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November 06, 2015



Democrats=MSM. It answers all questions.

Except this one. How I long for a Brady thread. So, as Obama likes to say, "Who is going to stop me?"





Was a urinal and a closed door used in the simulation, MarkO?


Politico has now changed the title, and lede and first graph/ In his book Carson said he never applied to West Point because he knew he wanted to go to medical school. Do you doubt that Westmoreland was trying to recruit this young black student who was tops in ROTC and in academics--Yale took him when he applied. Another real crock

Compare it to Hillary's wanting to join the Marines or being named after Sir Hillary ot wanting to be an astronaut but being told girls weren't accepted and make your credibility resolution.


Ow. My neck hurts@#$

Currently Dartmouth is whipping Cornell 7 to 3. Go Green!


Chris Stirnwalt on Megan Kelly with cohost , "Is the media trying to get Carson the nomination? If so, they should keep it up."

Yes, yes indeed. Wont prog heads all over America explode at having to watch an inaugural ball with a truly over the top smart conservative black man being celebrated as the new President. That by itself might be worth supporting Carson. Not just sticking in the knife, but twisting it and smiling throughout the whole thing.

Dr. Ben Carson: I do not remember this level of scrutiny when Obama was running... Why are you guys not interested in why Obama's records are sealed? Will someone tell me please why you have not investigated that!?

Dr. Carson also questioned the press about Frank Marshall Davis and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.





"The American people are waking up to your(MFM) games."

Thomas Collins

Carson is in the progs' heads as much as Belichick is in the NFL's heads.


Just posting this Narciso link again to the West Point ad from 1992 calling it a "Scholarship", so that if TM lurks here in the peanut gallery he can read it too:

West Point "Scholarship" ad.


14 - 3 Dartmouth Green kicking Cornell ass!

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

TK-Carson sounds like me in my local watering hole. And I'm just a white guy who's had a few drinks and is thoroughly sick of the bullshit. My admiration for the man knows no bounds.


Anyone running iOS 9.1?

Safari crashes just about everytime I scroll past a video. Anyone else experiencing same?


Hi, bb.

Thanks for the olive branch. I do regret how our last banter concluded.

Yes, Carson sounds like a normal guy who is fed up.


I can't normally like either daddy... But today GO GREEN!


Buckeye... Crashomatic on phone & pad


Reposted from the Exxon thread:

Thanks, Jane! He is a cutie. Full of piss and vinegar around our other dogs. He's not quite 2 1/2 lbs and he's gonna stay a little 'un.

He's so proud of himself today for learning how to jump from the leather sofa to the ottoman that he just goes back and forth for the fun of it and puffs his little chest out so proud of himself.


We ought to play our own game of Telephone, like the MSM is doing with Ben Carson.

Here's how it'd work. Everybody would have to make their next comment, whatever it was, on the tail end of todays first JOM thread, Exxon Lied, People Died. Or Overheated. Or Something.

Then if anyone wanted to make another comment on comment on your comment at Exxon Lied, People Died. Or Overheated. Or Something., they'd have to post it on Taxing Ben Carson

Then to respond to that comment, you'd have to reply on the Campus Politics

Then on Bring On the Hot Hand!,

then Ben Carson and Miltary Academy "Scholarships"

and all over again.

And you have to drink a beer between every comment!

Who's first?


What was Henry's Instalance? I never figured it out in all the hubbub today?

Eric in Boise

Daddy, he posted that XOMs real transgression was halting donations to the Clinton fund, and Ed Driscoll quoted it on Insty.

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

Me too, TK. This stuff is more important than football.

Slightly. Don't get me going.


And you have to drink a beer between every comment!

Who's first?

I have a head start on what appears to be Rule 2, daddy.


I see my favorite asshat has stepped in it again. He's like the "cheerleader" Hot Lips in the MASH movie.

Hotlips O'Houlihan: Oh my God! They've shot him!

Colonel Blake: Hot Lips, you incredible nincompoop! It's the end of the quarter.


no he's a puffed up popinjay, like Colonel?? Flagg


After seeing that ad, there was a rage inside me that needed to be quelled. So I made a contribution to DOCTOR Ben Carson. And if they keep this up, I intend to make more.

Miss Marple

You know, the list of awards in my high school graduation program includes someone listed as a West Point scholarship.

I bet there are thousands of programs like that all over the country.


Ben Carson on CNN: Full interview




thks, at least I know its not a bug just in mine....must be a new feature.


Apple drinking game buckeye


Chuck Todd explains to the faithful, that Clinton may have solidified her standing with Democrats ( who were going to vote for her any way ) but her polling numbers were down across the board with Independents and Middle America.

If even a thick head like Todd can grasp this, it should not be a shock that Hillary has a very difficult path to the WH. People just do not vote for someone who their first word of association is UNTRUSTWORTHY...


in the Lun, is the star of miss fisher's mysteries,


Same issues here with my pos Apple product.

They are listed the same at our local high school.

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

I am not a Carson guy, but I just made a donation to the campaign. As usual...OK maybe not...Beasts is dead on on this one.

boatbuilder, Esq., Lord of All He Surveys

Seriously, a $25 contribution to Carson will send a message to the RNC and the MSM that they will pay attention to.


After seeing that ad, there was a rage inside me that needed to be quelled.

I hope someone can email that 1992 Ad to Instapundit so that it can be shoved right up the ass of J Christian Adams, who's column I just read that dumped on Carson for calling it a "scholarship."

Adams: Worse, Carson had layers of editors who would have asked him about this statement in his book. At some point, the statement “I was offered a "scholarship" to West Point” would leap from the page and he would have been asked about it. By the time Carson wrote these words, he should have known that there are no such things of offers of a scholarship to West Point unless one is accepted to West Point."

Again, from the 1992 West Point ad, designed to appeal to Black youth:

"Each year about 1200 young men and women take advantage of the opportunity to attend West Point on a full government scholarship, which includes tuition, room and board, medical and dental care, and an annual salary."

Eff you J Christian Adams.

I cannot post comments at PJ Media.


yes, they came up with a frabjous posting system,


And just for interest.

Carson's Book "Gifted Hands" was published in 1996, the "West Point Scholarship Ad," 1992.

That means Ben Carson was probably writing it around what 1992 to 1995? So he was supposed to know in 1994 or so that the words "Scholarship to West Point" should have leaped off the page to him and his Team of Editors?

Eff you J Christian Adams.

But I repeat myself:)


A poster to instapundit's main page, did post the ad, honestly it's either the brainslugs or the argument clinic,

you wonder why we have commissars at Ministry of Love, Mr. Adams, it's because of nitpicking of the highest order, that the Huntress was subject to, just about 7 years, even after the election,


did he forget all the innuendo, they put him through, in order to purge him from Justice, and to discredit him.?

Miss Marple

Anyone who went after Carson from our side should apologize within a couple of days.

If not, I am writing them off, whether candidates or columnists.


this was that thread,



well Erickson, it writes itself, Stiles at National Review, nearly went Williamson, Rothman jumped a baby megalodon,


You would think "born in Kenya" would have been leaping off the page.

Dormant for 16 years.


oh, the powerline folks, also didn't cover themselves with glory, poppin fresh, did update his story,


Thanks Narciso for such valuable sleuthing today. You do it every of course but great job today.

BTW, your 10:48 shows that a top comment of the day to that Insty thread comes from the greatly respected Beldar:

It's getting the Congressional appointment that's the hard part. Ask U.S. Grant or Dwight Eisenhower.

Anyone who thinks Westmoreland couldn't have picked up the phone and gotten any 10 students of his choice Congressional appointments to the Point is showing his own ignorance of the clout of that many stars and of the entry processes for the service academies.

Yes Sir!


thanks daddy, I just pick up scraps here in there,
from Tepid, from the Ewok, those that do this work professionally, sarc, failed today, 'past the normal journalist range of bungle'

Miss Marple

Update on Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries:

A woman just got murdered at a Melbourne tennis club because someone sneaked into the dressing room and put a funnel web spider in her street shoes.

You know, the one who didn't bark.

What happened to the spider?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

You would think the morons on the right would hesitate just a bit when one of these M****** F****** Media types dropped one of their clusterf*** bombs.
They are almost invariably lies or half truths so why can't these dipshits wait until the story unfolds before shooting the wounded?

Miss Marple

They just now saw it and trapped it in a jar. They bite repeatedly when trapped, and live in Sydney but not in Melbourne.

We are now suspicious.

Mebbe full scholarship with special perks.

The question should be: 'Could Obama have gotten in to West Point?'

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

One of the stories said "According to Westmoreland's schedule, he wasn't even in Detroit at the time."
That raises a whole host of questions, none of which I expect to hear an answer to.

Don't be suspicious.

Heh, MM, blame climate change.


oh frabjous joy, suderman is writing for vox, part of some odd exchange program,

they don't buy the daggers, Iggie, they have to return them at midnight, like redbox,


A high school classmate of mine, and a good friend, had his Daughter complete her 4 years at West Point in May. I know the process to get in, and as a thinking human being, I would NEVER hesitate to call her FREE EDUCATION at WEST POINT....A scholarship.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Carson is in the progs' heads as much as Belichick is in the NFL's heads.--

Truly pathetic.
What the Patriots have always lacked is a true smashmouth rival of semi criminals like the mighty Steelers or Raiders of yore.
With the rule changes I'm not sure one is even possible anymore. Now they just hire real criminals who can't bonk their helmets together on the field without a flag but can shoot and stab their posse.


it's a good thing, nothing of importance happened this week,


Captain Hate on the iPad

Tammy Bruce was duped on the Carson thing.


of the Gellman book on Nixon and Eisenhower, it goes a long way to clear up many of the misconceptions, omissions and outright lies that Ambrose, Summers et al, spread over 40 years,


seems the Sinai, is about as safe as the Donbass,



But of course the media is silent because he is a jihadi


The question should be: 'Could Obama have gotten in to West Point?'

Rhetorical, I know. The Asshat-in-Chief shouldn't even be allowed there now.


I blame the NKA ..National Knife Association.
Definitely not a MUZZ problem, they are the RELIGION of PEACE......REMEMBER?


Ah look who the reporter is for Carlos Slim's





now maybe you bay staters know of the Politico apparatchik Cheney, when he worked for States New Service,

Michael (fpa Patriot4Freedom)

George Will's Column is here:


YouTube video of the O'Reilly-Will confrontation:


I will admit to being a long-time fan of George Will's writing - but I am *not* happy about his overly GOPe-ish support of the GOP's entrenched establishment.
But it sounds as though Will has a number of substantive criticisms that O'Reilly does not wish to respond to, so O'Reilly is resorting to shouting at Will, talking over him, calling him names, and throwing out a stream of accusations to respond to.

Any author that purports to have discovered "new" facts about Pres. Reagan after all of the well-researched biographies and essays of the past 27 years should have to prove their claims in a transparent manner.

O'Reilly and Dugard clearly did not reveal a new truth. To call their book laudatory of Pres. Reagan is beyond bizarre. Only in O'Reilly's mind is it "laudatory" to depict a president huddled in the living quarters watching soap operas all day because he was incapable of performing his duties.


Carson is such a lying sack of shit!


Ambrose, Gellman reveals, made up many lies about Eisenhower, in a bio generally regarded as favorable,


from an earlier comparison of texts



Thought this interesting.

I clicked on TK's 09:20 Mediate link, of "Carson blows up at reporters during presser."

I had not yet got to it, so when I just clicked on it to start watching it the line at the top of the columns said Show 3282 new comments.

So in about 3 hours that's a new 3,282 comments or about 1,100 per hour. Total comments there now reads 7,106.

I'd say this Carson business has energized folks. Great.


clearly the allegations, meant to sting, maybe not fatally, but 'the death of a thousand cuts' why were so many on our side, supposedly to disposed to believe it,?


the noise to sound ratio is extreme at Mediaite, it's like descending into the strigoi den in the strain,


talk about strange,



some more about this character:




Thanks for that earlier link of Ben Carson talking to the press for 20 minutes. He was great! Yippee, Doc!


well it's been a long weird day, and following hunter thompson tomorrow will be even wierder


we say we want citizen politicians, but our system seems to spit out those who do not cotton to the usual ways, and absorbs those of a conventional bent like the borg,

Dave (in MA)

You-know-who is in his cups, as they say.


not surprising, considering past leadership:



From Narciso's 11:17 FOX link to the Islamic Merced College knife wielding perp, who in his written manifesto praised Allah multiple times and also wrote that he wanted to cut off heads.

But all law enforcement involved in the investigation, including Warnke, continued to maintain that there is no evidence Mohammed is tied to a terrorist group or was inspired by terrorists.

“There was nothing to indicate he was doing this because of Allah, or because he was going to be rewarded with 72 virgins, or because of ties to a terror group,” Warnke said.

Yet we've spent all day watching the Press tell us how stupid Ben Carson is for using the word "scholarship."


and the final word for today,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Whitey libs try to destroy black conservatives in the most vile, almost exclusively personal ways that they seldom do against white conservatives.

Mistreating someone based on their race...there's a word for that I'm pretty sure. Maybe a member of the party that brought us the Civil War and the KKK can help us out.


The late Mr. Lesin appears in two places in dawisha, once threatening a private station, for airing an investigation of the ryazan affair.

Jeff Dobbs

Miss Marple:
A woman just got murdered at a Melbourne tennis club because someone sneaked into the dressing room and put a funnel web spider in her street shoes.

Check for transgenders.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Reviewer at rogerebert.com gives qualified thumbs up to Trumbo while lamenting its numerous inaccuracies and cartoonish cardboard cutout characters and black and white inverted morality.
Is pilloried by several readers in comments for insufficient procommunist sentiments.


Latest on the Russian Air Crash:

CNN Reporting that all evidence now is pointing to a bomb having exploded in the cargo compartment of this plane. They tell us that the Cockpit Voice Recorder picks up the sound of an explosion, and the Flight Data Recorder tells investigators that there was no prior signal of a mechanical problem. The Cockpit Voice Recorder showed everything was fine for 24 minutes, then in a fraction of a second a blackout.

CNN also reporting that Russian President Putin has received an Intel Briefing from both the Brits and the US and that as a result he has suspended all flights into Egypt by Russian Airplanes. Russian Authorities say the ban will remain in place until authorities are sure that flying to and from Egypt will be safe. Other Airlines, KLM and some of the Brit Airlines are now following suit in instituting various flight bans to and from Egypt.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Shocking that the commenters at Fat Egbert's site are jaw droppingly stupid.

Levin has declared war on Politico, CNN and any GOP candidates that uses this fabricated crap against Ben Carson.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Levin has invited "the 8 pm-er" on the Rove News Channel on his show to defend the historical accuracy of his book on Reagan.


Where did O'Reilly get his Doctorate in American History. I presume he did not get a SCHOLARSHIP to WEST POINT.
Long ago, I stopped watching O'Reilly. When HE becamse the subject of the show, I recognized that O'Reilly had jumped the shark. O'Reilly and Glen Beck bore me now.

James D.

The question should be: 'Could Obama have gotten in to West Point?'

Another question: would he, or any of the current Dem candidates (other than Jim Webb) have been able to make it through even one day there if they had gotten in?

Or, more to the point re: Carson, would any of the candidates on either side (except Rand Paul) have been able to get through even an hour of the program Ben Carson sailed through in medical school?


JamesD, what a silly silly question. Just ask Obama or any of his "friends" from COLUMBIA. Obama's "got game". Right??


WEST POINT, 1979, drug testing. Obama. The "choom gang". Doing a little..."blow". Scholarship.


Rodham went to the MARINE CORPS recruiting office and was rejected for a SCHOLARSHIP!!!
Right? It must be true, Sir Edmond Hillary Rodham told me!!

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Politico would rather make excuses for a borderline retard like 404 since he confirms their opinions of blacks.

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Gus, was there a corkscrew landing by Broomstick 1 when Sir Edmund Hitlery Diane Rodham applied to break through West Point's GLASS CEILING with the strength of her Corona fueled IQ?

Captain Hate on the iPhone

Does the 8 pm-er on the Rove News Channel have any footnotes in his populist history of Reagan or does that indicate too much "skin in the game"? Or is there one footnote: THE FOLKS?


Capn! Recall that Rodham got SHITCANNED from the WATERGATE committee for being a dishonest hack. MEMORY HOLE.

But, but, but, Ben Carson said SCHOLARSHIP!


Gilels, Beethoven, Waldstein:


Usually Beethoven is not that difficult to play. Partially those were his technical limitations, and partially it was the state of pianos back in the day. Beethoven had a reputation for breaking them during a performance. There were no Steinways back then, as the makers had to catch up with the performers.

This one is different. There are some passages that I cannot figure out how to play from looking at the notes on the page. Usually that is reserved for Chopin or Rachmaninov or Brahms and the like, but it is not common for Beethoven.

Gilels does a masterful job of playing these passages, and playing them musically. That is really hard to do.

There have been, and are, some really talented people in this world.

Jack is Back!

While I have exhausted my bile on this latest political lynching of a black conservative, I am still livid enough to want to do something to make the MFM and the others feel pain, either monetary or physical. But there is so much they don't know about the service acadamies you'd think some enterprising young reporter would do a complete explication of the history and process of admissions.

For example, all academies require congressional appointments except for the Coast Guard Academy. That is merit based only. Even the Merchant Marine academy requires congressional appointment. But that is only one way to get in. There are others including acceptance of existing enlisted or non-coms in the armed forces. USMA, USNA and USAFA all have the highest SAT/ACT test scores by percentile. Over 15K apply (yes, you do apply) and are vetted by each congressional office via their selection advisory committee made up of ex-service academy grads in their district. Only less than 10% are accepted making the academies the most coveted university position in America if not the world.

Interestingly, the graduation rate at 4 years is only around 80%. You need to be prepared to keep up with a peer group that are all either better than you or equal. Big departure from being king of the prom in high school. Was Ben Carson "offered" a "scholarship" by a ranking US Army officer? I believe it because Westmoreland or someone equal could easily do that with alll the credibility of a congressional appointment. Was he qualified to being considered? Yale thought so as did his illustrative career which is what is behind this, IMHO - penis envy by the liberal journalism crowd. They only wish they had the intellect and gifted hands that Ben Carson possesses.


Yes, Jack, but is Carson REALLY BLACK, I mean like Bill Clinton, or is he supposed to fetch (Not felch) Clinton his coffee, like Obama did??
These issues are quite complex??

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