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May 22, 2015



Oh but his biggest lie 'the most transparent adminisration evah'. The best descriptor of his intellectual honesty.

Cecil Turner
I can help - the Administration behavior on trade is only surprising if you can somehow convince yourself that spinning and deceiving is not their default mode.
Ain't that the truth. Hell, they can't even convince me, and I already agree with 'em on the trade deal.

Trade deal??? can we send Hilligula for a tech startup to be named later?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Brook Benton with Paul Krugman's love song to Honest Abe Obama.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Pinko greens fail in attempt to have a university revoke a WA State Senator's masters degree because he believes in voluntary rather than forced compliance with climate change gimcrackery.
Does anyone doubt for one minute these creeps would have been standing shoulder to shoulder with the Lillian Helmonds of the world extolling the virtues of the Hitler-Stalin Pact?


Unfortunately, our Grand Old Party is complicit in this one. Maybe in all of them, including gun running in Benghazi.


I think Hr. Doktor Krugman is mistaking the Transpacific Partnership with Transgender Partnership.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Barry and the GOP eff up the patent system.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Janice Rogers Brown demonstrates why the left hates her; she's smart and does her job.


Ignazt, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Krugman and the Obama criminal enterprise are Marxists. But they are he ELITE MARXISTS who are not required to stand in line for pumpernickel.


krugman is talking about obama's promise to "fundamentally change America."

He was clear and it is working.

James D.

Exactly, GUS.

I hate to think this way, but I'm almost hoping for a French Revolution style outcome for the U.S. at this point. These people are monsters, full stop, and it might almost be worth seeing everything totally collapse, if we get to watch Krugman and all of our so-called "elite' marched to the guillotine before the bottom falls out once and for all.


Holy Moly. French revolution? Hmmm. Who could play Bonaparte? I must say that at the very least, that is a fascinating suggestion.


JamesD, there are 2 types of American Marxists, mentally and emotionally damaged fuktards like Krugman and Obama, they believe in unicorns AND windpowered limosines. They don't walk the walk, but they DO BELIEVE. Then there are the HOLLYWIERD CLINTOON types. Greedy motherfuckers using the system they decry to become mega wealthy. Neither set createss ANYTHING for society.

Jeff Dobbs

Trade deal??? can we send Hilligula for a tech startup to be named later?

Great idea! Don't tell anyone because it could compromise negotiations, but I'd settle for one of those cool, creepy Japanese robots.

More human-like.


Obama to Havana? Would ‘Relish’ Cuba Trip

Obama has lifted some travel restrictions. And the president, a former smoker, has also loosened rules on bringing Cuban cigars back from the island.

I had to take down my wife's link on my web page. Part of the divorce decree. I'm not allowed to go anywhere near Maya because of the "assaults". Jesse and Dylan don't speak to me. And I got fired.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Who could play Bonaparte?--

Robert Reich?


I would like to thank Gus for his contributions. It's rare to find unchained conservatism without candy-coating or excuses and rationalizing. He's like a window into the hive-mind.


There is a paper out today that originated at the School of Public Policy at U College London but citing Sunstein that says that the behavioral sciences should guide public policy now instead of markets.

That ties in with the K-12 system becoming a data gathering and mind molding location using the behavioral sciences. All anyone seems to be able to think about is power and government grants, not consequences. Those likely results are quite visible to many of us. What a world.

Miss Marple

Nikolai Carpathia. That's who Obama is like. He is the anti-Christ figure in those end times novels written by Tum LeHaye.

Carpathia was able to hynoptize people with his voice, and they would totally go along with whatever he said. A reporter discovered this when he saw Carpathia coldly murder some people at a meeting and then told everyone they had seen nothing. The reporter wasn't susceptible and ends up having to go into hiding.

Anyway, I am convinced that a bunch of these leftist types like Krugman are too easily swayed by Obama's lame explanations and reasoning, which seems tome to be nothing but monotonous platitudes strung together in no particular order.

Among many other reasons, this is a good reason not to listen to him on TV. My first reason is that I need to keep my blood pressure down.


Except he was dreaming of a conservative band of pitchfork bearers Ig.

Try another potential Bonaparte.

Maya Gilbert Ward

Ben, why do you care so much about Maya, Jesse and Dylan comments?? Who are they?
And why did they all leave... you??
You lost you whole family because of your sickness "BEN". Ben is your real name...right???? Keep on trolling Ben, I'll continue to point out what a loser you are.

Cecil Turner

I'm having a hard time giving a good carp about any of this stuff. We're fouling up the mideast in a major league fashion, and it'll only be blind luck if we avoid a major regional war with religious fanatics and weapons of mass destruction. I'd say it was like watching a slow-motion train wreck, but it's all happening pretty fast.


Charles McCarry copyrighted the book Shelley's Heart in '95 and in it details how 'progressives' have a plan to control everything. But I believe this control thing has been going on for much longer. It just took sincere shape in Clinton's administration. Especially on the education front.

Thomas Collins

Great description of those redmeat yahoo conservatives, Ben. Keep spending on welfare programs that have destroyed lower income families. Keep raising the minimum wage that destroys job opportunities. Keep putting pressure on the only democracy in the Middle East, a country in which Muslims have more rights than anywhere else in the Middle East. Regulate and tax. Regulate and tax some more. Subsidies for windmills and solar panels. Keep cutting defense. No need for missile defense systems. No need to upgrade our nuclear forces. Abortion on demand is the only viable policy option. Courts must impose same gender marriage. Yes, those rightists see no nuance in the tradeoffs inherent in policymaking.

Oh, wait a minute. Those are prog positions. Never mind.


Miss Marple, you are correct. The left had their emotional and psychological illness validated when Obama was elected. They believe that it's safe to say things in public that they wouldn't before. It is not going to end nicely. The damage Obama is causing CANNOT be turned around easily and it's not by accident.


I guess that stung a little Thomas. It wasn't necessarily directed toward you unless you have previously given silent approval to outbursts of bile from da Gus.


Thomas, the Republicans can come along, but they have to ride in the back. Remember.

Obama is a sick mf'er.

your wife left you ben

Look the Pitzer Pussy is mad!! Why are you mad Ben?


Thomas, why is Ben defending Dana Gilbert Ward. And why when Ben's nonsense is ripped to shreds, does Ben, make me, the subject of his response? I can tell you.
2 reasons. Ben is Dana Gilbert Ward, and I'm told his wife and 3 children have abandoned him. Secondly, he cannot debate ou effectively. Libtards merely spout talking points, lie and try to manipulate.
Ward, who is a known Marxist and a troll, is trying to manipulate you Thomas. You crushed his Marxist tripe, he changed the subject to GUS. Now you are supposed to defend yourself. Cheap libtard manipulation. Ward is a CLASSROOM COMMANDO. When he "had" 18 year old kids in class, he was REALLY REALLY TOUGH AND BOSS. Now he's a sad, sick, failed loser.


but he has a good pension... unless it was revoked or seized by court order.


Chief Eagle Feather Passer has been haunting this place ever since I can remember. Sad.

Miss Marple

He aspires to be Wormtongue.

Alas, that didn't end well for the original, either.


I guess the pos has run along to some other trolling habitat.


glasatar-it dates back to the discovery of Marx's early writings and the recognition that the USSR and China were on the wrong track. The amount of collaboration among the behavioral and social sciences on both sides of the Cold War to change the West is rather astonishing.

There are plans. I have what's described in my book, but I have so much more than that now. Virtually all of it when I get into the footnotes or an Acknowledgments page has the writer thanking the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto for the year or two they spent there while they wrote the book I am reading. It's not what I go looking for, but it just keeps recurring. It's also where Rawls was when he developed his Theory of Justice.


Krugman busted:


I finally posted on topic!!

James D.


Or possibly Wormtail. Doesn't end any better for him, though.




Right click for full image.


The long-weekend Friday document dump (WSJ)

The State Department will release emails Friday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent and received in the aftermath of the September 2012 attacks on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya.

The department will make public nearly 300 emails from Mrs. Clinton’s time in office related to the attacks in which four Americans, including an ambassador, were killed. The documents will be released at 12:30 p.m. EDT, a State Department representative said. They will be posted on a State Department website.

The words seem to be chosen carefully -- will they include any before the event occurred?

And then farther down the article, there's this gem:

The emails have threatened to become a major distraction in Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the presidency. The documents come from a private email server maintained by Mrs. Clinton’s staff, rather than a government system. That arrangement was legal, though discouraged, under Obama administration policy.

Is Hilligula's server really legal? I doubt it.



What really reinforced my little database was reading The Forgotten Man by Amity Schlaes where she goes back to the thinking that shaped FDR's polices during the Depression.
Another must read book.


The words seem to be chosen carefully -- will they include any before the event occurred?

Good catch. Any emails to and from Stevens, or referencing him, are probably long gone. The resulting gaps in correspondence might be more glaring if emails prior to 9/11/12 were included.

But who are we kidding? I really don't think the future Hillary voters are at all interested.

If a powerful Dem like Schumer starts making noise, though, then all bets are off. Interesting note: Biden has been out of sight for awhile now. Maybe his entrance is being prepped.


Maybe his entrance is being prepped.



I watched some of the C-SPAN live feed of Hillary's roundtable. She was 30 minutes late,which is rude. She is going to be the small business president. She also said that middle class values aren't old fashioned. She says all of this with a bland expression,she doesn't believe a word of what she says. The owners of Smuttynose are obvious Democrat supporters. The people in the audience sat and waited,so they must be true believers.

Miss Marple

I hate those staged roundtables from all candidates, all parties. No one listens to them. No one is interested in watching them. They are staged performances so that the media can write a story about how Hillary is championing small business.



Staged roundtables with astroturf supporters and miniature stump speeches followed by one-to-one cozy sit-down conversations with friendlies are all she's capable of.

She isn't going to take unscripted actual questions and I doubt she can stand up for long enough to do a real townhall or work a rope line for more than five minutes.

This is going to be the first time in modern Presidential history that a candidate won't actually campaign in any real way. I think her people's main goal is to get her to the nomination without dropping dead. Then they'll just have to pray she can make it the rest of the way.


Marlene @12:40, that reminds me of this:


Seems to me she's got about 30 platitudes that some staffer selects from and rearranges for each speech. And I guess she has a few of them memorized for those rare occasions when she actually answers a question.


jimmyk, someone should make a Hillary speech generator out of those platitudes.

Or a meme generator with a few stock photos and the platitudes as text options. It would be funny.

Jeff Dobbs

Any emails to and from Stevens, or referencing him, are probably long gone.

I know that the release of her emails is all very deliberately crafted, so who knows what reality is. But one notable thing from the dump yesterday was that Hillary only ever emailed Sid and Jacob Sullivan (and whatever assistant she was commanding to print an email off here and there).

Of course, since it was The Sid Dump, that makes sense.

But never did Hillary ever reach out to Stevens or Phillip Reines or whomever directly based on those emails.


But never did Hillary ever reach out to Stevens

At least not in e-mails we've seen, Jeff. That's the frustrating thing about this. She cherry-picked her e-mails, and otherwise we get what Guccifer found, and I have no idea how complete that is.

Perhaps there's an e-mail to Stevens somewhere along the lines of "Stay right there, Chris, you're safe. We've got you covered" probably didn't make it past Cheryl's delete key.


Well,it certainly is an interesting venue. Cases of beer piled high behind the table she's sitting at and kegs of beer stacked on pallets on the other side. Ha.


I finally posted on topic!!

So knock it off! ;)

sometime commentor

"Cases of beer piled high behind the table she's sitting at and kegs of beer stacked on pallets on the other side."

Bet she was in a cold sweat with the devils tapdancing on her head.

The beer stein is the devil's shovel.


Jeff & jimmyk,

Right. We'll never know what was deleted. It's possible Mills got rid of everything that wasn't sent to or from Sid or Sullivan.

Hill is also smart enough not to commit to much in her comments in the Sid emails. "Very interesting" and "let's pass this along" provides plenty of cover. If Sid gets in hot water later, she throws him under the bus and says "oh, that loyal Sid, he was just doing his best to help me out, and I was humoring him."


Agree wholeheartedly on that Schlaes book.


And it's clear now that the full trove of Guccifer emails has been out there for awhile, though mostly in the gossip and Edward Snowden fever swamps. So my scoop wasn't much of a scoop.

However, what's different now is that we finally have independent confirmation of both the hdr22 address and Sid's AOL address (via the NYT memos).

So maybe that will prompt some of the mainstream journos to take a fresh look at what Guccifer found.

Jeff Dobbs

Speaking of On Topic - that Friday Night thread has been a hoot (as a spectator), and it almost undoubtedly ranks up there in terms of JOM threads that stayed on topic the longest.

I was contemplating bumping it to try and keep the comments open (they will close tonight otherwise) but there really haven't been any new developments to make keeping it going a pressing concern (except maybe as torture for the really obsessed devoted).

(oh, and i don't know for sure if bumping it would keep comments open or not . . . the mysteries of typepad)

Old Lurker

Schlaes was great as to the mid century manifestation of the urge to create dependence and therefore control. But as we have discussed here a number of times, that human tendency goes way way back in history. James mentioned the French Revolution which did indeed lop of the heads of the gang in charge but just so another gang would be in charge. The Spanish Inquisition and other waves of the same need to control show that the movie just reruns and reruns. I smell a basic human trait.

We have a new puppy in the house and it is interesting to watch her interact with dog #1 as they vie for dominance and goodies.


(oh, and i don't know for sure if bumping it would keep comments open or not . . . the mysteries of typepad)

Why not try it and see? For future reference, of course. ;) But seriously, you never know - the time may come where you really want to have a thread that can be kept open.

I've enjoyed the experiment, for sure. It was great to have a dedicated thread on it so we could keep going without feeling like we were annoying everyone else.


I have the last comment on the thread. Close it now so I win!


...I could really use a win, too.


Actually Someguy would win. He deserves it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I have the last comment on the thread.--

Someone deflated your premise.

Jeff Dobbs

I have the last comment on the thread. Close it now so I win!

I once tried to bribe TM to close a thread early.

I offered him $5M, too. I'm just saying, I'm cheaper than he is, so.....

Beasts of England



Regarding Hillary!'s championing of small business, what is she going to do? Make family businesses, including farms, easier to transfer to the next generation (estate tax)? Get rid of Obamacare? Get rid of the payroll tax? Eliminate the "loop holes" in the tax code that favor large, crony business? Move to a territorial tax? Lower tax rates? What exactly?


You don't get to ask questions, peasant!


She's going to require that they provide health insurance to all employees which covers gender reassignment surgery, obviously, DrJ.


I'll split the prize for winning the thread with you, Jeff.



Beasts of England

Hilligula is certainly an expert on running small businesses, so we should probably just trust her.

(Who coined 'Hilligula'? Very funny!!)

Here’s how Democrats prefer to arrange matters regarding women: They claim that nominating the first woman for president is a huge advance for all women, proving that women are just as competent as men. Yet they demand that their particular woman be insulated from the usual vigorous debate that is essential for democracy. Any criticism of Hillary Clinton is presumptive sexism, while her attacks on opponents are unrestricted. Neat trick if you can pull if off — and she can if Republicans accept the bridle.

Oh, they will. Complete with nice snaffle bit.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/418747/can-republican-men-criticize-hillary-mona-charen


Good point:


RB ‏@RBPundit

Dear Media, make sure you note that NONE OF THE EMAILS YOU ARE PUBLISHING ACTUALLY EXIST anymore. Hillary deleted them.


Hilligula-- I saw it mentioned in a comment here about 2 weeks ago and I've used it since. Don't know who gets credit.


In our business I know that my husband has spent an inordinate amount of time dealing with taxes first and regulations second.
I don't know how small business survives these days.

Beasts of England

Double-digit premium hikes coming up for Obamacare. 30% rate increases for some plans in Tennessee, Maryland, and Oregon. An insurer in New Mexico is requesting a 51% increase.

The newly insured are taking serious advantage of their constitutional right to free healthcare. If you think the economy sucks now, wait until the middle class gets fleeced several hundred more dollars each month.

The largest transfer of wealth and income from the working class to the non-working class in the history of our country. Lots of ugly comments on the web, but nobody wants to buy a pitchfork...

Eric in Boise

Who coined Hilligula

I believe lyle gets the credit for that, at least here.


What is the medical device tax on a pitchfork?


I think I was the one who introduced Hilligula here but it wasn't my coinage (alas). I don't remember where I got it from. Ace?


Way back in the background, without the media actually noticing, quite a number of states have seen their Obamacare subsidies wither up. Hawaii's system is about to go broke as is California's.

So what next? The first week of June is coming up very quickly. It will be interesting if the Supremes affirm Obamacare and state systems start going bankrupt.

That would, to me indicate the utter moral bankruptcy of our leadership class.


Maybe you social butterflies can tell me if Gus has ties to Josh Dugger. Being obsessesd as he is with child molestation seems suspiciously projective and coupled with other fine qualities seems a perfect storm for his pathology.

Beasts of England

Don't give them any ideas, henry!! :)

The Ewokians brought forth Hilligula? Good for them. They occasionally deliver weapons-grade snark...


That would, to me indicate the utter moral bankruptcy of our leadership class.

Ahem. As if there were need for more indication?

Frau Adlerfeder

Passing the feather too often has caused the chickens to come home to roost. Tough on a faux anarchist.
Pitzer College would never fire a useful idiot.


Aw aint that cute. Dana Ward projects while speculating about projection.


And it's clear now that the full trove of Guccifer emails has been out there for awhile, though mostly in the gossip and Edward Snowden fever swamps. So my scoop wasn't much of a scoop.

What did you find out.

Hey don't I have the honor on the longest thread Hit? Are you saying I am being bested - again? (BTW I paid 6m)


I could hardly make it through that Shlaes book. The content was good, but I thought the writing was poor.


I admit I've tried several times to read the Schlaes book, but it was heavy going. I figured it was just me.

I also got annoyed when she went out of her way in the introduction to pre-emptively absolve herself of the charges of "red-baiting."


Shlaes, sorry. I try to get these names right.


Right. We'll never know what was deleted.

On the other hand, that allows us to play the Searchlight Pederast's game of asserting whatever we want and put the burden of proof on Hillary.


Jane, there are a few links out there, but basically both Gawker and The Smoking Gun covered the Guccifer emails earlier in 2015:



Hopefully the new Blumenthal memos plus this new email dump will prompt a fresh look.


"On the other hand, that allows us to play the Searchlight Pederast's game of asserting whatever we want and put the burden of proof on [Brady]"

Sounds familiar...


Wrong thread, bb. :)

Jeff Dobbs

Well, would you look at the time.

c-ya peeps


He's going to go close the Brady thread. Seize him!!


On the question of decoding the ELA sbwhoeop

"Sidney Blumenthal White House" is obvious. The rest?

O??? Executive Office of President?

Office Executive OPerations?

Any other ideas?


The WSJ is crowd sourcing Hilligula's email.


Office Executive OPerations?

I think it must be something like that, cathyf.

It's an AOL addy so it must date back to Clinton WH days.


henry, I went to that WSJ link and noted that the very first page was totally redacted. We are suckers, obviously.

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