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September 16, 2015


Frau  Uhse

Oh, no, Mr. Bill!

Jack is Back!


Invoking Kasich you may lose half your audience. Really?


I dunno TM, Hit has a link to the last page.....

Jack is Back!

Jindal takes no prisoners especially Lady Lindsey. So the only reason not to figtht and go on record is because Obama will veto everything. What a wuss.

Jeff Dobbs

Son of a b**ch mailman!

Beasts of England

Everybody must have paid their Platinum Membership Dues to have all these fancy threads materialize...

Jack is Back!

CNN has Van Jones as a commenter? Good night. No sense even watching this debate. It is rigged.

Wake me in March 2016 when my vote counts.


Are we moving here for the big boy pants debate?

Miss Marple

Why doesn't this one have a link to the last page? That was the point of having a new thread.

And BOO to the mailman's kid!

Beasts of England

I bet Carly wears some badass pumps tonight...

Miss Marple

Beasts, too bad it's California, or she could wear boots!


Hmmm, no feed. But the radio has Mark Steyn as a commenter. This is better.


live stream ... Anderson Cooper yammering now before debate starts. Guest says "this is an establishment crowd" - noting Pataki's "I would fire Kim Davis" got big applause.

Miss Marple

CNN is doing analysis now. Strange to see their take, because it is accurate about GOP voters, which I didn't expect.


Radio comments are better. (Repost)

The radio commenters think Jindal did best. They like Graham on security, but not on immigration. Pataki as a potted plant. Left Santorum out of review. Hmmmm.


Hit, will you post a link to the last page here on the first page. My bribes to TM have not worked.

Jack is Back!

Everyone on CNN is coinfused as to who the American public is outside the beltway. Isn't that interesting. We are specimens without any scientific designation.

Americaus realistica


Listening to the debate on Salem broadcasting.

Guy Benson is their version of Les Nessman.





just putting this out there,


Beasts of England

You forgot to :::duck::: narciso!

Jack is Back!

Only JEB is smiling. Why? Fixed?


Rubio is sweating like mad.

Beasts of England

Works for me, Miss Marple!!

Let's get ready to RUMBLE!


Does Pataki know that Davis is an elected official? Did anyone call him on it?


Hmmm. Rapid sea level change off Chile. Tsunami may be real, warnings along S America coast.


bb, nobody called him on it.


Last page?


Miss Marple

Thanks for th link, TK!


Look at that face!

Jack is Back!

I think the mailman's son just pushed theough the over/under on RR.

Miss Marple

Looks pretty good to me, TK. Ha!

Kasich name drops flying on the plane behind him.

Jack is Back!

Why did you hug him fatboy if that is what you believe?


Let the Trump bashing begin!


I had very low expectations, henry...And I wasn't disappointed.

BTW I don't support Davis but I think we have a right to expect that our Presidential candidates and the media who purport to be qualified to question them have at least a general understanding of what they are talking about. I don't know why I think that, but I do.

Miss Marple

Jack, that comment by Christie was designed to make us forget about that ug.

I do not forget.

Beasts of England

Yes, boatbuilder.


Pig pile!


I'm sorry folks. Trump is beclowning himself.


Jeb looks like the uninvited guest between the Walker Trump feud


This is the mess CNN wants.


Someone has to have the actual numbers on Wisconsin.

Beasts of England

What's the Trump-Walker dust up about?


Yes Tk, Walker has the numbers, Trump is talking out of his ass.


I vote for the airplane backdrop.

Jack is Back!

John Belushi is so proud. Food Fight!


Carson is calming and reasonable.


Gus, where do I find a comprehensive answer so I can clear this up for my friends.


Look at that face! And what a brain!


I stand with sbw.

Jack is Back!

Where is the foreign pollcy and national security theme we were to expect?


CNN sucks. They are making this the Trump debate.


:-) anonamon


like Rick Blaine said of Casablanca, we were misinformed,


Was listening to a CD today on history. Livy wrote about moral decline, exasperated because of the politics where we tolerate neither their vices nor their remedies.


Beasts, Trump is taking the "as is" extrapolation numbers from before the budget laws are passed which include the full wish list of every department. (hint, it looks different after the laws are passed). It is the number set used by the Dems and Journal Sentinal to ask for tax increases "on the rich." The actual status under laws in effect today is a slight surplus.


Welcome to CNN’s Republican bicker.

Carson calming again: Pundits forgot about the people.


Why is Trump getting all this time?
The others ought to walk off the stage.


Yes Jane,I had to search the channel guide to find CNN. We never watch CNN.

Miss Marple

Finally, foreign policy.

Jack is Back!

Its on purpose. The Dems (aka CNN) want Trump and hsi BS populism as the GOP platform. Simple.


and Sallust wrote of that period, although as Caesar partisan, he had a particular angle, for Cicero over Catiline,


Trump is getting 30% of the time?


TK, ploitifact calls Trump a liar, these guys have a good analysis.

Miss Marple

Carly really knocked it out of the park on that security question with Russia.

Jack is Back!

Notice that these security questions are not ask of Tump.

The debate is rigged.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Wait, are you guys suggesting that the RNC acted like a bunch of clueless doofuses for agreeing to have CNN host this?

Miss Marple

Well, I think people will begin to figure it out.


Now that we are talking substance, we see how pathetic Trump is.


of course it's rigged, one tiny problem with the premise, no one does anything without the Ayatollah's say so, not Rouhani not Suleimaini,


Carly and Dr.Carson are the only two who impress me.


Thanks Henry.


Is Trump still on stage? I have radio, no video

Beasts of England

Thanks, henry! I remember them wailing on that at Althouse

Jack is Back!

So far no questions to Trump. Why not?

daddy  (Vote for Pedro!)

Just came in and caught which I think was Cruz responding to a Kasich charge about tearing up the Iran Deal as being naive and playing to the crowd.

Sounded to me like a great, tough, and well spoken response by Ted Cruz. Then Kasich responded and it struck me as platitudes all aver again about working with our allies to do nothing specific.


He opened, Jack.


The lighting must be really hot on the stage,most of them are sweating.


how does one reimpose sanction, when the other members of the quintet, went on a suicidal jag,

daddy  (Vote for Pedro!)


I have only heard about 3 minutes so far but I hope these guys all kick Jake Tapper's ass.

Beasts of England

Structural deficit, I think they called it, henry.

Is this the first pin to Trump's balloon?

Go Carly!!

Is Cruz there?

Jack is Back!

No question at all to Trump on Syria, Nada. Rigged. Believe me.

daddy  (Vote for Pedro!)


The Iranians will treat this agreement like toilet paper and we need the next Pres, whoever it is on this stage, to tear up this iranian Deal.


Where'd Kasich even come from? Who's giving him money?


yes, he was in there, at the beginning, the reason there was no response to the red line, was the back channel to Iran, that was going on at the same time, also I think that the gulf states, had assured him, they had this problem handled


Beasts, yes. Structural deficit, as in if you don't do your job you will have a problem. So the do their job and cut costs, reschedule road projects, change school and university funding... Then it balances as constitutionally required. (With less borrowing than usual).


Jake Tapper is a terrible moderator.

Captain Hate on the iPad

The Mailman's Son accusing others of playing to the crowd is pretty rich. Pearly Gates anybody?


yes, he is, but I've despised since 2001,


him since 2001,

Miss Marple

Kasich shouldn't have been allowed to interrupt.

And also, he is full of carp.

daddy  (Vote for Pedro!)

Rubio strong comments to Hewwett on the Presidents failures of using the US Military in pinpricks and drawing red lines. Big applause.

Then Rand Paul comes in and takes an opposite tack---Think before we act or we'd have ISIS in Damascus.

Ted Cruz: I want to reply to someone up here (Kasich) whip says we should let this treaty go into effect and see what happens. We just saw Khomeni last week say "Death To America." Elect me, and in no way will I ever let a crazy theocrat chant death to America.

Kasich: No, We stick with the Deal and we'll have the high moral ground to go ahead with our allies if these guys try to make a Nuke. That's how we get to where we need to go.

Cruz: He's wrong. Under this foolish agreement we will not know if they are making a Nuke. The PreZ is violating the Law by not letting us see the side deals.

I like it when Jake Tapper shuts up and these go after each other without the media hacks.

Captain Hate on the iPad

[Top] We can trust Jake Tapper [/Men]

Maybee had a soft spot in her noggin for that dimwit too.

Jack is Back!

So, where the fuck is Trump in all this brouhaha? Rigged.


Trump can't talk substance. Insults are all he's got.

Miss Marple

Jack, this will backfire because they are also shutting out Carson.

daddy  (Vote for Pedro!)

Way to go Huck for telling Tapper to shut up and let him finish.

Strong points by Huckabee. Ties in the County Clerk and contrast with us letting Muslim criminal grow a beard in Military Prison.

Now JeB replies, and even his sound and his words are wimpy and a mess. He is a pathetic candidate. He projects weakness and a dull mind. His voice and his words are viscerally unimpressive to me.

He makes Kasich sound like General Patton.

My quick take is that Jeb is in the process of being buried.

Is Ben carson on the stage anywhere?

Beasts of England

Nice comments by Cruz. That sounds decisive and pro-America. Kind of important at this time in our history

Captain Hate on the iPad

Sounds like the Mailman's Son is digging in with the stoopid. Jen Rubin has her work cut out.

Miss Marple

They are ignoring Carson.

Christie comes on strong its Planned Parenthood.

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