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November 10, 2015





Right so all that work is not forgotten! Harrumph!

Have fun tomorrow Caro!




Hi caro. We'll be along after the warm up debate on the prior thread.


Oh let's move here Henry!


Is it one or 2 hours?


1 hour for the first group... I think but they are still going.


I'll fetch the gang.

Miss Marple 2

My current standings:
1 Christie
2 Huckabee
3 Santorum
4 Jindal

Jindal has the right ideas but he just doesn't present them well, which makes for a bad candidate.

Daddy on the new iPhone

Carp It's not on radio

Miss Marple 2

Christie accuses Fed of playing politics with the money supply.

Miss Marple 2

Santorum agrees, saying the low interest rates hurt seniors and those who act responsibly. Says the low interest rates hide Obama's bad economy.


Christie: Is the fed creating a bubble with low interest rates or was it the right decision?


It was good in the beginning but now the only point is to help Obama, and make income inequality even worse. If we go back into recession we are screwed and the Fed should be audited. Hillary will be worse.

Santorum: You agree the fed should be audited. If you give congress oversight, you will make it more political.

Santorum: Not possible because it's kissing Obama's ass.The Fed sucks, made worse by Dodd Frank, repeal that and scrutinize. And it's all about the family. We need Dads.

Huckabee: Is Janet Yellen right?

My wife's name's Janet and she yells. They aren't addressing the right thing, and I'm clearly not answering the question on purpose. blah,blah,blah. Now I would change leadership, when pressed and it is clear I know nothing about this issue.


Huck cornpones his way to firing Yellin at the Fed

Miss Marple 2

Jubilation T. Cornpone!

henry, your post reminded me of that.

I propose calling Huckabee Cornpone!


Santorum starts salivating when talking about the VA.

Sounds a bit unhinged. Reminds me of Howard Dean.


The VA:

How would you fix it?

Santorum: I care. blah blah blah.

I missed the rest but I hope someone said the Vets should come before Congress and the president and everyone else.


another live feed link (I was having trouble with the FOX link)- http://www.livenewschat.eu/the-republican-debates-live-stream/


Closing statements


Closing statements: Good I need a break!

Miss Marple 2

All of these low tier candidates are more presidential and would run the country miles better than Hillary Clinton.

None of these guys will win, but I thank them for their presentations and their service.


Jane, Huck made that point earlier -- to fix the fed, make congress & the president use it. The rest suggested VA as insurance card -- vet pick their own provider.

Miss Marple 2

Christie and Huck should get a small bump from this debate.


Ok, all done. Good job all around!


What did Piyush do?

Dave (in MA)

I'm so old, I remember when Lou Dobbs had grey hair.


Moderators better than prior debates so far. Hope continues into next group.

Daddy on the new iPhone

Mark levin praises the questioners for the debate that just ended. Said they diet fine

Miss Marple 2


I agree. None of the moderators seemed to be trying to score points or push an agenda. Serious economic questiosn.

I really appreciate it. Unless the second debate is far different, my cable subscription will continue.

Miss Marple 2

I have a question:

Are we going to have a national security / defense debate, or is the press pushing domestic issues only?


You really have to wonder about political advisors or the candidate's judgement.

Christie hammered Shrillary and the audience approved.

Jindal hammered everybody else on the stage and it went over like a fart in church. What is he thinking?

Beasts of England

Off topic: After hearing the vapidity of the Mizzou SJWs over the last few days, it's hard to reconcile the greatness of a man such as Cmdr. Jeremiah Denton - now being profiled on our local PBS affiliate - with these imbeciles. Ugh.


I think Jindahl is brilliant. He's just not a good candidate.


"Are we going to have a national security / defense debate, or is the press pushing domestic issues only?"

Depends on whethercwe have another 9/11 or Boston Marathon bombing between now and the election.


It really was an excellent debate. Kudos to the moderators. (Imagine that being the baseline)



I think he is very bright also,just lacking in judgement.


Yes, Jindsl's substance was excellent. His aim at cronies (everyone running but him it seems) was correct, but was a say once & let go. He flogged that dead horse far too long.


You know, it's almost like the NBC crew were clowns. I mean the good looking chix telling Dr Carson that his econ plan wouldn't work, because SHE had LOOKED at THE NUMBERS. Priceless!! And Juan Hairdo asserting that Dr Carson is responsible for a web site having his picture on it.
Is it me??? Or do the FOX FOLKS seem like PROFESSIONALS??


Just to remind you guys, I have MarkO and DrJ all to myself tomorrow.
East your hearts out, you mean girls!

Miss Marple 2

Intermission post:



Harrumph Caro!


GERMAN TEACHERS UNION WARNS GIRLS AGAINST MUSLIM MEN. Head of labor group accused of 'borderline hate speech'



Centralcal on iPad

Caro has all the fun!!!!!



Miss Marple 2

Just saw a tweet saying that the loser San Francisco police chief who was defeated in last week's election is being considered for head of the Border Patrol.

I have no link or confirmation on this yet, so it might be a rumor. Keep an eye out!


I heard that too MM. Lot's of pushback.


Actually what I heard was someone very pro-amnesty, not that person in particular, so I made an assumption. Don't take it as verification.


Should we continue or are you all watching?

Miss Marple 2

I am watching and will comment.


The intro wore me out.

Jack is Back!

Just back from dinner and thought I had missed the first hour. But I am mistaken. Don't know if that is good or bad.

Big demographic changes since Ronaldus Maximus and that is the challenge. How to bring them into the fold.

Miss Marple 2

Rubio, lose the cheesy grin on introduction!


Wow, they're going to gong candidates who go over their allotted time. Nice.


It's so nice to have a bald foreigner as moderator.


I love Neil Cavuto.

mike in houston

Different San Francisco police chief.



Drink when Trump says "tremendous".


Go Carson for highlighting the black community.


Great answer by Carson.


ditto, Jane!

Miss Marple 2

Good answers from both Trump and Carson, although for different reasons. (Minimum wage.)


Rubio rocks!


I love welders.


Maria, could you please repeat that 4 minute long question.

Oh BTW, My Dad was a mailman.

Jack is Back!

Hey, did you know that Kasich's father was a mailman?


Kasich is hard to listen to.


Kasich isn't answering the question.


The question was about cutting the deficit John. I think you skipped it.


Will eviscerates what's left of O'Reilly after he eviscerated him the first time:



the quash show

Jack is Back!

First guy to get the gong and gets extra time. Must be the Reince input to the panel. Kasich is the white toga selection not JEB. Two gongs but he keeps talking.

Centralcal on iPad

Kasich annoys me.


They need a TRAP DOOR so Kasich can leave the stage with honor, and end up at a RAVE PARTY in the basement.

He's done IT Twice. Obama and Mooochelle have too!!!



Miss Marple 2

Why does Kasich get all this time to explain (which he didn't) how he would reduce costs.

Centralcal on iPad

Get the hook for Kasich


The buffering is causing a stop-action effect on my monitor.

Kasich is the only candidate whose motions seem unaffected.


give JEB! a chance.

Jack is Back!

Kasich interrupts and is given time to talk. Don't think he is the GOPe darling?


Kasich and Jeb in a cage match. With pillows.

I'm getting drowsy.


Kasich trying to butt in, Maria tells him politely to STFU


Jeb just kicked Rodham squarely in her balls.


let's be serious about getting serious...JEB

Miss Marple 2

Jeb had a reasonable anser on jump-starting the economy.

No sure he would execute, but it was a good answer.


You like welders, caro?



I missed the question to Carly. But I like her answer.


Excellent, Nigel St Hubbins' gets to ask Carly a question!!!


Kasich makes the mistake of not only dissing the other candidates, but dissing the audience with his "I'm smarter than all the rest of you" so get out of the way bravado.


Fiorina is talking in composites.

Dave (in MA)

He was only taking time from ¡JEB!, so no biggie.

Jack is Back!

Carly can't answer the queston which is pretty good and is unbalanced but needs to be taken down. Bush created lots of jobs if you take out the last few months due to the Baney Frank miracle.


It doesn't matter to me that CEO's make more. Does it matter to you guys?

Centralcal on iPad

Go Carlie - but she has a bad mic!

Miss Marple 2

Paul: Income inequality seems to be worst in cities run by democrats.

Miss Marple applauds this comment!


Another substantive deabte. Good.


TK, yes, I work with my hands and respect others who do, too.


I'm not watching. I'd rather just read the comments here and listen to some Hungarian Rhapsodies performed by George Cziffra.


People on food stamps who are jobless, and those no longer in the work force 93,000,000 make INFINITELY LESS than any CEO anywhere.

Funny how math works.

Jack is Back!

Can't believe no questions on the biggest contributors to the Ameican economy: Energy, Construction and Transportation. Sort of strange.

Dave (in MA)

My Hovercraft is Full of Eels in D. Minor.

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