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August 28, 2015



Of the 71, 59 were men, 8 were women, and 4 were children.

Wouldn't women and children be more likely to meet the "fleeing in fear" definition, while the men stay back and fight?


Ext, such chivalry is Euro-centric. It is racist to expect any such thing of other. Denounce yourself (or have a beer, its all good).

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Why can't they be settled in, oh, I don't know, a middle eastern country?
If they're Sunni they can go to Saudi Arabia.
If Shia, surely Barry's pals in Iran will gladly take them in.
If Christian or Jewish, it's a little tougher.

Dave (in MA)


Looks like the fans of chopping up and selling babies are going to be converging on Ernie Jr.'s house today as he hosts the 1st major fundraising event for Trump.

Rick Ballard

Saudis are having to deal with Yemeni Arab Spring detritus. The carrion stench from the Obama/Clinton amateur hour is rather pervasive.


If they pledge to vote Democrat, I'm sure there is Section 8 housing and EBT cards waiting for them here.


Ashley Madison CEO leaves company

Avid Life Media Inc., Ashley Madison's parent company, says Noel Biderman's departure was a mutual decision and in the best interest of the company.
Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Did Mr Biderman and Ashley get a divorce because they got hacked or because the hack indicated he and Ashley were cheating on all their pathetic customers?

Army in harmony.

Two girls for every forty-eight thousand boys. Gonna go on an internet surfin' safari.

Thomas Collins

All of this Ashley Madison fallout could have been avoided if males who desire extracurricular just all agree to treat the Destinys of the world to champagne rooms as opposed to treating the Ashleys and Madisons of the world to cars, luxury rental apartments, clothes and monthly allowances.

Thomas Collins

As to the threadstarter topic, the only way to assimilate this type of migration is to end multiculturalism and institute the ethic that the migrants will adopt the dominant culture of the host country. Of course, that won't soon be a problem. After the Mohammedans have established themselves as the center of gravity of the West, there will be no multiculturalism for the dhimmis.


Marlene, hope you're on the mend today.


Can you give us an update?

Thomas Collins

Are these two unattached? This would be a romance made in heaven.



From David Frum's article in the July/August Atlantic. Please excuse the length.

"Beginning in 2012, the United States faced a surge in illegal entries by unaccompanied minors from Mexico and central America. The number of such migrants apprehended at the U.S. - Mexico border jumped 60% from 2012 to 2013, and 75% from 2013 to 2014. Throughout the crisis many news reports insisted that they were refugees fleeing lethal chaos in their home countries. But Central America had not become appreciably more chaotic - in fact the murder rates in Honduras, the largest sending country last year, dropped by 20% from 2012-2014.Most of the unaccompanied minors were males, many of them likely responding to a perceived opportunity; a series of changes in U.S. policy since 2008 seemed to promise that young migrants would not be sent home."

Thank you Mr. President. You asshole.


in fact the murder rates in Honduras, the largest sending country last year, dropped by 20% from 2012-2014.Most of the unaccompanied minors were males,

so Obama just imported all the murderers in Honduras?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

-- in fact the murder rates in Honduras, the largest sending country last year, dropped by 20% from 2012-2014--

That would seem to support Trump's claims re them sending us their murderers, since it coincides with the upsurge here of both immigrants and crime.


from the piece on the other thread:


Jack is Back!

ThisToo is a long term and existing Euro problem for over 40 years. First the Moors and Algerians and now the Iraqis, Syrians and north Africans. Like with us in the US, it was tolerated at first and then all of sudden people wake up to crime, excessive welfare payments, living on the dole, ISIS recruits, sharia law in the shops and society.

Hey, what has happended to my tolerable loving societal country?

Too late.


That's magnificent! ISIS gone surfing :)

Jack is Back!


It will be a romance made in stars. She won't last one second against him and her jaw will be a wire mesh for years. If she is so tough then go to Ranger or Seal tryouts.


Posted by: matt | August 28, 2015 at 12:21 PM

Honduras another whistle stop on the Merde Touch tour. When the then president thought he could crown himself El Hefe for life the rest of the country said no, but Zero thought otherwise. Little surprise then that Central American governments and the Mexican government would collude to send us their unwanted "minors" (unsurprisingly most are young men in their teens and twenties and lying about their age and can't be bothered to show up for their immigration hearings).


Strangely, the refugees left all the women and children back home to be persecuted.

Why it's almost as if they're not refugees at all, but invaders.

Well, at least Germany has a law that allows the gov't to seize properties in order to house the homeless. Wouldn't want the refugees getting cold at night.


The Honduran refugees are mostly men? They left the womenfolk and children back in the chaos?

What cads.




I wrote this a long time ago:

The New Magic Universe

Free Beings associating freely
in harmony!

Old Lurker

Left their women behind?

Recall the timeless rule of conquering land:

"Kill or Enslave the Males and Impregnate the women."

That requires men only as the invaders.


Obama, Rodham and Heinz have made America so proud.

Old Lurker

I guess in our modern world, one could add "emasculate" or "feminize" to Kill and Enslave for the men in the target territories.


A polling firm prez said to Peggy Noonan:

“Over 80% of the American people, across the board, believe an elite group of political incumbents, plus big business, big media, big banks, big unions and big special interests—the whole Washington political class—have rigged the system for the wealthy and connected.” It is “a remarkable moment,” he said. More than half of the American people believe “something has changed, our democracy is not like it used to be, people feel they no longer have a voice.” ... Mr. Miller added: “People who work for a living are thinking this thing is broken, and that economic inequality is the result of the elite rigging the system for themselves. We’re seeing something big.”

Miller then noted that what's new is that the elites now view voters as "Jaywalkers", i.e. the hopelessly ignorant passersby Jay Leno would stop and ask to name the first U.S. president and they'd answer "George Jefferson". [my example, not Miller's].

Jack is Back!

Anyone seen Geraldo lately?




"The long, slow death of the rule of law in America"

Eat it, rubes!

Jack is Back!


Plenty of resources in Florida to bookmark but I have this one as well as NOAA and National Hurrican Center. Top of my list. As they should be for you.



now who has the last laugh:


Manuel Transmission

A little insider perspective on the EUtopia situation.

We've have a French couple squatting in Jane's private villa. They are part of a small group visiting the 'boys' next door. The boys threw a dinner party on their waterside patio complete with a string quartet. I hadn't had a chance to do much more than say Bonjour to the guests until the party.

Turns out the hubby is a management consultant from Paris who works for the big guys like Airbus. So, I eventually ask him what is his take on the mess over there, particularly the Greeks. He thinks it is going nowhere crazy. That the tradeoff to the rest of them between letting the Greeks sink vs the alternative of starting the dominoes tumbling will never swing to letting them sink. Too small a hit to the OPM to seriously consider. He also thinks any plays with Putin are just idle threats to keep the money rolling.

We shall see.

Rick Ballard


Self castrating eunuchs - with moron credentials from the Morloch factories striving to produce perfect Eloi.

Old Lurker

You are good, Rick. very good.



Don't bother reading it. But the comments are...batshit crazy.

Jack is Back!


Next time you see him ask him what his tax rate is and where he actually lives?

Jack is Back!

My bad. Not OL but Man Tran. Both fine gentleman of distinction but one knows one frog too many:)

[Full disclosure, my BIL is a frog]


reading the Top Secret series, with it's predecessor Empire and Honor, where they introduced James Cronley,


"The long, slow death of the rule of law in America"

The trip to this point may have been in tiny increments, but I bet that widespread realization will hit critical mass quickly once it starts.

That might be what Trump is out in front of right now whether he knows it or not.


Rick-Red was at a mandatory seniors at college meeting last night. Turns out it was called to encourage the students to apply to grad schools. Now the senior class seems divided among the students who get that grad school is a racket vs the sheeple ready to spend ever more money until someone shows up with their desired UMC job.

She said her sorority sisters get frustrated when she and her friend whose dad is a managing partner at a large firm try to explain what the market for lawyers is really like

James D

Insty quoted the appalling (I think it's a fair description) MeganMcArdle today. And it's a perfect example of why I've really come to loathe her writing:

Since police are not usually thought of as members of the professional class, let me define what I mean by a professional: someone who does a lot of work unsupervised, and whose output is important, yet hard to measure. Professionals tend to deal with some of the most sensitive and important issues that our society has, like treating illness and educating our children. It's no accident that these people generally end up being regulated by their peers -- and that the rest of us are frequently unsatisfied with the results. When professional groups decide what's good for the rest of us, it usually turns out that what they think is good for the rest of us is what's best for them.

This doesn't have to be nakedly venal, and it often isn't. College professors genuinely care about their students, lawyers about their clients, doctors about their patients, journalists about their readers, and yes, police care about the communities they serve. But when a proposal comes up that will hurt them in some way, it's very easy for the professionals to see all the reasons against it, and to convince themselves that the world will be better off without it. And when it comes time to discipline a member for some offense, unless it is straightforwardly heinous, they will naturally sympathize with the accused, thinking of all the times they made mistakes that could have landed them in the same place...

...This is why professionals require a certain esprit de corps, a professional ethic, to do their job effectively and fairly. That ethic is supposed to keep them doing the right thing even when no one is looking, and it cannot be imposed from outside, because professional jobs are about judgment with imperfect information, and the only people who have ever tried to exercise such judgment are the professionals themselves.

I'm sorry. This is a load of self-serving, self-justifying elitist claptrap. And it's a great description of the DC Bubble, too.

Jack is Back!

CH, reach for the pepto bismal.




Bush campaign raffling off ticket to Colbert debut


Anyone who hinders Jeb's chances of being the nominee is okay with me at this point.


Daniel Greenfield:

ClintonWorld is an expensive theme park to run. All those staffers the Clintons have picked up have to be paid. And the Clintons can’t stop paying them because they have no true loyalists, only mercenaries. If their checks don’t clear, they’ll be working for Biden or O’Malley before you can say "Whitewater."


Rick Ballard


Red might want to investigate using the sorority as a spotting center for loan companies. I'm sure the sorority could find a use for the steering fees and putting the dedicated ignorant in touch with someone sharp enough to monetize the ignorance might relieve the frustration. There is no benefit in attempting to lower the cost of ignorance.

Jack is Back!

I just went over to AoSHQ for a peek and I have to tell you that those commenters are passionate (nope), intelligent (nope), inspired (nope), engaged (nope), stupid (nope), stodgy (nope) but are they fucking crazy? (Yes, Yes, yes).


That Jeb would get a Colbert ticket, rules him out as a candidate;

that he would admit getting one is a second strike;

that he thinks any sensible political supporter would go misreads the market and is the final strike.


What's crazy is "Bush's fundraising letter describes the opportunity to see Colbert's debut as 'something you'll be talking about 20 years from now'."


Just some more activists behaving like Jorge Ramos. No different really....just a different agenda demand.
Will this get amplified? Will there be coverage about Hillary's "folks" removing these belligerent, disruptive activists, like there was for Jorge Ramos?


Rick Ballard

I'm curious as to whether the MFM will attempt to turn off the Trump Pump. He's proven he can outdraw Weekend at Bernie's and he's not really deflecting that much attention from Red Witch's smoking broom or the Baby Butcher slaughter vids. He's not losing steam yet and the Ramos bit was as effective a piece of political theater as we've seen for quite some time.


I’m such a naive country bumpkin. I had never heard of a champagne room.


Jeb shilling on behalf of Colbert is his way of showing that he is cool and hip and with it
Send better candidates


I have no problem with Kasich Walker Rubio Cruz Fiorina or Jindal
Can do without The Huckster Jeb Patacki Gilmore Paul and Lineey
On the fence about Christie
Don't trust dem lite Trump


Hey, Jebbie. Should you blunder yourself into the WH, just how exactly do you think you'll be treated by hacks like Colbert during your term? Hmmm?


Jeb's Colbert opening night gig, especially his publicizing and fund-raising off it, shows his contempt for the base.


Bingo, Deb.


He's proven he can outdraw Weekend at Bernie's and he's not really deflecting that much attention from Red Witch's smoking broom or the Baby Butcher slaughter vids.


Imagine if Trump decided to call attention to the PP videos. What would the MFM do?

He has enormous power right now.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jeb licking Colbert's pistchios shows Jeb's contempt for himself.

What person with a shred of self respect tries to fellate the creeps who hate them?


I admire Rick Perry tremendously. It's our loss that he's near the bottom of the polls.


Has Jeb Bush expressed his anger yet at Hillary for not treating Journalist's with with the proper respect they deserve?

Ed Henry: Secretary Clinton, I wonder if you could answer a couple questions. One would be were you aware that your husband wanted to give paid speeches to the repressive regime in North Korea? Do you have any comment on these new E-mails that have raised questions about conflict of interest involving your aide Huma Abadin? And finally I wonder, if you've said there's nothing unique about this situation, you've said that before, can you name one other Cabinet Secretary who had their own server?

Hillary: Well let me answer one of your questions because I think that's what you are entitled to.



Mostly agree with your list although I already put Christie in the "can do without" bucket

What about Carson?


I agree, DebinNC. One of the really rotten things about this huge field is that good candidates are getting buried. Partly because others are taking up all the oxygen, partly because there are only so many quality campaign managers/strategists to go around.


Yeah, Christie is in my bucket list.

In, not on, my bucket.

Old Lurker

Perry did himself in last time by seeming unprepared and slow. The new glasses made him look like he thought he could fool people into thinking he is smart with just a simple prop, and that offends people. Even those who were willing to give him a second look (requiring that one give him no demerits for running last time on drugs) have seen nothing to date that would change a negative impression.

Too bad, but there it is.


how about that Suits season finale,

Old Lurker

Walker, Carly, Cruz, Carson and Jindal remain on my list.

All the others are in my Trash Can and the Trash has been deleted.

Trump remains useful to me by illustrating just how much can be accomplished with words, energy, combativeness and a few simple ideas and in so doing he is making it glaringly obvious how much the base hates GOPe and all the fellow travelers who feed off them. I don't trust his beliefs at all but for now I love the fear he strikes in our betters, and I pray that those on my list can learn from him (Carly knows already).

Old Lurker

Loved it Narc. 45 minutes in it seemed to be ending the series and then, right out of the hat...


Agree, OL, although I would keep Perry on my list.

And I also agree with Janet's observation in last night's thread about Trump taking on the MFM, who are collectively the country's greatest domestic enemy IMO.


the rest of the story,



Man Tran,

Tell them to treat my villa well or they will hear from me! Harrumph!

Did anyone every meet anyone who posted at the Ashley Madison site or was it just all online. Weren't there only 3 women?


That's true, OL, but Texas has thrived during Perry's watch like no other state, especially given its 27M population of which iirc less than 1/3 are non-Hispanic whites. I think Hispanics-Latinos are the biggest segment. The same Gallup poll showing IL-CT-MD were the top three states whose residents would leave if they could, also showed TX is 5 or 6th place among states with the fewest residents who'd leave. That's incredible to me, given Hawaii was 1, followed by overwhelmingly-white states like Montana, Oregon, NH, and factoring in the continuing flood of illegals TX has to contend with.


Wonder if this is one of those "Professionals" Ms McArdle is praising:

Los Angeles County's second-highest paid employee didn't work in 2014

The second-highest paid employee in Los Angeles County had a pretty restful 2014, you’d assume, since he didn’t work a single day in his job, despite getting nearly $790,000 last year in salary.


I like that list OL but I'd add Rubio. I wasn't a big fan until I met him, and then heard about his FP cred.


I give Walker, Kasich, and Jindal extra points as governors daily "in the arena". I subtract many points from Jeb for spending the last 9 yrs. out of office enriching himself on a corporate board in between traveling the country collecting political IOUs.


Via Insty:

Meanwhile, Donald Trump mocks:
Who wants the endorsement of a guy (@EricCantor) who lost in perhaps the greatest upset in the history of Congress?

Thomas Collins

Jane, I think the center of gravity of media's coverage of Ash Mad is promoting the "men think in the wrong part of their body" meme while ignoring the females. I'll bet that if the numbers were known, there would be plenty of real females on Ash Mad promoting their wares for some sugar daddy action. That's why I promote Destiny and Luscious in the champagne room. Destiny and Luscious have greater ethics and more reliable pricing.


Jeb's Colbert opening night gig, especially his publicizing and fund-raising off it, shows his contempt for the base.

Jeb makes Romney look ballsy.

Jack is Back!


Are you worried about your villa? You should be. Welcome to Florida and the west coast.

Old Lurker

Jane, I am still steamed from Rubio's interview with Howie Carr last week which finally moveed him to the trash can for me.

Deb I too am impressed with Perry's job as governor but remain turned off by his too runs for President. Almost like he had a stroke in terms of failing to be the guy who ran TX so well. Frankly I had great hopes for him last time and was willing to look again but no longer.


What person with a shred of self respect tries to fellate the creeps who hate them?

Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Lindsay Graham, Jeb, and 99% of everybody else in New York and DC with an R behind their names.

Thomas Collins

Well, Dick Nixon went on Laugh-in and said sock it to me, and the Dems obliged.


jimmyk on iPhone

"I’m such a naive country bumpkin. I had never heard of a champagne room."

Me neither, sbw. And I ain't no country bumpkin.


Well what I see is a 45 MPH trop storm. That will bring a lot of rain, but unlikely to create a wall of water storm surge, and unlikely to threaten the integrity of buildings. I suppose it could strengthen, but it could also hit in the Everglades where it might flip a few gators upside down and peter itself out. This will under no model I have seen be a Cat 3 or Cat 4 monster.

jimmyk on iPhone

"Yeah, Christie is in my bucket list."

Trump is the candidate that Christie thought he could be.


I'm on to TM.

First it was "Gruesome but."
Now, it's Ghastly, but."

It's all about Hillary.


Despicable She


GMax-welcome to hurricane season. When dennis came in in 2005 hubby and my eldest got on bikes along 98 and let the wind push them along.

Red and I went to the grocery store and she got to see people with carts full of beer. Later about 6 hours before the clouds came ashore the winds picking up made the beach seem like it has snowed.

One more fun fact I will pass on. When storms come in to the West of the panhandle, especially MS or La, the beaches in the eastern part of the Gulf accrete sand.

Miss Marple

Christie lost me forever with that Obama hug.

I, too, am terribly disappointed in Perry. His error was in hiring that odious Steve Schmidt, who I am beginning to think is a stealth democrat who deliberately gives bad advice.

My choices are Fiorina, Jindal and Carson.

I had wanted to support Walker but he is not campaigning so as to get enthusiasm. I also do not like that he has backtracked a couple of times.

I am holding Trump as my trump card (ha) if my three choices are forced out.

Dave (in MA)

I drove by Ernie Boch Jr.'s house a while ago and there were quite a few uniformed cops and lots of personnel barriers.

Howie Carr's going to be running a live Periscope of the event at https://twitter.com/howiecarrshow.

Apparently there's something called a Periscope.


what is half past never:


Old Lurker

Jane in that Rubio-Carr radio interview, Rubio was destroyed by Carr on immigration so Rubio tried to change subjects to "educating for the 21st century". If RSE were to compile a list of her top ten code words of things to fear, she would have heard all ten from Rubio. So I bury him with Jeb on those two issues alone.

Old Lurker

MM, I leave Walker on my list but cover him in my comment about "trying to learn something about communicating" from Trump and Carly. If he continues with his current ho-hum style, he is toast.

As I said about Perry: Too bad but there it is.


WTI pricing continues its ascent. Now up 6.5% for the day. Maybe Maduro can buy some TP for his people now?


I am familiar with bond accretion. Beach accretion, not so much.


yes, I don't get it, did Solomon Bros, reopen the Phibro trading desk,

Daddy on the new iPhone

Rush reminds us in his last hour today that the 1980's version of the GOPe was ashamed and embarrassed of Ronald Reagan and that Newts 1994 house victory was by back benchers and the grass roots. Rush says he has never seen the hostility from the GOPe to the base like he sees it now, and he says that in his opinion this Is the 1st time he actually thinks the GOPe would be satisfied to lose an election if it could rid them of the voters they despise (us) who allow them to win elections

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