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November 13, 2015




Thomas Collins

But I'm the first to go off topic, matt. I'm going to stand in stalwart defense of that student who was interviewed by Cavuto. First of all, she's better spoken than Sanders or Clinton. Second, she's at least as knowledgeable on the issues. Third, she made an interesting point. When Cavuto asked her about a 100% tax rate, she countered that then we would be talking about an entirely different institutional system. Fourth, she was brutally honest with her delusions at one point when she stated that with the capitalist system, the wealth would be there to pay for the retirement of the student loans, $15 minimum wage and the like.

Now I concede the main counterargument that she has no clue how the world works. But I ask you: No idea as opposed to which Democrat? Barbara Jordan and Scoop Jackson, perhaps, but they ain't walkin' through the door soon.

Keely for Dem nominee!

Jeff Dobbs

Look at Cruz go. He has every word of that scene down pat.

Oh, hey, did you here the one that Cruz has a audiographic memory? If he hears something - he remembers it perfectly. That's according to Beck who says Cruz told him so.

Jim Eagle

I wonder what the timer is set for on that IED Trump is wearing?

buccaneer morgan

a subtle touch is needed,


Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Trump asks the audience to look up 'pathological disease', which in itself is kind of retarded since pathology kinda means of or relating to disease.

path·o·log·i·cal (păth′ə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl) also path·o·log·ic (-ĭk)
1. Of or relating to pathology.
2. Relating to or caused by disease.
3. Of, relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive.

Presumably he means the last definition.
Lots of pathological behaviors are cured and/or no longer manifest. It seems from Carson's long and distinguished career that he is one of the many.
Can Trump say the same thing about his complulsive boasting, name dropping and thin skin or his constant reversion to ad hominem attacks in place of substantive argument?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Cruz needs to learn how to show more of that side of his personality naturally when talking politics, as Reagan did.
A little less intensity and a little more joviality might let them call you a dunce, but only the a-holes who weren't going to vote for you anyway.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Speaking of not hot, Jen Rubin has gone full retard on claiming Cruz's stance on immigration used to be just like Jeb's. Doesn't some Hollywood studio have a need for somebody to write boilerplate contracts?


Bet its a Trump/Cruz ticket next year.. ;-)


I wish I could put this in the "yer-not-gonna-believe-this" category, but after seven long years of 404, there is no longer such a category:


“What I think is that he doesn’t know much about it,” the president told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos on Thursday. “I think it’s fair to say that over the last several years, I’ve had access to all the best military minds in the country and all the best foreign policy minds in the country. And I’m not running for office. And so my only interest is in success.”

I get that Carson can be credibly called a naif, but this coming from an arrogant, ignorant punk who had even less FP experience than Carson coming into office and proceeded to alienate long-time allies, let Putin and China publicly give him a massive wedgie, and set the whole ME on fire is, well...unbelievable.

Jim Eagle


I'll do you one better. If he has had access to all the best military minds in the country then why isn't he doing what they recommend unless he wants us to believe that the best military minds in the country want the farce and tragedy we are currently witnessing and are advising so.

Dave (in MA)
“What I think is that he doesn’t know much about it,” the president told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos on Thursday.
And everything Preznit Jughead "knows" was 1.) told to him by Jarrett and 2.) is wrong.

Also from NRO:

Fox 2 Detroit reporter Roop Raj asked one of the protesters, “Some people say that paramedics don’t even make $15 an hour and they save lives, so why should fast-food workers get that?

The protester, Lakecha Jackson, replied, “Because we do too much; we do more than we get paid.”

Because administering CPR, extracting mangled bodies from car wrecks, or general triage skills aren't any different from dropping those fries or speaking into a microphone, right...Lakecha?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427027/reporter-fast-food-protester-paramedics-dont-even-make-15-and-they-save-lives-tom-s

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I’ve had access to all the best military minds in the country and all the best foreign policy minds in the country.--

Of course he has; his own.

Unfortunately he has still effed it up in a manner that makes Jimmy Carter look a veritable Pericles by comparison.


That was in the back of my mind as I posted that, Jack. We're all sure by now that 404 thinks he's the best military mind.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Lightworker;

“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”


a fantastic golfer, dont forget that.

Jim Eagle

So, you think this "safe space" crap is isolated to a few campuses where the academy is predominately leftist?

Say it ain't so, Admiral. The USNA is having a workshop on Safe Spaces for the GBT community the day before the big game. Just think as we sit next to the Middies at the game on Saturday, I'll be able to point with pride to those kids and tell Frederick how one or more of them need a "safe space". Wonder if submarines have safe spaces?


Scroll down to second article but the first one is a must read also.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Terrible basketball player, based on the few clips the MFM has let trickle up.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

What about the L community?

We have a military to fight savages and destroy thousands, perhaps millions of people if need be and we are going to fight the next one with pixies wrapped in memory foam.


Actually didn't Derek Jeter say he was pretty easy to skin on the golf course? Like taking candy from a whiny baby...

buccaneer morgan

this is how they deal with 'safe spacers' in Mexico, shockingly not a subject of concern,
when Zaphod and Pena Nieto meet:


Let me put it another way - if the "Dean Scream" was a disqualifying moment, WTF was Trump's performance?

I don't think anything disqualifies Trump. He's inevitable like Hillary, Death, Taxes, and a hangover after watching a Democratic debate.

buccaneer morgan

it was a Daily Basilisk piece, about how the Mexican Army handles such matters,

Art in Newport

.. Trump asks the audience to look up 'pathological disease' …
Trump delves into medical science to attack Carson, diagnosing his mental state? ‘Dr’ Trump?

This is beginning to vaguely remind me of the 1980 primary, and HGWB’s attacks on Reagan as he sensed Reagan's campaign moving ahead of his own … the “Voodoo Economics”, etc. And Reagan’s calm rejoinders and deflections.


This video shows the Missouri chaos was started with a "show", just like the Kill the Bill rally.


Those students did the same thing that the CBC Representatives did on March 20, 2010.
They put on a show....wanting something to happen....& when nothing happened, they lied & made up a story.

No difference.
Jonathan Butler = Rep. John Lewis = Rep. James Clyburn = Rep. Emanuel Cleaver = Rep. Andre Carson = liar

Art in Newport



Ig, thanks for the Latrine link on the previous thread.

He is a dope on this topic. The comment section is dispatching him in short order.

buccaneer morgan

it's just a flesh wound,


buccaneer morgan

actually that's what happened,




How could you forget Rep. Elijah Cummings?


I don't think Cummings was a part of "the production" at the Kill the Bill rally.


That WaPo/AP "sinner" video of Trump is sure edited a lot..fading in & out picking out clips.

The MFMers only seem to care about editing with Planned Parenthood videos....THE MFM are allowed to do what they want.

I am a Cruz supporter...but these are the primaries & all of the candidates are gonna have to go after the other candidates to win the primary. Trump wants to win.

Republicans are having to fight it out, unlike the Dems who are holding a coronation for their queen.

Jim Eagle

Lets add this to Janet't Encyclopdia of Media Bias.

“What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures,” he admitted. “We’ve made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters and part our goal has to be to recruit more effective Sunni partners in Iraq to really go on offense rather than simply engage in defensively".

Remember how W got castrated in the media for the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the carrier? He never uttered those words or anything so positive in regard our accomplishements and victories. It was the CG commander who hung it because his Group had accomplished their mission.

Now contrast that with what Commander Bozo is saying and how wonderfully accepting Snagglepuss accepts it as providential wisdom.

Jim Eagle

Sorry, wrong quote of course.

“What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”


JiB, we don't see it... the MSM won't show it.

buccaneer morgan

this was the poll that would have gotten der Commisar's to drinking hard liquor,


Jim Eagle

One more reason to just f**king hate the NFL and Goodell. These guys need new goggles the present ones are mired in shit.


buccaneer morgan

goodell should be fed to badgers, what a mook.

Jim Eagle


What can't you see? Clue, please.


Players should be allowed to write anything on their shoes.


How DARE Obama say ANYTHING about anyone else's "foreign policy knowledge"??!

Anybody who would depart Iraq without leaving our military on the bases we built is an absolute imbecile.
His arrogance is as boundless as his narcissism.

Jim Eagle

Shortly after a British Airways flight had reached its cruising altitude, the captain announced: "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain. Welcome to Flight 293, nonstop from London Heathrow to New York. The weather ahead is good, so we should have an uneventful flight. So, sit back, relax, and ... OH MY GOD!"

Silence followed ... Some moments later, the captain came back on the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry if I scared you. While I was talking to you, a flight attendant accidentally spilled coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants

"From the back of the plane, an Irish passenger yelled "For the luv-va Jay-sus you should see the back of mine!"

Miss Marple

Multiple casualty event in Paris. Two dead, several wounded. At least 2 locations. Includes explosion at a bar near the Paris Stadium.

Via Fox News.

But which Republican presidential candidate would be the most challenging for the Democratic nominee? At this point, Democratic primary voters say it's Donald Trump: 31 percent say he would be the most difficult Republican for a Democratic nominee to beat. Ben Carson (15 percent) is a distant second, followed by Marco Rubio (13 percent) and Jeb Bush (13 percent).

Both Clinton and Sanders supporters view Trump as the Republican that poses the most difficult challenge.


The safest explanation is that the people polled were lying because they actually want to battle trump.


I just had the most spectacular birthday lunch with Birthday boy SBW, and the lovely Mrs. SBW.

Eat your hearts out!


But which Republican presidential candidate would be the most challenging for the Democratic nominee? At this point, Democratic primary voters say it's Donald Trump: 31 percent say he would be the most difficult Republican for a Democratic nominee to beat. Ben Carson (15 percent) is a distant second, followed by Marco Rubio (13 percent) and Jeb Bush (13 percent).

Both Clinton and Sanders supporters view Trump as the Republican that poses the most difficult challenge.


The safest explanation is that the people polled were lying because they actually want to battle Trump.


Happy Birthday SBW!

Cecil Turner

The safest explanation is that the people polled were lying because they actually want to battle Trump.

The more logical takeaway is that the 31% who said that were wrong, and the 69% who didn't say that were right (at least on the narrow point).

Jack is Back!

Happy Birthday, sbw. We enjoyed a great lunch in Rome and Frederick says hi!


I posted this before

Good idea from Breitbart - "Liberal college students are demanding free tuition. Great. Simple solution: liberal, Marxist professors need to teach for FREE. Stand up, Leftist professors! Lead by example. Give up your salaries."

Alinsky rule #4 -
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules."


wonder if it has anything to do with this:



Shep sounds so ignorant compared to the Sky feed on Fox Business, and on MSNBC they have Brian Williams, so that can't possibly go wrong,

Jack is Back!

Climate denieers take over concert hall showing German v. France soccer match going on. Actually, it will turn out to be guys named Abdul and Mohammed but dont discount those guys known as Jean, Jacque and Marcel.


It follows that the 13% who are scared of Bush are wrong and the 87% are right.

Miss Marple

Well, we have coordinated shootings, suicide bombers, and hostages in the concert hall.

I think we can assume this is terrorism.


But are the previously wrong 31% now right when they are included in the 87% that is right over the 13% that is now wrong?

If they are still wrong, we have whittled down who is right to 56%.


TK, it follows that they are voting D and are a bunch of idiots individually and collectively.

Jack is Back!

My SIL says that Hollande will have to do a complete eradication of the pestilane or he is immediate toast.


I wish I could write better. It would be interesting to look at the crazy/chaos/loopy stuff going on at Universities with students & then compare it to what "important/respected/legitimate" leftists organizations & politicians are pushing & doing.

There isn't any difference. The students look like out-of-control kooks & are scary...but the other leftists are pushing the same nonsense & doing the same stuff.

Miss Marple


Could you translate pestilane?

Jack is Back!


Yes, fat fingers. Does that help:)

Jack is Back!



New thread -- topic is Paris


Indeed, Henry.

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