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July 22, 2015



It's Threadapalooza Wednesday. Woo hoo


Good. African mobs on TV heckling O.

jimmyk on iPhone



At least 3000 Kenyans, male and female, have signed up to get naked and meet BOzo in order to school him on the difference between men and women.


Trump confirms he will not pull a Ross Perot. Now, will the others confirm they would support him. Waiting.



"I want to run as a Republican" ... "So many people want me to run as an Independent, but my total focus is to run as a Republican and win."

Doesn't sound definitive to me.

Captain Hate

Has 404 threatened to bring Mooch off the plane naked?


He should bring Caitlyn


Has Jeb or Scott or anyone crying for civility confirmed support for Trump if he wins?

Asking for a friend.

Miss Marple

Well, at the end of the last thread I explained what I thought was happening with Trump. Anyone with curiosity should go back and read it.


We're back from a few days Downeast. My brother and sister-in-law rented a cottage this week and invited us to stay. The guys were supposed to do some sea kayaking,but it was so darn foggy! We picked rocks yesterday at a sheltered beach and thank goodness hubby had a yellow rain jacket,he would have been lost in the fog. The Maine coast is so beautiful and rugged Downeast,Mother Nature in all her glory,including fog. The contrast of the struggling lobstermen living in modest if not ramshackle homes to the beautiful homes built on the craggy ledges is a reminder that hard scrabble people populate this state.

Jack is Back!

It is ironic and even humorous how Trump can change the "criticism" like Ms. Lindsey's and Perry's back on them. Except for Carson and possibly Fiorina, it wouldn't surprise me that every career politician in the mix has at one time gone hat in hand to The Donald for a donation or endorsement or both.

I think that may have been part of calculus in deciding to get into the field: That he had a history with the others that he could use to defend or promote himself and his schtick!

That upcoming Fox debate will be a doozy and if Ailes doesn't let Fiorina in then he should be subject to pitchforks and a gibbet.


I read it Miss M. I agree with you that it's tricky to figure out the impact of 3rd party candidates, and it's not always what people think. Perot may have taken as much from Clinton as from Bush 41, and also likely got a lot from people who would otherwise not have voted. Turnout spiked in '92 by about 5 percentage points. John Anderson was a liberal Republican who probably took more from Carter than Reagan (and in any case had no impact on the outcome).


I keep hearing bits of this on Radio news updates:

Armed man arrested in LA incident related to Biden appearance

My guess is Brian Ross is feverishly scrolling thru the membership lists of the SoCal Tea Party, even as I wake up and say good morning!

Jack is Back!


Most likely a Jack-in-the-Box franchisee or one from MickeyD's. Biden was going to speak about raising the minimum wage.


Sounds wonderful, Marlene.


speaking of coordination and narratives,



Has Jeb or Scott or anyone crying for civility confirmed support for Trump if he wins?

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R) just declined to offer Trump support on Cavuto's show, and she said her 2 children last night were actually in Lindsay Graham's office helping him answer the phone calls coming in over his cellphone because it was ringing so much.


Moloch demands servants


Jack is Back!


When I was in DC, back in the day, I was told by an old time K Street guy, that "in this town, information is king. In NYC its money and LA its fame but here its information. If you know something someone else doesn't know you are well ahead of the curve."

Not surprising, in fact validating, that the WH has a special operation that deals in information, rumor and innuedo that eventually they can use to their benefit.


Even Jack liked the Lindsay Graham smackdown? :-)


Nothing like having your personal phone number read loud to a national audience to get that phone to "ringing so much".


I'd like Rand's wood chipper video better if he put Lindsay Graham and his cellphone into it, along with the Tax Code.

One benefit of Trump is that he may make Perry and others fight so angrily against him that if they see it working they may actually start fighting angrily against the Democrats.


'can you hear me, now'


Why would any Republican be dumb enough to refuse to support whoever the nominee turns out to be?

Old Lurker

Ext, in my house my brilliant younger daughter has a knack of asking really dumb questions...so we name those after her.

Your 4:56 qualifies.


Captain Hate

Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney and William Scranton refused to support Goldwater in an early show of GOPe spite. Likewise John Anderson against Reagan, which is an obscure historical footnote.

But conservatives are told that they have to support whatever RINO Top Men anoint or Jen Rubin, K-Pork and Dame Peggy will say nasty things about them on their way to the fainting couches.


I get why Perry wants to try to distinguish himself from the rest of the field, but he also seems to be self-destructing again.

Donald Trump is the modern-day incarnation of the know-nothing movement.

He espouses nativism, not conservatism. He is negative when conservatism is inherently optimistic…

Perry is against nativism? A lot of people are obviously for it. Even some conservatives.

But isn't that a red herring? Did Trump argue against legal immigration?

This seems dumb to me.


Old Lurker

Rockefeller, Romney, Scranton and Anderson.

Country Club GOPe's whose names shall live in infamy in my book.


Graham went to the movies with Ayotte and her two kids. WaPo: "Graham said that on the ride to the theater he took a break from answering the flood of calls, handing the phone to Ayotte's young daughter and son, who would answer and ask, "Who is this?"

I don't know anyone stupid enough to do that to a child in that situation.

Marlene on Kindle

If a particular candidate(Carly?)does well at the Aug.3 debate at NHIOP,then pressure should be put on Fox to include that candidate.The Aug.3 debate will be on CSPAN and iHeart radio's streaming service.Eleven candidates have committed to the Aug.3 debate,according to the Manchester Union Leader.Jeb and Trump haven't committed yet.



Cavuto about to ask the same question of Rick Perry (Will you support the Donald if he wins the nomination?)

Cavuto: If he were your Nominee, the Republican Party's Nominee, Governor would you support him?

Perry: There's a lot of people who are going to be uhhh, I think that have a better chance of being our Nominee before Donald Trump.

Cavuto: I understand that. And I understand you're hoping that, But if he were the nominee, would you support him?

Perry: look it, we can say...

Cavuto: Would you support him as the Nominee? Would you support him over Hillary Clinton?

Perry: We can say that about a whole lot of people. I'm a Republican. I'm going to support the Republican Nominee. Donald Trump's got a long way to go to make people really believe that he's a Conservative. I mean, c'mon, Single Payer Healthcare, and he's running as a Republican? Where's that coming from, Neil?

Nice to see Neil fight to get an answer and Perry finally give one.

When a candidate under the Republican banner would abandon the tradition of magnanimous leadership of the presidency, when he would seek to demonize millions of citizens, when he would stoop to attack POWs for being captured, I can only ask as Senator Welch did of Senator McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”…

Oh brother.

Marlene on Kindle

Ayotte and Graham must be personal friends.She has campaigned with him in NH.

Captain Hate

Ayotte is such a major disappointment; after running as a Tea Party candidate she's been playing footsie with McRINO and Grahamnesty since Day 1.


"He is negative when conservatism is inherently optimistic…"

Rick Perry hasn't sounded anywhere in the same universe as "inherently optimistic" in some time.


you note the echoes of Dr. Evil, who puts forth an argument in the worst way,

'has Le Donald been intemperate in his rhetoric, but he does point out a real and pressing issue, that I had first hand experience last summer, as
the administration's blatant disregard for the rule of law, occasioned a massive crisis on our border,'


More Breaking IRS News on FOX via Judicial Watch. You may have already covered it (I'm doing catch-up) but Gerri Willis says:

Willis: The IRS used donor lists of Tax exempt Organizations to target them for audit. What they wanted to do was cross check those donors lists with Gift Tax filings to se if they filed Gift Tax on those filings. Among the 2 organizations in particular that the IRS tracked and looked into, high scrutiny on, The US Chamber of Commerce, and Karl Rove's crossroads GPS...This information just out tonight.Also there are suggestions of bias in these findings...

Also breaking, a second head FAA Official (Head of FAA Labor and Public Relations) has resigned in protest at how disgusted he was at the FAA's willingness to break the Law in hiring practices pushed by FAA Senior Management. This latest resigned was hired 6 months ago to come in and clean up the hiring scandal, apparently without success.


I'm just spitballing here, but is he trying to erase himself from contention, in the debates,

Miss Marple

I understand the political consultants going nutso over Trump. What I do not understand are the candidates going nuts, as if Trump has such a cheque red past, they should look forward to the debates.

Except Perry is being guided by Schmidt, which right there makes me doubt his acumen.

It is actually quite fascinating, and demonstrates my long-held belief that politics is really a combination of soap opera and mystery novel, with average-looking people as the players.


Rick Perry goes nuclear against Trump by playing the "beware of false prophets" card.

Miss Marple

Alas, the people who are Trump fans will think Perry is a nut case religious fanatic.

Trump fans are not conservative, no matter what the media thinks.


it has always been, whether in republican Rome, renaissance europe or the modern day, Thomas Cromwell, was probably among the average looking folk,

Jeff Dobbs

Trump has 24% in the last poll - average of 18% in the last 5 polls. In a very split field, Perry is not trying to peel away Trump supporters - he's trying to work the other 76-82% to peel away Trump haters - to get to or stay in that magical top 10 for the debate (you know, cuz perry be so good at debatin' an' all, lol).

And whatever else - hey look, now we're talking about him.

Remember - while there is some seriously fervent Trump love right now for his flamethrower approach to DC politics - there is much much more (albeit less fervent) Trump revulsion. An no it is not just GOPe RINO wimps who feel that way. Not by a long shot.

62% of Americans say they would never consider voting for him, compared to low to mid 40s for just about everyone else, R or D - which is basically just a normal partisan breakdown.

Jack is Back!

My recent Ubrer experience.

Download the app and 10 minutes later a guy pulls up to announce "I am here". BS. All I did was download the app not order a ride. AMEX tells me I have a $35 payment to Uber. We are under lititgation as I write this. Beware.

Miss Marple

I would never vote for Trump because I do not think he has the temperament for foreign policy, which often requires things like humility, reserve, and silence. I think Trump shoots from the hip, which is sometimes entertaining but not something I want to see with a commander in chief.

Notice I didn't mention policy at all, and that is how I will argue it to my sisters, in case Trump is still in the primary in May.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I hope your lawyer accepted a retainer of less than $35, Jack.


Brian Ross hardest hit:

The man did not appear to be a political protester and simply may have forgotten he had the weapon in the car, police said.

Man arrested with loaded gun in car outside Vice President Joe Biden event

...at a vehicle checkpoint...a police dog helping screen cars signaled that it had detected a firearm...Authorities found a loaded gun under the passenger seat...

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Only Cruz, Fiorina and Walker have shown the slightest idea how to handle a guy like Trump.
That indicates they are probably the only three who would know how to handle their Dem opponent.

Janet  S.

Why would any Republican be dumb enough to refuse to support whoever the nominee turns out to be?

Some Republicans wouldn't back Cuccinelli here in Virginia.

and Captain is exactly right - But conservatives are told that they have to support whatever RINO Top Men anoint...

We social conservatives had to shut up about gay issues & look where we are now.

Old Lurker

What Iggy said at 5:46 works for me. I'd be happy to duke it out among those four.


There were 3 posts in a row with 37 comments

Interesting. Had to make this 38. ;-)


Right now, subject to immediate and capricious change, I like Fiorina.

Good for Cavuto. Did Rick offer to help the Pope cast out devils? Full tent show today in his remarks. False prophets, itching ears and some thought he had a great writer. Hell yes. The Bible.

Sorry to be so negative today. I blame the dentist. I thought I saw Hillary under the nitrous, but it was only the angel of death.


Me, too, and that video of Walker talking to the illegal alien plants was pretty impressive.

When a candidate under the Republican banner would abandon the tradition of magnanimous leadership of the presidency, when he would seek to demonize millions of citizens, when he would stoop to attack POWs for being captured, I can only ask as Senator Welch did of Senator McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”…


You missed one.


There were 3 posts in a row with 37 comments

Who knew the number 37 was from Cuba?

Thirty-seven is the 12th prime number, a permutable prime with 73 (which is the 21st prime number). 37 is the fifth lucky prime, the first irregular prime, the third unique prime and the third cuban prime of the form:

p = \frac{x^3 - y^3}{x - y} \qquad \left(x = y + 1\right).

Jack is Back!


I am the litigator and have already won my $35 back and an apology.

Thinking about running for POTUS since my negotiating skills are unsurpassed. The ChiComs and ISIS are trembling in their crocs.


Wasn't that was a written speech, FTL?

Sheesh. I always liked Perry, but he's defective.

Janet  S.

Cruz, Fiorina and Walker

Those are my favorite too.


Hillary Has Fallen and She Can't Get Up

Jack is Back!

Walker/Rubio wins Florida and the hispanic vote which now is a bigger deal than the black vote.

I love Carly and she is my second pick for VP.


Hey daddy...

Shell receives permits necessary for oil drilling in Arctic

But we know it isn't that simple, right?


Via Bret Baire's Show, we get this, as part of the ramifications of this deal, the removal of sanctions against the individual who is the head of the Iranian Quds forces:

Fox Reporter James Rosen: Yes, Brett, one of the individuals who will be removed from the Sanctions list of the United Nations and the EU over the next 8 years, is Qasim Sulaimani, Head of the Iranian Military's Quds force. A figure squarely on the radar of Army Chief of Staff, General Raymond Odierno:

Clip played of US General Odierno: "Qasim Sulaimani, is the one who's been exporting malign activities throughout the Middle East for some time now. He's absolutely responsible for killing many Americans. In fact I would say that the last 2 years I was there the majority of our casualties came from his surrogates, not Sunni or Al Quada."

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement says it's issued "conditional approval" of two permits for drilling in the Chukchi Sea.

The permits are for drilling only on the top sections of wells. Shell can't drill into oil-bearing zones at this stage because it doesn't currently have certain emergency response equipment on site.


Ditto. I really like Jindal too, but he hasn't a chance.


You all know how I love GOP internecine bloodletting.

From Perry’s attack on fellow GOP candidate Trump.

“A cancer on conservatism.” John Dean about Nixon.

“The sower of discord” Proverbs 6.19
“. . . beware of false prophets” Matthew 7.15

“itching ears” 2 Timothy 4.3

Then, as Perry knees Trump in the groin he says, with a vivid lack of self- awareness, “We need a president who rises above personal grievances, petty differences, raw partisan politics.”


daddy, did you learn all that at UNC?


The cool and collected candidates will remind voters of no drama Obama
Remember McCain trying to get out of a debate blaming the economic downturn
Trump is a carnival barker showman
Those saying they won't support him know he won't get the nomination

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I am the litigator and have already won my $35 back and an apology.--

Sounds like your time at the knee of TK wasn't wasted, JiB. :)


Dang. Jamaica 1, U.S. 0. Still 1st half.


Uh oh! Jamaica 2, U.S. 0. Still 1st half.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Our dudes aren't smoking enough ganja.


Bingo Iggy.


Everyone see this physics professor dumbfounded that $15 minimum wage - which he calls a "good thing" - means fewer graduate assistants?

UC needs to create an exception for student researchers or we'll have issues staffing labs with student researchers



daddy, did you learn all that at UNC?

No MarkO,

But at Chapel Hill though, (like you earlier this morning) I did learn about snorting Nitrous Oxide, along with my twin go to boys from the 19th Century, Charles Darwin and Mark Twain.

MarkO: Sorry to be so negative today. I blame the dentist. I thought I saw Hillary under the nitrous, but it was only the angel of death.

"Gas" Charles Darwin and Nitrous Oxide:

When older brother Ras (Erasmus) took up chemistry, Charles did too. (@1817)...A revolution was taking place in Chemistry. One of the pioneers was Joseph Priestly (good friend of Charle's grandfather BTW) ...the Darwin brothers knew all about Priestly---their own uncle Josiah Wedgewood had funded Priestly's research...the brothers took over a toolshed in the backyard. This was their official "Laboratory" for performing simple experiments as outlined in their copy of "William Henry's Elements of Experiment Chemestry."...Their favorite occupation was to set off explosions, but they were also ambitious...They hoped to isolate a new element like Humphry Davy who several years earlier had discovered sodium and potassium...

They did succeed in manufacturing Nitrous Oxide, or "laughing Gas", first discovered by Priestly. Taking "laughing Gas" was a craze at the time. Charle's nickname became "Gas"...

Read the whole thing:)

Now Darwin was a big snorter in days before Nitrous Oxide was used to mask pain.

Twain: came upon it as the Gas was just becoming experimental in dulling Dental Pain. In consequence, he decided to go to a famous Dentist at the time and se if he could subtly verify a story said about the dentist by pretending to be a patient in need of Dental treatment. The tables were turned on Twain, as the Dentist worked upon Twain, didn't provide the answers Twain was searching for, and then charged Twain an outrageous amount of money for the Nitrous and services rendered. Can't fined the story right now but i's published about 1870's in some New England Newspaper.

And of course I snorted my fare share of Nitrous Oxide in College, so welcome to the club MarkO!

Jack is Back!


What channel?


Donald Trump’s financial disclosure lists hundreds of positions and deals

Celebrity mogul and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has told the Federal Election Commission he earns income from more than 150 separate deals, ranging from the real estate projects for which he first became famous to footwear to fine foods — even admissions fees from a New York City carousel.

He also holds board or executive positions with more than 500 separate companies and partnerships, he reported to the FEC in an unusually complex disclosure that spans more than 90 pages.

The document, released publicly by the government agency Wednesday, provides an unusually detailed look at the range of the magnate’s holdings. However, the disclosure is unlikely to stem the ongoing debate over Trump’s net worth.


Fox Sports 1, or Univision

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The 41 organizations which donate directly to Planned Baby Crunchers.
One of them is the Susan J Komen Foundation.
There is substantial evidence, which the abortionists and feminists deny, that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.
In either event why does a breast cancer org give money to a company trafficking in baby parts?

Somebody doesn't agree with homosexual marriage and companies can't stop sponsoring it fast enough.
Part out little human beings like a VW bug and sell the parts for profit and nobody says boo about the companies that sponsor dismemberment.


that about perry rising above raw partisan politics etc. is a hoot markO


I just read that Ford and Xerox have disassociated themselves


Same reason United Way and the American Cancer Society do ... whatever that is. Read somewhere yesterday that black abortions in NYC surpass black births now.


2nd half opens with GOOOOAALLL!!!

Jamaica 2, U.S. 1


electing a new people,




Thanks for the Shell Drilling info.

But since both Kerry and now President Obama will attend Anchorage Arctic conference in late August, I think the local Global Warming hystericals will be demanding anti-drilling action, and my bet is Obama and Kerry will comply with those demands by finding some new tactic to shut down Shell's efforts this summer.


One of them is the Susan J Komen Foundation.

Komen and PP was a huge thing a few years ago:


IIRC, it turned out that PP was not equipped in *any* of their murder mills to conduct the mammograms Komen supposedly paid them to do. To help the dust settle, Komen went back to funding the killers.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--2nd half opens with GOOOOAALLL!!!--

Smoked some PEDs at halftime?.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Yeah, after I posted I remembered they had some kind of dust up.
Thanks FTL.

Jack is Back!

We stopped our commitment and giving to Komen when it was revealed they gave to PP. Mrs. JiB sponsored one of the sports in our Rally for the Cure campaign. No more.

Thanks for the channel tip, henry. They look sloopy and a team expecting victory instead of a fight.


shakedown, all around:



if only there was an organization that took note of such things:


Jeff Dobbs

So James Hansen is now saying a 10 foot sea level rise over the next 50 years.

How far out there is he? He's so far out there that one of the quotes in the article in response to Hansen's forthcoming paper...

Dr Michael Mann, a climate researcher at Penn State University, told the Washington Post that he felt the shut down of heat transport in the oceans 'seems rather far fetched'.

Captain Hate

IIRC, it turned out that PP was not equipped in *any* of their murder mills to conduct the mammograms Komen supposedly paid them to do. To help the dust settle, Komen went back to funding the killers.

When Komen got hinky about funding the death squad, the donks quickly mobilized. In Cleveland they dispatched Zach "Multiple DUIs" Reed to go on the local morning shows and yammer like a retard with the DTs. I was watching in stunned disbelief.


holy sharknado,

btw, I got the name of the actress playing wonder woman wrong, on the other thread,

Jack is Back!

Klinsman has no idea how to rev up an American team.

Captain Hate

That's ok, narc; I'm still having a hard time dealing with Ally McBeal being Supergirl.


actually it's not it's some newcomer named Melissa Benoist, Ally is just her boss or something,


Captain Hate

D'oh! I was thinking being married to Harrison Ford can only go so far...


familiarity breeds contempt, Donald has given Maverick something short of 14K over the span of giving,


Here's an odd story from the Japan Times that doesn't fit the narrative, so I'm surprised it's reprinted in our local ADN rag: Why Japan's brown bears shifted toward a vegetarian diet

Story tells us that Japan's northern Brown Bear population, over the last 100 years, has switched from carnivore diets to herbivore diets, yet their population has not decreased and they seem to be doing fine. Scientists believe the shift in diet is due to humans causing changes in their environment.

That said, it tends to buttress the idea that bears are flexible and can roll with the punches of climate change. That's anathema to the "Save The Polar Bear" movement.

If the headline said that bears were negatively effected by human induced changes to their environment, then I suspect there'd by tons of comments announcing "See, we told you so." But since that isn't what the story says, there are currently zero comments.

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