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November 21, 2015



TM getting wound up again.

Rick Ballard

How can journalists be faulted for failing in attempted exegesis of utterances shaped by a mind which is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives?


Not a big fan of Trump but if he wins maybe we could look forward to him saying "you're fired" to the the entire DC bureaucracy starting with EPA, State, and DOJ.


TM is just getting started
I like shorter posts
The topics have been interesting and informative
It sounds like I am sucking up


Both Carson and Trump as well as Rubio have been tarnished by this abysmal NYT reporting
Put it in the birdcage

Jim Miller

NYT versus the Donald:

Perhaps both can lose.

(It isn't clear to me whether Maguire agrees with me that that would be a good thing.)


Maybe it is just me, but I don't think the accuracy or the truth is all that important to the New York Times any more.


Peter, not clear to me accuracy and truth were ever all that important to the NYT.


This is a good point - NFL Player: It's OK to Pray for Paris But We Suspend a Football Coach for Praying After a Game


from April 2015 -
"John Kerry Verified account

Our thoughts & prayers go out to those affected by #NepalEarthquake. We're working closely w/gov't of Nepal to provide assistance & support."

and another point about that tweet...why wasn't there a movement to move the people of Nepal to America? Why didn't citizens of Nepal start invading Europe??

Destiny Ignatz

Not a fan of Trump either but the more the MFM try to sucker punch him the closer I get to being one. One can learn to cheer for a chump if his enemies are sufficiently loathsome. I would say we have reached the state of sufficiency.

I suspect I'm not alone.


Zero and Lurch don't want Hindus, they don't reliably vote Democrat.

Captain Hate on the iPad

You aren't alone, Iggy; the MFM has been powering my Trump support. And the country clubbers.

James D.

I'm with CH and Iggy.

But what I would really like to see is other R candidates taking a page from Trump's book and calling out the Dems and the MSM with plain language.

Cruz calling Zero's refugee program "lunacy" ought to be the upper bound of politeness and civility towards the Administration and the press.

And any candidate using the word "bipartisan" or the phrase "get things done" ought to be beaten savagely with whatever heavy blunt object is closest to hand.


If Hillary wins the Presidency she will severely punish the journalists who have badmouthed her.

Win or lose, Trump will get 'em, and it will yuge.

Miss Marple 2

You know, I have thought about Trump's support quite a bit.

Some of it is the mistrust of the GOPe, which a lot of people are fed up with.

There's another reason, I think.

A lot of politicans sound alike. If they are Conservative, it is "Constitution..blah blah...entrepreneurship...blah blah...out of the shadows ...blah blah ... obligatory quote from Reagan, etc."

If they are leftys, it's "Fair share...blah blah....free stuff..blah blah...diversity...obligatory quote from Roosevelt, etc."

Normal people don't talk like this. Normal people look at ISIS and say "Bomb the crap out of them." Normal people say "Too many illegals." Normal people say "I want America to be a winner."

Trump talks like normal people think. It isn't intellectual or grandiose. It's just how they think, and that is VERY appealing after hearing the stuff from left or right which most people now hear as Charlie Brown's teacher's voice.


I shot a gun for the first time in my life today. I am taking up trap shooting. Lots of fun. Hit a pigeon on my second shot.

Miss Marple 2


Commissioned in Milwaukee.


MM, your analysis is spot on.

The "regular guys" sitting with their buddies at the local bar are listening to Trump and are saying "Fuckin' A".

This includes an awful lot of union voters who think Hillary is a bitch.


Watch out Peter. Addictive.


Thanks MissM. I got to see the keel laying ceremony for the USS Milwaukee.


Instead of a register, how about a state-of-the-art biometric national ID to replace our cardboard Social Security cards? It would have to be shown whenever you use a credit or debit card, write a check, and in other similar situations where proof of identity is routinely required. Should you lose or misplace your ID, a fingerprint scan could quickly confirm your identity.

A similar technology could be used for visas.


Congrats Peter. I have a concealed carry license and I've still never shot a gun. I held one once in the early '90's.


Found by Anonymous - scheduled for tomorrow:

FBI officials have confirmed to Channel 2 Action News that they are taking seriously a report about an ISIS threat at a WWE Survivor Series event in Atlanta on Sunday.

The FBI released the following statement to Channel 2 Action News:

“The FBI is aware of reports of an alleged threat that includes an Atlanta, Georgia venue and event. While we take all threats seriously, we do not have specific or credible information of an attack at this time. We have, however, made the proper notifications as we continue to work closely with our law enforcement and private sector partners to keep our community safe.”

From IB Times:

“Anonymous also said the Islamic State group is planning an assault at the WWE Survivor Series event scheduled to take place in the Philips Arena in Atlanta Sunday at 7.30 p.m. EST, as well as attacks at multiple events in Paris. “


What is WWE?


Jane, you need to fix that. Should be no problem in Florida.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Details on the gun please. I used to love trap shooting.

Captain Hate on the iPad

World Wrestling Entertainment; I think WWF was a copyright violation of World Wildlife Federation.

I'll be shocked if McMahon cancels a PPV.


50 degrees and just started raining in Columbus. Classic November football weather.

Go Bucks!



I know, but I really have no interest. But I know.


and Trump was the one person to stand up to Obama & the MFM on the birth certificate.
Obama & the MFM laughed & mocked Trump, but Obama released the damn long form birth certificate. (not to get into whether it was real or not)

The 2011 White House Correspondents dinner was uber sickening. SICK.EN.ING.

Watching Obama & the MFM laugh like hyenas. Nobody in the MFM asked Obama why he had waited years to release it. No MFMer asked why Obama had played games.
No MFMer explained why they mocked Americans that had insisted there WAS a long form BC - insisting that the short form certification was all - but then being presented on April 27, 2011 with the long form BC.
OOPS!...I guess Americans that had questions were right!

3 days before the White House Correspondents dinner comedy show Obama did what Trump had insisted he do.



I like where this thread is headed.


Tarheels win.


Janet was checking to see if you were awake TK.


Yes Janet
Trump shamed him into it and wasn't going away until he got results
We have to treat Hillarity the same way
Take off the kid gloves


Just about to nap, Buckeye.

Perfect timing.


MM@3:18,the other day Howie Carr had a caller who had attended the Trump event in Worcester. He made the point that the audience was very diverse,from guys wearing steel-toed boots to businessmen in suits. People are tired of wishy washy politicians. Did everyone notice that the Senate will take up the refugee legislation after the Thanksgiving recess? Goodness,we wouldn't want them to let the concerns of the American people get in the way of their vacation.


I think that horse already left the barn,



Several days after the release of the image was the scheduled hearing in the ninth circuit to determine if other candidates had a case against Obama's eligibility.

The day before the hearing Obama slaughtered Osama bin Laden and the news teams that were prepared to run the ninth circuit hearing live switched gears and buried the story.

A busy news week.

Jack is Back! (On Alert!)

I wouldn't put it past WWE and McMahon to have this ISIS threat staged as part of their normal theatrics and fakery. I know that sounds callous but when has WWE and McMahon ever played to someone's intelligence?


Maybe they will bring The Iron Sheik out of retirement.

Captain Hate on the iPad

McTurtle doesn't do the party any favors by acting like there's no urgency to act on the Von Ryan Express. Shocking that with all the purported need to correct the image of the party in the minds of voters they pull this high handed garbage every time.

Destiny Ignatz

Welcome to the well regulated militia, peter. :)


MM wrote on the last thread - Is this what we have come to? Putin is now leading the war and Anonymous is covering ISIS security warnings.

Something doesn't seem quite right, does it? I wonder what the problem could be?

and ol' Guccifer gets us the goods on Hillary's emails via Sidney Blumenthal's emails.


Why would they threaten something that will deplete their audience?

Miss Marple


It's almost like the nation's security has been contracted out.

Not on purpose, of course. By default.


MM, your analysis is spot on.

I agree.


and I gotta say...Putin/Anonymous/Guccifer don't call me a racist or a homophobe or a xenophobe or give me a hard time about being a Christian. The President of the United States does though.
How weird is that?


well Anonymous not the North Koreans, got us a peek inside the insular world of Sony, but they are ultimately foes of the West,



Are we talking Trump here or WWE? Or both? A match made in hell....


well it's Islamic State, vs, WWE,


Normal people look at ISIS and say "Bomb the crap out of them." Normal people say "Too many illegals." Normal people say "I want America to be a winner."
The "regular guys" sitting with their buddies at the local bar are listening to Trump and are saying "Fuckin' A".

Exactly. That was the appeal of Breitbart too.

“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”
― Andrew Breitbart


the first rule of fight club,. . .


Miss Marple


The media will try to make it about racism.

I ask all of you, how many of us, looking at the Black Lives Matter people, haven't had the same reaction?

Don't we all think "Get them the hell out?"

I think that is what most people think. Trump's numbers will probably go up again. Ha!


David Brooks shows some spine:

For Democrats, I think there’s a sense of responsibility here. You know, President Obama waxed self-righteous about the Republican bill and the Republican behavior, but he’s made a series of cold and, to me, amoral decisions over the past five years to allow this genocide. And maybe they were the right decisions, but they were not moral decisions. They were Machiavelli and Realpolitik decisions not to get involved.



About time that the President stepped up and called for an International Coalition to fight Terrorism and Extremism. I'm all for it, and glad the President finally stepped up to give us the Leadership the World, and Americans in particular, have been desperately waiting for.

buccaneer morgan

Heh daddy, some lives matter, really don't have that much support.

Rick Ballard

Someone should let Brooks know that Machiavelli wrote Il Principe, not Il Buffone. His advice to a prince regarding military matters was to study history and guide himself accordingly. I don't recall anything at all concerning advice to a pagliaccio.

Captain Hate on the iPad

McMahon has done some really dumb things in the past, like not canceling a PPV after Owen Hart fell to his death. But it would be a fatal mistake to fake an ISIS attack. McMahon burnishes his image by sending his headliners overseas to perform for the troops during the holiday season. To risk offending them by making light of what they deal with would be a huge mistake; far greater than forming the XFL.


Why doesn't this jackass "Artiste" Christo make a real statement by demanding to wrap the Black Rock of Mecca in fabric, instead of continually dicking around hassling American's with his idiotic visions? Colorado residents fighting the artist Christo’s dream of draping the Arkansas River with fabric are asking a federal appeals court to throw out permission for the project.

There's 2 billion Muslim's, so how about go antagonize them for a change? Don't they like art? Why wouldn't this look great in pink or bloody red?

And leave off Colorado Rivers already.

The EPA's already proved they can discolor a Colorado River way better than you can.


I feel like typing in GUS-CAPS too, when I see this MORON Christo CLOBBERING our DYSFUNCTIONAL Courts with his IMBECILIC "art" projects.

buccaneer morgan

Well the account came from anonymous, who probably got them from is servers, not from McMahon.


Maybe the PR guys misunderstood the Terrible Towel giveaway, CH.

Miss Marple

I think if the race comes down to Cruz vs Trump, Trump will win, no matter what the conservative punditry says, nor true movement conservatives in general.

Trump will win because he talks like the average guy. Cruz, while brilliant, does not.

That is my opinion, and of course, I could be wrong.

We will see.


Not to mention that if comes down to Trump vs. Cruz, the establishment will do nothing to help Cruz.



Rafael may pull it off.


QUIZ TIME: "Who Said This Just Last Week" edition.

"When I look at the present state of things in the world I realise that Vladimir Putin is the sole defender of Christian civilisation one can rely on.''

A) François Hollande
B) Pope Francis
C) Bashar al-Assad
D) Benjamin Netanyahu



Not a fan of Trump either but the more the MFM try to sucker punch him the closer I get to being one.

Why would the NYT be going after Trump? The concern trolls on the left keep telling us what a disaster he would be as the R nominee. Maybe they know that unfair attacks make a candidate stronger? See Iggy, you are doing just what ISIS the NYT wants.


I am totally fed up with our own government forcing us to dismiss Christmas in public places, especially when it involves our vets - what happened to the first amendment?



It is interesting to see how this all plays out
There is very real evidence Hillary is ill
I think Dems know because how badly Obama has screwed it all up that they may just end up with Bernie as their candidate ala McGovern
It feels goofy just like it did in 68 and 72


Warren will show up to save the day.


I am totally fed up with our own government forcing us to dismiss Christmas in public places

I noticed this week that in the StarBucks I visit in Singapore and the StarBucks I visit in Taipei, they both have the new red paper cups without any "offensive" Christmas symbols on them, but both places are clobbered with XMAS Music and Christmasy decorations, and the workers in Taipei have taken to drawing colorful images on the cups in magic marker.

So all's I'm saying is that those Christmasy cup images didn't offend the Buddhist/Daoist nation of Taiwan, nor the Buddhist/Daoist/Hindu/Islamic/Christian nation of Singapore. It simply succeeded supposedly in not offending the touchy feely atheists of Seattle. MORONS.

Miss Marple


I can't see how substituting one old harridan for another would help the Dems.


I always got the best christmas cookies from jewish neighbors. I am not sure where tradition started, but it was both growing up and in this neighborhood where I live now.



Just better than The Bern


Sparty has been doing an excellent job of shutting down the offense. Even if Ohio State wins, good chace they slip out of top 4.


Haven't caught up yet, but here's a decent piece on Rush and Levin yesterday defending Trump against this latest dishonest Muslim-database smear.

Limbaugh, Levin defend Trump against ‘Muslim database’ media smear

The Levin bit is 8 minutes long from his Friday Show.

BTW, I was led to this piece via the comments at NRO, where the commenters are hammering back at Charlie Cooks smear of Trump.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

--I can't see how substituting one old harridan for another would help the Dems.--

Sounds like Miss M is losing her fear of Squatting Bull.

buccaneer morgan

Yes the Spartans are tied again with ahia.


Ohio State loses!!!

Momma and my In-Laws hardest hit:)


Licking our wounds here also.


How about them Spartans! They outplayed OSU at home. Without their senior QB.

Mark D'Antonio for President!!!!!


In Turkey, a Belgian man of Moroccan descent, Ahmad Dahmani, 26, was arrested at a luxury hotel in Antalya along with two other terror suspects, Turkish authorities told the BBC.


I noticed a similar narrative being pushed by Nomiki Konst on O'Reilly last night. She was out of her mind screaming about the importance of the French citizenship held by some of the Paris terrorists.

The idea seems to be, "Hey, these were locals that did this." More of the homegrown claptrap.

When Mamacita craps out her little precious on this side of the barbed wire, he is an American of Mexican decent I guess.

Looking quickly at Belgian nationality law, I wonder how Ahmed received his citizenship.


Miss Marple


Elizabeth Warren's record is sort of mysterious. She seems to have appeared on the political scene suddenly

And there is that exorbitant salary she got for teaching one course.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Week in Pictures: Don’t Have to Live Like a Refugee Edition

Not too funny this week, but then maybe it wasn't a very funny week.



Where did Momma go to HS?


Don't get me wrong MM. I don't think Warren is attractive, just a bit more than Bernie.


Ann Coulter has noticed the phenomenon as well:

...After 50 years of the most backward, dysfunctional cultures pouring into the civilized world, the media are forced to blatantly lie to us whenever immigrants attack: This has nothing to do with refugees! Ismail Omar Mostefai is "a Frenchman." 

Ismail is "French" in the same way that Caitlyn Jenner is a "woman." That doesn't mean we can draw no conclusions about the relative strength of men and women, even though a "woman" won the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics. 

The fact that only one of the terrorists was part of the current "refugee" flow proves we're facing something much bigger than a refugee problem: We can't assimilate them. These days, second-generation immigrants are just as likely to shoot up Fort Hood as the first-generation Tsarnaev brothers are to blow up the Boston Marathon...


She gives Antonio, the anchor baby, necessary grief.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

How Elvis Costello wrote (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes
With a cameo by...Nick Lowe.

Captain Hate on the iPad

O$U looked like poo today but has any program dropped faster than L$U?

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Speaking of "red", three versions of My Gal is Red Hot, Your Gal Aint Doodly Squat from oldest to newest;

Billy The Kid Emerson

Billy Lee Riley

Robert Gordon and Link Wray

Was anybody cooler than Link Wray?


@YourAnonNews tweeted that rumors of an ISIS attack at a @WWE event didn't come from them:

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

Time for an avatar more befitting the times.


Reports of dissension in Columbus. Maybe E Elliot joined BLM? Lots of tweets from him...


Hit has fallen from his birthday duties. Can he get up?

For my birthday yesterday, the delightful and charming MrsJ decided to bring me into the 21st century -- she bought me a smart phone. To date I have used an old Motorola flip phone, which has been fine. But on the recent trip to Salt Lake City, how old its software is became clear when I missed a call from MarkO and the phone did not let me know.

MrsJ is in charge of the wireless bill, and recently she renewed a contract that has the phone charge buried into the bill. Since she had it already, I could get a previous-generation iPhone (a "6") for tax, or about $50. She bit.

I've always been fascinated by ubiquitous computing, and this is a good start. But Good God, does it take a lot of work to set up. I'm mostly there for the essentials, but it has taken the better part of two days. And there still is more to go.

MrsJ gave it to me with a protective barrier -- an Otterbox. I'm sure it helps to protect the device, but using it with that on feels like using a wet suit for a condom. Why is it that the thinness of the basic phone is so valued when the first thing that most do is stick it in a protector that makes the phone dimensions irrelevant?


Happy Birthday, DrJ!


Happy birthday Drj !!


Zeke is going pro and pissed he didn't get the ball more today. Unhappy withthe play calling, but so is everybody else.

Other interesting news is that he was hospitalized this week with a bad abcess, running a 103 fever.

Maybe coaches were protecting him, who knows.





Happy birthday DrJ!

Since you are a music lover, the phone should make listening while traveling more convenient.

buccaneer morgan

Happy birthday Dr. J.


It's brilliant DrJ, they get you to pay $40 more for the phone by needing to buy a case -- wonder what percentage of Otterbox is owned by Apple!!!


Happy Birthday, DrJ!

I used to be more dovish about immigration, but the lesson from France (and much of Europe) could not be clearer. I can't say I've done a 180 since I was never for "open borders," or happy about people coming here and getting on welfare, but I've come around to the view of just shutting off immigration from anywhere the people have anti-western Judaeo-Christian values.

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