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December 03, 2015


Comanche Voter

In the 1990's and really almost up to the present day a dozen gang related shootings a weekend in Los Angeles was "normal".

And today in Chicago, the figure is more likely two dozen. You've got more gun murders in Chicago in a month than in the four "mass shootings" mentioned in the post.

And rinse and repeat--that death toll in Chicago is the same month after month after month.



Haven't heard how Baltimore is on the scale of shootings but its got to be up there.


you notice how he was demonized, while the joyce crew were feted.



There are more than 10,000 black on black murders in THE U.S. every year. That adds up to approx 200 black on black murders,deaths, slaughters EVERY SINGLE WEEK. At minimum.
Why is this not being addressed by BLACKS MURDERING BLACKS LIVES don't matter???
200 black on black murders per week!??


Narciso. Obama is wrong all of the time.
He is a liar, a narcisist and a Commmie.

Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

If you're going to make an omelet you have to break a few thousand blacks.

You can't single out a muslim to search getting on a plane but you can deny him a basic right without due process.
Black lives matter if they're among the tiny number shot by white cops. They don't if they're among the thousands shot by other blacks.

Lefty rationality.


yes, because the Sullivan laws have made NYC a safer place, and Chicago has been secure for 33 years,


maybe he's gained some perspective since then,



Ig. Our LOGICAL and legal policies, cannot be handcuffed by PANSY ASSED, DISHONEST, MARXIST, PAJAMA BOY LIBTARDS.
It's time to get serious. This LONE WOLF....SELF RADICALIZED.....U.S.CITIZEN nonsense is clownish.
Sayed was INDEED an American citizen. WHY?? How did this ground PORK bastard become a YANK??? Because his parents WERE ALLOWED IN, despite being an OBJECTIVELY HOSTILE and Not likely to assymilate and share TRADITIONAL AMERICAN VALUES.
We've been COWED into believing or being TOLD, that OUR COUNTRY is open to ALL COMERS and ALL CULTURES. That concept is COMPLETELY FULL OF SHIT.
This country has NEVER made it OUR PURPOSE, to bring IMMIGRANTS who do now WISH to be PART of what AMERICA IS and WAS.
This concept is obvious, unless you are hell bent on weakening OUR FOUNDATION. The whole concept is LIBTARD SUICIDE.


somehow I doubt it,


it's back on your head logic, the police are overmatched, yet they aren't needed,


Narciso, the MARXIST LEFT has no intention of having an OPEN DEBATE of any kind.
Why would ANYONE consider our society to be MORE AT RISK, by virtue of CITIZENS, going thru the process, applying and taking safety courses, REQUIRED (and unconstitutionally required in my opinion) to carry a firearm DISCRETELY???
There is NO RECORD of CITIZENS legally carrying a handgun, being a problem, nor violent. In even having this discussion, it is abhorent to me, that ANY AMERICAN should have to apply, take a class, have a background check nor apply and PAY for a LICENSE in order to ENJOY his/her CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.
Do we have FEES for VOTING rights??? Is their a POLL TAX to vote???
Do I have to buy a LICENSE to speak FREELY as our CONSTITUTION guarantees???
LIBTARDS/MARXISTS simply do not care, they want CONTROL

buccaneer morgan

Well in the 70s when I assumed the farooks had been admitted, Pakistan was our ally, along with Romania they had been intermediaries with mao, they sent many of their top officers to train here, including general zia a generation earlier.


It's a horrible thing to say but these kinds of terrorist attacks are the Trojan horse we've been waiting on to gut the 2nd amendment.

Sexually frustrated loners on a rampage aren't scary because they just want a little attention before they go out in a blaze of glory.

But Islamic extremists who are intent on destroying the American way of life are fucking terrifying.

And therein lies the rub;Muslims using our way of life(guns) to destroy our way of life(peace,safety).Democrats have to frame the arguement in such a way that gun rights are aiding the enemy in the clash of civisations and boom! We got gun control.And once we have gun control we have...oh i'm not supposed to talk about that.


Pakistan. Like India and Iran.

Is nuclear!! Does Ofukwad have a clue???


At least there's a new thread.Seriously,that last one was like an episode of the Leftovers.


Drunken clown FUKTARD loser.

buccaneer morgan

Now it's a gamble to see which group contacted them first a Taliban affiliate in 2012, or a Saudi one last year, as with the tdawgs or the Joachim either is plausible.


"Drunken clown FUKTARD loser"

I'm not a clown.


"Drunken clown FUKTARD loser"

I'm not a clown.


"Drunken clown FUKTARD loser"

I'm not a clown.


Buc, I don't give a flying fuck if a MUZZTARD has considered himself AQ, ISIS or just another Muzztard wannnnaabeeee.
I don't care how this. AMERICAN CITIZEN/SELF RADICALIZED/ANGRY FUKWAD etc etc decided to KILL Americans.
I don't need to know this FUKWAD, nor his MUZZZZZZTARD WIFE, decided to MURDER and seek out AMERICAN'S to kill.
Fuck them, and fuck WeeWeefukwad.
I'm all IN on WeeWee being OFFED.


When he's in Paris it's oui oui fuque ouad

Jack is Back!

Well, that's an interesting conversation to start the day.

Miss Marple 2

Bringin narciso's post over from the end of the last thread, showing a picture of the lovely couple:


She apparently is in Pakistani dress, which is the passport she came in on. I am confused as to how Qatar is involved, and Saudi Arabia was where he went for the hadj and then once more for some reason which is unclear.

However, she doesn't seem to look very Pakistani, either, despite the traditional dress.

This whole thing gets curiouser and curiouser.

pagar a bacon, ham and sausage supporter

she must be confused.




Boy, oh, boy, it's days like today you wonder if it isn't just hyperbole to call liberalism a mental disorder. You'd like to view 'the other side' as you'd view yourself, just different means of achieving the same ends. But there it is - Islam isn't our existential threat, it's liberalism.

F&F - how in the world could our govt send automatic weapons to Mexico so as to kill hundreds, including Americans (well, better yet, Americans)? Because their end game is control, and dead bodies help to achieve it.

I've never owned a weapon in my life - that'll change soon. Any recommendations?

Miss Marple 2


A good question and one I have myself. There is a gun store run by retired cops near the auction house. I think I am going to stop by and see what they recommend.



I am in Toronto and opened The Globe and Mail this morning and they published a 2 page spread with individual stats on 353 mass shootings in 336 days.

Criteria was any shooting that had 4 or more injured or dead.

What jumps out is that other than the obvious like Charleston or San Bernardino,
most were in urban hell holes.


There's just so much in this article on california traveling to paris as if it were a sovereign state. http://www.governing.com/topics/transportation-infrastructure/tns-california-climate-summit-brown.html

Tom Steyer, Jerry Brown, Gates, and U of Cali under Napolitano working together on Clean Energy. Who knew janet had the time to take off from policing microaggressions.


Also in the same paper was letters to the editor including one from a guy with a muzzie sounding name bitching about how the perps in San Bernardino should not have had their names published.

Yea Right.

Another guy was pushing the idea that the western world needs to intervene to save us from ourselves and the NRA.


Other people here are in a better position on types, but if you decide to have a gun train until using it will be a matter of reflex.

Sandy Daze

(P4 JIB: game last night had a stunning finish. Those who stayed awake were rewarded for their loyalty to the Pack. BUT, a little Hollywood Fx involved with the facemask, from my perspective..)



I have seen some of the most politically liberal people at the point of tears over the danger of both Ga State and Ga Tech, both in downtown atlanta, declaring that their campuses must be gun-free zones. The parents believe that makes their children open prey.

Captain Hate on the iPad

I don't know if it was a previously scheduled event but Loretta Lynch's timing in telling a group of rock worshippers that "we really really love you" would earn her a grilling in front of a functioning opposition party to find out if she has the time for any words of comfort for the victims of the jihadis.



What firearm(s) to own really depends on your circumstances.

If you want something to protect yourself out in public and you live where concealed carry is legal an appropriate handgun is the obvious choice.

If protection from home invasion is your concern, a shotgun is pretty effective.

I second what rse said about training. Without it, you won't really be comfortable or safe.

Miss Marple 2


Beasts of England

I assume that GUS and henry enjoyed the Motown Miracle? Go Pack!!

Beasts of England

I assume that GUS and henry enjoyed the Motown Miracle? Go Pack!!

Miss Marple 2



Good Morning! Did anyone see the clip of Hillary at a campaign event yelling and screeching about gun control? The woman is a Disney cartoon witch character. I think the Old Hag,who gave Snow White the poison apple is a perfect description.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Shemp was roundly slattered on twitchy for his shrieks of outrage toward the San Bernadino police for not promptly letting him know everything about the shootings. I'm not understanding the Ailes bidness plan of giving this clown a forum.


danoso-as my big game hunting father said when he gave me both a pistol and a shotgun after I had a prowler at my aprtment years ago.

"If you can get to the shotgun, you do not have to aim well and anyone in their right mind will turn around and leave."

He added that some cousins who were cops said that if the intruder falls backwards across door or window threshold, to drag them in.

Part of guns is that mental understanding that you know how to use it and will. It is developing that matter of fact disposition.


Thanks, Buckeye. I know next to nothing about them, so I have a lot to get up to speed on. Pretty sure I don't want a handgun, I have no intention of leaving the house with it. If that happens, well, things are bad. Even if I wanted concealed carry, I think that's a non-starter in my little blue hell on MD.


MM,you need to register your crockpot! Ha.

Captain Hate on the iPad

Marlene, there are many people who could play Snow White: Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Monica, Juanita Broaddrick, The Energizer, Jennifer Flowers...


Beasts, GUS watched it (from the previous thread)... I gave up at 20-0 in the 3rd quarter.


rse - I'm probably the type blow a hole in my wall if I hear an intruder downstairs with the hope of scaring them off (I would hope that would!). Too funny about dragging them back inside.



I have a 9mm that I carry in my purse. If I am going into a building that doesn't allow guns I leave it in my car. But I live in Texas so getting a CHL is pretty simple if you can pass the background check.

Sandy Daze

Jerry Rivers on the morning Fox News show drawing no distinction between Sandy Hook, and Wednesday's jihad. Says we are at war with it all.

Will someone rid me of this muddled nitwit?


Beasts of England

The SB terrorists developed their remote detonating device from the AQ magazine 'Inspire'. So, in keeping with leftist idiocy, Loretta Lynn said that they were searching to see if the same plans were available from a non-terrorist source.

Got that? A couple of muzzie terrorists use a device that was made exactly according to spec from a muzzie terror magazine, but they're not only going to avoid saying that's exactly what it was, but they're going to search (desperately, I assume) for something to give them plausible deniability.

On the bright side, only the most severely stupid bubble-dwelling leftards are buying into this charade. The nominal American voter sees our Muslim Sympathizer in Chief and can't wait to eject him and his dangerous party from of the White House.


And all county and city buildings are gun free zones, even in Texas.


THat Howie Carr link is great.

Sandy linked this on the last thread...it's really good too - http://libertyunyielding.com/2015/12/03/all-the-more-reason-for-the-people-to-be-armed/

"One “god” respected, another taunted"


My gun wouldn't help me if someone decides to not obey the law and enters a gun free zone with a gun. I tend to obey the law. ::sigh::

Miss Marple 2


I have THREE crockpots, a veritable arsenal!

One is my small one I usefor dips. That one I would need a concealed carry permit for.

"Hold it right there, buster, or I will hit you with this hot cheese dip!"


and I have my daughter's vintage field hockey sticks. My junior law partner/Greek compatriot/conservative are still fuming over that Daily Mail report that 'the Greek conservative' county worker had it coming. Absolutely disgusting.


MissM, boiling oil dumped from above is a traditional method of defending a castle from undesirables at the front gate.

And this morning's installment of my Special Prosecutor status is as real as my unicorn. Wherein a dimwit will carry on with his delusions and claim to the US Supreme Court that the WI SC should have recused en masse from any John Doe decisions (by this logic, as all WI judges are elected... all are equally conflicted on campaign finance). No windmill will go unmolested by this guy.

Jeff Dobbs

Miss Marple:
"Hold it right there, buster, or I will hit you with this hot cheese dip!"

Hold it right there, buster - give me 3-4 hours for this cheese dip to heat up and you're gonna be in a world of hurt!

Old Lurker

Well, going by WaPo, they are real confused about whatever could have been the motive in CA. Golly, gee. In the meantime...Take The Stupid Guns Away!


Sandy Daze

Danoso, in for a penny, in for a pound. Where will you draw your personal perimeter?

Front door?
Bedroom door?

What about your car?

Family also to fall under your new security umbrella?

If you are at a Christmas party, (I know, what kind of evil would attack a group celebrating th the birth of Jesus), will you
-cower in place?
-run to an exit, getting shot in the back?
-bring a plastic fork to gunfight?
-save yourself, friends and family by fighting back with everything you got?

You, and ultimately you alone, are responsible for your own security, (and the security of those God has entrusted to your care).

You are on the right path, don't stop too soon.

Jeff Dobbs

So people often do vids where they collect all the times Obama has said X.

"32 times Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

"15 times Obama said no boots on the ground in Syria"

I think the FreeBeacon is particularly notable in this regard.

I think I will do a mash up of two particular lines Obama is quite fond of...that is - Obama reacting to Obama.

First, the one he trots out after any mass shooting "We need to do something!" "We must act!" "Doing nothing is not an option!" or if he's feeling particularly plucky, "We should enact sensible gun control measures!"

The thing is - in each instance, the prescription is, shall we say, heavy on rhetoric and light on specifics.

So collect a bunch of those reactions - and follow each one with...


Old Lurker

Jeff, I think they meant to word "Brilliant" to be moved to between his and plans.

James D

Beasts @ 8:19

Lynch also said (per narciso's link on the last thread):

Speaking at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner, Lynch said since the terrorist attacks in Paris last month, she is increasingly concerned with the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric … that fear is my greatest fear.”

Her greatest fear is not, oh, the murder of dozens of innocent people at the hands of terrorists. God forbid, right?

Captain Hate on the iPad

Sir Edmund Hillary Diane Rodman seems to be an expert on what the vast majority of Muslim Americans think. This from somebody who claimed that a video could turn ME Muslims into a bunch of murdering homosexual rapists. And who doesn't know a damn thing about legal firearm owning Americans.


Anyone else remember that during the uk riots, people wanting to defend themselves or their property were left with baseball bats?

The Progs have confiscated guns from law-abiding citizens in Australia and the UK and they want to do it here before citizens recognize we have governments at all levels intent on imposing collectivism of the fascist variety, whether anyone wants it or not.

Did you know community cohesion is now the law in the UK? I have all that research and it appears to me the new fed ed legislation that jeb so proudly attached himself to yesterday accomplishes the same when the terms of what constitutes 21st century schools are accurately translated. Any school district wanting all those federal dollars HAS to commit to an agenda that Paul Ryan's House could not be bothered to actually read.

Off to go write, which is why all this is fresh on my mind.


James-many black SJWs like Lynch who may not actually be Muslim seem to be quite aware that the Marxists and Islamists share the same social transformationalist collectivist vision that the State MUST provide for everyone's needs.

That alliance is more important than citizens' lives.

Beasts of England

That anti-Muslim rhetoric is a real killer, James D.

Beasts of England

You can have my hot Ro*tel cheese dip when you pry it from my sticky fingers.

(Which would be a great name for an album...)

Old Lurker

I think her greatest fear is that the frogs might find a way out of the pot.

Miss Marple 2

This is guaranteed to send Rick Wilson into a frothing rage:


FYI Vigo County is exactly as described in this article. The three universities are Indiana State (where Larry Bird played), Rose Hulman, and St. Mary of the Woods. Railroad tracks do run through the center of town, and the area's demographics are exactly as described.


The WaPo denialist article about no obvious motive has one staggering bit truth in it. Abboud a local socal muslim says that parents are 'keeping a close eye on their kids' to make sure they don't fall into any 'crazy stuff'. Precisely Abboud. Islam is a gateway to 'crazy stuff'. Muslims know that better than anyone. The rest of us also need to keep a close eye on Muslims in the USA.


For anyone inexperienced looking into firearm ownership, I recommend the Basic Pistol Shooting course.


It's tailored for your state and covers legal stuff. There's a lot of seriously bad information floating around--both on the internet and in real life.


thanks FTL, that is on my to do list.

Captain Hate on the iPad

If you were a Muslim in the US who is a fully assimilated part of society and wishes to remain so, wouldn't you consider these jihadi nutjobs the major problem in your life and want to do something about them, including supporting measures which CAIR opposes? And that 404, Rodham and Lynch speaking to you as if they were talking to a retarded monkey don't do a single positive thing to improve things for you?


"We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change"

Attorney General Lynch, speaking about San Bernadino

Miss Marple 2


I am sure the relatives of the dead are happy to give Ms. Lynch such a "wonderful opportunity."


AG Lynch truly following the Rahman Emanuel handbook.

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."


‘Where’s Syed?’: How the San Bernardino shooting unfolded


no mention of any altercation, Syed just got up and left

buccaneer morgan

I saw that pic on another Facebook thread and it made me wonder.


Circumstantially, it seems he abruptly decided that blowing away his co-workers at their christmas party was the easiest way to fulfill Jihad, possibly in lieu or in addition to their planned target. They did head back to their house 'several hours' later. Re-arm? Get their child and escape? Other than a clear plan to mass murder, what they did was confusing in several ways.

James D

I'm with you, NK.

I'd like to see the Congress (even if Zero would surely veto it) lass a bill stripping CAIR (and all allied/fellow traveller groups) of its nonprofit status and cutting off all funding, contracts or other federal business with it.


Well one good thing. Clockboy should lose his lawsuit over this.

James D

windandsea @ 9:08

Do you have a link for that? Who is she talking to when she says that?

And why can't the f**king Republican Congress draw up impeachment papers for her, using those words - "a wonderful moment" as all the cause needed?



If a backlash starts building against political correctness, I implore everyone wishing to help correct the course of this country to jump in with both feet. Become a hound from hell should it become acceptable to persecute SJWs pushing their civilizational suicide nostrums. Get them fired from their jobs, ruin their lives, and marginalize them so they have to live out the rest of their worthless lives in a van by the river.

Beating them down mercilessly is the most just thing you can do because it will discourage others from donning the SJW mantle in the future.

There is no moral equivalence to be drawn between what they did while riding high during their reign of terror and what must be done to them if the tide turns.

This is political correctness distilled down to its essence:


"How many fingers, Winston?"

Captain Hate on the iPad

James, I found that at Twitchy earlier.


Jane-- you said something last night I completely agree with. The Hilligula cackle with her prepped answer to believing J broderick was completely mental. Putting aside the obvious follow up of what 'evidence' rebuts broderick in her stroke- addled mind, who cackles like that about their husband having been accused of sexually assaulting or at least harassing women serial times? She's either a sadist or mental.

pagar a bacon, ham and sausage supporter

IMO, the first thing to do to solve the problem is get the Godless Democrats out of power. The party who hold their primary belief is the inconvenient children must be destroyed. The party who had a major floor fight at their convention to keep God out of their platform.

If you want examples look at Chicago.


The Democrats want all the decent people disarmed IMO so their lawless friends can do as they want. Why else would leftists continue to vote for Democrats?


Reading Orwell constantly is vital to remind us what the Left would do with real power. 1984 to them is a how to guide. That is no exaggeration.


James saw it on Instapundit


If you were a Muslim in the US who is a fully assimilated part of society 

There is a better chance of finding the actual Birth Certificate.

Insult them, quelle rebuke.

Whatcha wanna do, danoso, is collect a big pile of shoes that you can throw down the hallway or the stairs when you hear the intruder.

H/t Aunt Gracie Shoaf.


this who the farook family counselor is friends with,



Here's the link, James.

Transcript & video - https://grabien.com/story.php?id=42757

"....Because we're at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation's history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change." ~ Loretta Lynch


there's a reason we are flying blind because we are:


James D

Thanks, Janet.

I'd like to see the R's quote her. I'd like to see the Presidential candidates point out what a flat-out inhuman ghoul Obama's Attorney General is. I'd like to see Ryan have her words read out on the floor of the House, and force the Dems to vote on something, get them on record having to defend them.

I doubt any of that will happen, of course.


I thought it was with the arabian affiliate of islamic state, but there is no reason it couldn't be both,


Jack is Back! (On Alert!)

Looks like he was trapped by a black widow on that dating site. Radical Islam jihadi network must have a algorithm to profile the most likely-to-be-duped Yankee muzzie. He won the lottery, meets Fahsheen, marries her, gets his indoctrination from her, her cell mates here and financing from the "base".

To me, she turned him but it was all planned way ahead of time. Picking the "soft" target was easy. Looks like they foiled the follow on projects. More to come.


Had to turn off F&F this morning when Geraldo came on and then went ot ESPN to see the PLAY! Go Packs but don't make me stay up late.


From our lurking unit: Trump tied to russian mob. We are doomed if true.

Plectus, my boy, plectus.

Heh, Putin's just a fella who lives in the neighborhood.


Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Thursday warned that the Justice Department could take aggressive action against people whose anti-Muslim rhetoric “edges towards violence” and told the Muslim community that “we stand with you in this.”

"anti-Muslim rhetoric" will get aggressive action.

Actual murderous ACTIONS by Muslims are a wonderful opportunity.

Jeff Dobbs

So Trump has Hillary's emails too?

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