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July 16, 2015



Oh, this was the "better" deal.

Captain Hate

John Roberts is a worthless POS.


On cue, ISIS hits Egyptian frigate with guided missile.

With a moth eaten press.

Heh, imagine working your ass off for a a boss who is prone to 'I don't need this'.

He's a pathetic mess, but he pales in comparison to the pathetic mess he's responsible for creating.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--...three mornings in a row Mr. Obama reminded his aides, “I don’t need this.” They were not certain what he meant, but they had a theory:...--

This is how this WH operates?
On the hour Barry appears out of the little doors on the cuckoo clock and makes a cryptic statement and before it occurs to his "key aides" to ask him what he meant he disappears back inside until it's time to cuckoo again?

We wuz takin' it to 'em.

Kerry could read up on what is the continuation of diplomacy by other means.

Jeff Dobbs

three mornings in a row Mr. Obama reminded his aides, “I don’t need this.” They were not certain what he meant

When he followed it with "I can stop anytime" the aides probably could have guessed.


Headline: Suppression matters more than nukes

The magicians behind Barack Obama would have the central issue for international negotiations be nuclear “rights” versus nuclear arms. Nukes are only a part of the larger issue of violence Iran exports in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.

Persia, now called Iran, has been hegemonic for 2,500 years since the empire of Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes ruled more than 40 percent of the world’s population. Ask yourself whether a culture is a liberator or an oppressor. Is the Iran of today different from historical hegemonic Persia?

The significant historical pattern is that cultures can either be builders or destroyers. While cultures on all sides of the ancient Persian wars committed actions admirable or anti-social, the overall pattern to apply today is whether Iran is a builder or destroyer.

Iran today is an oppressor and a destroyer. The way of the Iranian ruling class is the only way. All else must be intimidated to submission or eliminated.

Iran represses its own citizens. Iran funds the destabilization of other cultures. Iran funds terror against other cultures.

Obama engages the aggressive, terrorizing, repressive Iranian government as if it fostered respectable civil society. He disregards Iran’s characteristic behavior to focus on a nuclear “deal” that is unworkable because it does not check Iranian hegemonic lust to dominate others.

Obama acts as if the United Nations, whose charter turns an official blind eye to the internal activities of governments established and maintained under duress, was going to protect the individuals intimidated wherever Iranian mullahs decide to exercise force.

Suppression of individuals is the hallmark of Iran, its supporters, and Obama as well.

VC Furry

Great pic of McCain on Drudge above McLame comment of "Trump Fired Up the Crazies"

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--And he challenged critics of the deal to acknowledge that what they really wanted was a military solution.
“And if the alternative is that we should bring Iran to heel through military force, then those critics should say so, and that will be an honest debate,” Mr. Obama said.--

OK, lets think about this.
Mr Obama has stated that the point of these negotiations was;

trying to find ways to make sure that we can verify and have confidence going forward that Iran doesn't have the capacity to develop a nuclear weapon that could not only threaten friends of ours like Israel, trigger a nuclear arms race in the region, but could over the long term, potentially threaten us....

Even supporters of this awful agreement acknowledge it merely delays by a few years Iran's development of the bomb. If he truly thinks an Iranian bomb could potentially threaten us and definitely threaten our "friends" and if he is truly interested in an honest debate then why can't this liar admit that this agreement does nothing "over the long term"?

The people peddling the idea that a concerted bombing campaign followed up by another five years down the road and as many as are necessary after that to permanently prevent the Twelvers from obtaining the bomb is not feasible are of course not just wrong but dishonest about it.
They say it would only delay the bomb when what they really mean is it's easier in the short run to let them have the bomb and hope they don't use it than it is to stop them from getting it.

Here's an idea; we use Iran's $150+ billions of assets to fund destroying their nuclear program rather than giving it to them to shoot our head-in-the-sand ostrich asses off.


Obama was going to stay as long as it took. After all, his job was to make certain the other parties were as willing to concede to every Iranian demand as he was.

The goal was never to end Iran's nuke program; it was to free Iran to dominate the region. I wonder who among his advisors wanted that?

Thomas Collins

A new Pulitzer Prize category should be developed for this type of article: Best Feeding of Dem White House Talking Points To Gullible Coastal Oligarchy Readers.


so kibitzing with David M, was like chatting with the Larf, frabjous joy,


this is what I was referring to last night,


sbw-suppression of individuals is precisely the purpose of bo's education policy with greedy Reps anxious for federal grants and rewarding cronies in a poltically direcetd local economy piling on.

I may have systematically pieced together what is going on, bit bo, arne, valjar (her mother helped found the Erik Eriksen Institute to push the psychosocial ed model) and others have been in the room when these initiatives were all discussed.

Those who read my blog or the book know I have been talking about cybernetics in recent posts. What I have not mentioned as nerdiness does have bounds is how much of the theory is grounded in the social theories of GH Mead, created right there at U-Chicago in the 30s.


Stupidest justification for Iran deal ever. http://www.educationdive.com/news/iran-nuclear-deal-could-benefit-higher-ed/402386/


First interviews of some John Doe victims at 10:00 central on WISN 11:30 Milwaukee (i-heart). Manley of WI Manufacturing & Commerce along with O'Keefe who blew the lid on it.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

How bout;

Breast Feeding of Dem White House Talking Points To Gullible Coastal Oligarchy Readers?

Captain Hate

Lacking a RICO suit against these turds, this is the best possible outcome:



Timmerman's work, first the Death Lobby, but the lesser known Fanning the Flames, really influenced
the wider view of the arms trade to the gulf in the 80s, Operation Staunch and all, now handing the Sepah 100 billion dollars seems like madness,


sometimes they play as if it were volunteer work,
honestly, Maher seems to have gotten miffed, at the mild query one made of Zaphod,


professional idiot, from the Conquistador Coffee ranks,



Why bring up David M?

Huh? This is how this WH operates? On the hour Barry appears out of the little doors on the cuckoo clock and makes a cryptic statement and before it occurs to his "key aides" to ask him what he meant he disappears back inside until it's time to cuckoo again? Posted by: Ignatz Ratzkywatzky | July 16, 2015 at 09:27 AM

I'm pretty sure this is how it is done.


It sounds like: "I don't need this (aggravation.) This whole business is disturbing my equanimity. Make it go away." We are talking about a long term agreement involving the national interests of the United States. Why is there an "I" in that sentence?


remember that excerpt from the schreiber hagiography, where the aides point out zaphod's
diagnosis of the banking crisis, would require
entirely different tools then were being employed,

Thomas Collins

I think your proposed new Pulitzer Prize is a definite improvement on mine, Ignatz!

Captain Hate




and for the most part, he isn't pestered by inconvenient questions like that, too often,

Dana Ward, Adjunct Feather Passer

Why bring up David M?

Miss me yet?


the medici has a steep learning curve:


Jeff Dobbs

Using the Obama quote from the post - he makes just as much sense if you reverse his words (with minor adjustments for articles and verbs)...

"A debate honest will be that and so say should critics those then force military through heel to Iran bring should we that is alternative."

This is entirely different than if you play a recording of his words backwards. When you do that, this is what you get (third one down).




heh, however they are still keeping her in some capacity,


Jane on Ipad

Hi guys. What did I miss?


WI SC eviscerated the DAs in the John Doe thing. Progs are doubling down (entire court should have recused, Koch bros owned, etc). Meanwhile damages claims moving forward in state / federal court now.


when you've lost albert brooks,



I'm listening to the Watchdog reporter (Kittle) on the radio-- he's predicting the DAs will go full vindictive mode now. This is not over. How do we know they DAs will comply with evidence destruction orders / not supply to say OFA for publication? (I think they did that long ago).

Miss Marple

Regarding narciso's link to the Nicole Wallace article:

"According to Variety, Wallace, the former communications chief for George W. Bush, was asked to leave her position because she didn’t argue enough in politics and didn’t know enough about celebrities."

How bad a Republican do you have to be not to argue with Whoopi Goldberg?


norma desmond, is terrible, even the management of the spew, eventually figured it out,


“And if the alternative is that we should bring Iran to heel through military force, then those critics should say so, and that will be an honest debate,” Mr. Obama said.

Ok, I'll say so. So what's your debating position?

This is like "don't call my bluff."


these are unaccountable apparatchiks, we know already they leak the raw files to the usual suspects,

Dave (in MA)

The Far Enemy just wants another Nobel, and threw the Near Enemy under the bus.

Rick Ballard


I believe the WI SC erred in ordering the destruction of "evidence" compiled by the DAs. The DAs will "comply" by destroying evidence of their direction of the investigation, allowing them to maintain full immunity. The plaintiffs will be left with a more difficult task and Chisholm might dodge the figurative noose.

Captain Hate

If I may offer a few words in defense of Norma Desmond despite how far that is outside of my comfort zone. Besides being reasonably attractive it's not hard to imagine her believing that her torpedoing Sarah Palin was one of the traits that qualified her to roost among the clucking hens (the worst of which, Rosie Perez, continues to operate with a worse than Barbara Walters speaking tic that sounds like she just took a massive money shot).

Teh View is on ABC, no? Assuming yes, that means they're owned by Disney which also has ESPN which jettisoned Rush for being too controversial. I'm starting to think that Republicans or conservatives are not being held to consistent standards.


O'Keefe on the radio, his next move is to go after Chisolm directly. Apparently citizens can petition the Gov to dismiss a DA for bad behavior. Interesting, if true.


Rick, I would move for an audit of where the evidence went-- in one of the open damages cases currently in the courts. That would trap the DAs on what you describe.


Point taken, Captain, but she took the Hasselbeck slot and apparently she wasn't verklempt for their tastes, this will not stop the stop the Spew from descending further into 'the Sea of Monsters' however,


nothing less than disbarment and prison, will ensure they will not try this tactic again,


Note, the WI SC decision did not address the GAB exceeding its mandate and coordinating a criminal (in many aspects) prosecution with the DAs and Lerner at IRS.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal is already carrying Soros water attacking the WI SC for this decision.


ht our Chitown friend: Chattanooga shooting at Naval recruiting station, hunt for shooter now ongoing. Multiple victims.

Bink L

"Y'all are having a bad couple of months to cap off the last eight years. It's bound to improve. :)"

Not me. Obama has been great for the stock market. He and his Treasury crew have made me, my family and friends a lot of money. Keep pumping!!! At least for another year, then I am retiring to a "good" state. I've drained my liberal state enough, time to spend it in a red state!

Captain Hate

Apparently citizens can petition the Gov to dismiss a DA for bad behavior. Interesting, if true.

I wish that was the standard throughout the country. Other than voter fraud and terrorism, there is no worse crime than deliberately misusing the power of the state against private citizens. A rogue DA is a terrible thing. Criminal prosecution and significant jail time, much greater than the token amount Nifong received, are fully appropriate.

See Watts Up for some of the climatic dissonance generated by the propagadists at NOAA.

Now that NOAA has completely jumped the temperature series shark, it would be useful to examine the satellite temperature series, UAH and RSS. We are cooling, etc. Shoulda showed this to jk months ago.


next is the WI Manufacturers & Commerce guy -- his first public statements since he got shut down in 2012.

Miss Marple

Hey, remember that case where the administration continued issuing amnesty permits after there was a federal injunction, and the judge got mad?


They are having to track all of those pieces of paper down and give them to the court. Ha!

Rick Ballard


If the feral legal vermin could be run out of the Department of JustUs, a prosecution under 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights could obtain the desired results.

Firing ever damned US Attorney on January 20, 2017 would get the ball rolling.

Hadn't heard yet.

Well, my near and dear in Chatta is alive and well.


WMC guy talking about DAs focus on donor lists (and their tax records).

There is a lot we don't know about this yet.

Or afterwards.

Dana, welcome to cognitive dissonance among the alarmists. It will be fun to watch the parade grind to a glaring halt before Paris.


Nice reception for Obama in Oklahoma. ht our Chicago friend.

The government horde is at the gate, here to help us.

If I didn't already like Walker, I'd be even more pumped by this.

He doesn't know it yet, but he's sitting on an issue that can resonate very strongly with the electorate. We may only be derivative Englishmen, but we dwell in castles.

James D

Firing ever damned US Attorney on January 20, 2017 would get the ball rolling.

Yes, it would. What are the odds that any of the R candidates, even Walker, would do that, though?

Oh where oh where have the sunspots gone?

Check out record, for our era, Antarctic Sea Ice extent and possible cyclic recovery of Arctic Ice. Arctic Ice volume, which I consider to be a leading indicator of recovery, is rebounding.

Yeah, ponder the Maunder.

James D

He doesn't know it yet, but he's sitting on an issue that can resonate very strongly with the electorate. We may only be derivative Englishmen, but we dwell in castles.

I think he does know it. But I don't know if he's willing to really raise it as it needs to be raised. If anyone in the race can, it's him, after the endless witch-hunts against him. And if anyone gets how unhinged, lawless and evil the progs are, it's him.

I hope he does take it up, aggressively. ASide from being a winning issue, it's also the right thing to do.

Miss Marple

I know one candidate who would fire people.


Captain Hate

James, after what Walker's been through I'd say it's pretty likely he'd unload on quite a few of them. "All" is the preferred amount.

Old Lurker

I'd fire every Federal Employee at all levels who is not protected by civil service rules. Every single one. Then I would reassign every protected employee, every single one, to another department unrelated to where they worked before. Then rebuild each function from Base Line = 0.

Yes, erase the entire corporate memory of the way things are now and start anew.



OL, all while pushing Congress to cut staffing levels by 80%.

Captain Hate

Is the ewok becoming Bathtub Boy 2? Whenever he goes on a prolonged rant that nobody is worthy of his towering intellect it's usually followed by a string of open threads.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I'm writing in OL.


There's a lot of confusion among the media and the American public about Trey Gowdy's Benghazi committee.It seems that Gowdy was overheard outside the committee room the other day saying to an aide "Forget about Benghazi,I told you focus on Clinton".

The AP reported today that Gowdey's Benghazi committee has turned into a witch hunt of Hillary Clinton and he's completely ditched the pretense of trying to find out what happened to the 4 dead diplomats.Even Republican members are getting really uncomfortable with the optics of Gowdeys 'let's use Benghazi to get Hillary' routine.

Politico is doing an expose on this very issue in the next month.....there's evidence to suggest that Gowdeys just wants to hurt the Clinton campaign. More and more media outlets and Politicians are wondering what the hell is going on.


nub nub, doesn't grow on trees you know, like the pizza farm, in Ron Swanson's vignette,\

In Kingsman, Samuel L Jackson portrays a tech mogul, who gives away his prize app, in order to carryout his Holdrenesque culling,

James D

CH @ 12:39

I hope so. I hope that, if Walker (or any other R) does win the White House, they don't give into the pressure to "reach out" and to "heal and "unite" or whatever other buzzwords the MSM - and the GOPe - will use ad nauseum

This is not a time for "with charity towards all, with malice towards none."

This is a time for "carthaga delenda est."


@PzFeed: BREAKING NEWS - ACTIVE SHOOTER: 4 U.S. Marines & 1 Police Officer Shot In Chattanooga, TN.
(from our Chicago friend)

A piece of let 'em eat cake.

Ah, it is merely a matter of re-introducing the rule of law. There will be enough nostalgia for it.


Wow,TPM reporting that a Hill staffer found Gowdey in the men's bathroom the other day crying his eyes out saying "I've got nothing,I've got nothing.I betrayed my country,I betrayed those dead Americans,I betrayed my country,I've got nothing.It's all a scam,they told me they needed her damaged,they told she needed to be brought down, it's all a scam".

Jesus. That;s serious.

But go ahead, count on it.

Los Ninos pass. Then what, joker?

Or do you?

You know an El Nino cools the ocean.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Remember when everyone claimed this CA couple was nuts and perpetrated a hoax when she was supposedly kidnapped and turned up a few days later back in the spring?
Turns out she was kidnapped by a first rate whacko (former Marine, Harvard Law Degree) and she and her boyfriend had nothing to do with it.
Of course as weird as this thing is it'll probably flip flop again.


he probably thinks it is a Menudo tribute band,

Captain Hate

I hope that, if Walker (or any other R) does win the White House, they don't give into the pressure to "reach out" and to "heal and "unite" or whatever other buzzwords the MSM - and the GOPe - will use ad nauseum

On Levin's show last night I thought Walker made it very clear that he regarded McTurtle and OrangeDrank's capitulation to the MFM's "we have to show we can govern" before the ballots were finalized to be breaking campaign promises.

James D

That's encouraging, CH.

Miss Marple

Something big is going o in Chattanooga. Shooting at military recruitment center, multiple people shot, shootings reorted at different locations, governor's residence in Nashville on lockdown, air space closed over the city, ATF called in, Homeland Security strike force activated, universities on lockdown.

The above information came from the Chattanooga Twitter feed. Fox is trying to get info, very confusing. Don't know if that is all accurate, but they have called in a guy who used to work in Homeland Security.


'mr. president, it's not a question of whether there will be war, that is assured, it's a question of fallout or not,' of course, the press was too focused on thought criminal Coz, to consider that notion,


MissM, from our Chicago friend we know 1 officer and 4 marines are shot, possibly two active locations, and very confused MSM.

This while the army is in Texas.


a more tactful view of this,



so do they have any facts on the ground,



Latest is 2 military facilities attacked. shooter dead.

Mentored dozens of PhDs.

Dana musta been Dean of Climatology @ Pitzer.


so did he hit the first target, then drove off?

Captain Hate

Rupert poses the question "Why not go full retard?"


Captain Hate

narc beat me to it. So the Rove News Channel gets rid of Palin and hires McCannnnnz? Who next, Chelsea Clinton?


probably Norma Desmond herself, you laugh, well sort of a grim chuckle,


some initial details,


Rick Ballard

"to be breaking campaign promises."

Not the ones to the oligarchs what bought 'em fair and square though.

I support OL's employment plan but I really want it applied first at the Department of JustUs. Given the current oversupply of attorneys, replacing the feral legal vermin shouldn't be difficult at all.

What we got here, is failure.

Heh, ATF responds before the FBI

Jim Miller

Scott Walker will be on the Michael Medved program this afternoon.

(Don't know when. The program starts in an hour and last three hours. I assume you can listen to the program on the net using his "Listen Now" button, though I've never tried.)

Miss Marple

Hillary has her own Commie-style poster:

Old Lurker

MM, that poster looks like some plastic surgeon's proposal for what he could produce if he had unlimited time and money.

Miss Marple

Fox reports all 4 Marines shot in Chattanooga have died.

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