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July 22, 2015



Distraction from the primaries.


Or set-up for two other dinosaur franchises ducking it out through November.


Duking..... autocorrect


CNN has a battleground poll out fresh this AM. The Democrat dinosaur is losing in Colorado, Iowa and even Virginia to Walker. ( and Bush and Rubio ).

Panic about to set in. This could get real interesting, pass the buttery popcorn.


It's Walker.. cheese curds & beer.

Captain Hate

At some point his son will have to have this lunatic committed:


Jeff Dobbs

WAIT A SECOND! So there I was sitting there thinking, "there could be a primary joke in there" and so I went off to see which primaries are closest to Mar 25 (Hawaii is Mar 26, btw).

NOBODY TOLD ME that NC moved its primary to Super Tuesday.


I can make a difference? I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

Oh . . . and guess what, Sue. GUESS WHAT!!!!!

Captain Hate

Paging Luis Gutierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrez:


Jeff Dobbs

I wonder - why haven't I heard or read anything about the Super Tuesday changes? Texas, in particular, seems rather big news.

Maybe I just missed it? Or maybe it was news long enough ago that I have just forgotten. I drank it off my mind, perhaps.

Anyway, Cruz and or Perry could be helped tremendously with Texas on Super Tuesday (unless they end up splitting it between themselves).

And instead of being the big prize after IA, NH, SC and NV . . . Florida is relegated to two weeks after Super Tuesday. I mean, the contest will almost assuredly still be contested at that point, but . . . sorry Jeb and Marco. BTW, if Jeb is the GOPe golden boy - how did Florida lose its prominence?

Shouldn't this be bigger (more well known and talked about) news?

Here's an article in the Dallas Morning News from just over a week ago about the role Texas will have in the primaries. I didn't see a single mention in the dozen or so blog I visit daily.


After Super Tuesday 2008 but before the NC primary, Dems were in a panic. After BOzo lost Ohio, PA, and TX (and others I can't remember), it was clear white voters preferred HC. NC and IN held their primaries the same day, and BOzo had to win at least one to stave off a loss of support from super-delegates pledged to him early on. HC won IN, but BOzo won NC, ending any hope of stopping him. NC will just be member of the Super Tuesday pack now and relatively unimportant imo.


Since the last primary season, FL is now a winner take all 99 delegates state, giving Jeb a huge advantage.

Rick Ballard


More on Chicom rats racing for any exit. The Central Pimp juggling act is definitely getting more difficult. Oil just broke the $50 support line again and copper is well under the $2.50 line while transports are strongly reflecting the drop in traffic resulting from both the drop in the top line and the fact that primary material sales are coming into line with the drop in retail sales.

The flying rainbow unicorns are beginning to take on a dark hued swannish appearance.


ValJar listed as an attendee at today's School Discipline conference at White House. http://www.ed.gov/news/media-advisories/white-house-host-school-discipline-convening

I am sure it is unrelated to her mother being a founder of a school pushing the psychosocial model per psychologist Erik Erikson's work.

Coincidentally I just finished a paper pushing for a "more democratic approach to intellectual life" in higher ed to allow for equity in credentials.

Rick Ballard


How else can the disparate impact of stupidity be avoided?

Jeff Dobbs

NC will just be member of the Super Tuesday pack now and relatively unimportant imo.

You are NOT going to burst my ALL CAPS bubble, Deb.

(until you remind me that being an early primary state means campaign ads as far as the eye can see)

Captain Hate

From a prior thread:

Kasich hails from and is governor of Ohio, a union dominated state iirc.

Union dominated is a bit of a stretch imo; it's not even in the top 10 union states in this 2011 summary: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/strongest-and-weakest-labor-unions-by-state-2011-03-10

Furthermore, the unions are far from a homogenous entity considering the counties where United Mine Workers are significant voted strongly against 404 because of his anti coal policies. The unions weren't a factor when Kasich overruled the state Senate on Medicaid expansion.

Kasich used to be reasonably conservative but something turned his head around. Maybe it was too much immersion in Columbus.


I think he began to recognize that not being conservative about who should be the driver of the economy brings in federal grants.


Thanks, CH. Looking on from afar in right-to-work GA, OH just seems union-dominated to me.


The unions were strong enough to grab back collective bargaining by putting it on the ballot in Ohio
After that defeat Kasich started to turn
I liked his speech yesterday
He just needs to be a little bit more conservative
If he doesn't win let him balance the federal budget


ETA imo any state whose public employees are unionized qualifies as union-dominated.


Cleveland Columbus and Toledo are all liberal
The suburbs on the west side not so much
We are split evenly in Rocky River and have had a Republican mayor for over 25years


Does "grab back collective bargaining" mean teachers and police can strike? If so, yuck!

Captain Hate

The unions were strong enough to grab back collective bargaining by putting it on the ballot in Ohio

I'm not sure how much of that was union strength so much as utter ineptitude on the part of whoever was leading the fight against collective bargaining. I've never seen such a halfassed campaign on the state level which is really saying something considering the state GOP is completely dysfunctional between Northeast and Southwest entities.

The teacher's union ran a few sappy television ads where somebody attractive posing as a teacher pretended to care about the chirrun. Those could've been easily mocked except whoever was leading the "opposition" was asleep at the switch. It was absolutely pathetic and whoever was in a position of responsibility for it should be drummed out of any future activity.

Dave (in MA)

Oh, great.

I'm older than Clark Kent's mother.


really you're older then Diane Lane, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne, I don't think so, plus Superman, causing the destruction of Wayne Tower, which when last I checked was in Gotham, not metropolis, really Gigi Hadol, is the draw, but she's not going ro be one for long,

Dave (in MA)

I thought that both Metropolis and Gotham are supposedly analogs to New York City in their respective comic universes, so what happens now?

Lileks muddies the picture a bit by providing evidence that both fictional cities have Chicago-like architectural equivalents in the real world,


true, although Gotham was always thought of more like New York, the Dark Knight, really conflated the two,


I'm older than Clark Kent's mother.

And, no doubt, prettier, too.


Thanks, RickB,

I have the article bookmarked to read. Have been busy with photos for awhile but its in the 'must read' lineup :-)

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