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November 09, 2015



She "found" 15 more emails today.

Which of Baskin Robbins 57 favors of gender is the important one she will focus on?


Pro-pali #blm protesters jump the shark. Protesting Netanyahu at the White House, amongst other things on their all inclusive hurt feels buffet.


It really stirs the heart to watch the dinosaurs Washington comPost and New York Slimes prop up the old witch.

buccaneer morgan

just a charming character,


buccaneer morgan

well they did give fidel his job,



I think FatAss Rodham should travel with SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION 89% of the time.

That would seem sufficient.

Miss Marple



How are you this evening?

I am watching murders in a Best English Village competition.

Maybe it will give me some clues on what Hillary is up to.


It takes a special kind of lousy to be losing to the Chargers.

buccaneer morgan

'i'm shocked, shocked,



I believe this would be the appropriate response to that shrieking Yale student, as well as that shrieking U Missouri prof whose dissertation was on "The Commodification of Femininity, Affluence, and Whiteness in the Martha Stewart Phenomenon" (I kid you not):

buccaneer morgan

lol, I forgot about that clip.



nytol. Behave.

Hillary's a croissant wench.

clarice's pistola on the silver screen!


[Said with hand on hips and tongue sticking out like Becky, Dennis the Menace's bratty neighbor, would have said it.]

Posted by: Ignatz


I thought Dennis's bratty girl neighbor was Margaret?

buccaneer morgan

I wasn't kidding about that:


buccaneer morgan

so mccarry's latest, mulberry bush, is a departure
from the austere patricians that populated his
Christopher series, for starters, the narrator is an unnamed intelligence officer, father pf a disgraced spy, who does his business, in the Middle East but then an alternate universe, Argentina, which became communist, another detail are his supervisors are as incompetent as many of the
top men, who seem to people the intelligence community,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Right you are daddy.
My credibility is shot.
I'm dropping out of the race.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Fargo featured an utterly gratuitous shot at Reagan supposedly campaigning through the area in 1979.
A befuddled vacuous actor.
Didn't check to see if O'Reilly wrote the episode.

Miss Marple


I am telling you, English murder mysteries are the way to go. They only make an occasional snark, and it's Prince Charles who's the target.

Hollywood reminds me of children drawing ugly cartoons of their teacher on the blackboard.



Impossible. Obama told us there was no such thing as an Islamic State

Obama: (september 10, 2014) "Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not "Islamic." No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state."

Well whatever it is, at least we know it's JV.

buccaneer morgan

and that certainly suggests this hack really came from 'the Caliphate'

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

People's Cube;

"Junior Varsity takes Ramadi, advances to quarterfinals."

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The rest of it is pretty hard to stop watching, MM.
Great cast and story line.


Read this horse shit and tell me this country isn't in the toilet.


I've said it before. There is a war coming.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Dickbreath Fallon seemed to be teeing off on Carson (I can't actually bring myself to listen to that mincemeat). I'm getting close to the point of Carson or Cruz or nobody.

buccaneer morgan

donald 1.0, the european edition,



Here's a neat 'sciency' story in the local rag that I find interesting because it reveals once again how little we know about our world:

Pacific cod eating seabirds, study shows

While many marine birds are well known for their skills at diving into the sea to pluck out fishy meals, there is now solid evidence that some Pacific cod have turned the tables on the avian species.

The practice came to light a few years ago when seafood workers in Dutch Harbor noticed that some of the cod they were processing came with extra features -- partially digested birds in the fish stomachs.

The story shows a bunch of dead birds pulled from the stomachs of cod, and interestingly some of the remains show that the birds were alive when swallowed, so speculation is that when the birds dive into the water for krill to feed on, they're the ones who wind up on the menu.

scientists found that lungs of three of the recovered crested auklets had air in them -- indicating those birds had been alive -- but that lungs of 30 did not, suggesting that they had drowned before winding up in the cods’ stomachs.

Haven't figured out the Global Warming angle yet but I'm sure there is one.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--Read this horse shit and tell me this country isn't in the toilet.--

We're pretty much at the Moscow show trial stage, where the innocent true believers confess their phony guilt rather than defend themselves, for the good of the party.
Next will come the Cultural Revolution stage where children denounce their parents....for the good of the party, dontcha know?

Captain Hate on the iPad

Levin: everything negative said about Carson are damnable lies.

buccaneer morgan

you know the name of hangman,


they keep putting themselves in the noose,

buccaneer morgan

and just a little south of new haven


buccaneer morgan

remember this fellow,


a donor in good standing with red queen,

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Over a year old but Rick Carey [a smart car guy] at Sports Car Digest compares the present collector car bubble to the froth of the late eighties.

He is wrong only about how long the bubble can remain airborne. So long as QE∞ and ZIRP continue, flying cars will remain a reality.
When it ends it's going to be a lot more painful than the odd pigeon dropping a load.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Starts off with this gorgeous Ferrari 250LM;


Haven't figured out the Global Warming angle yet but I'm sure there is one.

Maybe it'll be something like this. From the ADN:

In push for Alaska Native place names, a boost from a digital atlas

(Subtitle on the Paper's front page:) Because environmental knowledge is embedded in many Native place names, the ongoing movement to restore them is getting an extra push from climate change researchers.

There are two years' worth of funding remaining on the grant,

Have no idea how much, or who's paying for it, but the task is to attach Native names to locations.

...said he is seeing “increased appreciation” from scientists for Native sources of knowledge in the study of climate change.

The atlas will help researchers cross-reference current snow and ice data with past landscape knowledge that can be gleaned from Native place names.

“The intersection between physical and social sciences is increasingly where some of the interesting work is being done,” he said.

There you go. Pretty soon our elites will be able to say: "The Social Science is Settled, too!"


Levin: everything negative said about Carson are damnable lies.


Megyn Kelly didn't think so on her show today. She still said there were lots of remaining problems for Carson, but unsurprisingly she neglected to name a single one of them with any specifics, so we'll just have to take her word for it since she said so.

Maybe Megyn's the one who had dinner with Paul Mirengoff's source.

Miss Marple

I think I need to send a letter to Mr. Aides.

Heading to bed. Nytol.

buccaneer morgan

You'll be interested to know the chamber of commerce has been legendarily myopic 43rd babalu blog, they were against intervention against maxi germany.

On Spanish cable, the democratic ward bosses for in the two biggest beefs in dade, were all so verklempt about the medici's failure to gain traction, but they insist the Norwegian blue will go voom, and they brandished j rover column about a brokered convention as a talisman

buccaneer morgan

Moving on, mccarry's latest suggest at the beginning one character, loosely based on James angleton is the culprit for the father of the protagonist's disgrace but it turns out it's someone else entirely.

buccaneer morgan

So mirengoff had a half hearted 'i'm sorry I stabbed you in the chest Dr. Carson' type apology.

buccaneer morgan

Which is more than j Christian adams has some.


Can you IMAGINE being Trey Gowdy and having to listen to this lying pile of shit.......
""“What I did was to send e-mails to people at their government accounts, which I had every reason to believe would be captured on the government systems. And when we were asked to help the State Department make sure they had everything from other secretaries of state, not just me, I’m the one who said, okay, great, I will go through them again. And we provided all of them. And more than 90 percent were already in the system.”

The PATHOLOGY is breath taking. RODHAM is a special kind of LIAR.

buccaneer morgan

So the daily mail, reveals the mastermind of the group behind the Sinai bombing is a 42 year old fmr rug merchant, educated at al azhar university, the very place Obama spoke at six years ago.

buccaneer morgan

there's always a pretext,


buccaneer morgan

I haven't linked the national post in years, specially since they dismissed steyn and kept pinnette,



Re: the swastika at Mizzou, has anyone asked Tawana Brawley, because that is her medium, although one cannot misspell a symbol.

buccaneer morgan

this interesting note, from the treehouse, which illustrates delusion on both sides of the pond,


Best line on my Twitter feed this morning:

"You can't parody these people."

Second best:
"If you hate to see your kid grow up, for $50,000 a year we can transform your teenager back into a baby."

And IowaHawk is fabulous as always, but it's with pictures.



I am telling you, English murder mysteries are the way to go...

Miss Marple,

Rare disagreement, due to another blistering episode of Perry Mason last night in which I learned a shocking detail that I was totally unaware of!

Last night's episode was "The Case of The Credulous Quarry."

Here's Nan Paterson, the episodes gratuitous skirt, so lets get her out of the way right off the bat:

Anyhow, in this episode there's one murder, one hit and run, 1 bribery, 2 adulteries, 3 cases of Blackmail, (i.e.) the usual...but then in a write up near the bottom (don't look yet) we get this:

"NOTE- Two things which stands out in this episode- This episode was to be seen in season three before ______ ______ was fired."

Fired? Who knew that one of the Perry Mason regulars was fired? And what for?

Well here's the Wiki write up on why the character, who's identity I am temporarily keeping secret, was fired:

_____ _____ was fired from Perry Mason for a short period in 1960. Sheriff's deputies, suspicious of marijuana use, raided a party on March 13, 1960, in a private home in Beverly Hills at which _____ ____ was a guest.[6] The deputies reported finding ____ ____ and seven other defendants either nude or semi-nude. All were arrested for possession of marijuana (which was later dropped) and lewd vagrancy, but municipal judge Adolph Alexander dismissed the lewd vagrancy charges against _____ _____ and the others on June 17 for lack of proof. "I don’t approve of their conduct," the judge ruled, "but it is not for you and me to approve but to enforce the statutes."[7] Despite this, _____ _____ was fired by CBS which refused to give a reason.[8]
_____ _____ was later rehired after Perry Mason producer Gail Patrick Jackson made a request to CBS following a massive letter-writing campaign by viewers."

So put on your Perry Mason QUIZ TIME thinking caps, and no cheating!@#$.

Who was the Perry Mason regular fired in 1960 for smoking pot and getting nude and lewd in some Beverly Hills pool party?

Paul Drake

Hamilton Burger

Perry Mason

Della Street

Lt Tragg

Answer to be revealed when I wake up, and until you can come up with as rich "behind the scenes" low rent behavior in British Murder Mysteries, Miss Marple, I'm sticking with Perry Mason

and I suggest you do too:)

Toe the line and tow the line.

Heh, science as the pretext for re-naming. Better bow, serfs.


The debate tonight should be interesting and informative
Everyone seems to believe it is the last chance for Jeb to get into the game

Captain Hate on the iPad

Did anybody catch the fellatio fest when the puke catamite, Josh Earnest, multitasked by taking multiple money shots after praising the ignorant MFM goofs for how more rigorously they scrutinized 404 than Ben Carson? Did Pravda do anything this ludicrous?


My vote goes to Della Street daddy

buccaneer morgan

actually it was Hamilton Berger (William Tallman)
no I'll have to neuralize myself, I would have guessed the younger character, but I was wrong,

buccaneer morgan

the degree to which it has become londonistan is extraordinary,


Captain Hate on the iPad

Levin stated that he met with Reagan in 1990 and found him to be completely cogent and this garbage put out by the big mouthed economic ignoramus who Ailes puts in the 8 pm slot is part and parcel of the left's efforts to marginalize Reagan and should be rejected by THE FOLKS. He further invited the 8 pmer to discuss the book as George Will, with whom he has had prior disagreements, did.

buccaneer morgan

I linked the Pajamas Media piece, last night,which goes into some of the shoddy sourcing, such as they can be considered,

the rage against Carson, is almost at the same pitch, as against the Huntress, on all sides,

buccaneer morgan

the promoters of such a work, know exactly what they are doing, putting it not only in the last
brick and mortar stores, but in Publix and Walmart,
where the unsuspecting are likely to assimilate it

buccaneer morgan

it's not as agregious as Francis Russell's treatment of Harding, but it's bad enough,


buccaneer morgan

and Walsh did catch more than a little flak, for that column on Bachmann, there's a Jesus denialist, in the comments, something one would have found extreme, but that's the exception that proves the rule,

Captain Hate on the iPad

Thanks for pointing out the PJM piece on the 8 pmer's book, which I'd previously overlooked. I hadn't realized how little input the "investigative historian" had to the claptrap. I guess he's mainly responsible for selling it to THE FOLKS.

No wonder Tammy went to Ailes to try and find a different forum. She generally holds her fire on other Rove News Channel personalities but it's hard to imagine her remaining mum on an attack on Reagan.

buccaneer morgan

yes, there's only so many times one bangs their head, trying to get through to him,

buccaneer morgan

maybe I was too harsh, I don't think so


buccaneer morgan

is sally quinn, still on the masthead, over there,



Maybe it is time to shine some light into the "student activist" world.


Are these kids really students that pay for & take classes?...or are they imported agitators. Do outside activist groups direct the "show"?


This is that UVA link I post a lot -

Student activist who led vandalism attack on Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house says he has no regrets
"In the wee morning hours after Rolling Stone’s now-retracted gang rape story roiled the University of Virginia campus, a masked group of five women and three men unleashed their fury on the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house at the center of the controversy.

Bottles and bricks were tossed through nearly every first-floor window, sending shards of glass and crashing sounds into the house around 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 20.

Profane, hate messages such as “F—k Boys” were spray-painted on the walls of the colonial facade, along with anti-sexual assault epithets such as “suspend us,” and “UVA Center for Rape Studies.”" ...

..."The young man, the progeny of a privileged family, readily and unrepentantly admitted his role..."

Who are these people? The "activist" label has become a get-out-of-jail free card. No questions, no prosecutions,...


from the Bustle link -

"[Payton] Head is the current MSA president at the University of Missouri. According to a now-viral post on his personal Facebook page, the Chicago native had been walking home from class on September 11 when a man riding in the back of a passing truck began yelling racial slurs at him."

Did that happen? Does this kid go to classes?

buccaneer morgan

so this peyton head character, is the head of the muslim student association, at mizzou, and that apochryphal slur post happened right after September 11th,


MSA is the Missouri Students Association.


buccaneer morgan

mind arson, is an inedequate metaphor, for what they have been soaking in,


buccaneer morgan

I stand corrected, having burned down as much as they could have done of Ferguson (Juan found some deep significance there,) they have move their rectification to a new location,


University of Missouri/Enrollment

Maybe the other ~35,000 students at the University of Missouri could be asked if THEY want all this activist nonsense?

Crybabies are taking over the world.

buccaneer morgan

no, not mere crybabies, these are militant activists driven by their zeal to do practically anything, like that fellow in Valdosta state, the shooter in Roanoke,

Jim Eagle

I awake this morning to the name of Melissa Glick and her jackass intellect on display at Mizzou. Then I realized that Mizzou is a supposedly respected higher institution for the study of journalism and in that the whole world has been explained to me.

I really think that is all you have to know about the latest kerfuffle: Top Journalism School. Just like Columbia.

buccaneer morgan

I don't know how many ended up here,


buccaneer morgan

yikes, Camerota, former Fox, American U, Errol Louis, Harvard and Yale, Cuomo fils, Yale and Fordham, fully credentialed idiots,


I saw just a bit of an interview of 2 Missouri activists on PBS yesterday. Gwen Ifill was interviewing them.
They were incoherent. Even sympathetic Gwen couldn't pin them down on what they wanted.

They were just pleased with themselves for throwing a fit & causing someone to step down. It didn't matter who. They couldn't articulate what Wolfe did wrong.

Just whining & mayhem & then.... ????

Jim Eagle

Anyone who went to college in the 60's witnessed the free speech/anti-war movement and the anarchy it unleashed. A lot of Soviet and ChiCom money behind it and the planning. I remember up the road from me was Antioch College with a well oiled Progressive Labor Movement machine that were constantly screwing with my ROTC program and our field activities at UC.

This current crop of activism reminds me a lot of that. This time the money is from Soros and the Islamists. It is planned and not spontaneous at all. They had the perfect target in Mizzou due to its journalism school and being located in a small college town. There has always been tension between townies and students in these type of settings.

Harder to do in a big urban setting. This was well planned, orchestrated and now "mission accomplished".


Good Morning! I've mentioned Bowdoin College and supposed "incidents". I'm interested in Bowdoin because Deray Mckesson is a graduate and he is front and center involved in all the campus activism. I missed this from a couple of weeks ago...the Jefferson Davis Award, an annual academic award at Bowdoin, endowed by the United Daughters of the Confederacy,has been discontinued. The endowment was given to honor the 16 Bowdoin graduates who served in the Confederacy. Davis received a honorary degree in 1858.
I'm shocked that Chamberlain,Hawthorne and Longfellow haven't been erased from memory yet. They are all dead white guys.


"FBI steps up interviews in Clinton email probe: Questions
focus on whether State officials improperly sent classified material,"
by Rachael Bade: "[T]he FBI has stepped up inquiries into the security
of the former Secretary of State's home-made email system, and how
aides communicated over email, POLITICO has learned. The FBI's recent
moves suggest that its inquiry could have evolved from the preliminary
fact-finding stage, ... according to former FBI and DOJ officials ...
'This sounds to me like it's more than a preliminary inquiry; it
sounds like a full-blown investigation,' said Tom Fuentes, former
assistant director of the FBI. ...

"POLITICO learned that the FBI around early October requested
documents from a company involved in the server arrangement after
Clinton left state. It also interviewed a former high-ranking policy
official at State about the contents of top Clinton aides' emails. The
official, who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity, said
the questions explored whether anyone at State was concerned about
classified information being put at risk by communicating over email.
The source did not know of any such concerns.

"Confirmation of the interview and document requests is the first
public indication that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry ...
The former State official interviewed by the FBI ... had little to do
with the Clinton server set-up or any approval process allowing her to
use personal email for work - suggesting the FBI's initial inquiry
about the actual physical security of Clinton's home-made server now
also includes looking at the content of messages shared by staff. ...

"The agency has asked [for] documents from Tania Neild, the New
York-based technology broker for millionaires, who put the Clintons in
touch with Platte River Networks." http://politi.co/1Pmh1A6



They were incoherent because all the Soros activist money being spread around will buy lots of "the good shit"


A little crime news:http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/confederate-flag/cops-hunt-twerker-and-accomplice-893562


JIB-the translated Turchenko book I mention in my book admits that the Russians were stirring up and financing the protesters not just in the US but also France and elsewhere in 1968.

It was written in Russia in 1975 and financed by one of the official academies and promptly translated into English in 1976 by a Northwestern prof who does NOT list it on his cv. You have to have a copy of the cover page to make the link. I have the pdf.


Feces, Swastika. DNA. Discuss.

buccaneer morgan

is this the one, rse,



They are incoherent because in most instances they did not get in on their own merits and they deeply resent that once there and surrounded by people who did. Moreover, whether it be through speech codes or project-based learning via groups, profs are told they must change the nature of the coursework to prevent variations in outcomes.

This is also why the feds want the accreditors to focus on learner outcomes. That may sound good but it translates into a Snowflake Manufacturing System because it comes with a racial proportionality requirement in % of outcomes reflecting % of population.

Captain Hate on the iPad

May all the colleges and universities knuckling under to the insane suffer the same fate as Antoch,

buccaneer morgan

since mein deutsch isn't very good,


Captain Hate on the iPad

RIP Allen Toussaint


Just looking at the Wikipedia entry for Raymond Burr there were fabrications in his life story and I am not referring to his sexual orientation. Would have made a good news anchor or Democrats politician


yes it is narc. Happy reading.

The Turchenko model is also reflected in the Learning Cities/Regions model that also ties to what the Clintons and Bloomberg are pushing on behalf of the UN in that C40 Initiative.

Turchenko, like Qualifications Frameworks and Green Growth, have been renamed since the book came out. Turchenko is now the Triple Helix, QF's are credentials but only in the US, and GG is now the Great Transition.



One of Mrs. Buckeye's relatives founded Antioch. It was a church related school when originally established.

Because of the connection, either she or our kids could attend tuition free. No one felt incline to accept the offer.

James D

This Missouri nonsense (and the idiocy at Yale, and elsewhere) is exactly why staying quiet on "culture war" issues is a mistake.

It cedes the field to the progs and the lunatics (but i repeat myself). It emboldens them. And it tells the sane, decent people that none of their leaders support them or share their values or beliefs.


rse,you are probably well aware of this,when DeRay Mckesson spoke at Bowdoin in September,his lecture was titled "The Intersection Between Education and Justice."

Jeff Dobbs

There's a debate tonight?

Looks like I picked the wrong month to give up drinking.

BTW, happy birthday to hit and run jr. He turns 14 today.

He was born at 11:17 AM (mountain time). I always just say he was born at 11:10, since his birthday is 11/10. mrs hit and run never lets me just say that - she always corrects me and says 11:17.

So this morning when I "reminded" hit and run jr that he was born at 11:10 - and of course mrs hit and run said, "NOOOOO, it was 11:17" . . . I said, well, that's because you were lazy.

I guess it sounded funnier in my head before saying it than it did upon delivery. Anyway, our couch is pretty comfy.

buccaneer morgan

so we've been importing Brezhnev level idiocy, I assume it goes back to Stalin, like pouring coffee in your gas tank, and expecting to run at all,

buccaneer morgan

congrats hit jr.


Happy Birthday H&R Jr!

Just in time for H&R Jr's birthday, Shirley was kidding. well, not really. Former Chief Justice Abrahamson simply figured out the by the time all the appeals in her lawsuit to keep the big chair ran through... her 10 year term would be over. Not even a Chief Justice (former) can get timely satisfaction from our legal system.

buccaneer morgan

how to burn a 100 million to the ground, in easy to follow steps,



Sens Duckworth and Durbin join Sen Baldwin in ignoring VA patient abuses. Can you name that party?

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