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September 16, 2015


Miss Marple

Thanks, Jeff!


Obama made us Ned to go in with boots on the ground & kick barbarian ass. (All but Pataki, who CNN goes to for safety).

Miss Marple

Close ck kid question. What a farce!


waaaa. The clock kid is a CNN favorite & Obama is Mr Sensitive.

Miss Marple

Clock kid question. Ridiculous!


Jindal, the big discrimination is against Christians... So cutoff.

Miss Marple

Patacki ranting about Kim Davis.


Oh boy. Trump & Jeb! want to increase taxes on the rich, after the break why don't you losers want to raise taxes even more than they do?



If they're giving these 4 so little time to speak, what in the world will the big table timer be like? At least they're not attacking each other too much so far.


Santorum comparing Kim Davis to Columbine teen killed because she refused to deny she was a Christian.

Beasts of England

Reading our resident snarkers beats watching it! Thanks, Jeff!!


Santorum calls for a president to defy SCOTUS "if they're wrong".


Santorum now vowing to ignore the Supreme Court on same sex marriage. Pataki schooling him. More cage match unlimited time. Santorum really stepped in it.


Reading our resident snarkers beats watching it!

I agree! I don't even bother and can read the comments tomorrow if necessary.


Santorum compares Kim Davis to MLK. Pataki points out the difference between civil disobedience and government actors.


OK, what to do with Justice Roberts? Jindal... It's the Dem judges that are lockstep.


Lindsey: "Whether you're the Christian baker, the gay couple, or the (can't remember what), radical Islam would kill you all."

Miss Marple

I thought that quote by Graham was quite good.


I prefer you guys's impressions over those of Drudge or any pollsters or other commentators, so please keep it coming!


Santorum disses Jindal as a governor, not "fighting" against bad judges in the Senate like Santorum did.


Ok, Jindal off on the DC establishment. Nice.


Jindal calling for term limits for Congress peeps, especially as the majority Republicans have done bumpkis.


Graham brings up Benghazi when asked why he praised Hillary.


Now he promised to drink more.

Miss Marple

I thought the drinking comment was funny.


Pataki... Throw out the entire tax code. Stuff your premise.

Jack is Back!

Its like watching the kids in kindergarten having a playground fight.

Beasts of England

Who's gonna drink more? Other than me...


MissM, a nice tie to Reagan as well.


Beasts, Graham as first act in office.


Now he promised to drink more

Any of the A-Teamers listening backstage who believed the msm re this debate being foreign policy focused are probably begging for a drink.

Beasts of England

Telling people to shove their premise is a beautiful move! Needs to be done much more often

Beasts of England

Love it, henry!


Now my CNN live stream is down.

Jack is Back!

Back to ESPn and I have to ask BoE, where the hell did Bozo Ears Paul Finebaum come from and why is he now on TV? He is a real, unrepetant SEC apologist and promoter which is almost embarrasing. Plus he looks like a freaking caricature out of MAD magazine.


Mine's still working. Try refresh, henry.

Miss Marple

This format is not allowing them enough time, and the moderators are interrupting before they finish.

It's making them have to talk fast .


Have they asked what CLOCK BOY AHMED thinks about GAY MARRIAGE yet???


Gus, first question after Trump questions.

Beasts of England

He's a Tennessee grad and a very good writer. His show is very much a schtick - he can be funny at times.


Wait until they try this format with 10 loudmouths.


There's a general air of desperation. Only Lindsey is actually doing well and seems jocular and relaxed imo.


Feed now back. Iffy.


Santorum is so pASSionate about the MINIMUM WAGE, yet he is so proud to tell Miss Lindsey that only 1% work for minimum wage


Tapper reminds me of a talk show host


Santorum dissing conservatives as being anti worker... time limits suspended.

Miss Marple

Tappers college major was popular culture.

This announcement brought to you by Miss Marple' s Library of Political Trivia.


Feed down again. The wonders of DSL.


I still like Santorum
Some job in the Repub administration for him wrt manufacturing


Glad you folks are watching and not me. Off to dinner to splurge on wine after my rental property sale close. Yippee.


Santorum lost his Senate seat in 2006, yet he talks as if he's still in there battling away.


I like this guy alot.

Ben Carson answered my question about how he would deal with Iran as president in a far different manner from Rand Paul, or even Donald Trump.

But before I get into it, a word about the doctor. I was sitting typing away in the Filing Room when PJTV producer Chad Mann tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over just to see dozens of people suddenly standing as Ben Carson walked into room, the only candidate thus far to walk straight into this hornet’s nest of media.

In a moment they were peppering him with questions, a moving hive as Carson walked toward the Spin Room. I joined in, trying to get my Iran question in. I have never seen anyone walk so calmly in a sea of media as the doctor, an extraordinarily cool customer. Maybe it’s the surgery thing.

Anyway, with the help of Deanna Bass, one of Carson’s campaign honchos, I got to ask the question. What would he do about the Iran deal when assuming office? Dr. Carson’s succinct answer: ”As it was an executive action, it holds no sway for the next president.”

As they say on the Drudge Report: BOOM! (takes care of that)

That answer differs of course from Paul’s namby-pambyism, but also from Trump. Donald, it will be recalled, has excoriated the deal, but has said it was a “contract”t we must adhere to until Iran breaks it. And then he would make them pay.

Except this deal, in its entirety, was never presented to Congress — something Trump perhaps has overlooked or doesn’t know. In any case, I have no doubt that The Donald would be strong against Iranian terrorism/expansionism, but, ironically, mild-mannered Dr. Carson might be more so.

We’ll probably hear me about this tonight.



Lindsey is sounding like Rambo, and I think he believes what he's saying about using military force if necessary.

Jack is Back!


Please, the only job Santourm is qualified for is Ambassador to the Vatican. He makes my skin crawl and I am a devout pro-life Catholic.


Pataki good on HC's incompetence and dereliction of duty as SoS.


Lindsey on Putin: "This is what happens when you have a weak, unqualified CoC" ... refused to take the Trump said X bait. "Assad must go. This war must end. If it doesn't it's coming here"


Jindal on Putin: "The only group BOzo can out maneuver is the Senate Republicans" (paraphrase)


Bobby asks Graham if he will use the nuclear option and he says "no".

7.9 magnitude earthquake hits Santiago.

Miss Marple

Bobby Jindal makes a good point about Congress not doing anything.


Lindsay Graham is an ass.


Somebody need to tell the "varsity" that the magic words that allow you to keep talking past the limit is Lindsey's "wait a minute".

Miss Marple

Who decided the government shut down was a loser?

We need people who can figure out how to make it a winning issue.


the Top Idiots, I've given up calling them Top Men,

Beasts of England

The shutdown is about the only positive accomplishment I can remember


I honestly had no idea that Pataki and Santorum were still running.


Pataki on what he offers that others don't: He knows how to win an election in a liberal state and get broad support. He had a successful and conservative agenda in NY.


no else did either, well I kid,

Beasts of England

Same moderators for both debates tonight?

Frau  Steingehirn

Except the MFM managed to accept what BHO did during the shutdown. It wasn't even a real shutdown, deceptive like the rest of the administration.


Yes, Beasts. Same three.


Chile quake now ruled 8.3, with possible tsunami

Miss Marple

Kudos to Lindsey for holding up his finger and stopping Tapper from interrupting him.

He said he offers making America stronger and safer, while right now we are on the road to have the weakest military in his lifetime.


just calling out the smod from the singularity,


Frau  Steingehirn

Will Hillary debate Canckles, PIAPS and Hilligula? Will Bernie execute a Rumpelstilskin and blow his top?
Only Debbie Washerwoman-Stoolz knows.


Lindsey are excellent imo. Santorum might need an intervention involving sedatives. Jindal and Pataki were both good too. No minds were changed imo.

Jeff Dobbs

"Who's gonna drink more? Other than me..."

Challenge accepted. 3 mile walk to the restaurant, I'm here 20 min early (and the others are likely stick in traffic). Starting with a Trumer Pilsner suggested by my waitER who carries himself...you know the rest.

Beasts of England

From reading the comments, it sounds like Lindsey made some good points.


We're still a month away from the first Dem debate.

Jeff Dobbs

Oh, new thread.


I hated Lindsay. Of course that is because I hate Lindsay.


Agree Deb. Santorum will dominate the talking heads after this because he was so deranged with the ignore the SC stuff.


well it saves time, with Lindsay,


The radio commenters think Jindal did best. They like Graham on security, but not on immigration. Pataki as a potted plant. Left Santorum out of review. Hmmmm.


Jake Tapper is TEH G.....


TRUMP QUESTION. Everybody drink!!!

Frau  Friseurbedarf

Carly Fiorina cut her hair and combed it back making her look better. Life is good.Hooray!


Maybe Trump has been drinking already.


My impression is that Lindsey is generally pretty good on FP/National Security issues. Very strong supporter of Israel. I think it's on domestic policy where he fails miserably.

Catching up from the last thread, I wanted to comment on this, about the clock kid (and apparently it's on topic since it somehow is a question at the debate):

I do think what happened was wrong, but the fault is not because his name was Ahmed. it's because school administrators routinely overreact, and refuse to ever admit fault, and implement zero tolerance policies that make common sense or rational behavior impossible.

A 6th-grader got a one-year suspension for bring this to school:

No, it's a Japanese Maple leaf.

Janet S.

Pop-tarts, pencils, & Maple leafs = suspension

Box that looks like a bomb = hero & invite to the White House

Miss Marple

Well, I thought Carly did super tonight.

Also pretty good: Huckabee,Rubio, Walker, Cruz, and Christie.

Meh: Carson, Kasich, Paul, Bush

Blech: Trump

Miss Marple

Heading to bed.


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