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October 28, 2015


Jeff Dobbs

Thanks, TM. I knew you'd come through.

All I had was a stupid joke that went something like...Boulder, Colorado: Higher than most other locations on any presidential debate schedule, and we're not just talking about elevation.



No cable, no live feeds on either. I will still be sane in the morning... Dammit!


Last page?


Miss Marple 2

Youngest granddaughter just iformed me she and her sister are for Bernie Sanders.

There's the result of media, educational system, and peer pressure.

I told her "Be sure you ask him how he's going to pay for everything."


we know cantwell's main squeexe, harwood, take on everything, already cringing,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If you like your guns, you can keep your guns.
Feel better?

Jeff Dobbs

Sweet rainbow on my commute home. Actually it was at least a triple rainbow at its peak - stretching horizon to horizon. I couldn't get a pic til I got to a red light. It had started to fade by then.


a little story, that slipped through the nets,



Can Senior Yeb! pull it out tonight?


(Sorry for the imagery.)


This is something..

John Kerry: Middle East is Home of Forward-Looking Populations
"It is in them that we place our faith."



no, jackalope, the lesson of afghanistan, is who forces out the expedition is the victor, this is how AQ and the Taliban came to be,


Tunisia is the answer! http://www.frontpagemag.com/sites/default/files/styles/wysiwyg/public/uploads/2015/10/morontweetswhat.jpg?itok=uNWOfp4K


a reminder:



wait...I thought Yemen & Somalia were the examples of success???


Now it's Tunisia.

Miss Marple 2

If it's Tunisia now, they are doomed.


yep, pretty much,



In fairness to Kerry, some of those people are actually looking forward to the 8th Century rather than the 7th.

Jeff Dobbs

Ok, it's settled. I'm drinking moonshine tonight.


Some CNBC Poindexter is saying that he is keeping a watchful eye on the "Zingers" and he will determine if they are truly "off the cuff."


How many months will that cost you, Jeff?


heck, I think only tequila would work in this instance,


Hey that's my alma mater! Is the debate at CU?

When I went to school there I took time off to get instate status and my tuition was $400 a year.


They are now discussing that the venue was picked so the CNBC crew could "score some good bud."

Miss Marple 2

I am trying to be attentive to the debate, but given the hosting network and the moderator, don't know if I can hang in there through the whole thing.

Dave (in MA)

I thought this circus was supposed to be at 8?

Centralcal on iPad

Dear Lord - the CNBC pre-debate crew are all drunk, I think. They are not starting on time, either.


Rubio is hydrating, Dave.

Altitude sickness...


Crap, it is simulcast on the radio.


it's like that direct tv commercial, where the management is hung over, and dumps a bucket of frozen shrimp, on the conference table,

Miss Marple 2

I didn't realize they were introducing the candidates because the pundits are still yakking.

Lurker Susie


Live stream at conservative treehouse.

Jeff Dobbs

This is a really really bad intro all the way round. The panel was AWFUL.


What is taking so long? I hope they are all prepared to bring Hardwood, or whatever his name is, to his knees.



they have stopped at the first five letters,

Miss Marple 2

Gloom and doom introduction. (Accompanied by crummy photos of the candidates.)

Dave (in MA)

Hopefully the treehouse does a better job IDing candidates than they do with shooters.

Jeff Dobbs

The makeup on these guys (and gal) is . . . um a little overdone.


well now that I brought that image to light,


Miss Marple 2

Kasich starts out by being an ass.


So what's your biggest weakness?

"Agreeing to this debate moderator."

Jeff Dobbs

Biggest weakness? Shit could we just ask them if they were a tree, or what kind of animal they would be?

Miss Marple 2

Huckabee is very good at getting his message out with the question.

"My biggest weakness is playing by the rules, which a lot of people in government do not."


Licky-lips gives a canned answer.

Jeff Dobbs

Rubio should have joked about his thirst for freedom leaving him parched.


Trump answers honestly.

Jeff Dobbs

Trump actually answered it as honestly as anyone probably could.


heck of a job, rinse, how are those magic beans,

Jeff Dobbs

Trump: i trust people and if they let me down, i don't forgive them.


Carly makes me smile. That's good!

Jack is Back!

Backt to the game. if this the way to start a debate for the highest office in the land or for that fact the world. Count me not impressed. The only thing missing is a couch and Dr. Phil.


Canadian Cruz is passionate about one of his Constitutions.

Jeff Dobbs

Christie praises the R's and says all the weakness is on the D side.


Good for Rand.


a bit more on those leaked CMP videos -

via The Radiance Foundation ~ “We thought, ‘We’ll give it [the dead baby] to everybody in a gift bag, they can take it home and figure out what to do with it. It’s their pregnancy and why is this our problem?’ She drew roars of laughter for her “gift bag” idea from the crowd listening and also elicited howls for a sarcastic plot to burn the aborted babies in a “bonfire” in the woods.--These were the words of a Michigan abortionist in a leaked ‪#‎CenterForMedicalProgress‬ video talking about what to do with all of their "backlogged" aborted baby remains."


Jack is Back!

Hey, DuDA gets a hit:)


Good answer Trump!


It is falling apart...

Jeff Dobbs

Harwood challenges Trump..."you have as much a chance of blah blah blah as you do flying off away from that podium"

No bias.

Miss Marple 2


I thought Trump's answer was good, too.


Is that the moderator being the enforcer of Krugmanistic economics?

Jeff Dobbs

The female moderator is actually debating Carson.

She's made herself part of the debate.

Miss Marple 2

I just want to thank Reince for this debate. SUCH a good decision.


Give Harwood the hook and I don't even like Trump.

And this asshole woman is arguing with Carson. She is not a moderator but an asshole.

Kasich is desperate.


The uniparty picked some fair moderators.

Dave (in MA)

"you'd have to cut 40% of government"

Yeah, so?


Bet they go soft on Rubio.


tough but fair,


this was the series I'm watching in lieu of the debate,

Jeff Dobbs

Kasich is going to get an out-sized amount of time here (compared to his polling) . . . because he telegraphed that he's gonna go hard after Trump and Carson.


Is Kasich foaming at the mouth?

Miss Marple 2

Ha, Trump goes after Kasich, who was a managing general partner at Lehman Brothers!

Go Trump!


Trump hit Kasich on the button.


He sounds like an ass.


Another debate, another lyle boycott. Thanks for pitching in, everyone. Oh, and yer on notice, Ex. "Señor Yeb" is racist according to a certain box that posts here from time to time. I might have responded a bit impolitely when the box called me out on this same locution.


I hate Kasich.


Kasich is so shrill -- could use some tranquilizers.

This is a total goat rodeo ---the socalled moderators can't.


Me too Caro. And he is coming across badly. Good.


Was Cruz asked a question?

Centralcal on iPad

Never thought I'd applaud Trump, but he got Kasich good!

Jack is Back!


Ah come on. He's at "the end of the line". Another Trumping.


'I could have been somebody, I could have been a contender' yes, that what Huntsman said as well,


Go Carly!

The moderators suck - they really really suck!

Jeff Dobbs

Dang Fiornia jumped in and I thought, don't do it.

Now she's made it her moment.


The panel is awful.


These moderators really really suck. Really really really!!

Miss Marple 2

Fiorina was great on that tax answer and used it to talk about leveling the playing field. Those moderators look panicky! Good!


Sounds like the first to completely blow off the most detractors wins. Carly gave a start, but the rest didn't run with it.


Softball to Rubio.


Will he get interrupted?


BTW I found a decapitated bunny on my front lawn today. The bobcats are out.

Miss Marple 2

Jane, just could be a housecat. My old cat years ago would leave chipmunk heads on the doormat. A present, you see.


Go Rubio! He makes the crowd roar. Jeb decides to tell him he is a bad boy.

Jeb is toast.


Most detractors=moderators

Not even autospell is fooled by CNBC




Jeb hammers Rubio.

Mario gets the frowny face.

Still gets tremendous applause.

Miss Marple 2

Rubio sticks the knife in Bush, and it is well-deserved.


Rubio rocks it! Bush and Kasich are toast.

Jeff Dobbs

Jeb walked into a buzzsaw trying to attack Rubio.

Jack is Back!

Pick on Rubio night. Back to the game. the idea tonight is marginalize as many candidates as possible without bringing out any ideas.


caro, ch beat you to it a long time ago.


Interesting the moderators have no interest in talking about any issue that is important. It's all about fulminating attacks.

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