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October 03, 2015



All because Vlad showed him up in Syria. Petulant little nancyboy Obama will only get worse over the remaining15 months of his term.

 Jack is Back!

Can we have a conversation on "bomb safety"? There is no other modern state in the world that has these too frequent collateral damage strikes. It has to stop. But with the Republicans in Congress and some Democrats but the Republicans are lock step in preventing any "bomb safety" legislation to pass.

I blame it on the National Bomb Association and their membership.


rich,to answer your question from the previous thread,yes I thought the caller was caro.


I don't know if he can be blamed. Honestly, he doesn't know anything about anything.

The great Tweet the other day was that Obama only shows up on TV to complain and say something must be done.


Drat! I had to stop listening to Rush midway in Hour 2. Missed the Caro-call. Sorry, not I.


What an incredible snafu. I would bet the hospital had a red cross on it as well.


Now the reports are that two more Mainers are on the missing cargo ship,including the captain and an engineer.The father of one of the missing crew from Rockland,ME is going to Jacksonville to be closer to the search,according to the Portland paper.


Darn,caro! As rich mentioned,it sounded like you!

Frau Holzauge sei wachsam

To anonamom from the last thread:
Laurence Lessig's big mistake is in thinking the *Democrats* would want to reform how presidents are elected:

Democrats need to take the lead in pressing for this reform—real reform, not the pretense that transparency would fix everything, or the fantasy (as things stand now) of an amendment to the Constitution, or the suggestion that this corruption was created by the Supreme Court. Not reform as just one policy among fifteen, but as the first priority. That will make the party’s other priorities actually credible.


Is Jane on the road? What a day to be traveling down the coast.



 Jack is Back!


I thought it was at night? The bombing.

Roll tide into one penalty after another while you have those Dawgs on the rope. Very much unSabin like but definitely Kiffin like. Why have discipline on the offense when you can run all these NFL plays and get a chance to make FG's.


saw Noah working on a boat down the street.

thanks caro. since it wasn't you, you've got a doppelgänger calling into Rush's show.


Good news Clarice. I would prefer Keelhauled to impeached, but this will do for now.


Post adolescent hackers can drive your new Jeep from their internet riddled bunkers we now know.

Why would the same government that let it's most secret drone do a perfect 3-point landing in Tehran as a result of hacking be trusted with any gps based strike?

Wasn't there a story about a container ship getting its GPS hacked and being thrown off course?

Next time send the Russians with a one hour warning...


Rain stopped here in Charlotte a couple of hours ago, but has been relentless in Charleston.


anonamom, I'm imagining what it must be like on the battery. Yikes!


They should add Clancy (SS) to the impeachment list and they better act quickly. They should have impeached Koskinen last year.

 Jack is Back!

If this keeps up, I understand our own Miss Marple will dot the I at halftime.


Pics on the nets suggest that Charleston is about 2-4 feet under water depending on what area you are in.

 Jack is Back!


As you know, its not the capital of the low country for anything! Jsut to think we were looking this summer for a place "south of Broad". Second thoughts now.


Roll tide!


Well that was NOTty. Get it?


Boom! Roll Tide!

 Jack is Back!

Now I can back to the Air Force v. Navy game. How do you say, Hasta Lavista Baby in 'Bamian?


Folly Road running from US17 to the beach on John's Island south of Charleston was two feet under water at high tide this afternoon.

buccaneer morgan

Yikes, that's a nuking.

Jane on Ipad

I made it to Roanoke. Kiwi and I are spending her 5th birthday at the Red Roof Inn. Left a little before 5 this morning - it has been nothing but rain, rain rain for the last 12 hours. The dark killed me this morning so I had to stop. I am confident it is a lot better than the coast.


Jane, if your feet are dry you took the correct route.

Beasts of England

So far, so good. Lots of golf left between the hedges, though.


Glad you made it to a dry overnight Jane! Have a good stiff drink, a meal, and a good night's sleep!
Buona Ventura! (Good things to come!)

Rick Ballard

Perhaps MSF should exercise a bit more discretion when setting up their Tollybon Trauma Centers? I know just how fantastically important it is give prompt treatment to Tollybon pedophiles and goat rapists when they get shot up a bit but if MSF chooses to be completely indiscriminate in their selection of clientele they need to stop whining about foreseeable consequences.


Why we do not need "physician assisted suicide." Anybody who wants to can do it all by themself, and has the legal right to do so:


From what I've read, the key is to not have anyone around eating or cooking. The hunger passes fairly quickly, as ketosis sets in.

 Jack is Back!

anonamom is posting just in time for Georgia fans. Great timing.



white is the new black


JiB, I just post 'em as I read 'em!

One of my Twitter feeds is a guy who calls himself Medical Skeptic.

Jane, are you coming through Charlotte tomorrow?

Tide keeps rolling!!


clarice, it was noted here Thursday that the lack of ID for nearly eight hours was extremely irregular.


Jane, glad you are okay and that you have kiwi to keep you company.


Also, Clarice's link was the first picture of the mother I've seen.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Really have to give credit to Nick Satan for snagging Bane Kiffin when his stock was at an all time low. Bane could have a very successful career if his ego will allow him to exist as an OC.


Hoosiers just pick off a bad Cardale Jones throw and return it to about the 50. And first play is a 23 yard pass completion. Indiana on the march, OSU 3 point lead looking under attack


TD Hoosiers! OSU looking up at Indians in the 2nd half. Whooda thunk it?

Captain Hate on the iPad

CNN needs to be called out on what they did to the photo. Not only did they lighten the skin tones but they changed the nose and lips. This is way beyond anything accidental yet the Repuke dumbasses will keep acting like they will get a fair shake from them.

Jane on Ipad


I have no idea where I'm going tomorrow, I left the directions in the car. How things change, I find it weird as hell to not travel by GPS. I know I go to the end of 80 (or it it 81) and I assume I turn left.


I would pick up I 75 around Atlanta and follow that down myself...

Dave (in MA)

Captain, did they really do that? I can't find it anywhere except at sites claiming they did. If they did, it's beyond the er, pale.


I showed hubby the doctored CNN picture and he said many bad words.
Local news covered the missing cargo ship. The Coast Guard out of JAX has been searching,but the conditions are not good.

 Jack is Back!

Why can't CNN make Obama more black then?

Captain Hate on the iPad

Dave, I assume the images in clarice's link are accurate.


Its CNN. They have used up their benefit of the doubt, eons ago. They clearly lighten his skin color. Did they do some more doctoring? Betting odds would seem to be with the shooter here...


Looks more direct to me to go 77 to 26 to 95 to 75.
I'll see what Google maps thinks.

Hour and a half shorter through Charlotte than going to Atlanta.
Way less traffic here too.

Though the weather may be better hanging west.

buccaneer morgan

Even the capitol wasn't that devious, alas Jennifer Lawrence has gone moonbat.

Frau Holzauge sei wachsam

Make OJ darker = he's evil
Make OR shooter lighter = he's evil

Who determines who is mixed race or black?
Halle Berry
Vanessa Williams
Sydney and Justin Simpson
Tiger Woods

This is not the America I saw in *my* future.

Jane on Ipad

Based on today, the weather is a priority. Driving 12 hours in the rain and fog, with wet dog walks, is not a blast. I know the directions I have take me by Atlanta and on to 75 at some point.

Beasts of England

Roll Tide!!

Frau Holzauge sei wachsam

Take your time, Jane. We want you to arrive sane and rested to your new home.

Jane on Ipad

I gotta beat the truck Frau. But I'll be fine.


I would get to Charlotte (77?) and then take 85 to 75 and head south.

Mapquest says to head much farther east and come down 95 to the turnpike, but that sounds like a bad idea with the rain.



fyi there is some skepticism on the story in the comments.

Beasts of England

Kiffin is still a suitcase coach, Captain - neither he nor his family has moved to Tuscaloosa - so he still wants more.

BB Key

Coach Johnson @ GT :

Cheaters Never Win


Go Gators


You know it's gonna be weird mentally picturing Jane in Florida when she posts.

Darth Hoodie

"Cheaters Never Win"


buccaneer morgan

Tim blair still points the caTegory error down under


Wow gators.


the Gators gettin' a fast start

(dang it ... missed extra point curse)


Brother in Hollywood SC. a golf course community not near the coast, has a foot of water in the yard. Says no problem so far.

Frau Holzauge sei wachsam

Jane has a host of Georgia angels in case she needs them.


Wow Mississippi looks like Mississippi of old. Ick.


Should note he is a retired submariner, so may have a different viewpoint than most of us.

than most of us.


sory for the sloppy post(s)


Song for Hillary
Me and my Shadow
Got a lot done today because of the rain
Rare Saturday night when both kids are here
Time for some board games
Football was great today
Ohio State almost got beat by Indiana


Travel safely Jane!

Dave (in MA)

I'd like something more definitive to use on my moonbat-infested hometown argue-about-politics page. Conservativetreehouse gives me about the same level of confidence as, say, gatewaypundit.
Every other place that mentions it points back there, but I can't find any CNN video or screencap.

Dave (in MA)
Take your time, Jane. We want you to arrive sane and rested to your new home.
Why would Jane become sane all of a sudden? ;)

Interesting, the entire Harvard team just got a yellow card en mass at Reese Stadium in New Haven. Think that was NK saying hello?

buccaneer morgan

Which is the point, you make the truth samizdat, like the pantomime horse coverage of that cry for help one calls a press conference, by the peanut gallery.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Just skimming so don't know if these Stones songs for Hillary were mentioned;

Look at That Stupid Girl
Here Comes Your Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown
Mother's Little Helper
The Spider and the Fly
Let it Bleed [What difference does it make now]

And considering Hillary will never be president;
You Can't Always Get What You want

Dave (in MA)
Song for Hillary Me and my Shadow

Got a lot done today because of the rain

Rare Saturday night when both kids are here
Time for some board games

Football was great today

Ohio State almost got beat by Indiana

OK, but what's the chorus? ;)

Beasts of England

Slight drizzle in Clemson, huh?

 Jack is Back!


Fred Taylor's son has inherited his genes, that is for sure. The kid even runs like him. Unbelievable.

Beasts of England

Fighting Dabos strike first.

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

Jane - Have a very safe trip . . .

Remember, there aren't any awards or medals to be won by getting there sooner.

 Jack is Back!


I can't wait for the cocktail party. It should be a doozy. Hello Jacksonville.

This is no. 25 against 5.

Dave (in MA)
Stop saying that. I'm sure Jane is nervous enough as is.
Dave (in MA)

Oh, you were talking about the team.

Beasts of England

Go rich!!

Dabos score again.

 Jack is Back!

Does Port Charlottle have gators? Kiwi will tell us soon.

buccaneer morgan

Its a salt water port, so I wouldn't think so.

Dave (in MA)

The cops are now saying that the mulatto mass murderer offed himself when they showed up.

Dave (in MA)

If you go to the Port Charlotte FB page, there are pictures of gators and bobcats.

And a couple of posts from someone we know asking about gators. ;)



We ran up to Longhorn to grab a bite and all the Dawg fans were sooooooo butthurt. And wet. And butthurt. And wimps as they had left the game way early.

The food was good, too.

Beasts of England

You're a Peach, Steph!! :)


Oh and Duck Notre Fame!

buccaneer morgan

Well I stand corrected.


:) One had even left the stadium at the half and wanted to know what the final was...I told him and might have mentioned a Slattering. I did smile sweetly the whole time, though.

buccaneer morgan

18 points is a nuking no, btw what do you think of blindspot after the second episode.


I know one Fox personality that is gonna be a whiny little bitch Monday, buccaneer.

buccaneer morgan

Only one?

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