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April 24, 2015


Man Tran


Miss Marple

The Clintons are a law unto themselves.

They never seem to suffer consequences.


Frau Hoffnungslos

If the law applied to the Clintons, the troika would be exiled for life to Hope, AR.

Frau Hoffnungslos

For that you get a resounding "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk," Man Tran.

Miss Marple

Tom Rose was subbing this morning and says the amount of donations for the uranium deal was more like $125 million.

Somebody went back and cross-indexed all of the donations from individuals who were on the Board of Directors, officers of the company, stockholders, department heads, etc.

Anyway, it's a lot more than $2.5 million.


Miss Marple: Similar numbers were cited by Bret Baier last night in a spot on either O'Reilly or Megyn's show.

Jack is Back!

But in 1998, the US partnered with an array of other countries under the umbrella of the OECD to put in place a more global structure to target international corruption/bribery. The US was previously at a disadvantage because other countries willfully engaged in bribery and/or allowed their companies to do so, where US companies could not.

But we have Echelon and they don't. Its basically how we have been able to keep France, Inc. and German, Inc. at heel for the last 20 years.

Miss Marple


Thanks. I was gone last night and didn't see it. Glad the word got out.

Rose also made the point that Obama HAD to have known, as there is a committee which by law has to sign off on stuff like this, and it includes the president, secretary of state, and 5 or 6 other cabinet members.

Thomas Collins

The NY Times has apparently decided that Team Billary needs to be vetted early and often, lest the NY Times be left supporting an unsustainable candidate in October of 2016. Although it looks bad for Team Billary now, I would make Team Billary 8-5 favorites to beat Team Pinch. But it's no longer a sure thing.

Time for Tribe Warren to put its war paint on (I denounce myself).

Thomas Collins

See below link for materials on the CFIUS transaction review process.


Eric in Boise

Law applying to the Clintons? Nope.

That dog won't lick itself hunt.


OT question reposted from the prior dead thread:

Did anyone see what the "compromise" was that allowed the Human Trafficking Bill to pass, and then led the way to the confirmation of Lynch?

Did the Dems cave on the "controversial" Hyde Amendment language, or did the Reps just give that up?

Every report I saw/heard/read just said there had been a compromise, but none elaborated on the content of it.

Anybody know who blinked?

Old Lurker

Hey JiB...you left us hanging on that 52 footer before you left us. Are you pulling the trigger on it?

Jack is Back!


Not yet. I may want to start smaller like a 32 or 36 foot Sea Ray (they make them a few miles down the road from me). I want Frederick to learn how to work a boat and I don't think a 52 footer is a good place to start. Heck even the Sea Ray might not be but he has handled one of friend's pretty well, so who knows.

Captain Hate

Looking out for the folks:



They should replace Kennedy, on Outnumbered, with a pile of silk covered pillows*.

That would be a much better tool for the teasers' pajama party that is called a show.

*Or a chrome dancers poll.

Jeff Dobbs

Over on the memeorandum side bar we have this...

Michael Barbaro / New York Times:
Paleo Diet In and Pizza Out, a Slimmer Jeb Bush Seems Intent on Staying That Way

Jeb angling for TM's vote?


On the FB page for Taranto fans someone floated the idea that Warren is a sockpuppet for Hillary and will challenge, then throw her support to Hillary at the last minute.

Old Lurker

JiB, no Frederick must not learn on a 52'. I started on 22' (and on a calm river) and that was about right when I was his age.

Good luck. I am jealous.

Captain Hate

I think the worst thing about the massive GOP cave job is that it proves squaredance was right all along; which doesn't bother me so much per se except he was such a self righteous dick about it.


I think that person on Taranto's FB page means "stalking horse" rather than "sockpuppet."

Old Lurker

Oh this will end well:

"Athens (AFP) - One of Greece's largest banks says it will wipe away the debts of clients who owe up to 20,000 euros ($21,600) in a one-off gesture to ease the burden on its crisis-hit customers.

Debts of up to 20,000 euros linked to credit cards and consumer loans would be written off completely, it said, while mortgage payments would be frozen and any associated interest forgiven."




OL@1:13-- I think the apt term here 'race to the bottom"

Dave (in MA)

I keep hearing how the Hillary candidacy doesn't bring all of the "excitement" that a Warren candidacy would. Leaving ideology aside, just what in the EFF did Warren ever do that would make someone "excited"? I don't get it. Maybe they're just thinking of her as a Howard Dean type who isn't going to YEEEAAAARGH herself out of the running?


Ditto what TK said, CH!

Old Lurker

NK, normally gravity and air pressure interact to limit the rate of free fall to some calculable terminal velocity. Strapping a rocket to your back pointed up messes with the calculation.

Captain Hate

I can see Princess Running Joke using the Greek banks as an example of how student debt should be forgiven by the banks while leaving the endowments of the providers of the worthless degrees untouched. I'm sure the GOPe rapid response team will be all over that as soon as Kelly Ayotte finishes pecking for grain in the barnyard.


So when, exactly, does that bank fail? And what does it do to the system?

Gotta love the Greeks. Tax evasion and the whole lack of responsibility thing are the national sports. Who needs Greco-Roman wrestling? I always found that creepy. Especially when they oil themselves up like the good old days.

Miss Marple


Warren speaks moderately well and has set herself up as the champion of the middle class. It's all bogus, of course, but as I said my sister was lured in by Warren's talking about how her mother put her through school without loans, etc.

She has managed to hide her lefty attitudes from the regular folk, and the left sees her as a winner who will stick it to the rich.

So that gets them excited, because the Left is mostly about revenge and making others suffer.

Jack is Back!

Its on! Finally, AIPAC is in the mix and doing some pressurized lobbying against the Corkerpalooza Iran Sanctions Give-Away bonus bill.


Captain Hate

Maybe they're just thinking of her as a Howard Dean type who isn't going to YEEEAAAARGH herself out of the running?

When I was in Santa Cruz, I heard her on the state run radio which my daughter inflicted on me; she sounds like she came out of the same Searchlight TB ward that the Strangler did. What is it with those wheezing fools?


Dave inMA
Apparently on Wall Street and trade Warren I'd da bomb
Hil not so much
Hil is old news Warrens is a new face


I want Frederick to learn how to work a boat

After college, my son crewed for a while after getting certifications. Might be interesting to check what courses are available in your area and at what age they can be taken. It was a worthwhile experience for him.


Rush was saying this morning that there's no way Cankles drops out--all the big donors to her and Slick's crime syndicate are counting on payback which, of course, she can't deliver if she doesn't win. Walsh believes otherwise:


As much as I'd love to see the Klintoon Krime syndicate taken down, I think Rush and other like-minded people have the better argument. The Rs are, with some notable exceptions, invertebrate jackholes cowering in front of the Dem dominated MFM and generally marking time. The press may dislike Cankles but no one will get close to exposing the mountain of graft she and her brazenly greedy joke-of-a-marriage husband sit atop.

Jack is Back!

Not for St. Jane's Island but a wonderful place for Ben, DuDa and BuBu to perhaps spend some time:)


Dave (in MA)

'New' like an old '86 beater that you just bought.


By the long view I mean the following
After SC dumps the subsides McConnell comes out and tells everyone via a press conference that the Repubs are here to save the day
Including g in press conference is a direct hit on Dems and Obama for screwing it up The. Pass what Repub idea is For healthcare by reconciliation and dare Obama to veto it

Dave (in MA)
What is it with those wheezing fools?
Speaking of wheezing, they're not much better for their intended purpose than they are as a POSOTUS-prescribed remedy for childhood asthma:


Frau Hoffnungslos

I want Hillary! on the ticket. She has "earned it" and will campaign her ample rear end off like the spirited granny she is.

The LIVs are dumb enough to go for O'Malley and Warren, two unknowns. ValJar is busy setting the stage of doom for the Clintons just to pay back Bent Willie for dissing her boy.

O'Malley and Warren is a prog dream team, both having praised the Occupoopers who want to spread the carp around.



Jack is Back!

lyle FTW:)


I stole it from Insty.



Captain Hate

So the long view means we'll never get the government out of health care as it stumbles along contrary to the concept of market forces and any remote chances of efficiency. Kind of like Kasich countermanding the GOP state house and expanding Medicaid.

Nothing says GOPe like that does. Where's my buddy squaredance?

Thomas Collins

I say to Team Billary: Don't go down without a fight. Have Sid Blumenthal dig up all the dirt he can on Team Pinch, Bay State Squaw, O'Malley, Jarrett, Obama Mr., Obama Mrs.,and anyone else who might threaten your deserved place in the WH. Scorched Gaia, that's the policy to pursue. ProgonProg will be more entertaining than the Kardashians ever could hope to be.

Jeff Dobbs

Scorched earth Hillary was what we all kept hope alive for in 2008 when her lead was slipping away to the guy that would have been getting Bill coffee just a few short years earlier.

I guess it might be different this time because this is her last chance, but I'm not all that convinced it will happen.

Thomas Collins

I'm not either, H&R. But I keep hope alive for a Dem food fight that will make the Animal House food fight seem like a staid dinner among Downton Abbey types.



You have gotten very good at this in a very short time. WHo knew?

Caro sailed to Europe and back in a 30' sail boat. (Guiness world record which she refuses to submit) Save sailing questions for her.

Jeff Dobbs

Now JustOneMinute...TheVIMH may not be much of a blog, but I've been doing this since the last time Hillary was inevitable.

No, wait. I meant thanks, I appreciate the compliment.



I'm sure Top Men in the GOPe will put an end to this tout suite!

Jeff Dobbs

I am but a two hour meeting away from my weekend.

Away we go!



No, it's not a story of Chelsea's Howdy Doody's conception.

Frau Hoffnungslos

via Insty - Michael Walsh calls the MFM "oxpeckers." How fitting.

Now, even the lickspittle media can’t stand them (the Clintons); they understand what the Clintons are about, how the “Global Initiative” is simply a vehicle for Bill to meet women and frolic aboard the “Lolita Express” and for Hillary to accumulate ever more wealth and political favors. And the moment has finally come when they can’t or won’t protect them anymore, not with Granny Warren waiting in the wings, every bit as vicious as Hillary, ready to snatch the “historic” mantle from her, and minus all the baggage Lady Macbeth has accumulated over the centuries she has been in the public eye. Hence the signals from the DNC house organs, the New York Times and the Washington Post: get out now, while there’s still time to salvage something.

Go, Hillary!, go! Don't listen to the rabble.

Captain Hate

The only thing that might provoke a maximum donk food fight is that I think Clenis has completely lost it. That howler of a speech where he referred to ISIS as an NGO was just the latest flight of insanity he's launched. Like most predators, he has extremely poor impulse control and even before he was President, his speeches were memorable only for their sheer disorganized length and lack of coherent thought processes. God knows what health maladies he's endured because prior to 404, his medical records were the gold standard in secrecy about which the MFM was remarkably uninterested.

As was the case with Juanita Broaddrick, he doesn't intend on taking "no" for an answer when it comes to Rodham's candidacy. Let's get it on!




Do you skip right over my comments, Frau? ::sob::


Frau Hoffnungslos

Heavens to Murgatroyd, no, lyle. I think I'm ready for the final.
The turkey baster link was good--I noticed they used a *white* baster. Isn't that racist? Also, I felt the case came down to a matter of semen and not semantics.

Slo Joe working the crowd in public was also worth the click. Will someone publish a collection of the surprised faces of his fancies?


Hillary stays? goes? who knows. But can you imagine what AxelPlouffe had on her in 2008?
That stuff is still out there, plus all the post-2008 'Foundation' stuff. What a Grifter she is.


Cap'n, remember the speculation about Clinton's "bypass brain" or "pump-head"?


Will be interesting to re-visit.

Miss Marple

I still say she is trapped, hoping against hope that she will win because otherwise, those donors are going to want their money back. Or worse.

I honestly think that is why she accepted the Secretary of State position. It wasn't the presidency, but it was second best as far as the donors were concerned (and worked out fine for the uranium syndicate).

I always wondered why Obama chose here, though. Maybe Cletis had something on Obama and Hillary getting State was the price of his silence.


MissM-- I agree with that take. AxelPlouffe had the goods on HildaBeast and she had ugly stuff on him. So MAD required that they give each other what the 'had' to. And for Obummer that meant the SoS appointment.

Old Lurker

Here comes your guy, Cap'n:

"Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Thursday he´s the most experienced potential presidential candidate. "Of all the people thinking about [running for president], I´m the most experienced," Kasich said during an interview with ABC´s Jon Karl at the Atlantic´s Summit on the Economy. He listed off his long career in the Ohio Senate, an 18-year career in the U.S. House of Representatives — where he chaired the House Budget Committee the last time the federal budget was balanced — spending time in the private sector and serving as Governor of Ohio since 2011. "It´s experience and a record.

Cecil Turner

I think this is more than a bit of a stretch:

The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits giving or promising to give anything of value to a foreign official to obtain or retain business.
So, basically, you can't bribe a foreign official to get business. But in this case, the foreign official bribed Bill Clinton (the the tune of $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation) to get a piece of a business and a pass from his wife on human rights abuses . . . which is like totally different.


NK, AxelPlouffe and Hildebeast grasping the short and curlies of each other is not an image I dare to contemplate.


I´m the most experienced

. . . is as embarrassing a self-reference as Dan Quayle claiming to be a leader.

An immediate disqualifier.

Cecil Turner

I saw an interview of Dick Morris a few years back (and it's eluding my google-fu), in which he claimed Bill wasn't corruptible by money alone, because he just didn't care much about it. Hillary, though, was an entirely different story.

From Whitewater to the Clinton Foundation and influence peddling, I think he's being proved correct. (Though Bill is cashing in rather handily.)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--...I think Clenis has completely lost it.--

Drug resistant syphilis?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

It wasn't BillyJeff turning those magic cattle future beans into 100,000 simolians.

Captain Hate

I have no idea who Kasich's handlers are, in part because the Ahia GOP is a retarded version of the Hatfields and McCoys. But his ability to speak of himself in superlatives is a big turnoff for most people. He's benefited greatly from having really really terrible opponents. And even a hapless boob like Twitch came much closer to beating him than should have been the case. If the RNC had any sense (LOL) they'd have his calls blocked.



Don't count out Jeremy Clarkson yet.

"We don't know where or when, but Jeremy Clarkson will return to television with a new car show.

The news comes by way of his Sunday column in The Times, and helpfully summarized by Britain's The Week. Whether he'll enlist Richard Hammond and James May to join him on the venture is one of the many unknowns about the project, but given that neither is under contract to the BBC, the idea of "the lads" sharing a stage again is hardly inconceivable."



Cashill does it again.


CH I agree with you wrt Kasich
I vote for Kasich because he is a republican The alternative is just not acceptable
MM I also think Hil is stuck and will stay in as long as she is able to without Top Demss calling Off With Her Head

Jeff Dobbs

I think this is more than a bit of a stretch

I definitely agree.

Funny thing is - my company has a quarterly "compliance training" program on various topics. Safety in the Workplace, Standards of Conduct, etc.

This quarter's topic is on the FCPA, which is why this was on my mind regarding the Clintons.

The training is brutal. Makes it sound like if you get something stuck in your eye when in a meeting with someone who once knew a government official - you had best not close it lest it be interpreted as a wink, for if you do, you just might have violated the FCPA and you need to tell someone in legal.

But honestly - the biggest thing is any idea that the SEC would go after the Clintons, even if you had Bill on tape saying he deliberately bribed officials is a stretch.

Newsname fled.

Now I'm reel skeert. How did H&R find out my gnu's name's fred?

Captain Hate

Yes, maryrose, Twitch was a terrible governor who never did anything that was a success and Fitzgerald was like a third rate Martin O'Malley; so Kasich was an easy choice in both cases. He's gone completely off the rails though, in a goofy manner. He seems like a nice guy who just doesn't know how to shut up when it comes to talking about himself.

Has anybody else seen this?


Jeff Dobbs

How did H&R find out my gnu's name's fred?

If I told you, I wouldn't have to kill you. But I'm still not saying.

Dave (in MA)

Too young and on the wrong side of the Atlantic to have heard it firsthand, but "Top Gear" to me was a BBC radio show that used to play stuff like Pink Floyd, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and Soft Machine, and was the source of a lot of good quality bootlegs.

Captain Hate

I still say she is trapped, hoping against hope that she will win because otherwise, those donors are going to want their money back. Or worse.

They'd better up the security at Fort Marcy Park.

Sale away, hey.

I like Oreos and Flying Juniors.


Video: Pay-for-play at Clinton Foundation for Haiti relief?

Controversy surrounding the Clintons only deepened with the recent revelation, contained in an upcoming book by Peter Schweizer, that Tony Rodham — Hillary Clinton’s younger brother — serves on the advisory board of a U.S.-based company that in 2012 won one of Haiti’s first two gold-mining permits in 50 years. After objection from the Haitian Senate, the permits have been placed on hold.

“Neither Bill Clinton nor the brother of Hillary Clinton are individuals who share the interests of the Haitian people,” said Samuel Nesner, an anti-mining activist who thinks mining poses great environmental risks and will mainly benefit foreign investors. “They are part of the elite class who are operating to exploit the Haitian people.”

Clinton Foundation officials said Bill Clinton had been unaware of Rodham’s involvement in the mine project. A spokesman for Hillary Clinton said she does not know the chief executive of the mine.


“Another bombshell set to drop on the growing scandal surrounding the Clintons. Fox News now learning about a direct connection between money flowing to the Clinton Foundation and the effort to rebuild a devastated Haiti in 2010,” said host Bill Hemmer.

“So both Hillary and Bill Clinton were on the ground in Haiti just days after that massive earthquake rocked that country. But the author of Clinton Cash is now claiming that to get one of the lucrative contracts to rebuild the country, you just had to have a ‘relationship with the Clintons,” host Martha MacCallum added.

Cloudy claymores toast the s'mores.

All we have of fred is fred itself.

Dave (in MA)

I like Hydrox and Ring Ding Jrs.

Old Lurker

"I like Hydrox and Ring Ding Jrs."

Remember the good old days when we only had to work to understand narciso?

Some days I wear out my right click search on google for words and phrases seen here!


Old Lurker

Those must be NE goodies, Dave, for you all up there in frappe land.

Captain Hate

I'm still waiting for the ewok's tribute to Adam Gadahn


Details @ climateaudit.org

For the benefit of Old Lurker, Gayathriv V. @ the Scientific American has penned a fantasy involving Nic Lewis and Bjorn Stevens in the cloudy, and polluted, controversy over catastrophe and hysteria in the climate amazement.

Old Lurker


Dave (in MA)

Well, I understood my post but still have no idea about the 3:28 it was in response to.

Thomas Collins

I just take my understanding of the words, OL, and if that unmasks me as a totally out of touch rube, so be it. Here is an example: I like Snickers bars as a treat.

And if I'm laughed at, I'll just respond to whoever laughs at me that they are simply not au courant as to the esoteric meaning of Snickers bars. :-)

Miss Marple

I do not trust anyone who wants to work out his salvation with government funds, and that includes Kasich.

Plus he was running around with Morning Joe and Gary Condit right before the big murder mystery.

Right after that he quit and went to work for Fox, after a brief stint at thinking he would run for president.

Miss Marple


Thad Cochran staffer.

SO glad he got re-elected.


You guys know that Brett Baier is having a special on Hillary at 10:00 tonite with the author, right?

I think we should make bets on When Hillary will take herself out of the running. I keep saying July 7th, after putting no thought into it.

Cecil, I can't stand Morris but he knows the Clinton's like no other person on our side. This scandal will probably get him back on TV.


Cochran voted for Lynch, too. *spit*


Some days I wear out my right click search on google for words and phrases seen here!

Whoa. I did not know until just this very minute that you could copy and right click to search on Google.

So you are not such an oldster after all, OL. ;)

Do they still make Hydrox? I miss the Sunshine Raisin Biscuits.


So conservatives tried to knock off Cochrane and we expect he'll bend over to please us with votes? Tell me another....

Dave (in MA)

Oh, great. I probably haven't had any in 40 years, but now I'm missing Sunshine Raisin Biscuits, too.


Of course no one expects that, NK. Conservatives tried to knock off Cochran BECAUSE of the votes he'd made and was predicted (correctly) to make in future.


Very good, hit..almost sounded like TM.


Dave, they don't make them anymore, but these are close:


I've had them - they're a little thinner and chewier, but it's the same taste. Delicious.

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