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September 07, 2015



Well he did play a cowboy who ended up as President, so I guess he is definitely qualified.

jimmyk on iPhone

I'm guessing Jon Stewart would probably outpoll Hillary at this point.

Of course we've got the prospect of Biden, which would be high comedy indeed.

jimmyk on iPhone

And speaking of humor,
Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say


I know consider the source,


you notice there is no massive 'grass roots' protest against Kirschner that succeeds,


useful idiots or knaves,



Who in the world thinks that the problem with Hillary is that she isn't funny enough?
Who thinks that?

"They want to show her heart, like the time she comforted former drug addicts in a school meeting room in New Hampshire."

She comforted drug addicts?...how? Did she just talk to them?? Did she share her own "experience, strength & hope"?

"Mrs. Clinton will still invoke the joy brought into her life by her granddaughter, Charlotte, but, given the child’s obvious advantages and privilege, will speak more broadly about building a better future for all Americans’ children and grandchildren."

Granddaughter? what?...That's a bold assumption from the NY Times. A journalist needs to ask Hillary how she knows Charlotte's gender. Has Charlotte chosen her gender already?
It is Dem voters that believe that malarkey, so Hillary should have to answer.


I recall when a Movie Star "tough guy," an actor named Erap, ("friend"---spelled backward) won the Presidency of the Philippines. I believe he wound up in jail by the time his term was up.

I also work with a guy whose mom was the granddaughter of a former Vice President of Guatemala, and he used to say something like every President of Guatemala for a hundred years had left the country after his term was up to avoid charges of corruption.

In 1983 I was flying a Navy plane into Guatemala to pick up the then current President, Rios Montt, to pick him up and transport him out to observe "Naval Activities." He had taken power in a coup the previous year, but this day when I was to pick him up, a coup against him went down earlier than planned, and we were diverted from landing as he was overthrown before we got on final approach.

So all that said, I'm not surprised at all that a "jokers" leading the polls in Guat City.


We have a bad joke as president right now.




Miss Marple


The entirety of Europe and the US is being played, and no good will come of this (looking at you George Will - there will be no Syrian valedictorians).


The problem with the Clinton campaign is it's peopled with highly educated,upper-middle class brats who've never known what it's like to go hungry or fight for a scrap of bread.Being poor instills in you the ability to see things in the starkest ,coldest light and that's what's missing from Clinton campaign......a reality check.

For instance.....don't fucking lie you stupid ignorant political bitch!How difficult a lesson is that....especially when the number one word associated with your entire character is that you're a f'fing liar?

I despise the Trumpster, but in a post financial-breakdown world in which I and other people are sick of being lied too,his honesty is refeshing.

On the flip side, Clinton is STILL playing by 90's rules in which you can get away with "stuff: by operating in the gray areas,pray the public's too stupid to notice and the media loses interest.

She's wrong on both counts.

However,she's running against a Republican party whose platform is so out of touch with the common folk she'll probably win just by default.And that's odd, because all the GOP needs to do to win the WH is look at it's product and market it to a wider audience.

Miss Marple

An alarming set of numbers in chart form which explain Trump's rise.



sorry...from the Clinton campaign


Gee DuDa

Panic in Progville?


Honesty from you is refreshing also!

Beasts of England

The article that jimmyk linked is a hoot! Clinton has been running for president for the better part of a decade and she's having to re-tool her campaign with less than 400 days until the general? No way.

And with her name already synonymous with lying and dishonesty, she's yet to face her biggest questions on classified emails, Benghazi, and the Clinton Bribe Foundation. If she were starting tabula rasa then those would be daunting. With her huge negatives, those can't be overcome.

Add to that the Bern. I'd only seen small clips of him prattling on about policy and he looked like the nutty, commie professor. But in the few clips I've seen recently doing retail politics, he has an easy and genuine way about him that connects to the people. Most can't fake that - and Cankles is the worst equipped for that task. She's toast.


reposting from a prior thread:
Jane, I FORGOT TO TELL YOU--Important news. I got Mark Steyn's new book and--would you believe it--he wrote"Clarice, Jane did not win, Love, Mark Steyn"/

I don't know HOW that happened.

Beasts of England

Maybe DublinDave is starting to feel the Bern? Would like to hear his thoughts on Sanders.

Beasts of England

Good stuff, clarice!!


"Gee DuDa
Panic in Progville"

Potentially we've got a candidate with great policies and an awful personality running against a candidate with a great personality and awful policies.

Issues tend to win out in the end,but Trump is such a stunning salesman we're worried that if he gets the nomination he'll veer to the center really fast.His history makes him impossible to pin down because he's basically a Democrat .....and that's a bit of a problem.

However, looking at electoral votes it's still a mathematical impossibility for a Republican to win...so no,we're not worried.



Thoughts after last night.

Alabama played their opener a bit better than OSU played theirs. A bit more consistent, defense in particular. And the offensive line looked damn good.

I think OSU probably has more talent, but their schedule isn't ideal for development. Way too easy until MSU.

After week 1, think there is good chance we will meet in playoffs again.


I don't know about the rest of you, but personally I am touched by DuDa;s concern.

Beasts of England

The NYT article also mentioned that PantSuit is relying on income inequality as a prime campaign issue. Right. Someone associated with $250k speeches, multi-million dollar homes, and a billion dollar foundation is going to run on that issue against Bernie's nominal Senate salary and his ~$300k net worth? Hillaryville, we have a problem.

Beasts of England

I'd be happy with that scenario, Buckeye, but it's way too early for me to start dreaming about that. If we start pounding a few SEC opponents, then I'll subscribe to your optimism.

OSU certainly has the talent, size, and speed - just like last year.


I sure the JOM folks would know --

Are the Clintons on their way to becoming the first American billionaires to make their fortune off of political influence/corruption?


Send me a photo Clarice and make sure it is not "shopped".



I don't know how to post pictures on JOM. It's not Shopped. You can bank on it.


Morning! My morning perusal of the Manchester Union Leader supports the comment Beasts made about Bernie.He seems to enjoy retail politics. He marched in the Labor Day parade in Milford,NH and had the largest and most loyal supporters of any of the candidates. The Republicans in the parade were Carly,Kasich and Lindsay (with Ayotte).
It is country fair time in New England. I can't wait to see the photo op of Hillary at a truck pull.

Beasts of England

I don't have a link, danoso, but it may already be true. I read that their foundation was set up so that it can be terminated and converted to personal assets. Seems fishy to me, as that would run counter to the very idea of a foundation; but, with those to crooks, ya never know.

Old Lurker

Why has Hillary been allowed to claim over and over that her private email setup for all of her official business was "allowed"?

Has there been a definitive analysis of that simple statement?

Ditto the parrots who claim over and over that there has been nothing criminal even suspected about it and in particular her handling of classified data?

I know I know...


OL - apples and oranges. It's like saying its legal to own a gun when you've been accused of armed robbery.

Yes, there's nothing that says you can't have a private server. No, you absolutely cannot use it for official government business.


OL, the most laughable claim of Hillary's over the weekend (I'm still catching up) was her claim that the e-mail situation happened because she just didn't have time to think about e-mail because there were so busy dealing with important and difficult issues of state. Because if you're really busy, private e-mail servers just get set up by themselves, apparently.

This lady has no clue how bad a liar she really is.

This was in Andrea Mitchell's ridiculous interview where she asked Hillary (paraphrasing) "How does all the criticism make you feel?" Not "What the hell is wrong with you?" Because it's about Hillary's "FEEEEEELINGS."

Beasts of England

I think that private email was somewhat a grey area. Private servers would have to be a non-starter.

Weasel words surround her sycophant's claims: 'proven', 'marked', and 'knowingly'. They're whistling past the graveyard, OL.

Beasts of England

Please tell me you're joking about that Andrea Mitchell question, jimmyk. Seriously? Teh Feelingz?


Yes, there's nothing that says you can't have a private server. No, you absolutely cannot use it for official government business.



"I don't know about the rest of you, but personally I am touched by DuDa;s concern"

Whereabouts......exactly did I touch you and would you like me to touch you some more?


"Maybe DublinDave is starting to feel the Bern? Would like to hear his thoughts on Sanders"

He's desert, Hillary's meat and potatoes...as soon as the kids get off their sugar high they'll come back to mommy for their nutrients.

I haven't by any chance..."touched" you too, have I?


>>>Posted by: Old Lurker | September 08, 2015 at 08:30 AM

it was "allowed" because it wasn't expressly forbidden. I think that is why the State Department would like for the story to go away-when they were sending back FOIA requests because they had "no responsive documents", it was because the docs were on the private system. Now we find out a State Department employee, paid on the side by Clinton, was the tinker gnome in setting up the server. Seems that the "non political" staff knew quite well and would have had to have had a lawyer come up with the "no responsive documents" line even if the reasoning is privileged.

fwiw ... my coffee hasn't kicked in yet if none of that made sense.

Old Lurker

I thought the following:

1. Any person can have as many private gmail accounts and cisco servers as they wish for any and all of their personal business, using any screen names they want to create.

2. All official business is required to be conducted on .gov email accounts. Period.

3. Regardless of any possible nuances in #1 and #2, every government official entrusted with the right to see and handle classified information assumes a legal responsibility to handle it exactly as the law demands and failure to do that can and has sent people to jail.

4. Like the Honor Codes of old at good colleges, wherein it was a violation to cheat or steal; it was also a violation to fail to report those who do...every government employee entrusted with the right to see and handle classified information has a similar duty to report any abuse the witness.

Where am I wrong about these things?

I know, I know.

James D

One thing that makes me feel good reading the hillary article jimmyk linked is seeing that the Dems have jut as many tone-deaf, self-serving jackass campaign consultants as the R's do.

If i were a candidate, rule #1 for my staff would be, no conversations with the press about campaign strategy. ESPECIALLY no conversations about the flaws in my campaign and what the staff hopes to do about them.


Rich, that made more sense than anything Hillary might come up with. (low bar, but still).

Beasts of England

No, DuDa, you answered my question without touching me. And I'm touched by that. :)

Beasts of England

Tinker gnomes?

1. Hide emails
2. ???
3. Profit!


Posted by: Beasts of England | September 08, 2015 at 08:44 AM-

>>>I think that private email was somewhat a grey area. Private servers would have to be a non-starter.<<<

backwards. at the federal level for foia, the rules governing what is and what is not an "agency record" is fairly well developed in regulation and case law. the gray area was if the agency didn't possess the network. only a Clinton or Clinton operative would think in this way of course.



here is the relevant portion of that paper (at east by my reading)::

>>>Department of Justice v. Tax Analysts, which delineated a two-pronged test for determining whether agency information and materials are “agency records” that are subject to FOIA: “First, an agency must ‘either create or obtain’ the requested materials ‘as a prerequisite to its becoming an “agency record” within the meaning of the FOIA.’ . . . Second, the agency must be in control of the requested materials at the time the FOIA request is made.<<<

Beasts of England

I think we're on the same page, rich - I may have been too short in my description.


There was a episode of poi, that featured a scif, that fronted as a brokerage house. But it does play like a Simpson's episode about Mr. Burns lackies doesn't it.


Posted by: Beasts of England | September 08, 2015 at 09:06 AM

feeling my inner nerd ... lol.


Seriously? Teh Feelingz?

Beasts, the other thing about that was Hillary's response: Completely bloodless, reminiscent of Dukakis's response to the question about Kitty's hypothetical rape/murder. Normal innocent people get outraged if accused. Even on national TV you'd expect a little passion. But it was rehearsed and phony.


So daddy you were like James remar's character in reds. Rios Mont whose daughter was also running, was deposed because he was too effective in his counterinsurgency sweeps, specially among the Indians in the highlands. As Mary o'grady's column showed during the bogus genocide charge against him. Also he was an evangelical in a then predominantly catholic country.

Beasts of England

One problem with Dave's sweets/vegetables analog is that kids don't voluntarily choose to come around to veggies - they're forced there by their mom. Hillarity doesn't have the mechanism of force. Embrace Bernie's sweetness, DuDa!

Beasts of England

Rehearsed and phony sums her up perfectly, jimmyk. No amount of tractor pulls will reverse her curse.


Anyone used scrivener in their projects. Doc brown is catching up to her, and will run her over with the delotean.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

OL - re your 8:30:
The claims that are being made in Hill-LIAR-y's defense wrt the handling of classified information are risible.

Here are just three of the many applicable statutes that address her use of a private e-mail server, or transmission of classified documents, outside of the State Dept.'s system:

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

18 U.S. Code § 1924 is perhaps the most applicable statute that should concern her.

The text reads as follows:
(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

Layman's version reads:
(a) Whoever, being an officer, ... of the United States,... becomes possessed of documents... containing classified information..., knowingly removes such documents ... with the intent to retain such documents ... at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

A strong prima facie case can be made today for violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1924. Her home-based, unsecured server was *not* an authorized location as defined by regulations, and classified documents were retained there.

There is another statute pertaining to classified documents that I am looking for. It contains a prohibition against holding federal office for violators of its provisions.


NYT on pardons Bill Clinton issued in his last hours as POTUS:

"The pardon of Mr. Deutch [CIA Director] spares the former spy director any criminal charges for mishandling secret information on his home computer. Mr. Deutch, who resigned in 1996, has already had his security clearance stripped. He had been considering a deal with the Justice Department in which he would plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of keeping classified data on home computers."

Hillary was unaware of Deutch's offenses? His forced resignation? The charges hanging over his head for years? Uh huh.

Old Lurker

Thanks Michael. Seems laughably simple to me and I am sure Scooter Libby would agree.

Old Lurker

Ditto thanks Deb.


Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are out

for a stroll in town one day.

As they walk, they come across a sign:

"Beauty contest for the most beautiful

woman in the world."

"I am entering," said Snow White.

After half an hour she comes out and they ask her,

"Well, how did you do?"

" First Place," said SnowWhite.

They continue walking and they see a sign:

"Contest for the strongest man in the world."

"I'm entering," says Superman.

After half an hour he returns and they ask him,

"How did you make out?"

" First Place," answers Superman."Did you ever doubt?"

They continue walking when they see a sign:

"Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"

Pinocchio says"this is mine."

Half an hour later, he returns with tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" they asked.

"Who the hell is HillaryClinton?" asked Pinocchio.

Origin Unknown


Another reminder of how warm and caring Hillary is.


with Molina's predecessor, they waited for him to step down, this was their third try at the apple:


but things operate much like the Austin apparatcniks and their counterparts in Wasbington and Alaskam

Old Lurker

Michael & Deb are addressing the classified data.

But are there not laws, rules, regs regarding conducting business only on .gov accounts, and are not those detailed enough to specify the actions required when official business "inadvertently" happens to flow through a personal account so that it can quickly be memorialized in a .gov account?

Miss Marple

Hey, you know that family pictured on the railroad tracks?

Look how the picture came to be. Complete video of the situation:


These people are insane scum and should not be allowed in the West.


the prosecutor in the former case, happens to have ties to red queen's foundation,

Old Lurker

Of course he does, Narc.


it was a she, as the subsequent links indicate:


oh, frabjous joy,


there are also analogs to the events in Italy, the 'Clean Hands' which seem to ignore certain parties,
and focus on others


a familiar fellow, shows us the obvious:



Clinton private email violated 'clear-cut' State Dept. rules

The State Department has had a policy in place since 2005 to warn officials against routine use of personal email accounts for government work, a regulation in force during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state that appears to be at odds with her reliance on a private email for agency business, POLITICO has learned.

The policy, detailed in a manual for agency employees, adds clarity to an issue at the center of a growing controversy over Clinton’s reliance on a private email account. Aides to Clinton, as well as State Department officials, have suggested that she did nothing inappropriate because of fuzzy guidelines and lack of specific rules on when and how official documents had to be preserved during her years as secretary.

But the 2005 policy was described as one of several “clear cut” directives the agency’s own inspector general relied on to criticize the conduct of a U.S. ambassador who in 2012 was faulted for using email outside of the department’s official system.

“It is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [Automated Information System], which has the proper level of security control to provide nonrepudiation, authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resident information,” the Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual states.

Spokespeople for the State Department and Clinton stressed earlier this week that the agency had “no prohibition” on the use of private email for work purposes.

Apparently these are just guidelines.


You can always identify an impotent organization because they start to rename things for no apparent reason.

Like say .. renaming of Mount McKinley to Denali.


That was from March, btw.


Germany can take 500,000 refugees annually for years, Vice Chancellor says


Under Akhenaton, they renamed most everything, he was the most Soviet of Pharoahs,


But are there not laws, rules, regs regarding conducting business only on .gov accounts

OL, I'm no expert, but I'm sure there are record-keeping requirements. This came up during the Lerner/IRS controversy when her e-mails also conveniently disappeared, even though they were not on a private server. I The requirements seem to have evolved over time, and I think became more strict, so one would have to go back to 2009-2012. But I have no doubt that correspondence was supposed to be preserved.

Hillary will claim that she has complied by turning all of it over, and we have to take her word for it because she is known to be honest.


yikes ... when can we start calling it North Syria ... Nordsyrien?

Old Lurker

Thanks Ext.

Old Lurker

Jimmy, I just hate all of them. Every last one.


you think campaigns in this country are rough:



Hungarian bishop says pope is wrong about refugees

BUDAPEST — Pope Francis’s message Sunday couldn’t have been clearer: With hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into Europe, Catholics across the continent had a moral duty to help by opening their churches, monasteries and homes as sanctuaries.

On Monday, the church’s spiritual leader for southern Hungary — scene of some of the heaviest migrant flows anywhere in Europe — had a message just as clear: His Holiness is wrong.

“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion,” said Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose dominion stretches across the southern reaches of this predominantly Catholic nation. “They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”

And despite the heat that [Hungarian PM] Orban has taken worldwide for attempts to crack down on some of the globe’s most vulnerable people by halting their journeys or throwing them into prison, his stance has seemed to only burnish his reputation here as a no-nonsense nationalist who will defend the country against an onslaught of “tens of millions” of new arrivals.

“I’m in total agreement with the prime minister,” Kiss-Rigo said in an interview Monday.

The pope, by contrast, “doesn’t know the situation.”

The situation, as Kiss-Rigo describes it, is that Europe is being inundated by people who are posing as refugees but actually present a grave threat to the continent’s “Christian, universal values.”


maybe one cup of crazy, when they need three:



Hundreds of Muslim Refugees convert to Christianity in German church


But wait...

Congregation member Vesam Heydari told AP, "The majority of Iranians here are not converting out of belief... They only want to stay in Germany."

Martens acknowledges this possibility, but says once in church, most people do engage and that around 90 per cent of converts continue attending after they have been baptised.

"I know there are – again and again – people coming here because they have some kind of hope regarding their asylum," Martens said. "I am inviting them to join us because I know that whoever comes here will not be left unchanged."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Islam 'belongs in Germany' and that claiming to be Christian does not guarantee a successful asylum application.


so the whole whirlwind, seems very sketchy,



it's never the wrong time for the 'two minute hate'



The administration is actively considering a range of approaches to be more responsive to the global refugee crisis, including with regard to refugee resettlement,” said Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council. “We are also in regular contact with countries in the Middle East and Europe who have been greatly impacted by the increased refugee flows.”

President "The Buck Never Ever Ever Stops With Me"

Some Guy

"Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"

Pinocchio says"this is mine."

LOL. I'd alter slightly to "Who is the most obvious liar in the world?"

Better fit for both Pinocchio and Hillary.

Cispigmented Heteronormative Microagressive Vulgarian Ignatz

It must have occurred previously but could some of our history buffs pinpoint a time in history when a country or an entire civilization welcomed millions of non armed invaders who were openly hostile to the culture they were entering?


the ties are as tortuous as red queen's excuses,



Ignatz, ask the native americans from the eastern US.


parallels are imperfect, but there is a certain 'rhyming' in effect



New post up.


Just curious--is ragweed really bad anywhere else this fall? Anybody know why? Love to tap into the JOM geography.

Beasts of England

An important word in Extraneus' 10:17 - encryption.

Miss Marple


Some intermediate muddle about all religions having violence if allowed to go too far, but then, surprisingly, it ends with this paragraph, which tells me perhaps even some of the Left have realized that we are failing as a nation:

"All this was predicted. What did we think would happen if we did nothing?

Hold on. Indignation is getting the better of me. America did do something. We trained 54 Syrian soldiers for the “New Syrian Force,” nearly half of whom were killed or captured as soon as they went to work. We are running more than 350 Twitter accounts at the Department of State, which, according to the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, are “aggregating, curating, and amplifying existing content.” We are flying drones to assassinate villains who are immediately replaced. In sum, it is springtime for ISIS. We present no serious obstacles and offer no significant impediments. We deplore and we respond trivially. We act, but not decisively. This is what the world looks like when the United States has abandoned its faith in its power and its duty to do good. For whom are we any longer a source of hope? The rubble of Palmyra is a melancholy emblem of the rubble of American foreign policy."

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

OL - re your 10:00 A.M.
specify the actions required when official business "inadvertently" happens to flow through a personal account so that it can quickly be memorialized in a .gov account?

As Ext noted, there are both policies and regulations that provide guidance, or requirements for record keeping and e-mail documentation at the State Dept.
Early on, the State Dept. confirmed that its employees are not permitted to use personal accounts exclusively for their official e-mail communications, but they are "allowed" to use personal e-mail accounts to send messages when the department's proprietary system is unavailable. They went on to state, IIRC, that the affected employee should transmit a copy of the 'sent message' from their personal account to their official State Dept. e-mail account as soon as it became practical. Doing so would then allow the dept. to maintain the record as required by regulations.

I have looked for documentation of that statement, but have been unable to find it as of yet.

Old Lurker

Does this not strike you as way premature?

If you were one of the accused cops, would you not find this very prejudicial?

"The city of Baltimore says it has reached a $6.4 million wrongful death settlement with the family of Freddie Gray. Gray died in April after he suffered a critical spine injury while he was in police custody. Six Baltimore police officers face criminal charges stemming from Gray´s death. Gray, who was black, was critically injured April 12 in the back of a prisoner transport van after he was arrested."


OL-one word-'reparations'.

Old Lurker

Michael, the key phrase in your 11:20 is "when the department's proprietary system is unavailable".

The witch is flying the world in one of our gazillion dollar flying palaces. What system ain't available?

Dave (in MA)

rse, I don't know if it was specifically due to ragweed, but I was miserable all day yesterday. If the wikipedia article on ragweed is accurate, it's a pretty good guess that's the culprit.
Weather.com has a HIGH pollen forecast today thru Thursday in my area.

jimmyk on iPhone

"They want to show her heart, like the time she comforted former drug addicts in a school meeting room in New Hampshire."

Perhaps she could talk about her father being a mailman. Truth isn't a requirement for her anyway. Like her being named for Edmund Hillary b

Dave (in MA)
Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say
This could be the next phase of No Ways Tard.
Old Lurker

Also Michael, and I guess this is at the heart of my questions, this email-server-classified-marked show is now pretty old news. DC is filled with lawyers who do nothing but this kind of law, and surely some of them could have been tasked by GOPe to crank out a definitive White Paper say about one week into it all. Scratch that. A real opposition party would have been watching and waiting to spring this with all guns blazing when it became ripe.

I know that Rick and others have suggested waiting until her party is stuck with her to play this card and that makes some sense.

But arguing against that is that in the absence of a clear public understanding of the "rules", everyone is left to put their own spin on the story and we all know that that will stick in the minds of a number of LIVs regardless of how it gets played out later.

GOPe. The gift which keeps on giving.

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