The NY Times front pages the ISIS apocalypse vision at Dabiq, but naturally talks to some Euro-dove and comes away with exactly the wrong answer. Still, I am delighted to see this idea hit the mainstream.
As the debate on how best to contain the Islamic State continues to rage in Western capitals, the militants themselves have made one point patently clear: They want the United States and its allies to be dragged into a ground war.
In fact, when the United States first invaded Iraq, one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the move was the man who founded the terrorist cell that would one day become the Islamic State, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He excitedly called the Americans’ 2003 intervention “the Blessed Invasion.”
His reaction — ignored by some, and dismissed as rhetoric by others — points to one of the core beliefs motivating the terrorist group now holding large stretches of Iraq and Syria: The group bases its ideology on prophetic texts stating that Islam will be victorious after an apocalyptic battle to be set off once Western armies come to the region.
Should that invasion happen, the Islamic State would not only be able to declare its prophecy fulfilled, but could also turn the occurrence into a new recruiting drive at the very moment when the terror group appears to be losing volunteers.
Yes, but they would also have to meet us at their prophesied battlefield or risk crushing their recruiting.
It is partly that theory that President Obama referred to in his speech on Sunday, when he said the United States should pursue a “sustainable victory” that involves airstrikes and supports local forces battling the Islamic State rather than sending a new generation of American soldiers into a ground offensive.
Ahh, wait - are they reporting that Obama is making policy based on these prophecies? That's good, because normally its hard to discuss nutty prophecies without sounding nutty. But if it's good enough for Obama... well, never mind that - it is now a mainstream idea.
Over to their expert:
“I have said it repeatedly: Because of these prophecies, going in on the ground would be the worst trap to fall into. They want troops on the ground. Because they have already envisioned it,” said Jean-Pierre Filiu, a professor of Middle East Studies at Sciences Po in Paris, and the author of “Apocalypse in Islam,” one of the main scholarly texts exploring the scripture that the militants base their ideology on.
“It’s a very powerful and emotional narrative. It gives the potential recruit and the actual fighters the feeling that not only are they part of the elite, they are also part of the final battle.”
Oh, please, some Frenchman. Very impressive resume, but has he ever put his life in another man's hands? Asked him to put his life in his? I don't think so. If we can pick the time and place of the final battle (dabiq is roughly twenty miles south of the Turkish border in Syria, in an area being considered as a possible refugee safe haven anyway), why not let ISIS come to us? Or let them duck us and we can engage in Apocalyptic Taunting on social media. Making ISIS look less than invincible will be a win for the West.
The Islamic State’s propaganda is rife with references to apocalyptic prophecy about the last great battle that sets the stage for the end times. Terrorism experts say it has become a powerful recruiting tool for the group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, which sells potential fighters on the promise that joining will give them the most direct chance to battle Western interests and will bring ancient Islamic prophecies to fruition.
The specific scripture they are referring to describes a battle in Dabiq as well as al-Amaq, small towns that still exist in northern Syria. The countdown to the apocalypse begins once the “Romans” — a term that militants have now conveniently expanded to include Americans and their allies — set foot in Dabiq.
Well, yes.
Last year, when Islamic State militants beheaded the American hostage Peter Kassig, a former United States Army Ranger, they made sure to do it in Dabiq.
“Here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,” the executioner announced.
Dabiq is now the name of the Islamic State’s monthly online magazine, and each successive issue continues to hammer home the notion of the looming doomsday battle.
I don't know what we gain by disappointing them. Back to our French expert:
Regardless of a ground intervention’s potential to succeed, some veteran analysts caution that the act of invasion would play handily into the group’s prophetic vision.
“To break the dynamic, you have to debunk the prophecy,” Mr. Filiu said. “You need to do so via a military defeat, like taking over Raqqa. But it needs to be by local forces — by Sunni Arabs.”
Obviously he knows a lot more about this than I do. But I would really like a clear explanation of why an appearance at Dabiq by "the Army of Rome" would be overlooked by ISIS, or why we would lose an ensuing battle. Some explanation more convincing than Obama's talk of a war-weary public or a years-long occupation, please. From CNN:
Poll: Most Americans say send ground troops to fight ISIS
For the first time in CNN/ORC polling, a majority of Americans (53%) say the U.S. should send ground troops to Iraq or Syria to fight ISIS. At the same time, 6-in-10 disapprove of the President's handling of terrorism and 68% say America's military response to the terrorist group thus far has not been aggressive enough.
As an American I am a big believer in quick fixes and silver bullets. Let's hear from another expert:
Proponents of a ground assault argue that an even bigger recruiting drive than the militants’ end-of-times prophecy is their promise of an Islamic state.
“They actually, it seems to me, have two objectives,” said Jessica Stern, one of the authors of the book “ISIS: The State of Terror.” “One is to goad us into a ground war. And the other is to run a state, and they are contradictory.”
Ms. Stern wrote about this last February, and included this:
Although I had been following the evolution of AQI into ISIS over the last eight years, after I was commissioned to write a short book on the topic I dug a bit deeper into the group’s motivations. Not surprisingly, Iraq’s devolution into a sectarian state has played a significant role in ISIS’s strength and ability to recruit. Here is what surprised me most: Like Zarqawi, but even more so, ISIS is obsessed with the apocalypse. Its sectarian killing and even its sexual enslavement of “polytheist” women is partly dictated, or so it says, by its preparation for the final apocalyptic battle, which it anticipates will take place in the Syrian town of Dabiq. Thus, ISIS conquered that town, and named its online English-language magazine after it, even though Dabiq was of limited strategic value.
There are times when giving the terrorists what they want can overlap with just what we want.
Left unquoted: William McCants of Brookings, author of The ISIS Apocalypse. This is an article from Oct 2014:
The meadow outside the small village of Dabiq, Syria is a strange setting for one of the final battles of the Islamic apocalypse. Although close to the Turkish border, “Dabiq is not important militarily” observed a leader in the Syria opposition. And yet the Islamic State fought ferociously to capture the village this summer because its members believe the great battle between infidels and Muslims will take place there as part of the final drama preceding the Day of Judgment.
In a prophecy attributed to Muhammad, the Prophet predicts the Day of Judgment will come after the Muslims defeat Rome at al-`Amaq or Dabiq, two places close to the Syrian border with Turkey. Another prophecy holds that Rome’s allies will number 80. The Muslims will then proceed to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul).
We are looking for ideas.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 07, 2015 at 11:34 PM
Is there a citation for the prophecy in that last quote?
The Koran or elsewhere?
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 07, 2015 at 11:37 PM
I have just one idea before I hit the sack: We aren't good enough for Obama in his mind. Let him resign in disgust and find a better people to lead. Maybe in Dabiq. He can handle the administration of the Caliphate. He has the executive experience they need..Val Jar and the rest of the crowd can help him.
Posted by: clarice | December 07, 2015 at 11:40 PM
not exactly,
Posted by: narciso | December 07, 2015 at 11:41 PM
Part of the Hadith? I see.
Do moderates reject the Hadith or parts of it?
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 07, 2015 at 11:45 PM
It is impossible for me to keep up or even to catch-up anymore if I'm working. I don't know how any of the rest of you do it.
Posted by: daddy | December 07, 2015 at 11:50 PM
he wrote nearly 6,000 of them, which are commentaries, but still I don't know how
he found enough quills,
Posted by: narciso | December 08, 2015 at 12:01 AM
It's about Jedi mind skills. TM posts and we must somehow continue the key threads from the last parsec.
If the Muslims defeat Rome at the Dabiq Trailer Park we can always turn the Caliphate into a sheet of glass for some extra added oomph. Maybe take Qom there too to balance things out.
Riyadh is having their own issues fighting two wars and dealing with < $40/bbl oil. My nose bleeds. Putin and our Venezuelan friends are also facing the same reality, so we'll see if some good comes of it all.
Posted by: matt | December 08, 2015 at 12:02 AM
once you clear the kessel run, it's smooth sailing,
so going into Iraq, was like awakening a coven of Gozer worshipers, but retreating had much the same effect, shazbot,
Dabiq is their Megiddo, I get it, supposedly because this was where the Ottomans defeated them nearly 500 years ago,
Posted by: narciso | December 08, 2015 at 12:16 AM
Just got home and watching Gorka on Megyn's Show during her re-run. When the other guest keeps referring to the killers becoming "radicalized", Gorka has this to say:
the Guest: ...There is a huge distinction between radical thought and radical action...In other words there's lots of people who are radical that are not terrorists, and you might find it surprising but there are a lot of terrorists who are not radical... So we have to be carful not to equate religiosity with extremism.
Megyn: ...Dr Gorka I know you wanted to make a point on what we've been hearing so often about "they were Radicalized."
Gorka: Yeah, thank you so much Megyn. I'd like us to jettison this phrase. "Being Radicalized" makes it sound as if something is being done to these poor people. We didn't talk about Nazi's being "Nazified" or Communists being "Communized." These aren't people who are being brainwashed. They are choosing the life of Jihad. So I would like it if we could start to analyze this in ways that don't make inferred excuses for the actual perpetrators.
Posted by: daddy | December 08, 2015 at 12:24 AM
I think she's been cracking open the Fosters,
being as she was one of those that deposed Abbott, see her as a toadying female version of Hurd,
Posted by: narciso | December 08, 2015 at 12:45 AM
On Homeland tonight one of the characters (I think it was Dar) asserts that if we sent ground troops to fight ISIS we'd be doing just what they want. I suppose they might want Obama to send in troops, since they know he'd send in too few to get the job done, and handicap them with ridiculous ROEs. But I don't think that was Dar's point.
I think what ISIS really wants is for us to think that sending in ground troops is what they really want.
Posted by: jimmyk | December 08, 2015 at 01:21 AM
Listening to a Prager replay and a caller saying that BO is a Mooselim caused him to pitch a Levinesque fit about how the issue is LEFTISM.
I was waiting for a THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT.
Posted by: Dave (in MA) | December 08, 2015 at 01:40 AM
"Corona police are investigating a domestic disturbance over the weekend involving the San Bernardino shooter’s older brother and a woman neighbors identified as the brother's wife.
Syed Raheel Farook, 30, is accused of a disturbance that took place at about 2:30 p.m. Saturday at his house in Corona."
I read in an earlier article that the police have been called to their house several times for this type of incident according to a neighbor.
Posted by: CR | December 08, 2015 at 01:54 AM
I gotta say 'sustainable victory' marks a new high-water mark in absurd and perverted rhetoric.
Posted by: Destroy two words for the price of one. | December 08, 2015 at 05:01 AM
Morning, all!
I realized after reading down through this I am going to have to go back to the last thread in order to see what was said after I went to bed.
Meanwhile, as long as we're talking prophecies:
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 05:56 AM
Heh, 'sustainable victory'. Dubya gave the One a sustainable victory, and see what our Sustainer in Chief did with it.
Posted by: Who lost Iraq and Afghanistan? Who lost China? And all the rest? | December 08, 2015 at 06:05 AM
Obama cannot sustain anything. He's a destroyer.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 06:16 AM
A dementor.
Posted by: Hardly a mentor. | December 08, 2015 at 06:22 AM
Yes, a dementor. That's a good word for it.
David Brooks tells us how ISIS makes radicals:
Reading this, I thought it also applied to many on the Left and in the Global Warming scam.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 06:26 AM
Kill them all and let Allah sort 'em out.
Posted by: Realmyiq2xu2 | December 08, 2015 at 06:28 AM
Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook's account two weeks before the shooting, source says
The loan and large cash withdrawal were described to Fox News by the source as “significant evidence of pre-meditation,” and further undercut the premise that an argument at the Christmas party on Dec. 2 led to the shooting.
Fox News is also told that investigators are exploring whether the $10,000 cash withdrawal was used to reimburse Enrique Marquez, the man who bought the two semiautomatic rifles used in the San Bernardino shootings. Marquez is now reportedly answering investigators’ questions.
Posted by: windansea | December 08, 2015 at 06:44 AM
David French has some alarming statistics and it is well worth reading.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 06:53 AM
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:13 AM
Sorry! Geez,when I posted,the comment section was blank. *pours more coffee*
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:15 AM
The dog woke me up way too early! Today is the earliest sunset of the year,4:04pm. Then we start gaining seconds and minutes. Yay!
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:20 AM
So,if you saw a woman at the shooting range wearing a burkha,what would you do?
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:23 AM
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:25 AM
The morning news was running with Trump's comments and how they produced a "firestorm" and how opposing candidates responded immediately in horror.
I'll call it now. He's going to be the next President of the United States. It doesn't matter that he's a con man or not a real conservative or a blowhard. What matters is that there are a couple of hundred million people not in DC or Manhattan who nobody else is talking to except him. People who don't get the vapors when he talks about building a big wall or about keeping Muslims out until we can figure out how to screen out the ones who want to murder is. People who just want decent jobs and don't want to have to wonder if today's the day a terrorist shoots up the local school or shopping mall. Trump is the only one speaking to them. And I think they're listening.
Posted by: James D. | December 08, 2015 at 07:27 AM
windansea ~ There was also the three $5,000 transfers or deposits into his mother's account. She lived upstairs. Neighbors noticed suspicious behavior. I believe the family knew. What would your mother think if you suddenly deposited $15,000 in her bank account?
Posted by: Momto2 | December 08, 2015 at 07:29 AM
The USS Zumwalt left Bath Iron Works yesterday, down the Kennebec and out to sea. The futuristic warship is captained by James Kirk. Heh.
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 07:36 AM
JamesD - I think you may be right. The media, inside -the -beltway and apparently the GOPe has totally lost touch with mainstream America and how they feel. I base this on the anecdotal evidence of family/friends. People who never speak much about politics are declaring their support for him. ( I believe MM recently posted similar views from family & friends.)
Posted by: Momto2 | December 08, 2015 at 07:36 AM
"So,if you saw a woman at the shooting range wearing a burkha,what would you do?"
The range I go to is way too pro military / pro law enforcement for that to be much of a concern. Broad in a burkha not likely to show up. But if it happened, I am sure the range master would keep a sharp eye, and within a very short time law enforcement in central Ohio would have the lowdown.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 07:37 AM
I agree pretty much. I thought for a while that he would start to lose steam, but instead it seems that more and more people speak openly about supporting him.
I remember one of his advance men in Iowa said they had cornered the market on the "fed up to the eyeballs" crowd. That was months ago.
The anti-Muslim sentiment is growing in the country. Every time they put another CAIR representative on TV, every tiem they file another lawsuit, every time they manage to get special privileges not afforded Christians, there's another 1 or 2 per cent gravitating towards Trump.
You are exactly right about people not caring if he's conservative. They don't care about Kelo or whether he served in the military or whether he used to donate to the Clintons. No one has been speaking for them for a very long time, and Trump is the only one who stepped forward.
It could have been one of the others, but it was not.
I will tell you something else: this huffing and puffing about his statement and calling him a bigot is also attacking the people who, in their homes and offices, have been wondering why all of a sudden we see Muslims everywhere. They will feel like they are being called bigots, too.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 07:47 AM
Politics in this election cycle are experiencing a black swan moment, and there is nothing the GOPe can do about it. They're screwed.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 07:56 AM
Buckeye, I think there is a lot the GOPe could do about it.
The problem, for them, is that they won't do any of the things they could do, or even consider them.
Posted by: James D | December 08, 2015 at 08:02 AM
I agree with James, Momto2, & MM.
Trump smashes the 'you are forbidden to even think that' unwritten law.
We needed a bull in our rotting, lying political china shop.
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 08:08 AM
The GOPe can't stop being the GOPe; they will not rebuke their crony capitalist overlords on MOAR IMMIGRATION, even a temporary diminution from unfriendly countries.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 08:14 AM
Via Insty (he's quoting from vox, which I refuse to visit or link to):
A full 76 percent of Republicans, currently Donald Trump’s target audience, see Islam’s values — and thus, presumably, the Muslims who adhere to them — as incompatible with the American way of life.
And a majority of the general public agrees with them! 56 percent of all Americans in the survey agreed Islamic values are incompatible with American values — as a did substantial minority of Democrats (43 percent).
THIS is who Trump is speaking to. And no one else is; instead, they're all fighting for the priviledge of denouncing not just Trump but that 56% of all Americans as bigots and Islamophobes and so forth. And every time they do so, all they do is make him stronger.
You'd think at some point even the densest of GOPers or Dems would begin to figure that out.
Posted by: James D | December 08, 2015 at 08:16 AM
I wrote before -
You know when there will be a backlash against Muslims & mosques & all things Islamic? ....when Americans have completely given up on our elected leaders & government agencies doing anything about the danger.
How can I believe anything will change while the Dem-MFM machine is still whining about bringing "Syrian refugees" here?
When the head of the Dept. of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, is visiting a mosque?
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 08:16 AM
The more that the left and the GOPe adhere to political correctness and avoid confronting the raw truth about muzzie terrorists, the stronger Trump becomes. This time next year, his ban on immigration may seem like a modest proposal.
Posted by: Beasts of England | December 08, 2015 at 08:16 AM
"Today is the earliest sunset of the year,4:04pm. Then we start gaining seconds and minutes. Yay!"
That's supposed to happen on the 22nd, which has always been my favorite day of the year (because the days start getting longer).
Posted by: Jane | December 08, 2015 at 08:18 AM
Daddy, I can't keep up either.
Posted by: Jane | December 08, 2015 at 08:18 AM
Steps to solve any problem --
1. Identify the problem
2. Come up with a viable plan to solve it
3. Implement plan
Folks love to tackle 2, get squishy on 3, and treat 1 like it has cooties. Trump's the first to take on #1, on several issues. Good for him.
My boy Cruz better step lightly today.
Posted by: danoso | December 08, 2015 at 08:19 AM
Daddy, I can't keep up either.
oh good - I thought I was the only one....I often hesitate to post something thinking it's been fully discussed on a previous thread that I missed.
Posted by: Momto2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:22 AM
Over on Twitter everyone is mocking Trump for saying immigration people should ask religious affiliation and turn them back if they are Muslim.
Much hilarity, because of course they see that the person could just LIE.
Fine. Next up in the news, a discussion of taqiyya, and how those terrorists in California murdered the people who had given them a baby shower.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:25 AM
By the way, I don't think I pointed out in Obama's speech the othe night how he talked about Muslims are "our neighbors, our so-workers.."
That being a co-worker didn't work out so well for some people in California. And, as I predicted, people are looking askance at the ones who work with them, wondering when they will become targets.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:29 AM
The reason the GOPe is screwed is because they have found the enemy, and they are it.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 08:30 AM
Jane,I heard the local weather guy mention that,but I'm confused this morning,ha. (see my earlier post.) The week after Christmas we'll be in Florida,so I expect sunshine all day!
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 08:32 AM
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:33 AM
Much hilarity, because of course they see that the person could just LIE.
You mean like they already do about being "Syrian refugees"? ...or being a fiance when they are already married?....or overstaying other visas?
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 08:34 AM
Don't worry, Buckeye, Private Munster is funding every bit of 404's refugee crack pipe dreams.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 08:34 AM
Janet: I posted your 8:08 on Twitter.
Posted by: Centralcal on iPad | December 08, 2015 at 08:36 AM
Exactly, Janet.
This posing as high-minded about tolerance while people are actively trying to infiltrate this country to slit throats is extremely stupid.
I don't know why all of these pundits and candidates can't understand they are insulting a large number of Americans, who are worried about their families and angered by how little protection we have.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:38 AM
Thanks, Centralcal.
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 08:40 AM
Dabiq is now the name of the Islamic State’s monthly online magazine
I've heard it reported that Farook learned his pipe bomb skills from the online Islamofanzine, which got me thinking.
Why is there no talk about shutting down access to Dabiq? Has anyone in the administration been asked? I'd like to hear them explain how the 1st amendment ties their hands while at the same time pushing for their "watch list" restrictions.
Then I realized that I would never access Dabiq as I assume that doing so would red-flag me with anti-terror cyber experts. So why would Farook not be red-flagged? Again, we're being told after the fact that we "know" that's where he was learning how to make explosives.
Posted by: Blue Ox | December 08, 2015 at 08:41 AM
Walked in a Macy's on the Sunday after Black Friday. Wanted to buy wool dress pants and sales staff was all over me. Normally $125 for $50 and desparate for the order.
Junk bonds funds going negative for the year.
Europe and Japan in the crapper.
5% unemployment number is BS and "regular guy" knows this.
People are afraid of the circumstances they can't control and a government they can't identify with.
Getting ugly out there.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 08:43 AM
Marlene's comment on sunset piqued my interest to check an app for sunset times using my location and the earliest sunset time of 4:56 (I live to the south of Marlene and further to the west in the time zone) began on December 3 and will continue until the 15 while the sunrise times continue to get later until January 4.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 08:45 AM
Agree. My sister is busting her butt to make plan at her store. Talked to a guy who is working the food pantry and numbers are way up.
Low gas prices mean layoffs in the Dakotas.
If we have a bad winter it will only make things worth.
Oh, yeah, Obamacare, too.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:46 AM
Mark Steyn's line - As the President and Attorney General see it, the biggest national security threat is apparently bigoted, racist, Islamophobic Americans.
MM's line - those terrorists in California murdered the people who had given them a baby shower.
Americans sick & tired of politicians & the MFMers.
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 08:47 AM
I meant it will make things WORSE.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:47 AM
Jane and Marlene,
There are hours of daylight and, separately, shifting moments of when solar noon arrives. We are slinging around the backside of our orbit around the sun and it just happens that it causes sunset to stick at one time and sunrise keeps coming later. There are fun apps for your phone that call it out.
Posted by: Man Tran | December 08, 2015 at 08:49 AM
Much hilarity, because of course they see that the person could just LIE.
Lying works when it comes to eligibility for POTUS.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 08:50 AM
Oil now below $40.
Posted by: henry | December 08, 2015 at 08:51 AM
Another thing people are upset about is crime and the BLM people carrying on all the time.
Indainapolis has seen a spike in crime. Part of it is gang related, part is Hispanic drug stuff, part is a bunch of people who think they are now protected a la BLM and can do what they want.
I will not go to the grocery or the mall after dark. We have had purse snatchings and attempts at car jackings near my home, which is in the far south suburbs and is unheard of in this area.
People are worried. I am glad I have the dogs.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 08:51 AM
What Cap'n said, too.
Posted by: Man Tran | December 08, 2015 at 08:54 AM
Trump smashes the 'you are forbidden to even think that' unwritten law.
If the pattern remains consistent, Trump's ability to embolden people whose voices have been silenced may result in the reformation of Islam. The so-called moderate muslim won't be afraid to say the truth.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 08:54 AM
What is your fave range/store? We supported the old Powder Room in Powell, but eventually started going to Black Wing for their shotgun facilities.
Posted by: Man Tran | December 08, 2015 at 08:59 AM
Much hilarity, because of course they see that the person could just LIE.
Okay, but are they wrong? Or is Trump's plan rather silly?
Meanwhile, the SAFE Act bill (that requires signoffs by the FBI DHS and DNI principals) would actually accomplish something.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | December 08, 2015 at 09:04 AM
Not to pile on our muslim friends, but what is the historical reason for the development of 'moderate Islam" It developed during the time of European advancement of science, technology and weaponry, and wealth accumulation of Aztec gold. That was the time that Christian Spain could eject the Moors to North Africa, the Ottomans failed to extend their Caliphate to western central europe, and Islam was weakening relative to Christendom. When Islam is weak, it is 'moderate' when it is equal or stronger it is violent against nonbelievers. This is the 1500 year history of Islam.
Posted by: NK | December 08, 2015 at 09:09 AM
What info can the feds realistically verify about all of the thousands coming here on all the different visas?
The same corrupt State Dept. that didn't even know (or care) the Secretary of State was running her own private business out of the SoS office is in charge of handing out visas.
Clinton was operating outside the system & nobody did a damn thing.
A giant, unaccountable mess.
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 09:11 AM
Is-Slum is incapable of changing as long as it stays decentralized. They have no means of initiating or maintaining any concept of moderation.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 09:14 AM
The burka brigade may have trouble lying is their passport is sharia compliant.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:15 AM
The burka brigade may have trouble lying f their passport is sharia compliant.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:16 AM
CT, Trump's plan may be silly.
But at this point, people (rightfully so) don't trust the government. They don't trust the FBI, or DHS. As stuff comes out in dribs and drabs about the SB terrorists and all the clues that were missed or not followed up on, or the lies told on her visa application that were never checked; and as our Attorney General and head of DHS keep telling us that Islamophobia is the greatest threat, a LOT of people are not really willing to put any further faith in them. But they ARE ready to listen to someone shouting about "let's kick them ALL out!"
Posted by: James D | December 08, 2015 at 09:16 AM
Jane, Marlene, sunset and sunrise are out of sync. So earliest sunset around now, latest sunrise about a month from now, shortest day the 21st or 22nd.
I agree with James and others about Trump. The hope had been that he'd give room for the other GOP model UN graduates to put down their tea and cucumber sandwiches flash some emotion. Doesn't seem to be happening as they're mostly to eager to curry MSM approval by criticizing him.
Posted by: jimmyk on iPhone | December 08, 2015 at 09:18 AM
The burka brigade may have trouble lying is their passport is sharia compliant.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:18 AM
Former NYC police commissioner Ray Kelly was on Varney a few minutes ago. He said suspicious bank transactions take time to process. Farook allegedly took 10k of the 28k loan (?) in cash and deposited it in his mother's account. I thought taking 10k in cash would raise all kinds of red flags? If I go to the bank today,I can get 10k in cash? I don't think so!
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 09:23 AM
Cruz's poll numbers increased when Dondi started attacking him.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 09:25 AM
CT, Trump's plan may be silly.
But at this point, people (rightfully so) don't trust the government.
That's nice, but ready-fire-aim is not the way to fix it.
But they ARE ready to listen to someone shouting about "let's kick them ALL out!"
Except: 1) he didn't say that; and, 2) it obviously wouldn't work. Other than that . . .
Posted by: Cecil Turner | December 08, 2015 at 09:28 AM
I do not know if this has changed since the article was written. How many countries include religion in their passports?
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:29 AM
Interesting about the reaction on Trump. abc led with this gaspingly in outrage last night and I turned to hubby and said they are bolstering him by doing this.
Then they made the point that no one could profile immigration by religion except by deferring to UN criteria that is what is going on now.
Posted by: rse | December 08, 2015 at 09:29 AM
Levin pointed out last night how many more IRS investigators there are than FBI employees; the numbers aren't even close. The GOP completely squandered the opportunity to rein in the out of control entity. Tax "cheaters" are regarded as a bigger threat to the country than terrorists.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 09:29 AM
Why do they want to come here? -
"Why would Ms. Tashfeen Malik, who was born in Pakistan but lived most of her life in Saudi Arabia, want to come to the United States? She obviously hated the United States and its values,..."
Posted by: Janet | December 08, 2015 at 09:34 AM
Man Tran
Been going to LEPD because it is close to home.
Have a doctor buddy who has been teaching marksmanship to Boy Scouts for 25-30 years. He has at least a dozen old, identical Winchester bolt action, iron sight .22 rifles exactly for that purpose.
He has a farm on the Big Darby he uses for a weekend getaway/shooting range. I have access anytime.
Trap machine, embankment protected long rifle range, about as good as it gets for free.
Guy is also reloading expert. 4 different "lines" set up in his basement so he doesn't have to bother with any changeover when moving between different calibers.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 09:36 AM
"Omg the crowd for Carly Fiorina's town hall right now in Iowa..... "
Posted by: Corn Hole | December 08, 2015 at 09:37 AM
MM@8:51,the crime here is drug related. A man was killed over the Thanksgiving week-end. The two suspects are from NYC. Last week,a Bangor police officer shot and killed a man who ran into the woods after a traffic stop. The car was stolen and the guy had previous drug arrests. The Portland paper had a fascinating article on Sunday about the drug pipeline from NYC/New Haven CT to Maine. The dealers are coming in and setting up networks of dealers in the state. Recent arrests in southern Maine have been from out of state. I'm not going to profile, look at the mugshots and it is obvious these people aren't from Maine.
Posted by: Marlene | December 08, 2015 at 09:39 AM
For all of his flaws, Trump at least is responsive to the concerns of ordinary citizens. It isn't a difficult campaign strategy to execute but seems to elude the RNC strategists.
Posted by: Captain Hate on the iPad | December 08, 2015 at 09:39 AM
The MSM shouldn't get its knickers in a twist. Trump is laying out his initial negotiating position. That’s all.
He defined the starting point, now others have to move their position, if they choose to do so.
Posted by: sbw | December 08, 2015 at 09:43 AM
CT @ 9:28
Ready-fire-aim is where we're at. You don't have to like it (I don't, either), but it's reality.
We've gotten there by the GOPe giving in to PC nonsense and not fighting back against Zero aggressively enough.
We've gotten there by massive incompetence from the federal government (and state/local governments).
We've gotten there for a million other reasons, and we can't go back and change them.
So we've got a huge segment of the population that is angry, that is frightened, that feels powerless and ignored and disrespected by their leaders and by the media/pop culture.
The time when those people would listen to calm, sensible talk and patient policy discussions is gone - and it is entirely the fault of the very candidates who want to have those discussions that it is.
At this point, the GOP has two choices:
Acknowledge reality and what that huge segment out there is crying out for. Co-opt everything they can from Trump as far as tone and technique and message and adapt it to another candidate.
Continue what they're doing, freak out about Trump, keep attacking him (and by extension all the people supporting him), which results either in President Trump or President Clinton; but either way also results in a totally destroyed GOP.
That's where we are, no matter how much you or I or anyone else might not like it.
Posted by: James D | December 08, 2015 at 09:43 AM
Way cool setup! We are starved out here on our rock for a decent range. Used to be a gravel pit that the owner allowed a few to shoot at, but he passed away and his offspring aren't offering that luxury. Have a friend that rebuilt his garage and set up a nice reloading operation. He's mainly loading cowboy action ammo that he takes to AZ in the winter. We may go down and join him in Feb. I loaned him my 12 ga. setup, because I switched to 20 ga. and haven't shot enough of that to bother reloading.
Posted by: Man Tran | December 08, 2015 at 09:48 AM
Is there a debate tonight?
Trump's plan will be all the rage.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:49 AM
It is next week.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 09:50 AM
Trump is laying out his initial negotiating position. That’s all.
I've been thinking this as well.
"let's kick them ALL out!"
Absolutely. If it saves just ONE life, it's worth it!!
/leftist logic
Posted by: Eric in Boise | December 08, 2015 at 09:51 AM
Ready Fire Aim does not seem so bad compared to the standard GOPe beltway-centric Aim at base Fire when Ready approach.
Posted by: henry | December 08, 2015 at 09:51 AM
Interesting about the reaction on Trump. abc led with this gaspingly in outrage last night and I turned to hubby and said they are bolstering him by doing this.
Yes, they are. Watching a ridiculous unworkable proposal being analyzed by media morons too stupid to point up the obvious flaws is like watching an outtake from Idiocracy. Case in point: Greta anguishing over whether Trump would apply the rule to his friends or returning servicemen.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | December 08, 2015 at 09:54 AM
Man Tran
Yes I consider myself lucky to have access to the farm.
Posted by: Buckeye | December 08, 2015 at 09:59 AM
The intelligent response would have been to discuss this as a serious proposal and why you think it wouldn't work.
(And there are plenty of reasons, like the fact that people lie, that we have Muslims with European passports and Canadian passports, that it doesn't solve the problem of the radicals already here, etc.
But going to accusations of bigotry (and Nazziism and fascism on Twitter) and saying he's unAmerican are doing nothing to advance the opposition to this idea.
Let's talk about how many Middle Eastern immigrants we have had as opposed to sub-Saharan Africans. How long is the waiting list for each? Why is that?sub-Saharan Africans.
Posted by: Miss Marple 2 | December 08, 2015 at 10:01 AM
It seems Trump has exposed how dim the media actually is.
Posted by: Threadkiller | December 08, 2015 at 10:04 AM
dim? or utterly agenda driven?
Posted by: NK | December 08, 2015 at 10:05 AM