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September 23, 2015







damn it.


The greatest hustle of all.

"On tonight's Sean Hannity show on Fox News he reported that Hillary Clinton started the birther issue back in 2008.

Hannity's guest Mark Steyn agreed;"


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I apologize to my Catholic friends here in advance, but this Pope is scum.
He goes to Coo-ba and let's murderous atheists who persecute Christians utterly off the hook and then comes to America and apparently will spend most of his time here telling what is still one of the most Christian nations on earth what a bunch of unrepentant bums we are.
For a pope to be so left wing even the WaPo editors notice and disapprove is quite an achievement.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

When did we vote for this?
Our unprecedented immigration experiment; complete with color coded, fairly shocking graph.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Barack Obama again confirms he is officially in favor of the legalization of the murder of babies born alive.
Hinderaker makes an odd admission about how selling baby parts opened his eyes to the unseemly corruption of the abortion industry.
As if tearing live babies limb from limb and then tossing them, unsold, in a dumpster is somehow more seemly or acceptable.
What can one make of a world that, for now, affords personhood to a baby resting on its mother's tummy but declares one resting an inch away, inside her tummy, as a piece of property and refuse not even entitled to the rights of a feral dog?
The era of Dredd Scott provided more protections to the innocent and would be a step up from this self regarding, morally inverted world.

Jeff Dobbs

Let me play Obama in pool.

Jeff Dobbs

What can one make of a world that, for now, affords personhood to a baby resting on its mother's tummy but declares one resting an inch away, inside her tummy, as a piece of property

I don't know....if the baby is on the mommy's tummy and the umbilical hasn't been cut yet - Clinton very well may still view it as property.

Beasts of England

You'd really bend over the table while Barky has a cue in his hands, Jeff?

Janet S.

Seriously, someone should challenge Hillary on her excitement when Chelsea was pregnant.
Why have a baby shower? Why be excited?

Should we have a baby shower or should we rip the baby apart & sell its eyes?

At a moment in time, either option is considered valid to a Progressive.


Today's address by the Pope at the WH is the highlight of his trip. BOzo and Biden were beside him, giving his presence and his words added significance and power. But, unless I missed it, Pope Francis never said the word "Jesus" or "Savior" or "our lord". In fact, "God" doesn't even appear until the very end, where "God's will" is mentioned in a general way, and the Pope finishes with "God bless America".


Janet, they sold its soul instead.

Beasts of England

The WaPo (Powerline) article that Iggy linked captures the essence of the issue. He's either a doctrinaire lefty (the Pope, not Ig) or a moral coward.


Hinderaker doesn't mention this odd coincidence:

The mayor of Irving became a target of Islamists and leftists last February, when she opposed sharia-based arbitration courts that were trying to get a foothold in town. She immediately took action, proposing a law that was passed by the city council forbidding the establishment of sharia courts.

Since then, as Glenn Beck noted, she has been “hammered” by well-funded Muslim activists and their left-wing sympathizers.

Isn't it amazing that the Ahmed story is also from Irving?

Mayor Van Duyne said she was “shocked” when she saw the president’s tweet to Ahmed Mohammed. She said “it seems to be an underlying habit that he is going to second guess police officers without any kind of information.”

She later noted that the president had tweeted about the case and invited Ahmed to the White House before the pictures of the clock were even publicly available. Obama made no attempt to contact her office before making public comments in support of the Muslim teen.

The mayor also said: “I now have our police chief who is a wonderful, wonderful man, a family man, a churchgoing man, and I now have our police officers as well as a number of teachers, school administrators, receiving death threats as a direct result of this. It is unfortunate, and it has got to stop.”

“As a juvenile, they can not release those records. The school district, a number of times, has asked the family, to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there. The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

Van Duyne told Beck that if the records were available it would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne explained.



A fetus shower?


R.I.P. Yogi. One of my heroes. Some of the Yanks from that era were good friends, and Yogi and Ralph Terry were close. They would congregate when Ralph came up from North Carolina and stay at my best friend's house(his wife and my friend's mom were sisters).

Very gracious, a bit raucous, and a lot of fun. Once, Ralph made us drink a sip of moonshine to swear us off the hard stuff. It did for many years. It was almost something like Mad Men but G rated.

They would tell stories and BBQ or once it was Thanksgiving dinner. It was always Mr. Berra, but it was out of pure respect and we loved him and the rest of them.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Everything about little Ahmed is a hot steaming pile concocted by somebody working in the Ferret's administration and abetted by the MFM quislings.

Janet S.

But, unless I missed it, Pope Francis never said the word "Jesus" or "Savior" or "our lord". In fact, "God" doesn't even appear until the very end, where "God's will" is mentioned in a general way, and the Pope finishes with "God bless America".

That is such a huge tell.
Ya see that with many churches....they become political organizations that just use religious language. They might even do nice things....but they have lost their core function of bringing an individual into a relationship with Almighty God.

They are really just secular charities.
Nothing wrong with secular charities, but they are not churches, they are not about the saving Grace of Jesus Christ, they are not about a personal relationship with God.

Beasts of England

What kind of exposure would the school district have if the punk's records were 'accidentally' released? Is a jury in Irving really going to give a monetary reward to these losers? The sooner we fight this battle the easier it will be.


Context switching between JOM and work. Just sent a co-worker an email that called the Pope a nitwit.

Glad he isn't Catholic!

Janet S.


I didn't know this bit -
4. To what extent has Ahmed’s sister, Eyman, been involved in the whole affair?

We know from a Daily Beast report that Ahmed’s sister, Eyman, was suspended in middle school due to “this girl saying [Eyman] wanted to blow up the school.” She appears to still be fairly bitter about it, even all these years later, which is sort of understandable. She and Ahmed’s other sister created the @IStandWithAhmed Twitter account a couple of days after Ahmed was arrested. ....




Ignatz Ratzkywatzky;

You're Welcome.

Jeff Dobbs

Yeah, I'm gonna need you to put a cover on your TPS reports from now on, okay?

Jeff Dobbs

carp, i pulled a buckeye. that was supposed to be an email....


good news ...


5.6 million ... it is the gift that keeps on giving.


Are Ahmed's father's fingerprints on the clock circuit board or other internal parts?


I can't spell, my grammer is poor, can't proofread worth squat, but other than that, I am good to go!

Memo to self, don't try to make drinking money in retirement by hosting a blog.


double dang it.

Comanche Voter

Josh Earnest compares President Obama to the Pope. In yer dreams Obozo fans.


Piech and Porsche families have cut Winterkorn's nuts off. Wasted no time in extracting that revenge.



I would be surprised if they would have bothered to look.


'ShoutYourAbortion' campaign explodes on social media

Lindy West, Amelia Bonow and Kimberly Morrison said they began the campaign in a bid to encourage women to reclaim the conversation about abortion.

Bonow shared her own story on Facebook along with the hashtag and since then thousands of women across the globe have detailed their experience.

"I had an abortion at Planned Parenthood last year and it was a great experience," Bonow, who lives in Seattle, told AFP. "Not only am I not ashamed, but I know I'm incredibly lucky to have access to this choice and we need to keep it that way."

West also recounted her abortion experience on Facebook, saying she had no regrets.

No regrets at all? That's pretty cold.

"I'm sure the babies would love to participate in the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign, but they've been murdered and sold for parts," wrote blogger Matt Walsh on Twitter.
Beasts of England

What happened to the (made in Alabama) Mercedes Popemobile? And why a Jeep? If he really wants to cut down on those evil emissions, go back to the sedia gestatoria. That thing rocked!



that was fast. should be interesting as other companies get caught up in it.



another creepy PP ad campaign.



Winterkorn pulled a stunt in the spring that got Piech booted.

No love lost between them.


When you have no conscience or moral center, it's easy.

Sounds more and more like the Pope is a Gaian. He said little to nothing about matters of faith or morals. He touched ever so lightly on the immigration issue. As a Catholic I'd like a bit of support in a country that has become so very secular.

Beasts of England

Welp, that's fourteen hours billed - my week's complete! To the lake!! It's a bonus weather week - highs in the low eighties, mostly sunny, light winds. 😎


I can't imagine a sane person who'd describe her abortion as "a great experience", but providing her name on Twitter is a reminder that crazies walk among us.


Obama’s just not that smart©

I'm old enough to remember when killing an unborn child was a matter of deep shame.

Celebrating the destruction of a life betrays everything human.



'Bama sounding better and better all the time. No broads in burqas and warm in September.

Gotta start looking for that winter home!

Still not likely to hear "Roll Tide" come out of my mouth;)



haven't been following the ins-and-outs of the story but saw the flash headline. was he around when VW had that Porsche engineered short squeeze (Porsche had a corner in VW and ripped the arms off everyone else as VW soared to an intraday high of 1000 euros ... 2008ish).

Jeff Dobbs

Well, it's not clever enough to warrant more than 5 minutes, so you get this.


I'm guessing rich knows the reference, right? Maybe Beasts? Who else?



I don't know if Winterkorn was around then. I certainly don't remember him making any news back then.

Winterkorn enlisted the help of top union thug at VW to boot Piech. Same guy that was working with the UAW to unionize Chattanooga.

Of course they said Piech was too old and conservative to be leading the charge.

Piech has been sharpening his knives ever since.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Planned Parenthood's ghoulish acolytes are so lacking in self awareness and a core of decency.

Thomas Collins

Rest in Peace, Yogi. I'm sure that if, at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter says, "Cool to have you here, Mr. Berra," you'll reply, "I agree, Pete, that it's not so hot here."


As I recall, Porsche tried to "acquire" VW and instead got swallowed in the process.

Can't remember who was running Porsche at the time, but since the Porsche/Piech family has significant holdings in both, assume their fingerprints were all over it.


speaking of fingerprints and 5.6 million of them getting hacked at OPM.....

Can a 3D printer make gloves with someones fingerprints embedded??




Well, we know why Obama is smiling today... one thug closer to giving Raul a new golf course at Gitmo.


Please stop insulting the Pope
It is very offensive to me
If you are not catholic you don't get it



give it time. its a materials and resolution issue. a Hollywood costume maker could now though.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

As I said on the other thread maryrose;

It's not fun in the slightest.

If the Pope considers the kingdom of man his concern then he can expect to be treated the same as any other man who enters that arena full of loathsome ideas.

Perhaps he might consider concerning himself with the kingdom of God a little more. As I recall we were encouraged to seek it first and all other things would take care of themselves.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Is the Pope Catholic?

Captain Hate on the iPad

If you're not Islamic you don't get it.


Please expand on "insulting the Pope", maryrose, because Jeb, Rubio, and Biden are Catholic too. It's important that non Catholics like me understand the boundaries.


and thinking along those lines Buckeye, was thinking that it would be a great beginning for a story ...

James D.

re: the OPM fingerprint link @ 11:34

That number was originally thought to be about 1.1 million, OPM said in a statement. About 21.5 million individuals had their Social Security Numbers and other sensitive information affected by the hack.

According to OPM, "federal experts believe that, as of now, the ability to misuse fingerprint data is limited." The office acknowledged, however, that future technologies could take advantage of this information.

I'm curious. Are the experts who believe that, as of now, the ability to misuse the stolen data is "limited" (whatever that means) the same experts who initially told us that "only" 1.1 million fingerprints were stolen before revising the number upwards by 500% ?


Watch Live Stream: Pope Francis's second day in Washington, D.C.




same people. don't worry they are from the government and they are there to help.

what would we do without Steve? I had no idea that Pope Francis was in DC.

Jeff Dobbs

Layers of fact checkers...


A number of news orgs use AP as a feed for stories - so they also had the Yogi Bear death published on their sites.

FTR, Town Hall is one of them and the story (as of now) still has the error up.


lol, Jeff.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Next Steve will be telling us that Mickey Mantle is dead.

Thomas Collins

When I was a young yute my friends and I used to refer to Lawrence Peter Berra as Yogi Bear. I guess it's deja vu all over again!

I remember seeing Yogi, Mantle, Howard, Ford, Skowron and the rest of the early 60s Yankees play in real Yankee Stadium (when the monuments were on the playing field).

Thomas Collins

George Will has a column on Yogi.



Jeff, you have mail (per lurking unit)


The name calling is what I find offensive
You can agree to disagree without resorting to insulting derogatory rhetoric
It was done to Palin and people here didn't like it
It is disrespectful
You don't understand the Pope or his underlying mission
He is our pastoral leader


He is our pastoral leader

Who wants us to believe man made global warming is gospel and capitalism, not communism/socialism, is the downfall of mankind. I don't remember anyone calling the prior pope names.


our betters licking the boots of the Chinese dictator in Seattle ... such freedom fighters they are.


(there is an annoying autoplay there, but it is worthwhile to point out that those boot lickers also fund the GOPe).

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

I'm afraid I may understand it better than he does.


Rich, that is the Chamber of Cronies elite in a surrender ceremony.


"Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won't be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future."

This guarantees Fox will talk about him nonstop.


titans of industry ... groveling in one of America's greatest cities.

>>>Business groups and Silicon Valley say they have no choice but to show up. Despite China’s rampant commercial espionage and onerous regulations for foreign firms, the Asian superpower’s market is too powerful to pass up.

“It’s not about policy,” said Bay Area-based venture capitalist Ray Rothrock. “It’s about business.”

Indeed, the reported guest list is a who’s who of American business leaders. The tech sector will be well represented by the chief executives of Amazon, Apple, Mi­crosoft, IBM, Google and Face­book. Other heavyweights, like Warren Buffett, General Motors CEO Mary Barra and Walt Disney Company CEO Robert Iger were invited and are expected to make the trip.<<<

Jeff Dobbs

Mail from the lurking unit . . . forget the Pope, maybe Hillary is a prophetess...


Beasts of England

Rick Ross, FTW!!



I find it disturbing. Revolting actually, but unsurprising. iirc, during the Clinton Administration and Bush Administration the Premier did something similar. Those jackasses fund the GOPe and the Gas Chamber of Congress and we sit in wonder how they could have walked off with about 20 years of security files.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Will has had that column waiting for a long time; he didn't even have any dates to change before hitting Send.


lol ... knew beasts had the distribution.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Virtually the sum total of Jesus's instruction to the man Catholics regard as the first Pope was "feed My sheep" or in some versions "tend My sheep".

Pushing secular left-wing economic and political policies will quite literally kill a good number of Jesus's sheep and feed, either spiritually or materially, none of them.

Beasts of England

According to one of the BBs on location in LA, it's 81 degrees in Orange Beach at the moment, Buckeye. No need for an RTR, either - we celebrate diversity down here. You can pick any SEC team that you like. :)

Miss Marple

I am repeating this post from the last thread:

Well, I am a Benedict convert to Catholicism who has been insulted by this Pope, so I am not inclined to mince words.

My air conditioning is not ruining the world, and in fact air conditioning allows the United States to transport medicines to Thrid World countries, which we pay for from this "dung heap" of capitalism.

I had to run packages to the UPS store and Rush asked a question. "If this Pope doesn't speak publicly about abortion, does this tell us something about this Pope?"

It is a VERY good question.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Ten years ago I had no idea how much I would despise the denizens of rich's 12:55.

Beasts of England

If the Pope chooses not to insult my way of life, then I'll cut him a break. When he comes to my shore and insults my intelligence, he has to take the punches. If he'd mind his own damned business about science, economics and politics, I'd welcome him with open arms. Unfortunately, he's nothing but a garden-variety commie, a coward and a useful idiot; and, as such, can go to Hell.

Miss Marple

Non-Catholics may not know that there is a very great burden laid on priests,bishops and the pope, in that it is their responsibility to lead people to Christ through the Church. Part of their responsibility is teaching the faith and standing against sin.

That is all I have to say on this topic.


rich, 23 years ago as I sat in my grad student office at CREW we had a visiting dignitary for a month - the woman who was 2nd in charge of China's Ed ministry (if I remember correctly). I was doing international joint venture / tech transfer studies (along with defense engineering process work) which she was very interested in. She talked about what China was going to ask for, I told her people would have to be nuts to agree with that. Everything we see today is unfolding exactly as she said it would ... from the ceding of intellectual property for market access to China's increasing domination of the Pacific. It is beyond disturbing how stupid and or venal our elites have been, and as the Seattle confab shows them to be today.

Captain Hate on the iPad

I'm sure nobody foresaw the bickering that a Jesuit from Argentina could cause. Outstanding choice imo.


So you are a highly educated theological scholar
Who knew?

Miss Marple

Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit guides the choice of the pope.

I can only conclude the Holy Spirit wanted to see if we were paying attention.



those shitheads will whine and squeal about the smallest inconvenience and prattle on about not being evil but will sell out at the first moment. How many have google and fecesbook sold out-cause market share is more important?


The choice was guided by the Holy Spirit in a conclave vote
I don't think I can contest that choice

Captain Hate on the iPad

rich, I guess we always knew it *could* but never really thought it would. It was mainly the left that was banging that monkey but they don't seem alarmed now that they're so embedded in the crony system.


Iirc Scott Walker called for BOzo to cancel the state dinner for Jinping, but of course it's still on for later this week. Now The Hill reports all these US CEO titans are gathering in CA at Jinping's summons, when most declined BOzo's similar invite in February? And The Hill says BOzo is holding off China cyberhacking sanctions talk until later, so as not to mess up the WH state dinner and Pete Souza's pics? The pool of BOzo's shamelessness has no bottom.

Beasts of England

I was baptized Catholic, was an Altar Boy, and attended church every week for the first seventeen weeks of my life. But, when I started considering all the things that the Church was complicit in, I was sickened. And this is long before the molestation crisis. As far as I'm concerned, the Church should have been RICO'd and had very single asset in the US seized and paid to its victims. Pure evil.

Something else you'll learn about me today: I was repeatedly molested as a child. Not by a priest, thank God, but by a family 'friend' while my Dad was fighting in Korea. Seeing the Church's cover-up and the protection of those fucking faggot priests made me wish their whole evil empire could be nuked from orbit.

I'll take the rest of the day off...



I am sure that Pope Francis is fully aware of his responsibilities regarding
All of the people
He possesses a grace and holiness given from God
We as Catholics must not let the world get in the way of listening and learning more about our faith and strengthening our beliefs

Miss Marple

Oh, look here!


This guy was also involved in the stuff with Charlie Trie back in the Clinton administration.

Captain Hate on the iPad

maryrose, no you can't contest it but you can have an opinion on how things will be and, even though it was very foreseeable that this Pope would be more leftist than his most recent predecessors, the degree of it is at least somewhat surprising.


I am sorry for your horrendous experience as a child
Cover up is always detestable and morally wrong

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