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September 24, 2015





It makes you wonder how we are ever going to clean house if by chance the Republicans ever regain all three branches. The corruption is so embedded throughout all aspects of government.

Beasts of England

Stopped talking to Putin? Hahaha!! I thought Ø made all the world respect him with his sooper smart diplomacy? Putin may be a thug, but at least he's rooting for his own damned country.

Beasts of England

In Russia, community organizes you.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki


Fraid not, flod. I was first before it even existed.
I had a great comment teed up too and now I can't even remember what it was.

Captain Hate on the iPad

I would settle for the GOP cleaning up its own house.

Jeff Dobbs

Oh yeah, I read this hours ago.

Jeff Dobbs

As in . . . in draft.


Heh! All that white space waiting to be written on Ig...


Heh, he could offer Hillary's emails... but Vlad already has them.


Waiting for the overthrow of Boehner...odds of that actually happening are not good.


"I want to reset the reset"

things Obama might have said

Jack is Back!

He can ask for Hillary's emails on behalf of his State dept.

Jack is Back!

Boehner is safe. Pelosi and the Dems will vote for him. Another miscalculation by our so called Tea Party and conervative saviors who don't even understnd the rules of voting. Stupid party is all over the place not just in the RNC.


I am reposting this from the last thread just in case there has been a mad charge to this one:

Can we perhaps be more, um Christian, to each other. It is difficult enough watching the marxists tear apart all that is right and good and build their brave new world.

Reading an interesting book titled "God is Back" by Micklethwaite & Wooldridge.

They point out the European/Argentine way of life is top down driven, while what made America exceptional is that it is the other way around.

There has always been a much greater competition of ideas in this country, which contributes to its exceptionalism. Whether it was the Methodists overtaking the Calvinists and Episcopalians or then the Baptists with their flat organizational chart, there is a directness and a certain directness of purpose that is far different from the European oligarchic bullshit. Argentina is the same way. Caudillos and Colonels.

Whether it is a dictator or a king or even a Pope, Europeans like to be told what to do. The English are something of an exception but the toxicity of the class system is still evident.

We have, unfortunately seen the importation of that same oligarchic attitude in this country. I was justfuming a short while back that now SAB-Miller-Bud-World Domination means that a single company controls a very karge segment of the beer industry. How the hell is that right?

The hops growers are going to be oppressed, I tell ya.....


home brew / craft brew is replacing Bud & MGD. The olde bottom up strikes again.


Craft breweries now produce one out of every ten beers sold in the USA.


I know you all will laugh, but this was a fun festival. :)



And, I wonder why Putin is wasting his time with obama?

Rick Ballard


Why would the strong horse pass up an opportunity to humiliate the weak jackass at home?


Well Tim blair is writing about the bachelorette.

“Muslim is the new gay,” said Mark Steyn...


Dave (in MA)

Howie Carr dubbed Francis "Pope Moonbat the 1st".

Comanche Voter

"Weak" ain't in it when Putin thinks about Obama (which is not often). How do you say "easy punch" in Russian?

Ol Putin knows that Obama is practically begging Putin to violate Obama in the violet time in the vilest way he knows.


Re rod liddle, the second example of British animal attraction, this time involving Cornyn.


What former Russian territory would Obama willingly concede.

Captain Hate on the iPad

It's bad enough watching the Redskins stink up,the joint without having to listen to Opie Simms call them "the Washington football team". A well run league would order that goof fired.


The fantasy football commercials will likely cause me to quit watching the NFL.


So who is the current American 'religious leader'? Billy Graham is retired now and Jerry Falwell is no longer earthbound. We need a good old-fashioned Judeo-Christian revival to scare the insufferable lefties and their perverted culture back into their dark enclaves.
Of course, they'd be welcome to convert...


Rick, (10.40 pm) ... yeah, you're right, guess I said that because I have to mute him whenever he's on tv, plus I close my eyes. :) Putin is strong. (So am I...well, I have strong emotions.) Just follows I don't like to waste my time with narcissistic, egotistical supercilious adjunct left-wing college assistants. :) Didn't think Putin would either.


Redskins is a killing word, dontcha know.

Yes those ads are creepy.


Franklin has some of his father's energy, back in the day.


The russians have put together a fusion center in baghdad, winning.


The great Anna Netrebko!

Dave (in MA)

Tim Tebow?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Simms actually makes me appreciate Chris Collinsworth; something I previously would have considered impossible.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--What former Russian territory would Obama willingly concede.--

He could give them the North Coast of CA but they'd probably reject it on account of all the commies living there.

Man Tran

With the interminable arguing over how many popes dance on the head of a pin, may I suggest a rude bucket of cold water to get your attention?

1) The Fatima Prophesies claim this Pope is the last one.
2) The ragheads claim they will destroy the Vatican (easily accomplished with JEF's giving the bomb to the mullahs).
3) In underpants gnome math: ???
4) Armageddon.

Now how far do all those fancy arguments get you?

Beat that Squaredance!


I'll bet he'd throw in the Deep South as a bonus. :)

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, warned the EU was now facing a "critical point" and that the migrant crisis hadn't even reached its peak. As he chaired an emergency meeting of EU leaders in Brussels last night Mr Tusk painted a bleak picture of the EU's future, saying the 28-member bloc was on the verge of breakdown with "recriminations and misunderstanding" pitting nations against one another.

The future of free movement was at stake, he said, as the continent had lost control of its borders as well as a "sense of order".

He added: "The most urgent question we should ask ourselves...is how to regain control of our external borders.

"Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to even speak about common migration policy."

He appeared to lay much of the blame with Germany, accusing Chancellor Angela Merkel of exacerbating the problem by sending the signal to desperate Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland that Germany had no limit on the number of migrants it would accept.

He added: "We need to correct our policy of open doors and windows.

"Today we are talking about millions of potential refugees trying to reach Europe, not thousands.

"It is likely that more refugees will flow towards Europe, not less. Especially as almost all of them feel invited to Europe."

But Ms Merkel responded: "Setting up fences between members states is not the solution.

"Faced with a great challenge, it can not be that Europe says we can't handle this.

"That's why I say again and again, we can do this."

As deep divisions continue to show between EU nations, French President Francois Hollande offered a stark assessment of the crisis engulfing the continent.

He said: "Those who don't share our values, those who don't even want to respect those principles, need to start asking themselves questions about their place in the European Union."

What values and principles are those?

Hey, check out these high-end life jackets:



Here's the kind of cheapo life jacket they throw in for free when you buy a new boat:

I've never seen these worn by the "refugees."


And how about that dude in front? Does he look like someone fleeing a battle for his country or leading an invasion of another?

Beasts of England

Just saw where someone called Boehner 'The Weeper of the House'. lol

Beasts of England

Yeah, but those el cheapo ones are awesome. Loosen the strap all the way out, plop your caboose on top of the neck opening, splay the two sides outside of your hips, and you have the perfect lake floatie. Grab a beer and the drunk rope and you're in bidness!

You can't do that with those fancy Muslim-approved life preservers!

Beasts of England

Proposed 15 year plan from the UN to combat poverty and curb global warming has an annual price tag of almost $4.0T. What could go wrong?

Beasts of England

It's raining out, so I can't go for my morning run. Ugh. How am I supposed to get my dopamine fix - being superior to someone? I have a few candidates...

Beasts of England

I probably shouldn't be posting without adult supervision. I could veer terribly off course...


Beasts, you still up?


Good morning everyone. Tis the day of the World's Largest Lesson as the kleptocrats at the UN use Hollywood Cartoonists to mesmerize the kiddies.


And the global goals lesson materials have been translated into 10 languages.

Beasts of England

Bright and early, henry!

Beasts of England

We have a loose consortium of musicians around the state who get together on occasion to perform some of the great albums in concert. Called the Black Jacket Symphony, they tackle such magnum opera as Dark Side of the Moon and Abbey Road in sonic perfection, selecting from a wude variety of musicians and vocalists to meet the requirements.

I'm going to hear them this evening as they tackle Led Zeppelin II. They are branching out of our state and into Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. Highly recommended.


Miss Marple 2

Good morning, all!

Miss Marple 2


Of course, at the bottom of the article it says that the dems will ask for offsets to pay for the repeal, so I imagine this will be DOA as it would mean getting the funding from higher taxes or cutting something important.


That sounds like a blast, Beasts.

Beasts of England

Thanks, Porch - I'd go just to hear The Lemon Song!

Miss Marple 2


Frank Gaffney recommends this study on the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to use interfaith dialogue to undermine Christianity, particularly Catholicism.


My mother bought that album when it first came out. One day she asked me (I was a little kid), "Did he say 'the way you squeeze my lemon?'" and "What's a backdoor man?"

Beasts of England

lol, Extraneus!!


I guess Zero's offer to be more flexible in his second term didn't curry any favor with Putin.

I can easily imagine that if a President Trump couldn't "make a really good deal" with Putin, he would at least tell him to eff off:)

Captain Hate on the iPad

These last couple of days have been very revealing.


Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | September 25, 2015 at 08:16 AM

in what way?


Gee. Did she misstate the truth?

Clinton signed off on change in job status for top aide Abedin

Documents released by a conservative watchdog group Thursday show Hillary Clinton personally signed official forms in 2012 that allowed her top aide to attain status as a special government employee (SGE), despite the Democratic presidential frontrunner's denial of any involvement in the situation during a recent interview.

From my reading of pushkin I would suggest Poland is on the chopping block, Dale brown suggests the same thing. Closer to home, in the settling scores dept, Alaska.



mistakes were made. we shouldn't be picking on Ma Hipflask cause she can sometimes get confused.

and on the email story-why didn't they shred the drives and replaced them with some new ones?


In silva's the messenger, he took the preaching of the Saudi navy chaplain, arifi re the citadel on the tiber, and the propensity for the interfaith dialogue to a devastating conclusion. Silva was another who taken in by the pius black legend, spun by hochhuth.



yikes and yikes. all the work to end the cold war undone in less than 7 years. would think that Poland would start shooting back and Alaska would be more trouble that it is worth.

482 days and a wake up ... how much vandalism can the nitwit in chief cause?



Classic alcoholic behavior from Shrillary. She can't help the lying. It is what she does to survive.


and Ex your picture at 533. wonder how many times it had to be staged to get the right look?

Janet S.

THis video from the G20 summit in Mexico shows me how much respect Putin has for Obama.

just the first 15 seconds or so...


It is pathetic.


Yes fray Merkel has revealed herself not to be so wagnerian, or greece, Re volodya, on nuclear power, and now on the new vandals, hollandaise is much worse, and as for cameron, thank heavens he was focused on private club activities.


My complaint with 'll papa is he is shoeing much less resistance then he did with the kirschners, who were playing most of Obama's glockenspiel.

Janet S.

I don't know if all can see this, but it was shared 889 times! (according to FB)



wonder how many times it had to be staged to get the right look

Good point. Right behind them are 20 more rafts, only they're completely filled with guys like the one with the glasses on his hat.


Facebook 'unfriending' can constitute workplace bullying, Australian tribunal finds

Miss Marple 2

On consideration after sleeping on it, I am coming down on Jack's view: he's a Peronista Jsuit possibly being steeered the wrong way by ill-chosen advisers.

No point in getting angry. The Church has survived the Avignon captivity and the Borgia popes, she will survive this one.

As far as influence here, the ridiculousness of the left suddenly becoming pro-Catholic after years of demonizing the Church surely will be apparent to Americans.


The latest bond book cribbed from Dr.no and moonraker, substituting Koreans for nazis,
Although there is a touch of paper clip at the start, anyways the villain used a smuggling network to accomplish his goal.

Janet S.


"Campaign group Women For Refugee Women said the solution was to integrate genuine refugees as quickly as possible into society to remove them from the risks of overcrowded conditions. Its director Natasha Walter said: ‘People should not be in detention centres, they should be in the community where they can avail themselves of the normal protections given to citizens by the authorities.’"

Because everyone starts raping everything in sight when they are in overcrowded situations....right?



do you know if anyone has looked into the credited photographers and matched up prior work from the ME? some of the photos look like what came out of Lebanon during the 2006 war. It is either some of the same stringers or there is a school for the effect.

Janet S.

I don't know if this is true in the German refugee camps, but here's the situation in the UN refugee camps -

" “Christians are not to be found in the UN camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbours and family.”

Refugees who want to come to the United States will also be required to apply through the United Nations."



It's kinda like the Katrina reports out of the New Orleans Superdome. In that case they were b.s., but the purpose of the reporting was similar.

Oh, and let's integrate the rapists into the community so they can start breeding with the natives as soon as possible.


what brought it to mind was this famous photo ...


can't believe that was 9 years ago.


One can have too broad a brush I admit, there were plenty of great people who came through the marvel boatlift. The troublemakers however did help turn miami in a slightly boschian hue for a time.

Miss Marple 2


Old Lurker

MM "The Church has survived the Avignon captivity and the Borgia popes, she will survive this one."

But the question is, will we?


Miss Marple 2

Old Lurker,

Yes, we will. Our ancestors survived 2 World Wars, the Depression and Dustbowl. If you go back farther, they survived the Civil War and the Revolution, having come here fleeing Europe's religious persecution, the Scottish Clearances, and the Potato Famine.

We will survive. :-)


This "A Politicized Pope" from daniel Henninger is excellent. http://www.wsj.com/article_email/a-politicized-pope-1443047131-lMyQjAxMTI1NDI5NDkyODQ1Wj

I did not know Tom Steyer was featuring the Pope at the conclusion of a commercial hyping climate change.

Sounds like the kind of thing that will be joined to convince young people that green energy makes sense and thus line Steyer's pockets with more taxpayer money.

Janet S.

It is an AP photo from Lesbos & lots of the AP photos from Lesbos Greece are from (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)
another one -
Syrian refugees arrive aboard a dinghy after crossing from Turkey to the island of Lesbos, Greece, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015.



We've seen the model in the underage sex predation in England... that was with intact families moving in.

The military aged males coming in mass aren't going to go easier on the locals.


Third times the charm, or is that enemy action?

Miss Marple 2


As we expected, a plant, and one they have been working on for a YEAR!

And they are absolutely shameless in bragging about it.

Janet S.

Rich, thanks for the reminder @ 9:13.

Janet S.

Here's a real doozy - http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2015/09/11/syrian-refugee-crisis-west-midlands-council-leaders-promise-to-do-their-bit/

One guy has damn floaties on his arms. Good Lord, what a show.


On clarice's link from the Treehouse on jeb and GOPe maneuvering and McConnell's behavior.

When I as going through the FRB book I wrote about most recently the book kept mentioning WIRED grants. Acronym stands for Workforce Innovation Regional Economic Development. These started in 2005 under Bush 43 with 39 original grants and administered by Elaine Chao's Labor Department. This is what GOP pols at all levels are lusting after and selling constituents to get. Federal money to 'plan' economic activity.

It came out of Texas when 43 was governor although the original model was created under Ann Richards working with IAF. The book states that this model has now spread throughout Texas into Arkansas and Louisiana and the Southwest.

I think this is the kind of dirigiste vision that drives GOPe's love for jeb. The continuation of this vision where the 'Left' gets its desired social vision and the Right gets a planned economy it directs and can reward campaign contributors with.

It's why jeb has such a war chest. It's also toxic and unsustainable. Climate change is an excuse to keep this planning in place.

Janet S.

a whole page of The Show - https://www.google.com/search?q=Syrian+refugees+arrive+aboard+a+dinghy+after+crossing+from+Turkey+to+the+island+of+Lesbos&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAkQ_AUoA2oVChMIvfrWoKKSyAIVSKQeCh1lJQsv&biw=1351&bih=575#imgrc=_

Beasts of England

What a shock, Miss Marple!! Nothing from the left happens by accident. It's agitprop all the way down.

Old Lurker

MM "Our ancestors survived 2 World Wars, the Depression and Dustbowl. If you go back farther, they survived the Civil War and the Revolution, having come here fleeing Europe's religious persecution, the Scottish Clearances, and the Potato Famine."

I am not at all sure that we have it in us to survive any of those challenges today, MM. Look how much the Romans endured before they finally succumbed to much of the same dilution of the DNA of will, values and strength.

Janet S.

"A refugee raises a child into the air as Syrian and Afghan refugees are seen on and around a dinghy that deflated in a seperate incident off Lesbos"


'When you see this suffering, you can't just watch': The British family helping thousands of refugees on Lesbos



Drudge has a flashing siren about Boehner resigning?!

Old Lurker

Be still my heart. You tease, Marlene.


seems like the gopher in caddyshack now,


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