from Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. Two weeks of interviews with Clinton Foundation executives and former employees had led the lawyers to some unsettling conclusions.
The review echoed criticism of Mr. Clinton’s early years in the White House: For all of its successes, the Clinton Foundation had become a sprawling concern, supervised by a rotating board of old Clinton hands, vulnerable to distraction and threatened by conflicts of interest. It ran multimillion-dollar deficits for several years, despite vast amounts of money flowing in."
Posted by: Neo | April 26, 2015 at 10:56 AM
And that's a wrap. I missed the early part of Schweizer's part but he seemed very credible and will be difficult for the foundation's hit squad to discredit. Unless the first perpetual child will claim in Rolling Stone that he raped her from a distance.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 11:00 AM
I can't think of anything more venal than bilking the desperately poor in Haiti.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 11:13 AM
Wallace harping on 'evidence' hoping against hope, the precious to Democrats Clinton Commodity Inc, won't be devalued and put out of business forever.
Posted by: BeenThereDoneThat | April 26, 2015 at 11:16 AM
Gawd. Read the transcript. Stephanopoulis takes the swiftboater to task. Schweizer the opportunist and Dubya speechwriter .....
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 11:19 AM
Clinton matter a postscript on MTP and Face the Nation. (It's all about appearances and most people won't care because they know she is looking out for them). On Stephanopolus, Schweitzer was on for the 2nd segment, and George yelled at him.
Posted by: Jane | April 26, 2015 at 11:24 AM
Whitewater redux. Fig Newton baking his cookies again.
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 11:25 AM
And Mr. Bush also appeared to work blue in the post-presidency. He told how President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia made fun of his small dog, Barney, by telling the American president, "You want to see a real dog?"
Mr. Putin called over his large dog, which the Russian leader apparently described as larger and more powerful. Mr. Bush recounted that he later told the same story to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, who he said replied, "You're lucky all he did was show you his dog."
Posted by: Neo | April 26, 2015 at 11:29 AM
Anyone think Barbara and Jeb Bush would like to take back the effusive comments they have made about the respective Clintons?
Hard to see this helping jeb outside of his support among the party oligarchs who want someone who believes in Corporatism as how american business and politics should dovetail.
Posted by: rse | April 26, 2015 at 11:30 AM
Anyone think Barbara and Jeb Bush would like to take back the effusive comments they have made about the respective Clintons?
To hell with them; lock them in the same burning building.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM
I don't suppose expecting a Republican candidate to fearlessly expose Democrat party corruption and the consequent destruction of the American middle class, will be anything we'll see before 2016...
Posted by: BeenThereDoneThat | April 26, 2015 at 11:37 AM
Bruce Jenner, republican, thinks he'll get a good reception from GOP.
Posted by: Ben | April 26, 2015 at 11:46 AM
Politico has Obama's top 10 jokes from last night's nerd prom. I'm pulling out these.
Bringing us togetherA divisive straw man...Dignity...
The Indiana one really grates on me. Really, really grates on me.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 11:48 AM
Me too, hit.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 11:51 AM
Speaking of Memories Pizza, that can't be allowed to happen again:
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 11:55 AM
A conservative leaning GoFundMe-like outfit could probably be set up quickly - and be very very successful.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 11:58 AM
Saw your comment in the naughty bin, Peter. I set it free. You didn't get first, but you did take dos away from sbw.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Samaritan's Purse is helping persecuted American Christians:
Posted by: BeenThereDoneThat | April 26, 2015 at 12:03 PM
About Bruce Jenner:
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 12:04 PM
By the way, where has Joey Plugs been lately? Not much is being reported on his always delightful turns of phrase.
It seems that Joey is also one of the key architects of our botched policy in Afghanistan and Iraq. If you recall he wanted to divide Iraq into three, which has occurred, and just get the hell out of the "Stan, which is in process. 10K advisers doesn't really do very much. Maybe some more drone strikes?
The Russians reading Obama's e mails should be front and center. That asshole was told time and again by his ComSec team that he was in violation of those rules and he went ahead anyway.
Now the Russkies know his golf scores and double secret Wednesday night partay guest lists. The man is the most arrogant a-hole I have ever watched on the international stage, or maybe not if you include Kim Jong Un.
Posted by: matt | April 26, 2015 at 12:06 PM
A little brunch at Commander's Palace is on the agenda
I am not jealous.
I am, however, lying.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM
Since Clarice is musically themed this week, I know you'll all want an update on this comment about an injured base player. I saw them live last year before the injury and then last week and Otto, the bassist, seems fully recovered. No confetti, though.
P.S. I can't help but always think of Obama when I listen to their song "Go Away".
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy | April 26, 2015 at 12:17 PM
Since Clarice is musically themed this week, I know you'll all want an update on this comment about an injured base player. I saw them live last year before the injury and then last week and Otto, the bassist, seems fully recovered. No confetti, though.
P.S. I can't help but always think of Obama when I listen to their song "Go Away".
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy | April 26, 2015 at 12:19 PM
Since Clarice is musically themed this week, I know you'll all want an update on this comment about an injured base player. I saw them live last year before the injury and then last week and Otto, the bassist, seems fully recovered. No confetti, though.
P.S. I can't help but always think of Obama when I listen to their song "Go Away".
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy | April 26, 2015 at 12:21 PM
The legal Insurrection piece is wonderful.
Posted by: Jane | April 26, 2015 at 12:28 PM
Almost a confession:
What's that word again? Obfuscation?
"I also want to address questions regarding our 990 tax forms. We have said that after a voluntary external review is completed we will likely refile forms for some years. While some have suggested that this indicates a failure to accurately report our total revenue, that is not the case. Our total revenue was accurately reported on each year's form – our error was that government grants were mistakenly combined with other donations. Those same grants have always been properly listed and broken out and available for anyone to see on our audited financial statements, posted on our website."
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 12:30 PM
I think John Nolte, quoted in that LI piece, is wrong that conservative Christians are typically willing to attend a friends homosexual wedding.
The reason is not condemnation of the couple. [woman where are your accusers? Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more]
It's the "we are gathered here in the sight of God to unite this couple in holy matrimony thing".
It is next to impossible to separate attending a homosexual wedding from endorsing homosexual marriage.
I don't know any conservative Christians who would attend a bigamist's [male or female] wedding either.
A lot wouldn't even attend the wedding of a friend who had abandoned his wife [or husband] and family and gotten a divorce just to marry someone he suddenly preferred.
Attending a marriage is more than being a pal; it's an endorsement, as a witness, that the ceremony is blessed and approved by God.
Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki | April 26, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Speaking of the Nepal earthquake and humanitarian aid . . . never forget that AmeriCares is a stellar organization for whom Mrs. TM works.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 12:36 PM
10-4. No way would I or my wife ever attend a same-sex wedding for exactly those reasons.
Heck, I even hate attending hetero weddings:)
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 12:38 PM
She could hear paradise in the server's hum.
Posted by: Preying for the end of time. | April 26, 2015 at 12:49 PM
I cannot imagine not attending a gay wedding I was invited to.
Posted by: Jane | April 26, 2015 at 01:22 PM
Welp there goes Kevin Love's season.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 01:24 PM
From last night's WHCD...
Belichick's line of sight is not even in question.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 01:32 PM
Well, it's Sunday and I'm still ranked #1 in the US for pool for this week's matches. I'm still going with the idea they just haven't input all the scores yet, but......
Keep Hope Alive!
Off to my singles match. Win this one and I have the inside track to winning the season. That'd be a mid-three digit payola if I can pull it off.
Posted by: Jeff Dobbs | April 26, 2015 at 01:35 PM
Perhaps he was looking for inflation.
Posted by: Jane | April 26, 2015 at 01:35 PM
Why Walker Wants to Play Poker with Obama
Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) in an interview broadcast Sunday argued that President Obama’s default strategy for dealing with Iran was surrender.
“I wouldn’t mind playing poker with this guy, because he tends to fold all the time,” Walker told host John Catsimatidis on his New York radio show “The Cats Roundtable.”
An old Kenny Rogers song comes to mind.
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 02:03 PM
Too good to pass up:)
The White House Hits It's "Fuck it" Phase - The Daily Beast.
“I am determined to make the most of every moment I have left,” he went on. “After the midterm elections my advisers asked me, ‘Mr. President, do you have a bucket list?’ And I said, ‘Well I have something that rhymes with ‘bucket list.’”
The room exploded with a roar of recognition. Nearly everyone, with the possible exception of starry-eyed first-timers—namely, weary politicians and jaded journalists, greasy lobbyists and greedy corporate executives, honored guests and shameless party-crashers, plus a dwindling contingent of A-list celebs—seemed to be feeling the same thing.
Call it, for lack a better term, the “fuck it” phase of the Washington political cycle, as reliable and inevitable as 17-year cicadas.
“The Obama people are really bitter,” one of Washington’s savvier journalists informed me after encountering Ben Rhodes, the press-handling deputy White House national security adviser, hanging out in the smoking area of the MSNBC after-party, puffing on a cigarette. “They’re like an ’80s rock band. Nobody cares anymore.”
When you've lost Llyod Grove - well.......
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 02:13 PM
An old Kenny Rogers song comes to mind.
Yeah, "Coward of the County".
Posted by: Eric in Boise | April 26, 2015 at 02:27 PM
I've only read descriptions of last night's unholy gathering of the Scribblers Elite, but certainly enough to sense their hold on 'promoting the Democrat party establishment no matter what' is beginning to implode.
What an embarrassing, God-forsaken gaggle of counter-culturists they are.
Posted by: BeenThereDoneThat | April 26, 2015 at 02:32 PM
After reading this, I am even more convinced Chisholm, like more Dems, are not just criminal but mentally diseased.
Milwaukee DA John Chisholm Lets the Mask Slip Again.
Wonders if Iowa has the same libel laws as Wisconsin and if Walker using his 1st Amendment rights is criminally liable.
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 02:42 PM
Great piece, Clarice,
Having Lanny Davis, one of those birds perched on the animals, cleaning them, after Schweitzer's presentation, is an insult to the former,
the whole shindig reminds me of Bond Villains, either Spectre, who operated behind a Parisian store front, or the most recent variation, Quantum, which was a confederation of business and political interests, the weakest link was a Mr. Green, who fronted an environmental foundation like Telfer's Fernwood, but was actually an mining magnate,
re your earlier point, Drumheller seemed to stovepiping, a network run by ret, General Grange, who in turn was a contributor to the Clinton foundation, the former along with his deputy, Bill Murray, have a consulting shop,
which they run with Col, Bill Hunt, and they have contracts with various governments,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 02:49 PM
re; the drone strikes, they don't seem to tell us who they were targeting, Roggio's site, caught who they initially thought they had caught, part of AQ's South Asian expansion franchise, but at the time, didn't mention Gadahn,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 02:55 PM
Dorkiness on the part of Olynyk, CH, or an intentional armbar? I'm inclined to give Olynyk the benefit of the doubt. In any event, rough blow for the Cavs' championship hopes.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | April 26, 2015 at 02:55 PM
of course, the Waziristan strike, happened a week after the random shooting at Charlie Hebdo, no one seems to make the connection, they were throwing darts in the Tribals,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 02:57 PM
TC, I'm back to thinking the Celtics are trash and will never change.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 03:01 PM
Recall the vapors when the Huntress pointed out how 'Winning the Future' was not the most apropo, description for a campaign of any sort,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:04 PM
a reminder of the former arrangement:
wonder if Danny, is related to Bill Murray,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:11 PM
I can easily see how someone could view it as intentional, CH. Whether or not Olynyk meant to hurt Love, I think Olynyk should have been tossed. That was an MMA move.
Posted by: Thomas Collins | April 26, 2015 at 03:12 PM
Posted by: Miss Marple | April 26, 2015 at 03:17 PM
Maybe when somebody goes up 3-0 on the Celtics they should just not show up for game 4 and forfeit. Two seasons ago Garnett separated Carmello's shoulder and JR got tossed with a flagrant foul and had to sit out the following game.
I don't know if was intentional or not but the Cavs are probably screwed against the Bulls.
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 03:18 PM
Posted by: Miss Marple | April 26, 2015 at 03:20 PM
it was just a disturbance in District 8, actually it's much closer to the capital,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:24 PM
McDonald’s to close 350 restaurants, remains in two year sales slump
Let's see how many are in places that have jacked up their minimum wage.
Posted by: jimmyk | April 26, 2015 at 03:24 PM
That was my thought, along with places which are becoming too high crime (Baltimore, for example).
I am going to keep an eye out for the list.
Posted by: Miss Marple | April 26, 2015 at 03:27 PM
this is one take on it.
now what percentage of their total outlets is left unclear,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:33 PM
narc did you listen to the music I linked last night?
Posted by: Captain Hate | April 26, 2015 at 03:40 PM
well Pravda didn't really go after corruptions in the oblast, until that fellow was going to be purged,
his contribution to the 'nerd prom'
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:52 PM
yes, a great selection, Captain,
Posted by: narciso | April 26, 2015 at 03:53 PM
Just finished a round of tennis with Frederick. His backhand passing shot is tough on my old knees:)
Here on the First Coast, I have noticed that once the Chick-Fil-A opened up, the local Mickey D's seem to have much shorter Drive Thru lines and the Chick-Fil-A is almost impossible to get into. Is it possible that Christian values, healthier eating and backlash to the SJW crowd is driving all this?
Posted by: Jack is Back! | April 26, 2015 at 03:56 PM
We stopped at McDonald's yesterday for a coffee and apple pie. No cream and sugar packet station. No getting the packets from behind the counter at checkout. Instead, we were asked "How many sugars/milk?" and the coffee came already doctored up, which turned out to be less sweet and white than I like. Small savings add up, but customers leaving unhappy and unlikely to repeat the experience seems a foolish way to refresh the brand.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 26, 2015 at 03:58 PM
We have a Chi-fil-A, a McDonald's, a Taco Bell, a Popeye's Chicken, an Arby's and a Steak n Shake all right next to each other.
Chik-fil-A is always crowded and drive-through often backs up into the service road. The McDonald's is pretty much constantly busy, with heavy traffic in the morning and at lunch. (This might be because it is the best McDonald's franchise I have run into; always clean, fast service, friendly workers, plus comunity activity lik fundraisers and sponsoring Little League.)
Franchises which are medium busy are Taco Bell and Steak m shake, with less wait time at drive through.
Ones which look to be not very busy are Popeye's (new and replaced a Burger King which went out of business) and Arby's.
This is suburbs, though, so may not be a good reflection of the franchises nationally.
Posted by: Miss Marple | April 26, 2015 at 04:08 PM
What if McD's told the food police to pound sand and brought back their magical fries, beef tallow and all?
They could keep the PC fries, but do the real fries, too.
I'd give them some business.
Posted by: JeanD | April 26, 2015 at 04:18 PM