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August 06, 2015



Where's the beer?

Frau Oliebollen

Bring on the cheese curds while you're at it.

Jeff Dobbs

Yay, TM!!!!

I'm at the bar playing pool.

The fate of the Republic is on my shoulders.

8 ball, side pocket.

Y'all have fun, now. Don't do anything I would do.


Some days it is good that cable doesn't reach this far, but beer trucks do.


Speaking of henry, bice torn by bashers or is that too kind a fate


If Hillary ends up with the nomination before a) being indicted, or b) drinking herself into a permenant stupor, smart move is to put Carly up against her.

Neutralize all that woman vote stuff and Carly would flat out kick her big a$$.


Bice torn by bashers. Yeah, that is the right idea. What if the bashers had diarrhea and tore slowly? The torment should last a long time.


That is for whitewashing here Chisholm reign of terror, that David French clarifies.


Not having a television, I'm relying on you all for my first impressions about this 'debate'. Thank you!

Frau Oliebollen

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue: Hillary!'s indictment will be postponed until she is elected president after which she will pardon herself in a ground-breaking "selfie."


David French is brilliant.


Rush was pointing out a dc whispers piece, that Jeff Lord refernced on cnn,


Yes he is. Bice and the DAs are trying an end run around the WI SC ruling to be able to continue selective leaks from the John Doe "evidence" stash (ruled illegal by the SC). French does an excellent job exposing their standard smear technique -- the edited 35 minute tape hiding the meaningful things in the 3 hour tape. Note,Mathis leak is from that stash.


The last was about Rubio being designated as cassius against the Donald.


Good Evening! Am 2 and a half sheets to the wind, and just pulled in from the Paris Pub cross the street. Am saddled with CNN so the debates will be second hand. All that said, Anderson Coopers Show and his guest on that show are all praising Carly Fiorina's performance, in the early debate, to to the skies. All of them!

That tells me that she connected, and that also tells me that that is the info that is being passed on to the LIV's who get their info from CNN.

Aw geez, here's Gergen... Thankfully the room ice box has beers. It's 2 AM here.

These are no men for an old century.

My TV only gets VHS videocassesttes, and a sort of permanent noisy snowstorm. Climate change, whew.


Heh, Charlie's Angels is on here.


Oh cozi yes all the old shoes are on there, they had I spy on for a while but that seems to have gone down the memory hole.


Hi everybody!


So about those Syrian rebels, would you belive...


Oh they seem to have discovered goliath home town of gath.

Centralcal on iPad

Hi Porch! Waving from the back of the room.


Hey porch.


Great link from DebinNC showing Carly hammering the snot out of Chris Matthew's attempted grilling of Carly for calling Hillary a liar in tonights early debate:

Chris Matthews Grills Fiorina for Calling Hillary a Liar: ‘Astounded’ You’d Say That

Man, was that satisfactual! Thanks much DebinNC!


de nada, daddy


New question---will people who hate Trumps guts and wouldn't vote for him in a million years, vote for him if Carly was his number 2 and she keeps performing like apparently she did tonight?

Anderson Cooper reporting that the computer used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been hacked by the Russians.

The stuff I miss...


Wow, daddy. That Carly video is great.

It is interesting that Mathews & the MFM sure don't care when American citizens are bashed by politicians.

Reid & the Koch brothers on the Senate floor.
All the slander of tea party rally goers.
The demonizing of Americans that want the borders secured.


I hope the Cleveland debate honchos are prepared for a contingent of blacklivesmatter nutjobs to get into the arena and, once things are well underway, attempt their "shut this sh** down" schtick.


Magpie Kelly is being funny.



Mediaite is still a wretched hive of villainy, but it removes all doubt about sweety.


Will the sound man be adjusting the "cackle" pot down on Magpie?

I hope so.


Daddy watch this if you want to see Carly:


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

All the Dems seem to have on Carly is HP stock plummeted 53%.
Of course there was that little tech bubble popping in the middle there.


Holy smokes!!!


Already the debate goes sour. Egged on by the questioners.


This is off to a chicken shit start.

Brett Barely is a dick for that move.


What is this carp Shirley she can't be serious.


I will tone down my language.



Ben Carson skewers a loaded question on professional politicians.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Well, what many of us feared is now, officially, the case:

Trump refuses to promise *NOT* to run a third-party campaign for president if he doesn't win the Republican nomination.

Jane on Ipad

Sorry, Daddy, you already got it. Did trump refuse the pledge?


Rubio is dehydrated again. Lick lipping like mad.


Rubio follows up destroying the idea that a professional resume is required.


Trump was right to say that Micheal.


Irritating production squibs on the screen.


Magpie trys it again.


I can hear it but not see it.

Trump refused the pledge. JeB calls himself "Veto" Corleone.

Trump talks back to Megyn for her crack about pigs, and gets mass applause from the audience.

"I think the big problem this country has is political correctness."


Trump cuts the knees from under political correctness. Silly PC question from Meghan. Then undercuts Meghan for how she has treated him.


Wallace divisively presents Cruz as divisive.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Well, Trump was certainly *within his rights* to say that, I'll concede that.

However, if you want to run on a Republican ticket, it is not unreasonable for Republicans to expect you to promise *NOT* to destroy the party's chances by pulling a Perot-style third-party run.


Ted Cruz: How can you win she being such a divisive figure as to call Mitch McConnell a liar.

Cruz: America wants somebody to speak the truth...I will always tell the truth and do what I said I would do.

Dave (in MA)

All I'm getting from foxnews.com is a black rectangle and a spinning icon.


Bret to Christy: Your state is a mess. Why should we believe you can fix the country.

Christy: If you think it's bad now, you should have seen New Jersey when I got elected. Then does a litany of improvement." I'm darned proud of how I brought our state back."


Asking the person who is leading the polls such a stupid question to start the debate was completely uncalled for. I know they asked everyone but Brett Barely sure was ready with the follow up.


Go Away..tk!


Meghan hurls a nasty abortion question at Scott Walker. He says his position is more mainstream than Hillary


Megyn to Walker--Are you too extreme as an anti-abortionist to be President?

Walker: I called for defunding PP 4 years ago.


Go Away...tk!


Frau, a bread question..I have the sourdough and soaker batches from your great recipe mixed and realized I won't be able to mix everything up and bake it after 16 hours. After that time, could I put it in the refrigerator for a few hours and finish it up later?


Wallace to Huck: How do you make people vote for you?

Huck: Fetus's are unborn children and abortion is killing humans that have Constititional Rights. The Supreme Court is not supreme.

Captain Hate

Respect for Megyn is dropping like a rock after her suck up to Rupert antics. Kudos to TK for calling her out early.


Glas, what is your problem??


You go the away.


Bret to Rand: Why do you so often blame America first?

Rand: We should not be funding our enemy and we should not be arming our enemies.


..go away.


Rand is correct that ISIS is responsible for terror. He wants to stop funding our enemies and not arming them. (I don't think that is enough to stop them.)


Megyn to Kasich: Why should Republicans believe you when you use Bible language to increase the size of Govt?

Kasich: We do blah, blah, blah, to treat drugged out criminals in prison. "Everybody has a right to their God Given purpose." We cut taxes and created jobs in Ohio.


Will someone who has commented on this thread please tell me what I said that caused Glasater such a concern?

I am live blogging and have been polite to everyone. I disagree with Michael and I do not think I insulted him.

Did I, Michael?


Wallace "some suggest". Oh, those some always suggest.


Wallace to Jeb: They broke the Law but you said that illegals are an act of love. Do you still believe that?

JeB: I do. Not everybody does it as an act of love, but most do, and we need to get rid of sanctuary cities and we need to secure the border. The next Prez needs to fix this once and for all. Earned Leagal Status, not Amnesty.


Our friends the Saudis and Emirates have supplied much of the men to both al mists and the caliphate, but that doesn't answer the question.

And winning the future about red queens resume?


Wallace has an additional 30 seconds to grill Trump.

Pretty fair.


Trump turns on instigator Wallace for ignoring immigration. Wallace still wants evidence. Trump invokes border control conversations.


jeb securing the border ----- false promise alert

Jane on Ipad

Trump is failing.


Wallace to Trump: You say Mexico has sent us criminals. You said you have evidence of this. Why not share your proof and tell JeB next to you your solutions.

Trump: if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be asking this question about Illegal Immigration. I don't mind having a door in the wall that we need to build for certain immigrants. "We need to keep illegals out."

Wallace: What specific evidence?

Trump: I was at the border last week and talked to border agents. They tell me Mexico sends over their bad guys whether you like it or not.,


I thought Jeb looked weak, but I AM biased.


If any one JOM Facebook wants to tackle my 9:23, be my guest.


Fox has turned this into American Idol. Snippets of questions leading to commercials are theater, not news.

Miss Marple


On Twitter Abby Huntsman (loathsome John's daughter) really liked Kasich's answer.

(Insert eyeroll here.)


Daddy, you are a good transcriber. I ain't got the skill.


Found a sky news web feed. Their analyst skewered the moderators for playing gotcha.


Would somebody please stick a sock in Megyn and Wallace's mouths.

They are both just awful.

Old Lurker

Narc, I am scratching my head about Hil's resume being the best one of all running?

How could he say that?

Captain Hate

Rupert really deserves to be slattered for how this has been conducted.


Wallace to Kasich: You don't eant to talk about Trump but talk about the merit of what he just said, that America is stupid and illegals are bad.

Kasich: Trump is hitting a nerve in this country. If you tune him out you are making a mistake. Veers now to talk about his economic accomplishments,.

Wallace tries to interrrupt to get Kasich to talk about illegals.

Kasich rolls over Wallac'es question.

Jane on Ipad

Rubio nails it.

Miss Marple

Ailes was in charge, Captain Hate.

I am leaning toward the fiasco verdict so far.


Wallace asks the same question of Rubio.

He says we do need to build a fence. Goes into specifics of American citizens and "legal immigrants" being screwed by the illegals and govt inaction.


I think he was trying to say it was the longest resume, OL.

He is low on water at the moment.


It is worse than American Idol. It is a fucking clown show. Major fail on Ailes' shoulders.


Scott Walker admitted to Wallace that he actually listened and learned. That is not Wallace-driven political waffling.


Wallace to Walker: Why has your pro-amnsety stance changed, if it isn't simply politics?

Walker: I listened to Americans and experts and changed my mind.


I think the format and questions are good--they are asking each candidate questions re his weakest point and giving then a shot at making their strongest defense.

Miss Marple

I think Cruz was wrong saying a majority of candidates on the stage have supported amnesty.


Cruz: Leaders don't want to enforce immigration laws. Washington cartel. Illegal plus amnesty = fundamental change of the country.


Wallace to Cruz: Will you support Kate's Law?

I authored it and tried to get it passed in the Senate and our Repub Senate leader blocked it. Too many of our Repub Leadership do not want to oppose Amnesty, they are for it. I led the fight against Schumer's Gang Of 8 Amnesty!


A good question from Facebook on sanctuary cities, checking how many moons in the sky.

Jane on Ipad

Schumer is going to announce his opposition to Iran deal, according to twitter.


Readily apparent why Cruz was a debate champion in his younger days.


they lost a lot of audience by streaming it only to cable subscribers

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