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September 21, 2015



Well, per local talk radio he peaked too soon -- before he had his positions organized (made him look waffley), then got bad advice on trying to out Trump the Donald. He may be back to run later (2020 or 2024).

The above makes sense to me, plus the noted reservations on goldilocks staff hires expressed in the comments throughout.

Unless he has a smoking gun and has just executed certain GAB managers and DAs.... (I can dream)


Jeff Dobbs



On the bright side, this should preempt The Five.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The hour produces the man and this was not the hour for sober, competent governors.

Now back to our regularly scheduled twelve or thirteen or whatever ring circus.


Guess this proves he wasn't a front for the Koch Bros


Central Time?

I guess The Five will carry on.

Some Guy



Mrs. lyle hardest hit.


I think the MSM produces the man.
That fiasco last Wednesday was The Donald Trump Show.
Gov. Scott Walker spoke for half the time Trump did.


Total BS. Until we stop allowing the media to determine our debate setups and other venues to reach voters, we'll bleed competent candidates.

Thomas Collins

His $$$$ people told him, no doubt, that his slow start means no more cash. I hope he regroups at a future time.

I think the realistic candidates left (realistic in the sense of having a shot at the nomination) are Trump, Fiorina, Kasich, Bush, Cruz and Rubio. I think Trump's chances are marginal, although he can come into the convention with delegates if he is willing to keep spending his money. I think Bush, Cruz and Rubio are the ones who are likely to go deep into primary season.


Yes the inability for the top men to learn the lessons of 2012, is typical sadly. But it's ridiculous that he should go before pataki! Or Graham.


Yes TC, nominate JEB! and Hilligula gets elected. Like someone had a plan.


This is a departure the GOP will regret down the road.


Or Gilmore. Or Santorum.


We had too many candidates. A bunch more need to drop out.


Hell, we regret it now, Appalled.

But some candidates are very happy.


Apparently he didn't have the shoe-string budget thing down, or didn't want to.

I'm sorry he's out, too. I was for him or Cruz. Don't think Fiorina or Carson are realistic, and I don't like Rubio. Now I'm all in for Cruz, who I think would be a great president, although I get the unlikability thing, dumb as it is.

All aspiring politicians are now signing up for debating lessons.

Miss Marple

Who has the next debate and when?


Hm. I don't like Rubio, but think the likeability thing is dumb.

Well yeah, I'm dumb, but I just get the feeling that Rubio's a phony. I'd like him if I thought he was genuine. Well, except for his immigration stances.


I kinda think Rubio's a phony, too. He's well-spoken, and I think he has a good foreign policy outlook. But everything else - which is a lot - seems thin.


The local talk radio guy (Belling) thought Walker & Rubio occupied the same big donor space -- so Rubio is the big winner here.

Ace Consultant Bob

Two things that brought Walker down:

1) turning a $1B surplus into a $2B deficit
2) that lazy retardo eye

With those facts said, he is great in Wisconsin and should stay there for awhile. Not ready for prime time.

Ace Consultant Bob

"Who has the next debate and when?

CNBC in 5 weeks (10/28/15).

Ace Consultant Bob

"Walker & Rubio occupied the same big donor space"

'Rubio' (spanish for Amnesty) is going to need more $$$$ for bottles of cold water and sweat rags.

Janet S.

Or Gilmore. Or Santorum.

Those 2 probably have nothing else to do.

Walker was my #2 choice.
I like Jindal too.


Yeah, I'd like to see Jindal make the top 10. He's solid and smart.


I liked that thing he did with playing the PP videos at a PP protest. Brilliant!, as they say.


Yes, great theater there. I also like his rejection of hyphenated American status.


I'm sorry for the Wisconsinites. Not looking forward to Gus's lamentations.


Well, at least WI does get to keep Walker. I hope.


Tell Mrs Lyle I'm as hard hit as she is.

Miss Marple

Walker is making good points.


what a great speech


Walker is a very admirable guy.

Miss Marple


Some Guy

Did I mention... Dang?


Heh, the news just showed the pathetic remnants of the Act10 protest singers rejoicing (singing while morbidly obese and texting DuDa). Roughly a dozen of them in the dark in the Capitol rotunda.

Miss Marple

The article I posted was not because I am critical of Walker, but because it explains some of his problems. Basically, the article says he rocketed to the top much sooner than he expected, and it left him scrambling on national and foreign policy issues.


Will do, Jane.


MissM, that is the local talk radio take as well. Although PJ Media blames the idiot campaign consultants that go from fail to fail to infect whoever is next and turn them into JEB! Lite.


yep, should have listened more to R.J.



narciso, RJ mostly wants to be in that club. Walker is his only success, the exact same campaign lost for several others before it fit Walker. A one trick pony of Rove proportions there.


well I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, someone should petition dayspring, to return some of that pelf,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Powerline on Walker dropping out.

The Pack Is Back

Walker: "I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner," Walker continued."


In other words, Walker = Sore Loser (emphasis on the loser). In addition to being a sore loser, Walker gives the unions something to brag about..."look! on a national level, voters love unions". This guy should have stuck to Wisconsin since he was not ready for prime time. Walker is now damaged goods. Looking forward to his loss in the next election. In his free time maybe he can earn his GED. Dumbass.


Uh, I didn't hear him mention the front runner.


Jane, he did slip that in. Whether he was referring to Hillary or someone else is ambiguous. That a troll for a certain someone else bit tells us many things about a certain thin skinned dude with odd hair.

Bye Bye Dummy

"thin skinned dude with odd hair."

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

You can be certain that if Trump flames out and has any complaints about any of the other candidates our benighted shill will be back with his Sore Loser equation for Teh Donald.


That's thinning hair. Life without a clue must be tough on you BB Dummy.

Wrecking Crew

"You can be certain that if Trump flames out..."

Don't hold your breath, Iggy.


Ig, what's a union hack to do these days... skilled jobs go to robots or China, bozo imports illegales for unskilled jobs. Hell, I have bots that can replace mr shill anytime... seem more human too. But his union overlords are cheap bastards and won't pay the user fees for quality work...


Every Trump supporter reminds me of a democrat.


Bald is sexy. I can imagine 2024.


Oh, that's my problem. ;)

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Don't hold your breath, Iggy.--

This Trump shill makes WeeDavey look like a bipartisan happy medium.
Guess being a streetwalker for Trump pays better than the Dems....or he works cheaper


Can't do better than Yeats:

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are filled with passionate intensity.

Maybe the madness will abate and people will start looking for serious candidates again. Or not.

Frau Wahlzentral

"PAUL ADDS: I agree with this analysis. Walker wasn’t ready to be a presidential candidate. However, I suspect that he is ready to be a capable president, which is a very different matter."

It always looks easier in the movies.

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