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September 07, 2015




Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Theo - Heh, your labors paid off :)


Absolutely gorgeous in Sun Valley. Hope everyone has a relaxing holiday and not a, ahem, laborious one.


So apparently there is still something called Newsweek. In the latest edition Clinton shill Nina Burleigh -- who famously once offered to (ahem) get on her knees for Bill -- writes that "no reputable journalist nor any official government investigator has yet found any substance to the criminality charge" relating to Hillary's emails.

This is the equivalent of a 1974 Nixon supporter arguing that no one had demonstrated that Nixon had prior knowledge of the Watergate break in. If you define objectionable conduct narrowly enough you can defend just about anyone.

The Clinton crowd must be really in sad shape if this is the best their hard core operatives with bylines can come up with.

BTW, the rest of Burleighs article is psychobabble about how Hill just seems inauthentic because -- wait for it -- sexism. Of course it's the stupid public who cannot recognize the Empresses wonderful qualities.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Labor Day is a good time for Scott Walker to get his campaign in gear.


Note also the word "yet" in the Burleigh quote. Even she (or her editors) are hedging.

Captain Hate on the iPad

RIP Jean Darling who played Darla in Our Gang, age 93.


CH, I thought he was leading a motorcycle hoard through New Hampshire.

TBird cleanup up nicely*. My work today is done. TCFAB!

* Stephanie will get pics in her email. (I took the pics, am not in them, a bit of Tom Sawyer fence whitewashing in every MO boy).

Captain Hate on the iPad

That's a good mental image, henry.

Tammy's gall bladder goes bye bye Wednesday.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

RIP Jean Darling, and Martin Milner.

Back in her day, I bet lots of young boys thought Darla was quite the cutie. (I know that I did, a generation later.)

Loved watching Martin Milner as "Officer Pete Malloy" on Adam-12. He was always a class act, imo.

Interesting story about his days on Route 66 . . .
He bought a station wagon when the show took him on the road, so that he could travel with his wife and young children, because he couldn't bear to be away from them for a whole season's shooting at a time.

Jack is Back!

Here in the Hamptons today we are witnessing the reverse migrant crisis as 1,000's of white privledge exit for their jobs on Wall St. or Madison Avenue. However, they are bringing the wives and kis along with them since school starts tomorrow. 27 was packed going to Islip to pick up Mrs. JiB who has returned from her short trip to Florida.

An interesting counter point to what is happening in Europe.

Wonder how loing it will last?


Absolutely outrageous article wrt Clinton
She still doesn't know how much trouble she is in
Joe Biden was welcomed in Pennsylvania like a hero today no press roped in lines for him
Now Hils supporters are going after Bernie
I have seen 2 Bernie bumper stickers nada for Clinton
My best case scenario
Biden announces Oct 1st
Hils numbers drop
She testifies mid October and her polls plummet


As an 11 year old I was a background extra in an episode of Route 66


Rodham knows nothing else. She's been a lying hack her entire life. Rodham has started to believe her own BS.

Frau Kuckkucksei

"She testifies mid October..."
Testifies? A Clinton?


Maryrose -

Her emails show that Hillary is surrounded by sycophants. They are telling her that this is a passing storm and that the public does not care about her emails. Obviously the Burliegh piece is part of this pattern. One, defend the email issue per se by arguing a lack of criminality. Two, claim that the negative perceptions of her as a lying, inept and inauthentic politician are the result of sexism.

What a fantasy world. If she did not have a uterus she would not have a 1% standing in the polls. It is the ONLY thing that has kept her candidacy afloat. But now her supporters are claiming that the mean stupid voters don't like her because she is a woman!

Cispigmented Heteronormative Microagressive Vulgarian Ignatz

--"no reputable journalist nor any official government investigator has yet found any substance to the criminality charge"--

Hillary's new campaign slogan;


Very good Ignatz.


Here's exciting OT News:

Key Igor Stravinsky work found after 100 years

An important early orchestral work by one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, thought for more than 100 years to have been irretrievably lost, has turned up at last in a pile of old manuscripts in a back room of the St Petersburg Conservatoire.

Can't wait to hear it!

Stravinsky recalled it as one of his best early works, but could not remember the actual music. He was, he said, “curious to see what I was composing just before The Firebird”, the ballet that brought him instant fame when it was staged by Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes in Paris in June 1910.

BTW, Is it Eee-Gor or Eye-Gor?


Daddy --

How can something be "off topic" on an open thread?


Ha,Ig! Hillary has been throwing her arms up in a Nixonesque way when she is introduced at her events.I noticed it when she was at the event in Portsmouth with Shaheen. I wonder if she realizes the optics of that gesture?

Captain Haiku

OT, but anything I write in prose is off topic.


Remember my reservations about Leon panetta, they have been born out again.

Beasts of England

Congrats, sbw!!


Marlene --

Sadly most voters do not know who Nixon was, much less remember him or his arm gestures. (I of course was very very young in those days!)


Hey Beasts

Hope we play as well as the Tide did Saturday!

Beasts of England

I'm sure you will, Buckeye! But don't wish that on your kickers!! lol


Just asking these as hypotheticals:

1) How long would it take 10 German soldiers in 1942 to "solve" this overrun border problem?

2) How many people in Germany today are asking themselves that question?

3) If a 1942 sort of solution happened tomorrow, would more Germans say "Oh woe is me," or would more Germans say "What took you so long?"

4) If this was the Russian border being overrun, how long would it take Vlad to "solve" this overrun border problem?


BOzo in Boston today: “Your parents, grand-parents, great-grandparents – those are the folks that gave us the FORTY HOUR WEEK, overtime, minimum wage"

The Full-time Scandal of Part-time America

Frau Kuckkucksei

Theo -OT on an open thread... I had to point that out once. Glad you did this time.

Beasts of England

Lots of able-bodied men in that photo, daddy. Did they leave their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters home to face the misery?

Frau Kuckkucksei

daddy, many *younger* Germans buy into "these are the people who will do the jobs Germans don't want to do." They also feel the immigrants are necessary because they want to limit the number of children they have. I pointed out to my sis-i-l that a German couple, married or not, will have to work and to pay the taxes for the immigrants to have welfare and reduced fees for socialized child care, etc. How can these men be useful workers if they must take time out to pray during the day?
Insanity, indeed. "Gutmensch" is not a compliment.

Frau Kuckkucksei

Beasts - as someone pointed out, the rest of the family will come later or the benefits for those in the old country will be paid to the one in Germany.

Jack is Back!


Did you notice that Howard Stern wan't one of those guys to leave the Isle of Lesbos?

Old Lurker

"no reputable journalist nor any official government investigator has yet found any substance to the criminality charge"

Welp. Since the first group mentioned is a Null Set, and the second group has been ordered to look the other way or to keep quiet (thus hiding what they have found), that seems to be a fair and true statement. It communicates a bold face lie of course, but it is consistent with the Clintonian Dictionary of how to use words.

There are plenty in her circle starting with Kendall who know full well how much trouble could find her before this is over, and some of them surely have gamed it out with her endlessly. Why else did Bill golf with Obama and Jordan?


I want the lamp post and rope concession in Brussels, because if you've seen the same pictures I have, the taxpayers must be ready to march their and end the EU.


My point about the Clinton defenders is simply that the lack of criminality -- even if true -- does not change the fact that she appears inept and dishonest. Technical legality is not the issue but how she is perceived by the electorate.


because they are doing such a great job with their current populations:



Clarice --

The entire history of the EU suggests that the opinion of the actual members of the public never matters. It is only the elite opinion that counts. Or else the EU would not be in existence in the first place. Maybe ropes and lampposts will be necessary to change that, but it probably will not come to that for a while.


Do those 10 German soldiers work out to 3 or 5 MG42 firing positions? Not sure if they were 2 or 3 man teams.

Beasts of England

I laugh at the deflection about journalists or investigators not yet finding any criminality, instead of the blanket statement: she didn't do anything wrong. Nobody's found anything yet!! lol


I must have missed a link in the chain in this mass migration
How did they all get to Hungary in the first place they could not all have procured train tickets


Congrats on your son's engagement


>>>How can these men be useful workers if they must take time out to pray during the day?
Insanity, indeed. "Gutmensch" is not a compliment.

Posted by: Frau Kuckkucksei | September 07, 2015 at 04:40 PM<<<

or learn German, or learn basic maths, or the most basic of job skills (like how to make an alarm clock go beep, beep, beep) ... how many in that photograph are functionally illiterate now and pretty much unteachable?


Right now they are praying nothing criminal turns up
Biggest fear direct connection to Clinton Foundation and terrorist government and damning info about moving weapons to Benghazi to help Libya
Rand Paul brought it up at her hearing and her face went blank


this is the path they took, maryrose:




still in Nashville? hope the concert was great.

Beasts of England

I don't think there's any chance that nothing illegal will surface - that ship has already sailed.

Frau Angriff oder Auswanderung

maryrose, I asked for ideas about where the money came from to stake these people to their ticket to Europastan. Will they have to pay off their debt or did they really all save the 2000-4000 Euros per person for the trip while living in wretched refugee camps?

I hope some authentic Christians are among the invasion throngs. Even though Europeans today may be secular, a lot of their values are still more Christian than not. What's missing is the logic. Did that go with the Europeans who emigrated?

Clarice and JiB, do you think the Europeans are seeing the same photos we are?

Beasts of England

We're back, rich. Concert was great - venue even more so!

My daughter and I had a great time people watching. We usually get to their shows a few minutes before they play and the lights are already dimmed. Last night we were general admission on the lawn, so we were there two hours before 'kickoff'. Tons of wild and wooly concert goers in various states of lucidity. Of course the joke was on us when we realized that we had the same taste in music as all the surrounding yahoos! lol

Jack is Back!

So, you have thousands of people who are so poor theat they don't have TV and cable to see where to go and how to get there for the migration.

This is organized. By the Iranian's? Perhaps. By the Russkies? More likely.

This is not serendiptity.


that is a name I have seen for a while. nice to see you posting Theo.


credentialed idiocy at it's finest:


Frau Angriff oder Auswanderung

JiB - that was my thought when the size of this was apparent. The same with our Spanish-speaking Children's Crusade. It just doesn't happen without organization. Even our latest illegals were well-dressed and well-nourished. The organization was definitely coordinated. Will we ever know?

Hello, Brussels! - there is no stopping the next surge.


that map has the first point at thessalonica, but clearly they had to cross from Turkey, the bratva would have the connections and the resources to arrange the smuggling routes,

Captain Hate on the iPad

The EU was founded on a series of lies and multiple votes were held until they got the results they wanted; like public school levies.


Anyone watch the US Open earlier? The scroll on ESPN explaining Labor Day read like Oncle Karl wrote it. Ya, Komrade!

Jack is Back!

from naricso's 5:33

The problem: Obama is explicitly opposed to most, if not all, of these steps. Panetta’s argument is really for a tougher president.

Who would that be? Hillary, Jeb, The Donald, Ben, Ted, et al


the solon making one, take out the neuralizer:



JiB,mother Pillsbury Doughboy would be a tougher president than the JEF.


>>>Posted by: Beasts of England | September 07, 2015 at 05:31 PM

sounds like fun.

in re: Hillary, i'll wait for the improved modified limited hangout there is no evidence of criminality.

and isn't this sort of slippery construction::

>>Despite the fact that no reputable journalist, including our own Kurt Eichenwald, nor any official government investigator has yet found any substance to the “criminality” charge Republicans level daily, in the hall of mirrors of American politics, she is now a perceived liar.<<<

indicative of a lie?


Workers, unite!

Frau Angriff oder Auswanderung

Why are the signs in English if Germany and Austria are the desired destinations?

Rick Ballard


It's going to take a few Mahometans with AKs on trains with no Americans before the EUnuchs do more than sing another chorus of kumbya.

Jack is Back!

Andy Murray may be the luckiest grand slam player I have ever watched.

He won't survive the semi's IMHO.


events like this, might move up the timetable,


those are the same smuggling routes for other items in Central Europe no.


thanks for the wsj link

>>>That is why the June numbers are so distressing. Five years after the Great Recession, more than 24 million working-age Americans remain jobless, working part-time involuntarily or having left the workforce. We are not in the middle of a recovery. We are in the middle of a muddle-through, and there's no point in pretending that the sky is blue when so many millions can attest to dark clouds.<<<

Rick had a great comment in response to the great sbw op-ed digging into the numbers. The Obama Administration has just been a disaster.


I got a 404 on that link narciso


relinking sbw's piece


Jack is Back!


It doesnt matter. Read any Guardian article at your own peril. Everything is slanted left and anti-American even their style section. I use it for wrapping up our dog poo and desposit in the trash can.


it's part of this piece



sorry wrong link I got it from Althouse



404 on your 5:59, narc.




well this plot precis, belies that notion:

It is set in France in 2022, where the Socialist president François Hollande’s second term has led to such turmoil that extreme-right “nativists” and Muslim youths stoke violence in the streets. The final round of the presidential election sees the far-right Marine Le Pen facing the talented and ambitious Muhammed Ben Abbes of France’s new party, the Muslim Fraternity, who sweeps to power backed by all the mainstream parties keen to keep Le Pen out. Under Ben Abbes, order is restored, Islamic law comes into force, polygamy is encouraged, women are veiled and the troublesome unemployment rate finally drops after women are removed from the workplace and sent back into the home. All is told through François, a middle-aged, spiritually barren academic, who between paying for sex and eyeing up his students, mulls over whether to convert to Islam to get ahead.


Try This ...



and the difference with Carlos Slim's is what exactly, the problem is the AP slathers the ignorance like cognitive gnutella, across every paper,

Frau Angriff oder Auswanderung

Amazon calls "Submission" a mordantly humorous book.

Invaders using gps, Facebook and smartphones (WTH?)to keep on the Yellow Brick Road.

Frau Angriff oder Auswanderung

How do they pay the fees for the smart phones? My mobile is so old it has a crank on the side...and I'm not it.


Those Obamaphones went somewhere Frau.


Maybe the German's are only against Lebensraum (elbow-room) when it's practiced by the Germans.


this report from last year suggests likely suspects, sans maps,



frau, pretty soon they'll just have to look out their windows or walk on the streets to see it. I concede it's taking them a long time. In Southern France when I ask at the next town for directions to the Arab market (best place to get cilantro and stuff) they all claim not to know where it is--it's generally a few feet from where they are shopping. They seem to have missed the women in plastic flip flops covered in black rags who walk past them all day long.


can't quite fix that link narciso.


well just as well, it points out the collaborations of various criminal enterprises, in that region,







What made you decide to stay in the Hamptons for the winter?


I don't know why it configures that way:



Thank you for the map
How did Hungary become the bad guys after they passed through so many countries
Germany. Be careful what you ask for
These people are not like you

Beasts of England

NBC idiot just said that Hungary was treating the migrants as invaders, instead of refugees. My 1/4 Hungarian blood says: Yippee!!

The whole report is framed as 'migrants' are the victims, citizens are the oppressors. One of the invaders said his treatment was humiliating. He's been very well coached.

Must. Change. Channel.


Hungary has perhaps the most explicitly antiillegal
immigration regime in the region, so they are an easy foil:


Leon Panetta (from narciso's link):

“Let’s face it, given the situation in the Middle East, empowering Iran in any way seems like a dangerous gamble.” The deal, he says, is motivated by the fear of war, not sound strategy.

However, the deal could work if Obama would “make clear that the fundamental purpose…is not just to constrain Iran’s nuclear ambitions but to build a strong coalition that will confront both Iran and terrorism in the future.”

Right Leon,

The rest of the world will get right onboard with a President who, so far, (he's still got a year to go) has completely effed up Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan, kowtowed to the dictators in Cuba, traded deadly murderous terrorists for a dip-shit deserter, encouraged the Muslim Brotherhood at every turn, surrendered Ukraine to the Russians, ponied up $150 billion to the mass-murdering, Theocratic, soon to be Nuclear armed Mullah's of Iran, and has had his wife issue hashtag pleadings to the murderous Islamic Boko Haram armies of Africa.

If Panetta thinks world leaders will climb onboard a coalition led by our imbecile in Chief then Panetta is even stupider than I got words for.

Beasts of England

Should have changed the channel quicker. Promo for Bruce Jenner had him with an interviewer on the golf course.

So, uh, does Bruce get to play from the ladies' tees? If so, maybe he's not so dumb after all... :)


We live in Bizarro world now
Invaders think they can just walk in and conquer a country
No fighting needed
Just tie yourself to the train tracks


Which tee does Precious use, Beasts?


before the EUnuchs do more than sing another chorus of kumbya.

'Qumbaya,' Rick, 'Qumbaya.'


certain coincidence seem to suggest themselves,



Rich --

Thanks. Good to be an intermittent part of this group.


Throw a tantrum and say you are being mean to us
Ask for their papers ( the real ones)
Then report to the tent city
No other family members may join you because you left them behind
Plan for employment within the next couple of months
No job in 6 months and we send you back
Sign up for classes to learn German
Government assistance maxes out at 8 months

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