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September 21, 2015


Thomas Collins

The same people who excoriate Carson for stating that a Muslin POTUS candidate would need to affirm that he or she wouldn't apply Sharia law principles are the ones who would challenge the legitimacy of a Roman Catholic candidate on the ground that he or she is too beholden to the Pope.

Dave (in MA)

From Insty,

A guy invents a clock in 15 seconds.


Jack is Back!

I agree fully with Samuel Adams and Ben Carson. Sharia has no place in our form of government. And if you don't believe in Sharia its like being a Christian and not believing in the 10 Commandments. You are not a Muslim without the Sharia. That is why in my opiniion there are no "moderate" Muslims but there are are secular ones.


Jeb plans on responding in Arabic.


Well, the Constitution is like a hunnert years old and moldy. At least Sharia is not raciss. Oops! What? Gays & trannies get tossed off buildings? That's unconstitutional!

Stupid SJWs.


Watch Live: Scott Walker News Conference


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Muslims who adhere to sharia aren't really muslims.
Just ask Barry.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jerry Brown signs law limiting number of woman a business may employ.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki



Perfect time for software bots. Yay me!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Some fellow from CAIR with the unlikely but appropriate name A Wad suggests Ben Carson should drop out of the race.
Left unclear is whether Nihad is Arabic for Johnny.


Walker drops out?Michelle Obama must be kicking herself,what with all that time spent teaching Tonette how to dress,walk,talk, annunciate and not squirt canned cheese into her mouth at the dinner table.All for nothing.

Beasts of England

Sad news about Walker. Proven results in rather hostile territory. Vetted like no other candidate we are likely to see. A good person.

We should take up a collection to shoot his campaign consultants.

Beasts of England

Walker drops out. DublinDave hardest hit.


I guess Tonette can go back to wearing tracksuits to state functions again....I mean it's Wisconsin,not like anybodies going to notice.

Beasts of England

Is that the Church of the Enunciation, DD?

Ace Consultant Bob

A candidate should be against the bad muslims* and for the good muslims.

'* - 99.99999999432% of the muslim population, just enough to squish a response.

Googol Translate

"Tonette" -> "2000poundsette"


Walker simply wasn't getting the donations or the traction. Remember it is a long race yet.

And criticizing Wisconsin is a fool's errand. One of the few states in the Union that gets manufacturing despite the predations of the megacorporations.

James D.

I'm depressed beyond words at Walker dropping out.

He was by far the best choice, as far as someone who actually beat the progs, repeatedly. What a damn shame and waste.


Matt, let him scare the takers away. It's fine with us.

James D.

Walker can still serve the cause of good - maybe now that he's out of the race he can get busy destroying the John Doe prosecutors and their allies.

He frankly owes it to the people under him who were victimized by the lawless raids and witch hunts.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Jamie Dimon is a moron who thinks we're doing GREAT!
The only difference between Jaime and Davey is a billion dollars or so.


JamesD, the legislature will get to that this fall session (or so they say). Meanwhile discovery is mauling the bad guys in the various civil suits.

Janet S.

I didn't realize one of the White HOuse guests for the Pope was Gene Robinson

from the WSJ - "Bishop Gene Robinson, who has also been invited to the pope’s welcoming ceremony, is a former Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop in the U.S. He is also an ex-spouse in a same-sex marriage. He didn’t respond to a request for comment."


Here's an old quote from Gene (WaPo 8-6-03)-
"Just simply to say that it goes against tradition and the teaching of the church and Scripture does not necessarily make it wrong."

Got that. His beliefs are based on....what? Whatever he thinks up? How in the world a man that doesn't believe in the traditions & the teachings of a church...& doesn't believe the Bible....ends up in a leadership position of a church, just shows the rot going on.

Obama asked Gene to lead prayer at his inauguration too.


I wonder who the dumbshits are the convince somebody like Pataki or Graham to run, and worse yet, who gives them money?


Walker is a victim of the Energy Monster - Trump.


Maybe Walker can be Trump's VP.


Now on.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Spengler; One cheer for Vladimir Putin.




What a great speech!

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Maybe Walker can be Trump's VP.--

If being VP is not worth a bucket of warm piss under a semi normal guy, what would be the euphemism for being the Veep under a crackpot like Trump?


It would be like screwing a warm jar of mayonnaise.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Even Bill Maher gets the Ahmed the Clockmaker deal sorta right.


Strange day in Madison today. < a href="http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/wisconsin-supreme-court-justice-n-patrick-crooks-dies-b99581412z1-328560641.html?ipad=y">Supreme Court justice Crooks died today. In his chambers. His term was up in April, and he said he wasn't running again. He was 77.

The article does not say if Walker appoints a replacement for the interim. (I had the MO constitution in school, not the WI one. I don't know what happens next with the election already on the calendar).


Ack. Try Justice Crooks died at the WI SC today.


Not for Trump, but Walker is still VP material.

Jack is Back!

Just in time for Halloween: Meet Donna. T. Rumpshaker:)



nihad awad, spoke at my alma mater in 1994, this was when CAIR was really getting underway, he made a point of talking up his work for Hamas, this was at the time of the 'peace deal' with Arafat,


Walker would only make sense as VP for Rubio.

Fiorina would probably look at Rubio.

IF it is a white guy, (especially Kashich or Bush) you are probably looking at Nikki Haley.

If he is not VP I hope that he stays in his current job. Cabinet positions seem to be where good candidates go to die and really saps the bench.

It seems that all new Presidents stock their cabinets with the most effective governors which, especially in swing states, seems to hurt the Party at the state level.


there was more then meets the eye, here,



and what I mentioned earlier:



Looks like Drew Brees will miss his first game in 9 years this week, due to a shoulder injury. (I only mention this because the best game of the week is coming on at 8:30 Eastern tonight.)

Beasts of England

Althouse says Walker gets to appoint a (conservative) successor who can run later as an incumbent.


Beasts, that would be Judge Bradley who just announced she would run in April. (Not Shirley's pet Ann Walsh Bradley, a different woman). A little incumbency in Kloppenburg's face hehehehehe. ( yes the loser to Prosser is running for this seat as well).

Tom Bowler

Hey TM, congrats on getting your "Taxing Our Way To Prosperity, Krugman Edition" post linked by Taranto in his WSJ dissection of Krugman!

“Christie is a Republican, so you know the claim is still rated Mostly False,” quips blogger Tom Maguire. That may be unfair; perhaps Reid simply doesn’t like Christie, or, more charitably, maybe he’s just a stickler about legalisms.

I have a quibble with your counter to Krugman on the demand side effects of tax cuts for the rich, though. Tax cuts for the rich are a supply side move, so why argue the demand side effects? We've had seven years of demand side policy and look where they've gotten us. The lowest workforce participation rate since Carter (or some other long time ago).

Anyway, way to go!


Making a recipe with Wisconsin cheddar tonight, in honor of Walker. Sigh.

Beasts of England

Good news, henry. A shift to the right in your SC should drive the lefties even closer to the asylum. :)


Former peanut exec gets 28 years in prison for salmonella outbreak

A former peanut company executive was sentenced Monday to 28 years in prison for his role in a deadly salmonella outbreak, the stiffest punishment ever handed out to a producer in a foodborne illness case.

The outbreak in 2008 and 2009 was blamed for nine deaths and sickened hundreds more, and triggered one of the largest food recalls in U.S. history.

Before he was sentenced, former Peanut Corporation of America owner Stewart Parnell listened as nine victims testified about the terror and grief caused by tainted peanut butter traced to the company's plant in southwest Georgia.

I guess Hillary will get life, then.


Think they'll ever indict the lawyers at GM who hid the information about the ignition switches?


I hope Christie outlasts all the JV except Jindal + Rand and Huckabee. His debate performances have been solid, and I find him very likable. His presence in the debates imo has raised the public's impression of the group as a whole.


What is the cutoff for the JV?

"These acts were driven simply by the desire to profit and to protect profits notwithstanding the known risks" from salmonella, the judge said. "This is commonly and accurately referred to as greed."

I didn't know that was a crime, but this seems pretty bad:

Federal investigators found a leaky roof, roaches and evidence of rodents at the plant, all ingredients for brewing salmonella. They also uncovered emails and records showing food confirmed by lab tests to contain salmonella was shipped to customers anyway. Other batches were never tested at all, but got shipped with fake lab records saying salmonella screenings were negative.
Rick Ballard

The Putin-Netanyahu meeting seems to have gone well. It sounds as if the protocols required for Israel to continue air strikes against Hezbollah in Syria are being put in place.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Donna's platform seems solid.

Stewart Parnell buried his face in the palm of his hand when his daughter, Grey Adams, told the judge that "my dad's heart is genuine."

"My dad is not greedy — he never gave himself a raise and he never gave himself a bonus," said Adams, who worked with her father at Peanut Corporation but was not charged. "My dad and everyone in our family are profoundly sorry for the harm that was caused."

I only post this because I've never heard of an American political criminal getting anything close to such a sentence, no matter how many people they killed.

daddy (Vote for Summer)

Talk Radio news said that the Obama Admin has requested that the Pope assist in trying to get Iran to release our 4 American prisoners.

The only way I can possibly make sense of that, is to assume that this is somehow planned out in advance, under the assumption that using the Pope as some sort of attention distracting pawn, this will allow the Pope to call for some joint release of all prisoners, to include trading the Cuban Gitmo bad guys in some sort of Pontiff organized exchange with Iran for the American prisoners.

None of this makes the slightest sense of any kind to me otherwise, as what the heck influence or business of any sort does the Pope even have with the Iranians?

Anyone have a better guess as to what the heck this is all about?

daddy (Vote for Summer)

And since Obama has said that ISIS/ISIL is not Islamic, I suppose it follows that ISIS/ISIL members are still perfectly acceptable to run for the position of US President.


The outbreak in 2008 and 2009 was blamed for nine deaths and sickened hundreds more, and triggered one of the largest food recalls in U.S. history

The 61 yo Parnell knowingly shipped out salmonella tainted peanut butter. A sentence of 28 yrs. is not enough. He should never get out.

Beasts of England

Very nice heels - I'd guess about 120mm. Beasts approves. :)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Hard to disagree Deb.

BB Key

just got a robo poll from Rasmussen

Identified as self employed hispanic, under 40 ,married with children at home, moderate who hated 404, hated the current economy , and went to church almost every week.

Did I strike fear in the hearts of Hillary

PS: luv guns


Byron York doesn't blame Trump


daddy (Vote for Summer)

Watching Lou Dobbs on the Pope.

Maybe there being a second Pope at Avignon wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Rick Ballard


York is a little weak on contrasting not having an answer on the tip of the tongue with a buffoon talking straight out of his butt. Not having answers is obviously no real drawback in the current clown show.

BB Key

hearts of Hillary is a typo , upon reflection , it works


Anyone have a better guess as to what the heck this is all about?

I think BOzo mainly wants to use Pope Francis as front man for bringing in 100,000s Muslim migrants. I think Pope Francis is using BOzo to quiet American Indian activists' objection to his canonizing the Spanish priest who started the "convert or else" Catholic missions in early CA.

Cecil Turner

It appears qualifications are disqualifying. Who knew? Wake me up when we decide to get serious.

new lurker

Deb, How on earth do you know that in regards to the peanut guy? I think the sentence is much too long--consider the people in our government who are never charged.


I wish I could sleep that easily, Cecil.


What do you all think the GOPe will do if Trump actually wins the nomination fair and square? Given their virulent antipathy toward him, I can't see them bringing themselves to accept the account of the vote and support him. So what then? Rig the convention to deny him the nomination, thereby destroying themselves and the party in the process? Or run Jeb as a third party candidate, thereby destroying themselves, the party, and humiliating Jeb in the process?

I wish I had confidence that they wouldn't be so blindly stupid, but sadly I don't. They are that stupid.


The link provided said Parnell knew that tests showed the peanut butter was tainted with salmonella, but ordered it be shipped anyway. Nine died and hundreds more suffered but didn't die. Sounds like criminal indifference on an epic scale and mass murder to me. If my 3 yo had died, the least I'd expect would be that his 61 yo murderer never breathed another free breath.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Deb, How on earth do you know that in regards to the peanut guy?--

This is a peanut;

This is a peanut on salmonella;

Federal investigators found a leaky roof, roaches and evidence of rodents at the plant, all ingredients for brewing salmonella. They also uncovered emails and records showing food confirmed by lab tests to contain salmonella was shipped to customers anyway. Other batches were never tested at all, but got shipped with fake lab records saying salmonella screenings were negative.

Any questions?

Beasts of England

Can't argue with a thing you said, derwill.

Miss Marple


I think we should mount a rescue mission and get Benedict out of that house in the Vatican gardens. We could maybe put him up in Tel Aviv where he would be safe.


lol, MM. I'd love that.


derwill, the GOPe has not planned that far. They are still hoping for a flame-out from Trump.

I don't remember the term "suspended" being used for for a candidate that quit.

Wait and see is their strategy as well.


Rove would blow up 'like a oompa loompa, more likely they would suddenly discover the virtues of a third party, ie Anchorage and Minneapolis, that same year,


TK, same word Perry used. Must be a legal / technical term.


ergot causes these delusions



There are a lot more R debates ahead, 8+ iirc. Things will change over time, and imo we've got by far the best group overall in memory.

Miss Marple

The term "suspended" was used by Perry, too.

daddy (Vote for Summer)

A little bit of Lou Dobbs back and forth with his guest, Muslim Conservative, Dr Zhudi Jasser.

Dobbs: Uhhh, Ben Carson, you could just see clearly, that he had a focus I believe, on Sharia Law, that is discomforting to many Americans, and many Muslim Americans as well. Correct?

Jasser: Absolutely, and I think what's happening Lou, is who've had now almost 7 years of a President who's been so far deep in apologetics, where we can't even talk about the reform needed in Islam. He won't even call ISIS Islamic, so we have no strategy against an enemy that is both domestic and foreign, so now there's an opposite reaction happening where we're trying to have courageous candidates that want to identify what the problem is. The problem is tho,' that if we overstep and we miss the distinction between Political Islam, which is a supremacist, totalitarian ideology that we see in Saudia Arabia, Iran...

Dobbs: Which is motivating the Middle east right now.

Jasser: Exactly This is why this issue is so important. I'm so glad you're talking about this Lou. This is not just about whether we can tolerate a Muslim President. Should Islamists have Security Clearances? Should they be in Homeland Security? In Government anywhere? Should we be guiding our Foreign Policy to help non-violent Islamists? And the answer to all of those is "No." But Muslim's who are leading the charge, no different than Dr Benjamin Rush led a charge with Thomas Paine to write about the evils of Theocracy, but that we as American Founding Father's were founding a society based in Liberty, against Theocracy. Muslims can do the same thing.

Dobbs: Can, but in large measure have not. I think you would agree.
Jasser: Right.


I guess I should have said "in previous election cycles."

My "their" was meant to include Perry.

Frau  Maschinenmensch

Apropos steampunk, here is a person identifying as female who attended a Comic con event.

While at the SF World Con in Spokane last month, I noticed the clothing for this section of fandom is very, very pricey.


I love Jasser.

If Trump won fair and square I'd support him. I doubt most of his supporters would return the favor if someone else wins.

daddy (Vote for Summer)

Dobbs:...by the way no one, a lot of reporters are looking for him, knows who the questioner was in this New Hampshire Town hall...

...And by the way, no one's giving Trump credit for being at an unvetted crowd of folks asking questions. You know, we have to give him some credit for that.

Beasts of England

How can I judge her outfit when I can't see her shoes, Frau? :(


Thoughts please:http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/sep/21/hillary-clinton-emails-fbi-refuses-cooperate-serve/


It's literally impossible to articulate a vision when you're standing next to a man whose swinging his testicles in the air and barking like a dog(trust me on that).

And this is the problem with Donald Trump,a one time pro-abortion,tax cutting self pronounced Liberal who suddenly jumped into the campaign after a late night meeting with Bill Clinton;he's a Trojan horse put together and designed by Liberals to hit all the notes to stir the radicals in the GOP while sabotaging any substantive message by folks like Scot Walker.

Think about it...Scot Walker single-handedly defeated public sector unions, then humiliated Democrats in front of the entire country.....this man should have been given a parade by Conservatives, not left languishing at one per cent.

Hey,if the Liberal friend of the Clintons is what you guys want then....


ah eickenrode, not available for an encore performance,


Clarice, some parallels to the John Doe situation come to mind.

1. Criminal investigation under secrecy so
2. Civil trials hosed until investigation ends while
3. Investigators (DoJ) leak selective tidbits to damage a politician during an election cycle -
4. At no time is justice available for law abiding members of the public.

Thus, it is very bad and will stall to 2017 after the next election. No telling whether Hillary is being saved or skewered by the secrecy.

daddy (Vote for Summer)


Here's the first paragraph from your link at 08:09.

The FBI refused to cooperate Monday with a court-ordered inquiry into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email server, telling the State Department that they won’t even confirm they are investigating the matter themselves, much less willing to tell the rest of the government what’s going on.

I can't tell the good guys from the bad guys, or even if there are any good guys. Here's paragraph 2:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan had ordered the State Department to talk with the FBI and see what sort of information could be recovered from Mrs. Clinton’s email server, which her lawyer has said she turned over to the Justice Department over the summer.

If Judge Sullivan doesn't make somebodies lives miserable ASAP, then he's a bad guy too.


the g.i. joe people, had him pegged 30 some years ago,


also whitewater, china gate, any other scandals we can consider covered up,


I wonder if suspend somehow allows the PACs to pay their outstanding bills?

Clarice, seems to me that the FBI isn't letting some judge boss them around. They are part of the Executive branch, not judicial, after all.
Not that I know one thing about any of that.


but back then, there was a pretense to the 'outrage' now they've given up that ghost,

we discover most thing we 'know' are not true, curveball was a BND asset poorly handled, mrs, plame was a walking security leak, probably some nigerien yellow cake ended up in iraqi hands,


I think suspend allows them to hang onto cash until the election is over.

It is after they quit or lose the election that they have to do some formal action with the dough.


No telling whether Hillary is being saved or skewered by the secrecy.

That's my question.


where does the magic eightball roll, jane, for more disclosure or less,

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